What does the king of diamonds mean? Fortune telling by the king of diamonds

This card often depicts a young man with blond hair and eyes, sometimes quite wealthy. This young man could be a lover, a cheater, or a soldier. It should be noted that this card was originally associated with the great Roman commander Julius Caesar, he is the most famous king of diamonds. Photo various types This map is posted below.

During fortune telling, a certain card is associated with a certain person. What traits is endowed with a person - the King of Diamonds?

This card is different from the other kings in the deck: he is the only one with a bandage on one eye, that is, he can be called one-eyed. This half-blindness symbolizes the inability of the kings of diamonds to notice certain aspects of life. Possible reason The appearance of such blindness is the innate stubbornness of these people, leading to a one-sided view of the world. This kind of thinking leads to the fact that kings of diamonds often have many enemies, and this is perhaps symbolized by the raised battle axe.

Such a person dominates finances. He can become a successful businessman regardless of his chosen field of activity, because he was born to succeed and lead. Like any successful leader, the King of Diamonds may be endowed with the basic shortcomings inherent in people of this circle: self-interest, greed and an excessive craving for power, but this is not a necessary phenomenon.

If such people choose the right guidelines and follow the chosen path without deviating from the goal, then they will be able to become respected and revered individuals. Another well-known problem of people of this type is emotional coldness: many kings opt for detachment and some cruelty in order to achieve great success in the business field.

Second half for the king of diamonds

As already mentioned, many kings are quite stubborn, and therefore do not tolerate compromises, which creates certain difficulties for them in their personal lives.

According to suit, the most successful marriages are between kings of diamonds and women of the club suit. Marriage with queens of hearts will also be successful. They should avoid Queens of Spades.

Combination with other cards

What does the king of diamonds mean when seen in fortune telling? And how to interpret this card correctly?

The layout in which the king of diamonds appears can be interpreted in different ways. This card primarily signifies a love date or even a meeting with a possible betrothed. When such options can be ruled out, the king indicates a strong and reliable partnership, and also portends good luck.

Depending on which cards the King of Diamonds is located next to, the meaning it carries may vary.

King of diamonds and other cards of the diamond suit

  • Ace of diamonds: may mean receiving news from the king of diamonds that you have been waiting for a long time.
  • Queen of Diamonds: a distinctive sign that characterizes a serious relationship or serious intentions in a relationship. If the king stands next to such a lady, then he belongs to her, but he can be either a husband or boyfriend, or a relative. A lady can also indicate a man of easy virtue.
  • Jack of diamonds: indicates a deceitful and corrupt person. A hint that you should be careful when choosing new friends.
  • Ten of Diamonds: King of Diamonds with Ten of Diamonds (with a Jack) means future support from a new acquaintance or future groom. In the absence of a jack, this combination means hope.
  • Nine of Diamonds: the person being guessed for has a secret admirer or lover.
  • Eight of Diamonds: You should expect a small gift from a woman. Also indicates young man who wants to get married.
  • Seven of diamonds: troubles at work.
  • Six of diamonds: symbolizes one hundred percent fulfillment of desire. It can also predict a meeting with a loved one.

King of diamonds and cards of hearts suit

Next to any card of the heart suit, and especially the eight, such a king promises changes in life, joy, and relief from the heavy burden of unpleasant memories. Now let's look at the combinations with each card.

  • Ace of Hearts: a quick business meeting.
  • King of Hearts: a meeting of like-minded people.
  • Queen of Hearts: symbolizes a couple of people who are married, or just a couple.
  • Jack of Hearts: promises to receive material benefits soon.
  • Ten of Hearts, as well as Nine of Hearts: a loved one is deceiving his other half.
  • Eight of Hearts: a conversation with a young man or some kind of message.
  • Seven of Hearts: presence of children, communication with them.
  • Six of Hearts: receiving expected news from a person who is far away, or meeting a new person in another city.

King of diamonds and clubs

This combination often means receiving some news or an imminent meeting.

  • Ace of clubs: general business or just a meeting with a military man.
  • King of Clubs: work team, deal, negotiations.
  • Queen of Clubs: a man who is highly dependent on the opinion of a woman (this woman could be a mother, wife, or even just a friend).
  • Jack of Clubs: boredom, melancholy, idle pastime.
  • Ten of clubs: any possible patronage.
  • Nine of clubs: receiving news from a person in uniform.
  • Eight of clubs: either the person being guessed at is a military man, or there is a military man in his circle.
  • Seven of clubs: there is a long journey ahead, or the card indicates a person who has come from afar.
  • Six of clubs: a quick and urgent trip.

King of diamonds and spades

  • Ace of spades: news about a man’s behavior that can be upsetting. Sometimes, if the rest of the cards are positive, it means ardent love.
  • King of spades: quick interaction with superiors.
  • Queen of Spades: speaks of a traitor who is in the immediate environment.
  • Jack of spades: promises you shouldn't believe.
  • Ten of spades: quick reconciliation in an unconventional way. Also sudden resolution of problems.
  • Nine of spades: scandal with a young man, hatred.
  • Eight of Spades: indicates an intriguer or gossip with whom there is a need to communicate. Also predicts an unpleasant quarrel with a young man.
  • Seven of spades: may also indicate a deceiver or a drunkard.
  • Six of spades: late, unexpected guests. An unpleasant incident on the road.

Fortune telling by the king of diamonds

Fortune telling does not have to be done using layouts. For example, there is a fairly well-known fortune telling for the king of diamonds. The girl should wash her face, comb her hair, and before going to bed put the king of diamonds under her pillow at night, not forgetting to say: “Dream, betrothed, dream, mummer.” You can add some decoration there or not, it doesn’t matter. The groom should have a dream that night.

You can guess about a real character. In this case, before going to bed, you should thoroughly mix the deck, imagining the young man you like. Having woken up, you should remember your dream in great detail and, based on the plot, draw a conclusion about future relationships.

If your chosen one looks at you with loving eyes and often sighs, it means that he is in love seriously and at first sight. There may be some obstacles on the path to personal happiness, but they are unlikely to become a serious obstacle.

If a young man apologizes a lot in a dream, a rival is likely to appear in real life. However, most likely, such a rival is only a temporary hobby, and with the right behavior you can save your relationship.

If he came on a date with a huge bouquet of roses, expect a marriage proposal in the near future.

If he sent you only a note in a dream, then perhaps a separation awaits you in the near future.

All playing cards in fortune telling have a dual essence. The King of Diamonds mainly gives positive predictions. In some combinations it also means unexpected difficulties. In order to correctly interpret the signs, it is worth understanding the change in the meaning of the symbol when fortune telling on different topics.

Personality characteristics

The King of Diamonds card means a young fair-haired man. The character of this man is difficult, he is witty and cunning. He leaves a good first impression, he is easy and fun to be with, but over time he shows his true colors.

The man to whom the sign points is well versed in people, has a specific goal in life, which he achieves by any available means.

In life and career, such people are usually successful and have a high financial position.

Meaning in love fortune telling

The interpretation of the King of Diamonds card is positive in love scenarios. It promises a strong relationship and points to a lover whose actions are distinguished by nobility.

The meaning of the king of diamonds card in fortune telling for personal relationships:

  • a long-awaited date with your lover;
  • strong love that manifests itself in deeds, not in romantic promises;
  • a strong family.

Also, a dropped king of diamonds in a love fortune-telling on one card indicates an acquaintance with a fair-haired, unmarried young man who will bring changes to a woman’s life. He doesn’t necessarily become a husband, it’s more about friendship or short-term influence.

It is better to be careful and not trust your new acquaintance too much.

Career divination meaning

The King of Diamonds is a successful person. He is capable of doing good career manager, financier or diplomat. Insight, the ability to manipulate people, and fortitude help him overcome any difficulties.

Key values ​​in career charts:

  • achievements of goals;
  • receiving dividends;
  • new hard work that will give good results in the future.

Also, the king of diamonds indicates patronage from an influential man. This patronage usually comes at a price.

The King of Diamonds teaches you not to be afraid to desire and achieve what you want. The more effort you put in, the happier the result.

Sometimes the King of Diamonds warns against unclean actions and dishonest people.

In important matters, everything needs to be checked.

Card combinations

Meanings of the King of Diamonds with other cards of the Diamond suit:

  • ace of diamonds - waiting for news from a man;
  • lady - serious attitude men;
  • jack - hypocrisy, deceit on the part of a man;
  • 10 – new dreams;
  • Diamond 9 – secret admirer;
  • 8 – a man wants to get married, a surprise from a girl;
  • 7 – working difficulties;
  • 6 – meeting with an old friend;

Combination with worms:

  • ace – business meeting;
  • king - meeting interesting people;
  • lady - married man, wedding;
  • jack – income, getting results;
  • 10 – unrequited affection;
  • 9 – lie of a loved one;
  • 8 – receiving a letter, meeting;
  • 7 – meeting with a child;
  • 6 – trip to another city, news from distant relatives;

Combination with clubs:

  • ace - meeting with a military man;
  • king - business date;
  • lady - a guy who depends on his mother or wife;
  • jack – bad mood;
  • 10 – appearance of the patron;
  • 9 – news that will come from the worker;
  • 8 – acquaintance with the military;
  • 7 – trip, guests;
  • 6 – vacation, travel;

Combination with peaks.

King Tambourine

If you were born January 14, February 12, March 10, April 8, May 6, June 4, July 2 – your card - King

King Tambourine- Lucky businessman

Description of Personality

The King of Diamonds is the lord of values, finance and business. He can succeed in any business venture due to his innate knowledge of this field of activity. Kings of Diamonds always achieve great success by leading their own enterprise, rather than working for someone else. They can be very calculating and selfish when it comes to money or business, but this is not a necessary trait.

The King of Diamonds is the only "one-eyed" King of the deck, meaning that he can be blind to certain aspects of life and situations. In addition, he can be extremely stubborn, viewing things from one particular point of view. For this reason, the King of Diamonds often makes enemies for himself. Perhaps the raised battle ax depicted on this card symbolizes the passion for competition. However, all the Kings of Diamonds understand what true values ​​are, and if they follow this knowledge without succumbing to fears and doubts, they become highly respected people in the business world. They must be careful not to abuse their power at the expense of others. With such enormous power, the King of Diamonds can avoid own feelings, which creates many problems.

Often emotional problems arise in him as early as childhood, and they must be resolved before the highest level of this Birth Chart manifests itself. Until then, the King of Diamonds is cold and merciless.

The Kings of Diamonds are very inventive and thanks to this they are able to earn a lot of money. They are strong and at a high level of development are capable of bringing many benefits to people.

Relationships with other people

Love karma The King of Diamonds cannot be called either particularly favorable or entirely negative. However, being Kings, they are strong and do not like compromise, which can cause problems in personal relationships.

It is especially important for women with this Birth Card to find a counterbalance to their powerful masculinity in the context of relationships where the accepted norm is a woman as a housewife. They strive to dominate their partner or at least be on equal terms with him, and some men do not like this. Some female Kings of Diamonds give up after a number of unsuccessful attempts. Some men do too.

The Kings of Diamonds of both sexes sometimes view marriage solely from a financial point of view. But in order to find a suitable spouse, they must clearly distinguish between business and love life.

In addition, King Tambourine must learn to express his emotions. Then it will be easier for him to find a common language with his partner. Sincere communication will smooth out rough edges and increase the degree of intimacy in a relationship.

The Kings of Diamonds like smart and educated people; They often find a spouse among their business partners.

Compatibility with other Birth Cards

Female Kings of Diamonds experience a strong attraction to male Hearts. This is a powerful combination, although not always easy. Women Clubs are extremely attracted to male Kings of Diamonds and can enter into a successful marriage with them. Male Kings of Diamonds face great problems when communicating with women of the spades suit and should avoid marrying them.

Based on materials from the book

Destiny Card - King Tambourine. We begin to look at the next thirteen cards of the deck - Diamonds. All information regarding general characteristics You can find the merits of certain cards in the description of the cards of the spades suit (reading about the King of Spades, you will learn about the character traits common to all kings, about the Queen of Spades - to all Queens, etc.).

King Tambourinesuccessful businessman, owner of large valuables. He can succeed in almost any business thanks to his innate knowledge. The Kings of Diamonds achieve their greatest success if they start their own business - in principle, they cannot work for “someone else’s uncle.” Sometimes the Kings of Diamonds are driven solely by self-interest, and they can show miracles of prudence, although this does not always happen.

If you look closely at the other card Kings, you will see that the King of Diamonds is one-eyed (he is depicted in profile on the card). Unfortunately, this means that he sometimes does not notice important things that can affect his life.

Often people born with this card can be very stubborn and straightforward, and have their own opinion on everything, which does not coincide with the opinions of others. It is not surprising that throughout their lives they have many ill-wishers and make enemies for themselves (however, remember that you should not judge a person solely by his birth chart, because much depends on other components of the horoscope).

If the Kings of Diamonds try to successfully deal with their shortcomings and understand what is truly valuable in life, then they become extremely respected people in the business world.

Tambourine for kings You should not abuse your power, which is given to all Kings in one way or another. Possessing enormous power, they can nevertheless create many unnecessary problems for themselves. Sometimes difficulties on an emotional level arise for people of this birth chart in childhood. If the King of Diamonds does not try to change himself and rise to higher high level personal development, he risks subsequently becoming a ruthless and soulless person.

Another of the big problems of the King of Diamonds is that he thinks exclusively subjectively, does not know how to take another person’s place, and often refuses to accept someone else’s point of view. To this should also be added exorbitant pride, as well as the habit of always and everywhere getting one’s way.

Summarizing all of the above, I want to say that the King of Diamonds can be called a real tyrant, and where he will show his qualities - at home or at work - is not so important. All Maps royal family one way or another they dominate the people around them, but sometimes such people have a strong temptation to abuse their power, which is unacceptable. The King of Diamonds believes that he is always right, so he often finds himself in unpleasant and sometimes conflict situations.

At the heart of many of the problems that the King of Diamonds faces throughout his life are unfulfilled desires. If the Kings of Diamonds overcome their domineering nature and learn to negotiate with other people, they will live a happy and fairly carefree life. By the way, paradoxically, they are essentially fair and quite peaceful. They should only realize that everything depends on themselves, that they should not try to change other people, but first of all they need to change themselves.

All Diamond Kings are inventive and therefore capable of earning a lot of money. They have inexhaustible spiritual power and are creative personalities and, being at the proper level of development, are capable of bringing a lot of benefit to people.

Love karma of the King of Diamonds It's neither too bad nor too good. He does not like compromises, and this entails problems in his personal life. Women with this birth card need to learn to humble their masculinity, otherwise it will not be easy for them to build a happy and strong marriage.

They strive at all costs to subjugate their partners or, at best, to be on an equal footing with them. Alas, not all men like this. Kings of Diamonds are attracted to smart, educated and business people, so they often connect their lives with business partners.

All Kings of Diamonds consider marriage primarily from a material point of view, and they need to learn to distinguish between concepts such as love and material gain.

People with this birth card also need to learn not to be shy about expressing their emotions and be able to smooth out conflicts. They need to try to be sincere, but not overly straightforward.

Female Kings of Diamonds have a weakness for men of the Heart suit, while men of this card are interested in women of the Club suit: such relationships can become very successful. Male Kings of Diamonds should beware of marriage to women of the Spades suit.

At the age of Mercury, the King of Diamonds has one task - to learn to communicate with people, to give in and make compromises. Under Venus, they accumulate knowledge and develop their intuition, but at this age they may experience stagnation in their personal lives (the current situation will weigh on them). In Mars (up to thirty years, since each cycle of the planet is thirteen years, remember?) The Kings of Diamonds learn to find partners for business: they have every chance of getting rich.

Under Jupiter, they can take the path of spirituality, or they can turn into ordinary swindlers. At the age of Saturn they gain true knowledge and confidence. If they have worked out their karma correctly for the current incarnation, material well-being and stability await them in adulthood and old age.

Of all the Tambourine Kings I have met, the closest is my beloved son. This is definitely the King! The most interesting thing is that since childhood he gave me good advice even about work. And even now everything he says or plans comes out better than what I would have come up with. But he is still our tyrant! Although affectionate... But Sveta (daughter-in-law) just turned out to be the Seven of Spades, the result is a divorce, which was to be expected. When we do matrix arithmetic, you will understand what I'm talking about. In the meantime, continue to study the following Destiny cards.

The number of the King of Diamonds is 39.

Naina Vladimirova - Magical manipulations according to the Matrix of human destiny.

Fortune telling on cards does not lose its popularity. Today card layouts Even those who have nothing to do with magic make decisions about fate and the future. Anyone can learn to tell fortunes with cards. To do this, you just need to learn several methods of fortune telling. playing cards. In addition, you need to know the meaning of the cards in the layout. This is what we will talk about. So, what do cards mean in fortune telling, and what is the meaning of card combinations?

Ace of spades- trouble, loss, night, blow, fear. In combination with the ace of clubs it means fear. With ten of spades - unexpected money. Ten of diamonds - a quarrel over money. If the ace of spades lies next to a six of any suit, it’s a long trip.

King of Spades- enemy, adversary, rival, competitor, influential person who wishes you harm. In combination with a queen and a jack of any suit - the help of an influential person. With an eight of spades, there is a black streak in life. Next to any card, a peak is a harbinger of good things. With clubs - hostility towards you. With hearts - friendship. With tambourines - a person is in a good position.

Queen of Spades- a woman with bad intentions, a rival. Gossip, intrigue and obstacles. In combination with the nine of hearts - happiness in life. With tambourines - envy and harm from a woman. With spades - a kind woman of mature years. With clubs - an evil woman. Help with hearts.

Jack of spades- aggression, unpleasant person, bad intentions of a powerful master, illness of loved ones, bad news. In combination with the queen of spades - a fight and a scandal. With the eight of spades - troubles in love. With any peaks - a meeting with a like-minded person. With clubs - a meeting with a deceiver and gossip. With tambourines - news, a drunk man. With hearts - friend.

Ten of Spades- illness, problems. In combination with the Ace of Spades - unexpected money. With the king or queen of spades - an influential person is interested in you. With a queen or king of other suits - failures, unfulfilled desires. With the Ace of Diamonds - bad news. Ace of other suits is false news. Ten of clubs - recovery. With nine of spades - grief. With an eight of spades - deterioration of health. With a seven, a tambourine is a proposal.

Nine of Spades- loss, road, surprise. In combination with the ace of spades - illness. With an ace of clubs - harm. With the ace of hearts - intimacy. With the Ace of Diamonds - deception of loved ones. With a queen or king of spades - love. The king of other suits is desire. With ten of spades - unexpected profit.

Eight of Spades- conversation, boredom, bad luck, illness. In combination with all the kings - a party. The jack of hearts is bad news. The nine of clubs is a disaster. With seven clubs - treason.

Seven of Spades- deception, loss, tears, separation. With a lady - pregnancy. With a jack of clubs - an enemy, evil intent. Six of diamonds - problems in the family.

Six of Spades- road, night, loss. In combination with peaks - good luck on the road. With clubs - failure on the way. With hearts - a meeting. With tambourines - a road for the purpose of receiving money.

Ace of Diamonds- day, good changes, good news. With clubs or spades - worries and problems. With diamonds - quick profit. With hearts - a love letter.

King of Diamonds- bachelor, young man, acquaintance, stability. With hearts - joy, parting with the past. With ten diamonds - support. With six tambourines - fulfillment of desire.

Queen of Diamonds- a young woman, a traitor. With a jack of diamonds and a ten of spades - an unpleasant guest. With a ten of hearts - theft.

Jack of diamonds- young guy, boy, good news, prosperity. In combination with the king - a deceiver and a hypocrite. With a lady of clubs - trouble. With a nine of tambourine - aggression and enmity. With six of clubs - an unexpected trip.

Ten of diamonds- blow from loved one, money, gift, date. In combination with the Ace of Spades card - a quarrel over money. With a jack of clubs - success in money. With tens or nines of any suit except spades - making a profit. With a seven of hearts - inheritance. With six tambourine - fulfillment of desires.

Ten of diamonds- imminent important events, if with a heart suit - to money, if with any black suit - to problems.

Eight of diamonds- dreams, talking about money, hatred. With a king or queen, spades are a deceiver. With ten diamonds - unexpected profit. Seven of diamonds - instability.

Seven of diamonds- affairs, chores, money transactions, gifts. With any heart card - chance, luck. With ten of spades - an offer. With the ten of diamonds there are troubles with money.

Six of diamonds- happiness, fulfillment of desires. With ten diamonds - profit. The nine of spades is bad news. With ten of spades - the death of a familiar person. With the seven of tambourines - troubles in the family.

Ace of clubs- work, luck, evening, illness. With the king - a love affair, courtship. With the king of clubs - fulfillment of desires. Nine of spades is a benefit. Seven of clubs - winning, victory. With a six of any suit - to the road.

King of Clubs- family problems, treason, betrayal, military man. With clubs - joy. With the ace of clubs, your wish will come true. With nine clubs - human help. With six - the road.

Queen of Clubs- influential lady, friend, illegitimate children. With the queen of spades - problems in the family, court. Eight of clubs - help from a relative.

Jack of clubs- military, friend, protection, help. Between ladies - betrayal. Between jacks - troubled life. Seven of spades - harm from enemies. With ten diamonds - profit from a profitable business.

Ten of Clubs- changes. With peaks - material need, work. With hearts - winning, profit, easy money. With the ace of clubs - good changes. With a ten of hearts - mutual love. With ten diamonds - money. With nine clubs - entertainment, company. With six of clubs - a trip.

Nine of Clubs- doubt, inheritance. With tambourines - spending money, wastefulness. With hearts - mutual sympathy, love. Ten of spades is a nuisance. With a nine or ten of hearts - happiness in love. Clubs eight, seven or ten - good luck. Jack of hearts is the road.

Eight of Clubs- a society of influential people, the death of a loved one. With an ace of clubs - good luck. With a lady of clubs - help from a relative. With a jack of clubs - a successful completion of the situation. With a jack of hearts - a loss. With the seven of clubs or the ace of hearts - luck, inheritance, solution to a problem.

Seven of Clubs- inheritance, trip, news. With an ace of clubs - victory in court. With the jack of hearts - the birth of a child. With the eight of spades - treason.

Six of clubs- road, meeting. With nine of clubs - an unexpected trip. With aces - a date. Between the peaks there is a celebration, a party, a change of place of residence or work.

Ace of Hearts- wedding, family home, spring, morning, gift. With an ace of diamonds - good news. With the jack of hearts - good news. A ten of spades is bad news. With the nine of spades, it's a party, friends.

King of Hearts- loving feelings towards you, good news, meeting. With peaks it’s a nuisance. With any hearts - success. With diamonds - profit. With clubs - troubles. With the queen of hearts - a meeting with a married man.

Queen of Hearts- Family, love, married woman. With a ten of hearts - meeting a friend. With any hearts - reciprocity. With other suits - achieving the goal.

Jack of Hearts- good news, success in business, wait, man with brown hair. With any hearts - success. With the ace of hearts - a confession of feelings. With the king or queen - a guest. With a nine of clubs - the road.

Ten of Hearts- wedding, happiness, joy, city. With a king of any suit - devotion to a woman. With a lady - devotion to a man. With ten diamonds - quick profit. With an eight of hearts - a date. With nine clubs - mutual feelings.

Nine of Hearts- event, news. With a king or queen - love. With the queen of spades there is joy. With a ten of hearts - love and wedding. With an eight or seven of hearts - a date. Six of any suit is an unexpected encounter.

Eight of Hearts- pleasure, interesting conversation, road. With the jack of hearts - a conversation. With a ten of hearts - intimacy. With the nine of hearts - a meeting.

Seven of Hearts- change, fun. Conversation with four kings. With ten of spades - an offer. With a ten or nine - a meeting, a date.
