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Lutugino (until 1925 - Shmidtovka) - a city of regional subordination, the center of the region, located on the right bank of the Olkhovaya River, 22 km from Voroshilovgrad. Railway station on the Likhaya-Rodakovo line. The motorway Voroshilovgrad - Krasny Luch passes through the city. The population is 15.7 thousand people.

The territory on which the city lies has been inhabited since ancient times. About 15 thousand years ago, on the banks of the Olkhovaya River (now the territory of the rolling mill plant), there was a settlement of the Late Paleolithic era. Here, in addition to flint tools, bone harpoons and mammoth bones with traces of red and yellow ocher painting were found. The settlement arose at the end of the 19th century, during the rise of industrial production in Russia. Surrounding lands rich in deposits hard coal, limestone, sandstone, marl and clay attracted the attention of foreign and local capitalists./385/ cast iron foundry for the production of rolls, which went into operation in 1897 ( Voroshilovgrad Regional State Archive, f. R-11, op. 1, d. 13, ll. 68-71.). The joint-stock company hoped to find cheap labor in the surrounding villages, thus avoiding the cost of funds for the construction of dwellings. After the completion of the construction of the enterprise, the joint-stock company began the construction of wooden barracks for the peasants who came to work from the Oryol and Kursk provinces. Several thick-walled stone houses were built, the so-called. The administrative column, where foreign specialists and the plant management lived. This is how a small, initially unnamed factory settlement arose.

Lutuginsky iron foundry. 1910

Engineering and technical workers, as well as skilled workers, were mostly foreigners. The most labor-intensive and difficult production operations were carried out by brutally exploited local workers. Most of the work was done by hand. The working day lasted 12 or more hours. The workers also suffered from the inhuman treatment of them by foreign specialists ( Journal. "Problems of Mechanical Engineering", 1962, No. 6, pp. 144, 145, 150.}.

Difficult working conditions, low wage, the lack of schools and hospitals caused fair dissatisfaction with the workers of the plant. They were actively involved in the struggle against the exploiters during the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907. In February 1905, a leaflet of the Lugansk Committee of the RSDLP was distributed in the foundry and machine shops of the plant, which, in particular, said: “Comrades! It is time for you to join the common struggle of our comrades and together with them present your demands: an 8-hour working day, a 30 percent increase in wages, the complete abolition of fines, overtime work, a humane attitude towards the worker "( Voroshilovgrad Regional Party Archive, f. 2, op. 1, d. 28, ll. 68, 69.). In 1906-1907. The newspaper of the Lugansk Bolsheviks "Donetsk Kolok" had a great influence on the growth of the political consciousness of the workers, on the pages of which materials were printed on the economic and political situation of the working class, on the class struggle. Spontaneous meetings arose during the reading of leaflets and newspapers, at which workers openly expressed their demands to the owners of the plant. In order to prevent a strike that was imminent, the administration of the plant was forced in December 1906 to make concessions: to increase by 5-10 percent. wages to workers, reduce fines, promote individual workers to the positions of assistant foremen( Voroshilovgrad Regional State Archive, f. R-703, op. 3, d. 26, l. 35.}.

Together with the plant, the industrial settlement also grew. Its growth, in particular, was facilitated by the construction of a railway station in 1914. Since then, the factory settlement and the station have been called Shmidtovka. The settlement was part of the Uspensky volost of the Slavyanoserbsky district of the Ekaterinoslav province. 1200 people lived in it ( TsGAOR of the Ukrainian SSR, f. 1, op. 1, d. 1058, l. eleven.}.

In fact, the population did not receive medical assistance. There was one paramedic working at the plant, serving mainly foreign specialists. The situation with public education was no better. Only in 1914 a sad school for 30 students was opened in the village. She was housed in one of the residential buildings, in a cramped and uncomfortable room. There were no cultural and educational institutions in the village at all.

During the First World War, the plant switched to the execution of military orders, its main products were cases for artillery shells. In this regard, the number of workers increased significantly - from 222 to 400 people ( Voroshilovgrad Regional State Archive, f. R-702, op. 1, d. 25, l. 10.}.

The February bourgeois-democratic revolution received a wide response among the factory workers. In April 1917, in the center of the volost - Uspenka, the volost Council of Workers 'and Peasants' Deputies was created ( Brief essay on the revolutionary movement in the Luhansk region, p. 23.). The Council included workers of the plant - a mechanical shop fitter V.P. Udovenko and a turner P.T. Chernyavsky. On the instructions of the Assumption party cell, created in April 1917 ( Voroshilovgrad Regional Party Archive, f. 143, op. 2, d. 531, l. 151.), they carried out a revolution/386/ promotional work among factory workers and residents of the village, distributed the newspapers "Pravda" and "Donetsk Proletarian".

The working people of Shmidtovka joyfully greeted the news of the victory of the October armed uprising in Petrograd. Members of the Assumption party cell, which included the Bolsheviks of the plant, organized a rally in the village. Factory workers, lined up in a column, with red banners and slogans, with the songs "Be brave, comrades, in step!" and "Varshavyanka" went to the central square of Uspenki, located 3 km from the plant. At the end of November 1917, power in Uspenka and Shmidtovka passed into the hands of the Assumption Soviet of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies. The working committee created at the plant, which was under the influence of the Bolsheviks, established control over production, introduced an 8-hour working day ( Brief essay on the revolutionary movement in the Luhansk region, pp. 23-25.}.

However, power was not long in the hands of the workers and peasants. Austro-German troops invaded Ukraine. The occupation of Shmidtovka lasted from April until the end of 1918. For participation in the revolution and sympathy for the Bolsheviks, the invaders arrested the workers of the plant P. T. Chernyavsky, A. Dolkov, N. Olkhovenko and others. The strictest regime was established in the village: from seven o'clock in the evening until six in the morning, under the threat of execution, residents were forbidden to appear on the streets. After the expulsion of the Austro-German occupiers, at the end of 1918, local counter-revolution seized power.

Under the leadership of the communists, united in the Assumption underground party cell ( Before the history of the big party organization and the proletarian revolution in the Luhansk region. Collection of materials and documents. Lugansk. 1932, p. 38.), forces were being prepared to defeat the Petliura and White Cossack detachments. The workers and peasants of Shmidtovka and Uspenka created two combat detachments under the command of V. S. Chernyavsky and G. Ya. Zaplavsky. On January 20, 1919, the fighters of these detachments captured the railway station and the village of Shmidtovka. Together with units of the 15th Inza Division and other units of the Red Army, they pursued the enemy, who was retreating towards Lugansk, Semeikin and Rodakov. The power of the Soviets in the village was restored. The plant organized the repair of rifles, cannons, machine guns, armored vehicles, armored trains, and began manufacturing weapons.

The White Guard army of Denikin was advancing on the Donbass. In April-May 1919, fierce battles unfolded on the outskirts of Lugansk. Residents of Shmidtovka took an active part in the construction of a defensive strip that ran from Uspenka through Ostroya Mogila to the Seversky Donets River. Many workers of the plant and residents of the village in April participated in heavy bloody battles in the area of ​​the Shmidtovka railway station as part of the Lugansk communist regiment. This area has changed hands several times. Fortieth anniversary of the defense of Luhansk from the Whites in 1919, pp. 7, 9, 16.}.

Courage and heroism were shown by the factory workers at the fronts civil war. A member of the CPSU since 1919, S.P. Golda fought in the ranks of the Lugansk Communist Regiment. As part of the 15th Inzenskaya rifle division I. T. Shapovalov participated in the battles for the liberation of Perekop. In the battle for the cause of the Great October Revolution, for the power of the Soviets on the fronts of the civil war, local residents P. I. Azarov, F. S. Butsky, I. N. Kolomoets and others died.

At the beginning of 1920, work began on the restoration of the iron foundry destroyed by the war. The situation was very difficult. Some of the skilled workers perished on the fronts of the imperialist and civil wars, and some were still in the army. There was a lack of fuel and raw materials. In the summer of 1920, only 98 workers and 38 employees worked at the plant ( TsGAOR of the Ukrainian SSR, f. 1, op. 1, d. 1058, l. 50.}.

In the first years of the recovery period, the plant produced mainly consumer goods. The enterprise began to revive when many regular workers returned after the end of the civil war. The Lugansk party organization, constantly dealing with the issues of restoration and reconstruction of industrial enterprises, paid great attention to the plant. She sent the Communists P. V. Voronin, N. M. Evdokimov, V. E. Yevtushenko here to leading positions, who were engaged in the training and education of personnel, the organization of new forms of management ( Voroshilovgrad Regional Party Archive, f. 190, op. 1, d. 12, l. 108.}.

On April 2, 1920, a party cell was created at the plant. She led the struggle of workers for the restoration and reconstruction of the enterprise. The communists paid much attention to the education of young workers. On their initiative, on January 24, 1925, a factory Komsomol organization was created, uniting 34 people by March 1, 1926 ( Voroshilovgrad Regional State Archive, f. R-127, op. 1, d. 2, l. 75.). The factory party cell led the trade union committee, under which there were commissions on labor protection, cultural and mass, household, etc. The work carried out by the communists gave its positive results. The output of products in the 1924/25 business year increased four times compared to 1913 and amounted to 120 tons of rolls per month ( There, f. R-11, op. 1. d. 13. ll. 68-70.). With the growth of the plant, the well-being increased, the material conditions of the workers improved. In 1926, the cost of production fell by 22 percent, and wages increased by an average of 15 rubles. per month( Voroshilovgrad Regional Party Archive, f. 34, op. 1, d. 174, ll. 122, 123.}. /387/

Along with the restoration and reconstruction of the plant, the settlement was built and expanded. Workers moved into houses where foreign specialists used to live. New houses were built, old ones were renovated. Two shops and two canteens were opened. The village was improved. In November 1925, the village of the plant and the Shmidtovka railway station was renamed Lutugino in honor of the famous Russian geologist and public figure L. I. Lutugin. For 22 years he studied the geological structure of the Donbass and compiled a geological map of it. For several years, the scientist worked on the territory of the current Lutuginsky district.

During the recovery period, great changes took place in the system of public education. Already in 1921 in primary school more than 80 children of workers and employees were trained. Some of the children attended a seven-year school in Uspenka. At the same time, extensive work was carried out to eliminate illiteracy among the adult population. To this end, the factory party cell organized a network of educational circles, attracted teachers and Komsomol members to this work. This gave good results. Already in 1926, the number of illiterate people aged 9 to 49 decreased to 19.1 percent ( Cultural-illumination of the robot Collection of articles, vol. 2. X., 1965, p. 11.}.

With a great labor and political upsurge, the workers of the plant joined the struggle for the early fulfillment of the first five-year plan. By the beginning of April 1930, there were 18 shock brigades at the plant ( Voroshilovgrad Regional Party Archive, f. 127. op. 1, d. 15, l. 12.). In the forefront of those competing for the early implementation of state plans were the communist foundry workers P. M. Chizhikov, G. I. Redkin, G. I. Krokhmalev and others. Members of the Komsomol youth brigade of molders-assemblers of the foundry worked selflessly under the leadership of I. A. Shapovalov. The workers of the plant completed the first five-year plan in four years, and the second - in four years in three months. During this period, the quality of rolls, which are essential for a rapid increase in the production of rolled products, improved significantly ( Rolling mills of the USSR. M., 1940. pp. 18, 20, 22.}.

During the years of the pre-war five-year plans, a radical reconstruction of the plant was carried out. Already in 1937, it became the main and only enterprise in the USSR for the production of rolls for the metallurgical, chemical, rubber, paper and flour-grinding industries. With the development of the plant, its personnel also grew. Instead of foreign specialists who hid the secrets of the production of rolls from the workers, now their own, Soviet engineers, technicians, craftsmen, and highly skilled workers worked. On their initiative and with direct participation at the plant in prewar years new types of rolls were created, which in terms of quality and wear resistance were not inferior to rolls made at the enterprises of foreign capitalist firms.

Monument to L. I. Lutugin - a famous Russian geologist and public figure. Lutugino, 1975

The most outstanding success of the Lutugin specialists was the development and production of rolls for continuous sheet mills. Despite the refusal of foreign specialists to consult, Lutugin engineers, together with Soviet scientists, developed technology and mastered the manufacture of new types of rolls in just six months in 1937. The creators of new types of rolls were young engineers A. S. Beshlyk, V. E. Karssky, N. A. Cherkun, smelter F. V. Slonev and others. For the development and implementation new technology, shown initiative in organizing the production of domestic rolls large group workers, engineers and technicians of the plant was awarded orders and medals. The Order of Lenin was awarded to a personnel worker, foundry foreman G. I. Krokhmalev, mold assembler P. Z. Udovenko, foundry workers A. L. Batsmanov, A. F. Tretyakov and P. M. Chizhikov.

A large role in the development of technology and the development of the production of domestic rolls belonged to the engineer, communist A. S. Beshlyk, who, at the age of 15, voluntarily went to the Red Army,/388/ served in the cavalry corps under the command of G. I. Kotovsky. After demobilization, he worked as a foundry worker at the Lugansk Locomotive Plant. Since 1933, he worked at the Lutuginsky iron foundry as the head of the foundry, chief engineer, in 1944-1961 - director of the plant. For a long time A. S. Beshlyk studied roll production in Germany, the USA and England. A. S. Beshlyk is a holder of many orders and medals, the author of the book Cast Iron Rolls, published not only in the USSR, but also in many foreign countries. Died in 1961.

In the prewar years, the appearance of Lutugin changed significantly. New streets have grown, electrification and radio installation of the village have been completed. In connection with the growth of the economy, as well as the population in March 1937, Lutugino was administratively separated from the Assumption Settlement Council and classified as an urban-type settlement. According to the 1939 census, 3633 people lived in Lutugin ( Voroshilovgrad Regional State Archive, f. R-11, op. 1, d. 74, ll. 7-10.), which was more than three times the population in 1914.

The village council consisted of 11 deputies, of which 8 workers and 3 employees. It was chaired by a factory worker, communist R. D. Korobka. Under the Council there were commissions: production and mass, cultural and everyday, for work among women and children.

Much has been done to improve the health of workers. In 1932, there were 2 medical centers and an outpatient clinic in the village, in which 5 doctors and 13 specialists with secondary medical education worked. Public education developed. In 1930, a seven-year school for 200 students was opened, in 1939 construction was completed high school for 440 seats. In addition, in 1938, a vocational school was opened in the village, in which 250 students studied. In these educational institutions in the pre-war period, 32 teachers and educators worked. All children of school age studied. Illiteracy among the adult population was completely eliminated.

In 1937, a club with an auditorium for 225 seats was built in the village. Under him, a stationary film installation operated, and amateur art circles worked. A branch of the Voroshilovgrad flying club, opened in 1935, did a great job of promoting military and technical knowledge among young people. This was the village of Lutugino on the eve of the war, this is how its population lived.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War many residents of Lutugin went to the Red Army. The plant switched to fulfilling military orders. The men who had gone to the front were replaced by women, the elderly and teenagers. In the summer of 1942, part of the plant's equipment was evacuated to the Urals.

On July 17, 1942, Nazi troops captured the village. The “new order” imposed by the occupiers was greeted by the inhabitants with hatred and indignation. Part of the patriots joined the underground group headed by M. S. Butskaya, created in July 1942 in Uspensk. The group also operated on the territory of Lutugin. A. T. Sapunova, a resident of the village, became an active participant in the underground.

February 13, 1943 of the 4th part motorized rifle division and the 4th Guards Tank Brigade of the 2nd Tank Corps liberated Lutugino from the Nazi invaders ( Archive of the USSR Ministry of Defense, f. 3400, op. 1, d. 21, l. 18.}.

For almost seven months, the occupiers were in charge in the village. During this time, they did him a lot of damage. The Nazis forcibly sent about 400 young men and women to hard labor in Germany. At the iron foundry, the building of the rolling shop was burned down, melting furnaces and cupolas in the foundry were blown up, and the earth preparation department was disabled. Enemies destroyed the railway station, many residential buildings, an outpatient clinic, a secondary school, a store, a canteen, etc. The damage caused by the Nazi invaders to the economy of the village amounted to 200 million rubles ( Voroshilovgrad Regional State Archive, f. R-702, op. 1, d. 97, ll. 35-37.}.

During the Great Patriotic War, 1217 Lutugins fought on the fronts, defended the freedom and independence of the Soviet Motherland. Over a thousand residents - participants in the war - were awarded orders and medals of the USSR. 486 Lutugins gave their lives in the fight against the Nazi invaders. To perpetuate their memory, an obelisk of Glory was erected; on the territory of the plant in the park there is a monument to the fallen soldiers - workers of the plant.

Restoration work began immediately after liberation. First of all, they deployed at the factory. Engineering and technical workers and workers were returning from the evacuation. People worked selflessly. Members of the rolling brigade headed by A.M. Chizhikov, having mastered the profession of a bricklayer, successfully laid the walls of the destroyed roll-turning shop. For 12-14 hours a day, under the thunder of artillery cannonade, workers worked, assembling and installing equipment.

In the revival of the plant, invaluable assistance was provided by the workers of all the republics of the USSR and, first of all, by the fraternal Russian people. Machine tools and other industrial equipment came from Ryazan, Kolomna, Moscow and Gorky; cast iron came from the Urals and Kazakhstan. Restoring the plant, the Lutugins simultaneously carried out orders for the front. In mid-June 1944, after the launch of the foundry, the plant began to manufacture the main products. In November of the following year, the restoration of the enterprise ended. Since May 1945, the Lutuginskaya geological exploration expedition began to operate.

/389/ Together with the plant, with the help of the state, the village of Lutugino was also restored. Work was actively carried out on the construction and overhaul of dwellings, administrative and household buildings. In 1944, 35 residential buildings, 3 dormitories, 2 canteens were restored by the hands of workers. The bakery was opened. The doors of the working club were hospitably opened. For children up to school age built kindergarten and manger.

The post-war period in the history of Lutugin is characterized by an accelerated pace of industrial development, the expansion of housing and cultural construction, a significant increase in the material well-being of the population, the growth of its culture and the further development of the healthcare system. Having survived severe trials during the Great Patriotic War, having shown boundless courage in the defense of the socialist Fatherland and monolithic solidarity around Communist Party, the workers of the village with great enthusiasm engaged in peaceful creative work.

Many bright pages in the annals of labor achievements were written by the staff of the Lutuginsky iron foundry during the years of the post-war five-year plans. Having reached the pre-war level of production already six months after the end of the Great Patriotic War ( Voroshilovgrad Regional Party Archive, f. 179, op. 3, d. 1409, l. 195.), he consistently carried out a broad program of improving technological processes and creating new types of rolls on this basis. Thanks to this, already in 1952, the plant's products began to displace similar products from companies in highly developed capitalist countries, including the United States, on the world market. The durability of rail-block rolls, for example, was 2.5 times higher than the durability of American ( Journal. "Steel", 1950, No. 12, p. 141.). For the fundamental improvement of technology and the creation of a domestic roll production, the plant director A. S. Beshlyk, chief engineer V. E. Karssky and the oldest molder-caster G. I. Krokhmalev were awarded the State Prize of the USSR in 1952 ( Gas. Pravda, May 19, 1952). In June 1957, the enterprise was renamed into a rolling mill. The ever-increasing pace of scientific and technological progress at the plant is greatly facilitated by the fact that its specialists and innovators have established and are constantly strengthening business ties with many scientific centers of the country. Particularly fruitful is the cooperation with scientists from the Ural and Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institutes, the Voronezh Technological Institutes, the Moscow Institute of Hard Alloys, the Kommunarsky Mining and Metallurgical Institute, the Voroshilovgrad Engineering Institute and many others. Thanks to the creative collaboration of scientists with practitioners at the plant in 1962, for the first time in the USSR, the production of high-hard rolls for the calender stands of the Balakhna Paper Mill was started ( Economic Newspaper, October 10, 1962, p. 30.). By this time, foreign trade organizations of the USSR exported the plant's products to 23 countries of the world, including India, Turkey, France, Italy, Belgium, Pakistan, Germany, Finland, etc. in particular, a letter from the workers of one of the metallurgical enterprises of the GDR, sent by them in 1966 and stored in the archives of the factory museum. It said:

“Dear Soviet friends! We are glad to inform you that the workers of our plant meet the opening of the VI Congress of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany with good results. In the socialist competition for a worthy welcome to the congress, we have reduced the cost of production by 650,000 marks compared to 1961 and raised labor productivity by 2 per cent in comparison with the plan. We have achieved these successes thanks to the high quality of the rolls produced by the Lutuginsky plant.”

Being the main supplier of rolls for the metallurgical, rubber, paper, flour-grinding and other industries of the USSR, the plant has become a large enterprise equipped with advanced technology. From year to year, his team is steadily increasing the pace and volume of production, improving in every possible way technological processes. The Ninth Five-Year Plan adopted by the historic 24th Congress of the CPSU has been successfully implemented. During the years of the five-year plan, the workers of the plant exceeded the planned targets, increasing the output of rolls by 4,000 tons. It is important that this was achieved mainly through an increase in labor productivity, which increased by 18.1 percent over this period. Production specialists and innovators developed and implemented 1068 rationalization proposals ( Gas. Labor Glory (Lutugino), November 16, 1974}.

A large program of work on the exploration of mineral resources and, in particular, a detailed study of coal reserves was carried out by the team of the Lutugin geological exploration expedition. He completed the ninth five-year plan for mechanical core drilling three months ahead of schedule. During the five-year plan, labor productivity increased by 12.6% compared to the eighth five-year plan, while the cost of exploration work decreased by 13.8%. The expedition conducts reconnaissance in many areas of the Voroshilovgrad region. Her team compiled, in particular, a detailed map of the occurrence of coal seams on the northern outskirts of Lutugin. In 1953, the construction of a new powerful coal enterprise began here - the Lutuginskaya-Severnaya mine, which entered into operation on November 30, 1964.

mine in comparatively short term became one of the demonstrative enterprises of the country in terms of mechanical/390/ zation and automation of production processes. Coal mining is fully mechanized and automated. Powerful coal combines, coal mining complexes and other latest mining equipment work in the faces. Skillfully using this technique, the miners in just 11 months of 1965 (instead of the planned two years) mastered the mine's design capacity of 2 thousand tons of daily coal production, and by the end of 1965 exceeded it by 480 tons. The mine staff steadily increased technical and economic indicators. He was one of the first to switch to new system planning and economic incentives. Thanks to this, over the years of the eighth five-year plan (1966-1970), the mine produced more than 186,000 tons of coal in excess of the plan for the national economy. At the same time, the labor productivity of miners increased by 50.8 percent compared to the plan, and the cost of a ton of coal mined decreased by 3 rubles. 7 kopecks ( Gas. Labor Glory, March 13, 1971). In November 1973, the mine was merged with the neighboring Mine Administration. Lenin. Now the new enterprise is called the Order of the Red Banner of Labor mine named after. Lenin. Overfulfilled by 43 percent. the ninth five-year plan for increasing labor productivity, the miners of the mine produced 769 thousand tons of coal in excess of the plan and saved 718 thousand rubles by reducing its cost.

In Lutugino, there is a mobile mechanized column No. 141 of the Voroshilovgradselstroy trust, a railway station, the turnover of which during the years of the ninth five-year plan amounted to 78,430 wagons.

The working people of the city have developed a glorious tradition of celebrating significant events with a mass upsurge in socialist emulation. Becoming on a shock labor watch in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, they completed the production plan of 1967 by November 7th. For high achievements in the competition, the staff of the Lutuginsky Rolling Roll Plant was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Metallurgical Industry Workers. The Lutuginskaya-Severnaya mine was awarded the title of an enterprise of high production culture. Lutugians marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin with significant labor achievements. The miners of the Lutuginskaya-Severnaya mine were awarded the Lenin jubilee diploma of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions for their achievements. The Lenin jubilee diploma of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR, the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR and the Ukrsovprof marked the achievements of the communist labor enterprise of the Lutugin geological exploration expedition. About a thousand advanced workers of the city were awarded the Lenin Jubilee Medal “For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. During the period of national preparations for the 50th anniversary of the formation of the USSR, the Lutugins spent 15 shock weeks in honor of 15 union republics. On this watch, the miners of the brigade of V. M. Shchukin, who daily mined over a thousand tons of coal from one face, especially distinguished themselves ( Gas. Labor Glory, October 26, 1972). The Lutugins successfully fulfilled their socialist obligations in honor of the XXV Congress of the CPSU. The competition included individual workers, brigades, sections, workshops. The senior smelter of the rolling mill plant, Hero of Socialist Labor P. G. Rozhok, undertook to smelt 25 tons of excess metal by the beginning of the congress, in January alone produced 44 tons of excellent quality products. He was elected a delegate to the XXV Congress of the Communist Party of Ukraine. The staff of the enterprise won the right to sign the labor report to the XXV Congress of the CPSU.

A large detachment of production leaders was awarded high government awards. During the post-war years, orders and medals of the USSR were awarded to 1,130 workers. The Order of Lenin was awarded to the director of the mine "Lutuginskaya-Severnaya" G. G. Peretyatko, the worker of the working face N. F. Levchenko, the director of the plant of rolling rolls V. E. Karssky; order October revolution- electrician G. A. Velikodny, working face P. S. Tsarevsky, mining foreman I. I. Zorin, chief engineer of the plant P. P. Doroshchenko, roll lathe operator I. A. Logvinov and others. The staff of the mine "Lutuginskaya-Severnaya" was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Over the years post-war five-year plans Lutugino turned from a small industrial settlement into a modern comfortable city (Lutugino was assigned to the category of cities of regional subordination on November 12, 1960; on January 3, 1965, the city became a regional center). Only during the period of construction of the mine "Lutu-/391/ Ghanaian-Northern” (1959-1965) over 150,000 sq. meters of living space. In addition, workers and employees built 1,500 residential buildings with the help of state loans. with total area 60 thousand sq. meters. For 1971-1975 the communal housing stock of the city increased by another 25.8 thousand square meters. meters. The streets of the city have been landscaped, more than 10 km of sidewalks have been laid, about 10 km of roads have a hard surface. There are systems of water supply, heating and gasification. To services of inhabitants - workshops of combine of consumer services. There are also 4 canteens, 21 food and department stores of the Lutuginsky department of workers' supply of the Voroshilovgradugol production association. Their total turnover in 1975 amounted to 44,711 thousand rubles.

Thanks to the care of the Communist Party and the Soviet state, the health care system of the population has received significant development. The city has a hospital with 316 beds with a polyclinic, four medical centers and dispensaries operate at enterprises. medical care The population employs 66 doctors and 160 people with specialized secondary education. More than 700 children are brought up in nine pre-school institutions of the city.

Big changes have also taken place in the system public education. At present, the city has two secondary schools, a boarding school, a school for working youth, a correspondence secondary school, in which 4.3 thousand students study and 232 teachers work; School of Music. Vocational school No. 20 trains roll lathes, locksmiths, and builders. A high award - the Order of Lenin - was awarded to the Russian language teacher of secondary school No. 1 N. I. Shchedrina, who was also awarded the title of Honored Teacher of the Ukrainian SSR.

The center of cultural and educational work was the Palace of Culture. Shevchenko with an auditorium for 320 seats. It has a sports hall, amateur art circles operate. The city has a cinema, 11 libraries with a book fund of over 100 thousand copies. The regional newspaper Trudovaya Slava is published,

The city of Lutugino is located on the territory of the state (country) Ukraine, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

In what region (oblast) is the city of Lutugino?

The city of Lutugino is part of the region (oblast) Lugansk region.

A characteristic of a region (oblast) or a subject of a country is the possession of the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region (oblast).

Region (oblast) Lugansk region is an administrative unit of the state of Ukraine.

The population of the city of Lutugino.

The population in the city of Lutugino is 18,733 people.

The year of foundation of the city of Lutugino.

Year of foundation of the city of Lutugino: 1897.

Telephone code of Lutugino

Telephone code of the city of Lutugino: +380 6436. In order to call the city of Lutugino from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +380 6436 and then directly the subscriber's number.
