Clever words and their meaning for humiliation. Knocked out

How to be rude beautifully If you want to be rude beautifully, then it is appropriate to use phrases that your interlocutor has probably not heard yet or those to which he will not immediately come up with a witty answer. In this case, you will probably look more advantageous. So, perhaps some of these statements will seem appropriate to you.

  • If these beeps continue to come from your platform, then your dental composition will have to move.
  • Are you sick or do you always look like this?
  • You should be stuck in a tube right now.
  • Pay attention to the baseboard so you don't forget about your level.
  • I would laugh at you, but life has already done it for me.

We take into account possible consequences When entering into an argument with an aggressive interlocutor, it would be foolish not to take into account the possible consequences of this step.

Phrases to humiliate a person

  • “I hate even just listening to your excuses! Such a man simply does not deserve me!”
  • “You have become so low that you began to seek happiness from a strange woman between the legs!”
  • “I was so stupid that I believed in your sincerity and now I’m sick of all the years we’ve lived together!”
  • “I hope that you will be happy and that someone else can give you at least part of the care that I blindly gave to you!”
  • “You will regret in time that you offended me, but then I will even forget your name.”
  • “How low you have fallen and the funny thing is that you don’t see it, but everyone else has already noticed!”

How to break up with a guy after betrayal without using swear words? What can you call a person? with clever words? Choose more friendly curse words to insult your offender without using obscene language.

Offensive phrases

  • “Behind your insolence you hide your own inadequacy!”

If you want to point out to a man his stupidity and recklessness, even if he has higher education and manners, but he regularly does stupid things, you should use phrases like:

  • “You have failed neither as a person nor as a man!”
  • “Unlike mine, your dignity has sunk to the bottom!”
  • “You are an immoral, weak and wretched person!”
  • “All your words are helpless attempts to prove something!”
  • “I feel sorry for looking at you!”
  • “Don’t humiliate yourself and don’t try to say something smart!”
  • “I would offend you, but nature has already done it for me!”

How to humiliate a man with words without swearing? How can you beautifully humiliate a woman, girl, or husband’s mistress with clever words without swearing? In some life situations women themselves are “asking for” insults and humiliation.

How to insult someone

  • “You are a quality man’s mat!”
  • “Your whole life is serving the master for sugar!”
  • “No normal man will even look in your direction!”
  • “All your attractiveness ended 10 men ago!”
  • “To get involved with you is to disgrace yourself!”

If you want to hurt a woman as a person, you should point out the shortcomings of her mind, showing her to be a fool in your eyes and in the eyes of others:

  • “If you were smart, then you would have a decent man!”
  • “Men don’t leave smart women!”
  • “Here, I look at you and at first glance it seems that you are a fool! And then you look and it’s true - you’re a fool!”

How to insult a woman with words without swearing? How to insult, offend a man, a guy without swearing, with clever words? Some phrases that do not contain swearing or rudeness should not be very long.

Phrases and quotes from various sources

Show that a person speaks incorrectly and makes mistakes. Options to offend a person:

  • You are spiritually impotent
  • You can't even earn enough for matches
  • You can't buy your own dinner

Rude words, expressions and adjectives to humiliate, insult to disgrace, put a person in his place: list Clever words and cool phrases to shut up, humiliate morally, call names, offend, offend a girl, a woman You can offend a woman by pointing out the flaws in her appearance. There is no need to say that she is ugly. You can hint at this. Hidden subtext is always more humiliating than direct words.


Suggestion This method of psychological attack can only be used by a person who is in some way an authority for his “victim”. One way or another, you are trying to suggest something to your interlocutor, speaking in hints or directly. Is it acceptable to use obscene name-calling and swearing? Of course, we are not always able to control ourselves and cope with ourselves in peak situations, but you should make every effort to achieve this.

If it has come to the point that you see no other way but to be rude to a person, then try to do it subtly and beautifully. As they say, there is no need to stoop to the level of “bazaar women.” Of course, if you couldn’t restrain yourself and moved to the mat, then there’s nothing you can do about it, but still try to prevent this and put the person “in his place” in other ways.

The point is not that you can somehow especially hurt your interlocutor with obscenities.

Humiliation 07/13/12 15:46 May you live on one salary! Humiliation 07/13/12 15:42 Yesterday I looked into your horoscope...Health: the stars are smiling at you. Money: the stars smile on you. Sex: the stars are simply dying of laughter. Humiliation 07/13/12 15:41 Your right to your own opinion does not oblige me to listen to nonsense.

Humiliation 07/13/12 15:40 Tell me who I am, and I will tell you how much you underestimated me. Humiliation 07/13/12 15:39 If you could kill with a thought, you would already be dead. Humiliation 07/13/12 15:38 Don’t worry, I also forgot your name.


Humiliation 07/13/12 15:37 Yes, at least spread your bone marrow. Humiliation 07/13/12 15:37 Wouldn’t it be hard for you to pick up your teeth from the floor with your broken hands? Humiliation 07/13/12 15:34 I live opposite the cemetery. If you show off, you will live opposite me. Humiliation 07/13/12 15:33 The only positive quality you have is the “Rh factor”.

They don't laugh with your teeth!

  • Offensive words - strong man does not notice! Understand that…
  • Lay siege to the market dude... I’ll show you all the layouts now...
  • Talk, talk... I always yawn when I'm interested.
  • Don't joke like that anymore, otherwise I'm laughing...
  • Yes, what kind of day am I having today?) There are only stupid people and idiots...
  • For me, morally humiliating a person is not a big deal, but here’s the question. Do you really want it?
  • Well, tell me about your idea of ​​this sinful world...
  • Why are you growling, have you forgotten how to talk?
  • You should have worn a red blouse.

As you yourself understand, truly “sharp” phrases are in any case made up of words, the variety of which you can easily glean from intellectual films and books. By the way, examples of some witty phrases can also be seen in books. IN as a last resort, learn sarcasm from people who make a living from their jokes - we're talking about participants and hosts of various comedy television shows. If you want to be known as a truly witty person, then do not repeat the mistake that is common to many novice jokers or people who imagine themselves to be such. Having heard or read some interesting joke or funny expression, they periodically repeat it in order to make their interlocutor laugh. The first couple of times it can be really funny, but then people start smiling just out of politeness, and that’s for the time being.

I cheated on you." During a disagreement with a loved one, we are adequate and can say a bunch of unpleasant words. According to sexologists, in a fit of anger, many women are able to admit to cheating. For men, this is humiliation and insult. At the same time, what is said may not always be true, but it will forever remain in the man’s head.

Moreover, often a man will never be able to forgive such words, even if he is sure that in reality there was no betrayal. This is male psychology. Therefore, you should not give in to anger and the immediate desire to say something humiliating. 2. “You are bad (fool, idiot)” No, the woman doesn’t really think like that, she doesn’t consider her loved one a fool. For women, such a phrase does not mean a lack of intelligence, so it means that the man is not aware of the situation.
Guys take such a statement as a personal insult.
The content of the article

  • Harsh words, expressions and adjectives to humiliate, insult to disgrace, put a person in his place: list
  • Clever words and cool phrases to shut up, morally humiliate, call, offend, insult a girl or woman
  • How to beautifully and competently send off a guy or a man?
  • How to smartly besiege, close your mouth, force a person to shut up?
  • How to insult someone to the point of tears?
  • How to send a person away in a civilized and polite manner?
  • How to respond to rudeness, insults and insults without swearing with clever words?
  • To say that he is stupid, a fool in a smart way?
  • How to replace curse words with smart words?
  • VIDEO: Be rude without swearing

Very often you can encounter arrogance and lack of patience. It would seem that in even the safest places you can encounter a boor. In this case, you should not respond to rudeness with your fists.

  • “The brain is no bigger than a chicken!”
  • “The head is big, but there is no brain!”
  • “Your brain has no convolutions!”
  • “You only have one curve and it’s smooth!”
  • "You understand me? Although yes, where are you going?”
  • “Were you born this stupid or did you become so stupid?”
  • “You were last in line for brains”
  • “Nature did not reward you with intelligence”

How to tell a person that he is stupid without using swear words? How can you say in clever words that a person is a fool? Use these words:

  • Fool
  • Feeble-minded
  • Crazy
  • Poor mind
  • Deprived
  • On my own mind
  • Autistic
  • Clown

How to replace curse words with smart words? In order not to look stupid and overly emotional, try to develop in advance the ability to replace obscene words with cultural analogues.

160 097 0 Hello, today we will talk about how to humiliate a person. “Turn the other cheek”, “you can always reach an agreement”, “it’s bad to argue with people” - all these truths will not help you in life. If you already have a conflict and you can’t resolve it peacefully, the only thing that will help you is knowing how to humiliate a person as effectively and efficiently as possible, so that he understands that getting involved with you is more expensive for himself.

How to behave

To morally humiliate a person, it is not enough to simply find a few phrases on the Internet, memorize them and use them. They need to sound confident, to fit in, and for the person to feel truly crushed after them. To do this you need to speak calmly.

Imagine that, in response to offensive words, almost crying, you shout to a person: “You’re an imbecile!” It seems that you said that he was stupid and did it without swearing - but it will look more pathetic than impressive. But if in response to attacks you answer absolutely calmly, without raising your voice: “I’m so tired of your attempts to pretend to be an intelligent person.”- this will probably not be the reaction that your opponent expected to receive and he will be unsettled.

In this case, you cannot:

  • Laugh at your own ridicule- it spoils the whole impression. The listeners themselves must understand that you said something offensive and funny - and laugh themselves.
  • Scream. If you raise your voice, this is weakness, it shows that you are truly hurt and prevents the interlocutor from clearly understanding your words. Plus, if you're fuming, you might not remember that you wanted to sound smart and nice.
  • Cry. Tears, even more clearly than screaming, show that you are truly unpleasant. Therefore, if you feel that you are close to tears, it is better to catch your breath, count to yourself to ten, and only then make your move in the quarrel.

If it seems to you that you will never be able to act calmly and contemptuously, practice in front of the mirror. Practice a mocking facial expression, an ironic smile, a sympathetic shake of the head. Find a gesture that will ideally show your opinion of the person - you can, for example:

  • tilt your head to your shoulder as if you doubt that you heard the person correctly, what he just said is so stupid;
  • raise an eyebrow in surprise - as if this is the first time you’ve heard such nonsense;
  • if you wear glasses, move them to the edge of your nose and look over it, as if you want to take a better look at your interlocutor and make sure that it is he who is sitting in front of you.

Any non-verbal expression of contempt humiliates a person. You can often humiliate beautifully without saying a single word. For example, ignore - and pay attention to the person only after several unsuccessful attempts to reach you. At the same time, you can look surprised and say:

  • “Sorry, I didn’t hear you”;
  • “Sorry, did you say something?”;
  • “I thought there was a radio playing somewhere nearby, and it was you”.

The main thing is to look sincere and even friendly in the process, so that the person feels like an empty place, which is difficult to even notice.

What should I say?

But ignoring a person is an art that needs to be honed and trained for a long time in order for it to look truly impressive and not to break down in the process. For most of us, it is much easier to humiliate a person with words. The main thing is to choose them correctly.

Truth and sore spots

“It’s easy and pleasant to tell the truth,” said one book character, and he was right. But how rarely do we do this in Everyday life! We will never tell a fat person that he is fat, or an ugly person that he is ugly. We are taught politeness from childhood and that is why the truth can be so painful. If you hit it in a weak spot, it will definitely humiliate and confuse a person.

You should take a closer look and identify what the interlocutor is worried about the most. It could be:

  • Appearance. Many people suffer from this, and humiliating a person without swearing is the easiest way in this area. Maybe he has one ear higher than the other? Maybe he has a big nose? Maybe he has acne, although he is no longer a teenager, or has thin, sparse hair? Maybe if it's a woman, she looks older than her age? For every shortcoming you can come up with a biting phrase.
    “Have you ever tried to fly them?”- a person with big ears.
    “Yes, you can hang yourself on such a nose!”- big-nosed.
    “Madam, you are so well preserved for being forty.”- a thirty-year-old woman.
  • Low IQ. For real foolish people They rarely feel like this, but everyone else may doubt the level of their intelligence and suffer from it.
    - “Are you so stupid from birth, or did you take lessons?”
    - “When everyone was standing in line for the mind, you were probably asleep and missed everything.”
    - “What is 6 by 8? Are you sure? That's what I thought."
  • Low earnings. If a person earns little, this is most likely his weak point. But you need to look carefully - if a person earns little because of his own ideology, it will not be possible to offend him in this field. But the rest can be teased.
    - "Let's go to the cinema? Oh, you have no money again.”
    - “Poverty is not a vice, as they say, but I couldn’t live like that.”
    - “You wouldn’t even have money for matches.”
  • Short cultural level . If a person is not educated, he can be ridiculed with special taste.
    - “Who’s playing on the radio, Bach or Mozart?”
    - “You seem to have stepped out of Picasso’s paintings.”
    - “Didn’t Dostoevsky write about you?”

    Most likely, the person will not even understand the ridicule, but more educated listeners will be able to laugh.

For men, a separate point, often a weak point, is potency. In a dispute with an opponent, you can humiliate a person by saying that he is so angry because he is not able to satisfy a woman in bed. Or say something like “If you were such a lion in bed as you are here, girls would follow you in herds.”

For women, a weak point is often visual appeal. You can hint to her that she looks old, fat or has small breasts - and if you do it softly and sympathetically, it will be doubly humiliating.

The main thing is the ability to observe, draw conclusions and hit exactly the weak spot that hurts a person.

Demonstrating your superiority

People don't like to be shown that they are worse than others. Because very effective means humiliation will show that you are doing something better.

  • You can use more expensive things, you can mention that you were on vacation or in an interesting place - but so that it does not look like bragging, but something completely natural for you.
  • You can wear expensive clothes.
  • You can even offer an unpleasant person participation in an event for which he obviously does not have enough money, and enjoy his reaction.

Reminders and revelations

If you have a good memory, you can be great at putting others in their place by reminding them of the stupid or embarrassing things they've done, the stupid things they've said, and the puddles they've gotten into.

You can even make them look like fools in front of mutual friends by divulging a secret and being sincerely surprised by the negative reaction - “Oh, well, I thought we were all our own people here, why are you embarrassed?”.

The main thing is to justify yourself with the best intentions, so that in the eyes of others you do not turn into a bore who reminds everyone to a good person about his mistakes.

How to put a person down

It’s not hard to figure out how to shut the mouth of someone you know. But what if you see your opponent for the first time and know nothing about his weaknesses?
In this case, phrases that humiliate a person will come to the rescue.

How to humiliate a man you meet on the street?

Beautiful girls often suffer from monotonous attempts to get acquainted - many men simply do not understand that they do not want to hear or see them. Therefore, you can use biting phrases:

  • To you or to me? I suggest: you go to your place, I go to mine, and everyone is happy!
  • No, I don't want to meet you. I will be bored with you, and you will not understand me.
  • You are just a wonderful comedian! If you make a funny joke, it’s already a miracle.
  • I admire you! With such a face, I would spend my whole life under a blanket, but you don’t mind, even trying to make acquaintances on the street...
  • Try dating in the dark. No fool will give you a phone number in the light.

The main thing is to have an expression of bored superiority on your face. Or you can completely ignore the attempt at acquaintance - answer “yes”, “of course” and give the phone number of the nearest morgue.

How to humiliate a mistress or homewrecker

Most women are concerned about their appearance - and how decent they look in the eyes of society. Therefore, you can use the following phrases:

  • You must have been beautiful. Men so twenty ago.
  • There are injustices - and there is no intelligence, and there is nothing to compensate.
  • God created all women from a rib, but you, it seems, from an ass.
  • It’s a shame to offend you - the mirror already offends you every day.

The main thing is to look better in the process - and this will be an additional humiliation for the opponent.

How to humiliate a subordinate who has forgotten about subordination

In a work team, quarrels are not uncommon, and sometimes you can encounter a situation in which a subordinate forgets about his place and starts an argument with his superiors in a raised voice. This shouldn't happen, but you shouldn't sound unprofessional either. The following phrases can be used:

  • Don't make me regret the day I hired you.
  • It seems you just lost your bonus.
  • You disgrace our company and drag the entire team back.
  • We will never succeed with workers like you.
  • Perhaps you should think about it and continue your career somewhere else?
  • It sounds like the company is overpaying you - with this level of professionalism you don't deserve this level of salary.

Arguing with a subordinate at his level is a grave mistake. You should speak seriously and nip the dispute in the bud, under the threat of dismissal, so as not to lose your authority.

How to humiliate a partner who cheated

To hurt a person who committed treason is a natural impulse, after putting it into practice you may even feel better. You can use phrases:

  • There is no need to make excuses - do not humiliate yourself even more.
  • I don’t want to share a table or a bed with you anymore - what can you even find in you?
  • It was so stupid to believe in your honesty that now I hate to even think about it.
  • For a person for whom everything is so bad, you surprisingly easily exchanged me for a couple of pleasant nights.

Each of us always knows more about our partner than about everyone else - and in the event of betrayal, this knowledge can be applied. What is he afraid of? What doesn't he like about himself? In what situations was he a fool? All this can be remembered and thrown in his face as he says goodbye.

How to call a person

Just telling a person that he is a fool is childish. Using swear words is unattractive and embarrassing in public. Therefore, you can use other options - spoken with a due degree of confidence in your rightness and coldness, they can sound great, despite being somewhat old-fashioned:

  • stupid (very stupid) creature- a person who is not even worthy of the title of man in his stupidity;
  • animal (you can add the adjective “dirty”, “useless”, “evil”)- a person who stands on the same level as unreasonable beasts;
  • scumbag- a low and vile person, devoid of conscience;
  • shameless, shameless- a person devoid of any shame;
  • bastard- a person whose qualities are more reminiscent of a slimy reptile;
  • livestock- a person is stupid and incapable of reasonable actions;
  • carrion- a person who has nowhere to go lower;
  • imbecile- Human, mental development which is equal to the development of a mentally retarded person;
  • idle talker or idle talker- a person who chats in vain.

You should always use words appropriately, otherwise you won’t embarrass yourself for long.

How to say that a person is stupid

Calling a person stupid is boring, not original and not at all offensive. Beautiful coherent phrases are much more effective:

  • Are you always such a fool, or is it just me who is so lucky?
  • Don't be upset! Cuttlefish have no brain at all, but they live.
  • Carry on my friend. According to the theory of probability, someday you should say something meaningful.
  • Are you thinking about something? This is something new!
  • Don’t try to think, dear, otherwise you’ll get a headache out of habit.
  • I don't know what product you use to remain such a fool, but you should patent it if it works so well.
  • I know you are not such a fool as you might think by looking at your face. It would simply be impossible.

If a person is truly stupid, he simply will not understand more complex indications of this fact. So you don't have to worry and use simple, obvious phrases.

How to humiliate a person with clever words

It is always useful to remember smart and apt phrases - then, in the event of an unexpected attack, you will be able to answer the offender harshly and bitingly. The psychology of the humiliated is such that he does not want to repeat this experience. The main thing is not to be shy and not afraid to offend a person.

  • Do you still work there? And still the same? Well, at your age you can still plow and plow, I believe you will succeed.
  • And I would like to answer you, but nature has already taken revenge for me.
  • You clearly need to add fish to your diet. It is good for intelligence.
  • If you want to hurt me, you'll have to say something smart. I don't think you'll succeed, however.
  • Are you kidding me like that? Sorry, I didn't understand right away.

The main thing in all phrases is to use them in a timely manner, sound confident and not be afraid of resistance. And if you don’t want to get into an argument, you can simply answer “yes,” “of course,” and “did you say something?” and by all appearances to show the interlocutor that he is worthless - this is also humiliating enough to be used.

Dear girls, I want to dedicate this article to you, dear smart girls!

The main message of all my subsequent letters will be as follows: let’s say humiliating phrases and destructive words to our men as often as possible. Let's make rags out of them!

Or perhaps there are young ladies among you who are against it?) Do you think so? Okay, read to the end anyway and think about how correctly you behave with your husband and boyfriend.

How to morally humiliate your loved one: magical humiliating phrases

Humiliating words... They contain crazy power. I really want to use it. I want to put the man in his place. I want to? Admit it. Modern strong women They know very well how to humiliate people morally. They need power so much: power over their weaknesses, power over their spouse, power over the world.

So let's get started! Let's start, perhaps, with self-esteem (if HE still has it, of course). Let's hit it hard.

ABOUT Excellent humiliating phrases for men: set No. 1.

  • Yes, you are a mama's boy!
  • All like a good-for-nothing mother/unlucky father.
  • You are a real coward.
  • Are you responsible? You are a spineless creature!
  • A doormat! Slut!
  • Do you have an opinion? Shove him far away, pseudo-smart guy.
  • You can’t even provide for your wife or girlfriend, you loser!
  • What kind of man are you? One name!

Now you know how to morally humiliate your man. So tell me what you think about him. Why be silent?)

So, let's move on to his irresistible masculine strength and sexuality. Here you need to try to remember all the incidents that happened in intimate life, it would be nice to tell him about how gorgeous your previous lovers were. Let him know the truth! Yes, important point: If you decide to humiliate a morally limited person, try to do it in front of friends. The effect is better.

Great Humiliating Phrases for Men: Set #2.

  • M-d-ah, you’re not up to par, not up to par.
  • Well, ok, this time you were a little better in bed than yesterday.
  • Eh, you are so far from Vaska. What a lover he was!

Hit your sweetheart below the belt. There will be fewer problems!

So, we almost forgot about appearance. Use the derogatory words you will find below - and you are guaranteed to be able to humiliate HIM morally.

Chic humiliating phrases for men: set No. 3.

  • Oh, Mishka, you are so handsome, not like my idiot!
  • Well, you've eaten like a wild boar.
  • Have you seen what muscles our neighbor pumped up?
  • You're as clumsy as an elephant
  • No, friends, he is not sick, he always looks like this.

They said - look at the reaction.

Then you can move on to his talent and intelligence.

Good humiliating phrases for men: set No. 4.

  • Your talent died in its infancy.
  • What kind of mediocrity are you?
  • Why are you so stupid?
  • If you have nothing to think about, then at least connect the bone marrow.
  • And here... (here it is worth remembering a star, a famous actor, some kind of idol), he's smart. Take him as an example.
  • Why do everyone have smart husbands/boyfriends, but I got this one?

So you know how to morally humiliate a loved one.

You can make up your own derogatory phrases for a man. After all, we haven’t touched on HIS hobby yet, haven’t reminded him what disgusting and unworthy friends he has, etc. If you’re going to humiliate him morally, then do it comprehensively. And most importantly, use derogatory phrases as often as possible, dear girls!

Believe me, by deciding to humiliate your moral partner in life, you can achieve the impossible and incredible:

  1. It definitely won’t make you feel any better by telling your loved one about what he’s like. But you will be able to experience a lot of wonderful sad feelings, you will be able to enjoy self-flagellation to the fullest.
  2. If you're lucky, you can experience fear. You don’t have to spend money on dangerous rides, because you can excite your loved one in such a way that it will give him a great adrenaline rush.
  3. By dumping the negativity out, you can stew in unpleasant emotions for a long time. Rest assured, you can destroy a boring relationship.
  4. Using derogatory phrases, you will never (hear, NEVER) achieve affection, love, respect from your loved one. And you don’t need them. It's true?)
  5. Get to know your new “friends” better - Loneliness and Indifference. You will never be bored with them!
Good luck, dear KUL readers. Please value your men.

P.S. It’s so easy to humiliate someone who is morally sweet. But are you ready to take responsibility for your “dirty” mouth, which sometimes is so eager to utter humiliating words?

Now you can beautifully, and most importantly subtly, poke at your opponent in an argument using one of these expressions.
Only aristocrats and people with a fair sense of humor and imagination can insult so beautifully.

How to insult your interlocutor beautifully.

Any similarity between you and a person is purely coincidental!
  1. Are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion?
  2. As an outsider, what do you think about the human race?

  3. I would like to punch you in the teeth, but why should I improve your appearance?
  4. At least there is one positive thing about your body. It's not as scary as your face!
  5. The brain isn't everything. But in your case it’s nothing!
  6. Be careful not to let your brain get into your head!
  7. I like you. They say I have disgusting taste, but I love you.
  8. Have your parents ever asked you to run away from home?
  9. If only I had a face like yours. I would sue my parents!
  10. Don't be upset. Many people have no talent either!
  11. No offense, but is it your job to spread ignorance?
  12. Keep talking, someday you will manage to say something smart!
  13. Do you still love nature despite what it has done to you?
  14. I don't think so, maybe you have a brain sprain!
  15. Fellows like you do not grow on trees, they fluctuate there.
  16. He has a mechanical mind. This is bad for him; he often forgets to turn his back to the wind.
  17. His mind is like a steel trap that always slams shut when trying to find an answer!
  18. You are a man of the earth, it’s bad that it’s not the best part of it.
  19. He thought - this is something new.
  20. When it finally gets dark, you'll definitely look better!
  21. Yes, you are just a wonderful comedian. If it's funny, it's a miracle!
  22. In the book "Who's Who" you should be searched as What Is This?
  23. You are living proof that a person can live without a brain!
  24. It is so short that when it's raining, he is always the last to know about it.
  25. Yes, you are just a template for an idiot to build.
  26. Why are you here? I thought the zoo closed for the night!
  27. How did you get here? Did someone leave the cage open?
  28. Don’t try to find anything in your head, it’s empty.
  29. I think you wouldn't want to feel the way you look!
  30. Hello! I am human! What do you?
  31. I can't talk to you right now, tell me where will you be in 10 years?
  32. I don't want you to turn the other cheek, it's just ugly.
  33. I don't know who you are, but it would be better if you didn't exist, I'm sure everyone will agree with me.
  34. I don't know what makes you stupid, but it really works.
  35. I can drive the monkey out of you, but it will cost you a lot!
  36. I can't remember your name and please don't help me with this!
  37. I don't even like the people you're trying to copy.
  38. I know you were born stupid, but why are you relapsing?
  39. I know that you are self-made. It's good that you admit your guilt!
  40. I know you are not as stupid as you look. This is impossible!
  41. I saw people like you, but then I had to pay for the ticket!
  42. Why are you such a fool today? Although I think this is typical for you.
But just don’t overdo it, even using veiled, indirect insults you can get hit in the face))
By using these insults you take responsibility for your words.

You can offend a person more with words than with deeds. Some people have to learn the art of humiliation on purpose.

It is not necessary to use swear words with a vulgar or vulgar context, it is enough to take into account weak sides“verbal duelist”, correctly assess the situation.

To take revenge on a person beautifully, you should read several books on psychology.

You can insult with smart words more than with obscenities. Correctly chosen phrases will hit the most weak points personality, human psyche, self-esteem, putting negative qualities on display.

Morally humiliating a person is quite difficult. The interlocutor must have the ability to express thoughts eloquently.

Knowing basic elements psychology, then finding a flaw in a person will not be difficult, and reading books will help in choosing bright words.

Beautifully humiliate a person using phrases:

  1. I would like to talk to a smart person in this situation, so move a little further away from me.
  2. I really want to offend you with a word, but nature did it with deeds.
  3. I see you are as simple as the corner of a house. Moreover, this angle is obtuse.
  4. It’s difficult to talk to a person who cannot…….(for example, drink tea without smacking his lips), let alone start any business with him.
  5. Where did such wonderful parents come from such a miracle as you?
  6. To surprise me, all you have to do is say at least something smart this evening.
  7. It's amazing how a person degrades using only words.
  8. Young man, tone down your statements.

Speaking seriously and without swearing, it is easy to receive cruel, undeniable insults that drive you into a frenzy, to tears.

An intelligent expression is more effective when said in the presence of strangers of the opposite sex.

How to put in place the offender who insults

There are unpleasant situations in life in which it is quite difficult to calm the offender.

To “revenge” your opponent with words efficiently and correctly, you can take into account several points that will affect the bully.

Note! You can stop an abusive person through psychological tricks and techniques.

In order not to turn a person completely against himself, it is impossible to show that the insult has deeply affected the personality.

The answer to the offender should contain maximum information that characterizes the personality and way of life from the inactive side.

It is enough to identify a person’s weaknesses. Using psychological tricks, you can easily cope with the situation, leaving “victory” behind you.

Put in place the person who insults:

Methods for responding to insults Psychological features of the correct response to the offender
Insult back Offensive remarks are a quick and desirable response to aggressive behavior person.

A similar answer is possible in 3 cases:

  • The insult will be relevant and witty in accordance with the attack made.
  • In the case of an answer to a well-known person: relatives, friends, acquaintances.
  • The insult will sound funny and will help smooth out the conflict without escalating the situation to the limit.

Strangers may not always react adequately, resort to physical violence, or drag out an argument

Reply with a joke The joke should concern the situation itself, provoked by an outsider to make offensive statements.

This technique should remove tension, help put you in a good light, and will not reduce you to primitivism in the thinking of the offender

Ignoring This option is ideal if the insult came from a loved one.

Such a statement is a criticism of your behavior and actions, which is expressed in incorrectly chosen words.

Reveal your opponent's secret intentions Knowing for sure that the person who insulted you dislikes you, you need to identify his motives.

Using simple phrases, you should try to convey to others information that reveals a bad person with a nasty idea about people

Remind your opponent about the laws If a person cannot do without swearing in any statements, then it is important to pay attention to the illegality of the actions.

Insulting a person public place– a criminal action leading to the payment of a fine, social work, rehabilitation in centers

How to answer beautifully and culturally

You can get away from a more serious conflict that may arise due to the initial insult by learning to fight back gracefully.

It is important to be able to respond culturally to unpleasant statements, hints, and words of another person.

You can use smart statements and phrases, but only if your opponent is in the same social category as you.

Otherwise, the offender may react aggressively, feeling that he is being made to look like a fool.

It’s smart to answer the offender so that he shuts up:

  1. Sorry, is that all you wanted to say, or do you have a few more “witty” sayings up your sleeve?
  2. I had a more pleasant impression of you than I do now.
  3. Rudeness doesn't suit you. If you want to stand out from others, then read several books.
  4. Do you want to hear a polite response to your statements or the truth about yourself?
  5. Why are you trying to look worse and more ill-mannered than you really are?
  6. It seems to me that you are just having a bad day today, so you are trying to throw out all the negativity on those around you. Don't be upset - tomorrow will be better than yesterday.
  7. Do you want to offend me by highlighting your bad manners? Not the best option!
  8. You don't have to talk to me so rudely. I didn't mean to attack you with my fists.

Using eloquence and clever use of expressions, you can drive your opponent into a blind corner.

In the case when you try to call the offender an ugly word, the quarrel will definitely drag on and may lead to a fight.

The reasons leading to a protracted conflict are immediately eliminated after a cultural showdown.

Useful video
