The king is good, the boyars are bad? "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession" - quotes To the words that a good king.

    - What, what? Kemsky volost?
    - Oh, ya, ya, Kemsk parish. Oh ya ya

    /* Embraced on the track. And no Swedish medallion... */

    - Why are you crawling, father?
    - Ah... The ambassador lost his knightly order from his chest.
    “You can't be so distracted. You need to look after things when you enter the room.

    - You didn't take it? Or maybe rolled over the throne? Well there is no way.

    /* Comrade Bunsha is ready to suspect... */

    - I am again tormented by vague doubts. Shpak has a tape recorder, the ambassador has a medallion.
    What are you alluding to? I ask you, what are you hinting at, royal muzzle?

    /* Time for a bite to eat... */

    - Wait a minute! At whose expense is this banquet? Who will pay?

    - Ah, hare kidneys twisted, pike heads with garlic. Black caviar! Red! Yes... Overseas caviar... Eggplant!

    - Ivan Vasilyevich, look how my apartment was treated! It's all the same, all the same, that is acquired by overwork, everything is lost!

    - Yes, what is it, huh? Well, go home, alcoholic!

    - Hello. King... Very nice. King, very nice, king. Very nice, hello king. Very nice, king. King, very nice. Hello king, very nice.

    - In my opinion, we met somewhere.
    - What are you weaving, you bastard?

    - And yet you are in labor, everything is in labor, great sovereign, like a bee!
    - Margo, you are the only person who understands me.

    - Well, another glass under the pike head?

    - Why are you, maestra, silent? Come on, give us something!

    - Everybody dance!

    - Dear autocrat, we are lost!
    - I demand the continuation of the banquet!

    I am the King...

    /* And yet, who are you? */

    - Do you smoke? Do not smoke? You are doing right. I don't smoke either. And yet, who are you?

    - Quiet. Surname?
    We are Rurik.

    - Yes, tell me, what is my fault, boyar?
    - The Tambov wolf is your boyar!

    - Kazan took, Astrakhan took, Revel took, Shpak did not take.

    - Another one was detained, comrade lieutenant.
    - Don't delay... don't detain. Not detained! They didn’t detain me, but I myself went to you, to you, myself. Sincerely confess everything. With rapture I surrender myself into the hands of my native militia. I hope and hope for her.

    - Lying, dog! I am the king!

    /* We will all be cured. ALL. The main thing is not to rush and return to society. .. */

    - Now you will be cured, alcoholic.

    And you will be cured! And you will be cured too! And I'll be cured!

    /* Georges suggests not to rush */

    - If I were you, I would immediately sit down for a doctoral dissertation!
    - No need to rush. I can always sit down.

    /* Ivan Vasilyevich returns home */

    - Faster, Ivan Vasilyevich!
    - I'm running, Lord, my sins are grave.

    - What?
    - What is it?
    - Oh, you hooligan!
    - What rudeness! And he also put on glasses!

    And what's interesting...

    What do quotes from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession" teach us?

    Do you think a person cannot lie every minute? This one can.

    If you are drawn to make a scandal - do not. Suddenly you have to come back.

    And before you start a banquet - find out who will pay.

    Watch good movies and you will be happy.
    And remember: This is what the life-giving cross does!

    Join, baron. Join now!

    Liked the post? Love good quotes?
    Then let's not lose each other!
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    5 DVD Collector's Edition. Taste and you from my cup!

    Book! . And where is your boyar? In church, right?

Today is 112 years since the Russian people lost faith in the Tsar, and before that they still believed in his kindness and mercy. Many people believed that a good king was surrounded by embezzlers, liars, greedy manufacturers, bureaucrats, flatterers and other abominations of the human race. It was only necessary to open the eyes of the king to the misfortunes of his people, and the truth would shine forth. With this they went to the king.

Here is a popular petition, written by the priest Gapon and approved at the general meeting:


We, the workers of the city of St. Petersburg, our wives, children and helpless old parents, have come to you, sovereign, to seek truth and protection. we are treated like slaves who must endure their bitter fate and remain silent. We endured, but we are being pushed further and further into the pool of poverty, lack of rights and ignorance; we are strangled by despotism and arbitrariness, and we are suffocated. No more strength, sir! The limit of patience has come! For us, that terrible moment has come when death is better than the continuation of unbearable torments. And so we quit our job and told our hosts that we would not start working until they fulfilled our requirements. We asked for little: we want only that without which life is not life, but hard labor, eternal torment. Our first request was that our hosts discuss our needs with us, but this was also refused; we were denied the right to speak about our needs, finding that the law does not recognize such a right for us. Our requests also turned out to be illegal: to reduce the number of working hours to eight a day, to set prices for our work together with us and with our consent, to consider our misunderstandings with the lower administration of the plant, to increase wages for laborers and women for their work to one ruble a day, abolish overtime work, treat us attentively and without insults, arrange workshops in such a way that one can work in them, and not find death there from terrible drafts, rain and snow. Everything turned out, in the opinion of our hosts, to be illegal, our every request is a crime, and our desire to improve our situation is an insolence, insulting to our hosts.

Sovereign! There are more than three hundred thousand of us here - and all these are people only in appearance, only in appearance; in reality, no human right is recognized for us, not even the right to speak, to think, to assemble, to discuss our needs, to take measures to
improving our position. Any one of us who dares to raise his voice in defense of the interests of the working class is thrown into prison, sent into exile. Punish like a crime kind heart, for a sympathetic soul. To take pity on a working, downtrodden, disenfranchised, exhausted person means committing a grave crime!

Sovereign! Is this in accordance with the divine laws, by whose grace you reign? And is it possible to live under such laws? Wouldn't it be better to die—to die for all of us, the working people of all Russia? Let the capitalists and state embezzlers and robbers of the Russian people live and enjoy.

This is what stands before us, my lord! And this is what brought us to the walls of your palace. Here we are looking for the last salvation. Do not refuse to help your people, bring them out of the grave of lawlessness, poverty and ignorance, give them the opportunity to decide their own destiny, throw off the unbearable oppression of officials from them. Break down the wall between you and your people and let them rule the country with you. After all, you are put on the happiness of the people, and the officials snatch this happiness out of our hands; it does not reach us—we receive only grief and humiliation!
Look without anger, carefully at our requests: they are directed not to evil, but to good, both for us and for you, sovereign! It is not impudence in us that speaks, but consciousness
the need to get out of an unbearable situation for all. Russia is too big, her needs are too varied and numerous, for officials alone to manage her. It is necessary that the people themselves should help themselves, for they alone know the true
his needs. Don't push away his help, accept it! They ordered immediately, immediately, to call on representatives of the Russian land from all classes, from all estates. Let here
there will be a capitalist, and a worker, and an official, and a priest, and a doctor, and a teacher—let everyone, whoever they may be, elect their representatives. Let everyone be equal
and is free in the right to vote, and for this they ordered that elections to the constituent assembly take place under the condition of universal, direct, secret and equal voting. This is our most important request; everything is based in it and on it. This is the main and only patch
for our sick wounds, without which these wounds will ooze forever and quickly move us towards death. But one measure still cannot heal all our wounds. Others are needed, and we tell you directly and openly, as a father, about them, sir.


I. Measures against the ignorance and lack of rights of the Russian people:
1) Freedom and inviolability of the person, freedom of speech, press, freedom of assembly, freedom
conscience in the matter of religion.
2) General and mandatory public education to the state account.
3) Responsibility of ministers to the people and guarantees of the legality of government.
4) Equality before the law of all without exception.
5) Immediate return of all victims for their convictions.

II. Measures against the poverty of the people:
1) Cancel indirect taxes and replacing them with a direct, progressive and income tax.
2) Cancellation of redemption payments, cheap credit and gradual transfer of land to the people.

III. Measures against the oppression of capital over labor:
1) Labor protection by law.
2) Freedom of consumer-productive and professional workers' unions.
3) 8-hour working day and normalization of overtime work.
4) Freedom of struggle between labor and capital.
5) Participation of representatives of workers in the development of a draft law on state
workers' insurance.
6) Normal wages.

Here, sir, are our main needs with which we have come to you! Command and swear to fulfill them, and you will make Russia happy and glorious, and you will imprint your name in the hearts of ours and our descendants for all eternity. But you won’t command, you won’t respond to
our prayer - we will die here, in this square, in front of your palace. We have nowhere else to go and no reason! We have only two paths: either to freedom and happiness, or to the grave.
Indicate, sovereign, any of them, we will follow it unquestioningly, even if it were the path to death. Let our life be a sacrifice for the suffering Russia! We do not feel sorry for this sacrifice, we willingly bring it!

The popularity of Gapon these days has reached unprecedented limits; many saw in him a prophet sent by God to free the working people. The Social Democrats - Bolsheviks warned the people that it was pointless to address these demands to the tsar, since they meant the overthrow of the autocracy: “Do not ask the tsar and do not even demand from him, do not humiliate yourself before our sworn enemy, but to throw him off the throne and drive out with him the entire autocratic gang - only in this way can freedom be won. But no one wanted to listen to the Bolsheviks, and as a result, 140,000 unarmed workers, their wives and children, were met by a forty thousand army of tsarist troops and gendarmes. The result of a conversation with the king - thousands of dead and thousands of wounded. The nickname BLOODY was added to Nicholas II for Khodynka and the events of January 9th.

A lion - tsar animals, but it is hardly suitable for a pet. In the same way, love is too strong a feeling to become the basis of a happy marriage.

“Fear of God cannot and should not exist, the expression “fear of God” is inaccurate and requires interpretation, before God one can experience only mystical horror, horror before an infinite mystery and longing for God. Entering into our religious faith and in our relation to God of religious fear is the introduction of the category of the ordinary natural life of the world into a higher sphere in which it is inapplicable. Fear may be before an evil beast or before infectious diseases, but not before God. You can be afraid of the authorities of this ordinary world, kings, people's commissars or gendarmes, but not God. God can only be horrified or longing for Him.

The supreme power is the guardian of the idea of ​​the Russian state, it personifies its strength and integrity, and if it is Russia, then only with the effort of all its sons to protect it, to protect this Power, which has fettered Russia and protects it from disintegration. Moscow autocracy kings does not resemble the autocracy of Peter, just as the autocracy of Peter does not resemble the autocracy of Catherine II and the Tsar-Liberator. After all, the Russian state grew, developed from its own Russian roots, and with it, of course, the Supreme Tsarist Power also changed and developed. It is impossible to attach some alien, foreign flower to our Russian roots, to our Russian trunk. Let our native Russian flower blossom, let it blossom and unfold under the influence of the interaction of the Supreme Power and the new representative system granted by It.

Formula " tsar and the people - unity "is our undoubted national principle and, moreover, a precious principle, as creating a higher form of statehood than Western European, monistic, and not dualistic, always containing the possibility of deep conflicts.

Formula " tsar and the people - unity "is not only an expression of religious and moral consciousness or the fruit of an abstract thought, but contains a deep real meaning, and its content, with the further development of the people and the weakening of the mediastinum between king and the people, is becoming wider and more versatile.

The task of Russian statehood is to merge the interests king and the people together; to accomplish this is a matter of talent and genius of Russians statesmen. Outside of this, the kingdom of internecine strife can take root on our territory and there is no end in sight for its days.

The defenders of the See of Rome “will not prove, I think,” in the words of the aforementioned zealous and wise Bernard from a letter to Pope Eugene, “I think they will never prove that any of the apostles sat and judged people, defined boundaries or divided regions of the earth ". And a little lower: “These affairs, earthly and earthly, have their own judges, that is kings and the rulers of the earth: why do you stretch out your sickle on a strange harvest, ”that is, you, the primates of the Roman Church, why do you stretch spiritual power over worldly human affairs?

I am going to Siberia and I am firmly convinced that millions of people sympathize with me. Down with king Down with despotism! Long live freedom! I, a political criminal, was made a mere murderer! Shame on the new Russian court, this is not a court, but cheating!

At the turn of the 17th century, a brilliant Tsar, full of extraordinary energy, boundless fortitude ... The gift of power is a great gift, but a dangerous gift: directed in the wrong direction, it can do as much harm as good, if directed for good. The most brilliant of people, Peter was carried away by his genius. He glanced at Europe: discoveries, inventions, at the same time refinement and freedom of morals, decency, allowing and excusing vice and debauchery, scope for human passions and external brilliance, struck his gaze. He looked at Russia: making a difficult path of original development, trying to assimilate all the good, but not ceasing to be herself, slowly moving forward, recognizing the people as a people, not dressing debauchery in decency and faithfulness, not at all shining with outward brilliance, confessing other things before proud Europe. , not spectacular beginnings of humility and spiritual freedom, deeply believing, silently praying, Russia seemed to Peter an ignorant country in which there is nothing good but good, excellent folk material. Peter did not doubt at once to condemn the whole life of Russia, all of its past, to reject for her the possibility of selfhood and nationality.

The progress of human civilization in expanding the boundaries of human freedom does not move from top to bottom. No one tsar, no parliament, no government has expanded human rights beyond the demands of the people.

From time immemorial, the most powerful engine of actions and experiences of mankind has been the feeling of love, for this feeling, belonging to a number of the simplest, almost instinctive, manifests itself with equal force both in developed and not intellectually developed people. This feeling on the battlefield is the main positive factor that governs the spiritual element of the fighters. Its main forms: love for to the king and the Motherland, to the Faith, to each other, etc. - served and serve as the main incentive for military education.

They love sovereigns at their own discretion, and are afraid - at the discretion of sovereigns, therefore it is better for a wise ruler to rely on what depends on him, and not on someone else.

As long as people bow before Caesars and Napoleons, Caesars and Napoleons will come to power and bring misfortune to people.

Woe to the peoples who stone their prophets!" - says the scripture. But the Russian people have nothing to fear, for nothing can worsen their unfortunate fate.

My most serious sin is that I allowed Bahruz-khanim and the mother of my heir Tahmas Mirza Tajly-beyim to stay in Chaldiran. Both of them fought in men's attire. Both of them, it turns out, were called to fight in the name of the glory of the Motherland.

The sovereign should have no other thoughts, no other concerns, no other business than war, military regulations and military science, for war is the only duty that the ruler cannot impose on another.

Christian rulers don't get along with each other. It is very strange. Because the turmoil between them gives courage to their common enemy. Therefore, I wrote to the King of Hungary to stop the enmity with the European rulers.

He belonged to the ancient Hyde dynasty and was the son and heir of the Earl of Clarendon, the Queen's uncle... but there was no pride in his demeanor.

Let everyone know that, devoting all my strength to the good of the people, I will protect the beginnings of autocracy as firmly and unswervingly as my late, unforgettable parent guarded it.

There have been many rulers in the history of Russia, but not all of them can be called successful. Those who could, expanded the territory of the state, won wars, developed culture and production in the country, and strengthened international ties.

Yaroslav the Wise

Yaroslav the Wise, son of Saint Vladimir, was one of the first truly effective rulers in Russian history. He founded the city-fortress Yuryev in the Baltic, Yaroslavl in the Volga region, Yuryev Russian, Yaroslavl in the Carpathian region and Novgorod-Seversky.

During the years of his reign, Yaroslav stopped the Pecheneg raids on Rus', defeating them in 1038 near the walls of Kyiv, in honor of which the Hagia Sophia was founded. Artists from Constantinople were called in to paint the temple.

In an effort to strengthen international relations, Yaroslav used dynastic marriages, gave his daughter Princess Anna Yaroslavna in marriage to the French King Henry I.

Yaroslav the Wise actively built the first Russian monasteries, founded the first large school, allocated large funds for translations and correspondence of books, published Church charter and Russian Truth. In 1051, having gathered the bishops, he himself appointed Hilarion as metropolitan, for the first time without the participation of the Patriarch of Constantinople. Hilarion became the first Russian metropolitan.

Ivan III

Ivan III can be confidently called one of the most successful rulers in the history of Russia. It was he who managed to gather scattered principalities around Moscow northeastern Rus'. During his lifetime in united state included the Yaroslavl and Rostov principalities, Vyatka, Great Perm, Tver, Novgorod and other lands.

Ivan III was the first of the Russian princes to take the title "Sovereign of All Rus'", and introduced the term "Russia" into use. He also became the liberator of Rus' from the yoke. Standing on the Ugra River, which happened in 1480, marked the final victory of Rus' in the struggle for its independence.

Adopted in 1497, the Sudebnik of Ivan III laid the legal foundations for overcoming feudal fragmentation. The Sudebnik had a progressive character for its time: at the end of the 15th century, not every European country could boast of uniform legislation.

The unification of the country required a new state ideology and its foundations appeared: Ivan III approved the double-headed eagle as the symbol of the country, which was used in the state symbols of Byzantium and the Holy Roman Empire.

During the life of Ivan III, the main part of the architectural ensemble of the Kremlin, which we can observe today, was created. The Russian Tsar invited Italian architects for this. Under Ivan III, about 25 churches were built in Moscow alone.

Ivan groznyj

Ivan the Terrible is an autocrat whose reign still has very different, often opposite, assessments, but at the same time his effectiveness as a ruler is difficult to dispute.

He successfully fought against the successors of the Golden Horde, annexed the Kazan and Astrakhan kingdoms to Russia, significantly expanded the territory of the state to the east, subjugating the Great Nogai Horde and the Siberian Khan Edigey. However, the Livonian War ended with the loss of part of the land, without solving its main task - access to the Baltic Sea.
Under Grozny, diplomacy developed, Anglo-Russian contacts were established. Ivan IV was one of the most educated people of his time, possessed a phenomenal memory and erudition, wrote numerous messages himself, was the author of music and the text of the service of the feast of Our Lady of Vladimir, the canon to the Archangel Michael, developed book printing in Moscow, supported the chroniclers.

Peter I

Peter's coming to power radically changed the vector of Russia's development. The tsar "cut a window to Europe", fought a lot and successfully, fought with the clergy, reformed the army, education and tax system, created the first fleet in Russia, changed the tradition of reckoning, carried out a regional reform.

Peter personally met with Leibniz and Newton, was an honorary member of the Paris Academy of Sciences. By order of Peter I, books, instruments, weapons were purchased abroad, foreign craftsmen and scientists were invited to Russia.

During the reign of the emperor, Russia gained a foothold on the banks Sea of ​​Azov, received access to the Baltic Sea. After the Persian campaign, the western coast of the Caspian Sea with the cities of Derbent and Baku moved to Russia.

Under Peter I, outdated forms of diplomatic relations and etiquette were abolished, and permanent diplomatic missions and consulates abroad were established.

Numerous expeditions, including Central Asia, on Far East and to Siberia made it possible to begin a systematic study of the geography of the country and develop cartography.

Catherine II

The main German on the Russian throne, Catherine II was one of the most effective Russian rulers. Under Catherine II, Russia finally gained a foothold on the Black Sea, the lands were annexed, which received the name Novorossia: the Northern Black Sea region, Crimea, and the Kuban region. Catherine took Eastern Georgia under Russian citizenship and returned the Western Russian lands torn away by the Poles.

Under Catherine II, the population of Russia increased significantly, hundreds of new cities were built, the treasury quadrupled, industry and Agriculture– Russia for the first time began to export bread.

During the reign of the empress, paper money was introduced for the first time in Russia, a clear territorial division of the empire was carried out, a system of secondary education was created, an observatory, a physics office, an anatomical theater, a botanical garden, instrumental workshops, a printing house, a library, and an archive were founded. Founded in 1783 Russian Academy, which has become one of the leading scientific bases in Europe.

Alexander I

Alexander I - Emperor, under which Russia defeated the Napoleonic coalition. During the reign of Alexander I, the territory Russian Empire expanded significantly: Eastern and Western Georgia, Mingrelia, Imeretia, Guria, Finland, Bessarabia, most of Poland (which formed the Kingdom of Poland) passed into Russian citizenship.

With domestic policy, Alexander the First was not going smoothly (“Arakcheevshchina”, police measures against the opposition), but Alexander I carried out a number of reforms: merchants, philistines and state-owned settlers were given the right to buy uninhabited lands, ministries and a cabinet of ministers were established, a decree was issued about free cultivators, who created the category of personally free peasants.

Alexander II

Alexander II went down in history as the "Liberator". Under him, serfdom was abolished. Alexander II reorganized the army, reduced the term military service he abolished corporal punishment. Alexander II established the State Bank, carried out financial, monetary, police and university reforms.

During the reign of the emperor, the Polish uprising was suppressed, the Caucasian War ended. According to the Aigun and Beijing treaties with the Chinese Empire, Russia annexed the Amur and Ussuri regions in 1858-1860. In 1867-1873, the territory of Russia increased due to the conquest of the Turkestan Territory and the Ferghana Valley and the voluntary entry into the vassal rights of the Emirate of Bukhara and the Khiva Khanate.
What Alexander II still cannot be forgiven for is the sale of Alaska.

Alexander III

Russia spent almost its entire history in wars. There were no wars only during the reign Alexander III.

He was called "the most Russian tsar", "Peacemaker". Sergei Witte spoke of him this way: "Emperor Alexander III, having received Russia at the confluence of the most unfavorable political conditions, deeply raised the international prestige of Russia without shedding a drop of Russian blood."
Merits of Alexander III foreign policy were celebrated by France, which named the main bridge over the Seine in Paris in honor of Alexander III. Even the Emperor of Germany Wilhelm II said after the death of Alexander III: "This, indeed, was the autocratic Emperor."

In domestic politics, the activities of the emperor were also successful. A real technical revolution took place in Russia, the economy stabilized, industry developed by leaps and bounds. In 1891, Russia began building the Great Siberian Railway.

Joseph Stalin

The era of Stalin's rule was ambiguous, but it is difficult to deny that he "took over the country with a plow, and left it with a nuclear bomb." Do not forget that it was under Stalin that the USSR won the Great Patriotic war. Let's remember the numbers.
During the reign of Joseph Stalin, the population of the USSR increased from 136.8 million people in 1920 to 208.8 million in 1959. Under Stalin, the country's population became literate. According to the 1879 census, the population of the Russian Empire was 79% illiterate, by 1932 the literacy of the population had risen to 89.1%.

The total volume of industrial production per capita for 1913-1950 in the USSR increased 4 times. The growth in agricultural production by 1938 was + 45% compared to 1913 and + 100% compared to 1920.
By the end of Stalin's rule in 1953, the gold reserves had grown 6.5 times and reached 2,050 tons.

Nikita Khrushchev

Despite all the ambiguity of internal (the return of the Crimea) and external ( cold war) Khrushchev's policy, it was during his reign that the USSR became the world's first space power.
After Nikita Khrushchev's report at the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the country breathed more freely, a period of relative democracy began, in which citizens were not afraid to go to jail for telling a political anecdote.

During this period, there was a rise in Soviet culture from which the ideological shackles were removed. The country discovered the genre of "street poetry", the poets Robert Rozhdestvensky, Andrei Voznesensky, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Bella Akhmadulina were known by the whole country.

During the years of Khrushchev's rule, international youth festivals were held, Soviet people gained access to the world of import and foreign fashion. In general, breathing in the country has become easier.
