Why is Aries first in the horoscope? Aries: Complete Astrological Profile

Each Zodiac Sign is unique in its character traits. Aries is a very unusual and impulsive person with a whole set of characteristics.

Fact five: Aries hate toothache stronger than anyone else. They are afraid of her, she drives them crazy. They are angry that they can't do anything about it.

Fact six: they love to do pleasing to people, but do not expect any response. They like to watch how a person enjoys their gifts, their company, their smiles and care. Aries are good friends.

Fact seven: Aries don't know how to lose. This is inherent in them at the genetic level. If they lost in something, they will find a hundred excuses like “my finger hurt,” “I was out of shape,” and so on. They simply don't have it, that's all. They don't want to piss you off - they're just that way by nature.

Fact eight: Representatives of this Zodiac Sign can go without a sexual partner longer than others. They concentrate their attention on business, work or something else. Of course, they don’t care about the lack of personal life, but they can easily survive long-term abstinence.

Fact nine: something funny always happens to these people, which they then tell their friends about and laugh at themselves with everyone. Astrology cannot explain this phenomenon, so it is a really interesting fact.

Fact ten: Aries is a good-natured person. If you want to find yourself kind person in the world, then he will be an Aries, so we have seriously narrowed down your search.

There is no Aries who would not argue with you that he is right. Absolutely every person born under this Sign is an ardent fighter for justice. These are born lawyers, activists, politicians or athletes. They do not sit still, although they cannot be called particularly dynamic either.

Finally, it should be added that Aries can be selfish. Previously we wrote about the most selfish Zodiac Signs. So, Aries is included in the list of the most terrible egoists. Sometimes this backfires on them, but often it remains just an invisible flaw. Be careful with them, don't cross their path and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.08.2016 05:12

Sometimes we notice that some Zodiac Signs’ energy seems to prevail over ours. AND...

School of Conceptual Astrology “Light of the Stars”

Part I . Fundamentals of philosophical and astronomical cosmogony.


No one today can provide convincing explanations for why the Zodiac begins with Aries and ends in Pisces. According to one version, in those days when astrology was actively developing, and this was about 2500 years ago, the vernal equinox point was in Aries. Either because Aries gives the human character greater activity than other signs (although everything is relative, depending on what you take as a starting point). Perhaps, as recorded in the Vedas, because 12,000 BC the Sun was in the closest position to the Great Center and was precisely in Aries. In addition, Aries is a sign of self-confidence, and this in itself is worthy of becoming a starting point. However, from the point of view of interpretation of the horoscope, for the astrological concept that has walking Today, the beginning of the zodiac in Aries is nothing more than a tradition that has no consequences. The house of Aries is numbered first, and that's where the meaning ends. In fact, the point at which the zodiac circle begins and ends is of fundamental importance. Without a clear understanding of the starting point, it will be impossible to correctly understand the meaning of the entire zodiacal Life Cycle in general and its individual phases in particular, and therefore, to correctly interpret signs, aspects, transits, etc. A new understanding of the Zodiac is valuable not in itself, but because it makes it possible to solve a variety of problems in applied astrology, more precisely, on the basis of objective laws.

In our school, the beginning of the zodiac circle is the sign of Cancer, and the end of Gemini. Probably everyone will agree that the beginning of the Life Cycle should be taken as the zone that personifies the beginning of Divine creation, meaning by the beginning the state of the threshold of the creative act, the starting position, the existence of the Creator in himself, as well as the culminating place where everything that exists returns after completing its circle of life (the term “Nest of Being”, proposed by the integral psychologist K. Wilber, looks apt). The sign that represents this culmination is Cancer. It is no coincidence that, according to ancient beliefs, immortal souls descend to earth from the “Nursery” to incarnate in newborns. "Nursery" is the ancient name for the cluster N.G.C. 2632 (M44), which is in Cancer. Here they are “Nursery” in Cancer.

Why does the Vedas suddenly indicate that the great Rama was born in the ascendant sign of Cancer? Apparently, not just out of respect for the horoscope of the seventh avatar of Vishnu, but in order to emphasize the relationship of the constellation with what is happening on Earth. What about the birth of Jesus Christ in a “cow manger”? Biographical detail or encrypted secret knowledge?

We are not alone in this approach to the beginning of the zodiac. In the work of T. G. Burgon “The Light of Egypt or the Science of the Stars and the Soul,” the sign of Cancer is defined as “The highest point on the arc of the angelic cycle of the Divine Soul” and further - “... from this point the descending involution of the soul begins.”

Now let's turn to the riddle of the Dendera Zodiac. There are a variety of versions regarding the meaning of this ancient message, we will not now take one side or the other. There are also different versions regarding the paradoxical image of the zodiac circle on it, where Cancer (Scarab) for some reason ended up above Leo’s head and broke the ring shape. It is absolutely impossible to admit that the Egyptian adepts did this by accident - everything that came to us from the times of Horus and Thoth has a deep sacred meaning.

We believe that this shows the hidden Cycle of Life emanating from Cancer and ending there. The symbol is also interesting, not of Cancer, but of the Scarab beetle. One of the most revered symbols in ancient Egypt, the Scarab personified the Sun and its path across the sky, as well as life and the innermost power of the heart, necessary to be born, and then die and rise again. (The Scarab figurine was necessarily placed in the grave during burial). This again shows the idea of ​​the beginning and end point of life. However traditional symbol Cancer says the same thing. Cancer, as you know, actually moves “backwards”, that is, it makes a certain movement towards something that is behind it, and this is the birth point of every living creature. This is the sacred meaning of Cancer (Scarab).

Why do we interpret the sign of Cancer as the first, and not as the first and last at the same time, if this is the point where life begins and where it ends? The fact is that the sign of Cancer is not literally God the Creator, otherwise all people born in Cancer would be Gods. The sign of Cancer is a projection of the Divine principle; only some processes of creation take place here, within the framework of matter. The evolutionary mechanisms of the Universe are much more complex (the diagram given in the previous chapter shows only the local situation in solar system). From Gemini, information passes through complex hierarchies of the space-time continuum before beginning a new cycle of life in Cancer. The following drawing reflects a more complete picture of the flow of Life in the zodiac circle.

From the sign of Gemini, the information accumulated in the entire Life Cycle does not immediately fall into the sign of Cancer, but goes through a karmic cycle in the higher layers of the Universe. This is why we believe that Gemini is the last sign of the Zodiac, and Cancer is the first.

Postulate No. 12. The zodiac begins in Cancer and ends in Gemini.

Once you start using the Cycle of Life in the practical interpretation of the horoscope, you will notice that our concept works and confirms the theory. In the future, we will see how the general Cycle of Life is projected onto the most pressing issues such as: the birth of children, career, compatibility of partners, etc. Before we move on to a detailed analysis of the signs of the Zodiac and Houses of the horoscope, it is necessary to dwell on the general concepts of

© astrology site “Light of the Stars”

The first decan begins on March 21 and ends on March 30. It is ruled by Mars. People born in the first decan are energetic and fast-paced in life.

Second dean – from March 31 to April 9. The patron planet is the Sun, it gives them very great self-confidence and excess energy.

The third decan - from April 10 to 19, is under the influence of Mercury, which gives the owners of the sign an artistic temperament. These are passionate natures who live more by impressions than by everyday life.

Aries: Psychological Portrait

Aries have enormous self-confidence. These are sincere, decisive, courageous, passionate and impetuous natures. Often idealists, sometimes too ardent, they are not short of dynamism, which sometimes reaches the point of stubbornness. Their energy makes them choose to work alone, and they value discussion, even though they do not tolerate being contradicted well.

Aries will surpass anyone in the art of argument. In competition, Aries is the “winner”: not very conscientious, he takes risks and is even ready to lie in order to achieve his goal.
He is a tireless worker, his fiery temperament allows him to instantly grasp the essence of things. By nature an individualist and egoist, Aries will not doubt for a minute - he will put everything on the line. This is a dangerous opponent - he loves challenges, games and success so much, he fearlessly faces life's challenges, not caring about possible danger. His energy allows him to flare up with new strength and get back on your feet after any bad luck! Aries people perceive life as a constant competition that must be won at all costs. This is a real engine for others, a true pioneer!

Aries is a pragmatic, lively nature, he likes to be noticeable. Ready for anything in both love and work, this fire sign will do everything possible, sacrifice principles in order to succeed. He, without hesitation, enters into competition in life, in love, and in work. He dares to challenge, to position himself as a leader, to take on the job. Nothing will stop him! He needs constant change and competition to give vent to his fiery nature and prove to himself that he exists.

A conqueror in spirit and an ideal lover, because he is impetuous and ardent at the same time, Aries knows how to use this innate skill, thanks to which he seduces for the sake of seduction itself, and not for the sake of the object of passion. He is an unsurpassed negotiator, his talent as an orator allows him to easily obtain leadership positions. His character as a conqueror and fighter helps him reach the top in professions that do not involve sitting in one place.

Aries: Virtues

A rare lover of ridicule. He can be quickly recognized by his tenacity, and not by his external brilliance and gloss. His keen mind as a player allows him to quickly adapt to challenges and face the world with a fervor that is unparalleled.

Aries: Disadvantages

His fickleness and temper can be tiresome - beware! Aries' outbursts of anger - the reason for the influence of Mars - frighten those around him. Aggressive, like all passionate personalities, he flares up very quickly if anyone dares to confront him or question his point of view. Aries gets tired of repetitive actions, he lacks patience, if his creative impulse has deserted him, this applies to any area of ​​life.

Aries: Features of the sign

This fire sign loves red, as it is the color of flame, like Aries itself, deep and standing out from others. The symbol of love passion is the red rose, without a doubt his favorite flower: like him, the rose loves to be in everyone's sight. But beware of thorns!

Aries: Profession

In work, Aries shows all his virtues: he is active, dynamic, daring, firmly standing on his own and ready to do anything to finish what he started. Possessing a lively and ebullient mind, Aries can reveal himself in managerial and responsible positions. Taking risks inspires him as he avoids routine. Pragmatic, decisive, capable of lying to win, he is active and courageous, a fighter by nature.

Aries's courage is highly valued; those around him know that they can rely on him. Although, despite everything, he finds pleasure in the role of a kind of “referent”, Aries prefers autonomy in work. In fact, working in a team requires extra effort from him, since it is against his nature.

Aries: Men and women: differences?

The Aries woman is looking for great love, true passion: her partner must do everything to achieve her and meet all her requirements! Very often these are integral and independent individuals.

The Aries man is usually very dreamy. He strives to try everything and seeks pleasure from life; a calm and measured life is not for him. He knows how to seem charming and very... seductive!

Aries: Love horoscope

The love affairs of Aries are the adventures of a “conqueror”. Aries wants to be liked, and his ardor leads to impulsive actions, which are his distinctive feature. When Aries is in love, he is no less romantic. His fiery temperament makes him an ideal lover: Aries likes to surprise with love games, this is where his charm lies. Afraid of monotony.

Aries: Sexual horoscope

Acting instinctively, Aries is a hot lover. The heart is beating wildly in the chest of this fire sign. He prefers fleeting relationships that he cannot resist. He is unbridled and does not like to be ignored. Aries likes the exotic and everything new.

Aries: Portrait of the sign

Astrology: Fire Sign
Pros: Activity
Disadvantage: Hot temper
Personality type: Extrovert
Trait: Perseverance
Existence: I am
Body: Face, cheekbones
Color: Red
Stone: Diamond
Metal: Iron

Aries: Affinity

The most suitable zodiac signs for Aries are:

- A lion
- Sagittarius
- Twins

Difficulties may arise in relationships with:
- Taurus
- Cancer
- Virgo
- Capricorn
- Pisces
- Scorpio

The opposite zodiac sign is Libra.

The first sign of the zodiac in the horoscope is ruled by Mars. He endowed his players with activity, courage and a crazy will to win. They are not afraid of obstacles that arise on the path of life, and failures that occur from time to time cannot unsettle them for long. Deep down, Aries knows perfectly well that he is capable of withstanding any kind of competitive struggle, and it doesn’t matter who acts as an opponent: another person or fate itself. He will stand until the end and will never give up. But even with such determination and firmness, the child of Mars does not always achieve his desired goals. The point is that one more distinctive feature Aries is impatience. Those born under this sign want to get everything at once. And if the result takes a long time to arrive, Aries switches to another goal.

Despite the inherent tendency of Aries to command and teach, they easily find a common language with others. This is explained by the fact that “Martians” have a whole set of positive traits: they are easy-going, unforgiving, optimistic and noble. In addition, Aries has a heightened sense of justice. They do not tolerate lies, despise intrigue and are always ready to stand up for the weak. And those with whom Aries decide to measure their strength can be sure that they will never use dishonest methods of struggle.

Another advantage of Aries is their colossal ability to work. If necessary, the wards of Mars are ready to work overtime, tirelessly, forgetting about sleep and food. It is not surprising that in any enterprise they are valued as irreplaceable and proactive employees. However, a bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general! And in his soul, Aries longs to quickly take a leadership position. In most cases, those born under this sign manage to make significant progress in their career ladder. If the desired promotion is not in sight and the prospect career growth absent, Aries begins to seriously think about opening own business. As an entrepreneur, Aries looks especially natural, because he is energetic, sociable and has business acumen. It is also important that he is not afraid to take risks and take responsibility for his own actions.

Areas where Aries can show talent and achieve success include military affairs, automobile manufacturing, surgery, dentistry and trade. Sports are also not an empty phrase for those born under this sign. It is no wonder that among them there are many world-famous athletes and outstanding coaches.

Aries perceives money as a measure of success. And since they dream of being the best in everything, they try to earn as much as possible. But the likelihood of getting rich by working “for their uncle” is too small in their case. But working for themselves promises them a good profit. Unfortunately, Aries do not know how to save and save - or rather, they do not want to. Among them there are real spenders who prefer to buy branded items, albeit unnecessary ones. More prudent representatives of the sign are convinced that money should constantly rotate and should not be put aside for a rainy day - it is more logical to invest in an interesting project, shares or your own education. But since Aries are prone to making spontaneous and ill-considered decisions, they often choose the least profitable of the many investment options.

For most people around them, the “pioneers” of the zodiac evoke sincere sympathy. This attitude may seem strange, since Aries are worthy rivals and competitors who should, if not be feared, then at least be wary of. However, representatives of the sign are captivating with their sincerity and good nature. There is something childish about them that gives the impression that they are big children. And it doesn’t matter what the passport age of Mars’s ward is - he is always full of enthusiasm and young at heart, and therefore there is never a dull moment with him. It is Aries who will take responsibility for organizing a corporate event, sports event or friendly party. He is the one who will make everyone around him laugh to tears, telling funny life stories and anecdotes. ... And of course, it is he who will infect those around him with the belief that the impossible is possible and that, if desired, each of us is capable of becoming a winner.
