Marriage in the female horoscope. Marriage in the female horoscope Higher planets in the 5th house

Uranus is the only planet in the solar system that rotates on its side. And, like Venus, Uranus rotates in the opposite direction.

This dissimilarity of Uranus is very symbolic for astrologers. Uranus in astrology is a symbol of everything unusual, eccentric, innovative. Uranus personifies revolutions, riots, upheavals - in general, everything that destroys the familiar and brings newness. At the same time, Uranus symbolizes freedom, independence, autonomy, equality, friendship, ideals, social life, teamwork, like-minded people. In addition, Uranus is the patron of astrology, and for many astrologers it stands out prominently in the horoscope.

Professions of Uranus - everything related to electronics, electricity, aviation, astronautics. The global Internet network is also under the influence of Uranus.

In medical astrology, Uranus is responsible for the nervous system, the vascular system. Also, this planet anatomically corresponds to the lower leg.

Auspicious Uranus - in the signs of Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio;

Disharmonious Uranus - in the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Leo.

Uranus in Zodiac Signs

Since Uranus moves very slowly, one revolution around the Sun is equal to 84 years, its position in the Sun affects entire generations of people. And the aspects performed by him with other higher planets are called "generational" aspects.

Uranus in Aries

Gives its owner a strong desire for freedom and independence. This is very independent person with modern revolutionary thinking.

At the same time, he is a man of an explosive disposition and an adventurous temperament. His sometimes crazy ideas can lead to the saddest consequences. People with Uranus in Aries are distinguished by their ardor, determination and a tendency to rash impulsive actions. You need to be careful when driving a vehicle or operating machinery, as well as when working with electrical appliances.

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus indicates the determination, perseverance of a person. He has enough patience and strength to finish any work he has begun. Man is interested not only in material but also in spiritual matters. The ideas and goals of such a person will certainly come true if the ways to achieve them are original and unusual. There is a chance to achieve success in the political economy, financial and economic spheres. Financial situation during life can be unstable - sharp declines and rises. Man is haunted by the fear of poverty.

Uranus in Gemini

Such Uranus testifies to the high intellectual abilities of the native. A person can achieve a lot in science, literature, journalism, applied arts. Such people are fluent in the art of speech and a beautiful style. They are interested in the sphere of public administration, but they can achieve great success in the field of commerce. The study of metaphysics, philosophy, yoga classes will benefit. The job may involve frequent travel. With bad aspects, such a position of Uranus may indicate excessive frivolity, the difficulty of concentrating on one subject, optionality.

Uranus in Cancer

Gives a person impressionability, sensitivity, emotionality. The native may manifest extrasensory abilities, intuition is well developed. The range of interests may include the culture and civilizations of antiquity, archaeological excavations, the occult. The owner of Uranus in Cancer is interested in alternative medicine, yoga, philosophy, religion, vegetarianism. Passion for nature and animals can often help them achieve success in the field of agriculture.

Uranus in Leo

Uranus in Leo gives the native ambition, the desire to rule, the desire to be the leader in his environment. In addition, a person is not indifferent to issues of love relationships, experiences a strong craving for the opposite sex. Appearance and actions are extravagance. This position of Uranus endows a person with intolerance to any form of conventions, rejection of conservatism, lack of education in people, they wholeheartedly strive to make the life of society better, more correct from their point of view. These desires often push them towards a political career. Family will always come second. The owner of Uranus in Leo wants to live social life, often flicker at social events, be a bright, noticeable personality. Family life and responsibilities only burden him.

Uranus in Virgo

Original Thinking always distinguishes this person from others. He comes to everything by his own experience. Their inquisitive mind wants to know as much as possible and often the owners of Uranus in Virgo are successfully engaged in scientific, research activities. They will make excellent teachers, professors, doctors, scientists, engineers. They are easily given any scientific discipline. On the other hand, their practicality does not in the least prevent them from engaging in the occult. Metaphysical questions are of no less interest to them. A successful career is possible in the field of art (as artists, writers, musicians), journalism, public service, religion.

Uranus in Libra

Uranus in Libra will endow its owner with a rich imagination, acting skills, diplomacy, the gift of eloquence, the ability to present oneself correctly. A person in such Uranus is distinguished by a sharp mind, research, good analytical and rationalization abilities. Hobbies include astrology, occult sciences, divination, the study of magic, analysis of dreams, telepathy. Most often, the profession of these people is associated with the fashion industry, art, architecture, design, or legal sphere. A native with Uranus in Libra has an increased craving for the opposite sex, an interest in relationships and sex, often an early marriage ending in divorce.

Uranus in Scorpio

Strong Uranus. A native with such Uranus has great willpower, perseverance, determination, survival, resistance to stress. These people never give up, they perceive any troubles with dignity and are ready to cope with any problem. In relationships with other people, they often manifest themselves as harsh, rude, aggressive interlocutors. They go their own way, without regard for others. They are ready for change and even strive for it themselves. Any changes are perceived from a positive point of view. These are people of strong passions, for the sake of loved one ready to make many sacrifices. For the opposite sex, they are attractive and attractive. Interested in scientific issues, occult Nike, prone to research and study of technical disciplines. The native with Uranus in Scorpio is very perceptive, well versed in people, and often they are endowed with the gift of divination.

Uranus in Sagittarius

A person has a very developed desire to be free from everyone and everything, he tries to destroy any limits and restrictions. The native does not want to depend on anyone, it is extremely important for them to feel the freedom of the spirit. Such a person has a philosophical mindset, is interested in issues of morality, ethics, religion, spirituality. In general, this is an inquisitive person, interested in everything that happens around him. He perceives any laws and rules with hostility, wants to establish his own rules everywhere. However, the beliefs of a person with Uranus in Sagittarius during life can change to diametrically opposed ones. Such people strive to get a higher education and often connect their lives with teaching or professorship. They innovate wherever they are and whatever they do. They are keenly interested in the culture and history of other countries, travel a lot for educational purposes. A person can achieve high results in the field of the occult sciences, in which they can show their incredible talent for foresight. Such people often have prophetic dreams.

Uranus in Capricorn

Uranus in Capricorn gives a person depth of thought, insight, a judicious mind, perseverance, perseverance, purposefulness, the ability of a manager and organizer, the desire not to depend on anyone. The native is distinguished by originality, and can succeed in the field of science, research, politics, civil service. In addition, abilities in architecture, construction, agriculture, commerce will achieve high results in these professions. It is not uncommon to change professions in adulthood.

Uranus in Aquarius

The strongest Uranus, endowing a person with the desire to know the unknown, the secret. These people bring to society everything that is most progressive, modern, extravagant. A native with Uranus in Aquarius usually has many loyal friends, he likes to be in the company of like-minded people. Such people have an entrepreneurial vein, an organizational gift, penetrating abilities. The original innovative ideas of these people can often be sponsored by wealthy patrons and brought to life. A sharp mind will not leave indifferent any interlocutor. Rationalizing, inventive abilities and passion for science can help to succeed in professions where this knowledge and skills are required. These people can achieve the highest results by working in large teams or in a society of like-minded people.

Uranus in Pisces

The native has an unusual, original character, a sense of intuition, insight. Often he has the ability of a psychic, the gift of clairvoyance, at night he has prophetic dreams. These people are interested in mysticism, the occult, divination. They are romantics at heart. They often study other cultures, oriental practices, travel with the aim of knowing the world and finding themselves. Moral, religious views, these people can be very original. They get addicted folk medicine, non-traditional practices, yoga, homeopathy. A career can develop in the field of chemistry, pharmacology, art, public administration, politics.

Uranus in the houses of the horoscope

Uranus in 1st house

An eccentric, unpredictable personality, capable of dramatically changing his life. In the fate of a person, changes often occur, and on his initiative. A person is open to everything new, craves new ideas, cannot live without change. Uranus will manifest itself unexpectedly - in an unusual environment or an unusual situation, a person seems to overshadow new idea, new Creative skills. The native does not accept pressure, power over himself. He tries with all his might to free himself from everything that fetters him. Tendency to change point of view. Loves varied life. In childhood, young age may be rejected by peers, be an outcast, but in later life becomes a bright, talented person. Achieves a lot. Clairvoyance abilities. Nervousness, irritability. Intuitive understanding of the world around.

Uranus in 2nd house

Finances come to the native in the most non-trivial way. The financial situation is unstable, sometimes thick, sometimes empty. The possibility of unexpected cash receipts. A person likes to surround his life with unusual things. Often - unforeseen expenses, unexpected loss of property, robberies, inability to save money.

Uranus in 3rd house

A person is popular among his close acquaintances due to non-standard thinking and manner of communication. Good relationships with a narrow circle of people. Information coming unexpectedly. Human thinking is free from all sorts of frameworks and rules. Abilities in inventiveness and science. Interest in new ideas, concepts, trends. Unexpected trips over short distances.

Uranus in 4th house

The atmosphere in the house is extraordinary, family relationships- non-standard. Maybe one of the parents is an extravagant person. There is also often an unstable situation in the family, one of the parents could leave the family or exert a negative influence. In the life of a native, frequent changes of residence are possible. Homelessness.

Uranus in 5th house

IN love relationships often unexpected, unpredictable situations. Perhaps a sudden beginning and end of the novel. Partners are original people. The native does not recognize the framework of morality in love. Raising children, a person follows new methods, does not accept conservatism. Children are given complete freedom, they are little looked after. It is highly undesirable for women with this situation to have abortions - it can adversely affect their health. Ability in the arts, especially electronic. Great sense of humor, cheerful disposition. Inconsistency in love.

Uranus in 6th house

Human work can be related to electronics, electricity, computers, new technologies. Work can give the native new friends, like-minded people. In work, it is difficult to focus on one thing, as a result, it is scattered, it is difficult to bring the matter to the end. A person is interested in modern methods of treatment (sound therapy, color therapy, homeopathy, etc.). Often turns to healers and uses alternative methods of treatment.

Uranus in 7th house

It can threaten with divorces, lawsuits, many enemies (if Uranus is damaged). With a harmonious position - unexpected popularity in society, unexpected marriage, a penchant for open relationships, a marriage partner is a friend. In order to avoid divorce, it is better not to register relationships with official bodies. Litigation should also be avoided.

Uranus in 8th house

Strong position - indicates clairvoyant abilities and interest in the occult sciences. Prophetic dreams, the talent of the prophet, foresight. When Uranus is afflicted - catastrophes in life, the likelihood of unexpected death from electricity, a lightning bolt, a bullet wound. Events in the life of a native are characterized by unexpected ups and downs, instability. A person with a complex nature, emotional.

Uranus in 9th house

Unexpected overseas trips original dating and travel connections. Man denies traditional religious postulates. A person will find himself and manifest himself far from home. Only having gone far from his native places, he can become happy and free. Easy-going. With the defeat of Uranus - a person is a black sheep, an outcast. Travel associated with the difficulty of finding one's place and a common language with people. Travel hazards.

Uranus in 10th house

The career of a native is characterized by sharp ups and downs. A person can be unexpectedly promoted to a high post, and just as unexpectedly overthrow him from there. An unusual arrival to a leadership position, and in general to the profession, is possible. The set goal is achieved with varying success, today everything is successful, but tomorrow everything falls out of hand. The native knows how not to obey anyone, without spoiling relations with his superiors. With bad aspects, Uranus can indicate rebelliousness, eccentricity, instability in a career, social status. Propensity for career adventures.

Uranus in 11th house

Strong position of Uranus. The views and thoughts of man are directed far into the future. Personality - original, eccentric, unusual, attracting attention. These are reformers who go to the goal in their own special way. The creation of new schools, associations of interest can be a very successful undertaking. Friends of the native are great originals. Such a person likes to rotate in a society of non-standard, extravagant people. Ability in the occult sciences. With the defeat of Uranus, the friends of the native can betray him.

Uranus in 12th house

In the life of a native, accidental revelations of secrets, unexpected insights often occur. Abilities in the occult, psychology. Unexpected insights are possible. The tendency to search for clues to secrets, conducting secret research. The afflicted Uranus speaks of the appearance of secret enemies, the danger of isolation, violence, restriction of freedom, exposing the secrets of the native. In addition - phobias, sleep problems, nervousness, hysteria.

higher planets act on the spiritual plane if they stand strong. On the material plane, they act in other cases. The strength of the higher planets must be looked at not by signs, because. this is the position of a whole generation, but at home.
A weak position is considered if the planet / this applies to all planets / is in the included sign, because. there is no exit to the top of the house and its action is not directly, but through neighboring signs, and it occurs with delays and is weakened. The action of the planet takes place more on an unconscious level, with great difficulty, because. it is difficult for her to find her natural way out and she does not act directly, introducing indignation into neighboring signs. The action is karmic. Anxiety and stress spill out into a neighboring house.
A higher planet is strong if it is in a house with a significator, the ruler of ASC, in conjunction with the Sun or the Moon, if the Sun is its dispositor, is the lord of the horoscope. If she stands in the pen, but in a weak position, then she only creates difficulties. The higher planets act directly if a person is developed enough for this.
On the material plane, Uranus acts badly if it is not connected with uranium activity.
When Uranus aspects a house, it is the same as that he is standing there, because. is the cause of change. For example: 5th house in one and a half squares 7th house - a feeling destroyed by marriage. 4th house - abrupt changes in the house. 10th house - uranium abilities that manifest themselves in this area. Non-standard circumstances in the house where it stands, but professional houses must be excluded.
In ordinary life, the higher planets act destructively. They are cramped in the Saturn framework, but they need a way out. If a person does not understand this, then it is crowded everywhere and he is discharged.
Uranium misfortunes are easily transformed if a person is engaged in occult practice, philosophy.
In thinking, he does not like to be smeared. Frequent shifts in thinking. Consider the conjunction of Uranus with the planets:
With Mercury - exact connection / 1, 2 house / not good for thinking, speech impairment, but a tendency to non-standard thinking.
With Venus - a person hardly creates a family, goes to other areas. He seems to be thrown out of the sphere of Venus, gives unexpected turns in feelings, emotional instability. Seeking a more spiritual or platonic relationship. Uranus, as it were, "dries up" Venus.
With Mars - a traumatic aspect, a person is impulsive, assertive.
Aspects with social planets- reformers, social reformers. Create secret societies/in the 12th house/. Conjunction with Jupiter and Saturn is difficult, much depends on the house in which it is located. Such people stabilize very late. Detachment from society. A tense image of the father.
With Jupiter - non-standard, associative people. The desire to be the best in the professional field. Social romanticism, good for religious, philosophical, spiritual practice.
With Saturn - unwillingness to obey external norms.
With Pluto - energy aspect.
Uranus gives late maturation.

U R A N V 1 D O M E

This is noticeable on the outside. Body type shape:
2. Moon by sign;
3. The position of the lord of the horoscope according to the sign;
4. Rising planet.
The face is affected by the planet aspecting the ASC.
If Uranus is in the 1st house, then a thin, tall body is characteristic of a person / but not always /. A strong higher planet is visible in the eyes. Uranus gives a dark sheen, a direct look - point-blank, concentrated, a manner of looking directly into the eyes, slightly tilting the head / unconsciously using the third eye /. The forehead catches the eye.
Usli Neptune on ASC - the look floats, the sea in the eyes, blur. Buoyancy in motion.
If Pluto is on ASC - a steely gleam in the eyes, a feeling of inner concentration.
1st house enhances intuition if the higher planets are in it. Color the character with their own color.
Uranus gives greater independence, strengthens the will. A sharp unexpected turn in behavior is possible. Uranus does not give pronounced events /injuries, etc./. It is necessary to look if it is near the 2nd house, then it can give diseases: nervous, tremors, gallbladder, injury. Intuition of Uranus through thought.
If there are tense aspects, then impulsivity, a violation of the nervous system, exalted speech and demeanor are possible. Man has a rare inner strength. Bumping into obstacles breaks, overcomes with pressure. Risk causes a feeling of joy. The transformation of energy goes through effort, not relaxation.

U R A N V O 2 D O M E

He does not give money, rather destroys. He can give means / uranium / to earn money. Inventive thinking / or Uranus aspects the 2nd house /. Gives ingenuity and riskiness. A person can receive energy from uranium things /ionizer in the room, mountains, starry sky, etc./. When the sky is open and the stars are visible, the energy is open and they can feed on it.
Uranus at the top of the second house - birth trauma, nervous instability are possible. If it is positively aspected, then the energy is stable. Uranus located in the 1st and 2nd houses speaks of the nature of childbirth / quick or premature /.
Tense aspects can lead to the destruction of well-being, health, unexpected shock situations, injuries, operations.

U R A N V 3 D O M E

Contact, sociability, a large circle of acquaintances, love of reading. At a more mature age, attraction to uranium spheres. Situations with relatives /injuries, etc./. Success is possible in the field of uranium sciences.

U R A N V 4 D O M E

Nervousness, especially in childhood, instability / emotional / in the house, irascibility of relatives or the person himself. Frequent moving, at some time will not be at home. tendency to travel abroad. Tension aspects - troubles with relatives / with whom a person lives /, injuries, death, break / not with him /.
Chaos in the house. Uranus has a great influence on the emotional sphere.
The angular position of Uranus is shock / especially in childhood /, non-standard shocks are possible: moving from a quiet place to a noisy city. Such people, even when everything gets better, carry them somewhere. They often get electrocuted.
In the synastry, if Uranus is in the 4th house of the partner, then this is not very good.

U R A N V 5 D O M E

Vivid emotionality, emotional jolts, love interests / unexpected, sudden /. Instability in feelings, but a tendency to great depth, despite the irrepressibility of the heart. Talks about the nature of children. In the female chart indicates the danger of miscarriage, abortion, trauma during childbirth / when she will give birth /. It is not advisable for such people to risk money - they lower everything at once.

U R A N V 6 D O M E

May indicate a uranium profession, a person can use electronics or a computer in their activities. Greater independence at work, or work in a free mode. Irregularity in health, especially during transits.

U R A N V 7 D O M E

Independence in marriage, or a uranium partner, or uranium circumstances when meeting, or a sharp break. Opposition with 1 house - partners unexpectedly let down. It is necessary that there be something uranium that will fill a person.

U R A N V 8 D O M E

Good for occult studies, deep scientific abilities, if associated with the house of knowledge - occult abilities / sometimes after trauma /. Uranus in the 8th house - a shock experienced in childhood / clinical death, etc. /. Danger of accidents /automobile/, injury. Neurosis, especially if there is an aspect to the 12th and 6th houses. Unusual circumstances when a person faces death. Death by suffocation. Thoughts of suicide. For a female card - danger with a child if the 5th house is affected.

U R A N B 9 D O M E

Close to MS strong occult abilities, astrological abilities. Non-standard understanding of the world. They are cramped in the church. In the sphere of worldview they appear late. Unusual abilities of parents / uranium type /. Someone in the family had unusual uranium abilities and passed them on by inheritance. In the professional sphere - uranium type of thinking. Love for travel, non-standard circumstances on trips. If there is an aspect with Venus - unexpected acquaintances, with Mercury - violations of the schedule, with Mars - conflicts. Indicates a move, a profession, something will happen in a person’s life that will affect his worldview. Unexpected solutions, ideas.
With high Uranus, a person feels the authority of the Absolute, and everyone else is equal.

U R A N B 10 D O M E

Indicates a specific childhood trauma /head, skull/. Many contactees /with Uranus in the 10th house/ - more in forms. The aspect with Mercury strives to get to the bottom, to understand the structure of the overall structural picture. Unusual behavior at work.
When Uranus is close to the MC from the side of the 9th or 10th house, then the person feels the energy well, cosmic streams, vertical energy.
A serious manifestation of Uranus in opposition to its radical position, and in childhood traumatism, moving, conflicts with parents, with superiors.

U R A N B 11 D O M E

Idealists. High susceptibility to uranium ideas /spiritual/. Indicates a sharp change in life. A wide circle of friends, at least once in a lifetime, drastically change the circle of their friends. Idealists in love. Carriers of social ideas. Authoritarianism, travel. Uranium enthusiasm is characteristic - one idea that completely absorbs a person can capture.

U R A N B 12 D O M E

Indicates severe shock in childhood. Trouble with relatives. Forced relocations. social instability. Good home for astrology. Proximity to secret structures /6.8, especially 12th house/, but you need to look at the aspects of Pluto. It influences a person's character. The 12th house is the place of clamped Uranus and if a person is not engaged in the occult, then it is very difficult for him to find a way out.

If you hide the truth and bury it in the ground
it will certainly grow and acquire such strength,
that one day it will break out and sweep away everything in its path.
Emile Zola
Chapter Five
Uranus Kolyma.
Part 1
Road to hell
I remember the story of one of the prisoners of the Butugychag uranium mine. In the course of her short and confused narration, she wept incessantly. Sometimes it seemed to me that instead of tears, blood was flowing from her eyes, and all the roads along the route of the Kolyma stages were flooded with blood streams. She was mentioned the ship "Minsk" on which she arrived in Magadan.
Already, being on the mainland, I came across a story-evidence of this steamer by Elena Glinka. I'll take it verbatim. Here are her memories.
Looking back, I again and again tried to capture in my memory, as if looking at a photograph for the first time, the road along which I myself had just walked: a gray-black column of prisoners crawled and stretched on it like a long snake, repeating its twists and turns.
Their eyes greedily grasped everything around them, but the meager landscape did not give them the desired food: all around were only hills barely awakening from under the melted snow after a long winter hibernation, covered here and there with creeping undersized shrubs, and stunted larches in rare loneliness fluttered in the wind.
And when, finally, a human snake crawled along the steepness of a large hill to its top, an unexpected panorama opened up to the surprised eye: in all its boundless expanse and distance, splashing and playing with all shades of greenish-azure color, a mighty free ocean appeared.
The life-giving freshness of the sea air, long forgotten, surged in a light shock wave, causing sudden dizziness and weakness throughout the body.
I breathed in healthy clean air, and this was especially noticeable after the stinking, overcrowded prison cells, cramped cattle cars, overflowing transit barracks with that special rancid-sour and specifically stale stench that is characteristic of places where a mass of people who have not been washed for a long time stays - an inextinguishable stench. from a mass of human bodies.
Tangible on the whole body, like sticky dirty sweat, and settling on the mucous membrane respiratory tract, especially on the palate, this stench, like a sweetish corpse smell, caused a nauseating state, ate into a person, relentlessly pursued him, surrounding him with an invisible microshell. The sensation was excruciating, it seemed that the body was thoroughly saturated with it: the stench introduced its additional and cruel element into physical suffering along with unbearable mental suffering.
And suddenly this unexpected freshness, like a gift from God, like God's grace, pouring life-giving force into people's bodies, - and there was heard the rapid, greedy breathing of thousands of pairs of lungs.
From the joy that gripped me, I wanted to run, glide, soar, rush off into the unknown. I wanted to fall to the ground, as happens in a dream, to embrace the immensity with outstretched arms. I wanted to sob, sprinkle with tears, kiss and caress every pebble, every grain of sand! I wanted to plunge and bathe in the cleansing sea wave.
But my soul rejoiced so much, rushed out after a 16-month solitary and stage imprisonment, while the mind had to obey the circumstances, and the body and members had to follow the order.
It was necessary to trudge in the midst of an endless column of convicts of five people, with their heads bowed down, their hands laid back and not talking, but silently walking “under the dudorga”, i.e. under escort to the place of destination.
In the same five with me walked four more young and beautiful women, entangled in one chain of indiscriminate accusations and convicted under Article 58, a political one.
This is Tamara - an accordionist, arrested with her rather young mother - they were always and everywhere together - in Berlin, where fate threw them from the Crimea, where they usually rested every summer, and it so happened that on June 22, 1941 they were also found there .
In the first days of the war, all railways were closed and placed under martial law. A strict access system was introduced, travel passes were issued through military commandant's offices only to those liable for military service who hurried to their recruiting stations and bases; stations are cordoned off; railway stations, station squares and platforms are packed with civilians, children and women who have made desperate attempts to somehow get to their homes. Making their way to impregnable ticket office fortresses, having stood in long-term fruitless queues, squeezed into crowded cars, crackling from overcrowding, with children climbed into the vestibule, forced their way, and utterly compacted the inter-car bouncing platforms with the same "hares" as themselves, climbed into the ajar car window openings, climbed and fell off the roofs, seized "cool" places on the tender and at the very pipe, throwing out clubs of black greasy soot - no one cared about the transit public, did not organize, disorder, confusion, hustle reigned everywhere, chaos, hubbub, rumors; people rushed in waves from side to side, from ticket offices to trains and back; products disappeared all of a sudden; station stalls and buffets were closed, bread disappeared - a rigid rationing system was introduced, cards were issued only at the place of work, prices at the railway station bazaars swelled wildly, they ate anything, slept in the open; exhausting heat, suffocating dust, fetid sewage, pernicious unsanitary conditions, flies; dysentery broke out, traces of which were visible here and there, running around in search of medical help, crying, groans, pleas coming from a crowd of people - mass doom - an environment in which thousands and thousands of people found themselves, taken by surprise by the war on the beaches, on the road, on the roads and in transit without passes, without tickets, without money, eager to somehow get to their places.
Passenger, goods, cattle trains and open platforms, full of mobilized people, rushed past the stations without stopping, and it seemed that the whole vast country was on wheels. It was impossible to return home to Moscow, where Tamar's father, a major engineer, was waiting for them and worried. The postal service was also broken. Meanwhile, the situation in the theaters of the war in the first months changed kaleidoscopically quickly and unexpectedly, and Tamara and her mother in beach clothes and resort hats found themselves in occupation. First of all, the Germans drove the "homeless" in echelons, it happened right from the train stations, into the depths of Germany, where the arriving labor force from the East - the "Ostarbeiter" - was organized in an organized manner distributed among cities, factories, burgher farms, German families.
Tamara and her mother took to him for reference household an elderly professor at the Berlin Conservatory, who secretly hated Nazism and violence. Over time, Tamara met with a fellow countryman - a prisoner of war, young people reached out to each other, fell in love, and Tamara gave birth to a daughter from him.
Tamara was not lucky with her beauty, various bosses always pestered her, in Berlin, for example, a colonel from the Soviet occupation zone. Struck to the very heart by Tamarina's "racial beauty", as he put it, her diminutiveness, showiness and intelligence, the colonel was ready to leave his wife for her, who had not given birth to a child during their entire married life, but Tamara remained faithful to her fellow countryman and fell under persecution.
Tamara and her mother were arrested in 1947, and the colonel and his wife adopted the girl.
Through Berlin - N. Tagil, from the depths of Europe to Siberia; Tamara and her mother, among the same prisoners, ended up in the Ural camps; soon the mother died, unable to withstand the conditions of her native Soviet forced labor camps. And Tamara, having rejected the harassment of the head of the camp, who promised, with his consent, to transfer her to a light regimen, and angered by the refusal of the owner, received an “addition” of 10 years to her 25 years and was included in the distant stage, to Kolyma.
Looking ahead a few years, I’ll add that upon arrival in Magadan, Tamara, having withstood the competition among numerous applicants - artists and musicians, was included in the main composition of the propaganda team, allowed by the top of the USVITL (Administration of the North-Eastern Correctional Labor Camps), under the direction of Eddie Rosner - the "silver pipe" of the world, initially subjected to sophisticated bullying of the barracks PAKHAN - a terry recidivist criminal. And she received rare isolated letters from Berlin from her daughter, already a schoolgirl - one could only guess how she managed to do this with the inhuman and blasphemous Beria tightening.
These letters, written in a weak childish handwriting, were given to me by Tamara herself to read, when one day she came from Magadan to the taiga, to a penal yard, to a logging site. The daughter declared: “You don’t write to me anymore, I hate you, you are a traitor to the Motherland. I love my parents, dad and mom."
The short letters ended with the colonel's postscript: "Stop hurting the child with your sugary scribbles, otherwise I will get to you at the end of the world."
Tamara was very worried, grieved, afraid to lose her daughter, understood the situation, lost hope - the turning point in 1953 had not yet come ...
The last time I saw Tamara was in Magadan in the summer of 1956 after my rehabilitation.
A motorcycle roared along the central street of the city, in the carriage of which she sat, artistically beautiful and free, and like Isadora Duncan with a long pale pink gauze scarf fluttering in the wind ...
She didn't see me in the crowd. The steering wheel of the motorcycle was controlled by the firm hand of a thick middle-aged officer with large stars on shoulder straps.
There was a rumor that Tamara was amnestied.
Lena, a portly and respectable Lithuanian, who stood out noticeably from the general mass with her healthy beauty, was forcibly stolen from her parental farm among the youth to Germany and, as a cheap labor force, got from there to one of the Scandinavian countries, the population of which hated Hitler, resisted and counteracted in every possible way fascism and helped - at the risk to themselves - the "Ostarbeiters", contributed to their dispatch through the Red Cross to neutral distant countries; so Lena ended up in a foreign land, in distant Australia, where on a rich farm, having learned to ride, she grazed herds of sheep. For her industriousness, dexterity and chastity, the son of an old farmer persistently and relentlessly offered Lena his hand and heart, but at the first opportunity after the end of the war she returned to her homeland with huge wardrobe trunks made of genuine leather. She even now - unlike our five and the rest - walked in good things.
A chic sweater, hand-knitted from fine-fleeced sheep's wool and decorated with a national pattern on the chest, was especially striking.
Upon returning to Lithuania in 1949, she was repressed and, as a traitor to the Motherland, ended up in the Kolyma stage.
Zinaida Vladimirovna - an architect from Moscow, the daughter of a prominent specialist, who was one of the first to enthusiastically welcome the revolution of 1917 and took an active part in the construction of a young Soviet Russia; repressed in 1937, for 10 years of imprisonment he went through all the inhuman trials of a Russian intellectual ...
When Zinaida Vladimirovna's father, who was ill with lung cancer, was lifted out of bed to be arrested for the second time, in 1949, having tragically lost her 5-year-old son before that - blows fell on her head one after another - she delved into religion, read the Bible, the gospel became her desk book; visited Moscow churches, temples, monasteries; she helped materially, man-made and spiritually needy people who lost their faith, suffering, seriously ill, lonely and abandoned to the mercy of fate...
Arrested in 1950 for "anti-Sovietism" - religious beliefs - she was sentenced to 10 years in labor camp with a loss of rights.
At one time she was brought up and was friends with the children of Litvinov; before her arrest, she was married to a theater artist.
Shura - a seamstress from Krasnodar, who came from a family of the Kuban homeless, who moved to live in the city; a simple, unsophisticated, sincere woman, unmercenary; sentenced to 25 years for an unsung "White Guard" ditty attributed to her.
Well, I, too, am a Leningrad student, also sentenced to 25 years for forced concealment in the questionnaire when entering an institute that was under occupation - such people were not accepted into metropolitan universities in the late 40s.
Having traveled many kilometers from the ALL-UNION transfer, which consisted of a forest of zones - the one, for example, in which I was kept, was the 404th! - the column wearily approached the most remote berth of the port of Vanino, where the ocean-going motor ship "Minsk" stood like an unshakable hulk.
It was a large-capacity cargo ship with five deep holds, specially equipped and designed to transport prisoners from the mainland to Kolyma, from the port of Vanino to Nagaevo Bay, from which it is a stone's throw to the center of the city of Magadan - the "capital of the Kolyma Territory" - a stone's throw - five to six kilometers way.
Before boarding the ship, another most thorough check of the convicts was carried out in all the prescribed form. And before it, in the hills, in addition to a total check, a procedure of demonstrative punishments was also carried out.
Halfway to the port of Vanino, the column was stopped and ordered to camp - to sit on what you are standing - surrounded by a convoy and dogs.
In the middle of this camp - a huge mass of people - there appeared long shabby tables on goat legs, at which the ranks of the internal troops sat and raked a pile of forms, called and checked the correspondence of the data recorded in them with the personality of the convict - the procedure is very slow, - you had to wait for your turn hours.
At the end of the check, the tables were removed, and in their place they drove a lorry with lowered sides, onto which armed soldiers drove the punished for some minor offense on the way - so that it would be disrespectful to others!
In public view, the violator was put on a straitjacket made of coarse material with long sleeves, swaddled tightly, tied up and rushed to beat, knead and break bones.
The heartbreaking intrauterine cries of the unfortunate shook the ears and hearts of thousands of silent witnesses and the silence of the desert hills...
After numerous checks and restructuring of the transport vehicles, it was finally time to land. On the wide boardwalks, men and women climbed aboard the Minsk in fives and disappeared into its huge holds-wombs. Men - in the bow and stern holds, women - in the central one.
According to the law of meanness, our five were divided, and I went down the ladder into the hold alone.
Even on the pier, a quiet, poignantly sad melody leaked into my ears, and then the words of the first heard and immediately remembered song “I remember that Vanino port”, recognized as the anthem of the Kolyma prisoners:
I remember that Vanino port,
And the look of the steamer is gloomy,
As we walked along the ladder on board,
In cold gloomy holds.

Fog thickened over the sea
The element of the sea roared,
Stood ahead of Magadan,
The capital of the Kolyma region.

Not a song, but a plaintive cry.
burst out of every breast,
Farewell forever, mainland,
The ship roared, strained.

The pitching made the convict sick,
Embraced like brothers
And only sometimes from the tongue,
Silent curses broke.

Damn you Kolyma
What is called the "wonderful" planet,
You will go insane,
From here there is no return.

I know you don't expect me
And you don't read my letters
I know you won't come to meet
I'm sure of it, I know.
So, one after another, in an endless succession, we descended into the cold gloomy holds, and, oh my God, how true these words were! Only those who have experienced the bitterest sensations of forever lost freedom can appreciate these words, the melody, and the mood.
In the hold, at the foot of the ladder, each fraershu - as the thieves called all the imprisoned women who did not belong to the criminal world - were met, surrounded by a dense ring and taken away to the side of a group of four or five thieves - “kodlo”, which proceeded to complete processing of their victim . “Don’t flutter,” the thief in law, who led her “caudle,” ordered, “take off your lances and pull on our drapes!” If the fraersha tried to resist, “the case smelled of kerosene”, i.e. they severely beat them and stripped them naked, poking lousy, dirty and tattered rags into their teeth.
I was picked up by a bunch of five thieves, in the camp "bugs", led by a thief named Strelka, in appearance - a young handsome man, and it was amazing how a man could be in a woman's hold ?! But then everything became clear. I did not resist - it's useless! - all the same, they will take away and undress, not those, then others, and beaten to boot; and in order not to drop her human dignity, not to be completely undressed and obscenely insulting swearing, she chose the lesser of two evils: “Tell me, what do you want to remove from me? (All things were on me). And I'll give it to you myself." The arrow liked this, and she, firing at me with her beautiful arrow eyes, said:
"Collar, shoes and scarf"
"How's the collar? - I didn’t understand, - it’s sewn to the coat! “I’ll leave you a coat, it’s cold, and I’ll cut off the fur collar”
And before I had time to come to my senses, she, with a trained gesture, described an arc around my neck with a razor, tore off the collar. The sixes unfolded the flaps of my demi-season coat, inspected the lining and tore it off, throwing me the top.
I didn’t feel so sorry for the collar or lining - all the same, the bugs did not leave anyone alone - but in the collar I kept and hid from searches (searches) the prison letters and poems dedicated to me that turned into paper wads dear person- Correspondent of the war years and poet. I was infinitely sorry to lose them completely, and I ventured: "Arrow, give me only the letters, they are sewn up in the collar." “What are you, contra, so that I give you the“ spy ”letters? Now is not the time, otherwise I would have handed them over to the "garbage"! And she gutted her collar, shook out the rags, and trampled them under her feet.
And the caudlo went back to the ladder for attacks on the next victim.
Relieved, in someone else's sloshing galoshes, without a head scarf, I made my way along the still half-empty hold to the frame opposite the gangway to watch those descending, in the hope of seeing at least one of my new friends in misfortune.
And in the hold at that time there was noise and din, howling and fighting. Women did not want to part with their things, especially warm ones, which are so necessary in Kolyma! But the thieves became even more furious and in front of them they cut and slashed fur coats, here collars were cut out of them; they tried on winter coats torn from their shoulders, knocked off hats, tore off scarves, stripped naked - and took everything away; looked into the mouth: “Come on, crack your havalo!” - they ordered, and if they found gold crowns or teeth, they knocked them out with a tin spoon; those of the fraers who resisted especially fiercely had their hands and face slashed with a razor.
Leaning back against the cold metal rib of the ship and watching those descending into the hold, I finally saw large Lena and was delighted to meet her, but at the same moment I intuitively felt that this would not happen soon. Lena's good things were undoubtedly a coveted bait for all thieves. As soon as she appeared in the hatchway, several thieves in law with their caudles pressed close to the gangway and impatiently waited for her to set foot on the hold bottom. Lena did not yet know what was happening here, and when suddenly a “cormorant” attacked her from behind, like a thief, a criminal trifle that performed the dirtiest, criminal work, and professionally ripped off the Australian sheepskin coat, Lena, realizing, became defensive, spreading her legs wide like a boatswain for stability and entered into a fierce battle with numerous criminals, throwing the skinny small fry to the right and left, having previously rewarded them with dentitions and cuffs anywhere. But the forces were unequal: with bare hands against razors set in motion by a dozen small demons, you could not resist for a long time. Lena was stripped, slashed with razors...
The last thing I saw was that she was bleeding.
Breaking away from the picture of the robbery of thieves, when my vision adjusted to the twilight, I made out at a distance, in the very middle of the hold, a huge multi-tiered geometrically finished structure, made up of metal tubes of small diameter; the structure occupied 2/3 of the area of ​​the hold and somewhat resembled giant size bee unfilled honeycombs. At first I didn’t understand the purpose of the structure, but when I came across boards piled all around, I realized that these were multi-storey bunks - I figured everything out myself: no one explained anything.
Along the entire aft bulkhead in a row stood a lot of empty barrels, up to a meter high, from which they smelled of an old stench, I guessed - buckets.
With a slight pitching along the payol, water rolled from side to side.
It was damp, cold and gloomy.
Meanwhile, the hold was filled and filled with slave people. "Thieves in law" with their "caudle-shobl" continued to wield with might and main: they surrounded, attacked, robbed, cut, shredded, mocked, cursed.
Women fell into hysterics, screamed at the top of their lungs, screamed from the wounds inflicted, and in this sodom no one paid attention to the knocking of something heavy and iron on the bulkhead; the knocks were repeated louder and more often.
The moment came when knocks were heard from above, and a team of six people from the crew of the ship descended into the hold without any tools in their hands; there were no armed soldiers among them, and I realized that the convoy was afraid of an attack from the underworld in the closed space of the hold room and therefore was absent.
The incessant blows to the bow bulkhead and the appearance of sailors in the hold aroused in me intense attention and an alarming foreboding of impending danger, and I, not weighed down extra things, tried to squeeze through the crowd of screaming closer to the bulkhead, in order to see everything for herself and understand: what's the matter?
The team proceeded to survey the bulkhead attacked from reverse side(by assumption, with a crowbar) and vibrating after each blow, as a thin wall trembles from a tight nail.
The sailors listened, ran their bare hands along the surface of the metal bulkhead and, catching the places of impacts, determined - it was clear - their local zone. Looking around, the crew with noticeable apprehension looked back at the cauldron seething with passions and quickly left the hold.
After this inspection, no one else went down to the payol.
After some time, the thieves, having undressed the last unfortunates, satisfied, in colorful attire, exchanged and bargained for the loot among themselves ... And the grieving fraershes involuntarily resigned themselves to their hopeless situation and stood in what, not recognizing each other. The general noise and din subsided somewhat.
The ship shuddered, the engines began to work, the propeller turned, and everyone felt that the Minsk had moved away from the berth.
The blows to the bulkhead continued more and more often, the roar was such that it was finally heard by everyone, and the situation began to change rapidly: some realized what was happening, and many rushed to the exit ladder; there was a commotion, because others rushed after them; some of the first ones even managed to jump onto the deck.
But it was not for this that the prisoners were driven into the hold, to the bottom. At the top, the convoy quickly took their bearings and blocked the exit, aiming their machine guns at the hatch opening.
Succumbing to the panic and fear that hovered in the air, like electric charges in a pre-stormy sky, I also threw myself into the stream that rushed to the gangway. But the crowd at the foot condensed so much that it was not necessary to get upstairs and think.
In the crowd, the thin figure of the long Arrow stood out noticeably, which, not without difficulty, made its way with a frenzy, pushed from all sides by its obsequious caudle.
I involuntarily drew attention to panicky nervousness and a sharp change in her behavior: where did her former impudence go?! Now Strelka looked obviously doomed - that means she sensed danger!? I continued to follow her as a barometer of the state of a rapidly changing situation, and, feeling the unconscious instinctive fear of a virgin, climbed after her.
But the convoy stood like a monolith, blocking the exit, and no one could break out. Despite this, Strelka nevertheless made her way to the top step of the ladder and now violently burst into the open hatch, vigorously propelled by her shobble.
The escort sent a machine gun at her intimidatingly...
And I was still pushing through the crowd, which grabbed my hands, hair, coat and pulled me down.
The crack and clang of the bulkhead pierced through with a crowbar deafened the crowd of women electrified with panic at the gangway, and we all saw how urkagans, bare to the waist, in dark loose-fitting trousers tucked into short boots, with turbans on their heads, twisted from greasy towels and long ends falling below the shoulders. Their backs and chests were shiny with sweat and were completely dotted with tattoos - “tattoos”.
With a boom and a squeal, which, probably, in wild times, a horde of nomads who won a difficult victory, to intimidate them, they, without any preambles, attacked the outermost women of the crowded hold, the depths of which again resounded with indescribable cries, screams, entreaties... “Thieves! Argali! Cockroach women on the bunk! Wow, wow! By horses! - shouted urki.
Raptors of the underworld who swooped in like locusts snatched boards, covered the construction cells with them and, having hastily built floors of bunks, dragged women to them with bitterness, hardly comparable to the attack of sea pirates.
We were presented with the first pictures from the first part of the never-ending series of mass rape of women, where more and more victims and tortures were revealed frame by frame - the “Kolyma tram” went for a walk in the hold ...
The first time I saw it, I was shocked...
The thieves and friars, who found themselves in the same position, were now shouting together, together crying out for protection to the convoy ... The whole hold rushed to the ladder, in panic and fear they climbed on top of each other, trampling on the fallen, rushed to get out, screaming heartbreakingly - so, probably, people doomed to inevitable death scream at a shipwreck ...
Everyone was shouting: both those who had already been thrown onto the bunk and those who were still besieging the ladder ...
Not hearing my own voice in this Sodom and Gomorrah of the universal yelling and howling, I also screamed at the top of my lungs. I don’t know what she was shouting, I only remember distinctly that she prayed at the top of her voice, appealed to the Almighty - there was no one else to turn to! “Lord, hear me, take me out of this hell! Save, protect, rescue, help"... And, oh my God, where did it come from!...
The supernatural forces of my being moved me forward, I rushed down the ladder like a ram, raking the crowd, grabbing me for anything, trying to knock me down, but I still got to the penultimate crossbar ... At that moment, the arrow was rampaging at the exit, violently attacking the convoy. ..
Through the open hatch, one could see how the soldiers were dragging thick boards ... The arrow, seeing me, evil force kicked in the chest, and I again rolled down, the crowd closed ...
Having sensibly judged that I could no longer get up the ordinary outer side of the ladder, I crawled, skillfully working with my legs and arms, like a real monkey, along its inner side. The thieves kicked me with their feet, aiming at my chest, face, head, anywhere, but the girlish fear of falling under the operating "Kolyma tram" multiplied my strength, and I finally crawled to the hatch.
The arrow now fought with the convoy not for life, but for death, averted the machine gun aimed at her with a frenzy, trying to emerge by force onto the deck. The convoy yelled, “Get back, bitch! I will shoot!" - and fired a burst into her screaming open mouth. She trembled for a moment with her whole body, then she was dumbfounded and fell flat on her back on the hands that grabbed her.
Someone else was killed or injured, because the crowd retreated, condensed over someone's wall, and for a long time piercing screams, interspersed with groans, did not stop.
Taking advantage of the receding wave, I deftly dodged and, like a monkey, climbed onto the step where Strelka had just stood. The hatch was already 2/3 full of boards, there was a narrow gap the width of one, the last one. Grabbing the edge of the board, I tried to pull myself up on my hands and squeeze through the gap. But the convoy stood on guard, threatening with a machine gun, and shouting: “Back, contra! I will shoot!" blocked my path.
Without thinking, in some fractions of a second I jumped up and clung to the middle of the trunk. The convoy, not expecting such an attack, reflexively pulled the machine gun towards itself, and I, not feeling my own weight, flew out like a fluff.
The soldiers immediately closed the hatch with a plank and hammered it tightly.
There were about a dozen women on deck who managed to jump out at the very beginning, they, having stuck around the comingo of a large central hatch located above the women's hold, in its very middle, hanging their heads down, watched what was happening there.
I joined them too.
My God, how little a person needs to feel happy! - just breathe in a sip of relative freedom, feel a tiny bit of security, realize the feeling of the past fear that hung over you like a sword of Damocles a few minutes ago!
During the time that I struggled to break out onto the deck, noticeable changes took place in the hold: the entire population was now concentrated on its many-tiered bunks, and the uppermost floor was an open area for involuntary viewing.
No fantasy of a person endowed with even the most sophisticated imagination can give an idea of ​​​​the most disgusting and ugly act of cruel, sadistic mass rape that took place there ...
They raped everyone: young and old, mothers and daughters, political and thieves ...
I don’t know what the capacity of the male hold was and what was the density of its population, but everyone continued to crawl out of the broken hole and rushed like wild animals, breaking free from the cage, humanoid, ran skipping, like a thug, rapists, stood in line, climbed the floors, crawled along the bunks and rabidly rushed to rape, and those who resisted were executed here; in some places there was a stabbing, many lessons had finks, razors, home-made lance knives hidden; from time to time, to the sound of whistling, hooting and foul, untranslatable obscenities, the tortured, stabbed, and raped were thrown from the floors; relentlessly walked tirelessly card game where the stakes were on human life. And if somewhere in the underworld there is hell, then here in reality there was its likeness.
From the opening of the central hatch, as from a sewer pipe, a tight stench was drawn from a crowd of thousands of outdated dirty bodies, dozens of buckets, feces; a roar and howl burst out, like a herd of animals driven into a closed room seized by the fear of a fire or an earthquake ...
As a child, I read about the transportation of blacks - "ebony" on slave ships from Africa to the New World, but there was no such thing.
A feeling of shame and disgust pushed me away from the hatch.
During the night, the number of women on deck increased: in the darkness of the night, the most daring and persistent somehow managed to get out, and in the morning the guards outlined a tiny zone for us: from a small exit hatch to the starboard side, several meters wide, fencing the platform with thick steel cables.
The central hatch was tightly covered with zekashki, the rest moved along the "zone" or stood at the side.
"Minsk" was going at a decent speed, according to my ideas - 11-12 knots.
The cold night breath of the ocean fettered the whole body, and with each mile the ship made its way further and further north, to the "sunny" Magadan, meeting ice blocks on the way. We were half-dressed, my coat, once demi-season, and now without lining and collar, did not save from the cold at all.
A heavy wind had risen and surging waves were sweeping over the deck, but we were silent, afraid of returning to the hold.
I spent almost all my days at the starboard side and therefore saw how, parallel to the course of the vessel, a few meters from its hull, large sharp-nosed fish swam in small schools. With a heightened sense of predators, they smelled a cadaverous smell and rushed after the "Minsk" without falling behind ...
The prisoners were fed once a day. In the middle of the day, serving convicts rolled up to the central hatch a huge wooden barrel filled to the brim with porridge made from unhusked cereals and “flavored” with long, half a meter seaweed with a thick coating of dark green color and sea sand that creaked on the teeth. A tin basin with bowls and mangled spoons, partly without cuttings, was placed on top of a rather thick mess.
The barrel was lowered into the hold on cables.
In the first days of my stay on deck, when there were still not so many people there, I watched the dinner scene quite carefully.
"Beetles" descended from all the floors of the bunks, jumped off and fell off and, ahead of each other, rushed in a crowd to the feeder; grabbing bowls-spoons, they scooped up the mess, whoever didn’t get the “device”, scooped it up with five, tightly surrounding the barrel, the back ones dragged them “by the scruff”, occupied the vacant places; those who came up threw away those in front, and so it went on until the barrel was completely licked.
From the barrels of porridge, the crowds crawled to the barrels-buckets ...
No matter how much I watched, I never saw women there, and how they survived these long days of the sea passage, I can’t imagine.
Looking from the edge of the hatch into the hold, for the first time I saw with my own eyes the external attributes of the underworld in the most unsightly form: chest and back, arms from fingers to shoulder and leg - most of the "beauties" loomed in shorts - everything was painted with tattoos, and it even seemed to me that a new kind of humanoid appeared in the light of God: painted, mottled.
Tattoos with the image of the leader, Stalin, were striking, in a variety of positions, sizes, shapes: from a head with a low forehead and a protruding black mustache to a full-length respectable generalissimo uniform - usually on the left side of the chest, at the nipple or on the back , "protecting" the heart of the criminal.
There were crosses, and graves, and chains, and bars, and vipers, wrapping around the arms or the whole body and plunging a sting into the very heart, many different names and inscriptions were gouged out: some sentimental, such as, for example, “and no one will know where is my grave”, others are short and inviting, like slogans: “impudence is the second happiness”, or “where there was a conscience, there grew up ...”
Pornography was quoted on a par with Stalin, some obscene drawings even showed pictures in action, for example, an act of intimacy - with an appropriate separation of the arms and convergence of the shoulder blades ...
Until now, almost forty years later, I still have an indescribable feeling of indignation: “Who needed such universities?!”
The one to whom praises were singly sung and who was obsequiously called "father, leader and teacher" drove us - then young, patriotic, purposeful, morally healthy (and among us there were many progressive-minded people, courageous youth, students convinced of their views, advanced intellectuals) into the holds of ships, the dungeons of prisons, cellars of torture, but people always and everywhere remained people, in spite of any meat grinders.
And then, then ... the corpses of the tortured, strangled, raped, stabbed, executed were lifted from the double second bottom by cables and thrown overboard into the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk ...
Sharp-toothed predators surrounded easy prey and each time the women shouted at the same time: “Sharks, look, sharks pounce on corpses!...”
One of the very first to be thrown overboard was Strelka - I saw it myself - and only then did I find out from the ubiquitous women who explained that she was a male, and such beetles were torn apart alive.
Standing at the starboard side and being an involuntary witness, every time I had a thought: how will the escorts report to the authorities for the corpses?!
After all, if we imagine the fate of that total and meticulously strict nature of the checks of prisoners carried out more than once, the escorts should have been held accountable.
But later this question did not bother me anymore.
That irresponsible and merciless attitude towards imprisoned women, allowed by both the escort authorities and the administration of the t / c "Minsk", which at the end of May 1951 was the first to open navigation and in the hold of which a "big Kolyma tram" arose - an indiscriminate mass rape - said a lot: no one was responsible for the prisoners.
Three or two days before arriving in Magadan, the truncated "zone" on the deck was so densely packed with women escaping from the hold hell that, literally sticking together in an inseparable lump, we had no way to escape from it: we urinated under ourselves, while standing - us turned into cattle, worse than cattle.
The sea stage lasted ten days, or rather, I lost track of days and time ...
Finally, "Minsk" moored in Nagaevo Bay. Whoever was on deck was the first to set foot on the Kolyma land: the gray, cold, heavy sky hung over us for a long time...
We were hounded for a long time on the pier, scrupulously scrupulously checking and recalculating ...
The stage didn't move.
Stiff, hungry, exhausted, we stood on the pier for several hours, wondering: “What’s the matter?”
... Fire engines rushed to Nagaev, and it was not clear: why? - Isn't there a fire?
Later it turned out.
Upon arrival at their destination, the soldiers finally opened the exit hatch of the hold, but no one went outside. Orders of the escorts: "On the way out!" dispersed in the air...
The criminals did not let the women go, and those who tried to crawl out were executed on the spot ... No measures worked: no shouting, no orders, no shooting ...
And then firefighters were called, who knocked out of the fire hoses with a powerful jet under pressure, like bedbugs that had settled in the hold of rapists.
The hold was filled with water coming from the sea through hoses stretched into hatches, the lower bunk beds were flooded, the beetles crawled out onto the middle ones: swimmers, corpses and human excrement floated alternately on the surface ... But the thieves did not give up, sowing the middle tiers under the cover of the upper ones, they still the situation was extremely aggravated for many hours...
Later it was said that the hold was so flooded with water that it was impossible to stay afloat, the last criminals were caught with hooks and nets (?!).
It was impossible to look at the women, finally rescued from the hold, without pain.
In the evening, the escorts were driven towards Magadan, exhausted - skin to bone - columns of downcast prisoners trudged towards us, who, having climbed the hills, did not disperse to their wrecked barracks, but looked knowingly after the new arrivals.
The people were silent, and only the shouts and obscenities of the oncoming guards and the vicious barking of service shepherds deafened the bay of slaves. We entered the country of legalized lack of rights and human silence, the country of prisoners - Kolyma, where a hundred people cried, and one laughed - according to the saying of the Kolyma convicts.
And for a long time, through the battered Kolyma, but this time especially shocked, by belated thunderous peals of heavy CONSEQUENCES, it carried through the camps and taiga and reminded of itself the “big Kolyma tram” on the Minsk steamer: gynecological and venous diseases, the birth of orphans and children freaks, nervous and mental disorders, suicides and much more.
Martyrs who thought they had gone through all the circles of hell, but as it turned out, not all.

Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system and the third gas giant. The planet is the third largest and the fourth largest by mass, and got its name in honor of the father of the Roman god Saturn.

Exactly Uranus honored to be the first planet discovered in modern history. However, in reality, his original discovery of it as a planet did not actually happen. In 1781 the astronomer William Herschel when observing the stars in the constellation of Gemini, he noticed some disk-shaped object, which he first recorded in the category of comets, which he reported to the Royal Scientific Society of England. However, later Herschel himself was puzzled by the fact that the orbit of the object turned out to be practically circular, and not elliptical, as is the case with comets. And only when this observation was confirmed by other astronomers, Herschel came to the conclusion that he had actually discovered a planet, not a comet, and the discovery finally received wide recognition.

After confirming the data that the discovered object is a planet, Herschel received an unusual privilege - to give it his name. Without hesitation, the astronomer chose the name of the King of England George III and named the planet Georgium Sidus, which means "George's Star". However, the name never received scientific recognition and scientists, for the most part, came to the conclusion that it is better to adhere to a certain tradition in the name of the planets of the solar system, namely, to name them in honor of the ancient Roman gods. This is how Uranus got its modern name.

Currently, the only planetary mission that has been able to collect data on Uranus is Voyager 2.

This meeting, which took place in 1986, allowed scientists to get enough a large number of data about the planet and make many discoveries. Spaceship transmitted thousands of photographs of Uranus, its moons and rings. Although many photographs of the planet showed little more than a blue-green color that could also be observed from ground-based telescopes, other images showed the presence of ten previously unknown satellites and two new rings. No new missions to Uranus are planned for the near future.

Due to the dark blue color of Uranus, it turned out to be much more difficult to make an atmospheric model of the planet than models of the same or even. Fortunately, images from the Hubble Space Telescope have provided a broader picture. More modern telescope imaging technologies made it possible to obtain much more detailed images than those of Voyager 2. So, thanks to the Hubble photographs, it was possible to find out that there are latitudinal bands on Uranus, like on other gas giants. In addition, the speed of the winds on the planet can reach over 576 km / h.

It is believed that the reason for the appearance of a monotonous atmosphere is the composition of its uppermost layer. Visible cloud layers are composed primarily of methane, which absorbs these observed red wavelengths. Thus, the reflected waves are represented as blue and green.

Beneath this outer layer of methane, the atmosphere is about 83% hydrogen (H2) and 15% helium, with some methane and acetylene present. This composition is similar to other gas giants of the solar system. However, the atmosphere of Uranus differs sharply in another respect. While the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn are mostly gaseous, the atmosphere of Uranus contains much more ice. Evidence of this are extremely low temperatures on the surface. Given the fact that the temperature of the atmosphere of Uranus reaches -224 ° C, it can be called the coldest of the atmospheres in the solar system. In addition, the available data indicate that such extremely low temperatures are present around almost the entire surface of Uranus, even on the side that is not illuminated by the Sun.

Uranus, according to planetary scientists, consists of two layers: the core and the mantle. Current models suggest that the core is primarily composed of rock and ice, and has about 55 times its mass. The mantle of the planet weighs 8.01 x 10 to the power of 24 kg, or about 13.4 Earth masses. In addition, the mantle is composed of water, ammonia, and other volatile elements. The main difference between the mantle of Uranus and Jupiter and Saturn is that it is icy, albeit not in the traditional sense of the word. The fact is that the ice is very hot and thick, and the thickness of the mantle is 5.111 km.

What's most amazing about Uranus' composition, and what sets it apart from other gas giants in our star system, is that it doesn't radiate more energy than it receives from the Sun. Given the fact that even, which is very close in size to Uranus, it produces about 2.6 times more heat than it receives from the Sun, scientists today are very intrigued by such a weak power of energy generated by Uranus. There are currently two explanations for this phenomenon. The first indicates that Uranus was impacted by a large space object in the past, which led to the loss of most of the planet's internal heat (gained during formation) into outer space. The second theory claims that there is a barrier inside the planet that does not allow the internal heat of the planet to escape to the surface.

Orbit and rotation of Uranus

The discovery of Uranus itself allowed scientists to expand the radius of the known solar system by almost two times. This means that the average orbit of Uranus is about 2.87 x 10 to the power of 9 km. The reason for such a huge distance is the duration of the passage of solar radiation from the Sun to the planet. Sunlight takes about two hours and forty minutes to reach Uranus, which is almost twenty times longer than it takes sunlight to reach Earth. The huge distance also affects the length of the year on Uranus, it lasts almost 84 Earth years.

The orbital eccentricity of Uranus is 0.0473, which is only slightly less than that of Jupiter - 0.0484. This factor makes Uranus the fourth of all the planets in the solar system in terms of a circular orbit. The reason for such a small eccentricity of the orbit of Uranus is the difference between its perihelion of 2.74 x 10 to the power of 9 km and aphelion of 3.01 x 109 km is only 2.71 x 10 to the power of 8 km.

The most interesting moment in the process of rotation of Uranus is the position of the axis. The fact is that the axis of rotation for every planet except Uranus is roughly perpendicular to their orbital plane, however, Uranus's axis is tilted by almost 98°, which effectively means that Uranus rotates on its side. The result of this position of the planet's axis is that the north pole of Uranus is on the Sun for half of the planetary year, and the other half falls on the south pole of the planet. In other words, daytime on one hemisphere of Uranus lasts 42 Earth years, and night time on the other hemisphere lasts the same. The reason why Uranus "turned on its side", scientists again call a collision with a huge cosmic body.

Given the fact that the rings of Saturn were the most popular of the rings in our solar system for a long time, the rings of Uranus could not be detected until 1977. However, the reason is not only this, there are two more reasons for such a late discovery: the distance of the planet from the Earth and the low reflectivity of the rings themselves. In 1986, the Voyager 2 spacecraft was able to determine the presence of two more rings on the planet, in addition to those known at that time. In 2005, the Hubble Space Telescope spotted two more. To date, planetary scientists know 13 rings of Uranus, the brightest of which is the Epsilon ring.

The rings of Uranus differ from those of Saturn in almost everything - from particle size to composition. First, the particles that make up the rings of Saturn are small, little more than a few meters in diameter, while the rings of Uranus contain many bodies up to twenty meters in diameter. Secondly, the particles of Saturn's rings are mainly composed of ice. The rings of Uranus, however, are composed of both ice and significant dust and debris.

William Herschel discovered Uranus only in 1781, as the planet was too dim to be seen by representatives of ancient civilizations. Herschel himself at first believed that Uranus was a comet, but later revised his opinion and science confirmed the planetary status of the object. So Uranus became the first planet discovered in modern history. The original name proposed by Herschel was "George's Star" - in honor of King George III, but the scientific community did not accept it. The name "Uranus" was proposed by the astronomer Johann Bode, in honor of the ancient Roman god Uranus.
Uranus rotates on its axis once every 17 hours and 14 minutes. Likewise, the planet rotates in a retrograde direction, opposite to the direction of the Earth and the other six planets.
It is believed that the unusual tilt of the axis of Uranus could cause a grandiose collision with another cosmic body. The theory is that the planet, which was supposedly the size of the Earth, collided sharply with Uranus, which shifted its axis by almost 90 degrees.
Wind speeds on Uranus can reach up to 900 km per hour.
The mass of Uranus is about 14.5 times that of the Earth, making it the lightest of the four gas giants in our solar system.
Uranus is often referred to as an "ice giant". In addition to hydrogen and helium in the upper layer (like other gas giants), Uranus also has an icy mantle that surrounds its iron core. The upper atmosphere is composed of ammonia and icy methane crystals, giving Uranus its characteristic pale blue color.
Uranus is the second least dense planet in the solar system, after Saturn.

When transit uranium is in your 5th house, radical changes are possible in certain areas, including romantic hobbies. For example, you can break up with one partner, suddenly start new novel or feel romantic attachment to a person who has not previously been imagined in this role. Unusual or unconventional romantic situations or partners are possible. Circumstances that you cannot control can have a marked effect on your views and activities related to the pursuit of pleasure, risky adventures and speculation. Your current attitude towards children, as well as your ideas, ideas and relationships with children, may change significantly (including a possible break with children). Your Savor also subject to unpredictable changes. Unexpected periods of increased secular activity and interest in it are likely, as well as periods when circumstances will prevent you from going out into the world and threaten a complete cessation of such activity. In addition, unpredictable circumstances related to your imagination, artistic and creative talents, their application and development in a completely new direction will come to the fore. You may prefer unorthodox or avant-garde hobbies, art, music or design. Skalka J.

Transit of Uranus through the 5th house of the horoscope

Uranus, transiting through the V field, has many options for manifesting itself. This is a time of upsurge, insights bordering on genius, or a change of hobbies, the emergence of an unusual hobby. A person tries himself in areas that until now, as it were, did not exist for him, for example, he can take up vocals or begin to draw. Uranus here awakens in a person the adventurism that has been sleeping in him for the time being, throws off the shackles of indecision and disbelief in his abilities, removes unnecessary constraint and thus makes it possible for hidden talents to manifest.
People associated with the world of art may change roles, master a new genre, professional success, and with a favorable arrangement of stars - an unprecedented take-off, triumph, worship of the crowd. True, if there are no additional indicators in the Radix, usually all this is not for long, until Uranus leaves the limits of V zero.
In general, Uranus passing through the V field increases the chance of winning, luck looks like a favorable combination of circumstances, a happy accident. With certain indicators in the natal horoscope, a big win in the lottery or in gambling. But here it should be remembered that Uranus provides such a chance once, you should not tempt fate, trying to break the bank after a big success, otherwise you can lose everything. Uranus is the planet of extremes: either all or nothing.
Naturally, in the V field, Uranus cannot get around the topic of romantic relationships. Since its manifestation is unpredictable, new hobbies and a piquant turn in old relationships are possible. Feelings at this time are aggravated, you want more and more new sensations, which often leads to new, often thoughtless connections. A meeting with an old love and new experiences about this is possible, but more often it is still new love, bright, but, alas, more often transient. A spark flies between people, and they succumb to the flow, not thinking about what will happen tomorrow, and whether there will be one at all. Such connections, despite their fragility, and maybe because of this, are remembered for a lifetime and remembered with warm sadness about the past happy times. The quarrels and claims of these days dissolve in the flow of time,
For women, this transit often ends with pregnancy and the birth of a child, perhaps more than one, given that the length of the field can be large, and Uranus is in one sign for 7 years. If by that time there are already children, they can pleasantly or unpleasantly, depending on the aspects, surprise the parent. A man can become famous through his child. In general, multivariance is also possible here. For example, a person may adopt a child or lose contact with their child for any reason. Your relationship with him may change. Depending on additional factors, the child may rebel and leave home, he may be stolen, he may be forbidden to communicate with the parent, with negative aspects, he may have an accident, etc.
In the case of negative aspects, an unwanted pregnancy, problems in bearing a child, and problematic childbirth are possible. Often the appearance of an illegitimate child. The environment becomes aware of him or of side connections. Old love and creative ties are torn, and you should not rely too much on new ones that are tied up during this period, no matter how rosy the prospects seem. Most likely, they will end in disappointment or scandal. Large financial investments and adventures should be avoided. Speculative manipulation can lead to bankruptcy, although at first they can be quite successful. The main danger of this period is the desire to live easily and cheerfully, without burdening oneself with obligations and hoping that problems will be solved by themselves.
