Prince George and Princess Charlotte of Cambridge VKontakte. Fashionable children: the style of Prince George and Princess Charlotte

  • Charlotte is the head of the family. Elizabeth II recently spoke about this. The Queen recently asked 10-year-old girl Emily if she was looking after her younger 6-year-old sister Hadley. To which their mother replied that everything was happening quite the opposite. “Just like Charlotte and George,” commented Elizabeth II.
  • George is a very active child with endless energy. “He’s like a little monkey,” Prince William said in an interview.
  • Charlotte, on the contrary, is extremely calm. “She’s easy to be with, she’s very sweet,” Prince William once said. “But all the other dads tell me, 'Wait until she's 9 or 11 and then you'll go crazy.' Well, I'm waiting."
  • Prince George loves it when it's storming outside. His mother Kate spoke about this.
  • Princess Charlotte's full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. The girl is named after Prince William's grandmother and mother, as a sign of her parents' attention and love for royal family.

  • George doesn't know yet that he can become king. “One day, when the time is right and the moment is right, we will tell him what place he occupies in this world. And so we are the most ordinary family,” said Prince William.
  • George has it too full name— George Alexander Louis. And with him, too, everything is not so simple. George (George) - in honor of the father of his great-grandmother King George VI, Alexander - in honor of the middle name of Elizabeth II, Louis - in honor of the military leader, uncle of Prince Philip.
  • Both kids’ favorite book is “The Gruffalo” by writer Julia Donaldson. They love listening to it while traveling.
  • Prince George loves playing football, but begins to hate it when it gets tough and he has to use force.
  • George loves to cook with his mother. “I love baking, and when I decide to take up baking, George comes running to me. And from that moment on, the whole house is covered in chocolate and caramel. He creates such a mess!” — Kate once shared.

  • Most of Charlotte's toys aren't that expensive. Her favorite bear, which we saw in the baby's official photos in 2015, costs $27.
  • The reason William and Kate don't go out with their children often is because George can be uncontrollable. Screams, tears, hiding and running away from adults - this is what beloved parents can expect.
  • Prince William has repeatedly noted that George reminds him very much of himself and his brother, Prince Harry, in childhood. The boy has the same character and interests.
  • George loves to walk outside and is ready to spend all his time there. Prince Charles, the baby’s grandfather, once spoke about this.
  • For their great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, George and Charlotte make their own gifts.

and Prince William are trying with all their might to ensure that their children - and Princess Charlotte - have a normal childhood and receive everything that ordinary children get...

6 Times Prince George and Princess Charlotte Broke Royal Traditions

Normal start

The life of Kate Middleton's children is covered much less than the childhood of Prince Harry and William. Their parents took care of this, and they went for it Royal Palace. Instead of "putting your babies on display," Kensington Palace, when Prince George first went to kindergarten, published several portraits of the child. And at the beginning of 2018, he shared, which were personally made by the Duchess of Cambridge.

Unconventional order to the royal throne

If previously boys were ahead of girls in line for the throne, then in 2013 the rules were changed. And today Princess Charlotte is in 4th place for the throne, and even if Catherine gives birth to a boy in the spring, he will still be 5th in line.

The children did not live in London

After their wedding, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge settled in Anglesey, Wales, before moving to their home Anmer Hall in Norfolk, which became their children's first residence.

The children now live in Kensington Palace, as their parents devote themselves entirely to royal duties.

Choosing a school for Prince George

Many thought the child would go to Wetherby School, where William and Harry attended and which is closer to the palace than Thomas'. On his first day, the boy came there accompanied by his father and only one photographer.

Children are not afraid to show their emotions in public

Of course, anything regarding children's tantrums is unlikely to be specified in any guide to royal ethics, but this is certainly not the best manifestation of emotions. However, Charlotte burst into tears while boarding the plane in Hamburg.

Choice of clothes

By tradition, members of the royal family must look appropriate when meeting with heads of other countries, or appearing in front of cameras, or at a private banquet. If it is an appearance for the press - an elegant outfit, if a private banquet - in full dress (crown, tiara, jewelry, etc.).

When Prince George was introduced to the former US President, he wore...a bathrobe. This can hardly be called an elegant outfit.

Just like ordinary children, royal heirs have rather simple requests. So, Prince William recently showed off his son for Christmas. Surprisingly, the letter to Santa Claus contained only one point.



The family of Prince William and Kate Middleton is always under scrutiny. And after the news about the birth of a third child in the ideal British family of monarchs, interest in them doubled. It is worth noting that the children of William and Kate, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, have long been independent heroes of various British tabloids. Thanks to the press, you can find out how royal children are raised, what their diet and preferences are. Fashion experts also note that George and Charlotte have already developed their own clothing style. It’s not for nothing that they inspire designers to create capsule children’s collections, a striking example is “The Diana by Seraphin”. Let's see what clothes the most famous children in Britain wear.

family of Prince William and Kate Middleton

Prince George

Kate Middleton's style has been considered impeccable and elegant for several years now. The images of George and Charlotte are the embodiment of the ideal childish style, modest, but at the same time charming. 4-year-old Prince George is a very active child. He is most often seen wearing short sleeve shirts and shorts. The color scheme is shades of blue, white and sometimes red. Kate Middleton chooses clothes for George from British stores Rachel Riley and Early Days.

Princess Charlotte

Princess Charlotte is only two years old, but her name is already on lists of the most stylish famous children. Charlotte's wardrobe contains charming dresses in pink and blue shades. You can see that the images of Kate Middleton and Charlotte look very harmonious together. Kate chooses similar shades in her clothes, and this involuntarily makes her smile. In the future, Princess Charlotte will show the whole world what true British elegance means, but for now we enjoy her charming childhood images.

Every girl dreams of becoming a princess as a child. Exquisite outfits, status, servants ready to help at a moment's notice, and many, many other things that lure you into a fairy tale. Many believe in it, and one day, remembering the well-known truth “believe, and it will certainly come true,” they receive their dream and find it in reality. This happened to one girl who, having been born into a completely ordinary family, was able to become a full member of the English royal elite and win the hearts of the people of Britain. Perhaps she captivated society with her sincerity, simplicity and charming radiant smile, and some with her ability to dress elegantly and carry herself perfectly in public. Be that as it may, Princess Diana's son William, Kate Middleton and the children born to this couple are currently the most talked about people not only in England, but throughout the world.

Queen of England, Princess Diana and other relatives

Today on the agenda are the children of the English royal couple. It is impossible to talk about them without mentioning their famous parents, their grandmother, who was considered a style icon and a fighter for justice and peace, as well as their great-grandmother, the only living queen on the planet. In England, members of the royal family have been revered since time immemorial, and events directly related to high-ranking persons are given close attention. Without exaggeration, it will be said that the whole world watched the embodiment of Disney's fairy-tale story into reality - the marriage of a British prince to the daughter of an ordinary baker (albeit a very wealthy one). This story did not end at a luxurious wedding ceremony, but continues to unfold before the eyes of millions of people, exciting them with a happy earthly continuation: the birth of children.

The firstborn, who became famous even before he was born

The Duchess of Cambridge, aka Catherine and the chosen one of Diana's son, was the first to give birth to a boy, or rather, the future king. Prince George, which is the name his parents gave to their first-born, is next in line after his father to the British throne. And although Elizabeth II already had two great-grandchildren before him, it was this baby who took first place in the tabloids, becoming the most famous child even before he was born. Like Diana, Catherine gave birth at St. Mary's Hospital. The British prince was received by royal obstetricians and gynecologists, and the father himself was present at the birth, who tries to support his young wife in everything. On the afternoon of July 22, 2013, the baby was born.

A few words about the heir

The baptism ceremony of the little heir slightly confused the public because it was a slight departure from tradition. The ceremony took place not in the royal residence, but in St. James's Chapel. It is worth noting the fact that Prince George is growing up just like an ordinary kid: he does not want to go to school, he is capricious, misbehaves, and even sometimes sulks in public for some unknown reason. According to custom, he does not yet wear trousers - only shorts. Due to his status and position, he is photographed for official portraits; he loves his little sister very much.

A gift for father, a helper for mother and just a beauty

Charlotte of Cambridge was born two years after her brother and immediately took fourth place in the British throne, but first in the hearts of the British. Little Charlotte, despite her very little young age, ranks first in the ranking of British royals. A girl, as is commonly believed, is a gift for her father, which is no exception even in the royal family. loves Charlotte. By the way, the second child of Kate and William pleased her parents and subjects with her birth, although, according to doctors’ forecasts, this should have happened in April. The baby was also born at St. Mary's Hospital and weighed almost the same as her brother George - almost 4 kilograms. The christening took place at Sandringham Estate in Norfolk behind closed doors, only in the presence of relatives and friends.

Common secrets of children and their great-grandmothers

Kate Middleton's children are incredibly popular, but most importantly, they are loved. Grandmother, and she, as mentioned above, is the only current queen in the world, was very happy when Princess Charlotte was born. The great-grandmother, as a sign of her respect and, of course, love, was one of the first to visit the baby. Over time, their family bond has only strengthened, and a sweet tradition has emerged - the royal grandchildren have secret places for gifts that their grandmother leaves for them. This is their common secret, which even their parents are not privy to. Another proof of love was that Queen Elizabeth lifted the ban on joint flights - previously they flew separately, which was provided for by the protocol. Now the family can travel together.

Educational issues

The famous Charlotte of Cambridge made her first official visit to Canada, where she captivated everyone with her charming appearance, good behavior and lovely outfits. Since then, she often goes abroad with her parents and even sometimes behaves like an ordinary capricious child. Duchess Catherine always manages to calm the girl down. To do this, the mother just needs to whisper something in the baby’s ear, and she again becomes an angel. Kate Middleton's children are unusually well brought up, perhaps because she and her husband decided to abandon some traditions and are trying to give the kids a normal childhood. For example, a sister and brother have a pet- a hamster they adore. By the way, a nanny helps the duchess in raising her children, but Kate still devotes a lot of time to her offspring. A beautiful couple, wonderful children, an amazing attitude towards each other - all this inspires not only the residents of Great Britain, but also people all over the world.

Unexpected continuation

Kate and William put off the idea of ​​having another child for several years, but in 2017 the Duchess became pregnant, which came as a bit of a surprise to the public. The first months were so difficult for her that she had to give up not only attending official events, but also other more important matters relating to the mother’s time with her children. Unfortunately, due to terrible toxicosis, the children of the royal couple did not see their mother as often as they would like. However, after three months her condition improved enough that she was able to accompany her husband again. It also became known when Kate Middleton will give birth to her third child. This should happen in April. Whether the second princess, and it is already known that there will be a girl, will make herself wait, like her older sister, time will tell. In the meantime, the British are happy for their monarchs and place bets.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte with their parents at Berlin Airport, July 19, 2017

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have long gained a reputation as humble rebels within the royal family, putting an end to more than one old-fashioned palace tradition. Just as it once was for Princess Diana, the happiness of their children is higher for future British monarchs than protocol rules, so when it comes to ensuring that George and Charlotte have a “normal childhood,” Catherine and William are absolutely categorical. According to one of the insiders, the Duchess once even threatened in a narrow circle that there was no place and never would be for “Puritan royal protocol” in her house.

Surprisingly, Catherine and William are helped in raising their children not by an army of servants, but by just one nanny (something that, in fact, any average family can afford). The Duchess bathes her children herself, puts them to bed herself, and in general behaves like an ordinary mother who periodically does not deny herself to pamper her children or severely punish them for pranks.

We tell you what young George and Charlotte can and cannot do at this stage of their lives.

Don't: use tablets

Perhaps one of the strictest rules in the Cambridge family became known only at the end of the summer of this year. Surprisingly, in an age when kids learn to operate a touch screen before they can walk, William and Catherine remain extremely conservative in raising their offspring. According to one insider, “William and Kate trust more ordinary toys, street games and the development of fantasy and imagination.” In the latter, games on tablets are clearly not helpful, so for now the Cambridge kids are clearly explained that iPads are the personal belongings of mom and dad, and children are not allowed to touch them.

The Cambridge family at Hamburg Airport, July 21, 2017

You can: play with regular toys, ride bicycles and run through puddles

Meanwhile, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge fully compensate for the absence of electronic games in George and Charlotte’s childhood by allowing their kids to ride bicycles and play games. sport games and even run through puddles. Especially to prevent the children from getting dirty and wet in the mud, Katherine dresses them in water-repellent windbreakers for almost every walk.

Kate and George walking in the park, circa 2015

Prince George at a charity polo match, June 14, 2015

As a rule, the toys of Cambridge children are the simplest, most inexpensive and unpretentious (read: “Wooden toys: what the children of kings play with”). Cars, dolls, soft animals, in extreme cases – a modern construction set. Everything to develop George and Charlotte’s imagination and healthy curiosity about everything around them. And it seems that William and Catherine's strategy is bearing good fruit. So, their eldest son has now just entered the age of “why”, and therefore spends a lot of time with his dad, decisively questioning him about everything that comes to mind. Charlotte, as insiders say, loves playing with dolls, inventing fairy-tale stories for them, and often transforms herself into some Disney princess. “I think she hasn’t fully realized that she herself is a princess,” the source laughs.

Official photo of Princess Charlotte in April 2016

Don't: be capricious

Hand on heart, not a single parent comes into touching delight when his child begins to cry, scream, stomp his feet and strenuously prove that he is in charge here. But the Duchess of Cambridge has a few of her own proven ways to calm her kids down without resorting to old-fashioned methods of punishment such as slapping them on the head or sending them to the corner. Most often, if, say, Prince George decides to be naughty, Catherine immediately begins to loudly sing her favorite songs so that the child understands that his attempts to attract attention are not working, and, on the contrary, he himself is distracted by his mother’s singing. There is an even more sophisticated way: as soon as George or Charlotte begin to fight in hysterics, Kate... does the same.

The future Queen of Great Britain, Catherine, falls to the floor, begins to jerk her arms and legs, convulse and scream loudly - all, of course, for make-believe.

As a rule, in this case, children see how stupid it looks from the outside, and stop, bursting into cheerful laughter.

Cranky George at The Royal International Air Tattoo show, July 8, 2016

Prince George in Poland, July 17, 2017

The Duchess comforts her son, July 8, 2016

During public appearances, Prince George and Princess Charlotte are afraid of angering their mother.

As for public events, the Duchess, of course, cannot afford to roll on the ground to calm screaming children. Fortunately, the Cambridge kids very rarely allow themselves to make scenes in public (read: Charlotte's first tears: the princess showed her character for the first time). The thing is that before every going out, their mother makes it clear to them that if they behave badly, they will immediately go home. According to acquaintances of William and Kate, the Duchess had already performed this trick a couple of times on playgrounds, when she forcibly took George home if he was capricious. So, it seems that during public appearances, children simply do not risk causing their mother’s anger.

The first manifestation of Princess Charlotte's difficult character... Hamburg Airport, July 21, 2017

You can: spend a lot of time with your parents

According to protocol, nannies are required to raise children in the royal family. But Catherine and William, being well-known lovers of breaking traditions, are in no hurry to place George and Charlotte in the care of an army of servants, and try to spend all their free time with their children.

As mentioned above, Prince George spends a lot of time with his father, with whom they constantly talk about both little things and the eternal. According to William himself, sometimes he is surprised by how “deep” their conversations can be, because right now his son is beginning to see the first differences between his status and the position of his peers.

The Duke of Cambridge with his son children's party in Canada, September 29, 2016

Prince George with his dad on his first day of school, September 7, 2017

As for Charlotte, she follows her mother, trying to imitate her in everything. The girl does not leave Catherine's side even when she goes to the kitchen to prepare dinner (surprise: yes, the Duchess of Cambridge cooks for the family herself). The little princess even has her own little play corner in the kitchen, where she spends time pretending to follow her mother while she is busy cooking.

Duchess Catherine with her daughter in Poland, July 17, 2017

During the Christmas service in Bucklebury, December 25, 2016

By the way, according to one of the insiders, the Cambridges eat - also contrary to tradition - together, at the same table, and sometimes parents even allow the kids to take their favorite toys with them.

Don't: Throw food or refuse to eat

Sometimes if the little prince and princess don’t like their food, they start throwing food on the floor screaming, refusing to eat. In this case, however, Katherine is peremptory. According to their family's rules, if the children deliberately soiled the floor with food, they are obliged to help the staff clean everything up. Moreover, they will no longer receive any alternative lunch. All they will get is a glass of milk, which the kids will have to be content with until their next meal. So, more often than not, George and Charlotte do not refuse food - even if they do not like it very much.

Cambridge kids at a children's party in Canada, September 29, 2016

You can: eat fast food (sometimes)

On the other hand, a meal in the Cambridge family is not always torture for their children. Surprisingly, sometimes Catherine (apparently following in the footsteps of Princess Diana, who sometimes sneaked William and Harry to McDonald's, read: “History in Photos: What a Mother Princess Diana Was”) allows George and Charlotte to enjoy food that is not entirely healthy - for example, French fries. But, of course, in moderation and, I think, secretly from grandfather Charles, who, as you know, is an ardent fan of organic nutrition.

Prince George received a licorice stick after Christmas service in Berkshire