Total dictation in German. All-Russian action Totales Diktat-2017 starts Total dictation in German

On February 20–22, Totales Diktat, an open all-Russian campaign, will be held to popularize the German language and develop a culture of literate writing.

Totales Diktat-2017 was organized by international union German culture and the Tomsk Regional Russian-German House with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, "Free Russian-German Institute of Journalism" of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. -tist".

The action is timed to International Day mother tongue, established by UNESCO, and is celebrated on 21 February to protect linguistic and cultural diversity. Totales Diktat is one of the network projects within the framework of strengthening the interaction of Russian-German Houses located in Moscow, Barnaul, Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Omsk.

The action is held on the basis of the Russian-German Houses, centers of German culture and meeting centers of Russian Germans, as well as general educational institutions, schools with in-depth study of the German language and universities.

Students of 6-7th, 8-9th and 10-11th grades of general education are invited to participate. educational institutions, university students, listeners of "Hallo Nachbarn!" and other German language courses and language circles from Russia, CIS countries and far abroad, who are interested in holding the event. Texts for dictation are selected taking into account the language level.

Anyone interested in the German language and culture can take part. Information for participants and organizers of the action in the regions can be found in the Regulations on the action (download). Application for participation (download) must be sent to representatives working group until February 17.

The results of the campaign will be summed up by April 17. Winners will be determined in each of the venues. The winners are the participants who made the least number of lexical and grammatical errors according to the proposed rating scale. In each age category, three best works are selected, which are awarded 1-3 places. Best works will receive letters of thanks. Full list The winners will be published on the Information Portal of Russian Germans RusDeutsch.

For reference

The action Totales Diktat was born thanks to the idea of ​​a voluntary dictation in the Russian language for all comers of the student club of the humanitarian faculty of NSU "Glum-club" in the early 2000s. The first "Total Dictation" took place on March 11, 2004, within the framework of the Days of the Faculty of Humanities at NSU. Since then, Total Dictation has been written in 549 cities in 58 countries.

Totales Diktat is taking place for the fifth time. In 2016, the action reached the federal level and acquired international status, 24,705 people from 62 regions of Russia, as well as five regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the canton of Aargau in Switzerland took part in it. See the presentation video about the Totales Diktat-2016 campaign at our channel.

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We are all aware of what great importance V modern world has a study of culture different countries for the formation of a true patriot and citizen of his country, a person who is able to appreciate and respect the culture of his people and the historical and cultural traditions of other states.

For modern man the ability to find a common language with representatives of other countries and peoples is very valuable. And for professional self-determination and development of modern young man it is important to master the competence of business and professional communication on different languages. Therefore, knowledge of one or even two foreign languages ​​is becoming the norm in modern society.

To implement this task, our school has long been teaching two foreign languages ​​- English and German. The children study languages ​​not only during the lessons, but also outside the classroom. School students regularly and quite successfully take part in various remote subject Olympiads in language and linguistics.

And this academic year (February 20-22) to the International Mother Language Day, which was established by UNESCO in 1999 and is celebrated on February 21 in order to protect linguistic and cultural diversity, children studying German took part in the Open All-Russian Action "Totales Diktat"("Total dictation").

The organizers were inspired to conduct a dictation in German by the project “Total dictation in the Russian language”, the idea of ​​which was born in the student club of the Faculty of Humanities of the Novosibirsk state university Glum Club in the early 2000s.

The first trial action "Totales Diktat" was held in 2013 among students of the Tomsk region, then only 130 schoolchildren of 6-11 grades wrote the dictation. Joined the action the very next year. Novosibirsk region and Altai Territory. In 2015, it was decided to make the action "Totales Diktat" all-Russian. Tomsk was joined by the Russian-German Houses of Moscow, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, the Centers of German Culture of the Omsk region. After the start of the action, applications began to come from educational institutions from completely different parts of our country: Nizhny Novgorod, Vologda, Rostov, Ulyanovsk, Arkhangelsk regions and the Stavropol Territory. In total, about 2,200 people wrote the dictation in 2015. In 2016, the action "Totales Diktat" was held for the fourth time, went to the federal level and acquired international status. In total, in 2016, 24,705 people from 62 regions of Russia, as well as 5 regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the canton of Aargau in Switzerland, took part in the action.

Open all-Russian action "Totales Diktat" is held with the aim of popularizing the German language and developing a culture of literate writing in German. In our school, students of 6 "B", 8 "B" and 11 "A" classes took part in the action.

Total dictation is a unique opportunity not only to consolidate the skills and abilities acquired during the study of the language, but also to test your knowledge, as well as to compare your achievements in language learning with European standards.

The guys successfully coped with the task. Now let's wait for the results and summing up.

The results of the annual All-Russian educational action "Totales Diktat", which was held for the fifth time and was timed to coincide with the UNESCO Mother Language Day on February 20-22, 2017, have been summed up.

This year marks a record number of participants in the action - a general dictation in German was written by 28,740 people in the Russian Federation, as well as in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

The all-Russian action "Totales Diktat" is held annually with the aim of popularizing the German language and developing a culture of literate writing. Organizers: The International Union of German Culture and the Tomsk Regional Russian-German House with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the "Free Russian-German Institute of Journalism" of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the charitable Foundation for the support of artists "Artist".

This year, a record number of group and individual applications for participation in the action was received - 1185. The total number of participants was 28,740 people from Russia, the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine. At the same time, the most active region in terms of the number of participants was the Altai Territory, where 1935 people wrote the dictation. Among the participants of the action: students of general education institutions, students, students of "Hallo Nachbarn!" and other German language courses and language clubs.

In addition, this year, for the first time, a live broadcast of the action was organized from the Russian-German House in Moscow - a recording of the broadcast is available on RusDeutsch YouTube channel. Thus, anyone from anywhere in the world, small towns, as well as people with disabilities could join the action.

The winners of the All-Russian action "Totales Diktat-2017" were determined in each of the venues. They were the participants who made the least number of lexical and grammatical errors according to the proposed rating scale.

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