Alexander Belyaev (III). Damned cancer: seven stars who have been waging an unequal fight against cancer for many years Alexander Vadimovich Belyaev

Alexander Vadimovich Belyaev(January 5, 1949, Moscow, USSR) - Soviet and Russian geographer-hydrologist, candidate of geographical sciences, presenter of a number of television programs on the NTV channel. Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, author of about a hundred scientific publications.


Born on January 5, 1949 in Moscow in the family of one of the leaders of the Bryansk Automobile Plant, Vadim Mikhailovich Korostelev. A graduate of Moscow school No. 58. As a student, he played in the amateur theater of Moscow State University. In 1972 he graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University with a degree in Land Hydrology. After graduating from university, he worked as an assigned worker at the Soyuzvodokanalproekt design and survey institute, then in the early 1970s. moved to, where he founded the Mercator group, which creates meteorological infographics for the Meteo-TV holding. In 1979 he defended his thesis on the topic “Zonal complex dependencies and their use in water balance mapping.” In 1987, he was appointed deputy director of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences for scientific issues and took over the leadership of the laboratory experimental research geosystem.

He also hosts the ABC Forecaster program on the First Meteo TV channel.

He has a military specialty: Forecaster-Meteorologist. Lives in the village of Meshkovo, Novomoskovsk administrative district of Moscow.

Scientific publications


Year Name Role
f Aziris Nuna weather forecaster
- With Happy together psychoanalyst

Awards and prizes

In 2013 he was awarded the Lev Nikolaev Prize.


see also

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Excerpt characterizing Belyaev, Alexander Vadimovich

“Due to your painful seizures, please, Your Excellency, upon receipt of this, go to Kaluga, where you await further orders and assignments from His Imperial Majesty.”
But after Bennigsen was sent to the army, he came Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, who started the campaign and was removed from the army by Kutuzov. Now the Grand Duke, having arrived at the army, informed Kutuzov about the displeasure of the sovereign emperor for the weak successes of our troops and for the slowness of movement. The Emperor himself intended to arrive at the army the other day.
An old man, as experienced in court affairs as in military matters, that Kutuzov, who in August of the same year was chosen commander-in-chief against the will of the sovereign, the one who removed the heir and the Grand Duke from the army, the one who, with his power, in opposition the will of the sovereign, ordered the abandonment of Moscow, this Kutuzov now immediately realized that his time was over, that his role had been played and that he no longer had this imaginary power. And he understood this not just from court relationships. On the one hand, he saw that military affairs, the one in which he played his role, was over, and he felt that his calling had been fulfilled. On the other hand, at the same time he began to feel physical fatigue in his old body and the need for physical rest.
On November 29, Kutuzov entered Vilna - his good Vilna, as he said. Kutuzov was governor of Vilna twice during his service. In the rich, surviving Vilna, in addition to the comforts of life that he had been deprived of for so long, Kutuzov found old friends and memories. And he, suddenly turning away from all military and state concerns, plunged into a smooth, familiar life as much as he was given peace by the passions seething around him, as if everything that was happening now and was about to happen in historical world, did not concern him at all.
Chichagov, one of the most passionate cutters and overturners, Chichagov, who first wanted to make a diversion to Greece, and then to Warsaw, but did not want to go where he was ordered, Chichagov, known for his courage in speaking to the sovereign, Chichagov, who considered Kutuzov benefited himself, because when he was sent in the 11th year to conclude peace with Turkey in addition to Kutuzov, he, making sure that peace had already been concluded, admitted to the sovereign that the merit of concluding peace belonged to Kutuzov; This Chichagov was the first to meet Kutuzov in Vilna at the castle where Kutuzov was supposed to stay. Chichagov in a naval uniform, with a dirk, holding his cap under his arm, gave Kutuzov his drill report and the keys to the city. That contemptuously respectful attitude of the youth towards the old man who had lost his mind was expressed to the highest degree in the entire address of Chichagov, who already knew the charges brought against Kutuzov.
While talking with Chichagov, Kutuzov, among other things, told him that the carriages with dishes captured from him in Borisov were intact and would be returned to him.
- C"est pour me dire que je n"ai pas sur quoi manger... Je puis au contraire vous fournir de tout dans le cas meme ou vous voudriez donner des diners, [You want to tell me that I have nothing to eat. On the contrary, I can serve you all, even if you wanted to give dinners.] - Chichagov said, flushing, with every word he wanted to prove that he was right and therefore assumed that Kutuzov was preoccupied with this very thing. Kutuzov smiled his thin, penetrating smile and, shrugging his shoulders, answered: “Ce n"est que pour vous dire ce que je vous dis. [I want to say only what I say.]
In Vilna, Kutuzov, contrary to the will of the sovereign, stopped most of the troops. Kutuzov, as his close associates said, had become unusually depressed and physically weakened during his stay in Vilna. He was reluctant to deal with the affairs of the army, leaving everything to his generals and, while waiting for the sovereign, indulged in an absent-minded life.
Having left St. Petersburg with his retinue - Count Tolstoy, Prince Volkonsky, Arakcheev and others, on December 7, the sovereign arrived in Vilna on December 11 and drove straight up to the castle in a road sleigh. At the castle, despite the severe frost, stood about a hundred generals and staff officers in full dress uniform and an honor guard from the Semenovsky regiment.
The courier, who galloped up to the castle in a sweaty troika, ahead of the sovereign, shouted: “He’s coming!” Konovnitsyn rushed into the hallway to report to Kutuzov, who was waiting in a small Swiss room.
A minute later, the thick, large figure of an old man, in full dress uniform, with all the regalia covering his chest, and his belly pulled up by a scarf, pumping, came out onto the porch. Kutuzov put his hat on the front, picked up his gloves and sideways, stepping with difficulty down the steps, stepped down and took in his hand the report prepared for submission to the sovereign.
Running, whispering, the troika still desperately flying by, and all eyes turned to the jumping sleigh, in which the figures of the sovereign and Volkonsky were already visible.
All this, out of a fifty-year habit, had a physically disturbing effect on the old general; He hurriedly felt himself with concern, straightened his hat, and at that moment the sovereign, emerging from the sleigh, raised his eyes to him, cheered up and stretched out, submitted a report and began to speak in his measured, ingratiating voice.
The Emperor glanced quickly at Kutuzov from head to toe, frowned for a moment, but immediately, overcoming himself, walked up and, spreading his arms, hugged the old general. Again, according to the old, familiar impression and in relation to his sincere thoughts, this hug, as usual, had an effect on Kutuzov: he sobbed.

69-year-old weather forecaster on NTV Alexander Belyaev has been battling lung cancer for more than six years. Previously, he was able to hide his illness, but in September 2017, Belyaev even had to resign from NTV. During these six months he underwent four courses of chemotherapy and, apparently, the disease had subsided. True, during this time Belyaev lost as much as 10 kilograms.

The producers invited me to try my hand again, says Alexander Vadimovich. - I supported the idea, I already missed filming. Now the team will see if I look good enough on camera; after all, the disease leaves its mark.

Belyaev himself is in a militant mood. He is confident that he will be able to return to a full life. It was not easy to get ready for victory: Belyaev’s mother and wife died of cancer. And he, in addition, was also diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

“Everything is going according to plan,” the TV presenter continues. - Now I’m preparing for reconstructive surgery. I have some movement, I’m climbing to the top! The doctors at the Blokhin Cancer Center are very kind to me and constantly monitor my health indicators. But, unfortunately, it is too early to talk about a complete cure. Science is moving forward: if twenty years ago cancer was a death sentence, today you can find a way out of any situation. Firstly, when a person is diagnosed with cancer, he, of course, thinks about the help of specialists in Israel, Germany or Austria. But secondly, it costs a lot of money. Why do I say “secondly”? Because there is the Herzen Institute and the Center on Kashirka - our doctors in this area can easily compete with Western ones. Looking for grandmothers, healers of all stripes is simply a waste of time.

The presenter says that during treatment he tried to spend as much time as possible outside of Moscow. Belyaev also said that he persuaded his relatives to also check their health - it worked.

There is a different air outside the city,” said Alexander Vadimovich. - My family worries about me, they go to church. I’m glad that they heeded my persuasion and decided to check their health. Ilya's son showed no signs of cancer. Now I'm waiting for my brother's test results!

In July, journalists reported that 68-year-old presenter Alexander Belyaev was struggling with a serious illness and was preparing for surgery. In the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast,” aired on Thursday, September 7, the man broke his silence and spoke frankly about the disease and treatment.

The host of the program, Andrei Malakhov, met with Alexander Belyaev, who shared his story.

“Six years ago I was diagnosed with lung cancer. We did a CT scan, and this is the result. Naturally, I was shocked then. I even quit smoking. And I didn’t quit smoking because it was dangerous to my health, but because I couldn’t smoke. Then they literally just brought me back to earth,” the man said.

Alexander Vadimovich believes that before this the weather seemed to warn him that he needed to pull himself together and take care of his health. “As I remember now, it was before the New Year. I was driving a car, there was such a terrible snowstorm in Moscow!.. Apparently, then God said: “Pay attention to yourself,” the TV star recalls.

According to Belyaev, only with age did he understand that he needed to be attentive to his health, get checked regularly and follow the recommendations of medical specialists. “If I could rewind everything... Especially since God told me about this six years ago. Naturally, I felt unusual. What a fool, go to the doctor and get it checked. Just that,” said the presenter.

The man urged TV viewers not to be afraid to consult doctors who can prevent the development of a serious illness in time. Belyaev also admitted that his illness develops against the background of type 2 diabetes.

“During two chemotherapy sessions, I ate more pills than I had eaten in my entire previous life. Well, nothing, the doctors said: “You know, you have a positive trend. But the operation must be done.” So, dear viewers, do not be afraid of doctors, these are holy people. I turned to our specialists,” he said.

Talking with Andrei Malakhov, Alexander Belyaev talked about how the news about a serious illness changed him.

“I would like to become better. I don't know how much time I have left. I would like your loved ones, your most beloved people who surround you and to some extent depend on you, to continue to have... I would like to help them even more,” said the weather forecast presenter.

According to Belyaev, over the past two years he has lost his mother and wife. “By the way, oncology. Both the one and the other. My son, the boy, however, is already over forty, but for me he is a boy... I think that his mother died of leukemia, and it is not clear to his father what he will receive... Therefore, if a child has sick parents, he must definitely see a doctor . Let him spend an extra hour and half an hour with the doctor, but this can solve all the problems. Therefore, the first thing I said was: “Ilyusha, go to the doctor immediately.” He told me: “What is it?” I told him: “Yes, they found cancer!” – Alexander Vadimovich shared.

The news came out like a bolt from the blue that the most charismatic weather forecaster had been struggling with a serious illness for several years, which is why he left his job for a while. And now new reports have arrived: recently there has been a breakthrough in the struggle, and the meteorologist is returning to NTV. What does it cost him, he told in exclusive interview“Antenna”, inviting him to his country house.

– On March 23 it will be exactly 20 years since I have been leading the “Weather Forecast”. It’s symbolic to return to the air by this date, although it’s impossible to predict how many episodes I’ll last for,” admits Alexander Vadimovich, sitting by the fireplace. - Of course, it’s nice when people worry about my health. I look forward with optimism, I believe that I am in good, reliable medical hands. Although a lot depends on me, much more than at the beginning of this path, when it seemed that it would be such an easy walk...

There is nothing wrong with the phrase “feeling bad.” But when you spend your whole life feeling completely normal person, and now you’re sick, you still remember yourself healthy: I walked, ran, jumped, laughed. There is a wooden staircase leading to the second floor. When it was being built, I begged the builders to make it uncool. Even then I understood that when I got old, it would be hard for me. But they didn’t listen and made the steps steep anyway. I remember these builders every time I go down. It's easier for me to go up than to go down.

Now, thank God, I can talk, look, admire, enjoy, smell. The appetite is brutal. I never thought that a person in such a state could be like this. I lost 15 kilograms, and as soon as my body got some respite, I wanted to fill the gap. I eat whatever I can get my hands on. And he began to react to smells like Nikulin in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” where he sniffs and says: “Alcohol!” That's how I am. Since childhood, all people have been classified by smell. The four of us lived in a communal apartment - in a small eleven-meter room. I went to bed with my grandmother, and at night I moved to my mother. And he determined where mom was and where grandma was by smell. They even called me a little dog. Such acuity of smell is a very good indicator in meteorology. Sometimes you go out and feel the smell of spring.

Our romance with my wife, may she rest in heaven (the TV presenter’s wife Nina Belyaeva died in 2017 from leukemia - Antenna note), developed in the mid-1960s. Then you could buy real French perfumes for 30–35 rubles, but it was extremely rare, and the real highlight was Polish and Egyptian ones. I didn't know the name of Nina's perfume, but I smelled it everywhere. I’m riding on a tram and I smell: Nina is somewhere. And I started running along the tram to look for my wife, and therefore I tortured her for a long time, took her to clean water. He claimed that she went somewhere today.

I knew my late wife from almost eight years old, and we got to know each other thoroughly when we turned 15. I remember this moment well. We lived near Istra, Chekhov's places. The kids and I went to the sanatorium-forest school to play table tennis, basketball, and volleyball. River during the day sport games, in the evening there is a fire, potatoes, songs. One day on the court we saw a huge man and a girl with a ponytail playing. She was dressed in the fashion of the 1950s - bright, sporty. It was felt that she was playing well, with passion, accompanying each blow with screams and screams. She played better than dad, but he hit all the balls, and this made her angry. It was Nina. Her dad was the director of this forest school, and her mother was a teacher, and Nina came from Moscow for the summer. We talked a lot, with great interest, and in 1965 we began to meet in the capital. She graduated from the architectural institute and worked at Mosproekt. We got married in 1973. Nina is a maximalist and had amazing taste. Her outlet is the dog Semyon, in whom she doted. Every spring, my wife went to Kalinin and walked there with Semyonka all the time, regardless of the weather. They come all covered in snow, she grabs him under the arm and goes straight to the bathroom. Everyone in Kalinin knew her. She was a kind of leader of the Redskins who commanded the parade. Even as an adult, she loved playing with children in the sandbox. I have been drawing all my life, and in our house in Karelia we have a small museum. The shutters are painted. She didn’t like going to the dacha near Moscow, but there she loved to go camping, and there were children around her all the time. Only now I understand how she suffered before leaving and how inattentive I was to her...

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Son Ilya is 43 years old. He works at the environmental center on Vorobyovy Gory. First he followed in my footsteps, graduated from the Faculty of Geography, the Department of Ecology and Conservation environment, then went to graduate school in geography and worked for 10 years in a group that worked on various projects, including those related to the weather. Then I decided to work in my specialty in the field of environmental education for children. He is absolutely not ambitious, unlike me.

And I'm ambitious. At the age of 69, to overcome oneself in the midst of such a terrible illness in order to tell the weather on television. This is ambition - there is no other reason. My son hasn’t given me any grandchildren yet. He was married, but separated from his wife. For now, this experience was enough for him. He has a job and is very interested in badminton, but he doesn’t go to parties.

IN last years I lost my mother, my wife... My son lives separately. But there is a wonderful woman Svetlana, my nurse, who has been helping me with housework for 6 years. She has a family here, a husband, two beautiful daughters. It is only thanks to her that you see me. I also have support from my brother, who is 14 years younger than me. Calls every day.

The weather is capricious, like all ladies

Meteorologists get the blame, but we live in a unique country: we have all four seasons. Few can boast of such diversity. Our winter is a brand. It is incomprehensible to the inhabitants of the vast majority of countries in the world and holds the palm among all the winters on the planet. It has a unique smell that cannot be explained to the inhabitants of the tropics. Frost and sun! These are two brothers who walk arm in arm with winter.

The weather I’m talking about is some kind of inaccurate sketch, although the accuracy of the forecasts is 90-95%. The weather is taken for granted. And Viktor Gerashchenko, being the head of the Central Bank, when asked in the spring what the exchange rate would be in the summer, answered: “What am I saying, a weather forecast?” He didn’t even realize that with this joke he deeply flattered all the weather forecasters. Although predicting the exchange rate of the ruble or dollar is much easier than the behavior of such a grandiose phenomenon as nature.

The main thing is our behavior in response to manifestations of both weather and bad weather. Nature seems to say: “Guys, I will put you in such conditions that you will see where you have weak spots" And he rehearses this 365 days a year. We find out quite by accident that snow falls in winter, and therefore we are stuck in kilometer-long traffic jams. The frost hit, there was a burst somewhere - and a hundred thousand people were turned off from their TV. Guys, where have you been before? Nature provides an opportunity to test ourselves. When you leave the house, look at the sky, take an umbrella or a raincoat if you are afraid of rain.

In 20 years of work, I heard that somewhere in Idaho, a grandmother beat a local forecaster for making predictions. I haven't encountered this. I remember a letter in which a woman complained about life, that she was raising a 15-year-old daughter alone, about difficulties and suggested that I do a good deed: marry her and adopt my daughter. This is admission. At the same time, she did not ask if I was married, and warned that she was not interested in me as a man. The most interesting thing is that she provided her anthropometric data: height – 153 cm, weight – 108 kg. This requires great courage. I didn't answer her. One of the great psychologists, at the beginning of my career, advised me not to read these letters at all, so as not to get depressed, but I read them because sometimes I come across very interesting ones, like this one.

Weather forecast in Russia as a roll call for the country

I am a land hydrologist by profession: I studied rivers, lakes, swamps, and became a television meteorologist. As a student, it never occurred to me that in my old age I would end up on television. When I'm in different countries(now less often, before more), then, naturally, I check the weather. The biggest shows are put on by Americans. And not necessarily with busty Kim Kardashian clones. There are very different girls there, including serious ones. England has a prim style. Once the forecast was given by Prince William himself. And we had a program in which the forecast was presented by show business stars, including Alla Pugacheva.

In Russia, there is a different attitude towards forecasts: if you don’t talk about the weather somewhere in Chukotka, they will be offended. In our weather, it is not so much the forecast itself that is important, but the mention of all places as one big family to make everyone happy. It's like a roll call across the country, but the numbers are a minor matter.

I actually retired two years ago to work on my stamp collection. I collected not only stamps, but also samples, very rare ones, produced in small quantities, often in a single copy, and sketches. Hardly anyone has this. This is a whole epic. Films are being made about my collection. I retired to make the catalogue, and then I got sick and couldn't physically bring myself to do them. Vision does not allow: he survived retinal detachment. They miraculously saved the left eye, but left a scar in it, as huge as a thunderball.

The main thing is our behavior in response to manifestations of both weather and bad weather. Nature seems to be saying: “Guys, I will put you in such conditions that you will see where your weak points are.”

“Belyaev has arrived, which means there will be sunshine!”

Our connection with the weather is much closer than it seems. In the center of Blokhin they say: “Belyaev has arrived, which means there will be sunshine!” In all seriousness. What connection there is needs to be studied, but that it exists is certain! It is not the weather that affects me, but my illness that affects the weather. And when I first found out about my diagnosis, there was such a storm... There were also signs, bells, and if I had listened to them, I realized that I needed to see doctors at least once every six months, especially with my type 2 diabetes... And I used to I suffered from pneumonia on my feet in the studio. Now I know for sure: other oncology can be avoided if you undergo medical examination in a timely manner. And mine could have been done, but I didn’t go for medical examinations...

If we have experienced rain, wind, snowfall, it makes us happier when everything has calmed down. So any overcoming through pain opens up new possibilities for a person and indirectly heals him. For me, every hour is a test, and I see good in it: I benefit science, because during my treatment the doctors discover something new. The doctors gave me a month to recover from very difficult chemotherapy, and then they will prepare me for surgery. That is, for some time I will again be pulled out of the ranks of television people. I'll perform three more times. I will appear there like the sun. But if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. I don't want to make God laugh.

Quick poll

- How do you find out the weather forecast yourself?

I have a small weather station on my site - an aneroid barometer. But I don’t watch anything on it, because I know the general trend. For me, the weather outside, I’ll tell you a secret, is not important. The main thing is what the weather is like inside. Now it’s very severe, but it’s okay, if you pray for me, it will change... This is what I look at before leaving the house, this is the view from the window. He's wonderful here.

- Will there be spring?

There are things that will happen for sure. This spring will be unexpected, joyful, beautiful, amazing. Summer will be warm, autumn will be rainy, and next winter...

Swept away. Although I know the forecast for next winter and for all the others.

- Are you a weather forecaster or a wizard?

The dexterity of statistics - and no fraud. There is such a thing as a climate forecast. This is the average for the entire observation period, which we have 150 years. Using it, you can predict the weather at least 10 years in advance, and the accuracy rate is quite 70%.

Detailed horoscope for spring for all zodiac signs

Why is walking down the street at a temperature of -10 more dangerous than at -20?

20 years ago, a weather forecast appeared on NTV for the first time. The producers did not want to do like everyone else. Then Professor Alexander Belyaev entered the frame. He is truly a great scientist - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, author of many scientific works. He thought that he would only temporarily plug the hole in the ether. But one day he became the most recognizable weather forecaster.

In 2017, the professor suddenly disappeared. Alexander Vadimovich struggled with oncology. Surgery, chemotherapy, rehabilitation. And then the professor returned.

Alexander Belyaev: “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad health. Contact your doctors immediately, don’t blame it on the weather. It's not about the weather, it's about you. Disease is a definite condition. God grant that people avoid this. But if this happens, it’s okay, and on this side there is life, there are joyful moments.”

The most busy people these are, of course, pensioners. Every day you need to have time to see, hear, try everything that you have been putting off all your life. Alexander Vadimovich left his native scientific institute for a well-deserved retirement three years ago. I was finally thinking about putting together a brand catalogue. But so far I have not sorted out my entire collection, which I began collecting at the age of eight, by the way, with my first earned rubles.

Alexander Belyaev: “I was walking on Gogolevsky Boulevard, a woman approached me and offered to act in a movie. And she took me to the Arbatskaya metro station. It was closed at that time, and all sorts of closed exhibitions were held there, which were filmed and sent abroad. There was an exhibition of children's toys there. And for two days we wore makeup and were filmed. What was our game? We walked around holding hands and looked at these toys. We paid 280 rubles for this, and my mother took me to " Child's world“. I remember now, she bought me 10 soldiers, including stamps.”

Stamps are a kind of window to the world; his love for geography began with them. As a boy, he could sit for hours reading maps and books about distant travels. Afterwards, the Moscow State University graduate was able to see the world himself.

A small cottage half an hour from Moscow Alexander Vadimovich spends most of his time in this warm and cozy house. There are clocks without a chime, old samovars and a lot of cute rugs - everything is just as his wife, the artist Nina Belyaeva, came up with.

Alexander Belyaev: “There are no such people and there never will be. She always told the truth, and because of this, perhaps, she and my mother did not have a very simple relationship. That’s why Nina said: “You and I live together for so long, we don’t live so long, it’s absolutely impossible.”

A year ago, after a long battle with leukemia, Nina Fedorovna passed away. They were together with Alexander Vadimovich for more than 50 years.

Alexander Belyaev: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that everything here is just pancakes, la-la-la. No. There were quarrels. It's mostly my fault, I'm hot-tempered, she's not. She hid everything within herself. She was very sick, and only now I understand how much she suffered. Of course, it would be nice to leave together. But since it is written by God that we must continue to live, then we must continue to live. I must tell you that a person, finding himself in such a critical situation, suddenly remembers how much needs to be done, how much has not been done.”

Belyaev admitted that even one trip a week to Ostankino exhausts him terribly: “After that, I lie horizontally for two days, I come to my senses. But nevertheless, I try not to miss it. This is one of the ways, if you want, to get out of that depression with your health.”

Despite his fatigue from illness, Alexander Belyaev, as before, does not trust anyone to write texts for his broadcasts. But he tries not to watch his own episodes. For the first time he saw himself on camera, he was dissatisfied.

Alexander Belyaev: “It was a state of shock. And I asked: “Is that me?” This made an indelible impression on me. Under his influence, I simply swore off watching myself on TV. Because this is not me, this is some creature, even unpleasant for me, who wants to please, who smiles all the time, who says pleasant things. I’m not at all what I try to appear on screen.”

In the studio, Professor Belyaev does not grumble; he often records weather forecasts in one take and skillfully hides his fatigue from the cameras. He will turn 70 at the beginning of January 2019.

Alexander Belyaev: “I’m dreading the approach of this date. This is some kind of nightmare. I got it from my wife; she never liked anniversaries or celebrations. She saw this as a reduction to some level. Even when we had a wedding, she was not in a white dress, but in a red one. For me, this is the torment of hell, because, frankly, I wish I was at least 25.”
