Tell us how the water cycle occurs in nature. The water cycle

Ministry of Education and Science Federal State Educational Institution

Secondary vocational education

"Chernushinsky Polytechnic College"

Specialty: 130503 “Development and operation of oil and gas fields”


Water cycle in nature

Is done by a student

Groups No. 15

Samiev Vlas

Checked by: Teacher

Gorbunova L.M.

Introduction 4

1. Conditions of water 5

Water cycle in nature 6

3. Cycle of other substances 10

Conclusion 17

References 18


It is known that the human body consists of almost 65% water. Water is part of tissues; without it, normal functioning of the body, the metabolic process, maintaining heat balance, removing metabolic products, etc. are impossible.
Loss of large amounts of water by the body is dangerous to human life. In hot areas without water a person can die in 5-7 days, but without food a person can live if there is water long time. Even in cold zones, a person needs about 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day to maintain normal performance.

If the amount of water that a person loses reaches 10% of body weight per day, a significant decrease in performance occurs, and if it increases to 25%, this usually leads to death. However, even with a large loss of water, all disrupted processes in the body are quickly restored if the body is replenished with water to normal levels.

Use in everyday life. Food and Beverage: Water used for drinking, cooking, ice, beverages, canned food, and many other food products is only a small part of its vast range of uses. However, this requires compliance with the drinking water quality standard

Industrial applications. The use of water in industry depends on the nature and volume of industry in a particular region. This could be cooling and heating systems, food production, recycling of industrial waste, etc.

Lack of moisture serves as a limiting factor that determines the boundaries of life and its zonal distribution. When there is a lack of water, animals and plants develop adaptations to obtain and conserve it.

1. Conditions of water

Water in nature can be found in three states: solid, liquid and gaseous. Water can change from one state to another - from solid to liquid (melt), from liquid to solid (freeze), from liquid to gaseous (evaporate), from gaseous to liquid, turning into droplets of water.

Figure 1. States of water: solid, liquid, gaseous.

There are two types of liquid water on the planet's surface: salty and fresh. Salt water is found in the seas and oceans, fresh water is found in rivers, lakes, streams, reservoirs, and swamps. Groundwater can be either fresh or salty. In this case, the latter are called mineral waters.

The area of ​​seas and oceans on Earth is many times greater than the area of ​​all rivers, lakes, swamps and reservoirs combined. Therefore, there is many times more salt water on our planet than fresh water.

Solid water can be found in the form of snow and ice. Ice on Earth is found in glaciers. Glaciers can be mountain or cover. Mountain glaciers are located on the highest mountain peaks, where, due to low temperatures throughout the year, the snow that falls does not have time to melt. The largest glaciers are located in the mountains of the Caucasus, Himalayas, Tien Shan, and Pamirs 1.

Water gas is water vapor in the atmosphere that we see from the ground as clouds. Clouds form at different altitudes and therefore have different appearances and shapes. Depending on this, clouds are divided into stratus, cirrus, cumulus, etc.

Water cycle in nature

The water cycle in nature.

Water is in constant movement. Evaporating from the surface of reservoirs, soil, plants, water accumulates in the atmosphere and, sooner or later, falls in the form of precipitation, replenishing reserves in oceans, rivers, lakes, etc. Thus, the amount of water on Earth does not change, it only changes its forms - this is the water cycle in nature. Of all precipitation that falls, 80% falls directly into the ocean. For us, the remaining 20% ​​that falls on land is of greatest interest, since most water sources used by humans are replenished precisely from this type of precipitation. To put it simply, water that falls on land has two paths. Or it, collecting in streams, rivulets and rivers, ends up in lakes and reservoirs - the so-called open (or surface) sources of water intake. Or water, seeping through the soil and subsoil layers, replenishes groundwater reserves. Surface and groundwater constitute the two main sources of water supply. Both of these water resources are interconnected and have both their advantages and disadvantages as a source of drinking water.

The water cycle is one of the grandest processes on the surface of the globe. He plays main role in linking geological and biotic cycles. In the biosphere, water, continuously moving from one state to another, makes small and large cycles. The evaporation of water from the surface of the ocean, the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere and the precipitation on the surface of the ocean form a small cycle. If water vapor is carried by air currents to land, the cycle becomes much more complicated.

In this case, part of the precipitation evaporates and goes back into the atmosphere, the other feeds rivers and reservoirs, but ultimately returns to the ocean again by river and underground runoff, thereby completing the large cycle. An important property of the water cycle is that, interacting with the lithosphere, atmosphere and living matter, it links together all parts of the hydrosphere: the ocean, rivers, soil moisture, groundwater and atmospheric moisture. Water is the most important component of all living things. Groundwater, penetrating through plant tissue during the process of transpiration, introduces mineral salts necessary for the life of the plants themselves 2 .

The slowest part of the water cycle is the activity of polar glaciers, which reflects the slow movement and rapid melting of glacial masses. After atmospheric moisture, river waters are characterized by the greatest exchange activity, which changes on average every 11 days. The extremely rapid renewability of the main sources of fresh water and the desalination of water in the process of the cycle are a reflection of the global process of water dynamics on the globe.

The water cycle on the Earth's surface consists of 520 thousand km of falling and the same mass of evaporating water. At the same time, 109,000 km fall on the continents per year, and 72,000 km evaporate. The difference of 37,000 km is the digital value of the total river flow. More water evaporates from the surface of the World Ocean (448,000 km) than precipitation falls (441,000 km). The difference is covered by river runoff.

A huge water cycle accompanies the process of creating organic matter. The oxygen released by plants is formed during the reaction of photosynthesis due to the splitting of water. However, only about 1% of the water passing from the soil through plants into the atmosphere is consumed for photosynthesis. To grow 1 quintal of wheat, plants must pass through at least 10,000 kg of water. According to calculations, during the formation of the planetary biomass of all currently existing living organisms, as a result of photosynthesis, an amount of water was broken down that was 3.5 times greater than the amount found in all the rivers of the world.

The time required for all the water on our planet to pass through the biological cycle system can be determined as follows. The total mass of water in the outer shells of the Earth - the earth's crust, hydrosphere and atmosphere is 160,000,000 billion tons. The mass of water captured by the annual production of photosynthetic organisms is about 800 billion tons/year. The period of complete circulation of all water in the process of formation of living matter is approximately 2 million years. Thus, the entire enormous mass of the Earth’s hydrosphere over 2 million years passes through plant organisms, the mass of which is negligible compared to the water shell.

The circular movements of water are not limited to the surface of the Earth. A significant amount of water is present in rocks in the form of film and pore water, and even more is included in the composition of minerals formed in the hypergenesis zone. All clay minerals, iron oxides and other compounds common in this zone contain water. It is estimated that a 16-kilometer layer of the earth's crust contains approximately 200 million km of water. Entering the deep zones of the earth's crust, bound forms of water are gradually released and included in metamorphic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes. With volcanic gases and hot springs, deep waters reach the surface.

3. Cycle of other substances

Carbon cycle

Carbon in the biosphere is often represented by the most mobile form - carbon dioxide. The source of primary carbon dioxide in the biosphere is volcanic activity associated with secular degassing of the mantle and lower horizons of the earth's crust.

The migration of carbon dioxide in the Earth's biosphere occurs in two ways. The first way is to absorb it during photosynthesis with the formation of organic substances and their subsequent burial in the lithosphere in the form of peat, coal, mountain shale, dispersed organic matter, and sedimentary rocks.

Thus, in distant geological epochs hundreds of millions of years ago, a significant part of photosynthesized organic matter was not used by either consumers or decomposers, but accumulated and was gradually buried under various mineral sediments. Being in the rocks for millions of years, this detritus under the influence of high temperatures and pressure (metamorphization process) turned into oil, natural gas and coal, what exactly - depended on the source material, duration and conditions of residence in the rocks. We now extract enormous quantities of these fossil fuels to meet our energy needs, and by burning them we, in a sense, complete the carbon cycle. If not for this process in the history of the planet, humanity would probably now have completely different sources of energy, and perhaps a completely different direction in the development of civilization 3 .

In the second way, carbon migration is carried out by creating a carbonate system in various reservoirs, where CO2 turns into H3CO3, HCO31-, CO32-. Then, with the help of calcium (less commonly magnesium) dissolved in water, carbonates CaCO3 are precipitated via biogenic and abiogenic pathways. Thick limestone strata appear. Along with this large carbon cycle, there are also a number of small carbon cycles on the land surface and in the ocean.

On land where there is vegetation, atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed during photosynthesis during the daytime. At night, part of it is released by plants into the external environment. With the death of plants and animals on the surface, organic substances are oxidized to form CO2. A special place in the modern cycle of substances is occupied by the massive combustion of organic substances and the gradual increase in carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere associated with the growth of industrial production and transport.

Figure 3. Carbon cycle.

Oxygen cycle

Oxygen is the most active gas. Within the biosphere, there is a rapid exchange of environmental oxygen with living organisms or their remains after death.

In the composition of the earth's atmosphere, oxygen ranks second after nitrogen. The dominant form of oxygen in the atmosphere is the O2 molecule. The oxygen cycle in the biosphere is very complex, since it enters into many chemical compounds of the mineral and organic worlds.

Free oxygen in the modern earth's atmosphere is a by-product of the photosynthesis process of green plants and its total amount reflects the balance between the production of oxygen and the processes of oxidation and decay of various substances. There came a time in the history of the Earth's biosphere when the amount of free oxygen reached a certain level and turned out to be balanced in such a way that the amount of oxygen released became equal to the amount of oxygen absorbed 4 .

Nitrogen cycle

When organic matter rots, a significant part of the nitrogen contained in them is converted into ammonia, which, under the influence of trificating bacteria living in the soil, is then oxidized into nitric acid. The latter, reacting with carbonates in the soil, for example with calcium carbonate CaCO3, forms nitrates:

2HN03 + CaCO3 = Ca(NO3)2 + COS + H0H

Some part of the nitrogen is always released during decay in free form into the atmosphere. Free nitrogen is also released during the combustion of organic substances, when burning wood, coal, peat. In addition, there are bacteria that, if there is insufficient air access, can take oxygen away from nitrates, destroying them and releasing free nitrogen. The activity of these detrifying bacteria leads to the fact that part of the nitrogen from the form available to green plants (nitrates) becomes inaccessible (free nitrogen). Thus, not all the nitrogen that was part of the dead plants returns back to the soil; part of it is gradually released in free form.

The continuous loss of mineral nitrogen compounds should have long ago led to the complete cessation of life on Earth if processes did not exist in nature to compensate for the loss of nitrogen. Such processes include, first of all, electrical discharges occurring in the atmosphere, during which a certain amount of nitrogen oxides is always formed; the latter produce nitric acid with water, which is converted into nitrates in the soil. Another source of replenishment of soil nitrogen compounds is the vital activity of so-called azotobacteria, which are capable of assimilating atmospheric nitrogen. Some of these bacteria settle on the roots of plants from the legume family, causing the formation of characteristic swellings - “nodules”, which is why they are called nodule bacteria. Assimilating atmospheric nitrogen, nodule bacteria process it into nitrogen compounds, and plants, in turn, convert the latter into proteins and other complex substances.

Thus, a continuous nitrogen cycle occurs in nature. However, every year, the most protein-rich parts of plants, such as grain, are removed from the fields with the harvest. Therefore, it is necessary to add fertilizers to the soil to compensate for the loss of essential plant nutritional elements.

Figure 4. Nitrogen cycle.

Phosphorus and sulfur cycle

Phosphorus is part of genes and molecules that transfer energy inside cells. Phosphorus is found in various minerals as inorganic phosphathione (PO43-). Phosphates are soluble in water, but not volatile.

Plants absorb PO43- from aqueous solution and incorporate phosphorus into various organic compounds, where it appears in the form of so-called organic phosphate. Phosphorus moves through food chains from plants to all other organisms in the ecosystem.

With each transition, there is a high probability of oxidation of a phosphorus-containing compound during cellular respiration to provide energy to the body. When this happens, the phosphate in urine or its analogue is released back into the environment, after which it can again be taken up by plants and begin a new cycle.

Unlike, for example, carbon dioxide, which, wherever it is released into the atmosphere, is freely transported in it by air currents until it is again absorbed by plants, phosphorus does not have a gas phase and, therefore, does not “freely return” to the atmosphere. Getting into water bodies, phosphorus saturates and sometimes oversaturates ecosystems.

There is essentially no way back. Some may return to land with the help of fish-eating birds, but this is a very small part of the total, and it also ends up near the coast. Ocean phosphate deposits rise above the water's surface over time as a result of geological processes, but this occurs over millions of years.

Consequently, phosphate and other mineral soil nutrients circulate in the ecosystem only if the “waste” containing them is deposited in places where this element is absorbed. This is basically what happens in natural ecosystems. When people interfere with their functioning, they disrupt the natural cycle, transporting, for example, crops along with nutrients accumulated from the soil over long distances to consumers.

Figure 5. Phosphorus cycle.

Sulfur occurs in nature both in a free state (native sulfur) and in various compounds. Sulfur compounds with various metals are very common. Among sulfur compounds, sulfates are also common in nature, mainly calcium and magnesium. Finally, sulfur compounds are found in plants and animals.

Sulfur is widely used in the national economy. In its sulfur-colored form, sulfur is used to kill certain plant pests. It is also used for the preparation of matches, ultramarine (blue paint), carbon disulfide and a number of other substances.

The sulfur cycle occurs in the atmosphere and lithosphere. Sulfur enters the atmosphere in the form of sulfates, sulfuric anhydride and sulfur from the lithosphere during volcanic eruptions, in the form of hydrogen sulfide due to the decomposition of pyrite (FeS2) and organic compounds. Anthropogenic sources of sulfur entering the atmosphere are thermal power plants and other facilities where coal, oil and other hydrocarbons are burned, and sulfur enters the lithosphere, in particular into the soil, through fertilizers and organic compounds 5 .

The transfer of sulfur compounds in the atmosphere is carried out by air currents, and falls on the earth's surface either in the form of dust or with precipitation in the form of rain (acid rain) and snow.

On the surface of the Earth in soil and water bodies, sulfate and sulfite sulfur compounds are bound with calcium to form gypsum (CaSO4). In addition, sulfur is buried in sedimentary rocks with organic remains of plant and animal origin, from which coal and oil are subsequently formed.

In the soil, the change in sulfur compounds occurs with the participation of sulphobacteria that use sulfate compounds and release hydrogen sulfide, which enters the atmosphere and oxidizes again into sulfates. In addition, hydrogen sulfide in the soil can be reduced to sulfur, which is oxidized to sulfates by denitrifying bacteria.


One of the remarkable discoveries of geochemistry is to establish that the movement of many chemical elements occurs in the form of circular processes - cycles. It is these elements that make up the earth’s crust, the liquid and gas shells of our planet. Their circulations can occur in a limited space and over short periods of time, or they can cover the entire outer part of the planet and huge periods. At the same time, small cycles are included in larger ones, which together form colossal biogeochemical cycles. They are closely related to the environment.

In the biosphere, as in every ecosystem, there is a constant cycle of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur and other chemical elements. Energy enters ecosystems during photosynthesis and is dissipated primarily as heat when organisms use it to function. Due to the continuous loss of energy, it is necessary that it equally continuously enters ecosystems in the form of solar energy. In contrast, water and nutrients undergo a continuous cycle.

The topic I have discussed is very relevant in the light of the modern environmental situation. Water is the source of life on earth. But, as it turns out, it is not infinite. The fact is that pollution of the earth's water resources is currently global in nature.

It is very important to ensure “nature” the normal functioning of its basic metabolic cycles.


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The main liquid of the planet

Water is the most important component of the life of any biological organism on Earth. Therefore, it is important to study, observe and monitor the quantity, quality and condition of the planet’s water resource. The main reserves of this life-giving moisture are concentrated in the oceans. And already evaporating from there, moisture nourishes the Earth, thanks to a process called the water cycle in nature. Water is a very mobile substance and easily passes from one state to another. And, thanks to this, it can easily reach the most remote corners from the source. How does this process happen?

How and why does water circulate?

Under the influence of heat emitted by the Sun, water constantly evaporates from the surface of the ocean, turning into a gaseous state. Together with currents of warm air, steam rises upward, forming clouds. They are easily carried away by the wind from the original place of evaporation. Gradually capturing more and more new vapors on their way, the clouds cool down on their way up. At some point, the next stage begins - condensation. It is possible when the air becomes saturated (100% humidity) with water vapor. This usually happens when there is sufficient cooling. It is known that maximum amount The vapor that can be retained in the air is proportional to its temperature, therefore, at a certain moment of cooling, the cloud becomes saturated with steam, which leads to the transition of water to the next - liquid or crystalline - state. And if the cloud is still above the ocean at this moment, then the moisture returns to where it came from. This is how one small water cycle in nature ended. This process does not stop for a minute. The water above the world's oceans constantly circulates.

How water circulates over land

Not all moisture falls back into the ocean. A large number of The steam, together with the trade winds and monsoons, moves deep into the continents, falling as precipitation to the Earth as it moves. Part of this moisture is retained in the upper layers of the soil, feeding plants, the other part flows down to streams and rivers so that, upon reaching the seas and oceans, it evaporates again and enters the next water cycle in nature. A very small proportion of the precipitation will seep deep through the soil, and, having reached the waterproof layer (clay, rock), will flow down this slope. Some of the groundwater will again find its way to the surface, forming springs with crystal clean water, to later flow into rivers and evaporate again for the next cycle. And the other part of them will continue to seep through cracks and crevices into the bowels of the Earth until it reaches layers with high temperatures, where it will again turn into steam, in order to again spin in an underground cycle or break out to the surface as a thermal spring.

Water routes in nature

About four hundred thousand cubic kilometers of water evaporate into the air every year, and only one-fifth of it falls on land, the area of ​​which is three times smaller than the surface of the world's oceans. Water evaporates from the surface of the land not only from the soil, but also from vegetation: every leaf on a tree and every blade of grass on Earth. It is extremely difficult to track all possible movements of water. But it’s quite possible to simulate a highly simplified version that demonstrates the water cycle in nature for children, even in your apartment.

Experiment demonstrating evaporation and condensation of moisture

To demonstrate the first stage of the cycle - the evaporation of water from the surface of reservoirs under the influence of sunlight - it will be enough to take a glass half filled with water, place it in a plastic hermetically sealed bag and attach it with tape to the window glass on a sunny day. After some time (depending on the temperature in the room and the intensity of sunlight), you will see that the walls of the bag are fogged up, and after a while, droplets of water form on them.

Demonstration model of the complete water cycle

A more complex model can be assembled using a container partially filled with water tinted with blue dye (imitation of the world's oceans), or a transparent, possibly perforated, bag filled with sand in sufficient quantities to rise more than half above the water (land). Cover the entire structure as tightly as possible with plastic wrap and secure it. Place a small container with ice over the “land” (ice will create the cold necessary for the experiment in the upper layers of the “atmosphere”), above the “ocean” place a table lamp (Sun), which will emit heat. Having turned it on, after a while we will get moisture condensation on the film, above land, in a cold place, which a little later will fall in drops onto land. And if the bag is perforated, then you can see how moisture seeps through the sand and flows lower and lower to the ocean.

What can we do?

The water cycle in the biosphere is very important process for the whole planet. The disruption or loss of even one link will lead to global and, very likely, irreparable consequences for everyone. Australian and American scientists, based on their weather observations spanning 50 years, have concluded that the water cycle in nature has begun to accelerate due to global warming. And this, in turn, will lead to the fact that arid areas will become even drier, and where the climate is now rainy, even more precipitation will fall. All this proves one thing: humanity should take its activities, which are inextricably linked with nature, more seriously.

Water is the basis of all life on Earth. The amount of liquid on the planet does not change throughout the existence of the world, but the water cycle in nature occurs continuously. Without this process, life would not exist on Earth.

The water cycle gives rise to many curious circumstances. Here are the most interesting facts:

1. Pierre Perrault, who built the Louvre’s water supply system, began to talk about hydrocirculation back in the 17th century. It took two centuries before scientists proved that the water cycle works like this:

  • water evaporates from oceans, reservoirs and the earth's surface;
  • steam rises into the atmosphere and moves with air currents to different parts of the planet;
  • In cold areas, condensation occurs and moisture falls down in the form of precipitation or dew.

2. As a result of the cycle, the water is purified, changes its composition and appearance (salty becomes fresh, ice turns into liquid, drops lose or are filled with microelements). As water circulates, it carries beneficial components, but microbes and viruses travel along with the moisture. 85% of known diseases can be contracted through water.

3. Water is completely renewed in the atmosphere in a week and a half, and in the ocean in 3.5 thousand years. The raindrops you see were in the ocean about 2 months ago.

4. Water in nature moves due to the Sun and gravity. In addition to the atmosphere, water is carried by rivers, underground currents and living organisms.

5. Approximately 306 billion liters of water per day are poured onto the earth from the atmosphere. The most precipitation falls on the Hawaiian island of Kauai (the average amount is 11,684 mm per year, and this is just one of the records). And in the desert the rain evaporates without ever reaching the sand.

6. The use of water by humanity does not reduce its amount in nature. Resources used by people participate in circulation and end up back into water bodies and soil. Pollution is harmful because the chemicals and heavy metals with which we “charge” the water are carried throughout the atmosphere, seas and oceans. Acid rain- the result of human negligence.

But in nature there is no absolutely pure (distilled) water. Only a person can make it like this.

7. The water in the ocean is not only salty, but also nutritious thanks to plankton. Scientists claim that the nutritional value of the Atlantic Ocean alone is estimated at 20 thousand crops, which are harvested throughout the entire land per year.

8. The water cycle contributes to the thermoregulation of the earth's spheres and affects the climate. The greenhouse effect disrupts water circulation. Some scientists argue that glaciers are melting, precipitation is increasing, and as a result the planet will overflow with water. Others believe that rising temperatures increase evaporation, so the Earth is at risk of drought.

9. B human body 70% water. Having lost 1%, we feel thirsty. And a 20% lack of fluid is fatal.

10. The water cycle is not only about movement on the surface of the planet. Underground flows are a huge reservoir of fluid that moves and interacts with external environment(replenished by rains through the ground, splashes out through geysers, springs, streams in valleys and ravines).

The water cycle is a natural phenomenon, the key to our existence. Humans’ careful attitude towards water resources will help nature preserve its unique ability to give and support life on the planet.

More precisely, individual fragments of this “classical scheme” work: evaporation of water takes place, including from the surface of the ocean, occasionally the formation of clouds from water condensate occurs, and clouds are carried by the wind, but these fragments occupy less than 5% of the total cycle water in nature, this partial diagram is presented in the general scheme of the cycle.

According to the definition of concepts, a superficial, non-basic property of an object, passed off as the main, main thing, is called a FALSE(what is on top, on the BED, is supposed to be)

Therefore, the scheme recognized by official science is a lie in its purest form.

The illogicality of the generally accepted scheme of the “Water Cycle”:

The clouds are the same in summer and winter;

The appearance of cloud structures out of nowhere;

Formation of clouds in the same place;

Same air humidity before and after a thunderstorm;

The fall of rainwater is incommensurate with the size of the cloud;

Flooding disproportionate to the precipitation;

Floods surrounded by a ring of drought in the center of the continents;

Months of drought in Indonesia high temperature and plenty of water;

- “singing” wells: inhale – sunny, exhale – rain;

Swamps that subside in a few hours;

Rise of ground and underground waters during cyclones;

Lowering of ground and underground waters during anticyclones;

Meteorological anomalies accompanying earthquakes;

Springs flowing from the top of a mountain;

Mineral springs flowing on the plains;

Thermal springs in deep ocean ridges.

Alternative theories to explain the actual pattern of the water cycle:

In the geospheres there is a cycle of conversion of energy into matter (H2O) and vice versa;

Water in the lithosphere rises in streams from the bowels of the Earth;

Water in the atmosphere is formed not only due to evaporation from the surface of the earth;

The water in many types of clouds is synthesized by radiation from the deep interior of the Earth;

Rain clouds are not reservoirs of water, but reactors that produce rainwater;

The water balance in the atmosphere is determined by barocenters, and not by cyclones and winds.

The generally accepted “Water Cycle” scheme DOES NOT WORK.

And this can be understood if you take a closer look at the beautiful advertising pictures of travel agencies.

The seashore in warm weather - it would seem good conditions for the formation of clouds - but they are not in the sky for whole weeks.

No clouds are visible all day long on the shores of the warm sea.

No clouds are visible for days on end, either on the cultivated shore or on the wild shore of the warm sea.

Take Indonesia for example. The islands on the equator are surrounded by an ocean of warm water, the sun heats up to 40 degrees - ideal conditions for evaporation of moisture and condensation into clouds. But there is not a cloud in the sky for months. And instead of rain there is drought for six months.

To understand how the real scheme of the water cycle works in nature, you first need to understand what Ether is (in the table it is called Newtonium)


– particles of matter measuring 10 to minus 50 degrees of a meter or less;

– electrons, nucleons, nuclei, atoms, molecules, bodies, etc. are formed from these particles.

– first bricks of matter;

- the material basis of the Universe.

Moving from one level of dimension to another down to the atomic level, the ether provides energetic manifestations in nature.

Scheme of energy exchange between Earth and Space.

From Space, cosmic ether enters the Earth, the ether of heavier fractions is processed and leaves.

The places where the incoming flow of cosmic ether predominates are places of anticyclones.

Places where the flow of ether emerging from the bowels of the Earth predominates are places of cyclones.

In areas of the anticyclone there is clear, calm weather.
In areas of the cyclone there is rainy, stormy weather.

Below is a schematic diagram of the cycle of water and ether in nature, energy exchange: the world’s ether enters the Earth, inside the Earth it is converted into heavy fractions of ether, and comes out.

At the same time, near the surface of the Earth, it partially transforms into matter (different chemical elements, so-called "mineral resources"), into water on the Earth's surface and at different levels of the atmosphere; the non-materialized, unmaterialized ether goes back into space.

As a result, understanding:

Oil, gas and other minerals will never run out (if they are extracted faster than the Earth reproduces them from the ether, cataclysms will increase), but they must be extracted for certain needs very carefully;

A person can influence the weather with technology and thoughts;

Man, like the Earth, breathes not only air, but also ether. To breathe ether, you do not need to inhale and exhale in the usual sense of these words; in ordinary breathing, we breathe ether as well. All substances necessary for human life can be synthesized from ether. How can one learn this - to feed on the “Holy Spirit” in order to get rid of food addiction, in spite of “Pyaterochka”, “Kopeechka” and other retailers? ;-)

Much has been said and written. It is the subject of intense observation, research and debate. They agree on only one thing - its pricelessness and irreplaceability. Through blue arteries it penetrates into all processes and organisms on the planet, making them alive. Moreover, all spheres of activity, biomechanisms and creatures on Earth are intertwined and interact with each other. Nothing and no one exists just like that, without a reason. Everything is a chain of life, and the exclusion of one link can lead to a catastrophic imbalance. As adherents of the chaos theory say: “the flapping of a butterfly’s wings at one end of the earth can lead to a hurricane at the other.”

How did water originate?

So, where did life-giving moisture come from on Earth? There is also no consensus here. The world was divided into two camps of opposing theories - “cosmic cold” and “terrestrial hot”. The first describes the emergence of water from a piece of ice. Billions of years ago, meteorites, comets, and fragments of various cosmic bodies actively fell on our planet, bringing with them moisture and various organic compounds. And in the place where it is now Pacific Ocean, a giant icy asteroid landed. It gradually melted, spreading across the Earth and filling the depressions, moving into its depths.

Many are for the cosmic theory of the origin of water

However, opponents consider this theory incompatible with life. Seas and oceans, unlike fresh water bodies, contain deuterium, the so-called “heavy hydrogen”. Cosmic bodies also contain this substance, but in much larger quantities.

The “hot” theory proposes to consider the third planet from the Sun as a burning ball. It is believed that it all started with a huge cloud of gas and dust, where the liquid was held by dust particles at temperatures above 600 degrees Celsius. And when the cooling process began, water began to separate and evaporate, like sweat on the surface of the Earth. No need, it arose thanks to the natural cycle.

The water cycle

The water cycle in nature is its cyclic movement in the biosphere. In other words, liquid evaporates from the surface of the earth, fresh and salty bodies of water and is carried by air currents. Also, the components of this process are precipitation and groundwater.

What's the point

Let's look at the features of a unique natural phenomenon.

  • Water occupies ¾ of the Earth's territory, and most of it (about 97%) is salty.
  • Due to evaporation, seas, unlike land, lose more moisture than they receive through precipitation. But, thanks to constant circulation, the amount of liquid remains unchanged.
  • The cycle is also carried out due to the ability of water to be in three states: liquid, gaseous and solid. There are constant processes of interchange between water, air and earth's surfaces. These are condensation, vapor movement, various effluents, precipitation atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain, snow or hail.
  • Thanks to sunlight, moisture evaporates and seeps into the ground, forming reservoirs and saturating underground sources.
  • Some of the sediment accumulates in glaciers, remaining there from a couple of months to hundreds of years.
  • There is also an exchange underground - ground sources interact with the land in the form of springs and deep wells.
  • To continue the cycle, the water will sooner or later return back to the ocean.

To visualize a video from YouTube:

Types of gyres:

  • Large - vapors that formed over the world's oceans are sent by air masses to the continents, falling as rain and snow, and return in the form of runoff. The importance of the natural mechanism is great - salt water is converted into fresh water, and dirty water is purified.
  • Small - moisture from the oceans, precipitation falls back.
  • Inland - liquid evaporated above the ground returns there.

The importance of water in human life

H2O - essential element for proper functioning, and its content in the organs is amazing:

  • Heart, kidneys, lungs – more than 80%;
  • Blood – 85%;
  • Bones – 30%;
  • Tooth enamel – 0.3%;
  • Saliva, gastric juice, urine – 95-99%.

And after the given figures, how can one not believe the phrase that “man is an aquatic creature.” Of course, humans and animals can secrete "primordial fluid" from foods and body tissues. However, to be healthy, help your body - drink clean water in the right amount. Divide your weight by 8 and this is the easiest way.

Loss of 50% of blood leads to death. Dehydration of 20-30% will lead to the same terrifying consequences. Because of the global importance of these biological entities, they are constantly compared. A chemical composition plasma and waters of the World Ocean are very similar.

Comparisons of the composition of blood and water in the ocean
Substance Blood composition Composition of the oceans
Cl 49,3 55
Na 30 30,6
K 1,8 1,1
Ca 0,8 1,2
O2 9,9 5,6

Anthropogenic factors play a significant role in the water cycle. In other words, everything that a person’s hand touches. Much has already been said about the necessary, but sometimes reckless steps of society in the pursuit of technology and improving the quality of life. The continuous growth of industry and agriculture, deforestation, soil irrigation, artificial reservoirs and dams are just a few of the factors that change the natural course of processes. The balance is disrupted, the return of the liquid occurs with a delay and in a completely different territory, and about 10% is withdrawn forever. Another problem is the return of water in the form of runoff, which pollutes water bodies and the environment.

Man constantly interferes with natural processes

Not surprising, because humanity uses water resources with progressive zeal. Nominally, areas of use can be divided into personal, household and industrial.

Personal consumption

In the age of universally accessible knowledge, people are selective in choosing goods. In the personal sphere, cleanliness and safety are more important - a bad product will instantly appear on the body. We need to know what exactly we drink and. It is also important what newborns are bathed in, because it has been proven that excess hard salts lead to allergies and asthma.

At home

Quality in everyday life is also necessary - we wash, clean, water flowers, pour water into equipment (vacuum cleaners, washing machines, irons). This can have a negative impact and shorten the life of clothing and household appliances. However, the most important aspect in this direction is precisely the amount of resources consumed. Often these processes are uncontrolled and thoughtless. For example, a toilet cistern that is leaking consumes more than 260 liters per day!

How to save water at home

If the average family reduces household water consumption by 20%, in a year this amount can form a lake with a depth of 2 meters and 200 in diameter.

Industrial needs

On average, 90% of water is allocated to the production sector: 20% industry and 70% - agriculture. The scale is truly amazing. The developed agricultural industry literally feeds the country, so the number of irrigation canals, wells, wells, springs and reservoirs is constantly expanding. Basically, resources are consumed for the following needs:

  • fields and greenhouses;
  • livestock and poultry farms;
  • pastures;
  • product processing enterprises;
  • preventive measures to reduce groundwater levels;
  • salt leaching;
  • protection against low temperatures;
  • application of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides;
  • economic needs of the locality itself.

Irrigation of fields


Pollution problems are the most pressing in the world. You can remember your grandmother’s stories that they used to drink rainwater and bathe in it, but now no one is surprised by acidic precipitation and foaming puddles. On the crest of a wave of industrial development, wastewater pollution has reached its peak. With them, they enter water bodies and soil superficially. active substances(responsible for foam formation), peroxide compounds, pesticides, herbicides and many other dangerous elements. This leads to “blooming”, poor oxygen exchange and, as a consequence, to the extermination of fauna and flora, not to mention the health of the population itself.

There is only one solution to the problem - reducing emissions into water bodies and constantly improving production, purification and disposal technologies.

Water scarcity

With one comes another difficulty - the growing shortage of clean water. Even developed countries (Holland, Japan) buy it abroad, what can we say about Africa, where shortages have become a terrifying norm of life. Thousands of people are dying from dehydration or infections from dirty sources.

Alas, the culprit is both the person himself, who consumes resources before they are renewed, and the uneven distribution of fresh water bodies. The growing population of the planet and climate change have also contributed to this matter.

The world's population is growing, but resources are decreasing

People all over the world are working on solving the problem.

  • To begin with, reasonable consumption is necessary.
  • Tighter requirements for the treatment of domestic, agricultural and industrial wastewater.
  • Desalination of salt water (the reserves of which are much larger).
  • Cultivation of agricultural crops resistant to salty soil.
  • Creation of artificial forests, melting glaciers, drilling deep wells.

All of the above leads to one thing - to the preservation of the wealth given to humanity by nature. There are critically few clean resources left, and they continue to be polluted and consumed by our own actions. This affected civilizations in different parts of the world in different ways. In Ukraine, and in many European countries usually . In Singapore, for example, almost all water supplies are equipped with reverse osmosis systems and people drink from the tap. And in African countries people die in the process of extracting and consuming low-quality liquid. Nature, using the example of the water cycle, tells us that what you give out will come back. Maybe it's time to listen. After all, the well-being of an individual and the planet as a whole is created by the hands of everyone - start with yourself, and do it today!
