Open class hour 5 cells with a presentation. cool watch


Classroom teacher

academic year

1. The theme of the class hour is “Dressing the Rainbow”

Guys, today we have an open class hour, the topic of which you will learn a little later.

First solve the riddle:

Rooted in the ground for a minute
Multi-colored miracle bridge.
Miracle master made
The bridge is high without railings. (Rainbow)

Right! But our rainbow will be unusual. I wrote the words on the strips with a wax candle, you paint them with paints and then you can read these words. (I show on the first strip and attach it). Your task is to quickly color the strips with the appropriate colors (just take some water!) and attach them to the board. Who is faster and more accurate?



By reading the first letter of each word from top to bottom, you will learn the theme of the class hour.

What are we going to talk about? (about kindness).

And the words of A, Chepurov will become the epigraph to our class hour

Let's bow to kindness

Let's live with the thought of kindness:

All in blue and starry beauty,

Good land. She gives us bread

Living water and a tree in bloom.

Under this ever restless sky

Let's fight for kindness!

2. Conversation "The meaning of kind words"

We will talk about a respectful and caring attitude towards others, about a very important and necessary quality for a person - about kindness. Let's create a good mood. And for starters, smile at everyone around you.

Do you know the history of the word "good"? This word is originally Russian. Goodwill has always been valued by the Russian people. We can judge this by a huge number of proverbs and sayings. You have heard such expressions as "Give good" and "Get good." Do you understand the meaning of these words?

GIVE OK - to give consent, permission to something, approval.

GET WELL - to get permission, consent to something, approval.

What do you think kindness is?

What can kindness be compared to?

Test results

3. "Dressing the sun"

When everything is kind in your class, what is everyone's mood like?

It's getting warmer, right?

What keeps people warm? (Sun)

We have the sun on the board. Only he has short rays. Your task is to write kind words for the letter “D” in 1 minute and attach the rays to the sun.

(dear, kind-hearted, sincere, benevolent, good-natured, respectable, worthy)

4. Reading poetry.

How well do you know kind words! But the power of polite words depends on how exactly they are said, in what voice - calm and friendly or rude and impolite. Roughly said, they cease to be magical.

How much you know how to wield the power of polite words, we will now check. You were given homework learn a poem about kindness and now you will listen to how kindly you read them.

(reading poems)

Good afternoon - you were told.
- Good afternoon! – you answered.
How two strings are tied
Warmth and kindness.

We are wished "Good journey!"
- It will be easier to go and go.
Will lead, of course, a good way
Only for something good.

My good friend, please

Do not be afraid to do good.

But just please don't complain

please give me more

Don't Expect Thanks

For what you have done

For those unexpected joys

Gifted by kindness

Kindness is not virtue!

Do not complain,

Don't be afraid to do good

Help a man and rejoice

You don't need more rewards.

- Hello! - you tell the person.

Hello! he smiles back.

And will be healthy for many years.

Why do we say "thank you"?

For everything they do for us.

And we couldn't remember

Who was told? How many times?

These words are all known for a long time,

You see, they are both simple and not new.

But I'll say it again anyway: -

Good people, stay healthy!

Cancel, or what, the word "please"?

We repeat it every minute.

No, perhaps that, without "please"

We become uncomfortable.

I'm sorry, I won't

Accidentally breaking dishes

And interrupt adults

And what he promised - to forget.

But if I still forget -

I'm sorry, I won't do it again.

When on the slopes of eternal vanity

You will get tired of running from failures fiercely,

guide the steps

The path of kindness

And help someone find joy (I. Romanov)

No matter how life flies -

Do not regret your days

Do a good deed

For the happiness of people.

To make the heart burn

And not smoldering in the mist,

Do a good deed

That's how we live on earth.

A. Lesnykh

Faces and dates are erased

But still until the last day.

I remember those who once

At least they warmed me up.

Warmed with your raincoat,

Or a quiet joking word,

Or tea at a shaky table,

Or just a kind face.

Like a holiday, like happiness, like a miracle


Kindness is on the ground

And I won't forget about her

How I forget about evil.

Y. Drunina

5. Games with proverbs.

Many warm kind words in our speech. A kind word can cheer us up, give us confidence, warm our souls. But do people need only kind words? Is it only by the number of kind words that a person utters that one can judge whether you are kind or not?!

There is a proverb: "A kind word is also pleasant for a cat"

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? (children's answers)

And now let's think about the meaning of another proverb: "A kind word to a man is like rain in a drought." How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? (children's answers)

a) read the proverb

B) crossword

6. Drawing up surnames with a root - kind-.

From these proverbs it is clear that kindness always brings joy to the people around.

There is another proverb “Life is given for good deeds”. A person does good deeds throughout his life. And our ancestors were given surnames according to their deeds.

Your task in 1 minute is to pick up or come up with as many surnames as possible with the root - - dob-.

These names may exist. But the names with the root “-good-” of real people:

(1928 - 1971) - cosmonaut, Hero Soviet Union, flight on Soyuz-11. Died upon return to Earth.

Dobronravov Nikolai is a modern songwriter.

(19 - in 1962 Ambassador to the United States.

Dobrynin Vyacheslav is a famous contemporary composer.

And this list can be continued for a long time.

7. The game "Fairy-tale hero - good or evil"

You all love fairy tales. And one of the main themes of Russian folk tales was the theme of good and evil. There are good and bad characters in fairy tales. Now we are going to play a game. I'll call fairy tale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you clap your hands happily, if you are angry, you cover your face with your palms. (Ivan Tsarevich, Koschey the Immortal, Gold fish, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, swan geese, Water, Baba Yaga, Morozko, Malvina)

What character would you like to be like? Why? (children's answers)

8. Drawing “Kindness”.

9. Compliments.

How often do you use kind words? These words are also called "magic words" Why? (children's answers)

What kind, "magic words" sound in our speech? What do they mean? (children's answers)

There are many kind words in greetings, wishes, which we often meet in life. And there are greetings and wishes, which include the very word "good"

Good time!
Good luck!

For such drawings, I would like to give you compliments. Do you know what it is?

Let's compliment each other.

The guys stand opposite each other and, looking into each other's eyes, say compliments.

I also want to tell you a compliment: it was very good for me to work with you.

10. Good and evil on the scales

"Hurry to do good." These beautiful, well-aimed words belong to the chief doctor of Moscow prison hospitals. He did a lot to alleviate the living conditions of the prisoners. This call is carved on the pedestal of the monument to the doctor, erected in 1909 in Moscow, in Mechnikov Lane.

What do you guys think, what is more on earth: good or evil? Maybe the old scales will help us to find out?

The teacher shows homemade cup scales.

What good have you done?

How did you help people?

On one bowl we will put "evil" (tablets with the inscriptions "Envy", "Greed", "Rudeness", etc.).

To defeat evil, we must try to outweigh the scales with "good." Let's remember what good deeds you have done, people around you are doing, and drop them on the scales with goodness.

Children come one by one to the scales, talk about their good deed and put their “droplet” on the bowl (prepare in advance). Soon the scales of "good" outweigh the scales of "evil".

You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. So it is in life: droplets of good, merging, turn into a stream, streams into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​good. It's good when a person leaves a good mark behind. One wise man remarked: a person lived his life not in vain if he built a house, grew a garden and raised a child. Let us now also do one common good deed.

On a blank sheet of drawing paper, each child sticks application details prepared in advance from colored paper: a house, birds, trees, figures of children, clouds, the sun. It turns out a beautiful application.

What shall we call this picture? ("World", "How beautiful this world is", "Good has conquered evil").

How did you feel doing a good deed? (Doing good is pleasant and joyful.)

11. Summing up

Our class is coming to an end. You are still children, but there are many glorious deeds ahead of you. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first you have to grow up to be real people. And this means that you must be brave, hardworking. After all, doing good is great.

Gotta, gotta be kind

And in trouble do not forget each other,

And the earth will spin faster.

If only we could be a little better!

Final song "By the way of goodness"

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Can a person be forced to be kind? Is it possible to become kind for a while? Is it necessary to be kind to everyone? Is it easy to be kind? Do you have a desire to do good deeds? Is it possible to be kind at all without showing any kindness in deeds? Do you agree with the idea that the beginning of a good attitude towards people is the ability to forgive?

The purpose of this class hour: to develop students' ideas about kindness, its types, ways of manifestation. When organizing a class hour, group, individual work, and work in pairs are used.



Class hour in 5th grade

Subject: Let's be kinder!

Purpose: To develop students' ideas about kindness, its types, ways of manifestation.


  • develop ethical standards of behavior in society and communication with each other,
  • develop the emotional and value sphere of students,
  • promote the education of a culture of communication with each other, self-education of the personality of the child
  • develop the ability to compare, analyze, generalize.
  • develop ability to work collaboratively in a group;

Equipment: presentation, parable, ball of threads, cards with situations, proverbs about kindness, “golden” keys made of cardboard.

Form: conversation.

Methods: discussion, workshop on solving situations, games (modeling life situations in story game)

Work form : individual, group, work in pairs.

Technologies: problematic, vital, moderation

During the classes:

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you all today! My name is Dubanova Olga Viktorovna, I am a teacher at school No. 2 in Novoorsk, today I will teach you a class hour.

And now guys, and you greet each other again, but not just like that, but with a smile on your face. And now look around, how it has become warmer and brighter in our class! Do you agree with this?

Guys, I would like to start our lesson today with the following story, please listen to it and try to determine the topic of our class hour.

Video parable (the teacher reads a parable against the background of the video):

The family once again rested on the beach. Children swam in the sea, sunbathed, built sand castles. Suddenly, in the distance, a small, inconspicuous old woman appeared, her White hair fluttered in the wind, clothes were dirty and tattered. She mumbled something to herself as she picked up some items from the sand and put them into her bag. The parents called the children and told them to stay away from the old woman. As she passed by, bending over and over to pick up something, she smiled at the family, but no one returned her greeting.

Many weeks later, they learned that the little old lady had devoted her whole life to picking up pieces of glass on the beach that could hurt children's feet. Respect each other, give kindness to neighbors, relatives, friend to friend, and it, like true magic, will return to you without fail!

Do good and evil always
In the power of all people
But evil is done without difficulty,
Doing good is harder.

What feelings did this story evoke in you? Who is doing the wrong thing in this situation? Why? How can you call the actions of this grandmother?

So, guys, what do you think, what are we going to talk about today? What is the topic of our today's lesson?


That's right, kindness. The topic of our lesson is “Let's be kinder!”! Guys, what do you think is the purpose of our lesson?


Guys, how do you understand what kindness is? What does it mean to be kind?


Kindness is responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

Read the parable and express your opinion about it.

Working with text (Independent reading)

“A hunter was walking through the forest, suddenly he sees: a tree fell on the road and crushed the snake. The hunter approached the snake, and she begged him: "Save me, I've been lying here for the second day, I'm dying, lift the tree." The hunter lifted the tree, the snake slipped out, wrapped around the hunter's leg and is preparing to bite him. The hunter pleaded: “What are you doing, I saved you from death?” “That’s why I’m a snake,” she replies. Here, for the happiness of the hunter, a fox runs through. The hunter asks the fox to judge which of them is right. And the fox pretended not to understand anything, and asked the snake to lie down under the tree again. The hunter crushed the snake with a tree and did not save anymore, he went his own way, leaving the snake to die.

Questions for students:

Does that mean you don't have to do good?

Did the snake and the man do the right thing?

We often talk about good people. In fact, there are 3 types of kindness:

  1. Passive (inactive)
  2. Active (active).
  3. Creative.

I ask you to work, each of you, establish a correspondence between the type of kindness and its characteristics:

A. A person does good deeds, but also passes by evil.

B. A person with a heightened sense of dignity, will protect the weak, help in trouble, truly feel injustice, the humiliation of one person by another and is able to fight evil.

C. A person will not hit the weak, will not hurt the pride of the easily injured, but will pass by evil, will not rush to do good.

Individual work:

Guys, what do you think, is it easy to be kind, attentive, sympathetic?


In fact, being kind is both easy and not at all easy. Unfortunately, we do not always treat each other with attention and understanding, each of us has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Now I suggest you work in groups. Each group will need to act out the situation, and you and I will need to evaluate it from a position of kindness, and find out how we would act in this situation.

Group 1: A classmate offended you, and running away from you, he fell heavily and twisted his leg. There is no one else besides you. No one hears his cry for help. You turn around and leave, saying to him, “That's right for you! I was also hurt by your words!

Did the boy do the right thing? What would you do in this situation?

2 group. The bus was at its terminus when a young man got on, apparently very tired from work. He sank heavily into the seat, and even dozed off. Then, when there were no empty seats left in the bus, an old woman entered. Grandmother silently stood up beside young man and sighed.

Where are you going, grandma? asked her boyfriend.

And to the Station, son, to the Station.

Sit down while you're eating.

Thank you, honey.

And why do you, pensioners, sit at home? A?

And he continued on his way, standing, standing over the old woman.

What did the young man do?

(Good, he succumbed seat for an elderly person.

And why did he do it?

(He knows that it is difficult for older people to stand when the bus is moving; because you have to give up your seat)

And how did he do it?

(Bad, offended the old woman.)

You are absolutely right guys. He did it ugly, rudely, and the value of his act became insignificant. Help must be tactful, without emphasizing that you are doing a good deed.

  1. Group. In the courtyard of a multi-storey building there is a narrow path, on the ice of which children like to ride during frost. She was covered with snow, and the old woman, who was going to visit one of the tenants, did not notice the ice, slipped and fell. The boy came up and reproachfully said: “Why are you, granny, so inattentive? That's how bones can be broken."

Rate the action. What would you do?

  1. Group. The girl indignantly complained to her mother: “There is such a bad boy in the yard - he calls me Valka all the time.” “What do you call him?” Mom asked. “I don’t call him at all. I just shout to him: “Hey, you!”

Was the girl right? (The girl herself should call the boy by name, showing himexample, rather than yelling "Hey you!")

  1. Group. Two teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them, Katya saw her teacher and politely greeted only her: “Hello, Olga Ivanovna!”

Did the girl do the right thing?

(I should have said a general "Hello")

What good fellows you are! We made absolutely correct conclusions! I hope that you not only speak, but also do the right thing.

And how can we Everyday life to do good?

A benevolent person who wishes the best for others and behaves accordingly. He cannot be evil, rude and cruel.

And now, guys, I suggest you be in the role of builders. In pairs, you will build a house of wisdom, from the bricks that lie on your desks. On each brick is written part of the proverb.Connect the halves of the proverbs about kindness.

  • A person is famous for good deeds.
  • The evil one does not believe that there is a good one.
  • A kind word and a cat is pleased.
  • Good glory lies, and the bad one runs.
  • A good word heals, an evil one cripples.
  • Kindness without reason is empty.
  • Whoever loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.
  • Do good to others - you yourself will be without trouble.
  • A good deed nourishes both the soul and the body.
  • A good person lives in goodness for a century.
  • It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.
  • What you do not do by force, you will achieve with good.
  • For a good man a hundred hands.

Well done guys, you did a great job! And now let's work with you in groups and grow a tree of goodness together. You are offered a set various words on leaflets. Choose the qualities you need good at the person and attach them to the tree trunk on the board. This will be the crown of the good tree for our garden.. (Group work)

1 group:

  • careful
  • benevolent
  • polite
  • rude
  • discourteous
  • false

2 group:

  • able to forgive offenses
  • sensitive
  • responsive
  • false
  • rude
  • impudent

3 group

  • helps in trouble
  • often quarrels
  • hot-tempered
  • communicative
  • affectionate
  • impudent

4th group:

  • funny
  • happy
  • impudent
  • attentive
  • greedy
  • noisy
  1. group
  • understanding
  • generous
  • cordial
  • impudent
  • false
  • greedy

(Perform task.)

Guys, do you have these qualities? Can you all calmly listen to each other? To support in difficult times, to understand the people around us, to resolve conflicts peacefully?(Guys answer).

Can we change ourselves? Can we cultivate in ourselves the qualities that we are talking about today? How can we do this?
(Guys answer).

The main thing is not to forget that in order for this tree to grow and not overgrow with weeds, you need to fill it with sunlight, kind words and good deeds.

Guys, now let's summarize, please continue with the following sentences:

1. Now I know that ...

2. Now I have learned…

3. For myself, I noted that ...

So guys, we are all more pleasant to be in society. good people but for this we must be kind ourselves. Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter.

Good deeds cannot be put off until later. Good must be done today and now. After all, they say, one today is worth two tomorrows. And now I ask you all to listen to the song and I will give everyone a memo with the rules of kindness, using which we will become truly kind.

Kindness rules:

  1. Do not be afraid to offer help to others, first of all help people who are in trouble, the weak, the sick.
  2. Do not interfere with the people around you to work and rest.
  3. Be polite, kind, considerate to others, show respect to elders.
  4. Be tolerant of other people, but in no way put up with their wrong behavior.

The song sounds.

Prepared Yalama Natalya Ivanovna

Teacher in English MBOU secondary school named after the hero of the Soviet Union A.N. Saburova, the village of Pervomaisky, Zavyalovsky district.

"World Peace"

Class hour 5th grade.

Target: Introduce the meaning of the word WORLD; introduce the symbol of peace; show the causes of wars, ways to resolve conflicts.

Bring up patriotism, responsible attitude to the preservation of peace on Earth. Develop speech, logical thinking, attention, memory.

Equipment : blue paper planet model, Balloons, dove stencils, colored paper, scissors.

Work plan:

1.Org. moment.

2. Definition of the topic of the class hour, goals and objectives.

5. Reading poetry

7. Bottom line.

During the classes

    Org. moment.

- Hello guys! Let's start our lesson withwishes of good and peace to each other.Guys, let's introduce ourselves as representatives of countries and (invent a country).

The teacher invites one of the students to reach out to one of the guys with the words: "Peace in the world". The one to whom they extended their hand takes hold of it and extends their free hand to the other, pronouncing the same words. So gradually, along the chain, everyone joins hands, forming a circle.

- Let's look at each other and smile

We all live in a vast world.

2. Determining the theme of the class hour, goals and objectives .

- Today we will talk about one of the most importanttolerance worldwide

- What do you think our lesson will be about?(student answers)(about peace on earth)

- What is the purpose of our lesson, howyou think?(student answersresponsibility for peace on earth.).

3. Definition of the meaning of the word WORLD. Peace talk.

Let's try to answer the main questions of the class hour.

What do you understand by the word world?(student answers)

What should be done to make the world a better place? (student answers)

How do you understand the expressiongift of peace"(student answers)

For too many people, however, this gift of peace is nothing more than a dream. They live in shackles: I mean an atmosphere of instability and fear. See how many countries are in need of the world community's help in establishing a peaceful life.

Do you know what people have to experience during the war?(student answers)

A terrible war takes millions of lives. This is the price at which people win a peaceful sky. ANDthis is a great merit of those people who, at the cost of their lives, defend their land from enemies.

Of course, it is difficult for you to imagine that even now in different parts of the Earth, and even very close to us, the peaceful sky is covered with soot and fumes from exploding shells and bombs, fires that destroy the homes of civilians.Very young soldiers, yesterday's schoolchildren, are sent to war. And how their parents have to worry! All this is happening in our friendly country - Ukraine. Many residents are forced to leave their homes, to leave their country, hiding from bombs and shells.

Why is this happening?(student answers.There is a lot of evil in the world around us now, a lot of ruthless, irresponsible people. And evil, enmity and misunderstanding lead to war).

Is it possible to avoid military action?(student answers)

How? How to make sure that there is no violence, tears, pain, despair?(student answersshould be responsible for the conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve the problems that have arisen through negotiations, agreements, be able to negotiate peacefully.)

Guys, do you know when the Day of Peace is celebrated?(student answers)

- Guys, what is the purpose of celebrating the Day of Peace?(student answers)

- Does anyone know what the official name of this day is?(student answers"Global Ceasefire and Non-Violence Day")

What color is the peace emblem? Why such a contrast? What does this emblem mean?

(Student's report about the emergence of the emblem of the world).

According to the biblical story, Noah sent out a dove to find out if the water had left the earth. The dove returned to him with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. Since then, the olive branch in the beak of a white dove has become a symbol of peace, wisdom and prosperity. (The olive branch was an ancient symbol of peace.)

4. Work in groups "Collect proverbs about the world and the Motherland"

Let's remember and compose proverbs about the world and the Motherland. Let's work in groups (cards with proverbs are distributed)

Peace builds and war destroys.
- For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.
-Peace on the planet happy children

One man has one mother and one Motherland

To stand together for peace, there will be no war.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

What other proverbs about the world and the Motherland do you know?

To live in the world - to live in the world.

The world is a great thing.

Everyone has a dear side.
There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.
WITH native land- die, don't leave

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Who is a mountain for the Motherland - a true hero

5. Reading poetry

1 . Moms, dads,
all adults!
Hear the voice of your children:
Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,
Block the way to war soon!

2. For friendship, for smiles and for meetings,
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world,
And this amazing land.

3. It was bequeathed to us to protect this world -
So unique at dawn
Since childhood, he is very dear to us and sweet,
We are responsible for the future of the world.

6.Teamwork. Peace poster.

And now I propose to contribute to the cause of peace, to carry out collective work - a poster about peace.

To make the planet Earth more beautiful, let's decorate it with doves and our hands cut out of colored paper with the wishes of peace.

(The poster is made on a pre-prepared round blue template of the planet Earth, doves are cut according to the template on white paper, palms on colored paper.)

The audio recording of the song " solar circle»

7. Bottom line .

How good it is to live under a peaceful sky, to play, to rejoice, to have friends. Let's save this world together!
