Kate Middleton gave birth: how the birth went this and the previous time. The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, chose the maternity hospital. Is Kate Middleton herself giving birth?

A joyful event took place in Great Britain. On April 23, Kate Middleton gave birth to her third child. The prince was born at St Mary's Private Hospital in Paddington at 11am. Fans of the royal family are interested to know everything about the newborn prince - what is his weight and what was the boy’s name.

Best anniversary gift

The birth of another child in the royal family was a wonderful gift for the reigning Queen Elizabeth II. After all, two days before the joyful event, April 21, was her birthday. Plus, it can be said that Kate gave the perfect anniversary gift to her husband, William. After all, on April 29 it will be seven years since they got married.

According to the press, about large family Kate has always dreamed of. She herself was born into a simple family with three children. She is very friendly with her sister and brother.

Despite the fact that Kate now bears the title of Duchess of Cambridge, many call her the “Cinderella” of our time. Middleton has no close relatives among noble people. But this circumstance did not prevent her from marrying a real prince. Perhaps this is why she was able to win the hearts of the people of Great Britain. Few have succeeded since his death in 1997.

Perhaps the reason for people's love is also that Kate showed herself to be wonderful mother. And besides, she pays attention to charity.

The girl has an excellent reputation, not overshadowed by scandals and gossip. Therefore, she is worthy of the title of princess and the honorary title of mother of royal heirs.

Introducing the baby to his subjects

Soon after the boy was born, his parents came out with him to journalists and ordinary people. Photos from this event are already on the Internet. Prince William went ahead to pick up his eldest children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. And together they went to meet the new family member.

The fact that the residents of Great Britain took their places next to the maternity hospital the night before, expecting good news, is not surprising. The news of an addition to the royal family was a real event for them. After all, he is the heir to the throne, the great-grandson of the current ruler, Elizabeth.

The princess appeared before her subjects in a luxurious scarlet dress with a white lace collar from designer Jenny Packham. Her cute look was perfectly complemented by heels, a neat hairstyle and a gentle day makeup. Prince William wore a formal blue suit and a blue shirt. It was noticeable that William and Kate were very happy about the birth of the baby.

As the press notes, Middleton was wearing a dress very similar to the one Princess Diana previously wore after her birth. youngest son. This is not a mere coincidence, but a sign of respect for the memory of the untimely deceased mother of Princes William and Harry.

By the way, on the birthday of her first son, George, in 2013, Middleton came out to her subjects in a modest blue dress. It was very reminiscent of the one Diana wore after William was born.

Kate Middleton helped Kate Middleton create a festive look for her third child, her friend and stylist, Natasha Archer. She arrived at the hospital early in the morning.

Coming out to the public and journalists, the baby’s parents waved to them. And just two minutes after presenting the baby to the admiring crowd, they went to their home at Kensington Palace.

In honor of the newborn prince, coins were minted with his date of birth. Contrary to expectations, they are not distributed as souvenirs, but sold to royal subjects.

Disputes about the name of the heir

According to tradition, residents of the state made bookmaker bets on who Prince William and Kate Middleton would have - a boy or a girl? After the baby is born, controversy erupts over the baby's name. Most assume that the baby will be named Arthur. There are also suggestions that he may be named Albert and James. But the name William is the most rare option. It is unlikely that the prince will be named after his own father.

It is also interesting that the third child in the family of William and Kate was born on a big holiday - St. George's Day. this saint is the patron saint of England. Many assumed that the boy would be born on this day. But it is almost impossible that the child will be named George, in honor of St. George. After all, that’s the name of William and Kate’s eldest child.

Some suggest that the heir will have an unusual and even exotic name. But these predictions are unlikely to come true. After all, the royal family has always been very conservative, and they closely monitor the observance of decency.

According to tradition, the baby’s name will be announced only a few days after his birth, but the weight of the baby is already known - 3.8 kilograms.

A representative of the British royalist community, Alexander Sheily, has already spoken about the birth of an heir. He is confident that the little prince will occupy an important place in governing the country. Although it is not known for sure whether this boy will become king.

Prince William's wife has shocked the public more than once with her appearance on the threshold of the maternity hospital. The main question that worried everyone at these moments: how does she manage to look so good after giving birth?! However, even now: a little more than 7 weeks have passed, and the duchess has already returned to her previous form. After three pregnancies, her figure is perfect, as if Kate Middleton never gave birth.

At a charity polo tournament last weekend, Kate looked incredibly slim, and her belted dress perfectly emphasized her changed figure and thin waist. Not to mention how the Duchess of Cambridge looked in a soft azure dress during the Trooping the Color parade in honor of Queen Elizabeth II's birthday.

The entire public noticed this, leaving Kate Middleton's appearance without comment. Midwife Laura Speiser from the “Women’s Health Clinic” said that some young mothers manage to quickly get back into shape, which depends not only on nutrition and physical activity, but good genes.

“Some women can easily return to their pre-pregnancy weight, especially when it is in their genes. If the mother is healthy, and the pregnancy proceeded safely and with a normal BMI, then after childbirth the body, as a rule, quickly gets into shape.”

She also added that the Duchess's rapid recovery is likely due to proper nutrition: “Remove from your diet those foods that the body “requires” after childbirth. On breastfeeding I especially want carbohydrates and something tasty - the body is “looking” for extra calories. If you can control yourself and opt for healthy snacks and balanced, healthy dinners, then you'll likely lose the weight you've gained faster."

And although Kate Middleton herself does not make any official statements about her figure, it is known that even after the birth of George, in 2013, a famous fitness and health expert worked with her Louise Parker. She developed her own method and has been working with people for over 20 years, helping them change their body. According to the star trainer, a third of her clients are young mothers. Based on her experience, Louise does not recommend that women after childbirth immediately begin to lose weight in any way possible.

At first, the body needs to rest and recover after nine months of such a serious load. Experienced mothers know that every pregnancy takes a toll on the body. Therefore, after giving birth, it is especially important to give yourself the opportunity to rest and try to get enough sleep.

“It's not easy for people who are always in the public eye,” she says. “Yes, they have the resources, a whole support team of nutritionists and personal trainers, but in the end they still have to do this work on themselves.”


“Exercise is important, but long, high-intensity training is not necessary. I do not believe in the benefits and effectiveness of grueling workouts after childbirth. Anything that is too aggressive can only aggravate the situation and the mother’s emotional state, says the athlete, who herself suffered from postpartum depression and coped with it by walking. “You need to exercise, but little by little, gradually increasing the pace.”

The most suitable fitness plan for a new mother is cardio (such as walking) and light weight training for the upper body. You can do exercises every day while walking with a stroller: this will not only help strengthen the heart muscle and lose extra pounds, but also give the body the opportunity to gradually “get into mode.”

“Your body should gradually recover from pregnancy. The most important thing is posture. Watch how you sit and walk. The best place to start is by strengthening your upper back and heart,” says Louise Parker, who then recommends a fairly gentle cardio-sculpting method.

"This is very effective method, during which you simultaneously train muscles and burn fat. Instead of regular squats, try doing exercises for your arms, back or neck muscles.”

“Finding time for exercise is never easy,” mother of three Louise Parker knows from personal experience. “But if you strive for this every day, you will be able to gradually get into the routine and exercise 3-4 times a week.”

Kate Middleton herself spends a lot of time with her children in the fresh air, walking, running: she is always on the move. Not to mention the fact that one of the children is always in her arms, so the stress on her arms and back is constant.


Star trainer Louise Parker is sure that a strict diet is strictly contraindicated for young mothers. During the first time after childbirth, the body recovers from serious hormonal changes, so you should not deprive it of nutrients. A balanced diet consisting of healthy and “clean” foods is what helps restore the body even during breastfeeding.

“We completely destroy “white” and “fast” carbohydrates until we reach the goal. These include white bread and pastries, sugar and sweets, as well as carbonated drinks. As healthy breakfast you can choose porridge or regular muesli with bran, adding berries or fruits to them. For lunch- lean meat or chicken with a side dish of legumes or vegetables, and for dinner-steak of meat or fish with a light vegetable salad. As snacks Smoothies, light snacks such as hummus with crackers are perfect, oat cookies or slices of fresh vegetables and fruits.”

Prince William's wife's diet

In an interview with a culinary magazine, Kensington Palace chef Caroline Robb spoke about the Duchess's favorite dishes. When Prince William's wife needs to get rid of extra pounds, she goes on for a while special diet(Meghan Markle was also rumored to have lost weight on it before the wedding).

Basic principles of Kate's diet:

  • There are plenty of salads and greens;
  • Replace sweet flour desserts with fruits (for example, watermelon salad);
  • There are many vegetables in the form of salads, ceviche, gazpacho;
  • Replace cow's milk with almond milk;
  • Replace meat protein with spirulina;
  • Monitor portion sizes;
  • Allow yourself “goodies” during the day, but in limited quantities;
  • Drink plenty of smoothies and organic juices.

The Duchess also simply loves Indian vegetarian curry of potatoes, black lentils, spinach and cauliflower (she ate it both during pregnancy and after).

Kate Middleton's favorite green smoothie


  • ¾ cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 cup fresh spinach
  • ½ cup chopped kale
  • ½ cup chopped romaine lettuce
  • 1 tbsp. spoon spirulina
  • ¼ cup coriander
  • 1 ½ water

How to cook:

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Serve garnished with a few blueberries.

Louise Parker says that on the way to the body of their dreams, many people become literally obsessed with numbers and count every gram, which is not very beneficial for the body and psyche:

“Just make sure you do your best. Even if today it was just a long walk and a relaxing bath, everything you do has a cumulative effect.”

Tell us, how did you manage to get in shape after giving birth?

While Britain cannot get enough of the birth of the princess, mothers from Russia cannot calm down - the duchess was so beautiful, as if she had never given birth at all. The heated discussion online has been going on for several days. Women in Russia participate so actively in it, expressing a variety of opinions, that the British Mirror even published an article on this matter. In one of the Facebook groups, a lot of things were also said about whether a woman can look so good a few hours after giving birth. We have collected the most interesting statements about whether Kate gave birth herself, whether an elite clinic can have such an impact on appearance women, is it the husband’s fault, can a newborn baby look so good and what does a woman want immediately after giving birth.

It is worth remembering that Kate gave birth herself. This argument for natural childbirth will be used for a long time by doctors who do not welcome birth by cesarean section. There is no need to rush mom anywhere, nature will do everything itself. And really look beautiful and blooming. In Europe, it is common practice for mother and baby to be discharged the day after giving birth. The main thing is that mother and child feel good.

Here's what Russian mothers say about the birth of the Duchess of Cambridge, according to the Mirror:

Kate never gave birth herself - “She wore a fake belly throughout her pregnancy! She's just another actress from the palace! She has nothing maternal in her eyes. She didn’t give birth to her first child herself.”

Kate must have wanted to sleep - “The only thing a woman wants right after giving birth is to lie down and sleep. They are playing a fairy tale for us here, and someone also believes in it.”

Middleton gave birth a few days ago - “Five hours after giving birth, a woman cannot stand and walk so confidently. She probably gave birth a few days ago. And her baby looks suspiciously good. Newborns are never so pink and pretty. She definitely gave birth three days ago!”

Here are more quotes about “beautiful Kate” from a Facebook group for moms:

My son didn’t recognize me after the birth of his second child, he had changed so much. At least Kate.

I was wonderful! If you could film me up to my stomach.

If you were pretty before giving birth, then nature won’t change anything much. The main thing is to add a little makeup and tidy up your hair.

My first birth was such that I didn’t go near the mirror. And after the second baby she was good!

That day in London it was 11 degrees, they showed us some false photos.

These are not people, but some kind of robots...

In other photos you can see how Kate's eyebrows were drawn... The stylists did a good job on her.

She's already wearing heels... I couldn't put on my shoes for a year!

I feel sorry for Kate. The whole world is looking at her through a magnifying glass!

Middleton is great, he’s still smiling after giving birth. I actually wanted to eat someone...

Girls, they didn’t give birth in Russia! Otherwise I wouldn’t smile like that.

Kate was rowing, she’s a strong girl! Just think, childbirth.

She and her husband are lucky, she has a good one.

My children were also not red after birth, depending on others.

25 K

May 8, 2019 13:55

By Fabiosa

Spring has long been a wonderful time of year for the British royal family. During this period, Her Majesty celebrates her birthday, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's two children, Charlotte and Louis, and at the same time of year, Kate and William, as well as Meghan and Harry, had their weddings. Isn't it a wonderful time? Fans of the royal family finally waited for the birth of Meghan and Harry's first child; the baby was born on May 6. Now, with peace of mind, you can remember Kate’s three pregnancies and compare them with Megan’s wonderful period.

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The Duchess of Cambridge is very traditional, she respects all the rules that were thought out many years ago, obediently preparing to one day become Queen Consort, so she does not violate any royal traditions. Megan doesn't have to be so humble, so during her pregnancy and preparation for childbirth, she made her own adjustments. So, what are the 5 main differences between Meghan and Kate's birth and preparation?

1. Kate Middleton didn't have a baby shower.

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Let us remind you that this is a holiday where pregnant women’s friends gather, give cute gifts, and inspire future motherhood. Meghan even flew to New York specifically for this purpose to meet with friends who were close to her heart even before she became a duchess. With Kate, everything was traditional, she didn’t throw such parties, and if she did it, it was so that no one would know.

2. Kate gave birth in a hospital, Megan planned at home

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Perhaps the difference that was in doubt until the very end. Kate gave birth to all her children at St. Mary's Hospital in London, where she was helped by obstetricians and doctors who were specially selected royal family. Megan decided to break this important rule preferring to give birth at home. At the last moment, she was nevertheless taken to the hospital, but not the same one as Kate, but a private one.

3. Kate and William announced the birth of their child on the official Twitter of Kensington Palace, Harry and Meghan - on their Instagram

4. Prince William hasn't spoken to the press, but Harry has.

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Here we are talking about “presenting the child” to the public. Prince Harry gave a mini-interview on his own, talking about his experience of giving birth, and at the same time shared information about how Meghan felt. William did not do this, although during the birth of his third child, he took George and Charlotte to the hospital, but remained silent in relation to journalists.

5. Kate Middleton showed the baby immediately after giving birth, Meghan did not

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Kate always quickly recovered from childbirth and showed the heir to the British throne to the public, posing with her baby and husband. For example, in the case of Prince Louis, the people saw him already 6 hours after his birth! This happened on the porch of the hospital, where Princess Diana also posed at one time. Meghan did not pose on the hospital porch or show off her baby that same day.

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As you can see, there are a lot of nuances. Probably, it all comes down to the fact that there are more demands on Kate, because one day she and William will rule the country! Harry and Meghan can afford to be experimental, because their lives can be more personal. What do you think about these differences? Tell us in the comments.

but remained a mystery. According to rumors, the duchess was going to give birth at home under the supervision of royal doctors, but as a result she chose the already familiar place - St. Mary's Hospital in the central London district of Paddington. Here her children George and Charlotte appeared.

Royal family: Prince Charles with his wife Camilla, Prince William with Prince Harry in the background, Kate Middleton with her children, Queen Elizabeth II with her husband Philip

Toby Melville/Reuters

St Mary's Hospital, or rather its exclusive Lindo wing, is already a proven location for the royal family. Princess Diana gave birth to Harry and William here.

The Lindo wing is more reminiscent of a five-star hotel than a hospital, for example, there are deluxe and deluxe rooms available for women in labor. The prices are appropriate: a standard room package, including a one-day stay, costs from 500 thousand rubles, and a luxury package - from 570 thousand rubles. with an additional cost of about 100 thousand rubles. for both packages.

A suite of two rooms, one of which is used as a living room, with all possible care packages, which have also increased in price since the birth of William and Kate's first child, can cost the royal family about 700 thousand rubles per night.

Each suite has satellite TV with major international channels, radio, bedside telephone, refrigerator, free Wi-Fi and daily newspapers. The menu deserves special attention. All meals are prepared in a separate kitchen using the freshest ingredients, and relatives are offered afternoon tea to celebrate the arrival of a new family member. An excellent wine list is also available for those interested. The living room is spacious enough to accommodate all of his close relatives, and if the father of the newborn does not want to be separated from his family even for a minute, they will happily prepare an extra bed for him.

“We go above and beyond to provide a modern and homely environment so you can start your new or expanded family life", says the website of the Lindo branch.

For women in labor, toiletries are also prepared in the “room” and a service to call a massage therapist or doctor is available. The most important thing in Lindo is the level medical care. For example, after the birth of the Duchess's daughter Cambridge Charlotte the maternity ward was overseen by the royal gynecological surgeon Guy Thorpe-Beeston and several of his assistants, while in total there were more than a dozen experts in the wing in case of emergencies, as well as a total of 23 anesthesiologists and paediatricians.

Prince William and Kate decided not to find out the baby's sex in advance, and to keep it a secret for themselves and everyone else. The expected date for the birth of William and Kate's third child is April 23, but the royal family and medical team need to be on alert already in the middle of the month. The hospital is already preparing for the birth of a member of the royal family. So,

Restricted access has already been introduced into the grounds of St Mary's Hospital, special barriers have been installed within the Lindo private maternity ward, and safety signs have been posted in the car parks.

A separate space for funds has also already been created mass media, which will house television crews, journalists and photographers who will gather immediately after the duchess gives birth.

It is worth noting that the world-famous Lindo obstetrics department is not only an exclusive wing for high-profile and wealthy families, but also a department specializing in complex pregnancies and births, as well as premature babies in the Winnicott division.

In 2006, William visited the refurbished neonatal unit at St Mary's where there were two tiny premature babies, one weighing just 2.2kg. Winnicott cares for some of the most critically ill newborns in the UK. It treats about 350 sick and premature babies from across the country every year, caring for 18 babies at a time.
