Magic rituals. What magical rituals can be performed at home Magic rituals

Since a long time magical rituals and ceremonies served as salvation in various life situations. Our ancestors turned to magic and were happy. Every person wants to be healthy and successful. Nowadays, in order to attract what you want, you don’t need to leaf through a bunch of literature or go to professional magicians for help.

Just look at the page on the Internet. The Internet presents a wide variety of magical rituals - for all occasions. But remember that magic can be unsafe - those who engage in black witchcraft will be required to answer for their actions before the Higher Powers.

Preparation for magical practices

Do not rush to practice magic on your own - as in any business, you also need to go through the preparatory stage of training:

  • free your mind from unnecessary thoughts;
  • accurately determine the end result;
  • let go of all problems;
  • Practice entering a meditative state.

Magic ritual to attract money

There is a very simple way to attract wealth to yourself.

Take an ordinary coin - of any denomination - and imagine how it turns into a money magnet. Continue the procedure for ten to fifteen minutes. After this, put the coin in your wallet - in the farthest pocket. Don’t even think about spending your magic talisman, otherwise you will give your luck to someone else.

Magic ritual to attract love

This magical ritual has been around for many, many years.

You will need any flower. Required condition: he must be white. Place it on the window under the moonlight - let it gain the energy of the night luminary. And in the morning, tearing off a petal, say:

“I give you, brilliant spirit, a piece of my dream. I ask you, fulfilling spirit, for the triumph of love!”

Describe in detail the man or woman of your dreams and pour it out the wide open window.

Magic ritual to attract good luck

A simple ritual that does not require anything extra will help you attract good luck.

All you need is a glass of water. Place it on the window so that sunlight reflects on the water surface. After a couple of hours, say over the charged liquid:

“Happiness, luck, luck, prosperity, success, love, understanding, harmony, health,” do this for a few minutes, the words can be repeated several times, the main thing is that they are positively colored, smile while doing this.”

The procedure can be repeated without restrictions.

Magic ritual for fulfillment of desires

Gather your thoughts and think about your dream.

Take a white handkerchief (preferably a new one) and say a wish over it. Squeeze the cloth tightly in your fist and say:

“My cherished desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of the Lord’s help, for the Heavenly Father helps those who ask him for help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will become reality, and through events it will acquire a path for fulfillment. The Holy Spirit will give to the servant of God (name) what I ask. I will tie a scarf for my wish, ask God for it and wait for it to come true. Amen".

At the end of the magical ritual, tie a scarf and hide it in a secret place. Don't touch it until your wish comes true.

Rituals with candles

Candles and their magic have been used in magic since ancient times. There is practically not a single ritual that does not involve a candle. This is a symbol of one of the most powerful elements of nature - Fire. She is able to attract love, happiness, money, prosperity. Fiery power kindles passions in a person’s soul and helps him find his way.

Let's consider the most powerful rituals and ceremonies with candles:

"Ladder of Wealth"

You need to stock up on natural candles, green woolen threads, carnation buds (there should be exactly nine of them) and a candlestick. Also take matches or a lighter.

When all the paraphernalia is completely ready, tie the buds with green thread. Leave approximately the same distance between each bud.

Take the weaving in your hands and say:

“I, the servant of God (name), created with my own hands a ladder of nine knots. I created it so that I could use it to get to great wealth, to family well-being. I, the servant of God (name), wish to have a lot of money. This is my will. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now wrap the candle with thread. For nine days you must light the wick - it is better to do this in the evening.

Remember that the ceremony is carried out during the waxing moon. And before the sacred action, you should take a bath and do some general cleaning - just like before any magical ritual. Follow all the recommendations, and the “Magic Candle” ritual will definitely help you.

"Love Magic"

Cover the table with a pink or red tablecloth, and in the very middle of it, draw a heart with a chalk or felt-tip pen. Place two candles and light them. Choose the color according to your taste.

Say the spell text:

“Great Goddess of Love, I am a slave (name), I need your help. I call on your endless power. I ask you, Goddess, light the fire of love in two hearts, keep this fire, do not let it go out and flicker. May my love (name) with a man (name) only grow stronger from year to year and bring us happiness. Let it be so".

Do not put out the candles - let their flame go out on its own. Place all the leftovers - ashes and pieces of wax - on a sheet of foil. You can draw hearts on the foil or write the name of a loved one.

Carefully roll everything up and leave it in a secluded place so that no one can interfere with the magic.

Rituals for Christmas (Christmas Eve)

The time when the Savior is born is magical - a quiet and calm atmosphere reigns around, people are kind to each other and we are filled with spiritual harmony. This is the time for the fulfillment of your deepest desires.

Legends say that everything wished for on Christmas night will definitely come true. The main thing is that the magical ritual is performed correctly.

Article on the topic:

Let's look at a couple of examples:

Ritual on the night before Christmas

If you are not in good health, magic will help you.

On January 6th, place a linen towel on the table and say a magic spell over it:

“I, the servant of God (name), speak in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, from seventy-seven ailments, from seventy-seven diseases, from the pain of love, from the torment of the night, from feigned dryness. From traveling cancer, from epilepsy, from damage and writhing. How Holy Mother The Mother of God washed her Son and dried her with a linen towel, so You, God, bless my, Thy servant (name) flax. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Whomever I, the servant of God (name), wipe with a linen towel, I will erase seventy-seven ailments and illnesses from him. Let what is said come true. Amen".

After this, wrap yourself in a towel and lie quietly for a few minutes. Whenever you feel unwell, repeat the procedure.

Ritual to enhance vital energy

On Christmas Eve, stand near a bowl of water, bend over and wash your face three times, saying:

“The Savior was born on this day, and light appeared all over the world. I, the servant of God (name), will also be saved with that light. I will have mental strength and physical strength. Let what is said come true. Amen".

Rituals for the New Year

New Year's time... What could be more magical? Use every minute - make wishes, perform rituals, communicate with the Higher Powers.

Mystical spells will intervene in your destiny and help change reality. The following occult ritual will attract true love to you.

When the clock strikes ten o'clock in the evening, place a couple of glasses filled with red wine on the table. Place a burning candle between them - preferably red. Bring the silver ring to your mouth and say:

“Ring, ring, roll onto the porch, from there onto the path, from there to the stove, which is in the house near my heart. Let my love find that ring, let it set out on its way, let it walk along the path. Yes, not to the devil, not to the mermaid, not to the queen, not to the king, but to me, who holds the ring in his hands. That it waits for its love, that its heart trembles, that it does not take its eyes off, that it starts a love song.”

Put out the fire and throw the ring out the window. Drain one glass to the bottom, and leave the second on the table until the morning.

Another New Year's ritual that activates defense mechanisms. Its mystical action will protect you from material and moral losses, will drive away evil enemies and troubles.

Exactly five minutes before twelve o'clock, tear the Christmas tree decoration from the branch and break it. Say the following words over the fragments:

“The bone-crushing dog guards my house both night and day, follows small children, wanders after husbands and wives, that no one touched them, no one offended them, no one did evil, no one opened a black mouth on them. And whoever commits an offense will be sent to the next world by a bone-crushing dog! I speak on myself and on my blood, on the roof and on the threshold, on the door and on the window, so that nothing evil will pass through the strong walls.”

Sweep them under your entryway and leave them there for a week. After this, bury the remains of the glass toy under a young fruit tree.

New moon rituals

The new moon period is the best time to start something new. The new moon gives a guarantee of a positive result.


Very often in the current situation it seems that there is no way out. Everything comes at once, problems, illnesses, and you don’t know how to get rid of them.

Today I will share with you, dear readers, some magical rituals that help cleanse your home of negative energy, protect against the evil eye, depression, stress, and evil tongues.

To believe or not to believe, everyone decides for himself. Although it’s not for nothing that they say that true faith works miracles! Proof of this is the amazing stories of people with healing.

Powerful magic ritual

There is an old powerful magic ritual. In addition, thanks to the energy of fire and faith, internal relief and cleansing from negativity comes.

The technique is very powerful, so use it only when extreme cases and preferably during a major Orthodox holiday.

It consists of two parts: the first is performed at home, and the second in the temple.

Buy 15 blessed candles and at home on each one read the prayer “Our Father” up to and including the words “... and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

Already in church, arrange and light in a certain order, with faith, reading prayers with all your heart:

Above the first and second - any “For the Repose”.

Above the third-fifth - “To the Honest Life-Giving Cross.”

How to arrange it correctly?

The first is for the repose of deceased enemies in the past and this life.

The second is for the repose of all deceased relatives in the past and this life.

The third is for the health of enemies.

The fourth is for the health and well-being of family and friends.

The fifth is for your health.

The sixth is to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ with gratitude and repentance.

Seventh - to the icon of the Mother of God, reading 5 times “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”

The eighth - to the icon of Archangel Michael with a request for help.

Ninth - to the icon of Archangel Raphael with a prayer to him.

The tenth - to your guardian angel, asking for support and protection.

Eleventh - to the icon of Panteleimon the healer for health.

Twelfth - to the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant for the fulfillment of desires.

Thirteenth - to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov with a prayer to him.

Fourteenth - to the icon of Sergius of Radonezh with a prayer to him.

Holding the last fifteenth candle in your hands, light it and pray for forgiveness of sins and for the Lord’s help with your own hands.

Do not leave this candle in church, take it home and light it again in the bedroom, reading “Our Father” and “Honorable Life-Giving Cross” until it burns out. Imagine that all adversity, troubles, burn with flame.

Magic ritual for excess weight

Ritual for excess weight.

“In a wide expanse, in a clean field, a linden tree grew. Under that linden tree stood oak tables covered with silk tablecloths. All the tables are laden with cups and silver and gold dishes. In those goblets there were honey wines, and on the dishes there were swans, pies and other royal food.

I, servant of God (name), will get up in the morning, leave the yard, blessing myself, go out of the doors, go through the gates, lock them with reliable, strong locks, and golden keys.

It’s not the doors and gates that I lock, it’s I who shade my eyes so as not to look at the oak tables, at the silk tablecloths, at the goblets of honey and at the dishes with delicacies. I will stop my hunger and thirst, I will fill myself with black bread and drink clean water, and I will not even touch anything else. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After that, extinguish the candle, wrap the stub in the paper on which the words were written and place it under the pillow. Do not remove the amulet until you have lost as much weight as you want.

Magic rituals for stress and negativity

To calm the heart.

If you have experienced severe stress, you need to do the following to relieve tension. Pour in liter jar water. Say the words: “Water, water, sister of earth.” Take away from me, the servant of God, everything bad, everything bad. Thank you".

Light a candle and place it nearby. Break an egg (preferably homemade) into a jar, clasp it with your hands and relax. Sit for 5-7 minutes without crossing your legs. Don't look at the contents in the jar. Then pour it outside in a place where there are birds (preferably crows). The action is performed once.

There can be a dark streak in a person’s life when one misfortune is followed by another. To protect the room, you need to often fumigate it with dry wormwood, juniper, and thistle. You can burn with a candle, walking around the room around the perimeter, starting from the front door. Walk clockwise, drawing crosses and reading the Lord's Prayer.

In places where the flame smokes and crackles, linger longer.

You can sprinkle the rooms with holy water.

If a curse has been sent to you, then say mentally: “There is a circle around me, it was not I who drew it, but my Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

There is protection against obscene words. Say mentally three times to your aggressor, looking at the bridge of his nose: “It rolled, bounced, rolled onto you. Amen".

The best magic ritual

The biofield can be strengthened.

With fire you can cleanse and strengthen your biofield yourself. Take the candle in your right hand, draw along the contour of the body, starting from the head, then along the left arm, leg. Then - along the right leg and right side surface.

Having moved the candle to left hand, circle the fire around your right hand, then return to the top of your head. Place the candle on the right again, make three, five or seven circular movements clockwise above your head, at the forehead, throat, chest, stomach, pubis and tailbone (that is, all 7 chakras). Clean the candle from carbon deposits and leave to burn until the end.

Wrap the soot in paper and throw it into a river or stream, turning over your left shoulder.

If a person’s body and soul are healthy, the candle burns with a high flame without forming droplets. If influxes appear, not all is well. Began to smoke black smoke - it means there is a disease in internal organs, they need to be treated. When the fire goes out, you need to repent, ask for forgiveness from those who were offended, and forgive those who offended you.

When you are overcome by heavy obsessive thoughts, negative emotions are pressing, you have had a difficult day - wash your face, light a candle and look at the flame. It will cleanse you of negativity in your soul and thoughts. The candle should be so long that the flame, when you sit, is opposite your eyes: look at it not from above, but from the side. Mentally ask to free you from worries and grievances. Let all the bad things burn in the fire.

And after a while you will feel better. If you feel tired or stressed, do this cleansing every day and every other day for two weeks. You will notice that your health and relationships with other people will improve.

An unkind word, thought or look leaves a mark on the person to whom it is sent. He may feel bad and depressed. But, most likely, this is not damage (since it is difficult to restore), but the negative influence of someone else’s energy.

5 prayers that can be found in the prayer book will help relieve this condition:

  • Symbol of faith;
  • May God rise again;
  • Alive in assistance;
  • To the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • Our Father.

Why these particular prayers? For humanity they are like a code - an entrance to the bioinformation field. They heal, get rid of hexes, evil eyes, and damage. During any healing magical ritual, you need to constantly read them.

What do you need to have?

Water. It must be consecrated or taken on Epiphany night in a well or spring. Preferably from 4 to 6 am.

Salt. Contains strong internal energy. Before the magical ritual, it needs to be heated in a frying pan for 10 minutes at midnight.

Knife and scissors. With their help, the entrance to evil forces is closed.

Beeswax. Draws out negative energy and sends it as a boomerang to the person who sent it.

The one from whom the damage is removed must sit with his back to the north. Under his chair you need to put a knife with the tip facing the door, scissors (with rounded ends facing the exit), a small cross, and a candle. Place another knife on the table nearby and a bowl of water.

Melt the wax in a saucepan. Cross the bowl of water with a knife and circle it around the person’s head clockwise three times. Then, holding the bowl above your head with your left hand, pour the wax from the pan clockwise into the water with your right.

After half a minute, set the bowl, which was held above your head, to the side and wait until the wax on the water hardens. Carefully turn it over with a knife and carefully examine the underside. Here you can see the cause of a person’s ailment - there is a chance that the resulting patterns will suggest this.

Repeat the magical ritual and also examine the second circle of wax. There will be fewer patterns on it, because other people's evil gradually disappears in the process of action. And melt the wax for the third time, do everything the same as in previous times, just carry the container with wax not around your head, but from your feet to your head 3 times. The third portion of frozen wax should be different; if it is completely smooth, the ritual can be completed. If not, repeat until the underside of the wax stain disappears.

Magic ritual against the evil eye

The most ordinary things at home can reliably protect against negative influences that can cause harm to health. We will need a regular pin and a candle.

At midnight, light a church candle and hold the pin over the flame for several minutes. Then drop three drops of wax into the eye of the pin while reading the spell:

“Guardian angel, deliverer from all evil hearts. Stand before me and cover me with your reliable protection. Mind my spoken words.”

There is no need to remove the wax after the ceremony; it will come off on its own. You need to check the pin; if it comes undone, throw it away and replace it with a new one. And if it changes color and becomes covered in rust, it means it has completed its task.

I would also like to note strong defense- clothes inside out. Many people think this bad omen attracting misfortunes and problems. A bad omen only works if it is done unconsciously, when we do not notice that we are wearing something wrong.

But if the item is specially worn inside out, it will bring health and happiness.

A pin is the easiest way to protect against negativity and the evil eye. To protect yourself from negativity and maintain your health, you need to buy a new pin or use an old, family pin.

Magic rituals against damage, evil eye, negativity

1) A strong amulet against damage, the evil eye, read on a new candle.

“I speak to the servant of God (name) from all the sorcerers, sorcerers, from the raven-karkun, from the hermit and hermit, from the old man and the old woman. I send everyone from the servant of God (name) to walk through the forest, take tar grass from the ground, and bother themselves. As long as the servant of God (name) is alive, do not disfigure him, do not bewitch him, do not make him drunk, do not spoil him, neither by word, nor by deed, nor by spruce, nor by aspen, nor by stake, nor by candle, nor on Kupala night, nor on Christmastide, nor on any a day that is given for spoilage. Word and deed. Amen".

With the power of these words you can resist various energy attacks.

2) When you need to protect the whole family and ward off misfortune, cleanse the house of negativity, damage, the evil eye, bad luck, lack of money, illnesses, you can use “broom candles” and fill the house with the energy of support and protection.

Making such a broom is simple. You need to take several candles: one for the house, one for yourself, one for loved ones in whose well-being you are interested. Any colour. It’s better to take small ones (or cut a large one into the required amount).

Take candles and mentally talk through everything you need to get rid of. During this time, constantly think that the broom will sweep away all your problems and clean your house. Open the windows and doors so that all the accumulated negativity can escape. When finished, immediately throw the remaining candles into the trash.

Then light a white or red candle to fill your home with the energy of well-being and to protect it. Let it burn a little and extinguish it, then use it any time you need to protect your home.

3) It happens that you just boast good health and you immediately get sick. To resist the self-evil eye, there is a proven technique: spit three times over your left shoulder, knock on wood, and lightly bite your tongue.

There is also an old conspiracy. You need to stand in front of a mirror with a lit candle and, looking at your image, say three times: “Mirror world, take away the cursed evil eye, put it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let go anywhere, don’t bring it back. Amen".

Magic ritual for health

It is believed that if a person has a strong amulet, then he is not afraid of damage or the evil eye, and illnesses and troubles are avoided. How to make such a talisman with your own hands? The Master of Alternative Medicine offers the following amulet.

Wax is an energy sponge that absorbs any information. Using it to make a doll, we create our own energy phantom that protects us.

You only need to take church candles (do not buy them at Parents' Saturdays and days of remembrance of the dead).

Women should make a doll on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). For men - on men's (Tuesday, Thursday).

You can create such a talisman for yourself and for a loved one.

The ceremony is performed on the waxing moon or on the full moon.

There must be a good mood and a calm environment. Household appliances must be turned off.

Take three candles (light the fourth nearby). If the room is cold, before starting they should be immersed in water (36 degrees to soften slightly).

Place all candles with the wick facing up. Place the first two on top of each other with a cross. The third one is to secure them, tying them with a figure eight.

The result will be the letter “Zh”. The upper ends of the two candles are the arms, the lower ends are the legs, the figure eight is the head and torso.

“Now you are me, all my troubles fall on you.”

After this, the doll should be dressed (sew a suit or dress for it). Be sure to make a headdress.

Such a talisman should always be with you, no matter where you go or go. To avoid damage, sew a bag from natural fabric.

Once a month, take out the doll and read the naming spell.

An indicator that the doll has suffered from illness is a change in the color of the wax. In this case, it must be burned with the words:

“She took away with wax, burned with fire, took away the evil eye, damage, and illness from me, a servant of God.”

When you burn a doll, you need to order a magpie from the church about your health.

Conclusion: magical rituals are inherited, they can remove damage, banish diseases, attract love and money. The main thing is to remember that whatever actions you take, there will be consequences. For hate - hate, for good - good.

Best regards, Olga.

Almost every person in his life sometimes thinks about correcting his destiny with magical intervention, but not everyone knows when and how to carry out conspiracies and rituals for money, love, purification and other magical actions. The success of the ritual depends on many factors that every novice magician should know about.

During the ritual, you must be determined to succeed.

How to behave during the ceremony

During the ritual, you must be determined to succeed. There must be an understanding in your head of what and why you are doing. A specific goal must be set towards which you will move with the help of magic. You must believe in what you are doing. If there is no faith, there will be no result. You should not perform rituals to see if they work; magic can have a bad effect on your health or financial and social situation.

  1. Be serious, don't be distracted by extraneous factors, don't laugh. Remember that everything you do is extremely serious.
  2. During any ritual, you should be as relaxed as possible and not tense with heavy thoughts. You can use meditation to relax. Experienced magicians can put their thoughts in order without using any meditation or visualizing their relaxation.
  3. You can try one of the relaxation methods used by novice magicians. Good, effective method relax.
  4. To do this, you will need to sit in the position that is most comfortable for you. It is advisable to “ground yourself”, recharge yourself with the energy of the earth, by sitting on it.
  5. If you are performing the ritual in winter and there is no opportunity to sit on the ground, you can sit on the floor at home, laying a rug or towel under you.
  6. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a standing position.

Around you in your mind there should be nothing but a luminous ball of energy that flies around you in a spiral, absorbing all the negative energy and bad thoughts.

Sit in this position and imagine a ball until you are sure that all the negativity from you has gone into the ball.

Conditions for successfully performing the ritual

For the ritual to be successful, certain conditions specified in the description of the ritual must be met. If there are no certain conditions, then you need to adhere to general requirements, tested by time and our ancestors.

Venue of the ceremony

There should be no one except you in the place where you will perform the ritual. Some people say that it is okay to have pets around you, but this is not true.

  • During the ritual, you need maximum concentration, and people and animals can interfere with you and redirect your attention from the ritual to them. The consequences of this may not be particularly pleasant if you have practiced Black Magic; if White, then the ritual may simply not work.
  • It is advisable to carry out all rituals in nature, away from people. If it is not possible to carry out the ceremony in nature, you can do it at home, but among trees and herbs it will be much more effective.
  • Windows should be tightly closed and curtained if the description of the ritual says that it needs to be done differently, or if rituals are being performed to attract money or a ritual that attracts success.
  • The window in the window should be slightly open, but the windows should be curtained, if this action is described in the ritual, or if a ritual is being performed for a love spell or expulsion negative energy, when cleaning the house and when carrying out any negative action that should not linger in your home.
  • Before starting the ritual, it is worth performing rituals for protection.

Your home must have church candles, Thursday salt and silver. Also icons of all saints, holy water. If one of the saints is mentioned during the ritual, a candle must be lit in front of his icon. If the conspiracy mentions dark forces, then the icons should be removed from the venue, or covered with a scarf.

You during the ceremony

Your thoughts must be clear, you must be focused on the ritual. For greater concentration, you can use ancient meditation methods. To do this you need:

  • Sit in the lotus position, preferably the correct one, but if it doesn’t work out for you, then it will work out the way it works out for you. The main thing is effort. Close your eyes. Sit with your eyes closed for a minute if you think a minute is enough. Hear your breath, focus on each inhalation and exhalation.
  • As you inhale, mentally say “inhale,” and as you exhale, “exhale.”
  • Sit like this for at least seven minutes a day. For better results, and so that in the future you do not need to meditate for relaxation and concentration, Buddhists advise doing this meditation every day.
  • Rituals have been performed naked and barefoot since ancient times. There should be no clothing, underwear, or jewelry on the human body. It was allowed to leave the cross, because it was not a decoration. Rituals that were performed naked were often performed in communion with nature, in a forest or wooded area, near lakes or streams.
  • Nowadays, it will be difficult to completely isolate yourself in nature, and even to such an extent that you can be there naked, so naked rituals are carried out at home when no one is there.
  • In the modern interpretation of rituals, it is allowed to wear clothes if there is no possibility or special desire to be naked. Clothes should be made from natural materials, plain. The clothes are the simplest, a skirt and a T-shirt, a simple dress. Not bright colors, clothes should be either gray or muted passive colors.
  • There should be no makeup on your face, your hair should be loose, and it is advisable not to comb your hair in the morning.
  • It is also allowed to leave jewelry if they are used as talismans or contain natural minerals. If you still decide to leave the jewelry, then when performing Black Magic rituals, it is recommended to leave jewelry with agate and a silver frame. During White Magic rituals, silver and moonstone must be present in the jewelry.
  • You cannot tell anyone that you are performing, have performed, or are planning to perform a ritual. During the ritual, do not be distracted and do not talk to anyone. You cannot perform rituals if you are on your period.

At least three days before the magical ritual, you should not eat meat and dairy products, and you should not drink alcohol. Experienced magicians do not drink at all, and not just three days before the ritual.

During the ritual, your thoughts must be pure, you must be concentrated on the ritual

Magic paraphernalia

In addition to the icons of all Saints, holy water, Thursday salt and church candles, there should be candles in the house possible colors. Each candle of a certain color has its own properties, inherent only to a candle of each color. If you don't have the opportunity to buy candles of different colors, you can take white ones and decorate them with wax crayons.


The red candle symbolizes passion and desire. A red candle is used for love spells, attracting love and success in creativity.


A white candle symbolizes protection and purity and is used for any purpose.


A black candle is used to get rid of negative emotions, to induce damage or cool down.


A green candle symbolizes growth, success, and monetary gain. Green candles are most often used in wealth rituals.


The blue candle symbolizes getting rid of fear. Used to calm down. Blue candles can also strengthen a subtle connection with the other world.


A brown candle is used in household rituals and symbolizes home comfort.


A pink candle is used in romantic rituals, for love and friendship.


An orange candle will become an indispensable assistant in rituals for a successful business.


The purple candle symbolizes approaching God. It is used exclusively in rituals belonging to White magic, despite such a dark color.


  • You should know the conspiracies by heart, pronounce all the words correctly and consciously. It is allowed to change words in conspiracies only to synonyms, so as not to violate the meaning of the conspiracy.
  • The spell can be written on a piece of paper, but only handwritten text gives the spell the necessary magical concentration. Also, the entries must be completed without errors.
  • The wealth plot is written on a blank, unlined sheet of paper with a pen with green ink. The colors of writing spells are of great significance in magical rituals.

When to perform rituals

On what days are magical rituals performed? Practicing magicians will tell you when to perform rites and when to perform rituals. They basically claim any day except Sunday. You can turn to a magician for help so that he can show you when it is best to do the ritual you have chosen. It is only important to choose the appropriate lunar cycle for the ritual being performed.

The moon affects human body depending on phase

  1. Rituals for women are best performed on women's days, and for men - on men's days. Women's days are Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Men's days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
  2. Rituals to attract money are done on Thursday.
  3. During dawn, sunset, midnight, and noon, the effect of rituals intensifies. Dawn, sunset, noon or midnight are not just one minute. You still have plus or minus half an hour left.
  4. Rituals for positive actions (ritual for money, success, wealth, love) are done on the waxing moon, when it is still light. Rituals for cleansing, spoiling, discord and similar magical actions that have fading properties are carried out at night on the waning moon.
  5. It is also impossible to perform magical rituals during the Twelfth Holidays.

You cannot interrupt a ceremony that will take more than one day. If you tried to perform a ritual, but something went wrong (you were distracted, you forgot the words of the spell, there are not enough paraphernalia), you cannot perform another ritual on the same day, it is better to wait until a new day comes.

During the ritual

  1. Don't bend your fingers. If you need to read the plot several times, it is better to count the number in your mind. If you are afraid of losing your way, use matches or counting sticks.
  2. If you think that someone is standing behind you, do not turn around under any circumstances, but do not be afraid.
  3. You need to sit facing west, unless a different position is indicated in the provisions for the ritual.

After performing a magical ritual

  1. After performing the ritual, all remnants of magical paraphernalia must be burned or thrown away, unless otherwise indicated in the description of the ritual.
  2. Candles should not be extinguished by breathing; use a bottle cap or extinguish the flame with your fingers. To avoid getting burned, extinguish the flame with your fingers using a sideways movement.
  3. Items that you used during the ritual should not be used in everyday life. If this is a kitchen utensil that you cannot do without, it is recommended that you bless it before further use.
  4. If the ritual requires the candle to burn out to the end, and the remains of it need to be thrown away, then sprinkle salt on the candlestick.
  5. After performing rituals for damage or similar dark magical actions, you must observe a bloodless fast for at least three days. If the fast is not observed, there is a risk that the damage will affect you.

Do not tell anyone that you performed a magical ritual. If anyone asks, simply say that you can recommend it, that it is effective, if it really helped you. The ritual performed must remain secret between you and the one from whom you asked for help.

Magical rites and rituals require effort and time. If it seems to you that you have not achieved the desired result, you can perform another same or similar ritual, only in the next lunar cycle. Some particularly strong rituals can be repeated no more than once a year.

Working with a candle is a ritual that, for example, involves incredibly powerful energy fire. Until recently, magical rituals for the uninitiated were closed area. Today they are considered one of the opportunities to change the world around us. Printed publications and various online resources offer descriptions of many candle rituals. You can even find allegedly ancient manuscripts on the shelves and online. Whether to trust them, use them or not is a personal choice for each person.

What are rituals and how do they work?

From time immemorial, magical rites and rituals were carried out by specially trained people who knew the pitfalls that could arise when communicating with magical power and corrected them. When certain actions are carried out, certain opportunities open up, forces begin to act. But the principle of communicating vessels works. If the second door opens, the resulting draft slams the first one. Often a ritual is understood as the regular performance of sequential actions, but they should not be endless. A layman is unable to determine when to finish on time. Therefore, the result of a spontaneous or incorrect ritual may not be what was expected or may be completely absent.

A ritual action can be accompanied by visualizations, affirmations, conspiracies, and the formulation of a desire. Magic does not accept allegorical words; it takes all words literally. If it is said, but you change your mind or make a mistake, it is almost impossible to return to the beginning of the action. This can be illustrated by a story that happened in the cartoon. A girl with a cold began to perform the ceremony. She tried to call Cupid, but there was a nasality in her voice, and “k” only sounded like “g,” but instead of the expected deity there was a black witch. In the cartoon, she turned out to be a good mentor for the girl who called her, who is trying to be objective and fair, but in reality everything may turn out differently.

Is it worth performing magical rituals?

A person’s life is accompanied by various, including negative, events. Sometimes the situation seems hopeless (illness, damage, unsolvable financial problems, difficulties in love and many others), as if only magic can help, but there is no opportunity to turn to a specialist, and it is not always possible to make a mistake and mistake a charlatan for a person who knows magic . To prevent this from happening, use the advice from the article Psychics are charlatans: how to recognize

You can always use your own powers, imposing maternal protection on loved ones or purifying and charming the water. Ask candles for advice, make amulets for your home if you feel strong enough to do so. If you still wanted to carry out the ritual yourself, you need to remember the most important rules.

Rules for conducting rituals that you need to know:

1. You can only turn to magic once a day; on Monday you can’t do this at all.
2. Before any ritual you need to read “Our Father” or “Virgin Mary”. After them, preferably a prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant.
3. Before performing any ritual, you need to put on clean clothes and wash them after the ritual. Cleaning the house couldn't hurt either.
4. Morning rituals are performed facing the east, and evening rituals - facing the west.

5. If it is not said how many times to read the spell (prayer), then you need to repeat it three times.
6. In a bad mood, ceremonies and rituals are strictly forbidden, otherwise they will be charged with negative energy.
7. Rituals aimed at increasing (welfare, beauty or love) are performed on the full moon or on the waxing moon, unless otherwise stated in the description.
8. During a magical ritual, it is forbidden to cross arms, legs, and attributes, otherwise the flow of energy will be blocked.
9. In a conspiracy, not a single word can be changed; each of them is subordinated to other words, and only words spoken in a certain order can have an effect.
10. If the ritual is performed by a woman, she should be bare-haired, undo her braids, ponytails, and remove hairpins and jewelry.
11. Rituals are carried out without witnesses, except when another person takes part in them, conspiracies are read quietly but clearly.
12. If it’s free, it means “the demon pays,” therefore, if the ritual is performed by a specially trained person, he needs to be repaid, i.e. pay off or give away.
13. The candle cannot be held with your bare hand during the ritual. You can use a handkerchief or gloves.
Faith is the basis of any ritual; if you do not believe in the result, then it is pointless to carry out it.

In this article:

Magic rituals - effective remedy to solve any life problems. Witchcraft, in the hands of an experienced sorcerer, is a great power that can very seriously influence the lives of individual people and the entire world surrounding the spellcaster.

At the same time, in no description of a witchcraft ritual you will not find one hundred percent guarantees of the effectiveness of this particular witchcraft remedy, because the final result depends on large quantity factors, starting with the literacy of the ritual, ending with the performer’s faith in his own strength.

Witchcraft has attracted human attention for many centuries. Until recently, magic was the domain of initiates; it could only be practiced by hereditary sorcerers, to whom their ancestors passed on all the necessary knowledge to carry out effective magical rituals. Today, thanks to the availability of information, absolutely anyone can practice witchcraft, and no one has the right to condemn him for this.

Black and cemetery magic

You can talk for a long time about the complexity and unsafety of black magic, but no amount of arguments can force a person to forgive his offender and give up revenge if he has decided to repay for all his insults and humiliations. Human resentment can be so strong that it causes us to stop living. life to the fullest, this feeling depresses our thoughts and feelings, and we understand that we can get rid of it only by taking full revenge on the offender, so that he experiences our pain in his own skin.

We can talk about forgiveness and that forgiveness is the surest way to cleanse the soul from all the pain, resentment and filth that has accumulated in it.

However, we should not forget that injustice and evil that remain unpunished are often repeated and acquire even greater scope and destructive power.

Evil has existed since the appearance of man himself; there have always been those who oppressed the weaker, profited from kindness, and spat on all foundations and commandments.

It is because of impunity that humanity cannot get rid of crimes and eradicate evil. After all, criminals always hope that they can get away with everything they do. If they were absolutely sure of the inevitability of punishment, which in its cruelty will not be inferior to the perfect evil and pain inflicted on other people, then crimes would be committed much less often.

In terms of a means of retaliation, black magic is an ideal weapon in the hands of the offended and humiliated man. With the help of such witchcraft you can repay all the hurt and pain caused. But you will have to remember that the punishment should always be commensurate with the crime.

Any action you take must be carefully thought out

If your wallet with a small amount of money is stolen, there is no need to try to perform a ritual for serious illness or death. In addition, black magic cannot be used for the first strike; if your attempt to harm another person through magic is not justified, then you risk incurring not the most pleasant consequences in the form of a rebound of negative energy. The worst thing about the return of negativity is that this energy is completely uncontrollable and unpredictable, it can affect not only you and your destiny, but also your loved ones.

Rituals for the New Year

Period New Year's holidays is rightfully considered the most best time for carrying out various positive witchcraft rituals. This is the time when all over the world people make wishes, tell fortunes next year and sincerely believe in the possibility of positive changes in own life, and therefore they perform a variety of magical rituals.

Ritual to get out of a difficult situation

This magical ritual is suitable for solving any life troubles, from problems in love to financial difficulties. Those who have already tried this technique claim that it really works, helps solve problems and even makes wishes come true.

This ritual must be performed on the last day of the year. Concentrate on all life circumstances that interfere with you, cause inconvenience, and prevent you from developing and realizing your own dreams. Then take a large sheet of paper and a very simple pen (it will be better if it is your pen, which no one uses except you).

Divide a sheet of paper in half. On the first half, write down everything you want to get rid of next year, and on the second half, write all your dreams and expectations, down to what purchases you want to make, what kind of man you want to meet, etc. Now tear off half the sheet with your problems and tear it into small pieces. At this moment, you need to imagine that you are tearing up not just a piece of paper, but your own problems and troubles. Then place all the pieces of the torn leaf on a plate and set it on fire. Make sure all the pieces burn and then throw the ashes out the window.

By burning you activate your intention

Carefully roll up the second half of the sheet of paper on which your dreams are listed and hide it in a book that no one but you will take or open. Put the book in a safe place and try to meet New Year as joyfully and cheerfully as possible. During the first weeks of the new year, you will notice how all the problems listed on a piece of paper begin to fade into the background, and simply disappear on their own.

Rituals for Christmas

The Christmas holidays are imbued with an incredible mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere. They are literally imbued with magical energy, which can be used to attract good luck and fulfill desires in the coming year.

Money amulet

This talisman will allow you to forget about all money problems in the new year. Buy a new clay pot on January 6th, pour some damp earth into it, stick three church candles into it and light them. Now move your finger along the neck of the pot (clockwise) and first read the “Our Father” prayer, and then the words of the magic spell:

“As all twelve months ring, so my, servants of God (name), wallets will ring and rattle. Just as roosters crow twelve times in the morning, so for twelve dawns they will keep my money, and twelve times they will say: money to money, wallets to wallets, everything that is due to me, the servant of God (name), will come to me in the new year. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Perform a ritual for the waxing moon

After pronouncing the magic words, leave the candles to burn out, and then move the pot to a prominent place in the house. Leave the pot in this place for twelve days, and then put it away where no one will see it except you.

White magic rituals

White magic rituals are ancient rituals that work exclusively in a positive direction. With the help of such conspiracies and spells, it is impossible to harm someone or harm anyone in any way. There are many different white rituals, some of them are aimed at realizing desires, others at attracting love, others will help with money and good luck. But the largest group of white conspiracies are special rituals to eliminate the influence of negative energy - rituals against damage and the evil eye.

A simple spell against the evil eye

To quickly and independently remove negative impact evil eye, light three church candles, look at their flames, concentrate on your desire to get rid of all filth and all negativity, and read the words of the conspiracy:

“On the blue sea, on the distant ocean Holy Mother of God She rinsed diapers, Mary prayed to God, started her work, consoled all human sorrows, all touches and ghosts. All the tracts, all the cleaning, all the pinches, aches and evil eyes, all the cheers, oohs, aahs, commotions and turning points, she drove away. She removed all the evil eyes from the heretic man, from the simple-haired woman, from the long-haired girl, from blacks, from redheads, and from the church. All the trees sleep, all the roots sleep, all the people sleep, all the flying birds, all the wandering animals. Don’t know, evil eye, servant of God (name), don’t know and don’t come. Follow my instructions, lock yourself so that no one can break into you. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".
