An interesting lesson for the day of cosmonautics. Summary of the lesson for elementary grades on the topic "Cosmonautics Day"

K.E. Tsiolkovsky was born on September 5 (17), 1857 in the village of Izhevsky, Ryazan Province, into the family of a poor forester Eduard Ignatievich Tsiolkovsky, where he was one of 13 children. He grew up as a smart, inquisitive and impressionable child. Already in these years, the character of the future scientist was being formed - independent, persistent and purposeful.

At the age of 10, he suffered a great misfortune - he fell ill with scarlet fever and, as a result of a complication, almost completely lost his hearing. He could not study at a regular school, so he was self-educated: first at home, and then, when he was 16 years old, his father decided to send him to Moscow, where the young man studied independently in the library of the Rumyantsev Museum for three years.

Here he writes his works, makes experiments on aerodynamics, creates projects for an airplane and an airship. The idea of ​​creating a rocket engine powered by liquid fuel, also belongs to Tsiolkovsky. Striking versatility scientific creativity Tsiolkovsky. He is working on the problems of solar and tidal energy, a project of an underwater vehicle for studying the ocean depths and transport on an "air cushion".

“The main motive of my life is to do something useful for people, not to live in vain, to move humanity forward at least a little. That is why I was interested in that which gave me neither bread nor strength. But I hope that my works, maybe soon, or maybe in the distant future, will give the society mountains of bread and an abyss of power.” K. E. Tsiolkovsky

Problem 1. In the fantastic story "Out of the Earth", written by Tsiolkovsky in 1896, there are the following lines: "... Now we are flying on our rocket around the Earth at a distance of 1000 km, making a complete revolution in 100 minutes ...". Confirm by calculations that the ship, being at this height, moves with the specified period.

Task 2. In his work “On the Moon”, the scientist describes the conversation of the heroes of the book who fell on the Moon: “Look! A twelve-pound weight turns out to be 2 pounds. Determine what is the acceleration of free fall and the average density of the Moon, using the measurements of Tsiolkovsky's heroes and modern information about the mass and radius of the Moon.

Task 3. “The sun was dazzling… Closing your eyes from the Sun and surroundings shining with reflected light, you could see stars and planets… Neither one nor the other flickered, which made them look like nails with silver heads driven into the black vault.” Why don't the stars and planets on the moon twinkle?

K.E. Tsiolkovsky was very fond of Zagorodny Park. In summer, in good weather, he visited it almost daily: either he rode a bicycle along the side alleys, or sat on a bench on the central platform, or admired the sunset from the slope of the mountain on which the park stands.

These words of the great Russian scientist are inscribed on the monument erected in 1958 on Mira Square to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of K. E. Tsiolkovsky (sculptor A. Faydysh-Krandievsky, architects M. Barshch, A. Kol-chin). A multi-meter rocket, ready for launch, is directed into the sky with its tip. At the bottom of the rocket is a sculpture of a scientist.

At the entrance to the city, guests are greeted by an artistic and architectural complex in honor of the 600th anniversary of the city of Kaluga (sculptor L.E. Kerbel). At the entrance to the main staircase of the complex there is a huge cube of red granite, on which a portrait of K. E. Tsiolkovsky is carved.

Here Tsiolkovsky lived. He is covered with this earth. The lunar disk rises. And an obelisk is prophetically aimed at him with a space rocket. And he did not think to sleep forever in the grave. He believed: “Space is needed in order for people to circle in it in a friendly swarm, Who deserved immortality, - After all, they will resurrect them all to one!” He was great. He was brilliant. He opened the way to those starry regions... V. D. Berestov

Equipment for the teacher: audio recording, photographs Yu.A. Gagarin, V.N. Tereshkova, travel map, rocket, images of Martians, tree of success, encrypted telegram.

Student equipment: sheet, signal cards, success sheets,

Board layout:

Yu. A. Gagarina

V. N. Tereshkova

Theme of the event

Travel itinerary

Tree of success.

Preliminary work: at the lesson of labor, the manufacture of a rocket according to templates, an introductory conversation was held on the topic of astronautics, a search was made for material about pilot astronauts by children.

Each child is a participant in the game, a member of the crew, each sits at a desk.

The course of the travel lesson:

Hello guys, I'm very glad to see you! Pay attention, today we have guests. Smile at them and they will smile back at you. Tell me, what is your mood today?

I see, I hope that by the end of the lesson we will all have it up!

What is our holiday today? (Cosmonautics Day)

Right! Guys, we got a message:

(soundtrack turns on)

Moscow speaking! All radio stations work Soviet Union! Moscow time- 10 hours 2 min. We are transmitting a TASS message about the world's first manned space flight.

On April 12, 1961, the world's first spacecraft-satellite "Vostok" with a man on board was put into orbit around the Earth in the Soviet Union. Astronaut pilot spaceship-satellite "Vostok" is a citizen of the Soviet Union, pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

If you ask the astronauts how they started their journey into space, we will certainly hear the answer: “From a dream.”

Guys, would you like to go to space? (Yes)

If we want to go to space

So let's fly soon!

Ours will be the most friendly,

Our fun crew!

(soundtrack turns on)

Attention! Attention! Control center speaking. We are with you near the launch pad of the Druzhba cosmodrome. The first passengers arrived here.

Today our team of young cosmonauts will go on a journey, our path lies to Mars.

Our detachment consists of 25 people, I will be your commander, and you, my assistants.

Guys, tell me, what qualities should an astronaut have?

He must step by step pass all the tests, because without one there will be no other. An astronaut must be able to perform the most varied work: to be a navigator, a doctor, an engineer, a worker, a photographer, a journalist.

Guys, our path will be successful if we help each other. And do not forget that the word of the commander is an order. If you do not comply with it, you will not be allowed to fly. But I hope this doesn't happen to you.

Guys, we have a crew, but what will we use to fly into space? (on a rocket)

A fast rocket is waiting for us

To fly to the planet.

Let's go to Mars

Stars, wait for us to visit.

Guys, before the flight, we must decide what we will take with us.

(Food in tubes, tubes, cans, photographs, something that would remind him of home. Guys, a vacuum cleaner is needed here, dust and dirt are not allowed here, garbage is collected in bags and thrown out through the hatch.)

In weightlessness, a bed is not needed, you can fall asleep in any position, and when you lie down to sleep, they tie sleeping bags and clothes.

Do you know what astronauts took with them? simple pencils to take notes. Their disadvantage was that in the event of a breakdown, small parts of the pencil could harm the astronauts.

It is known that in the second half of the 1960s, the inventor Paul Fisher designed a pen capable of writing in any conditions, subsequently such pens were purchased by the Soviet space agencies.

Cosmonauts Lyakhov and Ryumin secretly carried a cucumber and an orange into orbit in the pockets of their spacesuits. And in the first reportage, this cucumber was shown, allegedly grown in the station greenhouse, although before that the plant had not even given an ovary. Then the astronauts confessed to the joke, showing the orange.

So, we have a rocket, we took everything we need with us, we can hit the road.

Guys, in order to move, we need to get up from our desks. And repeat after me! (the music of the Zemlyane group sounds - “Grass near the house”)

(Feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the side, hands on the belt, raise your hands above your head and reach for the stars.)

Here we have arrived. And the first we meet is the satellite of the Earth. What is it called? (moon)

(children read a report about cosmonaut pilots)

Thanks guys for these interesting posts, you are great!

So, we flew to the satellite of Mars - and which one, you will find out by guessing the crossword puzzle. The crew listens to me attentively and answers my questions. If you know the answer, then raise an exclamation point, if not, a question mark. Agreed?




1.Yu. Gagarin maintained continuous radio contact with the Mission Control Center. What was the astronaut's call sign? Why? (Cedar)

- “Kedr”, because the call sign had to have three features: to be a noun singular, be inflected and easy to pronounce and not have negative connotations from foreign counterparts, and also refers more to flora than to an animal.

1. Name the first woman cosmonaut in our country? (Valentina Nikolaevna Tereshkova) - show her photo

2. At what time of the year is the Earth closer to the sun? (winter)

3. Which planet is called red because of the color of its deserts? (Mars)

4. Which of the scientists of our country is the founder of astronautics? (K. E. Tsiolkovsky)

5. What science studies celestial bodies: stars, planets, comets, meteorites? (Astronomy)

Who will read which satellite we flew to? (Deimos)

That's right, Deimos. In Greek mythology, it is one of the sons of Mars and Venus; "Deimos" in Greek means "panic". This satellite was discovered by Hall on August 10, 1877. Deimos is the smaller and most distant of the two moons of Mars. It is the smallest known satellite in the solar system. In the future, Deimos will overcome the gravity of the red planet and move on an independent journey through the expanses of the solar system.

Well done, and now our path lies to Phobos - this is the larger of the two satellites of Mars.

In Greek mythology, Phobos is one of the sons of Mars and Venus. "Phobos" in Greek means "fear".

Phobos shines on Mars in much the same way as Venus on Earth, Phobos is forty times closer to the surface of Mars than the Moon is to Earth. The tidal effect of the red planet gradually slows down the movement of Phobos and in the future will lead to its destruction and fall to Mars.

Well, guys, let's make a landing? We get up and repeat the movements after me, but we need to fly and see the satellite with our own eyes! (music of the Zemlyane group - “Grass near the house”)

(Soundtrack turns on)

An encrypted telegram was received on board the ship.

Guys, I'll hang it now, and you will need to decipher it. Who can read?

3 14 9 13 1 14 9 6 16 15 18 1 5 11 1

14 6 3 15 8 13 15 7 14 1

18 16 1 18 1 10 19 6 18 29

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

rs t u v x ts h w y y y y z

(Attention! Landing is impossible, save yourself!)

Indeed, strange. Apparently this satellite is inhabited by not very friendly inhabitants, let's draw a fantastic animal that can live on Phobos. To do this, each of you have pencils and a sheet of paper on your desk. We will draw the inhabitants of Phobos as kind and put them on a satellite so that no one else is afraid to land here. I will give you 5 minutes to complete the task.

(Children draw - musical accompaniment - "Green men")

The time is up guys, now let's cut them out along the contour and go out one by one and settle the inhabitants on the satellite. How wonderful they turned out!


  • Promote revitalization cognitive activity students; the formation of a sense of patriotism through acquaintance with the great achievements of the Russian people;
  • broadening the horizons of students; developing a sense of solidarity and healthy competition.


  1. Drawings and illustrations on the topic.
  2. Exhibition of books about space, photographs of cosmonauts.
  3. Audio recordings of songs: “You know what kind of guy he was”, “I am the Earth, I see my pets off”.
  4. Tables by number of teams.

Preliminary work: Before starting the event, it is necessary to divide the class into 2 teams, consisting of 5-6 students, to determine the captains. Prepare question cards.

Teacher: Dear guys, today April 12 is Cosmonautics Day, in connection with which we are holding Classroom hour on the topic "Space Exploration". Humanity will never forget the beautiful day in April 1961, when the Russian guy Yuri Gagarin was the first in the world to open the way to space. We are proud that our compatriot was the first to go into space - Russian man. He said: "Let's go!". And indeed, now satellites and rockets surf space, a lot of space technology has been to the Moon and Mars. It's only the beginning? And this day, April 12, is traditionally celebrated as Cosmonautics Day.

1st student.

Became our space part of life,
For astronauts, it is like a home.
We congratulate you on this day
When on stellar stages
Russian man rushed
And, in love with the beauty of the Earth,
Glorified the Motherland forever.

2nd student.

Of course, we know about the feat of Yuri.
And today, as it was, as it is and as it will be,
Congratulations on a good holiday.
The world will never forget its heroes.

3rd student.

Said "let's go" Gagarin,
The rocket flew into space.
That was a risky guy!
Since then, an era has begun.
The era of wanderings and discoveries,
The progress of peace and labor,
Hopes, wishes and events
Now this is all forever.

4th student.

Days will come when space
Who wants to, can plow!
Even to the moon, please, wander!
Nobody can forbid!
That will be life! But still remember
That someone was the first to fly ...
Major Gagarin, modest guy,
He managed to open the era.
(Mahmud Otar-Mukhtarov)

And the smile of Yuri Gagarin is immortal. She became a symbol. Gagarin smiled at the whole world. He smiled at our planet, rejoiced at the sun, forests and fields. And he said: “Having circled the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, we will preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!...”. Yes, she is beautiful. And our beautiful and small planet, the only one where there are flowers, streams, birches, where there is laughter and smiles and love, must be protected!

And here's what Gagarin said: “And tomorrow? ... Settlements on the Moon, travel to Mars. Scientific stations on asteroids, communication with other civilizations. All this is the future. Let not so close, but real. And we will not be upset that it is not you and I who will become participants in distant interplanetary expeditions. Let's not envy the people of the future. Of course, they will be very lucky, they will become accustomed to what we can only dream of. But we were also very lucky. Happiness of the first steps into space”.

Moderator: How many of you have watched a movie or read a book that tells how people can easily move from one planet to another?

Do you think it's just fantasy or our very real future?

Host: Game "Hot Question". For both teams - a question Is there life on Mars?. One team comes up with arguments proving that there is no life on Mars. The other team is that there is life on Mars. Preparation time 3 minutes. The team with the most arguments wins.

Of all the planets in the solar system, Mars is the most Earth-like. On the surface of the planet there are volcanoes and plains. Here, as on Earth, there are four seasons. Temperatures on Mars are usually low, but summers can be quite warm. It is believed that life once existed on Mars. The dried up seas and riverbeds on the surface of Mars testify that there was once water on the planet, and water, as you know, is the source of life. Perhaps some forms of life have survived to this day. Maybe life on this planet is at a higher level than on Earth, maybe - so far only in its simplest forms. Scientists have not yet provided us with direct evidence of any life. But, I think that these discoveries are not far off.

Moderator: Question for backfilling for both teams: Why is Mars called the Red Planet?

Mars is called the Red Planet because it is covered in reddish dust. Sometimes, as a result of dust storms, dark areas of rocky soil are exposed. Like Earth, Mars has polar caps at the planet's South and North Poles. The polar caps are made up of carbon dioxide and frozen water.

Warm up questions:

1 team: Can Gagarin be called a pioneer, and if so, why?
2 team: Who was the second cosmonaut in our country? (G.S. Titov)
1 team: Which Soviet cosmonaut was the first to go into outer space? (A.A.Leonov)
2 team: What was the name of the first spacecraft that took astronauts to the moon? State the commander's name. (“Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong)
1 team: What is the name of the phenomenon when all the planets of the solar system line up? (Parade of planets)
2 team: How many Earth days are a day on Mars? (24.6 Earth days)

Leading: And now the game "You have a letter." There are 4 envelopes with questions on the table for you. Each envelope contains five questions. The captain of each team chooses the envelope he likes: blue, green, red or yellow. The right to choose is given first to the team in front. Preparation time 3 minutes.

1 envelope:

  1. Which of the scientists of our country is the founder of astronautics? (K.E. Tsiolkovsky)
  2. Name an outstanding designer of rocket and space systems, whose name is associated with the first victories of our country in space exploration. (Academician S.P. Korolev)
  3. Why October 4, 1957 is considered the beginning of the space age of mankind? (On this day, an artificial earth satellite was put into orbit for the first time in our country.)
  4. Name the astronaut who made the first space flight. (Yu.A.Gagarin)
  5. To what event is the celebration of Cosmonautics Day timed? (April 12, 1961 Yu.A. Gagarin made the first space flight)

2 envelope:

  1. Name the first female cosmonaut in our country. (Valentina Nikolaevna Tereshkova)
  2. What is our solar system made of? (From the Sun and all bodies revolving around it under the influence of gravity forces)
  3. What is the universe? (Space and all the bodies that fill it)
  4. What is a galaxy? (Giant clusters of stars scattered throughout the universe)
  5. What galaxy do we live in? (Milky Way)

3 envelope:

  1. What planets in our solar system do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
  2. Which planet is called the Morning Star? (Venus)
  3. Which planet is the largest in solar system? (Jupiter)
  4. Which planet is the smallest? (Pluto)
  5. Which scientist proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun? (Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus)

4 envelope:

  1. At what time of the year is the Earth closest to the Sun? (in winter)
  2. Which planet is the brightest visible from Earth? (Venus)
  3. Which planet has the highest mountains? (On Mars)
  4. Why is the planet Mars called the red planet? (Because of the color of her deserts)
  5. Is it possible to distinguish a planet from a star with the naked eye? (The star twinkles, and the planet shines with a steady light).

Moderator: The teams were preparing homework- questions for competitors. Teams answer in turn: the first question is asked by the captain of the team going in front. The opposing captain answers his question. After answering the question, the captain asks his question to the next participant from the opposing team, and so on. If the team cannot answer the question, then the team that asked the question answers. A complete answer is worth 5 points, an incomplete answer is worth 3 points. So the game begins.

First team questions:

  1. How many days does it take for the sun to rotate on its axis? (For 27 days)
  2. Name the place in the solar system where humans have set foot. (Moon)
  3. What is astronomy? (Science of celestial bodies)
  4. What are meteorites? (Fragments of comets that fell to Earth)
  5. What is an observatory? (Building equipped for astronomical observations)

Questions from the second team:

  1. What is a telescope? (Astronomical instrument for observing celestial bodies)
  2. Who invented the first telescope? (Italian scientist Galileo Galilei)
  3. What is the name of the flying spacecraft? (Rocket)
  4. How long will a match burn on the moon? (Only flashes and goes out, as there is no oxygen on the moon)
  5. An astronaut in weightlessness needs to do physical exercises. Can dumbbells come in handy for this? (No, as they will lose weight)

The results of the game are summed up.

The host sums up the final result, the winning team is determined.

Target: Motto provide students with knowledge about the formation of astronautics, about the first flights into space;



Conversation-presentation for the Day of Cosmonautics "Morning of the space age"


To form students' knowledge about the formation of astronautics, about the first flights into space;

Contribute to the moral and patriotic education of Suvorovites.

(Slide 1)

After man invented the airplane and conquered the sky, people wanted to rise even higher.

One of the first to think about space flight was the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky(Slide 2).

The fate and life of Tsiolkovsky are unusual and interesting.

The first half of Kostya Tsiolkovsky's childhood was normal, like all children. Already at an advanced age, Konstantin Eduardovich recalled how he liked to climb trees, climb onto the roofs of houses, jump from great heights to experience the feeling of free fall. The second childhood began when, ill with scarlet fever, he almost completely lost his hearing. Deafness caused the boy not only domestic inconvenience and moral suffering. She threatened to slow down his physical and mental development.

Another grief befell Kostya: his mother died. The family was left with a father, a younger brother and an illiterate aunt. The boy was left to himself.

Deprived of many joys and impressions due to illness, Kostya reads a lot, constantly comprehending what he read. He invents what has been invented long ago. But he invents himself. For example, a lathe. In the courtyard of the house, windmills built by him spin in the wind, self-propelled sailing carts run against the wind.

He dreams of space travel. Avidly reads books on physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics. Realizing that his capable but deaf son would not be accepted into any educational institution, the father decides to send sixteen-year-old Kostya to Moscow for self-education. Kostya rents a corner in Moscow and sits in free libraries from morning to evening. His father sends him 15-20 rubles a month, while Kostya, eating black bread and drinking tea, spends 90 kopecks a month on food! With the rest of the money he buys retorts, books, reagents. The following years were also difficult. He suffered a lot from bureaucratic indifference to his works and projects. He fell ill, lost heart, but gathered again, made calculations, wrote books.

Now we already know that Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky is the pride of Russia, one of the fathers of astronautics, a great scientist. And with surprise, many of us learn that the great scientist did not go to school, did not have any scientific degrees, last years lived in Kaluga in an ordinary wooden house and no longer hearing anything, but the whole world is now recognized as a genius by the one who first drew the path for mankind to other worlds and stars:

Tsiolkovsky's ideas were developed by Friedrich Arturovich Zander(Slide 3) and Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk.(Slide 4)

All the most cherished dreams of the founders of astronautics were realized by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.(Slide 5)

October 4, 1957 became significant date. On this day, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched.(Slide 6) started space age. The first satellite of the Earth was a shiny ball of aluminum alloys and was small - 58 cm in diameter, weighing 83.6 kg. The device had two-meter mustache-antennas, and two radio transmitters were placed inside. The satellite's speed was 28,800 km/h. In an hour and a half, the satellite circled the entire Earth, and during the day of the flight made 15 revolutions. There are many satellites currently in orbit around the earth. Some are used for television and radio communication, others are scientific laboratories.

Scientists were faced with the task of putting a living creature into orbit.

And dogs paved the way into space for man. Animal testing began as early as 1949. The first "cosmonauts" were recruited in: doorways - the first detachment of dogs. A total of 32 dogs were caught.(Slide 7)

They decided to take the dogs as test subjects, because. scientists knew how they behave, understood the structural features of the body. In addition, dogs are not capricious, they are easy to train. And the mongrels were chosen because the doctors believed that from the first day they had to fight for survival, besides, they were unpretentious and very quickly get used to the staff. Dogs had to meet the set standards: no heavier than 6 kilograms and no taller than 35 cm. Remembering that dogs would have to "show off" on the pages of newspapers, they selected "objects" prettier, slimmer and with smart faces.(Slide 8) They were trained on a vibration stand, a centrifuge, in a pressure chamber: For space travel, a hermetic cabin was made, which was attached to the nose of the rocket.

The first dog start took place on July 22, 1951 - the mongrels Dezik and Gypsy withstood it successfully! Gypsy and Dezik climbed 110 km, then the cabin with them fell freely to a height of 7 km. At this mark, the parachute opened, and both "cosmonauts" landed safely. On that day, the fate of the manned astronaut was decided - living beings can fly on rockets! Most of all rejoiced Korolev(Slide 9) He stroked the animals, treated them to sausages, then put them in his car and took them "home" - to the enclosure where they lived. Alas, the second launch ended in failure: during the second test, Dezik and his partner Lisa died - the parachute did not open. For the entire period of experiments - until the spring of 1961, 29 rockets with animals were launched. In this case, 10 dogs died. Dogs died from depressurization of the cockpit, parachute system, malfunctions in the life support system.

But there were also funny cases. One evening, on the eve of the flight, the laboratory assistant took the mongrels, who were supposed to fly, for a walk. One of the dogs, Bold, has already been in space. As soon as the laboratory assistant unfastened the leash, the Bold ran away - apparently, he felt that he was about to fly again. No matter how they lured him, he did not go back. And then, instead of the Bold, they sent a mongrel of a suitable size into flight, washed it, cut the hair in places where sensors needed to be applied, and put it on a jumpsuit:(Slide 10) The launch went well, the animals returned alive and healthy. But Korolev immediately discovered a substitution. I had to tell you what happened the day before. Then the laboratory assistant reported that the cunning Bold had returned and was sleeping peacefully in his place.

Since 1952, they began to work out the flights of animals in spacesuits. The suit was made of rubberized fabric in the form of a bag with two closed sleeves for the front paws. A detachable helmet made of transparent plexiglass was attached to it. In addition, they developed an ejection cart, on which a tray with a dog was placed, as well as equipment.(Slide 10) This design was fired at high altitude from a falling cabin and descended by parachute.

At the beginning of 1956, a new task was set: to prepare a 30-day flight of two dogs. There were many problems: to create a new pressurized cabin, to develop an air regeneration system, to come up with a nutrient mixture and an automatic device for regular feeding of four-legged astronauts, to develop a "space toilet" for dogs. A special automatic conveyor was created for feeding. Once a day, from under the tray in which the dog lay, a new box filled with a pasty mixture was put forward on a tape - this was both food and drink.

After the first artificial Earth satellite was launched into orbit, the Chief Designer decided to send a dog on the second satellite. The second Soviet satellite was launched on November 3, 1957.(Slide 11) He carried on his board scientific equipment and a small island of life - a pressurized cabin with a dog.(Slide 12) It was clear that the dog would not return to Earth: there was no descent vehicle on the ship. Of the three candidates - their names were Albina, Laika and Mukha - they chose the calm and affectionate Laika. It was calculated that the dog would live on board for a week. It was for this period that supplies of food and oxygen were provided. And so that the animal does not suffer after the air runs out, the designers came up with a syringe with which a soporific injection will be made. But the dogs lived in weightlessness for only a few hours, the ship became very hot, and Laika died from the heat.(Slide 13)

It was sad to say goodbye to a beloved dog. It was especially hard for those who fed, walked with the dog and really became attached to it.

The Japanese used the image of our mongrel as a symbol of the year of the Dog. Postage stamps featuring Laika have been issued in many countries.(Slide 14)

The main year of "dog space" can be considered 1960.

The development of the launch vehicle and the Vostok spacecraft was in full swing. But not everything was smooth.

On July 28, a launch vehicle was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. She was supposed to launch a satellite ship into low Earth orbit, in which there were two dogs - Chanterelle and Chaika. Due to the failure of the first stage of the launch vehicle, the launch ended in failure. The dogs are dead.

On August 20, it was announced that the descent vehicle had made a soft landing and the dogs Belka and Strelka returned safely to earth.(Slide 16) But not only, 21 gray and 19 white mice flew.

Belka and Strelka were already real astronauts. What were the astronauts trained in?(Slide 17)

Dogs have passed all kinds of tests. They can stay in the cabin for quite a long time without moving, they can endure large overloads, vibrations. Animals are not afraid of rumors, they know how to sit in their experimental equipment, making it possible to record the biocurrents of the heart, muscles, brain, arterial pressure, the nature of breathing, etc.

On television they showed footage of the flight of Belka and Strelka. It was clearly visible how they tumbled in weightlessness. And, if Strelka was wary of everything, then Squirrel happily raged and even barked.

Belka and Strelka became everyone's favorites. They were taken to kindergartens, schools, orphanages. Journalists were given the opportunity to stroke the dogs, but they warned: no matter how they accidentally bitten them.

The scientist continued research and observation of dogs on Earth. It was necessary to find out whether the flight into space affected the genetics of the animal. The arrow twice brought healthy offspring, cute puppies, which everyone would dream of acquiring. But all the puppies were registered, and they were personally responsible for each.(Slide 18)

After the triumphant flight of Belka and Strelka, black stripes began to appear. On October 26, a rocket exploded on the launch pad and burned out. 92 people died in the fire. And 15 days before this tragedy, a secret decision was made on the flight of a man into space. The deadline was December 1960. Everything was ready for the flight of man into space. It remained to fulfill one condition: two ships with dogs must successfully fly into space.

Belka and Strelka completed their task. It was the turn of the Bee and the Mushka. On December 1, the ship launched. In total, the dogs stayed in orbit for a day. Everything went smoothly, but when they gave the command to return, there was a failure. Most likely the ship burned down.

The start of the man was postponed.(Slide 20)

On December 22, Zhemchuzhina and Zhulka took their place in the satellite ship. There's been an accident. The descent vehicle made an emergency landing in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Rats, insects, plants died, but the dogs remained alive. Academician Oleg Gazenko took Zhulka to herself, and she spent the rest of her life in the general's house.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev did not back down from his decision: two successful starts - and a man flies.

On March 9, 1961 Chernushka went into space. The dog had to make one revolution around the Earth and return - an accurate model of human flight. Everything went smoothly.

On March 25, 1961, Zvezdochka launched.(Slide 21) And she had to complete one revolution and land. The flight ended successfully. The dogs have done their job. They were not destined to rise into space again.(Slide 22)

There were 18 days left before manned space flight.

In memory of the deceased Laika, a granite column was erected in front of the Parisian Society for the Protection of Dogs in honor of all the animals who gave their lives in the name of science. Its top was crowned with a satellite looking up, from which Laika looked out.

Educator: A. Kraskovsky


Cosmonautics Day 2013

April 12, 2013 marks the 52nd anniversary of the flight of the first man into space. And our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin did it. The 108 minutes he spent in space paved the way for other space explorers. Behind short term since the first flight into space, man has visited the moon, explored almost all the planets of the solar system, but that first flight was the most difficult and dangerous. But confidence and optimism, the desire to conquer space overcame all obstacles.

Addressing all the inhabitants of the Earth before the start on April 12, 1961, Yuri Alekseevich said: “Dear friends, relatives and strangers, compatriots, people of all countries and continents!

In a few minutes, a mighty spaceship will take me to the distant expanses of the universe. What can I say to you in these last minutes before the start! My whole life seems to me now to be one wonderful moment. Everything that was lived, what was done before, was lived and done for the sake of this minute. the hour of the test, for which we had been preparing long and passionately, had come near. It is hardly worth talking about the feelings that I experienced when I was offered to make this first flight in history. Joy! No, it was not only joy. Pride! No, it was I was not only proud, I experienced great happiness, to be the first in space, to enter one on one in an unprecedented duel with nature - can one dream of more!

But after that, I thought about the colossal responsibility that fell on me. The first to accomplish what generations of people dreamed of, the first to pave the way for humanity into space. Am I happy going on a space flight! Of course, happy. Indeed, at all times and epochs, it was the highest happiness for people to participate in new discoveries ... "

In an hour or so, he will be the most famous person Earth, but the first orbit around the Earth of a spacecraft with a man on board was the merit of many, many people and, first of all, the general designer of spaceships, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. Let's look into history and see how space was conquered by man.

Korolev and Gagarin.

A man flying into space became necessary and long-awaited, and therefore dear and close long before he got a name. To give it a name, the efforts of many thousands of scientists, engineers and workers, unique designs, and transformations in many areas of state activity were necessary.

Space had to be discovered, as new continents were discovered, as the South and North Poles were discovered. It was a path to a great goal through great difficulties. To travel into space, you need a huge supply of energy. But first of all, it was necessary to find efficient and rational sources of energy and adapt to the fact that they have limited capacities. Then decide in relation to this series difficult problems to ensure the careful use of energy: to look for the optimal distribution of energy over the flight time (in the form of various design schemes of the rocket), to create light and strong structural materials, to ensure high accuracy of launching the rocket so as not to waste energy on correcting the trajectory.

The enormity of the task of flying into space quite coexisted with the idea of ​​using atomic energy, but such a path did not allow achieving results in the foreseeable future. The only way out seemed to be the creation of liquid rocket engines, but at first it was just another bold hypothesis. Although the fundamental principles for the development of liquid rocket engines were clear, the problem remained extremely difficult due to the lack of any prototypes and developed theory. Perhaps that is why all the efforts of the few researchers at that time focused on liquid rocket engines. Work on a liquid-propellant rocket engine was concentrated mainly in the Gas Dynamics Laboratory (GDL), where in the period only from 1930 to 1934, under the guidance of an engineer (now academician) c. P. Glushko studied about 50 design options for engines operating on various ones. The first successful experiments of F. A. Zander on the OR-1 laboratory facility and his project of the OR-2 liquid-propellant rocket engine served as the basis for the Central Council of Osoaviakhim to organize the Group for the Study of Jet Propulsion (GIRD). GIRD developed liquid rockets various types. The difficulties in this area can be judged by the numerous unsuccessful attempts of researchers to various countries. Only in the USSR, the USA and Germany it was possible in the pre-war YEAR! create experimental samples of liquid rockets.

The successes of the GDL and GIRD convinced of the prospects for the development of work on liquid-propellant rocket engines and liquid-propellant rockets and of the need to combine the efforts of researchers involved in these problems. So, in 1933, the Jet Research Institute (RNII) was created. Without all this, it would have been impossible to create rocket technology in the Soviet Union in a short time, the creation of the Vostok space launch vehicle under the leadership of S.P. Korolev and the birth of a Man flying into space. ...In the Moscow Higher Technical School, the active life position of the future Chief Designer was clearly manifested. S.P. Korolev was not limited to the curriculum and sought to cover everything that was related to aviation. He built gliders, entered and graduated from a pilot school, worked at an aircraft factory, developed an aircraft of his own design and presented it as a graduation project. The aircraft was built and tested in flight.

During this period, a character trait began to appear, which subsequently led S.P. Korolev to rocketry. This is the ability to move away from the template, to assert one's original point of view, to follow unbeaten paths. He was building Not just another glider, but a glider capable of performing aerobatics. The aircraft he designed also had an original design. The activity of life positions of S.P. Korolev turned into a new quality - he learned not only to act, not only to bring his plans to the end, but to invade the sphere of the unknown, to feel how something that seemed beyond anyone's strength becomes available. That is why S.P. Korolev came to rocket technology - to the place where such active and looking people, How is he.

For Sergei Pavlovich, space research was not just one of the possible areas of activity, but a dream that he carried through his whole life. The idea of ​​a liquid-propellant rocket was associated with him, one of the pioneers of rocket technology, primarily with flight into outer space. This was the beginning of theoretical cosmonautics in the works of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, and this became a task of paramount importance in all practical activities S. P. Koroleva.

In his report, read in 1947, Sergei Pavlovich noted:

"Tsiolkovsky considered the flight of a man beyond the limits of the earth's gravity as the main final task ... He elaborates in detail the questions of the life of future interplanetary travelers, considers a project to create artificial satellite Earth in the form of an intermediate interplanetary island or station, which must be created on the path of space flights. This is fantastic and amazingly grandiose even now, in our age of miracles, but we must admit that this is a scientific truth and a scientific forecast of the not so distant future. "These words reflected S.P. Korolev's deep conviction and, as subsequent events showed, became for him a program of concrete action.

For the first time in history, the first cosmic speed was achieved in 1957 with the help of the Sputnik launch vehicle, developed under the guidance of Academician S.P. Korolev. Academician V.P. Glushko was the chief designer of the engines of this rocket, and academician N.A. Pilyugin was the chief designer of control systems. It was this rocket that made it possible in the future to ensure the systematic exploration of outer space. It synthesizes the ideas of the pioneers of cosmonautics, everything that was done at the GDL, GIRD, RNII, it is built on the basis of elements, systems and assemblies that have been worked out and tested on numerous domestic missiles. The continuity and strict continuity of the development of astronautics was also manifested in the fact that a two-stage space rocket, with the help of which the first artificial Earth satellite was put into orbit, became the basis for the development of a three-stage spacecraft launch vehicle for manned space flight.

In the report of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences S.P. Korolev on scientific activity for 1954, we read words indicating the necessity and timeliness of work related to manned space flight: “At present, the creation of an artificial satellite of the Earth and rocket ship for human flights to high altitudes and for space exploration.

Recommending in his report to convene a conference in the autumn of 1955 to sum up the results of work on the study of the upper atmosphere, S.P. Korolev emphasized: “One of the most important proposals that needs to be discussed at the conference would be the proposal to create a laboratory rocket for lifting one two experimenters to altitudes up to 100 km with the refinement of a special system for the descent of the laboratory and its crew to Earth.

The conference took place in April 1956. S. P. Korolev delivered a detailed report. He again emphasized the need for work to ensure the flight of a man into space: “Speaking of the prospects, one cannot help but dwell on one of the most topical issues - the flight of a man in a rocket. At present, this task is becoming more and more real. It has long attracted the attention of all who worked in the field of rocket technology, and the flight of a man on a rocket is still one of the main tasks in the field of rocket technology... These are prospects, but the prospects are real and not so distant. directly related to the promising works mentioned above.

For all his romantic enthusiasm for the problems of studying outer space, S.P. Korolev was a sober and prudent organizer, he showed exceptional efficiency and firmness in the implementation of his plans. Having set himself the goal of carrying out space flight, he methodically and stubbornly paved the way for this idea. The effectiveness of S. P. Korolev's creative methods and scientific principles was most clearly manifested in the implementation of the space research program. It was during the development of spacecraft and ships that the firmness and courage of a royal character, enthusiasm and breadth of scientific outlook, the ability to see the relationship of problems, were most of all required, because in this area there was a frontier of human knowledge, beyond which the unknown began. To cross this frontier, it was necessary not only to solve many scientific, engineering and organizational problems, but also to overcome inertia in the idea of ​​space as a sphere far from our everyday concerns and practical interests.

S.P. Korolev led to believe in the need for a broad space exploration program, which ultimately led to the formation of a new industry for the development of space exploration tools. Such effectiveness of scientific and technical positions was largely determined by his great authority as the head of complex projects of rocket systems, the success that accompanied him, the ability to create a businesslike and creative environment in working on complex problems, and his willingness to take responsibility for the practical solution of complex problems associated with research. space. The main factors for the formation of cosmonautics as an independent scientific direction, as an industry were the purposefulness of S.P. Korolev in the implementation of the space program, his ability to assess the prospects of this area and design them today, the deep citizenship of his position, concern for the prestige of domestic science.

Sergei Pavlovich strove to start the program of manned space flight as soon as possible. When the practical opportunity arose to use for this purpose a rocket of limited power, allowing a short-term flight of a man in space along a ballistic trajectory, this option did not go unnoticed. In the proposals of 1954-1956, this particular option was meant - the flight of a man in a rocket. But in 1957, immediately after the successful flight of the first artificial Earth satellite, S.P. Korolev wrote:

"A special place in research, undoubtedly, is occupied by questions about the possibilities of carrying out human flight in outer space ... The best technical solution that would allow an unlimited wide deployment Scientific research in outer space, it would be the creation of a permanent, inhabited, that is, adapted for human life, interplanetary station in the form of an artificial satellite of the Earth. "It was enough to check the initial prerequisites for achieving space velocity by launching the first satellites, as S. P. Korolev directs to state planning authorities made their proposals, and the development of new designs that had no analogues in world practice was then carried out in an extremely short time.In particular, he proposed to carry out "the creation of the first satellites with a person based on the use of a ballistic return scheme ... Launches using three-stage rockets -carriers and operating time of 10 days. Performance of works 1958-1960".

In 1960, all participants in the work on the space program received a document compiled under the leadership of S. P. Korolev - "Basic provisions for the development of the Vostok spacecraft." The first phrase of this document - laconic, therefore especially expressive, and now historical - read : "The Vostok-V object is designed to carry out the first manned flights lasting up to one day." This meant a direct transition to a decisive stage. to each participant in the work: "The personal responsibility of the chief designers, plant directors and service managers is established for the quality of technical documentation, the correctness of design solutions, the maturity and reliability of structural elements, for the quality of manufacturing, assembly and testing.

Checklists are being developed for the assembly and testing operations of the product, indicating specific performers responsible for the quality of assembly and testing in accordance with the documentation for the launch vehicle or the Vostok-V object. The principle of personal responsibility permeated the entire process of creating and preparing for the launch of the launch vehicle and spacecraft. There was not a single loophole that allowed arbitrariness in the interpretation of the characteristics of individual elements or the results of prelaunch tests. Deviation from the accepted documents could be allowed only by one person - the Chief Designer: "... sheets of deviations from the technical documentation of the Chief Designer of the launch vehicle and the Vostok-V object are being introduced, approved personally by the Chief Designer ...".

And at the same time, the final decisions, with all the concentration of power in the hands of the Chief Designer, were a collective act, when each responsible participant could have his say as a volunteer going to a feat: "." conclusion on the admission of the launch vehicle and the Vostok-V object" for testing is given by a joint decision of the chief designers based on the results of assembly and comprehensive testing of the launch vehicle or the Vostok-V object.

At this difficult stage, after which the road to space became both straighter and wider, the Chief Designer S.P. Korolev and the Man flying into space, Yu.A. Gagarin, met. They could go through this stage only together - one by one the path was ordered for them here. The Chief Designer has a wealth of engineering experience behind him, the fame of the creator of many rocket and space structures, the results of the work of numerous teams that created advanced technology. With him was the authority of his closest associates, who served as a reliable support on the steepest turns of the difficult path, there was the support of the entire people, party and government. Behind the shoulders of the first cosmonaut - youth, flying skills, a sense of responsibility, a willingness to sacrifice oneself in the name of a great goal, and also a character - seeking, courageous and mature.

In childhood, Gagarin learned what a serious misfortune, a real feat and great happiness. He survived the German occupation, watched a downed red-star plane crash into a column of enemy vehicles, met the liberators. Such a test fell to the lot of many Soviet children, and Gagarin was among those whom this harsh truth of life made more mature, more active and independent in their actions and decisions. He wanted to study, but it was difficult for the family, and in order to help her, she needed working specialty. For admission to the factory school, one year of study was not enough. He achieved admission, however, to the foundry specialty, where others were reluctant, and later he always recalled with joy the hot heat of molten metal. Then, technical school and flying club. Here a vocation and a taste for a new business were born. He knew how to feel his need in life when he worked, when he studied, and when it was necessary to perform everyday military duties. In the flight school, where Yu. A. Gagarin entered after the army, he could not even allow failures in his studies, he became extremely demanding of himself and remained a kind and faithful comrade. "from spiritual generosity, devoid of striving for personal well-being. He does not agree to become an instructor after graduating from college and leaves for the flight unit in the North, where it is more difficult and interesting. He travels with his comrades and his wife Valya. And, finally, enrollment in the cosmonaut corps ... commissions, training and a house at the cosmodrome, where Gagarin spent the night before the start.

The launch vehicle "Vostok" reached cosmic speed, and the first person experienced what was previously inaccessible to anyone living on Earth and what was needed for space to become accessible to people from now on, Yuri Gagarin was raised above people living on Earth by the whole course of development science and technology, the greatness of the technical achievements of his people and remained as unattainable as his feat, the first flight into outer space, is unique. Putting on a spacesuit, hearing the sound of running engines and saying his famous "Let's go!", Yuri Gagarin ceased to be just one of the people, he became a man from a myth. Warm feelings were addressed to him for all the people of the country that raised him, he was seen as a messenger of peace and progress, he conveyed the truth about the Soviet people to the most remote corners of the Earth. His name is now associated with all the best that our people, our country is known for. He became the bearer of its history, its culture. This was his great civic mission.

He was expected everywhere, he was met by Prague and Sofia, Havana and Budapest, he was a guest of the Pugwash Conference and the Austrian workers, he was received at Buckingham Palace British Queen, two thousand correspondents recorded his interview in London. Each of his gestures, his smile, each of his words gained magical power, because behind them were real evidence of strength, intelligence and the human spirit, visible features of history. This honor, meetings, interviews, close and exacting attention to his every word and gesture were a continuation of his cosmic feat and an inevitable part of his glory, which he brought to the service of the Motherland with great dignity and tact. Before Gagarin's flight, the possibility of meaningful activity in space was only a scientific hypothesis. Numerous experiments have confirmed the reliability of the technical means that ensure the safe flight of man into space and return to Earth. It remained to solve the problem that required the direct participation of a person. A participant in a space flight was required to have special psychological stability, endurance, and self-confidence. These were essential conditions experiment to confirm a scientific hypothesis. Slides captions.

Methodical development of a lesson of physical culturefor students in grades 4-5

"Space Race"

lesson dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

Davydovo 2011



1. educational: study and repetition in a playful way of terms and concepts related to space;

2. educational: education of moral and volitional qualities, friendship, mutual assistance, healthy competition;

3. developing: development of speed qualities and agility.

Location: gym

Lesson time: 45 minutes

Sport equipment: table tennis balls and rackets, balls of different sizes

During the classes:

Construction, organizational moment, submission of a report, introductory part

Report: The crew, equaling, at attention, pay off in the order of numbers, alignment to the middle. Elena Viktorovna, the crew of _____ class in the amount of _____ people was built to participate in the space relay race. The report was submitted by _________.

Teacher: Hello, fellow future astronauts!

Students: Hello!

Teacher: Are you ready for difficult tests?

Students: yes

Teacher: Why do you think our lesson is about space?

Teacher: And who was the first to fly into space?

Pupils: Yuri Gagarin
Teacher: When was that?

Teacher: Right. And you know, in order to successfully carry out flights into outer space, a pilot, like an all-round athlete, must develop both endurance to prolonged stress and the ability to quickly restore strength. He must have a high reaction rate, combine the abilities of a sprinter and a stayer. All these qualities are achieved through systematic practice. All these qualities are well brought up in cycling, skiing, middle-distance running, gymnastics, acrobatics, sports games and mountaineering.

A certain system of physical training has been adopted for the training of cosmonauts. It consists of general physical training and special training.

Versatile general physical training and special training of pilots are provided by various means and various methodological techniques. Gymnastic exercises, games, swimming and diving, skiing, a number of track and field facilities are used, sport games and exercises on special equipment - a throw-up net, a rotating swing, a gymnastic wheel and other devices.

So, we start with a warm-up.

Main part

Endurance running warm-up: normal running at an average pace, running with knees up, running with a change of direction. Walking, breathing recovery. Movement on toes - reach for the stars, move on the heels, arms to the sides, back straight, keep balance, finish the movement with a normal step.

Calculation for the first or third, rebuilding in three lines.

Warm up on site.

Construction, calculation for two teams. The teams are ready, built for the relay race, the captain has been chosen.

The teacher gives each team a riddle.

First team - A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land
But he can do it
Make a fast ROCKET, right - that's what your team is called

The second team - Sparkling with a huge tail in the dark,

Rushing among bright stars in the void.

She is not a star, not a planet,

Mystery of the Universe - COMET, that's right, that's the name of your team

Teacher: Guys, what planets do you know? Right. What form are they? Yes, they are spherical. And what in the gym has the shape of a ball? That's right, the ball.

What do you think is the smallest planet?


As you can see in the picture, this is PLUTO.

We will also start our space relay race with the smallest table tennis balls.

1 stage of the competitionwith rackets and table tennis balls

- carry the racket while maintaining balance, go around the flag and return as well;

- hit a tennis ball in motion, go around the flag, return also

There is a special pipe

In it the universe is visible,

See the stars in a kaleidoscope

Astronomers at … TELESCOPE

Stars in the dark sky at night.

Knows everything

Stars in the sky...

Well done, now look, what are the next largest planets, a little larger than Pluto?

Pupils: Mercury and Mars

Teacher: That's right, and for the next stage we take bigger balls

Stage 2 competition with tennis balls

- the captain stands opposite the team at a distance of 5 meters, the team members roll the ball across the floor to the participant opposite and run to his side, a cycle is obtained. At the beginning of the game, the ball is in the hands of the second player of the team.

- Run with the ball to the line, get into the circle drawn on the wall, catch the ball, go back.

Announcement of the winners of this stage.

The teacher gives one riddle to each team:

Astronomer - he is a stargazer
Knows everything!
Only better stars are visible
The sky is full ... MOON

At rockets have a driver,
Weightlessness lover.
English: astronaut
And in Russian ... COSMONAUT

Well done, now look at the next largest planets, slightly larger than Mercury and Mars

Pupils: Venus and Earth

Teacher: That's right, and we take more balls with you

3rd stage of the competition with volleyballs

- the whole team raises their hands and passes the ball from the first player to the last, after which the latter runs forward and the game continues.

- the whole team leans forward, puts their hands down and passes the ball from the first player to the last, after which the latter runs forward and the game continues.

Announcement of the winners of this stage.

The teacher gives one riddle to each team:

Astronaut sitting in a rocket
Cursing everything in the world -
In orbit as luck would have it
Appeared ... UFO

UFO flies to neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda
It howls like a wolf from boredom
Evil green … HUMANOID

Right, so which planets are bigger than Earth and Venus, but not the biggest?

That's right, Uranus and Neptune, we choose bigger balls.

Stage 4 of the competition with soccer balls

- driving a soccer ball, go around the chips and return;

- bringing the ball to the line, try to score a goal into an empty net

Announcement of the winners of this stage.

The teacher gives one riddle to each team:

Shard from the planet

Among the stars rushes somewhere.

He flies for many years, flies,


There is a special spacecraft,

It sends signals to Earth to everyone.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler

An artificial one flies in orbit ... SPUTNIK

Well done, now name me the giant planets

That's right, Jupiter and Saturn and we take the biggest balls

Stage 5 of the competition with basketballs

- dribbling the ball with one hand, reach the line, hit the ball against the wall with a throw from the chest and return with the ball;

- dribbling the ball with one hand, reach the line, throw the ball into the basket (must hit) and return with the ball;

Final part

Well done. On this, our "Space Relay Race" came to an end. Summarizing.

General formation in one line.

So, today we repeated a lot, learned something new, competed well, and now, in order to consolidate knowledge, I propose a blitz survey:

- Who was the first astronaut?

- Who was the first to be launched into space?

- What is the name of the first female cosmonaut? Valentina Tereshkova

- Who was the first to go into outer space? Cosmonaut Leonov

- How many planets are in the solar system? 9

- What is the smallest planet s / s? Pluto

- What is the largest planet with / with? Jupiter


The lesson is over.


To arm the eye
And make friends with the stars
Milky way to see
Need a powerful...
Telescope hundreds of years
Studying the life of the planets.
Will tell us everything
smart uncle...
Astronomer - he is an astrologer,
Knows everything!
Only better stars are visible
The sky is full...
A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land
But he can do it
Make a quick...
The rocket has a driver
Weightlessness lover.
English: astronaut
And in Russian …
Astronaut sits in a rocket
Cursing everything in the world -
In orbit as luck would have it
UFO flies to a neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda
It howls like a wolf from boredom
Evil green...
The humanoid has strayed off course
Lost in three planets
If star map There is not,
Speed ​​doesn't help...
Light flies the fastest
Kilometers are not counted.
The Sun gives life to the planets
We are warm, tails are ...
The comet circled around
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space -
This is black…
Darkness in black holes
Something black is busy.
There he completed his flight
Starship - steel bird,
He travels faster than light.
Learns in practice
And the galaxies fly
Loose as they want.
Very hefty
This whole universe!

1. The very first in space

Flying at great speed

Brave Russian boy

Our astronaut...


2. By airship,

Cosmic, obedient,

We, overtaking the wind,

We're heading to...

3. There is a special pipe,

In it the universe is visible,

See the stars in a kaleidoscope

Astronomers in...

Stars in the dark sky at night.

Knows everything

Stars in the sky...


5. Sparkling with a huge tail in the dark,

Rushing among the bright stars in the void.

She is not a star, not a planet,

Mystery of the universe...

6. Shard from the planet

Among the stars rushes somewhere.

He flies for many years, flies,



7. There is a special spacecraft,

It sends signals to Earth to everyone.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler

Flies in orbit artificial ...


8. Lights the way at night,

The stars won't sleep.

Let everyone sleep, she can't sleep

In the sky shines for us ...

9. The planet is blue,

Beloved, dear,

She is yours, she is mine

And it's called...

10. The ocean is bottomless, the ocean is endless,

Airless, dark and extraordinary,

Universes, stars and comets live in it,

There are also habitable planets.
