Son of Alena Apina. Alena Apina's daughter, born from a surrogate mother, dreams of her family and an ideal man

"Congratulations, you have a daughter!" Alena APINA dreamed of hearing these words for ten years. And then the miracle happened! Last December Alena became a mother. Daughter Ksyusha from a surrogate mother.

Alena, and yet, how did you decide on surrogacy?

I just really wanted children! And I also understood that a real marriage cannot be just the two of us. I couldn't carry my first pregnancy to term. I started visiting doctors. There were several more attempts that ended in failure. Ten years passed like this. And then one day my attending physician suggested having a child from a surrogate mother. The only thing I was afraid of was that nothing would come of it.

Did you observe the birth?

No. When the news came that they had started, I rushed to catch the plane. But he was late. I arrived at 12 o’clock, and Ksyusha was born at ten minutes. They showed it to me as soon as I arrived. She was born slightly premature. I probably rushed things so much that my daughter felt it.

Are you ready for the arrival of a new family member?

When the baby was brought home, I called all my friends who have children to find out how to handle her. But, as luck would have it, they didn’t remember, they only said that the first day at home with a baby was a nightmare. Now I understand why. By the time you get used to these feedings, diapers, crib, you will go crazy. But now both she and I are used to it, and everything seems simple. The rhythm of our life has changed. I used to love to sleep. After all, it is believed that sleep is the best cosmetic product. Now I don't get enough sleep, and that makes me happy. Four hours of sleep is enough for me. I work with my daughter until the nanny arrives, then I calmly get into the car and go about my business.

Are you offended that Ksyusha ruined your usual way of life?

Yes you! What a shame! By the way, Ksenia will not shout idlely. If she cries, it means there is a serious reason. For example, the house is on the alert if Ksyusha is hungry. This is for dad! When Iratov is hungry, it is better not to approach him. And in all other cases, even if her tummy hurts, she behaves quite restrained.

By the way, what do you feed your baby?

We feed Ksyusha with formula, which, according to doctors, is the worst thing for feeding - it is CIP. One day we bought all kinds of mixtures and asked her to choose. Which is what she did.

As far as I know, you have already christened Ksyusha, and who became the baby’s godfather?

Yes, the christening took place in February, on the day of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg. And Boris Moiseev, my old friend and colleague, became godfather. So now he is also a close relative to me. I just decided, since Bora didn’t manage to start his own family, I’ll share mine with him. My heart bleeds when I see lonely people. I’m not at all interested in what Borya’s orientation is. The main thing is that he wonderful person, sympathetic, kind.

Why did you decide to name the baby Ksyusha? I immediately remember your playful song “Ksyusha - a plush skirt”...

And rightly so. It was because of this song that we named our daughter Ksyusha. Sasha and I looked at the baby and immediately decided - let it be Ksyusha. Why not? After all, it was a good start! When I decided to leave the “Combination” group to go solo and Sasha became my producer, my first solo song “Ksyusha” made me famous. And I started new life. It’s the same now: from the moment my daughter was born, I feel the onset of a new era in my life.

Yes, your family is an ideal for many fans: you and Alexander Iratov have been together for 12 years. How and where did you meet?

On tour in Tashkent. During the rehearsal, the director of the "Combination" group introduced me to Sasha. He seemed too self-confident to me, somewhat cynical, in general, not to my taste: he was dressed deliberately casually in sports suit and a gold chain around her neck. Looking at him, I could not hide my irony. But in the evening at the hotel I remembered this meeting and could not understand why Iratov could not get out of my head? Two months passed, and I realized that I was seriously in love. And then he called me himself and asked me out on a date. So we started dating... Three years passed. Alexander kept putting off the proposal, but I was tired of living in other people’s apartments, I wanted to have my own home, children, and I felt so sorry for myself... Once, when we were returning from the wedding of my friend Tanya Ovsienko, I asked: “Sash, when will we be?" “Are you feeling bad?” - he tried to laugh it off, but I staged a real siege. And she achieved her goal.

Have you ever had to cry because of Sasha?

You won't believe it, but I love to cry. Sometimes Iratov can also be the reason. Of course, don’t think that I cry all the time, but I can get upset over a trifle.

How does Sasha feel about her daughter, how does she feel in the role of a father, and who in your family is destined for the role of the main educator?

You know, I don’t demand that Sasha madly love her daughter, I don’t force her to forget her friends, fly home from work every day, or babysit around the clock. I see that he loves her, and this is the main thing. Iratov dreams of making his daughter a famous tennis player. It seems to me that she is already showing musical abilities, paying attention to the music that I turn on especially for her. Of course, any mother will say that she has best child on the ground. I have no illusions that my daughter will be a good girl or a child prodigy. The main thing is that she grows up to be a healthy, beautiful and smart girl. The rest she will figure out on her own.

Tell me honestly, would you like to have a second child?

Yes. In principle, we can repeat the experiment surrogacy, since there are two more of our frozen embryos in the clinic. But the doctor who looks after our family told me that nature is sometimes capable of miracles. And there were even cases in history when women took home adopted children, and then some kind of turning point occurred in their psyche, and they became pregnant. For some reason it seems to me that this may be our case.

Alena Evgenievna Apina (nee Elena Lyovochkina). Born on August 23, 1964 in Saratov. Russian singer, composer and poetess. Honored Artist of Russia (2002).

Elena Lyovochkina, later known throughout the country as Alena Apina, was born on August 23, 1964 (according to another version - 1967) in the city of Saratov. The family had nothing to do with art. Mom is a salesman, father is an engineer.

The family lived in a disadvantaged area on 2nd Caucasian dead-end street. “The dead end itself consists of four houses and is adjacent to a city dump, a railway and an aircraft factory. What could happen to people from such a “dead end”? Someone drank himself to death, someone sat down,” said the artist.

She was the only daughter in the family. At the age of 5, her parents bought her a piano. She graduated from a local music school with a degree in piano. Then she entered the Saratov Music College, majoring in piano. After graduating from college, she worked as an accompanist at the Vostok club.

“When I was fifteen years old, when I was studying at a music school, a terrible moment took place in my life. May, beauty, the first spring rain has passed. I’m walking, enjoying myself, completely impressed by the philharmonic concert. And behind me is a man in a hood. When I got up "to the apartment and began to close the umbrella, he suddenly grabbed me from behind. I then had enough strength to scream shrilly, and a stir was heard in the apartment: they were waiting for me from the concert and were not sleeping. The man got scared and ran away. This is the result of my first rendezvous with the maniac," Alena recalled.

I got into the “Combination” group when I was studying at the Saratov Conservatory. During the holidays, she was offered to sing in a girls' pop group - they promised ten rubles for a performance, she agreed. “And this was suggested to me by two crazy people in a good way. The late Sasha Shishinin and the now famous composer Vitaly Okorokov. It was 1988, “Tender May” was booming. We recorded our first phonograms in the basement of one of the Saratov restaurants,” said the artist .

Alena Apina became the second soloist in the group. “Combination” rehearsed in basements and performed in Saratov villages.

For the 30th anniversary of the “Combination” group in June 2018, Alena Apina shot a video for the song “The Last Poem” (music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by R. Tagore, translated by A. Adalis). In October of the same year, the group’s anniversary tour “We’re 30!” began.

Alena Apina's height: 164 centimeters.

Personal life of Alena Apina:

First husband - Leshto Apin. The singer lived with him for only a few months. She prefers not to talk about the details of this marriage. She kept her last name from her first husband.

She is now married to producer Alexander Borisovich Iratov (born November 9, 1957). It’s funny that Iratov was the first in Moscow to whom Alexander Shishinin showed the recordings of the “Combination” group. He categorically said: “Throw these records in the trash, and send your girls home to Saratov!” But then the group became famous.

The relationship between them began in Tashkent. Moreover, eighteen-year-old Apina herself took the initiative. “On the set in Tashkent everything happened. It immediately clicked in my head: I should be together with this person. Sasha likes to tease me that I supposedly calculated everything, that it was all for self-interest, that he was a famous producer, and I no one!.. First of all, I got acquainted with all his friends. I slipped him my phone and came up with the idea that I needed some Yamaha keys. After Tashkent, we didn’t see each other for a month, although when I met his friends, I constantly passed them on for him hello... I called, he made an appointment, and we went to a restaurant. I was very worried and drank a lot that evening... He says to me: “I never thought that you were such a drunkard!” And I answer, that I’m not a drunkard, but I’m just very worried. To which he said: “I can’t let you go alone in this state, I have to see you off.” The next morning we woke up husband and wife,” the singer said.

In 1991, Iratov invited Alena to start solo career and became its producer, they have been together ever since.

In 1994, Alena, her husband and director were in a serious accident, but everything turned out okay.

On December 7, 2001, the couple had a daughter, who was named Ksenia. Ksyusha was born from a surrogate mother. Alena herself told the public about this in the “Domino Principle” program. The singer said that she could not get pregnant for a long time - she had 9 unsuccessful attempts to give birth. And only with the help of unconventional methods did she and her husband manage to have their own child. The birth of her daughter cost the artist 25 thousand dollars.

“Yes, for some the operation is expensive, but I did not become poor... Naturally, we made sure that this woman ate very well, special people monitored her diet. This is a pregnancy caused by in vitro fertilization. It requires special injections, vitamins, tablets. Accordingly, the costs. As for the protection of my maternal rights, my defense is my name. Although, I admit that our other women may face extortion, blackmail, and reluctance to return the child. Our surrogate mother- a wonderful woman, before Ksyusha she gave birth to two healthy children. The most important thing is a mentally healthy, stable person. She faces the difficult task of carrying my child to term normally, while providing financially for her two own children. This is a simple Russian woman from the provinces. My friends suggested it,” Apina shared.

She called Boris Moiseev to be her daughter’s godfather.

Alena Apina, Alexander Iratov and daughter Ksenia

The family lives in Peredelkino near Moscow, Ksyusha goes to the Odintsovo gymnasium and studies music. In 2012, Alena Apina went to work as a music teacher at the gymnasium where her daughter studied. There she organized the group “Lyalki”, the students sing songs including: written by Apina (for example, “My First Teacher” was heard on children's radio).

In October 2016, information appeared that after 20 years of marriage.

Discography of Alena Apina:

as part of the “Combination” group:

1988 - White evening
1988 - Knight's move
1989 - Russian girls
1990 - Russian girls. A new version
1991 - Moscow registration


1992 - Street of Love
1993 - Dance until the morning
1994 - Beach season
1995 - Limit
1995 - Lost Soul
1996 - Rival
1997 - Declaration of love
1998 - Love like me
1999 - Poplars
2001 - About fate and about yourself
2003 - Come with me. Energy
2003 - Come with me. Lyrical
2007 - Plane to Moscow
2010 - Once again about love
2014 - Melody (EP)


1993 - Alena Apina
1994 - Before and After
1995 - Music for discotheques
1997 - Favorites
1998 - The Best
2001 - I don’t dream about you
2004 - In the Mood for Love

Video clips of Alena Apina:

1991 "Accountant"
1992 “Ksyusha”
1992 "Love Street"
1993 “Lyokha”
1993 "The Flying Dutchman"
1993 “I’ll steal you from everyone”
1993 "Yves Saint Laurent"
1994 "Suicide"
1995 "Knots"
1995 “Seed glass”
1995 “Well, someone came down the hill” (feat. Natasha Koroleva and Lada Dance)
1996 “A few hours of love” (feat. Andrey Derzhavin)
1996 "Rival"
1996 "Steamboat"
1996 “The Daisies Hid” (feat. Natasha Koroleva and Tatyana Bulanova)
1997 "Electric Train"
1997 “Alexandra, Alexandra”
1997 “Moonlit Nights” (feat. Murat Nasyrov)
1997 “I’m standing at a stop”
1998 "Love Him"
1998 "Muscovites"
1999 "Poplars"
1999 “I’ll run away from you”
2000 "Sensation"
2000 “Song about female friendship” (feat. Lolita)
2000 "Dear Hand"
2001 "Tomorrow"
2002 “She loved cherries”
2002 “Sinful Moment” (feat. Boris Moiseev)
2003 “Electric Train 2”
2003 “I'm dancing without you”
2004 "White Nights"
2006 “Plane to Moscow”
2013 “Happy New Year, Accountant”
2014 "Melody"
2015 "DJ"

Filmography and work of Alena Apina on TV:

1990 - film “Face” (Film Company “Fora-Film”)
1996 - “Old songs about the main thing” (ORT)
1997 - “Old songs about the main thing 2 (ORT)
1997 - “Ten songs about Moscow” (NTV)
1997 - “Old songs about the main thing 3” (ORT)
1998 - “War Field Romance” (TVC)
1998-2003 - t/p “Field Mail” (TVC)
2003 - t/s "Emergency" ("President Film") - Elena Anina
2004 - t/s “Parallel to Love” (JSC “Studio IGLA”)
2004 - t/s “Kill Bella” (JSC “Studio IGLA”)
2005 - t/s “Girl from the North” (JSC “Studio IGLA”)
2006 - t/s “Provincial Passions” (JSC “Studio IGLA”)
2007 - t/w “You are a Superstar!” (NTV)
2008 - t/s “My Favorite Witch” (“Lean-M”)
2012 - t/s “Happy Together” (TNT) - Irina Basova
2013 - TV show “Live Sound” (Russia-1)
2014 - TV show “Three Chords” (Channel One)

Today children of Alena Apina- this is not only her twelve-year-old daughter Ksyusha, but also students of one of the Moscow schools to whom she teaches music. When the popular singer was asked why she went to teach, and does it for free, she replied that she simply loves music very much and prefers to spend time not on parties and presentations, but on communicating with children. Now Alena Apina’s children, including her own daughter, are preparing to stage a musical together with their famous teacher, for which she has used all her connections and acquaintance with professionals in this field.

In the photo - Alena Apina with her daughter Ksyusha

Looking at how the singer communicates with schoolchildren, it becomes clear how much she wanted to have her own children. When, after several unsuccessful attempts to give birth on their own and long-term treatment, Alena and her husband, producer Alexander Iratov, completely lost hope of becoming parents, she decided to take a desperate step at that time - to give birth to a child with the help of a surrogate mother. This story received a loud response - journalists often visited Alena, she was invited to all sorts of talk shows, and in order to eliminate all rumors, in one of the television programs she openly talked about the fact that Alena Apina’s children would never have appeared in the usual way, and about everything she had to go through to become the mother of a little daughter.

The singer and her husband are quite wealthy people who were able to afford this operation, which then cost them twenty-five thousand dollars. True, at first Alena, unlike her husband, did not really believe in success and was already preparing to adopt a child from an orphanage, because she could not imagine a family without children at all. Fortunately, everything worked out for them, and Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov got little Ksyusha.

In the photo - Alena Apina with her students

Apina Alena (at birth – Levochkina Elena) is a popular Russian pop singer, poetess, composer, worked as part of a musical group.

Alena was born on August 23, 1964 in the city of Saratov into a family that had nothing to do with creativity (there is a version that the singer was born in 1967). My father worked as an engineer, and my mother worked as a salesman. Alena became the only child in the family, so the dreams, work and attention of her parents were directed to the girl.

Despite their small earnings, the parents bought a piano for their daughter when she was four years old. Then Alena began to try herself as a singer for the first time. The girl gathered her parents in the room and organized concerts. During these years, the future star realized that she wanted to connect her life with music. Alena’s mother also dreamed about this, only the scale of their ideas about the future were completely different: Levushkina Sr. wanted her daughter to teach music in kindergarten.

At the age of 5, her parents enrolled the girl in a music school, in a piano class. Alena says that she literally ran to class, loved it madly and couldn’t wait for the next lessons. Even then, the young singer showed determination and responsibility.

Five years later, Alena entered the Saratov Music School in the piano department. After graduation, the young star worked as an accompanist at the local Vostok club.

Alena decided not to leave hometown, and to enter the piano department at the Saratov Conservatory, but the competition was great - the girl failed the entrance exams. This did not break the spirit of the future star. A close friend of the girl advised her to take up singing and take exams for the faculty of folk singing the following year. Her efforts and special timbre of her voice did not fail - Alena got in. Already while studying at the conservatory, the future artist developed her own style of singing.


In 1987, while still a student at the conservatory, Alena Apina decided to work as a singer. It so happened that at this time one acquaintance told me that the producer of the musical group “Combination” was selecting girls for a female musical group. Alena went to the audition, and the producers liked her voice. The girl was invited to the group as a soloist. Started star life, which includes performances, tours and rehearsals.

Unconditional success came to the Combination group in 1988. The singer advised the girls to move from Saratov to Moscow. They were able to penetrate the hearts of Muscovites, and soon the songs of “Combination” were heard from the windows of Moscow and then Russian houses. The group toured different cities of the country. This was a period of takeoff in the singer’s creative biography.

In 1991, Alena Apina decided to leave the group and start a solo career. Her debut solo work, the song “Ksyusha,” immediately became a hit. The singer’s successful start was thanks to producer Alexander Iratov, who played a significant role in her personal life.

Already in 1992, Apina’s first solo album, entitled “Street of Love,” was released. It also included a song by the group “Combination” - “Accountant”, the author of the lyrics is Alena. The singer’s second album, “Dance Until the Morning,” was awarded greater success. All 8 songs from the album became absolute hits. The hits “Electric Train” and “Knots”, which appeared soon, were known by heart by the whole country.

In the winter of 1994, Alena Apina staged the musical Limita. The songs were composed by a poet. This performance took place in the capital, and then in St. Petersburg. Later, the musical compositions were included in the singer’s solo album of the same name.

The singer became popular and in demand back in the 90s. Over the course of a year, Alena released several albums, and clips were constantly shown on Russian TV channels. In 1998, Apina was awarded the Ovation Prize as the best singer of the year. In the same year, the joint hit of Alena Apina and “Moonlit Nights” thundered. In 2002, the artist was awarded the title of “Honored Artist of Russia.” Alena has repeatedly won music awards (“Super Disc”, “Silver Disc”, “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Silver Galosh”).

The artist has 16 solo albums, including, in addition to her first replicated records, discs from the late 90s - “Rival”, “Love Like Me”, “Topolya”, as well as compositions from the 2000s - “About Fate and About Yourself”, “Plane to Moscow”, “Once again about love”. By the end of the 2000s, the artist’s fame began to subside, but in 2011 Alena Apina reminded herself of herself with a song about female friendship - the singer performed the hit “Girlfriends” in a duet with another star Russian stage.

In 2012, Apina was awarded the badge of the Governor of the Moscow Region for charitable events and achievements in the field of culture.

A television

In the late 90s, Alena Apina began hosting the Sunday program “Field Mail,” which aired on the TV Center channel.

Apina also tried herself in the film industry. The actress played main role in one episode of the Russian television series called "Emergency". The singer’s work turned out to be so successful that Alena was invited to film several more series: “Parallel Love”, “Kill Bella”, as well as “Girl from the North” and the series “Provincial Passions”.

Alena Apina says that she is often invited to film films and TV series, but the artist can never change her songs.

Personal life

At the beginning of her singing career, Alena Apina married the artist Valery Apin, but the marriage lasted only a few months. After the divorce, the singer decided to keep her husband's last name. For a long time, there was a lull in the artist’s personal life, since Alena Apina, along with the other soloists of the “Combination”, worked a lot and practically did not stop touring. But thanks professional activity girl met new love.

Alena met her second husband, Alexander Borisovich Iratov, in Tashkent. Then the singer was dissatisfied with the organization of the concert and asked to meet with the main manager of the event. When they met, sympathy arose between the young people. In 1991, Iratov invited Alena Apina to leave the group and start a solo career, the girl in love agreed. Alexander Iratov became Apina's producer. Soon the relationship grew into something more, and after some time the couple decided to get married.

For a long time the couple did not have children. Alena was treated for infertility, but eventually decided to turn to a surrogate mother for help. And in 2001, a miracle happened in the family - the couple had a daughter, Ksyusha. The girl’s name was chosen by Alexander’s son from Iratov’s first marriage. From the age of four, Ksyusha was already studying at a music school. To keep her daughter under supervision, Alena Apina got a job as a piano teacher at a music school.

Alena Apina loves the Peugeot 406 car. The star also loves dogs, and the artist has four dogs at home.

At the end of 2016, the artist on the official page in “ Instagram” published a post with an image of a torn photo in which the singer is depicted with her husband. In a comment to the photo, Alena wrote that.

Alena Apina now

Alena Apina still leads an artistic touring life, as the singer’s fans have not decreased over the years. Now the artist performs solo and in group concerts. Alena Apina maintains the image of a free woman, strong woman, but at the same time vulnerable and tender. Fans noted that after the divorce, Alena appeared in the image of a fatal beauty, a conqueror of men's hearts.

In 2017, the artist released a number of provocative videos, including for the songs “Bond Girl” and “Closeness”. The second clip, in which Alena Apina appeared almost naked in the frame - in only lace underwear - caused a lot of gossip in the media and in social networks. The allegations related to Apina's revealing outfits and alleged plagiarism of a song melody from British singer Jem. The excitement around Alena's name influenced the singer's increased popularity.

And in December, the premiere of the video took place, where Alena Apina appeared in a duet with a blogger who is known under the nickname Black Russian Mama. The clip was broadcast on Krasnova’s channel on video hosting YouTube.


As part of the "Combination" group

  • 1988 - “White Evening”
  • 1988 - “Knight's Move”
  • 1989 - “Russian Girls”
  • 1991 - “Moscow registration”

Solo albums

  • 1992 - “Street of Love”
  • 1993 - “Dance until the morning”
  • 1994 - “Beach Season”
  • 1995 - “Limit”
  • 1995 - “Lost Soul”
  • 1996 - “Rival”
  • 1997 - “Declaration of love”
  • 1998 - “Love like me”
  • 1999 - “Poplars”
  • 2001 - “About fate and myself”
  • 2007 - “Plane to Moscow”
  • 2010 - “Once again about love”
  • 2014 - “Melody”
  • 2016 - “Alena Apina”

Recently, 51-year-old Alena presented a fresh photo shoot in a swimsuit on the Internet, demonstrating her toned body and incredible femininity.

The young singer, who was under the care of Alexander Iratov, did not get into “The Voice” due to a spinal injury

The former soloist of the group “Combination” Alena APINA (nee LEVOCHKINA), who gained popularity in the dashing 90s with such hits as “Accountant”, “Ksyusha”, “Knots” and “Electric Train”, unexpectedly found herself in the center of everyone’s attention. The existence of the artist was prompted by rumors spreading on the Internet about her divorce from producer Alexander IRATOV, with whom she had been happily married for 25 years.

I was introduced to Sasha Iratov in the late 80s in the Sochi “Pearl” by my old friend Valerka Spiritus, nicknamed Spirit, with whom we once speculated on musical equipment,” recalled corporate event organizer Konstantin Shcherbinin. “You know, I’m now done with all the old things,” he told me. “But I’ll introduce you to speculator number one.”

And he led me to a guy with a chain two fingers thick and a huge cross on his stomach, like a priest or a thief in law. This was Sasha Iratov. He worked as the director of Slava Malezhik. He made a lot of money at left-wing concerts. And invested them in “business”. “Well, what do you have there?” - he reluctantly began the conversation. And at that time, miners began to go on strike throughout the country, and in order to calm them down, a decree was signed allowing them to conduct free trade.

Cars, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines and other goods fell to us in Kuzbass like manna from heaven. The miners were given coupons for their purchase. But they were afraid that they would be robbed or cheated. And they brought these coupons to me. And I bought goods and took them to other cities.

I offered these goods to Iratov. “Do you have any white nines?” - he asked. At that time it was considered a cool car. “Yes,” I replied. "What is the price?" - Iratov became interested. Then the price of the “nine” was 35 thousand rubles. But I thought that he was very arrogant. And he told him a higher price - 40 thousand. For this money you could then buy an apartment.

I thought that Iratov would bargain. But he immediately said: “Let me give you 42 thousand! But so that in a week, when I return to Moscow, the car will already be there.” This is how my collaboration with him began.

I sent him various goods by cargo planes. Iratov sold them and brought me money in bags. At that time, he still lived with his first wife - the mother of his son Andrei. Alena Apina appeared in his life only in the early 90s. I remember that after a long absence I arrived in Moscow, and he stunned me with the news: “Have you heard the song “Ksyusha, Ksyusha, plush skirt”? This is my new wife!

IRATOV and APINA have long gained a reputation as almost an exemplary family, so Alena’s statement about their divorce came as a bolt from the blue for many

Someone else's secret

Alena is a very smart, educated person,” said the author of many hits “Combinations” and Apina, composer Vitaly Okorokov. - I studied at the conservatory. Which of our singers knows Prokofiev's music? And she can play you all his sonatas, all his symphonies. I know Alena very well. She and I grew up together since childhood. We had our first “carrot love”. Well, you know what happens when you're 15 years old.

Then she married the artist Valery Apin. They wanted children. But they didn't succeed. I know what the reason was. But I have no right to reveal someone else’s secret. I can only say that these are purely women's affairs. There are some diseases with which nothing can be done. Even artificial insemination does not help. As a result, Apin left Alena.

In “Combination” she was a little lonely and lost. I wanted love, big and pure. I met Iratov, who gave us tours. And he took her away from the group.

Naturally, she wanted to work solo. In any group, everyone secretly wants to have a solo career. I then gave her the song “Ksyusha”. This song made her a star.

In principle, you could take any Manya Siskina or Shura Murina, invest some money in broadcasting this song, and it would become a hit. I didn’t understand this then. And Iratov immediately realized that this might be his only chance in life.

I remember he listened to “Ksyusha” and said to me: “So, Okorokov! Don’t show this song to anyone and don’t tell anyone that it exists.” The arrangement was loaded that same night. And two days later the video was ready. The recording of the song and the shooting of the video went on simultaneously. I have never seen anything like this anywhere else. I simply bow to Iratov for how quickly he worked.

On tour, the singer is accompanied by her stepson Andrey

"Life is wiser than us"

For a quarter of a century, they tried to separate Apina and Iratov more than once. Then Alena was credited with an affair with singer Murat Nasyrov, with whom she performed the song “Moonlit Nights” in a duet. Then Alexander was declared the lover of actress Renata Piotrovsky, who starred with him in the film company “Igla” in the series “Girl from the North.” But the star couple did not even think about breaking up.

Moreover, despite the above medical problems Apina, in 2001 he and Iratov had joint child- daughter Ksenia, who was carried by a surrogate mother. One would think that the current divorce rumors are just another hoax,” if the singer herself had not confirmed them.

Yes, I’m filing for divorce,” Apina wrote on her Instagram page. - This period of my life is coming to an end. It was very big and for many of you very beautiful. But life is much wiser than many of us. Alexander and I don’t have any homewreckers and there’s no big deal. global cause for this step. It's just time. Thank you all for your participation and excitement. And try to discuss it less. Today the most important thing is to cause as little problems as possible for our daughter. Everything else cannot be changed. And life doesn’t end there.

In truth, this post raised many more questions for everyone than it answered. One could not help but get the impression that Alena was being dark and was not telling something.

Contacting old acquaintances did not clarify the situation either. star couple. Even for them, the singer’s sensational confession came as a complete surprise.

“I don’t know anything about the reasons for Apina and Iratov’s divorce,” producer Alexey Muskatin threw up his hands. - We have known Sashka since the days of our “troubled youth.” But like many of our generation, he has long been nowhere to be seen or heard. The last time we met was several years ago. He then took care of a young girl. And at our studio they wanted to make a musical project out of it. We studied vocals, dances, etc. with her. No, no, she was not Iratov’s mistress.

Only for big money

It was just the daughter of some of Alexander’s acquaintances,” Muscatin continues. - Sasha’s son from his first marriage, Andrei, constantly came to classes with her. He made sure that she was not offended. Unfortunately, all this did not end in anything. In principle, the girl sang well. But it was something average. She was not up to the second Zemfira. And we have always placed fairly high professional demands on our students. If something didn’t work out, they said directly: “You don’t sing, you quack. Why do you even need to sing? This is not your profession." The girl, apparently, could not stand it and eventually left us. Then I called her. I wanted to send her to “The Voice” or to the “Main Stage”. But it turned out that she went somewhere on vacation and injured her spine.

And Iratov, as I understand it, moved to Spain and recently lived almost constantly in this country. I tried to make a movie there several times: some were successful, some were unsuccessful. And with Apina, his son Andrei went to concerts as a director. As for their divorce... It's all very strange. Sashka is already a grandfather. He and Alena have a daughter. I don't understand why they should get a divorce. Maybe, of course, Apina decided to remind herself in this way. But, by and large, she doesn’t really need it. Her songs are already played on the radio. And if tomorrow she wants to go on tour, I think it won’t be difficult for her to gather an audience. Only she doesn't want to tour. This summer I met her at an event in Dolgoprudny. “When they give me a lot of money, I come,” said Alena. “But I’m not interested in working for pennies.”

The pop diva became famous under the name of her first husband - Valeria APINA

Tired of each other

If something happened between Lena and Sasha, then, apparently, quite recently, suggested singer and composer Andrei Kosinsky, who wrote “Seed Glass” and other songs for Apina. - Two years ago we went to the Spanish city of Marbella for Lena’s 50th birthday, where they bought a house (which of the stars still has property in Spain - read here). And Sasha then organized all her anniversary celebrations. It was such a blast that words cannot describe it. He was also present at her last day birth, which she celebrated on August 23 at her home in Peredelkino. And there seemed to be no signs that anything was wrong in their family.

On the contrary, they talked about each other very Nice words. “I owe everything that is in my life to Sasha,” Lena emphasized. Maybe they're just tired of each other. Maybe there was no longer the same spark between them. As far as I know, Sasha has long stopped producing Lena as before. She got a job as a music teacher at school. I helped her make a musical based on Beatles songs with her students.

I find it difficult to even answer where Sasha worked these years. According to the latest information that reached me, he ran the concert hall at the Cosmos Hotel. Once I approached him with a proposal to write a new song for Lena. “No, no, no, I don’t do this anymore,” Sasha waved it off. “I am a statesman.” Yes, Sasha’s son helps her with concerts. But in fact, Lena has been living on her own for a long time and rules everything on her own.
