How to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment. How to change your life by throwing trash out of your home

What is rubbish is a truly philosophical question. This is where the whole point lies: if you understand that there is rubbish, consider that you got rid of it.

Trying to define rubbish subject by subject is a hopeless business. For some, egg shells are garbage, and for some, valuable fertilizer for their favorite cabbage; to another, a bunch of old cogs and bolts is rubbish, and to another, a future transistor receiver. There are things that are rarely used, there are those that will never be useful, they lie and lie. Sometimes they warm the soul, sometimes they don't. Rubbish is just something that is never used, lies like a dead weight and does not warm the soul, but only makes you want to put it away and not see it.

Rubbish is not born, rubbish is made

The process of turning a normal thing into rubbish is complex and mysterious, the reasons and features of it lie in our soul. Here's a good thing, it's a pity to throw it away, maybe it will still come in handy. And a hopelessly out of fashion, but very high-quality coat or a bunch of children's rompers are sent to the mezzanine in anticipation of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In a couple of years, even illusory hopes will melt away that the grandchildren will wear it, but the thing is good, it’s a pity to throw it away, well, suddenly it will come in handy.
But this thing will definitely come in handy! And another board is being dragged into the house, which should become a super chest of drawers. self made, or a piece of fabric is bought, from which someday, when I learn how to sew, I will sew a dress. And it doesn’t matter that I’ll never learn to sew anyway ...
But this wildly cute little thing, of course, is not useful at all. But she is so cute that there is simply no way to throw her away. And empty perfume bottles, coffee jars, candy boxes and old wall calendars with crumpled but wildly cute pictures are stored, stored in our house.
Sometimes very good, useful and necessary things become trash. Only now they are useful and necessary not at all to us, but to someone else, but we, crushed by stereotypes in the spirit of “every decent family should have a crystal vase”, litter our house with cheese cutters, turbo mops, coffee sets and smart books that we don’t want to read even under fear death penalty. All this is neatly folded into cabinets and is never used in life, because it is perhaps more pleasant to bite off cheese from a large piece, and drink coffee from large mugs.
Various (useless) little things that are rarely used, but are difficult to store, litter the space very well. It is much easier to buy new candles for a cake at X hour than to look for where you put the old ones.
The apartment is almost hopelessly cluttered with various large-sized rubbish. For example, an old, solid and dull wardrobe or chest of drawers. He will survive both you and your grandchildren, but your grandmother could not look at him without tears.
Junk is possibly very good, but potentially unnecessary or hopelessly outdated things. All this accumulates, occupies cupboards, mezzanines and pantries, collects dust, fills the living space, requires maintenance and consumes energy. We need to get rid of all this, and the sooner the better.
The fight against rubbish comes down, in essence, to just two actions. First - you need to understand that it is he who is in front of you. The second - you need to find the strength in yourself to throw him out of the house. And this should be done easily, effortlessly, so that not only your house, but also your inner world is cleared of rubbish.

14 ways to get rid of junk:

Let's play moving: During cleaning, periodically ask yourself the question: “If I were moving to a new apartment now, would I take this thing with me?” If a thing is not needed in a new apartment, then why keep it in this one?
Matroskin's first lesson: If you want to get rid of trash and enjoy it, sell something you don't need. Imagine that you have no money at all, and you are forced to sell things. What would you sell first? So sell it, and with the money you get, buy something you really need.
The second lesson of Matroskin: To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary. But we will not do this. Before you buy a big thing, imagine what will happen to it in 5 years. You can't imagine anything good or reasonable, you don't need this thing.
“Boogie Woogie Throw 27”: Right now, get up and walk around the apartment with a trash bag in your hands. You must find 27 things you don't need and throw them away immediately. The trash lies right in front of you, you just need to look at it in a new way. Pay special attention to magazines, newspapers, expired medicines, old batteries, non-working pens and markers, empty cassette boxes, empty bottles, old sponges and rags, torn tights and socks.
Look at the item and ask yourself the following questions: Do I love this item?
Have I used it within the last year?
Is that really trash?
Do I have exactly the same thing, only better?
Do I really need two of these things?
I love this thing because it evokes my soulful memories and feelings? Or does she make me feel guilty and sad when I see her?
Clear the room of everything that doesn't make you smile.
Man is a friend to dogs: Get a puppy. A kitten would be fine too. Everything unnecessary will be quickly gnawed and torn to shreds. Everything that you thought you needed, but did not hide in time - too. And now you can throw it all away with a light conscience.
Organize a viper: Let's be realistic - it's impossible to achieve an ideal, you can't get rid of rubbish completely. Therefore, we will give our home junk a cozy place, for example, a small bedside table. And we will store all the rubbish in this wonderful bedside table, and only in it. Sooner or later, the bedside table will fill up, there will be nowhere to put a new portion of rubbish, and we will have to solve the problem of what is junk from our household junk, what to put in the bedside table, and what to throw out after all. A sanctioned viper is an extremely convenient thing: the amount of trash in the apartment is limited, everything is in one place, and at the same time, you don’t have to step on your favorite corns and completely get rid of old jars and cones set aside for a rainy day. But remember that there can only be one viper in a house.
Summer season: Summer cottage is wonderful and useful. It helps to easily and without remorse rid the house of a boring solid chest of drawers, out-of-fashion curtains with teapots and old jeans, but here it is important not to go to extremes and not deliberately litter the dacha itself.
In the best traditions: It seems that in Italy it is customary New Year Throw trash and old things out of the house. Isn't it a wonderful tradition? A holiday of renewal, a holiday of getting rid of junk. Be sure to celebrate it at least 2 times a year.
Waste basket: With its help it is very convenient to get rid of various trifles, however, if the basket is large, then it can help in the fight against larger rubbish. All that you don't know where to put; all that you do not know what to attach to; everything that you think is useful to you, but it is not yet clear how, you put in this basket. Let it lie down. Once a week, month, quarter, the entire contents of the basket are mercilessly thrown away. The really necessary things will already be extracted from it by that time, and everything else is rubbish.
Formatting HDD: This method helps well to deal with papers, documents, disks, photographs. Imagine that the filing cabinet is not a cabinet, but a hard drive that you have to format tomorrow. Everything of value must be saved today. Everything else will be destroyed. Save what you have the strength and desire for. These are really valuable things. And the rest is not a pity to throw away.
Worse than a Tatar: This method is similar to the previous one, but requires a truly samurai endurance from the performer. First you hide everything of value, and then you invite guests and offer to take away whatever they like from the rest. As an added bonus, you get the opportunity not to take out the trash from the apartment - the guests will take everything out themselves.
Gifts that are not needed: I would like to say separately about the pile of unnecessary gifts that fills our house several times a year. A napkin from Marya Petrovna from the staff, a vase from Elena Mikhailovna from the accounting department, an apron on duty from her mother-in-law, 24 postcards “to her beloved class teacher from 7 "b" ... It's good if there are checks on the gifts and they can be returned to the store. If there are no checks, unnecessary gifts can be re-gifted. Napkin - beloved mother-in-law, a vase - Marya Petrovna. It will be more difficult with postcards, but you can also get rid of them - write thanks to each student on the postcard in response and return them back. The main thing is to crush the “inconvenient and dishonorable” complexes in oneself, it is inconvenient to store all this, and it is dishonorable to throw it in the trash.
If you cannot change the world, then change your attitude towards it: If you stubbornly fail to throw away the rubbish, you can change your attitude towards it. For example, you can declare yourself a collector, and then your school folder with crumpled postcards will become not junk, but a collection. Can't you throw away the bronze chandelier that your beloved mother-in-law decided to keep in your apartment? Call it a family heirloom and tell guests stories and legends associated with this antique. When getting rid of rubbish, it is important not to go to two extremes: on the one hand, do not turn into Plushkin and still rid your house of various junk, on the other hand, you must remember that, in fact, we need some old and unnecessary things.
A few words in defense of trash: Probably, each of us in childhood dreamed of a house with a large attic filled with all sorts of things; or at least about a big grandmother's chest, where every time you find something new and interesting. Probably, today it is worth starting to create such a chest for your future grandchildren. Yes, and we ourselves sometimes need to look at the dress in which she danced at the graduation, or even at the corner in which you were discharged from the hospital; re-read old letters and newspapers, paint the entire bathroom mirror with expired lipstick, smile at a teddy bear with a torn off paw...

Rubbish comes into our lives imperceptibly. We do not have time to come to our senses, as he fills all the corners, cabinets, drawers, tables - and as a result, he comfortably “settles down” in the apartment. It's time to get rid of him. We tell you how.

Buddhist philosophers are convinced that before you start doing something, you need to answer three questions - what, why and how. Otherwise, there will be no result. After a person answers these questions in this sequence, you can get down to business.

What can be classified as rubbish

Old, holey, worn things that no one wears for years, and you hide them on the balcony or the top shelves of the closet. Or it's the good stuff that you just don't need: a prom dress, nice but uncomfortable shoes, an oversized sweater, or skinny jeans.

Newspapers, magazines, old letters, postcards, old bills, checks, posters, tickets, old cartons. What other waste paper do you have? Most often, it is simply shifted from place to place or hidden in boxes. Books, by the way, also belong here.

Dishes. Old plates, broken crockery, service and crystal, which no one has used for several years even at family feasts. This also includes old and scary frying pans, pots and other kitchen utensils. And also jars, a huge number of jars of various pickles, which for some reason people are accustomed to collecting. It's a pity to throw it away, but there is nowhere to put it.

First aid kit. Taking care of your health is good, but when was the last time you looked in your first aid kit and threw away medicines that were past their expiration date? Usually there are more than half of these drugs.

A million useful, but unnecessary things that someone gave, gave, forgot, left. These are different gifts that you don’t know where to put, or you just don’t like them. This also includes old children's toys, all sorts of magnets, pens, vases.

Cosmetics. This is a whole abyss of what it is a pity to throw out. Expired cosmetics, empty jars, tubes, vials. Perfume you don't like the smell of. Cream that didn't fit. Gave lipstick but you just don't use it.

Equipment and broken things. An old grandmother's TV that turns on every other time. Phones, irons, kitchen appliances, laptops, computers, watches, players, lamps. Used batteries, wires, lighters that will never come in handy.

Why take apart the rubbish

And really, why? He lies to himself and lies, it seems that he does not interfere. Yes, you need to constantly wipe the dust, wash, shift, but these are such favorite things. They are completely unnecessary, but it is a pity to throw them away. Stop. Why should they? Here's what to do with them? Try to ask yourself a simple question: do they please me or annoy me? Most likely the second. Even if they remind you of various events and people, this cannot accumulate forever in your apartment.

How to get rid of trash

Professionals in this business have long come up with good way. Here are some main steps:

  • First you need to choose a time. For example, sorting out trash for an hour every Sunday. Discipline and regularity are important here;
  • start small. Choose one closet, for example with clothes. Take the item one by one and ask yourself - do I love this item? If yes, leave it. If in doubt, you definitely do not need this thing. As a rule, things that he really loves, a person wears all the time. Things in doubt have not been worn for a year or more;
  • if you immediately answered “no” to the question of whether you love this thing, put it in a separate pile and do not make another decision. Try to make sure that all things from this pile leave the apartment as soon as possible.

After that, things need to be sorted. Throw away anything that is in a disgusting state or expired. Good things that you just don't like or don't need can be sold, recycled, donated, donated or traded.

Almost new things can be safely sold. In Russia, there are several resources for this:

  • "Avito" or "Yula". You can sell anything there - from cosmetics to technology;
  • Online Auction . The principle is simple - put a thing up for auction, it is bought;
  • all kinds of groups in social networks. There are many of these for every city.

Don't want to sell? There are various services that accept things for transfer to people in need, for processing or sale, and donate the proceeds to charity:

  • They will come and take everything for free. They accept everything: from clothes to tetrapack. The site has detailed instructions how to prepare things for delivery;
  • . Here you can either bring unnecessary things yourself, or order a free removal. Accept clothes, equipment, books, dishes, toys, furniture;
  • H&M clothing stores. Each store has a special box for change near the checkout. You can submit two packages at a time. Only clothes are accepted, no underwear. All items are recycled. Bonus - for the return of clothes you will receive a 15 percent discount on the purchase of one item in the store;
  • Monki clothing stores. We accept clothes in any condition and any brand. You can drop it off at the checkout. All items are also recycled. After the return, you will receive a coupon for a 15 percent discount;
  • service . You exhibit things or services and donate them free of charge. You can give everything there - from jewelry to manicure.

Trash. Everyone puts their own specific meaning into this word. Outdated, out-of-fashion things, obsolete furniture, household items, all kinds of bottles, jars, boxes, screws, bolts, carefully stored under the motto: "What if it comes in handy?". Of course, you should not assume that everything that has been used for quite a long time is rubbish, garbage, and this should be disposed of. It all depends on the purpose for which this thing can be applied or not applied at the present time. For example, antique dishes, grandmother's table clock, vinyl records, an old radio - over time, they can become true rarities that collectors will hunt for. Then, we keep some things for sentimental reasons. For some, an old teddy bear cub with fur that has crawled out, matted, is rubbish that belongs in the garbage heap. And for you - an immeasurable value, the first toy of your son, now already such an adult. Or her daughter's first dress.. How funny she was in this dress with cherries, taking her first steps. The hand will not rise to throw it away..
But along with things that are promisingly valuable or expensive for us, everyone in the apartment is full of things that can be called specifically trash. That is what we are going to get rid of. By optimizing and purifying our living space, we also purify our energy space, giving a chance for new, pleasant changes to enter our lives.

Steps to get rid of junk

To begin with, we need to draw up a plan according to which we will clear our home of trash. You should not grab onto everything at once, and in the heat of enthusiasm throw everything clean. If you don’t evaluate it correctly, you can throw away a necessary or useful thing, which, ironically, will be needed right away, although before that it had been unclaimed for a year. Also, do not grab everything randomly. For example, today we put things in order and get rid of unnecessary things in the closet, tomorrow in the pantry, the day after tomorrow on the balcony or in the room. Then, you need to determine where to put the "exiled" things. Perhaps the old furniture will look great in the country. Things that are out of fashion, but of high quality and without signs of wear, or things from which your child grew up, can be given to those in need. What you don't need may be necessary for someone else. An old wool sweater can be given a "second life" by knitting socks out of it. From an old jacket, if you put your hands on it, you can get a beautiful mattress for your pet.. Plenty of options..

So the main thing:

  • Determine the area of ​​optimization
  • Putting potentially unnecessary things aside
  • Sorting
  • We get rid of things according to the results of sorting.


Unnecessary things should be disposed of without regret. Otherwise, our cleaning will turn into an aimless shifting of rubbish from place to place. It takes time and vitality. In addition, it negatively affects well-being, because the atmosphere at home is in some way a reflection of our attitude.

Sorting unnecessary things

  1. Items of potential value. These include antique dishes, antique household items, figurines, vinyl records, etc. If not used for a long time, they should be packed and put away in the pantry or on the mezzanine.
  2. Items of personal value. Children's toys and clothes with which you have nostalgic memories, souvenirs from travels, certificates of honor, etc. Store in places that are not visible, but from which, if necessary, things can be easily removed ( drawers cabinet or chest of drawers)
  3. Items of value. These include outdated furniture, carpets, clothes, or things that can be used for a new purpose. Old furniture or household appliances can be taken to the dacha or sold.
  4. Conditionally valuable things also include clothes that have gone out of fashion without signs of wear, toys that your child no longer plays with, and incomplete dishes. All this can be given to those in need.
  5. Items that have no personal, practical, or conventional value: empty boxes, jars, old notebooks, broken household appliances, old clothes or shoes that you or your child will never wear again, books that are significantly damaged, broken toys, cracked dishes .. We pack all this "wealth" in a bag, and - in the trash.

"Plushkin Syndrome"

Hoarding syndrome is characteristic of all living things. But a very thin line separates a healthy desire to equip one's life from the so-called "Plyushkin's syndrome". Sooner or later there is a glut of space and some things willy-nilly have to get rid of. Here, in its entirety, our problem arises. The problem of dealing with rubbish.
It should also be noted a few nuances. If you do not live alone, the concept of "trash" for you and your household can be completely different. You should not put pressure on this issue and arrange conflicts. Try to work together to solve this problem. If you can’t persuade loved ones, just optimize your space. Seeing the result, they may want to do the same.
It is important to understand each other. After all, let's say that for you an old rag, for your grandmother - a part of the past, in contact with which, she can mentally return to the past .. On the day when she, young, in this dress, airy, flying, with bated breath, ran to a date with your grandfather .. And a broken toy of a child, perhaps, in his eyes has more value than the most beautiful new one. Respect personal space and the choice of relatives. Let them decide for themselves what to get rid of and what not.

How to deal with disordered hoarding syndrome in children

The tendency to indiscriminate hoarding sometimes begins to manifest itself in childhood. A kid of 4-5 years old carefully collects and stores all kinds of candy wrappers, inserts, feathers, glass, beautiful pebbles. Growing in quantity as they accumulate, these "treasures" gradually litter first a corner in the nursery, and then the whole room. But for a child, these things have undeniable value. This is the first self-acquired personal property, a source of pride.
How to correct the accumulation process in this case? First, never scold your child, and do not threaten to throw "all this rubbish" in the trash. These things, no matter how little valuable they are for you, are a continuation of the child's personal space. In no case do not throw away his "treasures" without the knowledge of the child, motivating this by putting things in order in the room. Choose a time, sit down with the baby, and sort out the things dear to his heart. For pebbles - a beautiful tin can, for candy wrappers - a small box. Designate a dedicated storage space on the shelf. Along the way, as you sort, unobtrusively invite the child to get rid of one or another part of the items. You can motivate this by the fact that he already has such a wrapper, and if he adds new ones to his collection, they may not fit. Conduct these reviews regularly. This will help you get rid of the "blockage" of unnecessary items.


It's best to plan your waste disposal ahead of time. Prepare for it mentally. You can set a specific date for this event to motivate yourself. You need to start cleaning at a time when you are most efficient. Then there is a high probability that you will bring the work you have begun to the end. It’s worth mentioning right away that you won’t be able to get rid of trash in one go. Systematize your actions, giving yourself breaks to decide where to distribute things. Consult with household members, do not throw away their property without their knowledge. It is most convenient to audit the wardrobe when the season changes. After all, then one way or another we remove some things for long-term storage.


The influence of trash on a person at the subconscious energy level

  1. The new will not come into your life without room for change.
  2. Old things accumulate negative energy, preventing your life from changing into better side
  3. Broken or defective items create a negative energy field, preventing you from interacting normally with the outside world.
  4. Any thing carries the psychological energy that a person puts into it. If a certain thing has negative emotions associated with it, throw it away without regret. Otherwise, when looking at it, the negative will "vampire" your life energy. This is especially important with regard to clothing. Throw away without regret.
  5. Do not store trash at floor level. The tendency to hoarding in this area of ​​​​the house suggests that a person is prone to depressive states. Unload this zone, and you will immediately feel an emotional lift and cheerfulness.
  6. When you buy a new item for your home, remember: Your emotions during the purchase of this item will affect the energy of the house as a whole. Ideal option: maximum optimization of living space and things that cause only pleasant associations. Your home will be charged with positive and open to positive energies that attract good luck and happiness.

How to get rid of trash? / video /

How to get rid of trash

5 simple ways getting rid of rubbish

What to throw out of the house

How to get rid of unnecessary things

Where to donate unwanted items

How to get rid of trash in the apartment

5 reasons for clutter

We clean life from rubbish

Shoes - in the trash

Cleaning in the nursery

How not to overbuy


The concept of trash is purely subjective. We are all individual. But just remember that timely getting rid of the superfluous and unnecessary allows you to optimize your living space, improve your mood and well-being, helping you move towards the better..

For those who haven't done their big summer cleaning yet, here are practical tips on how to get rid of the trash from The Life Creative portal editor and interior stylist Chris Carroll.

Throw all the rubbish out of the house... - easier said than done. According to my observations, this activity causes a storm of emotions and sentimental memories, and getting rid of old things and memories is, to put it mildly, not easy. Meanwhile, the benefits of a clean home are endless. Many do not even realize what effect a cluttered house can have on the mood. The feeling of being caught in a trap, the feeling of being overwhelmed are sure symptoms that the amount of things has exceeded reasonable limits.

Pull it all out

Choose the room you want to start with and take everything out of the closets, chests of drawers, baskets and tables that are located there. It's important to take everything out, even recent purchases, so you can appreciate how much you actually have. I would suggest doing it early in the morning and maybe even call friends or family for help. You have a lot of work to do (you can break it down into a couple of days).

You may have to use the floor of the corridor or the next room, because the next thing you need to do is sort all the things, and the space of the room in which they were stored may not be enough.

Divide all things into three piles: "throw away", "leave" and "give away". You can add another category: "incomprehensible", things from which you will sort out at the very end, when the sentimentality in you decreases, and the determination to get rid of things gets stronger.

What to throw away and what to keep?

Remember that the more junk you throw away, the calmer your life will be. It will be hard at first, but as you sort things out, keep your goal in mind and try to manage your emotions.

With piles of "throw away" and "give away" everything is simple, but what to do with things that fall into the category of "incomprehensible"? Ask yourself why did you keep them? And, more importantly, when was the last time you used them, and why are they really dear to you? If you haven't used something for more than six months and haven't even remembered that you have this thing (and you don't have a compelling reason to leave it), it's time to say goodbye to it.

The approach to memorabilia, of course, should be different. Drawings of children, souvenirs brought by loved ones and other cute little things can and should be left. Just find a suitable place for them so that they do not scatter around the house and litter it.

Souvenirs on cabinet shelves

Inspect Furniture

Dismantling the things that you store in the closet and under the bed is half the battle. In addition, you will need to take a critical look at the furniture itself: how do you use it, does it help you live better, or clutter up the space even more?

Ask yourself which pieces of furniture do you actually use and which ones are just for beauty and take up space that could be put to better use? Often we buy armchairs where nobody sits or bookshelves for volumes that will never be read. If you haven't used something in months, maybe you shouldn't keep it at home anymore? Of course, this rule applies primarily to small houses, where every centimeter of space must be used wisely.

If you have a large house, and an armchair that no one ever sits on, but serves as the visual center of the room, I would not advise you to throw it away. Here it will be more important to look at the interior as a whole and understand what role things play in it, than to proceed only from their functionality.

How to store what is left?

I noticed that often it's not that we have too many things, but that we don't know how to store them properly. What we cannot find a suitable place for, accumulates on tables, in sideboards, in the bottom drawers of chests of drawers and creates a feeling of clutter.

Now that there are no unnecessary things and furniture standing in our way, I recommend thinking about storage systems that will best suit your home and your needs. The choice in each case will be individual, but most likely you will need cabinets with glass doors for memorable and beautiful gizmos and ordinary closed shelves for storing everything else.

Shelving with wicker baskets - good decision for children's or common rooms, and hanging shelves will look neater if some of the things laid out on them are transferred to signed cardboard boxes.

Showcase for beautiful little things in

I hope these ideas help you clear some space in your home, and I believe you'll feel better about tidying up your rooms and making room for positive energy!


It's useless to fight it. The desire to drag a lot of valuable things into your mink, to keep them longer is characteristic of all living things, even gophers. It remains only to relax and enjoy. And yet, you can optimize stocks, their position in space and your attitude towards them.

What is rubbish is a truly philosophical question. This is where the whole point lies: if you understand that there is rubbish, consider that you got rid of it.

Trying to define rubbish subject by subject is a hopeless business. For some, egg shells are garbage, and for some, valuable fertilizer for their favorite cabbage; to another, a bunch of old cogs and bolts is rubbish, and to another, a future transistor receiver. There are things that are rarely used, there are those that will never be useful, they lie and lie. Sometimes they warm the soul, sometimes they don't. Rubbish is just something that is never used, lies like a dead weight and does not warm the soul, but only makes you want to put it away and not see it.

Rubbish is not born, rubbish is made

The process of turning a normal thing into rubbish is complex and mysterious, the reasons and features of it lie in our soul. Here's a good thing, it's a pity to throw it away, maybe it will still come in handy. And a hopelessly out of fashion, but very high-quality coat or a bunch of children's rompers are sent to the mezzanine in anticipation of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In a couple of years, even illusory hopes will melt away that the grandchildren will wear it, but the thing is good, it’s a pity to throw it away, well, suddenly it will come in handy.

But this thing will definitely come in handy! And another board is dragged into the house, which should become a handmade super chest of drawers, or a piece of fabric is bought, from which someday, when I learn how to sew, I will sew a dress. And it doesn’t matter that I’ll never learn to sew anyway ...

But this wildly cute little thing, of course, is not useful at all. But she is so cute that there is simply no way to throw her away. And empty perfume bottles, coffee jars, candy boxes and old wall calendars with crumpled but wildly cute pictures are stored, stored in our house.

Sometimes very good, useful and necessary things become trash. Only now they are useful and necessary not at all to us, but to someone else, but we, crushed by stereotypes in the spirit of “every decent family should have a crystal vase”, litter our house with cheese cutters, turbo mops, coffee sets and smart books that we don’t want to read even under pain of death. All this is neatly folded into cabinets and is never used in life, because it is perhaps more pleasant to bite off cheese from a large piece, and drink coffee from large mugs.

Various (useless) little things that are rarely used, but are difficult to store, litter the space very well. It is much easier to buy new candles for a cake at X hour than to look for where you put the old ones.

The apartment is almost hopelessly cluttered with various large-sized rubbish. For example, an old, solid and dull wardrobe or chest of drawers. He will survive both you and your grandchildren, but your grandmother could not look at him without tears.

Trash- these are possibly very good, but potentially unnecessary or hopelessly outdated things for you. All this accumulates, occupies cupboards, mezzanines and pantries, collects dust, fills the living space, requires maintenance and consumes energy. We need to get rid of all this, and the sooner the better.

Junk fighting essentially boils down to two steps. First - you need to understand that it is he who is in front of you. The second - you need to find the strength in yourself to throw him out of the house. And this should be done easily, effortlessly, so that not only your house, but also your inner world is cleared of rubbish.

14 ways to get rid of junk:

  1. Let's play moving: During cleaning, periodically ask yourself the question: "If I were moving to a new apartment now, would I take this thing with me?" If a thing is not needed in a new apartment, then why keep it in this one?
  2. Matroskin's first lesson: If you want to get rid of trash and enjoy it, sell something you don't need. Imagine that you have no money at all, and you are forced to sell things. What would you sell first? So sell it, and with the money you get, buy something you really need.
  3. The second lesson of Matroskin: To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary. But we will not do this. Before you buy a big thing, imagine what will happen to it in 5 years. You can't imagine anything good or reasonable, you don't need this thing.
  4. “Boogie Woogie Throw 27”: Right now, get up and walk around the apartment with a trash bag in your hands. You must find 27 things you don't need and throw them away immediately. The trash lies right in front of you, you just need to look at it in a new way. Pay special attention to magazines, newspapers, expired medicines, old batteries, non-working pens and markers, empty cassette boxes, empty bottles, old sponges and rags, torn tights and socks.
  5. Throw out by flylady: Look at the thing and ask yourself the following questions:
    • I love this thing?
    • Have I used it within the last year?
    • Is that really trash?
    • Do I have exactly the same thing, only better?
    • Do I really need two of these things?
    • I love this thing because it evokes my soulful memories and feelings?
    • Or does she make me feel guilty and sad when I see her?
    • Clear the room of everything that doesn't make you smile.
  6. Man is friend to dog Get a puppy. A kitten would be fine too. Everything unnecessary will be quickly gnawed and torn to shreds. Everything that you thought you needed, but did not hide in time - too. And now you can throw it all away with a light conscience.
  7. Organize a viper: Let's be realistic - it is impossible to achieve the ideal, completely get rid of rubbish it is forbidden. Therefore, we will give our home junk a cozy place, for example, a small bedside table. And we will store all the rubbish in this wonderful bedside table, and only in it. Sooner or later, the bedside table will fill up, there will be nowhere to put a new portion of rubbish, and we will have to solve the problem of what is junk from our household junk, what to put in the bedside table, and what to throw out after all. A sanctioned viper is an extremely convenient thing: the amount of trash in the apartment is limited, everything is in one place, and at the same time, you don’t have to step on your favorite corns and completely get rid of old jars and cones set aside for a rainy day. But remember that there can only be one viper in a house.
  8. Summer season: Summer cottage is wonderful and useful. It helps to easily and without remorse rid the house of a boring solid chest of drawers, out-of-fashion curtains with teapots and old jeans, but here it is important not to go to extremes and not deliberately litter the dacha itself.
  9. In the best traditions: It seems that in Italy it is customary to throw trash and old things out of the house on New Year's Eve. Isn't it a wonderful tradition? A holiday of renewal, a holiday of getting rid of junk. Be sure to celebrate it at least 2 times a year.
  10. Waste basket: With its help it is very convenient to get rid of various trifles, however, if the basket is large, then it can help in the fight against larger rubbish. All that you don't know where to put; all that you do not know what to attach to; everything that you think is useful to you, but it is not yet clear how, you put in this basket. Let it lie down. Once a week, month, quarter, the entire contents of the basket are mercilessly thrown away. By that time, the really necessary things will have already been extracted from it, and everything else - trash.
  11. Formatting the hard drive: This method helps a lot to deal with papers, documents, disks, photographs. Imagine that the filing cabinet is not a cabinet, but a hard drive that you have to format tomorrow. Everything of value must be saved today. Everything else will be destroyed. Save what you have the strength and desire for. These are really valuable things. And the rest is not a pity to throw away.
  12. Worse than a Tatar: This method is similar to the previous one, but requires a truly samurai endurance from the performer. First you hide everything of value, and then you invite guests and offer to take away whatever they like from the rest. As an added bonus, you get the opportunity not to take out the trash from the apartment - the guests will take everything out themselves.
  13. Gifts that are not needed: I would like to say separately about the pile of unnecessary gifts that fills our house several times a year. A napkin from Marya Petrovna from the staff, a vase from Elena Mikhailovna from the accounting department, an apron on duty from her mother-in-law, 24 postcards “to your favorite class teacher from 7 “b”” ... It’s good if there are receipts on the gifts and they can be returned to the store. If there are no checks, unnecessary gifts can be re-gifted. Napkin - beloved mother-in-law, a vase - Marya Petrovna. It will be more difficult with postcards, but you can also get rid of them - write thanks to each student on the postcard in response and return them back. The main thing is to crush the “inconvenient and dishonorable” complexes in oneself, it is inconvenient to store all this, and it is dishonorable to throw it in the trash.
  14. If you cannot change the world, then change your attitude towards it: If you stubbornly fail to throw away the rubbish, you can change your attitude towards it. For example, you can declare yourself a collector, and then your school folder with crumpled postcards will become not junk, but a collection. Can't you throw away the bronze chandelier that your beloved mother-in-law decided to keep in your apartment? Call it a family heirloom and tell guests the tales and legends associated with this antique.

When getting rid of rubbish, it is important not to fall into two extremes: on the one hand, do not turn into Plushkin and still rid your house of various junk, on the other hand, you must remember that, in fact, some are old and unnecessary we need things.
