I'm looking for the person who wrote the statement. Sergey DovlatovLooking for a man (collection)

204.Who owns the words “I know that I know nothing”:+ Socrates

205.Who considered fire to be the first principle of all things:+ Heraclitus

206.Who introduced the dialogical method of finding truth: + Socrates

207.Who owns the expression “I am looking for a man!”: + Diogenes of Sinope

209.Who developed the inductive method of cognition?+ F. Bacon

210.Who introduced the concepts of “being” and “non-being” into philosophy: + Parmenides

211.Who gave the primary foundations for the law of unity and struggle of opposites: + Heraclitus

212.Who believed that the origin of the world was air: + Anaximenes

213.Who was the first to formulate the dialectical principles of the development of the world: + Heraclitus

215.What is the name of the doctrine of self-organization of matter? + synergetics

216. A major developer of synergetics was a Russian and then a Belgian scientist: + I. Prigozhin

217.Who considered water to be the first principle: + Thales

218.Who owns the idea of ​​the identity of being and thinking: + Parmenides

219. To whom do the words “I know that I know nothing” belong:+ To Socrates

220.Who considered fire to be the first principle of all things:+ Heraclitus

221.Who introduced the dialogical method of finding truth: + Socrates

222.Who owns the expression “I am looking for a man!”: + Diogenes of Sinope

223.Who introduced the concept of “Nus” (Mind) into philosophy: + Anaxagoras

225.What concept can be attributed to this definition: "Emotional perception of reality" attitude

Which historical type of worldview attempts to explain the world on the basis of reason and knowledge? philosophy

What is the name of the method based on the arbitrary combination of disparate facts, concepts, concepts? eclecticism

What is the name of the method opposite to dialectics?) metaphysics

What is the name of the method and direction in cognition, according to which experience is the basis of the cognitive process and knowledge? empiricism

What method was characteristic of medieval theological philosophy? dogmatism

What is the name of the method of philosophical research in which things and phenomena are examined flexibly, critically, consistently, taking into account their internal contradictions, changes, and development? dialectics

What is the name of the function of philosophy that is capable of predicting development trends based on existing philosophical knowledge about the surrounding world and man, achievements of knowledge? prognostic

What is the name of the philosophical method and direction in philosophy, by virtue of which true knowledge can be achieved only with the help of reason without the influence of sensations and experience? rationalism

Who first used the term “philosophy”? Plato

237. What were legalists called in China: c) legalists

238. Who owns the concept of pure faith, expressed in the aphorism: “I believe, because it is absurd”: b) K. Tertullian

240. Which philosopher glorified his name for the analysis of language: e) L. Wittgenstein

241. Which thinker belongs to the theory of archetypes: a) C. Jung

Which scientist considered the problem of the inconsistency of human existence? E. Fromm

Who in philosophy introduced the concept of a “borderline situation”, a representative of existentialism? K. Jaspers

Which philosopher put forward the mechanism of development: thesis-antithesis-synthesis? G. Hegel

Which of the listed thinkers belongs to the Kazakh educators) Abai Kunanbaev, Ch. Valikhanov, I. Altynsarin

Which of the Kazakh thinkers, following the Sufi direction of Islam, believed that knowledge is the basis of good?) Abai Kunanbaev.

Which thinker is of the opinion that the moral principles of a person should be love and justice? Abay Kunanbaev.

Which of the Kazakh thinkers, following the Sufi direction of Islam, believed that knowledge is the basis of good? Abay Kunanbaev.

Who in the East was called the “second teacher” after Aristotle? Al-Farabi

What was the nature of the main categories of space in Kazakh philosophy? Sacred-symbolic.

Which of the Russian idealist philosophers developed the principle of unity? Soloviev.

Who was called the “second teacher” in Arab-Muslim philosophy? Al-Farabi

Which of the following definitions most corresponds to the teachings of A. Schopenhauer? Voluntarism.

255. Philosophy should be more strictly subject to the scientific requirements that have developed in the natural and mathematical sciences, it was believed:
B) Neo-positivists

Chinese philosopher, from the school of “service people”: Confucius.

258. Kazakh educators in the 19th century believed that in order for the Kazakh people to achieve historical progress as quickly as possible and emerge from medieval torpor in the most short time, needed: E) Help from Russia

Which direction of medieval Arab-Muslim philosophy offers a mystical path to understanding God? B) Sufism.

Kant denies the possibility of knowledge of: A) “Things in themselves”

What are the functions in scientific knowledge Does the theory work? C) All functions taken together are performed by theory.

263.Which philosopher is a representative of voluntarism?
B) A. Schopenhauer.

Who introduced the concept of “paradigm” into scientific use? D) T. Kuhn

265. Which of the following categories are aesthetic: sublime and base, beautiful and ugly

What is the transition from the particular to the general called? Induction.

Largest representative Eastern Aristotelianism Al Farabi

Which of the Renaissance philosophers considered the goal of reason to be penetration into the depth of phenomena and patterns of nature, knowledge of its divinity? A) Cusanian.

270.Which of the mentioned mentalities is directly related to the cult of scientific and technological progress?
E) Scientism.

271.What is the name of the view according to which man is the center of the universe and the chain of events taking place in the world... (anthropocentrism)

272. What is the name of a worldview that gives all priorities to cultural and civilizational factors... (sociocentrism)

273.What is the name of a worldview that indicates the determining, determining influence of the cosmos... (cosmocentrism)

274.What is the name of the worldview position in which philosophical reflection begins with the comprehension of nature... (nature-centrism)

275.What is the name of the term meaning liberation from religion and church institutions... (secularization)

276.What is the name of the term meaning the mind of the cosmos, or cosmic mind... (theocosmism)

277.What is the name of the work of the English historian A. Toynbee, which lays down his concept of the history and culture of mankind... (comprehension of history)

278.What is the name of the doctrine of self-organization of matter... (synergetics)

279.What were the lawyers called in China...(legists)

280.Which philosopher introduced the famous image of Man - the “thinking reed”, which speaks of the defenselessness of this weak creature... (Pascal)

281.Which thinker uses the concept of “partial man” - an obedient performer of the social role prescribed to him... (Marx)

282.What approach to the concept (category) “matter” asserts that matter is the basis of being... (materialistic approach)

283. Which approach to the concept of “matter” considers that the concept of “matter” is false... (positivist approach)

284.Which term means the ultimate goal of all human endeavors, liberation in the philosophy of Buddha...(nirvana)

285.What term means a personal code of values ​​and view of the world that determines and initiates personal behavior and brings the joy of being oneself... (ecosophy)

286.Which philosopher put forward the mechanism of development: thesis-synthesis... (Hegel)

287.Which philosopher understands man as a being in which the unconscious dominates the conscious... (S. Freud)

288.What form of being is being, which includes the being of a person in society and the being of society itself... (social being)

289.What form of being is being that really exists regardless of the consciousness of the one who observes from the outside... (noumenal being)

290.What form of being is apparent being, that is, being as the cognizing subject sees it... (phenomenal being)

291.What form of being is the existence of the ideal as an independent reality... (ideal being)

292.What form of being is the existence of material bodies, things, natural phenomena, the environment. world...(material existence)

293.What form of existence is the existence of man as a unity of material and spiritual... (human existence)

© S. Dovlatov (heirs), 2017

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* * *

Looking for a man

Four years later, journalist Agapova’s face will bear a deep scar from being hit by a metal bar. The self-taught architect Degtyarenko, the hero of the journalistic radio program “Clarity”, which was never broadcast, will rush at her with a mad scream. Six weeks before this ugly scene, the journalist will be told for the first time about the Mobile Cooperato project and its brilliant creator, a laborer in one of the Tallinn factories. Agapova will write an essay under the heading “Meeting with an interesting person.” The technical department will request drawings. Expert Chubarov will hold two dirty, fluttering tracing papers in his sleek hands for a minute and speak as follows:

- Original! Very original!

The journalist will exclaim with relief and pride:

– He has a four-year education!

- And you? – the expert will ask disgustedly. – Do you know what this is?

– Mobile Cooperato. Mobile home. Home of the future...

“This is a carriage,” Chubarov will interrupt her, “an ordinary carriage.” And your Le Corbusier needs to be hospitalized urgently...

The transfer will be immediately rejected. Degtyarenko was hopeful that he would hit Lida on the head with a metal rod. The career of a freelance employee of Tallinn Radio will be interrupted for a long time... All this will happen four years later. In the meantime, we follow her to the tram stop.

Before this it was a cloudy morning, even earlier it was night. A sleepy dove wandered along the cornice, scratching the tin. Then - the alarm clock, cold slippers, crowds near the restroom, tea, warped wet cheese, the buzz of an electric razor - the husband is in a hurry to go to work. Daughter: “I think I asked you not to touch my robe!”... And finally - the coolness of the indifferent streets, the wind, zinc puddles, lap dogs in the park, the rumble of the tram...

I'll try to draw her. Although Agapova’s appearance is not significant.

Imported rubber boots. A heavy brown skirt does not emphasize the stride. The synthetic jacket with a zipper rustles. Cap with a blue top - uniform - of the Tallinn Polytechnic. A determined face, always chilled. No traces of makeup. A missing tooth at the edge of a smile. Only the eyes are surprised, the eyebrows are motionless, like a finish line...

Let's follow our heroine. Tram station…

“...Look how well the young girls dress. The coat is a waste coat, not ours. Instead of buttons, there are some fir cones... But it looks... Or this one, in overalls... Cornflowers on the butt... A proud gait, like Lollobrigida's... And in the summer I once saw her barefoot... Not drunk, deliberately barefoot... In the center of the city... Walking, appears... So with me, it would seem, everything is imported, from people's democracy. But there is no kind... And where do they get it? Do they hang out with foreigners? Shame!.. But it looks...”

The doors of the tram opened with effort. A short painful assault. Her path was blocked by a wide army back. With my cheek against the fluffy, suffocating fabric... I grabbed the handrail. Life flashed in a nickel-plated pipe...

- Don’t drop a penny...

Lida is balancing over a metal cash register.

- Come on in, she’s standing there like a stepchild...

The main thing is not to get irritated and treat it with humor. Rush hour is a common occurrence. The main thing here is to find a source of positive emotions. Over there they gave up their place to the grandmother. The student flips through his notes. Even a military man has a decent face...

And again - the street, cars, people, the pleasant, exciting indifference of people and cars. Then - the lobby, a wide marble staircase, carpet runners frayed on the folds... A sign - “Propaganda Department”.

Lida knocked and entered. Everyone was extremely happy about her. Kuleshov said another vulgarity. Verochka Kotova smiled without raising her eyes. Zhenya Tyurin helped me undress. Moralevich asked:

– Did you listen on Thursday? Yurna himself is pleased with you.

- Is it true?!

Valya Chmutov, a chronic loser, also smoked right there. Chmutov was an actor. He had a natural gift - a beautiful low voice of amazing timbre. Worked as an announcer. Six months ago, a tragic story happened to him. Chmutov was supposed to open the program early in the morning, which was broadcast directly. Say just a few words: “Dear radio listeners! The weekly program “Hello, comrade!” is on air.” That's all. Next comes music and recording. Chmutov receives his eleven rubles.

Chmutov entered the control room. Sat down. He moved the microphone. I mentally repeated the text. He turned up the cuffs so that the cufflinks wouldn’t rattle on the table. I waited for the “Ether” light to light up. My soul was sad after yesterday. The light didn't light up.

– Dear radio listeners! – Chmutov said thoughtfully.

The tongue, burnt by port wine, tossed and turned heavily. The light didn't light up.

“Dear radio listeners,” Chmutov repeated again, “oh, abomination... Dear radio listeners... Yes, I shouldn’t have gotten worked up yesterday...

The light didn't light up. As it turned out, it burned out... This happens once every hundred years...

“There’s a weekly program on the air,” Chmutov was rehearsing, “well, fuck, that’s it, I’m calling it a day...

The editor's distorted face flashed behind the glass. Chmutov froze. The door swung open. The reluctant announcer was thrown onto the stairs. His hangover spells spread throughout the world. The actor was fired... The story does not end.

Chmutov left for Pskov. He became a radio announcer. The local radio broadcast was conducted every day for an hour and a half. The rest of the time was occupied by Moscow and Leningrad. Chmutov was blissful. He was valued as a metropolitan master.

One day he was broadcasting. Suddenly the door creaked. A big brown dog came in. (Whose? Where from?) Chmutov stroked her carefully. The dog flattened his ears and closed his eyes. Her nose shone like a tiny boxing glove.

“The village workers are reporting,” said Chmutov.

And then the dog suddenly barked. Maybe out of happiness. Apparently she was not spoiled with affection.

– The village workers are reporting... Woof! Woof! Woof!

Chmutov was fired again. Now forever and everywhere. When he told about the dog, they didn’t believe him. They decided that he himself barked from a hangover.

Chmutov left for Leningrad. I sat on the radio all day. I was waiting in the wings...

Everyone avoids losers. Lida smiled at him.

Agapova worked in the propaganda department for a long time. Everyone loved her. And now the head, Nina Ignatievna, nodded affectionately to her:

- Lidochka, come to me.

There is silence in the office, a polished table, countless fountain pens. In the cabinets behind the glass, souvenirs and encyclopedia spines flicker. In Nina Ignatievna’s desk there is lipstick, a mirror and mascara. And in general it’s nice to see an interesting young woman in such a serious office...

– Lidochka, I want to offer you a new section. "Meeting an interesting person." And not necessarily with a scientist or astronaut. The range here is extremely wide. An honorable hobby, an unexpected hobby, some touch in your biography. Let's say a modest nomenklatura chief accountant secretly... I don't know... anything... doesn't come to mind... Let's say he secretly...

“Molesting minors,” Lida suggested.

– I meant something else. Let's say he secretly...

– Studying Sanskrit...

- Something like that. Only more significant in socially. Let’s say a policeman is helping someone find a loved one...

– There is a movie on this topic.

– I can’t offer you anything specific. We need to think about this. Here, for example. The filming of “A Lonely Woman” took place at the Kalev factory. Remember, with the artist Doronina. So, the boy who participated in the filming turned into the head of one of the workshops.

“I like this topic,” said Lida, “I feel it.”

– This topic has already been used by Arvid Kiisk. I say - in principle. We need to come up with something of our own. Let's say an old general goes into surgery. And he recognizes his former orderly in the surgeon...

- What's your last name? – asked Lida.

-What is the name of this general? Or an orderly?

– I’m speaking conditionally... The main thing here is surprise, mystery, chance... Multifaceted life... Outside is one thing, inside is different...

“This is true for many,” Lida sighed.

“In short, act,” said Nina Ignatievna, barely noticeably irritated.

Lidochka left the office.

Interesting people surrounded her since childhood. My father knew Ehrenburg. The art teacher at school was known as an unrecognized genius. Then a bandit courted her and even wrote poetry. The institute professors surprised us with their eccentricities. One of them always had his fly unzipped. Her husband was an interesting person: a senior economist, but he writes with errors. The daughter seemed mysterious - she was always silent. And recently, to such an extent that Lida wondered if she was pregnant... They called Monter from the house management, it turns out - he was almost imprisoned for murder. In short, all people are interesting, if you look at it...

By education, Lidochka was a hygienist. I started looking through my former classmates. Pavinsky, Rozhin, Yankelevich, Feofanov... Mishchenko, it seems, was involved in sports. Levin went into science... Levin, Borka Levin, professor, clever, doctor of sciences... They say he was in France...

Agapova took out a notepad and wrote down on a blank page – Levin.

I started looking through my husband’s friends. Also, of course, interesting people. Economists. Kalinin, for example, argues that unemployment is a stimulus for progress. Otherwise everyone knows that they will not be fired. And if they fire you, it doesn’t matter. He will cross the road and get a job at a neighboring factory. That is, you can skip, abuse... Kalinin is unlikely to suit. Too progressive... But Merkin is the same. He is asked what can dramatically boost our economy? The answer is war. War, and only war. War is discipline, a rise in consciousness. The war will write off any shortcomings... I think that Merkin won’t do either... But the other day a philologist came with a journalist friend... Or even, it seems, a translator. He served, he says, as a supervisor in convoy units... He told terrible stories... The non-Russian surname is Alikhanov. Undoubtedly an interesting person...

So Alikhanov appeared next to Levin in the notebook.

I wish I could find a third candidate. And then Lida remembered that a relative from Porkhov was staying with the neighbors. Or an acquaintance. Milka Osinskaya was saying something in the yard. His fate is somehow mysterious. Either he was repressed, or vice versa... A boss from the provinces is interesting. This can be turned in some original way. “There is no geographical province, there is a spiritual province...”

So a question mark appeared next to Alikhanov and Levin. And in parentheses - a relative of Milka O.

You can also leave a well-read house law in reserve. I was interested in Simenon. But Lida has a conflict with him over the always overflowing garbage cans... Okay... We need to get down to business!..

- Goodbye, Verochka, boys!

- Agapova, don’t disappear!..

I called Borka Levin at the clinic. I found out, was delighted, and agreed on an hour.

The former warden was at home.

“Come,” he said, “and if you can, buy three bottles of beer.” I will return the money immediately.

Lida went to a grocery store on Karya Street and bought beer. Houses in the area of ​​new buildings: from entrance to entrance - a kilometer...

Alikhanov met her on the threshold. He was a huge young man with a low forehead and a flabby chin. Something falsely Neapolitan twinkled in his eyes. He started some kind of awkward, illiterate exclamation and was unable to finish it:

- To what do I owe, Lidochka, that fair wind, to whom... to whom... Did you get beer? Smart girl. Take off your clothes. I'm a huge mess.

The room made a terrible impression. A sofa littered with papers and ashes. A table invisible under a pile of books. The black frame of a pre-war typewriter. Some kind of rusty scimitar on the wall. Unwashed dishes and purple sediment in the wine glasses. Dull blades of herrings on a piece of newsprint...

- Come here. It's more or less clean here.

The warden uncorked the beer.

“Yes, yours is colorful,” said Lida. “I’m a hygienist by training.”

– I was brought to a comrades’ court for unsanitary conditions.

- How did it end?

- Nothing. I gave up on the rebellious spirit. A poet, they say, a yogi, a Buddhist, I live in shit... Do you want a beer?

- I do not drink.

- Here's the money. Ruble eleven.

“What nonsense,” said Lida.

“No, sorry,” Alikhanov was loudly indignant.

Lida put a handful of change in her pocket. The warden deftly drank a bottle of beer from the neck.

“It’s become easier,” he said confidentially. Then he tried again, this time to master the cumbersome phrase by storm: “What do I owe, one might say, to that unexpected pleasure of which...

-Are you a philologist? – asked Agapova.

- More precisely, a linguist. I am dealing with the problem of phonemicity of the Russian “Ш”...

– Is there such a problem?

– One of the most pressing... Listen, what happened? To what do I owe the unexpected pleasure of seeing?..

The warden knocked back the second bottle.

– We are preparing a radio program “Meeting with an interesting person.” A hero with an original biography is needed. You are a philologist. More precisely, a linguist. Former warden. A person of a multifaceted life... Do you have a multifaceted life?

“Lately, yes,” the warden answered honestly.

– Tell us more about your philological research. Preferably in an accessible form.

– I’d better give you my abstract. I'm not thinking well. Somewhere here. I'll find now…

Alikhanov rushed towards the layers of paper.

“Another time,” Lida reassured. - We will obviously meet again. This is our preliminary conversation. I want to ask. You were a supervisor, is it dangerous, risky?

Alikhanov reluctantly thought about it.

- Of course, there was a risk. We drank a lot of vodka. They didn't disdain lotion. It reflects on the heart...

– I meant prisoners. After all, these are terrible people. Nothing sacred...

“People are like people,” said Alikhanov, uncorking the third bottle.

– I read a lot. This is a special world... Its own laws... Courage is required... Are you a courageous person?

Alikhanov was completely at a loss.

“Luba,” he said.

- Lida! – Alikhanov almost shouted. - I’ll get six rubles now. I have humane neighbors. Let's take half a jar and dry. I'm not thinking well.

- I do not drink. Are you a courageous person?

- Don't know. Previously, I could drink two liters. And now I’m crazy about seven hundred grams... Age...

- You do not understand. I need an original person, an interesting personality. You are a philologist, a sensitive individual. And before that they were a supervisor. We took risks every day. Mental subtlety very often accompanies physical roughness...

- When have I ever been rude to you?

- Not for me. You guarded the prisoners...

“We protected ourselves more.”

-Where did you get this scar? Please don't be modest...

“This is not a scar,” Alikhanov exclaimed, “this is a boil.” I combed... Excuse me...

– I still want to know what you experienced in the North? Figuratively speaking, what was the tundra silent about?

– What was the tundra silent about?

- Lida! – Alikhanov shouted wildly. - I can not do it anymore! I'm not fit for radio broadcast! I got drunk yesterday! I have debts and alimony! Deutsche Welle mentioned me! In some way I am a dissident! You will be fired... Let me go...

“It’s a pity,” she said, “the material is interesting.” Be healthy. I will call you. In the meantime, find your essay...

The warden stood exhausted and pale.

“Just a minute,” he said, “I’m going too.” I have humane neighbors...

On the site they parted. Lida walked downstairs. Alikhanov flew up to the fourth floor...

Levin hugged her and looked at her for a long time.

“Yes,” he said, “the years go by, the years go by...

-Are you old?

– How can I tell you... It has taken shape.

- And you are flabby. A shame. Is Galina at home?

- At a meeting at school. Our bully is growing... Getting fat, you say? My wife advises: “You should run in the morning.” And I answer: “If I run, I won’t come back...” Do you want some coffee? Take off your clothes...

“Only after you, doctor,” Lida remembered some old joke.

They went into the living room. Floor lamp with burnt lampshade. Foreign magazines on the windowsill.

“It’s good for you,” said Lida, “things are terrible in the new apartments.” Everything is polished, solid crystal...

“I have crystal too,” Levin boasted.

- At the pawnshop.

– Are you still working on carcinogens?

- Still.

- Tell.

- Just a minute, I’ll put the kettle on.

Levin is back. They started smoking.

– Have you been to France?

- Two weeks.

- So how is it?

- Fine.

- And more specifically?

– Hardworking people, reactionary bourgeoisie, economic crisis, impoverishment of the masses...

– You tell me like a human being. Do the French treat us well?

- The devil knows. Everyone is in a good mood.

– How about welfare? How do you like the French girls?

- Well-being is normal. The food was good. I had a third table. Wine, chicken, coffee, cream... The girls are wonderful. Or rather, it’s either ugly or beautiful. It's a matter of cosmetics, I guess. Cosmetics emphasize advantages and exaggerate disadvantages... They are held freely, directly. They have such white synthetic robes, a neckline...

- What do you mean - white coats? Did you work at the clinic?

- I did not work. I fell ill with dysentery in Nice. I walked for a day and fell ill.

– So, you practically haven’t seen France?

- Why? We had color TV.

- Bad luck to you.

- But I had a rest.

– Did you bring anything interesting? Souvenirs, rags?

“Listen,” Levin perked up, “I brought a unique thing.” Just treat it without hypocrisy. You're a doctor. I'll get it now. I’m hiding it from Vova.

- What do you mean?

- Lidka, I brought a dick. Rubber member of filigree work. By God. Where did he go? Apparently, Galka hid it...

- Why do you need this?

- What do you mean why? This is a work of art. I swear. And Galka likes it.

- How come the customs officers didn’t take it away?

“I didn’t drag it in my hands, I hid it.”

- Where? It's not a needle...

– I asked a lady from our laboratory. Women are searched less thoroughly. And they have more opportunities. Physiology is more... secluded...

- You're like a kid. Let's talk about business.

– I’ll bring coffee now.

Candy, waffles and lemon appeared on the table.

– Can you bring me condensed milk?

- No. Tell me.

- Tell me what? I do modeling chemical reactions. At one time he studied the carcinogenesis of asbestos dust...

– Tell me, can we cure cancer?

– Skin cancer – yes.

– What about stomach cancer, for example?

- Lidochka, there is complete chaos in this matter. A milligram of carcinogen kills a horse. Any adult has these same carcinogens on his finger – a herd can be poisoned. But I smoke and yet I am alive... Smoke, in turn, too... Don’t write it down. Cancer is a touchy subject. Your show will be banned.

- Don't think.

– What, I didn’t have anything to do with journalists?! See a therapist, they have grace. Social obligations are collected every month... Call your office and agree.

Agapova called Nina Ignatyevna. She got scared.

- Lidochka, cancer is too sad. Generates negative emotions. Associated with a well-known novel. We are waiting for something bright...

– Cancer is the number one problem.

- Lidochka, don’t be stubborn. There is an unspoken order.

“Well,” Lida sighed, “I’m sorry...

- Where are you going? – Levin was surprised. - Sit down.

– In general, I came to the point.

“We haven’t seen each other for seven years.” Jackdaw will come soon, let's have something to drink.

- Forgive me, I wouldn’t like to see her.

Levin was silent.

-Are you happy, Borya?

Levin took off his glasses. Now he looked like a repeat student.

- What happiness there! I live, I work. Galka, I agree, is a difficult person. There is something lifeless about her. Volodya is a boor, a well-read, developed boor. After all, I am a doctor of sciences, a professor. And he told me yesterday: “You have an inferiority complex...”

– But you are a scientist, you serve people. You should be proud...

- Come on, Lida. I serve Galina and this asshole.

-You're just out of shape.

Lida was already standing on the platform.

– Do you remember how we went to Novgorod? – Levin asked.

- Borya, shut up now. All goes to good. Well, I'm off.

And she went downstairs, opening her umbrella as she went. A click - and a mottled, slightly vibrating dome appeared above her head.

- How did we steal melons?! - he shouted into the flight of stairs...

By this time it was dark. Watercolor neon lights floated in the puddles. The pale faces of passers-by seemed detached. A light-filled tram came swaying around the bend. Lida sat down on a wooden bench. She folded her umbrella. Her tired face was reflected in the black glass opposite. She handed money to someone and they gave her a ticket. She slept the whole way and woke up with a headache. She walked towards the house slowly, stepping into puddles. Okay, I guessed to wear Czech rubber boots...

The Osinskys lived in the next entrance. Arkady is a coach and always jokes. On his chest, under his suede jacket, a stopwatch glints. Milka teaches chemistry somewhere.

The son is a mysterious person. He has been evading military service for six years. For six years he alternately feigns neuroses, stomach ulcers and chronic arthritis. Surpassed the legendary revolutionary Kamo. Over the years, I really became nervous, my stomach deteriorated and I acquired chronic arthritis. Concerning medical knowledge, then Igor has long left behind any local doctor. In addition, he understands jazz and speaks fluent English...

In general, he’s a pretty interesting person, but he doesn’t work...

Lida went up to the third floor. She suddenly wanted to go home uncontrollably. Dispelling this thought, she pressed the button. Milord barked dully.

“Come in,” Mila Osinskaya was delighted, “Igor is hanging around somewhere.” Arik at the training camp in Matsesta. Meet Vladimir Ivanovich.

A heavyset man of about sixty stood up to meet her. He extended his hand and identified himself. He poured the cognac with dignity. Mila turned on the TV.

- Do you want borscht?

- No. Oddly enough, I will drink.

“For all the good things,” Vladimir Ivanovich said friendly.

He was a broad-shouldered, healthy man in a beautiful thin jumper. The face of a moderate but regular drinker. This is how retired colonels are portrayed in movies. A strong forehead, ordinary light eyes, golden crowns.

They clinked glasses and drank.

“Well, talk,” said the hostess, “and I’ll go to the Vorobyovs for ten minutes.” Rita is knitting a sweater for me...

“I’m basically on business,” said Lida.

- At your service.

– We are preparing a radio program “Meeting with an interesting person.” Lyudmila Sergeevna told me something about you... And I thought... It seems to me that you are an interesting person...

“I’m a very ordinary person,” said Vladimir Ivanovich, “although I won’t hide the fact that I love my work and the team respects me...

- Where do you work? – Lida took out a notepad.

– There is a branch of “Red Dawn” in Porkhov. We create coordinate automatic telephone exchanges. The workshop is large, leading. Based on the results of the second quarter, we achieved serious success...

- Aren't you bored?

- Didn't understand.

– Isn’t it boring in the provinces?

“Our city is growing and improving. New House of Culture, stadium, residential areas... Have you written it down?

Vladimir Ivanovich tilted the bottle. Lida shook her head negatively. He drank. I caught the elusive pickled mushroom.

Lida, after waiting, continued:

– I think you can be a provincial in the capital and a capital resident in the tundra.

- Absolutely right.

– That is, the province is a spiritual phenomenon, not a geographical one.

- That's it. Moreover, we have good supplies: meat, fish, vegetables...

– Are the capital’s creative groups touring?

– Of course, right up to Magomayev.

Vladimir Ivanovich poured it again.

– You probably read a lot? – asked Lida.

- What could we do without it? I respect Simonov. Ananyev, military memoirs, of course - the classics: Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy... As you know, there were three of the latter... In my youth I wrote poetry...

- This is interesting.

- May God bless your memory. For example... Vladimir Ivanovich leaned back in his chair:

Everyone strives to be a hero with us,
We march together in formation,
In the name of Stalin we will cover the earth,
We will find happiness in battle...

Lida suppressed her disappointment.

– Is it difficult to be a shop manager?

– I’ll tell you straight – it’s not easy. There is both a production factor and a moral one... Plan, fluidity, microclimate, denial... And most importantly, the demanding people have come. He knows his rights. Give this, give that... No responsibilities, but damn rights... Eh, Stalin’s dad is gone... There was order, order... If you’re a minute late, you’ll be put on trial! And now... People are babbling, babbling... Satirists, you know, are all around... Eh, there’s no dad...

– So you approve of the cult of personality? – Agapova asked quietly.

– Cult, cult... There is and will be a cult... A personality is needed, you know, a personality!

Vladimir Ivanovich became excited and drunk. Now he was gesticulating, leaning over and waving his fork.

– I have not lived an easy life. Anything has happened. I fell low, I flew high... After all, between us, I was married...

- Why - between us? – Lida was surprised.

- Yakira? The same one?

- Well. We had a child. Boy...

- And where are they now?

- Don't know. Lost sight. In thirty-nine...

Vladimir Ivanovich fell silent and retreated into himself.

Lida waited for a long time, then, worried and blushing, she asked:

- What do you mean, you lost sight of it? How can you lose sight of your wife? How can you lose sight of your own child?

“It was a harsh time, Lidochka, a stormy, harsh time.” Families were collapsing, centuries-old foundations were crumbling...

– What does this have to do with centuries-old foundations?! – Lida suddenly shouted. - I'm not small. And I know everything. Yakir was arrested, and you vilely abandoned your wife and child. You... You... You are an uninteresting person!

“I would ask,” said Vladimir Ivanovich, “I would ask... Such words are not thrown around...

And then more peacefully:

- Behave more modestly, Lidochka, more modestly, more modestly...

My lord raised his head.

Lida was no longer listening. She jumped up, tore off her jacket in the hallway and slammed the door.

The stairs were quiet and cold. An invisible cat flashed by like a shadow. The smell of fried fish was depressing.

Lida went downstairs and walked across the yard. The humid twilight hid behind garages and near garbage cans. The branches of the wretched square grew dark and creaked. A wooden horse was lying in the snow.

Lida looked into the mailbox and took out the Economic Newspaper. She got up and opened the door. The TV was humming in my husband's room. Tanino’s demi-season coat was red on the hanger. Lida undressed and threw her gloves on the mirror table.

A young man slipped into the restroom, barely saying hello. His dirty locks were tied with brown shoelace. Plush trousers fell like a train.

- Tatyana, who is this?

– Let’s say, Zhenya. We are engaged.

- Let's say German language. Do you have anything against it?

“Make sure he washes his hands,” said Lida.

- How you love to vulgarize everything! – the daughter said in a hateful whisper...

- Didn’t you wake me up?

“No,” I say, “it’s worse...

- You are not alone?

- One. With Marina...

-Can you talk seriously?

- Of course.

– Is there an interesting person in your sights?

- Eat. And he bows to you.

- Stop doing that. This is a very serious matter. I have to take the transfer on Thursday.

– Meeting an interesting person. Do you have a suitable candidate?

“Lida,” I pleaded, “you know my surroundings.” Total scum! Call Klensky, his father-in-law is disabled...

- I have a suggestion. Let's write a show together. You will earn fifteen rubles.

- I don’t use a tape recorder.

- I take it upon myself. I need your...

- Cynicism? – I suggested.

“Your professional experience,” Lida delicately formulated.

“Okay,” I said, to get rid of it, “I’ll call you tomorrow morning.” Or rather, today...

- Just be sure to call.

- I've told…

Here Marina could not stand it. She bit my finger.

“See you tomorrow,” I said (or rather, shouted) and hung up...

Lida opened the door to her husband’s room, filled with bluish light. Vadim was lying on the sofa in his boots.

– Can I finally have dinner? - he asked.

My daughter looked in:

- We are leaving.

Tanya had a gloomy face, on which a grimace of eternal confrontation was frozen.

- Come back quickly...

– Can I finally have some tea? – Vadim asked.

“By the way, I also work,” Lida answered.

And then, not allowing the quarrel to grow:

– Do you think Merkin is an interesting person?..


1. belonged to the ideological trend... (Westernism)

2. Absolute, universal, necessary moral law is called by I. Kant... (categorical imperative)

34. The American historian and philosopher, developing his model of the development of science, introduces the concept of “paradigm” - key to his concept... (Kun)

35. Arabo - Spanish philosopher, representative of Eastern Peripatetism... (Ibn Rushd?)

36. Aristotle developed the basic laws... (logic)

37. The aphorism “Man is the measure of all things” belongs to... (Protagoras)

38. B Ancient Greece the art of conducting a conversation in order to identify concepts is one of the forms... (dialectics)

39. In Western medieval philosophy, the central issue of religious and philosophical consideration was... (God)

40. In Indian philosophy, “The Middle Way” is the main idea... (Buddhism)

41. In Indian philosophy, entering a state of contemplation... (meditation)

42. In Indian philosophy, the law of moral retribution... (karma)

43. In Indian philosophy, the concept meaning the “wheel” of rebirths... (samsara)

44. In Indian philosophy, the concept of self-restraint... (asceticism)

45. In explaining human activity, which philosopher has the mechanical approach predominant... (Hobbes)

51. In the theory of knowledge, Feuerbach is... (sensualist)

52. What is the essence of human life according to Buddha... (suffering)

53. Leading principles in Confucianism: etiquette, philanthropy,… (duty)

54. The great Kazakh educator of the 19th century, traveler, ethnographer, orientalist... (Ch. Valikhanov)

55. The inner essence of a thing that will never be known by reason... (thing in itself)

56. Emerging from the social practice of people, their production, family, household and other activities, a set of feelings, moods, ideas, theories, artistic and religious images, various views, reflecting all the diversity of existence, is... (social consciousness)

57. Perception of the environment. the world through the prism of dogma... (dogmatism)

58. For the first time in philosophy, I considered the specificity of the knowing subject... (I. Kant)

59. For the first time the term “philosophy” was used... (Pythagoras)

60. Outstanding Muslim philosopher and theologian, representative of Sufism... (al-Ghazali)

61. The expression “Knowledge is power” belongs to... (to F. Bacon)

62. Highest level and a type of worldview characterized by rationality, systematicity, logic and theoretical design... (philosophy)

63. Main thesis this Philosopher – “Human life is absurd”... (A. Camus)

64. Feuerbach’s humanism was built on the principle of liberating man from forms... (alienation)

65. Humanists argued... (“The great miracle is man”)

66. Which philosopher is characterized by an understanding of man as a manifestation of social relations... (Marx)

67. Which philosopher is characterized by an understanding of man as a strong-willed and passionate being... (Nietzsche)

68. Which philosopher is characterized by the understanding of man as a being whose border, his true... is language... (Wittgenstein)

69. Which philosopher is characterized by an understanding of man as a being mastering the world in relation to the phenomenological work of consciousness... (Guserl)

70. Which philosopher is characterized by: the ideal of goodness – an absolute moral law; The main virtue of a person is rationality, freedom... (Kant)

71. Which philosopher is characterized by: the ideal of goodness is a superman; The basic virtue of man is the will to power... (Nietzsche)

72. Which philosopher is characterized by: the ideal of goodness - a society without exploitation; The fundamental virtue of man is devotion to the cause of the proletariat... (Marx)

73. Dogmatization of the teachings of the “church fathers” who affirmed incompatibility religious faith with ancient philosophy... (patristics)

74. Life is the movement of members, the heart is a spring, nerves are threads, and joints are wheels that communicate the movement... of the human body... (Hobbes)

75. The law of dialectics, according to which everything that exists consists of opposite principles, which, being united by nature, are in struggle and contradict each other... (law of unity and struggle of opposites)

76. The law of dialectics, according to which the new always denies the old... (law of negation of negation)

77. The law of human existence in Indian philosophy is expressed in terms of... (karma, samsara)

78. Defense and justification of Christian doctrine with the help of arguments addressed to reason... (apologenetics)

79. The idea of ​​creation, based on the Christian dogma of the creation of the world by God out of nothing... (creationism)

80. From the list above, select characteristic feature philosophical works of K. Marx... (sociocentrism)

81. History and culture of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome… (antiquity)

82. What is the name of the view according to which man is the center of the universe and the chain of events taking place in the world... (anthropocentrism)

83. What is the name of a worldview that gives all priorities to cultural and civilizational factors... (sociocentrism)

84. What is the name of a worldview that indicates the determining, determining influence of the cosmos... (cosmocentrism)

85. What is the name of the worldview position in which philosophical reflection begins with comprehension of nature... (nature-centrism)

86. What is the name of the term meaning liberation from religion and church institutions... (secularization)

87. What is the name of the term meaning the mind of the cosmos, or cosmic mind... (theocosmism)

88. What is the name of the work of the English historian A. Toynbee, in which his concept of the history and culture of mankind is assigned... (comprehension of history)

89. What is the name of the doctrine of self-organization of matter... (synergetics)

90. What were the lawyers called in China... (legists)

91. Which philosopher introduced the famous image of Man - the “thinking reed”, which speaks of the defenselessness of this weak creature... (Pascal)

92. Which thinker uses the concept of “partial man” - an obedient performer of the social role prescribed to him... (Marx)

93. What approach to the concept (category) “matter” asserts that matter is the basis of being... (materialistic approach)

94. Which approach to the concept of “matter” considers that the concept of “matter” is false... (positivist approach)

95. Which term means the ultimate goal of all human endeavor, liberation in the philosophy of Buddha... (nirvana)

96. What term means a personal code of values ​​and view of the world that determines and initiates personal behavior and brings joy to being oneself... (ecosophy)

97. Which philosopher put forward the mechanism of development: thesis-synthesis... (Hegel)

98. Which philosopher understands man as a being in which the unconscious dominates the conscious... (S. Freud)

99. What form of being is being, which includes the existence of a person in society and the existence of society itself... (social being)

100.What form of being is being that really exists regardless of the consciousness of the one who observes from the outside... (noumenal being)

101.What form of being is apparent being, that is, being as the cognizing subject sees it... (phenomenal being)

102.What form of being is the existence of the ideal as an independent reality... (ideal existence)

103.What form of being is the existence of material bodies, things, natural phenomena, the environment. peace... (material existence)

104.What form of being is the existence of man as a unity of material and spiritual... (human existence)

105.Which philosophical direction is of main philosophical interest in the “work” of consciousness by phenomena? (phenomenology)

106.Which French philosopher does the following statement belong to? “Human nature is to move forward all the time...” (Pascal)

108. Book of Mahmud Kashgari... (“Diuani – lugat – at – Turk”)

109.Who in the East was called the “second teacher” after Aristotle... (al-Farabi)

110.Which of the ancient thinkers belonged to the concept of “ethnic rationalism” and what idea did it reflect... (Socrates, the idea of ​​the connection between knowledge and virtue)

111.Which thinker belongs to the theory of archetypes... (Jung)

112.Which philosopher owns the term “futuroshock”, which characterizes a meeting with the society of the future... (Toffler)

113.Who owns the words “I know that I know nothing”... (to Socrates)

114.Who owns the expression “I’m looking for a person!”... (Diogenes of Sinope)

115.Who owns the idea of ​​the identity of being and thinking... (Parmenides)

116.Who owns the concept of pure faith, expressed in the aphorism: “I believe, because it is absurd”... (K. Tertullian)

117.Crisis Western world and society was analyzed in detail by the Spanish philosopher J. Ortega - and - ... in his famous book ... (revolt of the masses)

118. The largest representative of Eastern Aristotelianism... (al-Farabi)

119. A major Russian and Soviet scientist and cosmist philosopher... ()

120. A major developer of synergetics was a Russian and then a Belgian scientist... (I. Prigogine)

126. Who was an outstanding figure of Kazakh education, an innovative teacher and writer... (I. Altynsarin)

127.Who introduced the concept of “being” and “non-existence” into philosophy... (Parmenides)

128.Who introduced the concept of “Nus” (Mind) into philosophy... (Anaxagoras)

129.Who introduced the dialogical method of finding truth... (Socrates)

130.Who put forward the law of dual evolution - intellectual and technical... (O. Comte)

131.Who gave the primary foundations for the law of unity and struggle of opposites... (Heraclitus)

132.Which of the listed thinkers belongs to the Kazakh educators... (A. Kunanbaev, Ch. Valikhanov, I. Altynsarin)

133.Which of the Russian thinkers of the 19th century was the creator of the theory of cultural and historical types... (Dopilevsky)

134.Who was the first to formulate the dialectical principles of world development... (Heraclitus)

135.Who developed the inductive method of cognition... (F. Bacon)

136.Who considered water to be the origin... (Thales)

137.Who considered fire to be the origin of all things... (Heraclitus)

138.Who believed that the origin of the world was air... (Anaximenes)

139.Who believed that the origin of the world is the atom (Democritus)

140.Who believed that the origin of the world is apeiron (Anaximander)

141.Who argued about the unity of faith and science (philosophy)… (F. Aquinas)

142. called his social concept... (religious anarchosocialism)

143.L. Feuerbach saw the future as a universal brotherhood of people, which he called... (communism)

144.L. Feuerbach believed that the center of philosophy should be... (Human)

145.Matter as an independent reality does not exist at all, it is only a product of the subjective spirit... (subjective-idealistic approach)

146.Matter objectively exists as a product (of objectification) independently of all that exists, the primary ideal (absolute spirit)… (objective-idealistic approach)

147.The method of “Cartesian doubt” justified...
(R. Descartes)

148.The method of philosophical research opposite to dialectics... (metaphysics)

149. A method based on an arbitrary combination of disparate facts, concepts, concepts that do not have a single creative principle... (eclecticism)

150. A worldview that proclaims a supreme, supernatural being as the central and determining factor of the universe... (theocentrism)

151.The ideological foundation of the state ideology of medieval China was... (Teachings of Confucius)

152. Name the main philosophical school of ancient Chinese philosophy... (Taoism)

153.Name the main feature of Russian philosophy... (…)

154. Name which of the listed philosophers is the author of the theory of mass society... (Artego Igoset)

155. The earliest form of spiritual culture of humanity... (myth)

156.A direction in modern philosophy that explains the role of the unconscious... (psychoanalysis)

157.The direction of modern philosophy, which sees in personality the main achievement of earthly civilization, its main meaning and primary concern... (personalism)

159.The direction of neo-Freudianism is Marcusianism. Its founder is… (G. Marcuse)

160. An informal organization of scientists engaged in the study of global problems... (Club of Rome 1968)


161. Justification of a special way of life - without connection with society - is the main goal of the teaching... (cynics)

162. One of the founders of the “philosophy of life”... (Nietzsche)

163. One of the basic concepts of psychoanalysis... (libido)

164. The definition of what ontological category is given: a set of properties indicating what... a thing represents... (quality)

165. Determine what ontological category is given: a set of properties indicating the size of a thing... (quantity)

166. Determine what ontological category is given: a set of aspects, properties, characteristics of an object, phenomenon, process... (content)

167.Define the understanding of man characteristic of the philosophy of the Renaissance... (man is a creator, an artist)

168.Define the philosophical position of G. Hegel... (objective-idealistic and dialectics)

169. Determine the philosophical tradition to which the “wu-wei” principle belongs... (Taoism)

170.An orientation that insists that a person receives his meaning through the content of culture... (cultural centrism)

171. Liberation from the influence of the outside world through constant self-improvement is the main idea of ​​the school... (Stoics)

172.Founder of hermeneutics… (Heidegger?)

173.Founder of idealism in Ancient Greece… (Plato)

174. Founder of positivism... (O. Comte)

175.Founder of psychoanalysis... (S. Freud)

176.Founder of utopian socialism... (T. More)

177.Founder of the teachings of Taoism... (Lao Tzu)

178.Founder of Freudo-Marxism… (W. Reich)

179.Founder of existentialism, Danish philosopher... (S. Kierkegaard)

180.The main interest for this philosopher is the concept of social labor, criticism of capitalism... (Marx)

181.The main subject of study of social philosophy… (society)

182. The basic principle of neopositivism... (verification principle)

183.The main tradition in the development of Renaissance philosophy is... (humanism)

184.The main work of Zhusup Balasaguni, for which he received the title of “Chief Chamberlain”, “Mister of the Palace”... (“Kutatgu bilik”)

186.The main features of philosophy are cosmocentrism, ontologism, spontaneous dialectics of thinking... (antiquity)

187.The main features of philosophy are theocentrism, creationism, theodicy, eschatology, providentialism, faith above reason... (Middle Ages)

188.The basic principle of dialectics is not... (principle of unsystematicity)

189.The main stage in the development of medieval philosophy is... (scholasticism)

190. The founder of irrationalism... (Schopenhauer)

191.Founder of rationalism... (R. Descartes)

192.The founder of German classical philosophy is... (Kant)

193. A special, scientific-theoretical type of worldview... (philosophy)

194.The discovery of the materialistic understanding of history belongs to... (K. Marx, F. Engels)

195.A distinctive feature of the worldview of the Renaissance was its focus on... (art)

196.A person’s attitude towards the environment. to the world, expressed in his thoughts and actions... (life position)

197.Parmenides claimed... (“being is motionless”)

198.Patristics and scholasticism - the main stages of which philosophy... (medieval)

199. Pythagoras claimed... (“All things are like number”)

200.Universals in medieval philosophy were understood... (nature of general concepts)

201.Understood philosophy as radical questioning, a medicine against frivolity, which cannot be bought with money, but can be achieved as a result of deep reflection... (Heidegger)

202.The concept of “gender” means... (social gender)

203.A concept first introduced by Pythagoras to designate the unity of the world as opposed to chaos... (space)

204.Poets of the era of “Zar-zaman” (sorrows)… (Shortanbay, Dulat)

205.The subject of the study of hermeneutics is... (text)

206. Representatives of the philosophy of Marxism... (K. Marx and F. Engels)

207. Representative of vulgar materialism... (Ya. Moleschott)

208. Representative of the materialist trend in German classical philosophy... (Feuerbach)

209.A representative of German classical idealism, his exceptional service to philosophy is the development of dialectics... (G. Hegel)

210.A representative of German classical philosophy, put forward a theory about the existence of limits to human cognitive ability (“things in themselves”)... I. Kant

211. Representative of personalism in Russian philosophy... (N. Berdyaev)

212.A representative of Russian philosophy of the 16th century, defended the idea of ​​the continuity of Christianity (“Moscow-Third Rome”)... (Filofey)

213. Representative of the philosophical direction - logical atomism... (L. Wittgenstein)

214. Representatives of which direction were Russian philosophers... (cosmism)

215.The theory of the development of all things, recognized in modern philosophy, and the philosophical method based on it... (dialectics)

216. The principle of dialectics, which means the integrity of the surrounding world, its internal unity, interconnection, interdependence of all its components - objects, phenomena, processes... (principle of universal connection)

217. The principle of dialectics, which means that numerous connections in the world around us do not exist chaotically, but in an orderly manner... (systematic principle)

218. The principle of dialectics means the presence of such connections where one gives rise to another... (causality principle)

219. The principle of dialectics, implying two aspects of the surrounding world: eternity, indestructibility of history, the world; its existence and development in time, which lasts forever... (principle of historicism)

220. Introducing an individual to social norms, spiritual culture, preparing for work and future life... (upbringing)

221.Problem of environmental protection. environment from the harmful influence of humans, this is... (ecological problem)

222.The problem that is at the center of the attention of Renaissance thinkers... (Human)

223.The opposite direction to physicalism... (solipsism)

224.The opposite concept to immanent... (transcendental)

225.The opposite concept to empirical... (transcendental)

226. The process of purposeful active reflection of reality in the human mind... (cognition)

227.The section of philosophy that studies the problem of being, called... (ontology)

228. Really existing, stable independent, active, eternal, infinite substance, which includes all things that exist... (being)

229.Relativism in the field moral relations coincides with... (immoralism)

230. Reflexive type of worldview… (mythology)

231.Russian religious, Christian philosopher and poet, founder of the doctrine of unity and integral knowledge... ()

232.Russian scientist, substantiated the theory of the noosphere... ()

233.Russian philosopher Vl. Soloviev said “mental window” is... (worldview)

234.The Russian writer and thinker was most attracted to ideas... (search for God, Samos. meaning of life, non-violence)

235. With the advent of man and society, nature entered a new stage of its existence - it began to experience... (anthropological influence)

236.The most developed form of dialectics as a theory of development within the framework of German classical philosophy was developed ... (G. Hegel)

237. Siddhartha Gautama is the founder of religious and philosophical teachings... (Buddhism)

238. The set of forms of organization of life and activities of people, complete system joint life of individuals (relationships, interactions, order, traditions, culture)… (society)

239. Consciousness that carries out mental activity and cognition according to Kant... ("clear mind")

240. In knowledge, Socrates proposed using the method... (mayeutics)

241. Among the Buddha’s “noble truths” there is no following... (it is impossible to free yourself from suffering)

242.Medieval religious and mystical teaching in Islam… (Sufism)

243.The essence of the ethical and political views of Confucius in the theory of management with the help of... (virtues)

244.Exists in the form of common sense, spontaneous, unsystematized, traditional ideas about the world... (everyday worldview)

245.The sphere of interaction between nature and society, within which reason becomes the main determining factor of development... (noosphere)

246.The sphere of social life, which includes: production, distribution, exchange, consumption of material goods... (economic sphere)

247. The sphere of life of society, the system of internal structure of society (social group, nation, nationality)… (social sphere)

248. The sphere of society, which implies a set of institutions and organizations that express the interests social groups, exercise leadership over society... (political sphere)

249.Scholasticism arose with the goal of... (To organize and make accessible Christian dogma)

250. Theoretical views on the world around us, based on scientific data… (scientific worldview)

251.The term “non-violence” in the worldview should be understood as... (not causing harm to another)

252.The term “patristics” means... (teachings of the “church fathers”)

253.The term “scholasticism” means... (school philosophy)

254.I. Kant’s term denoting knowledge gained after experience... (a posteriori)

255.The term comes from the Greek phileo - love, Sophia - wisdom... (philosophy)

256.Kant’s term denoting knowledge acquired before and independently of experience... (a priori)

257.The type of philosophical worldview was widespread in medieval Europe... (theocentrism)

258.Indicate the historical type of worldview... (religious worldview)

259.Indicate the type of philosophical worldview, ideas of the philosophy of I. Fichte... (subjective idealism)

260.Indicate the type of philosophical worldview presented by the philosopher F. Schelling... (objective idealism)

261.Indicate a feature characteristic of the mythological worldview... (humanization of nature, the presence of fantastic gods.)

262.Universal scheme creative activity The “world spirit” receives the name from G. Hegel... (absolute idea)

263.The statement “I believe in order to know” belongs to... (A. Aurelius)

264.The statement “I know in order to believe” belongs to... (P. Abelard)

265. The doctrine of the great Tao, the universal law, the Absolute... (Taoism)

266. The doctrine of “idols of the race” belongs to... (F. Bacon)

267. The teaching opposite to sensationalism... (rationalism)

268.The philosophy of the New Age was based on authority... (Sciences)

269.The philosophy of this thinker is a speculative theology... (Shakarim Kudaberdiev)

270. Philosophical anthropology- This… (the doctrine of man, the discovery of consciousness)

271.Philosophical discipline that studies culture in its entirety... (philosophy of culture)

273. The philosophical system of L. Feuerbach is... (anthropological materialism)

274.Philosophical direction is the main philosophical interest, which is the logical analysis of language, the use of language... (analytic philosophy)

275.Philosophical worldview characteristic of Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Greece... (cosmocentrism)

276.Philosophical worldview characteristic of Renaissance Europe... (anthropocentrism)

277.Philosophical direction in philosophy, due to which true, absolutely reliable knowledge can be achieved only with the help of reason... (rationalism)

278. The philosophical direction opposite to materialism... (idealism)

279.Philosophical movement that believed that thinking is a physiological process. “The brain secretes thoughts like the liver secretes bile”... (vulgar materialism)

280.Philosophical movement that limits knowledge only to sensory knowledge... (sensationalism)

281.Philosophical movement that denies the possibility of knowledge... (agnosticism)

282.A philosophical movement that considers experience to be the only source of knowledge... (empiricism)

283. Philosophical doctrine of morality... (ethics)

284.Philosophical doctrine that recognizes individual, personal consciousness as the beginning of being... (subjective idealism)

285.Philosophical doctrine that recognizes world consciousness as the beginning of being... (objective idealism)

286.Philosophical doctrine that recognizes one beginning of the world, one substance of all things... (monism)

287.Philosophical and methodological concept, according to which “everything in the world is relative”... (relativism)

288.The form of dialectics, which was naive and spontaneous, was characteristic of... (antiquity)

289. A form of worldview in which the exploration of the world is based on belief in the supernatural...( religion)

290. A form of worldview based on faith... (religion)

291.Form of social consciousness, worldview of ancient society... (mythology)

292.The phrase “Plato is my friend, but the truth is more precious” belongs to... (Aristotle)

293.The function of philosophy is realized in an extremely attentive attitude towards a person... (humanistic)

294. The function of philosophy, which develops the basic methods of knowledge... (methodological)

295. The function of philosophy, which contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world... (worldview)

296.The function of philosophy, which teaches how to think conceptually and theorize... (thought-theoretical)

297. A characteristic feature of matter, the ability of material systems to reproduce in themselves the properties of other material systems interacting with them... (ability to reflect)

298. A holistic view of the world and man’s place in it… (worldview)

299.The goal of the Eightfold Path of Liberation in Buddhism is... (nirvana)

300. The central principle in the socio-political views of L. Tolstoy... (principle of non-violence)

301. The central principle of virtue in the philosophy of Confucius... (the path of the “golden mean”)

302.Part of philosophy that studies the general principles of figurative comprehension of the world in the process of any human activity, primarily in art... (aesthetics)

303.What does the section of philosophy “axiology” study... (the doctrine of value)

304.What does the branch of philosophy “epistemology” study... (the doctrine of knowledge)

305.What does the branch of philosophy “ontology” study... (the doctrine of being)

306.What was the basis philosophical idea N. Kuzansky... (scientific ignorance?)

307.What lies at the basis of being according to Democritus... (atoms)

308.What is not an integral part of the Earth (nature)… (technosphere)

309.What does the concept of “apathy” mean in Stoic philosophy... (dispassionate and fearless perception of life)

310.What is pantheism... (omnitheism - recognition of the presence of God in all nature)

311.What is theology... (teaching about God)

312.What is the criterion of truth... (practice?)

313.What is the criterion of historical progress in the theory of the growth stage... (level of development, technology, industrial science)

314.What is the subject of philosophy from the point of view of L. Feuerbach... (philosophy is the study of man)

315.What is the fundamental unit of being in the view of R. Descartes... (substance)

316. Epicurus considered the first principles of existence... (water, earth, air, fire)

317.An ethical system based on the idea of ​​utility as a fundamental value. Ethics of benefit... (utilitarianism)

318. An ethical system that considers pleasure to be the meaning of human life... (hedonism)

319.This concept has two main meanings: in a broad sense, it is the entire environment. the world, in the narrow sense, is the environment in which the life of man and society takes place... (nature)

320. “Unity” in philosophy means... (the unity of God with the whole world)

321. “Spirit for itself” according to Hegel... (subjective spirit)

322.The “Westerners” took the position... (“philosophies of individuality”)

323. “Act in such a way that the maxim of your action can become a universal law.” This Kantian formula is …(moral law, categorical imperative)

324. “Act in such a way that you always treat humanity both in your person and as chains, and never treat it only as a means” (I. Kant). What is this philosophical position called:... (altruism)

325. “Slavophiles” took the position... (“philosophies of totality”)

Search with Diogenes' lantern (Looking for a man!)

The ancient Greek writer (111th century) Diogenes Laertius, in the 4th book of his work “The Life, Teaching and Opinions of Famous Philosophers,” tells how once the great philosopher of Ancient Greece Diogenes of Sinope (IV century BC) lit a lantern during the day and walked with him around the city. He answered the puzzled questions of the townspeople briefly: “I’m looking for a person.” Thus, the philosopher wanted to say that it is almost impossible to find a perfect person who would fully meet this title; he is literally “not to be found by daylight” (a well-known Russian proverb).

Allegorically: persistently but in vain to search for something or someone.

Phrase I'm looking for a person! also became winged.

  • - Human anatomy from fertilization to adulthood...

    Atlas of Human Anatomy

  • - a term meaning clinical condition. Characterized by a disdainful attitude towards everyday issues of elderly people living alone...

    Psychological Dictionary

  • - Described by M. McMillan in elderly people...

    Explanatory dictionary of psychiatric terms

  • - wing. sl. Greek writer of the 3rd century. n. e. Diogenes Laertius, in the 4th book of his work “The Life, Teaching and Opinions of Famous Philosophers,” says that the Greek philosopher Diogenes once lit a lantern during the day and...

    Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

  • - A window with additional glazing on the sides, together with the sill part from the floor, extended on brackets in front of the facade plane...

    Architectural Dictionary

  • - see syndrome...

    Great psychological encyclopedia

  • - According to legend, the ancient Greek philosopher of the Cynic school, Diogenes of Sinope, lived in a barrel, wanting to show that a true philosopher, who knew the meaning of life, no longer needs material wealth, so...
  • - The ancient Greek writer Diogenes Laertius, in the 4th book of his work “The Life, Teaching and Opinions of Famous Philosophers,” tells how once the great philosopher of Ancient Greece Diogenes of Sinope...

    Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • - Ancient Greek writer Diogenes Laertius in the 4th book. in his work “The Life, Teachings and Opinions of Famous Philosophers” tells how once the great philosopher of Ancient Greece Diogenes lit in the afternoon...

    Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • - who, what. Book To strive hard, but in vain, to find someone or something. /i> The Greek philosopher Diogenes once lit a lantern during the day and, walking around with it, said: “I am looking for a man.” BMS 1998, 596...
  • - Hiding in a Diogenes barrel - moving away from people Wed. He saw Mark, and no matter how much he hid in Diogenes’ barrel, Raisky managed to catch the main features of his physiognomy. Goncharov. Break. 2. 16. See line. See face...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Barrel of Diogenes. Hide in a Diogenes barrel and get away from people. Wed. He saw Mark, and no matter how much he hid in the Diogenes barrel, Raisky managed to catch the main features of the physiognomy. Goncharov. Break. 2, 16...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - BARREL OF DIOGENES. Outdated Book Living conditions in complete solitude, away from society. Give Diogenes the barrel, Hannibal's sharp sword; What kind of glory did Carthage cut off so much from the shoulders! DIOGENES BARREL...

    Russian phraseological dictionary literary language

  • - Book About something that symbolizes isolation from life, from society. BTS, 93; F 1, 33. /i> Goes back to one of the legends about the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes. BMS 1998, 56-57...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - who, what. Razg. Joking. About smb., about sth. disappeared, gone. Glukhov 1988, 100...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 8 mess brothel cheerful house brothel establishment obscene house den of debauchery brothel...

    Synonym dictionary

"Searching with a lantern for Diogenes (Looking for a man!)" in books


From the book Collected Works in 2 volumes. T.II: Novels and stories. Memoirs. author Nesmelov Arseny Ivanovich

HORSEMAN WITH A LANTERN Miller Semyon Ivanovich Generalov looked at the soldier's cloth protective trousers under the light of a kerosene lamp: were they worn well, were there any holes? The pants were brought by Konstantin Zvyagintsev, an ensign who once, while still a student, lived with his parents for several years

8–11. Heresies should not seek justification in the words “Seek and you will find”; he who has faith has no need to look for anything else

From the book Treatises author

8–11. Heresies should not seek justification in the words “Seek and you will find”; he who has faith has no need to look for anything else. 8. So, I come to the position that ours also attract to strengthen their curiosity, and heretics repeat to justify their petty

24.1. Evidence of Diogenes

From the book The Lost Gospels. New information about Andronicus-Christ [with large illustrations] author

24.1. Evidence of Diogenes

From the book The Lost Gospels. New information about Andronicus-Christ [with illustrations] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

24.1. Testimony of Diogenes Diogenes Laertius and Porphyry speak about the death of Pythagoras in more detail and their story corresponds well to the circumstances of the execution of Andronicus-Christ known to us. Let's start with Diogenes Laertius. “Pythagoras died in this way. He sat with his neighbors in

"Red Lantern Bandit"

From the book Serial Crimes [ Serial killers and maniacs] author Revyako Tatyana Ivanovna

“Red Lantern Bandit” If you leave San Francisco at nightfall on the wide freeway in the direction of Los Angeles, very soon a strip of light becomes noticeable in the night sky, as bright as over the huge amusement parks of large cities. And also

6.5. Human Origins. Man as a species, his place in the system of the organic world. Hypotheses of human origin. Driving forces and stages of human evolution. Human races, their genetic relatedness. Biosocial nature of man. Social and natural environment, human adaptation to it

From the book Biology [Complete reference book for preparing for the Unified State Exam] author Lerner Georgy Isaakovich

6.5. Human Origins. Man as a species, his place in the system organic world. Hypotheses of human origin. Driving forces and stages of human evolution. Human races, their genetic relatedness. Biosocial nature of man. Social and natural environment,

Barrel of Diogenes

author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Diogenes' Barrel According to legend, the ancient Greek philosopher of the Cynic school (cynics or cynics) Diogenes of Sinope (c. 400-325 BC) lived in a barrel, wanting to show that a true philosopher, who knew the meaning of life, no longer needs material wealth, so important to ordinary people.

Search with Diogenes' Lantern

From book encyclopedic Dictionary catch words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Search with a lantern for Diogenes The ancient Greek writer (III century) Diogenes Laertius in the 4th book of his work “The Life, Teaching and Opinions of Famous Philosophers” tells how once the great philosopher of Ancient Greece Diogenes of Sinope (IV century BC) lit during the day a lantern and walked with it along

Walking with Diogenes' Lantern

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Walking with a Diogenes Lantern Ancient Greek writer Diogenes Laertius (III century BC) in the 4th book. in his work “The Life, Teachings and Opinions of Famous Philosophers,” he tells how one day the great philosopher of Ancient Greece, Diogenes (IV century BC), lit a lantern during the day and walked around the city with it. On

Fighting corruption is like searching for Bigfoot

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Fighting corruption is like searching Bigfoot When defining the subject of journalistic investigation, foreign scientists almost always mention the fight against corruption. For Russia, corruption is also a sore subject. Politicians talk a lot about her,

Search for a person

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Search for a person About some results of the “friendship” of Orthodoxy and literature Orthodox literature, Orthodox theater, Orthodox culture - they talk a lot about this now. But if the introduction of the subject “Fundamentals” into school curricula Orthodox culture"Today everyone

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79 Seeking Acknowledgment or Seeking Intimacy Intimacy involves truly opening up to your partner, including things that you or your partner don't like. David Schnarch We are often told that best way create healthy intimacy with good friend,

1449. Co. Hierodeacon Varlaam. To seek salvation means to seek the Lord. When to switch to silence. Books useful for monks

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1449. Co. Hierodeacon Varlaam. To seek salvation means to seek the Lord. When to switch to silence. Books useful for monks The grace of God be with you! You are looking for salvation: you are looking for a good deed; the soul is more valuable than the whole world. But nothing is easier than finding salvation: for we have a Savior -

8–11. Heresies should not seek justification in the words “Seek and you will find”; He who has faith has no need to look for anything else

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8–11. Heresies should not seek justification in the words “Seek and you will find”; he who has faith has no need to look for anything else. 8. So, I come to the point that ours also attract to strengthen their curiosity, and heretics repeat to justify their petty


From the book Seven Steps of Self-Realization author Yogananda Paramahansa

36. HOW TO SEEK GOD AND WHY YOU SHOULD SEEK HIM Part I The most vague concept of all concepts is the human idea of ​​God. You hear everyone talk about God, you read in the Holy Scriptures about God, but have you ever decided with a specific purpose or

(ancient Greek Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς; lat. Diogenes Sinopeus; c. 412 BC, Sinop - June 10, 323 BC, Corinth) - ancient Greek philosopher, student of Antisthenes, founder of the Cynic school.
In broad daylight he walked down the street with a lantern and shouted: “I’m looking for a man!” - “And how did you find it?” - "No. Only slaves."
Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein (1751–1829). "Diogenes was looking for a man"

When asked who he was and where he was from, Diogenes answered: “I am a citizen of the world” (it was Diogenes who invented the term “cosmopolitan”), he denied the idea of ​​the state and the advantage of some people over others: citizens over non-citizens, rulers over the people, men over women, legitimate over illegitimate. He considered the only true state to be the whole world, in which people from birth are equal before the gods.

Jacob Jordaens (Jacob Jordaens). Diogenes Seeking Man. 1641-1642. Art gallery, Dresden.

He laughed at those who purchased luxury goods: “How is this so! Is it right that they pay three thousand coins for a marble statue, and two thousand for a vital measure of barley?”

Diogenes did not hide why he was expelled from Sinope, and when someone reproached him for damaging the coin and reproached him for his expulsion, he replied: “Fool! After all, thanks to exile, I became a philosopher!

Diogenes believed that a virtuous life, like any other task, must be learned. He chose Antisthenes, the most severe of Socrates' students, as his teacher. The gloomy warrior, the hero of the Battle of Tanagra, at one time walked 16 kilometers every day to learn from Socrates firmness and endurance and to adopt the impassivity of the sage. In order not to lose anything, you must have nothing - he learned. Minimize your needs. To keep the body like a slave in hunger and cold: “contempt for pleasure is also pleasure” . Looking at the ragged followers of Antisthenes, the bulk of whom were freedmen and slaves, the Athenians called them cynics (cynics; in Greek kyon - dog).

A well-known symbol is the Diogenes barrel in which he lived; it was not a barrel, but a pithos - a huge clay jug for storing grain and wine.
John William Waterhouse (eng. John William Waterhouse; 1849 - 1917). Diogenes. 1882. Art Gallery of New South Wales

One of the most famous parables about Diogenes tells: Alexander the Great came to Athens specifically to look at the philosopher in a barrel. “I am Alexander, king of Macedonia,” he said, “and in the future, of the whole world. Ask me what you want." “Do not block the sun for me,” answered Diogenes. The amazed Alexander said to his friends: “If I were not Alexander, I would become Diogenes.”

I.F. Tupylev. Alexander the Great before Diogenes. 1787

While in Corinth, Diogenes put on the winner's laurel wreath. They demanded that he remove the wreath, since he had not defeated anyone.
“On the contrary,” Diogenes objected, “I am no match for those slaves who wrestle, throw the discus and compete in running. My opponents are more serious: poverty, exile, oblivion, anger, sadness, passion and fear, and the most invincible, insidious monster - pleasure.”

His defiant behavior did not bring much charity. When asked why people give to the poor and not to philosophers, he said: “Because they know: they may become lame and blind, but never wise.”

Legend says that Diogenes died on the same day as
Alexander - at the age of thirty-three in distant and alien Babylon. His last request was to bury him with his arms outstretched, palms up, he asked to make holes in the coffin and pull out his hands so that everyone could see that they were empty. He told the world: “I have conquered half the world, but I am leaving empty-handed.”

Diogenes - in the eighty-ninth year of his life in his native Corinth on a city wasteland.
Feeling the approach of the end, Diogenes came to the wasteland and said to the watchman: “When I die, throw me into a ditch - let the brother dogs feast on it.”
The townspeople buried Diogenes near the city gates. A column was erected over the grave, and on it was a dog carved from marble. Later, other compatriots honored Diogenes by erecting bronze monuments to him.

Treat nobles like fire; don't stand too close or too far from them.

When extending your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist.

Poverty itself paves the way to philosophy; What philosophy tries to convince in words, poverty forces us to implement in practice.

The slanderer is the most fierce of wild beasts; The flatterer is the most dangerous of tame animals.

Gratitude ages the fastest.

Philosophy and medicine have made man the most intelligent of animals; fortune telling and astrology - the craziest; superstition and despotism - the most unfortunate.

Death is not evil, for there is no dishonor in it.

Philosophy gives you readiness for any turn of fate.

I am a citizen of the world.

If there is no pleasure in life, then there must be at least some meaning.

The ultimate goal is to choose wisely what is in accordance with nature.
