Stars surrogacy. Stars who used the services of surrogate mothers (11 photos)

A responsible attitude towards expanding the family is becoming a trend. This approach necessarily involves examination before conception. The examination includes a complex of analyses, consultations with specialists, and hardware studies. We invite you to undergo a check-up before pregnancy at the Life Line Reproduction Center. The result will give confidence in the well-being of the upcoming pregnancy or indicate that one or both parents need to first solve health problems. Let's increase the chances of successful conception, pregnancy without serious complications and the birth of a healthy baby!

Why do pre-pregnancy examinations in Moscow take place with us?

  • The Life Line Reproduction Center has its own embryology laboratory.
  • A comprehensive examination in our clinics includes all tests, tests and hardware diagnostic procedures that are important to do when planning a child.
  • Our patients have access to consultations with experienced highly specialized specialists - the best reproductologists in Moscow, geneticists, andrologists/urologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, endocrinologists
  • Within one center, a complete diagnosis of the state of the organisms of both parents is carried out. The doctor takes the big picture into account.
  • Along with the standard diagnostic kit, individual examination programs are available to our patients. They are compiled taking into account the health characteristics of the partners.
  • Guarantee of accurate test results plus and expert pregnancy prognosis.
  • If problems with the reproductive system are detected, advanced infertility treatment is possible.
  • After conception, you can stay at Life Line to manage your pregnancy - sign an agreement and be observed by our specialists.

At the Life Line clinic you can take some of the necessary tests before pregnancy, or you can buy the “I Want a Child” package program for both spouses.

Your first step is a visit to a gynecologist / urologist

A woman and a man participate in the creation of a new life, so both partners should be examined. It is recommended to begin preparing for pregnancy 3 months before the expected conception with a visit to a specialized specialist - a gynecologist for women, a urologist for men. It is recommended to take your medical records and, if available, the results of previous examinations with you.

How does the consultation work?

The appointment begins with a medical examination. Great importance has a conversation with patients: the doctor asks about past illnesses, previous experiences of conception and past pregnancies. Based on the results of the examination and conversation, the specialist draws up and agrees with the patients a list of analyzes and tests.

Tests when planning pregnancy

The main task of a set of studies before conception is to identify all the factors that can affect conception, gestation and formation of the fetus. Therefore, the list of studies is quite wide.

  • General and biochemical blood tests, general urine analysis. They are needed so that the doctor can find out about the presence of inflammation and infections, the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and liver. These studies provide clues that the body is not doing well.
  • Tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, STIs. Sexual infections can occur hidden, patients often do not know about the problem in the body. But it can interfere with conception or harm pregnancy and the child! Having been tested for sexually transmitted infections that are dangerous to the fetus (chlamydia, gardnerella, etc.), you don’t have to worry about unpleasant “surprises.”
  • Study on TORCH infection. There are infections that are dangerous only if they are initially infected during pregnancy - they threaten the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn baby. Before conception, it is necessary to find out whether the woman has suffered from these diseases. For this purpose, expectant mothers take a blood test for antibodies to TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus). If screening shows that the body has not yet encountered an infection, the woman will have to be especially careful after conception. Obviously, the partner also needs to be checked for TORCH infections - in order to avoid infecting the expectant mother.
  • Hormone tests. Hormones are one of the key links in female and male reproductive function. Hormonal imbalances quite often lead to infertility.
  • Research to determine the blood type and rhesus of partners. They are done to determine the risk of Rh conflict and immune complications of pregnancy, and to prepare for them if a risk is detected.

All this research needs to be done by both partners. In addition to them, there are important tests only for women. So, to the expectant mother when planning a child, it is recommended to check the blood for sugar and clotting, take a smear for flora, etc.

Of the hardware tests, the most important is ultrasound diagnostics. A woman undergoes an ultrasound scan in the first phase of her cycle. A man can make an appointment for an ultrasound examination at any time. Ultrasound detects organ pathologies reproductive system which can interfere with conception. If diseases are detected, the doctor usually prescribes additional examination.

Doctors you should see before pregnancy

Examinations and consultations with doctors are no less important than tests. You should not limit yourself only to a gynecologist and urologist. Below is a list of doctors recommended to future parents.

To a woman

  • Therapist. Pregnancy is stressful for the body; you need to check how ready the expectant mother is for it.
  • ENT To reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic ENT diseases during pregnancy.
  • Dentist. After conception, dental interventions are not recommended; it is better to do everything necessary in advance. In addition, oral diseases are fraught with problems for the expectant mother and fetus.

Both partners

  • Geneticist. To prevent genetic pathologies in a child. Genetic consultation is especially important for spouses over 35 years of age and those who have hereditary diseases in the family.
  • Reproductologist. To check the condition of the reproductive system. Recommended for difficulties with conception.
  • Endocrinologist. For normalization hormonal levels. Recommended for endocrine disorders and/or difficulties with conception.

Research and analysis in preparation for conception takes time. Sometimes this is several weeks, and sometimes - if doctors find diseases that require treatment - more. But it’s worth it, planning a child does not tolerate haste and relying on luck.

We are waiting for you at any of our two clinics in Moscow! We guarantee that the examination will take place as quickly as possible, without queues and in a comfortable environment. To make an appointment with a specialist, call us or send a request from the website.

It would seem that what could be difficult in planning a pregnancy and further bearing a fetus? This question is asked by many women who decide to become mothers.

Pregnancy planning is the most important factor influencing the birth of a healthy child. Therefore, long before conceiving a baby, a woman will need to examine her body.

Identification of possible deviations in the health of the expectant mother is accompanied by laboratory research methods. Let's figure out what basic (mandatory) and additional tests a woman needs to undergo when planning a pregnancy.

Initial examination

The basis of any comprehensive preparation for conception is a diagnostic examination. That's why the first thing to start with is a visit to the gynecologist.

It’s good if the doctor is proven and is already familiar with the woman’s medical history and medical record.

If you decide to go to this gynecologist for the first time, you should prepare for the appointment in advance. Where to begin? The doctor needs talk about chronic, hereditary diseases, name the duration of the menstrual cycle, remember any failures or delays.

It is worth taking your child's card with you: some childhood illnesses can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus.

All information collected will enable the doctor get the most complete picture of your current health status women, identify failures, problems.

At the appointment, the gynecologist will conduct an examination, take smears, will write out directions to the main research. What necessary tests should be taken when planning a pregnancy (list for women):

  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test - general, for HIV, hepatitis, hidden infections, hormones;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs (ovaries, uterus).

Infections, infections - how to protect yourself and your child

The most dangerous thing during pregnancy is internal infections and inflammation. The most important thing is to eliminate them before conception.

Therefore, when studying the body of the expectant mother, special attention is paid in-depth study of organs.

The danger of most infections manifests itself during the initial infection, so the test results make it clear which diseases the body has already suffered and which it has not.

The less the body has suffered, the less trained the immune system, the more careful you need to be after conception.

Toxoplasma - test for antibodies of toxoplasma infection. You can get infected from pets, especially cats. 15% of women of reproductive age have already suffered from the disease, 75% of pregnant women will be at risk.

If the analysis does not reveal IgG and IgM antibodies- there is a danger of infection. They give recommendations to refrain from contact with animals, to eat only very well-fried and cooked meat, to thoroughly process vegetables and fruits, and to wash your hands frequently.


If a woman does not know whether she has had rubella, she will need to be tested for IgG and IgM antibodies. Possible three results:

  • IgG(their detection means that the body has already suffered the disease and has immunity);
  • IgM(this means that you have become infected with the virus for the first time. You cannot plan to conceive within the next 3 months)
  • absence of IgM, IgG(it is necessary to get vaccinated to prevent infection after conception. 3 months after the rubella vaccination, you can plan to conceive).


Cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy is dangerous developmental pathologies and infection of the fetus in the womb.

Cytomegalovirus is an infection presumably transmitted by airborne droplets, although it has not yet been established exactly how it is contracted.

During preparation for pregnancy, it may appear high level its development. With this result, the woman will be obliged undergo a course of antiviral therapy. Only after it has passed is it possible to plan conception.

But even a negative result for cytomegalovirus does not mean that the body is not in danger.

It is necessary to take precautions: maintain hygiene, be careful with small children (there is a high probability of infection in preschool institutions).


The herpes virus remains in the human body throughout life. The essence of treatment is to reduce its activity. Therefore, since it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus, an analysis is needed to assess the risk of primary infection during pregnancy.


What other tests should a woman undergo? A separate study is carried out for sexually transmitted infections.

But usually it is only necessary for those for patients who are worried about something(excessive discharge from the genitals, burning sensation) or if there have already been miscarriages, also in preparation for IVF.

Your partner also needs to undergo these tests.

Hormonal studies

Together with everything else, it is useful to take a blood test hormone concentrations.

After all, the level of hormones presupposes the successful or unsuccessful implementation of a woman’s reproductive function.

Hormones show state of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. Disruption of the hormonal cycle affects appearance patients: skin condition, hair condition, mood.

The doctor himself names the list of hormones, for which you need to get tested.

Blood compatibility

During the planning period before conception, partners need donate blood to determine group and rhesus.

After all, as we remember, a mismatch of partners’ Rhesus factors (only when the man’s Rh factor is positive and the woman’s is negative) can lead to development of Rh conflict. Blood type conflicts are less common, but it’s worth getting checked.

You should prepare during planning and study what they are so that after conception you can register with a gynecologist.

To prevent your health from deteriorating, it doesn’t hurt to strengthen its protective functions in advance. How to strengthen the immune system of an adult without pills.

It happens that hair falls out during pregnancy, but you can’t take medications. This article will help you figure out how to use safe castor oil for hair loss.

Other measures

The expectant mother needs to visit several doctors:

  • dentist(at the preparation stage, it is advised to treat the teeth, otherwise a lack of calcium during gestation will accelerate their destruction);
  • ENT doctor(if during pregnancy chronic diseases of the ears, throat, and nose are discovered, then the weakened body will receive a couple of inflammatory processes that are dangerous for the fetus. After all, even ARVI can cause developmental delay nervous system baby);
  • therapist(he will make a conclusion based on blood and urine tests, give general recommendations may prescribe additional diagnostics from a geneticist or endocrinologist, if necessary).

When to plan

The stage of passing tests for infections and taking tests lasts from two to four months. If a serious threat to the expectant mother or fetus is detected, pregnancy will have to be postponed for a period of one to several years.

If all indicators are in order, you can begin preparing for conception. Future parents should 2-3 months before starting to abstain from medications without consulting a gynecologist, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, start taking vitamins.

Not only the woman, but also the alleged father of the child will have to carefully monitor her lifestyle.

Research during pregnancy

Don't forget to visit your gynecologist regularly. In the fourth week you will have to take a couple of blood and urine tests again. At the twelfth week, you need to determine the level of PAPP-A. Level can show:

  • the presence of Down syndrome or Edwards syndrome in the fetus (reduced rate);
  • normal fetal development;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • stopping development in the short term.

Important in the first trimester determine the concentration of “17-OP”, placental lactogen, prolactin. These tests will show in time:

  • placental disorder (PR and PL);
  • congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex (increased 17-OP).

Until the twentieth week passes triple analysis assessing the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies. It consists of tests for:

  • alpha-fetoprotein;
  • free estriol.

Successful pregnancy

It is important that a woman understands and accepts the fact that she health is in her own hands. The age of women preparing for the birth of their first child has increased significantly and is rapidly approaching 30.

Having a second child is difficult for half of couples over the age of 30. Increasingly, doctors are forced to resort for emergency surgery into the body of the expectant mother.

Very young women successfully pass all the diagnostic tests that need to be taken before planning a pregnancy for women and do not have any particular difficulties in childbearing. But even among expectant mothers under 26, about a third experience reproductive dysfunction.

Usually abnormalities can be cured if you seek treatment in a timely manner. medical care. To identify diseases and prevent difficulties during conception and pregnancy, a couple needs to undergo at least a basic examination.

This video explains how to prepare for pregnancy and when to start getting tested:

The doctor, having prescribed the necessary procedures, will make life easier for future parents. It is better to spend a month to reinforce your confidence that the baby will be born healthy and happy.

We wish you an easy pregnancy!

There certainly comes a time in the life of any married couple when both partners are ready for the arrival of a baby in their family. However, you should not get down to business right away, because the body of both women and men may not be ready to give birth healthy child. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that future parents undergo a comprehensive examination and pass all necessary tests before planning pregnancy for the speedy onset of conception and proper development of the fetus. What tests should be taken before planning a pregnancy? We have prepared a whole list for you.

Examination by a gynecologist and smear before pregnancy

Where should a woman start when planning a pregnancy? The first thing you need to start preparing for is visit to the gynecologist. The doctor will perform a visual examination, assess the condition of the cervix and genital tract, as well as the size of the uterus and ovaries.

The gynecologist will definitely do bacterioscopic examination of urogenital secretions and cytological examination . Based on the results of this analysis, it will be possible to see whether there are infectious and opportunistic pathogens in the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervical canal.

Colpocervicoscopy and Cytology (PAP test) will detect the presence of pathological cells in the cervical mucosa and diagnose a precancerous condition. The analysis is mandatory, since a woman in this position has a weakened immune system, which is why precancer can turn into cancer.

Also, the gynecologist should take the following tests for infections when planning pregnancy:

  • For human papillomavirus HPV 16,18,31,33,35,39,45,52,56,58,59,66 (highly oncogenic types) - scraping.
  • Examination for chlamydia (by PCR method from the cervix).

These diseases are not dangerous for the average person and can be asymptomatic. However, they can cause a number of serious complications and pathologies in the unborn child.

Blood tests

Need to do the following blood tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • coagulogram;
  • prolactin test;
  • (TSH);
  • lipid profile (triglyceride, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL);
  • lipid profile (cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, VLDL, atherogenic coefficient); anti-muller hormone (AMH);
  • blood test for homocysteine;
  • antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (ATPO);
  • blood test for vitamin D.

It is also advisable to get tested for blood type and Rh factor. Data on her blood type and Rh factor are entered into the medical check-up book of each pregnant woman. If spouses have different Rh factors, especially if the woman is negative, then it may occur, the likelihood of which increases with the number of pregnancies.

General urine analysis and bacterial culture

This type of analysis will identify acute and chronic urinary tract diseases, which can have an extremely negative impact on the health of a pregnant woman.

To eliminate errors in diagnostic results, it is necessary stick to simple rules , which, by the way, will be useful throughout pregnancy:

  • Morning urine is always submitted for analysis;
  • for these purposes, days of menstruation should be avoided;
  • Before manipulation, you need to wash yourself thoroughly;
  • During the procedure, it is better to cover the vagina with a cotton swab;
  • urine is collected in a special container or glass container.


During the planning period, you should not neglect the capabilities of ultrasound. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs allows you to: see the condition of the ovaries and follicles; assess the condition of the endometrium (see what is the probability of accepting a fertilized egg); see if ovulation has already occurred or is expected in this cycle.

In addition, the results of the study can reveal uterine defects, one of the most common of which is fibroids. Before pregnancy, such neoplasms may not manifest themselves in any way. However, they can prevent conception and cause or premature birth. In this case, doctors recommend removing the fibroid and waiting 1-2 years before the next planning.

Also, to rule out non-gynecological problems, you need to undergo Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, breast, thyroid gland and mammography.

Optometrist, dentist and therapist

In addition to the gynecologist, a woman should visit other specialists. So, therapist will perform a general examination and perform an electrocardiogram. It is imperative to inform him of all ailments in order to identify the problem in time and begin treatment.

Oculist will assess the condition of your vision and eyeball, possible problems during childbirth and prescribe treatment for problems.

Also, at the planning stage it is advisable to visit dentist and tidy up your oral cavity.

Genetic consultation

If your family knows of cases where children were born with serious hereditary diseases or genetic abnormalities, be sure to go for a consultation with a geneticist and, if necessary, undergo appropriate genetic tests when planning a pregnancy. You can also conduct genetic testing for a hereditary tendency to thrombophilia.

It is also advisable to contact a specialist if the expectant mother is under 18 or over 35 years old, and the future father is over 40 years old.

What tests should a man take when planning a pregnancy?

Despite the fact that it is up to the woman to become pregnant, bear and give birth to the child, the man, on the recommendation urologist and therapist You must also undergo some examinations and tests, including:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood for antibodies Toxoplasma (Ig G), Rubella (Ig G);
  • blood test for Hepatitis B and C (total antibodies);
  • blood test for HIV and syphilis;
  • PCR for chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and gardnerella, viruses - herpes virus, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • ECG and ultrasound chest, including the heart and abdominal cavity;
  • analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor.

Spermogram and analysis of spouse compatibility

Often the cause of infertility is poor male sperm. Therefore, it would be useful to take a spermogram to determine the concentration and activity of sperm. If any deviations are found andrologist will give appropriate instructions. After numerous unsuccessful attempts, you can take a test to determine the compatibility of a man and a woman.

  1. Stick to it healthy image life. This means that you need to give up alcohol and cigarettes, play sports, and take walks in the fresh air.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition: it must be balanced and consist of natural and healthy products. Go to the necessary doctors and take all the tests recommended for couples planning a child. Take the course.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to folic acid. It is advisable to consult a doctor before taking it.
  4. Avoid stress and heavy physical activity.

Video about preparing for pregnancy

We bring to your attention a short video where a specialist will talk about why pregnancy planning is needed and whether everyone needs it. You will also learn what you should pay attention to and what is the best place to start the examination.
