The most unusual names of children: From Putin to Aladdin. The most unusual names of children: From Putin to Aladdin What to name a child? A simple and euphonious name is better than a funny and original one.

Svetlana Alexandrova cradles her son Daniel.

PHOTO: Alexander Kazakov, Evening Moscow

The Moscow Civil Registry Office announced the most unusual names that Moscow parents gave their newborn children in 2017.

The five rare classic male names included Anatoly, Valery, Gennady, Vitaly and Valentin. Several boys became owners of the old Russian names Ladomir, Kharlampy, Patrikey and Velesvet. One newborn was named Orpheus, in honor of the famous musician from ancient Greek mythology. Also on the list of rare names were Franklin, Forward and Nord.

Choosing an unusual name for a child, parents are most often guided not fashion trends, but by the desire to give a son or daughter a beautiful, yet uncommon name, ”explained Irina Muravyova, head of the Moscow registry office.

The top 5 rare classic female names in 2017 included Larisa, Lyudmila, Inna, Galina and Zinaida. From the Old Slavic names for girls, parents chose such as Agrafena, Zlatozara, Ladislava and Iskra. Since 2017, young Isidora, Vassa and Dorofei have been growing up in the capital.

In total, 134,572 babies were born in Moscow in 2017. Of these, 1,838 are twins and 34 are triplets. One family had four children at once. 62,692 babies became first-borns, and 49,190 children became second-borns. The third and more in Moscow families were 21,998 children.

The ranking of the most popular names for children has not changed much compared to 2016. Among the names for boys, Alexander still occupies the first place. 3201 kids became its owners. The name Michael (2677) moved up to the second place from the fourth one. Artem closes the top three (2621). The popular top ten also included the names: Maxim (2568), Daniil (2405), Ivan (2289), Dmitry (1968), Cyril (1478), Matvey (1459) and Andrey (1453).

Since 2017, young Isidora, Vassa and Dorofei have been growing up in the capital

PHOTO: Natalia Nechaeva "Evening Moscow"

Among girls, Sophia (Sofia) is still the most popular and favorite name. In 2017, 3780 babies received this name. The second place is occupied by the name Maria with a score of 2709. Anna is in third place - 2595. The top female names also included: Alice (2200), Victoria (2124), Anastasia (2082), Polina (1962), Alexandra (1817), Elizabeth (1806) and the name Ekaterina (1676), which this year displaced Daria from 10th place.

The monthly rating of the popularity of names in Moscow can be viewed on the open data portal, according to the official website of the mayor and the government of Moscow.


Forward, son of Velesvet. What do I need in your name

Column by "VM" columnist Mikhail Vinogradov

Evangeline! - shouted, turning her head, a tall stooped woman, apparently a grandmother. - Come, sit down here!

I shuddered and looked at the subway car in a haunted manner. I wanted to shake my head to let the water flow out of my ears, but it wasn't there. “Maybe Eva Angelina?” I reassured myself. When I myself was the age of this "Evangeline" in a purple ski suit, the girls around me responded to Lena, Masha, or - at the very least - Nonna ().

Give me a human name, mom

Column by "VM" columnist Anna Povago

There will be no more Dolphins Ivanovich and Sofiy-Solnyshek Nikolaevna in the capital: the State Duma still approved a bill banning naming children with non-standard and ridiculous names. That's not all: the document will be finalized by the second reading, and the list of incorrect names will be expanded ().

In 2017, 127 newborns were registered, of which 71 were boys and 56 were girls. Popular male names this year were: Mikhail, Andrey, Artyom, Grigory, Miron. Women - Sofia (Sofya), Vasilisa, Alice, Margarita.
Rarely used still include such traditional names, like Irina, Vera, Julia, Natalya, Alexander, Evgeny, Sergey, Igor. For comparison: 2014 - 226 children were registered; 100 boys and 126 girls. The most used names: Mikhail, Artyom, Pavel - for boys; Maria, Daria, Ksenia - for girls. 2015 - registered - 194 newborns; boys - 111, girls - 83. Common names: male - Dmitry, Artyom, Maxim; female - Mary, Elizabeth, Anna. 2016: 186 babies are registered in the registry office. Boys - 100, girls - 86. Popular male names of 2016 - Artyom, Ilya, Maxim; female - Mary, Victoria, Elizabeth.
In 2017, 156 happy family unions were registered. By age estimate, we can say that most of the grooms are over the age of 35, and the brides are between the ages of 25 and 34. The same pattern was observed in 2016. In 2014 and 2015 the largest number of brides and grooms belonged to the category from "25 to 34".
Last year, 15 marriages with foreign citizens were registered. Ukraine still leads the top three - 6 people, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Belarus 2 people each. For comparison: in 2014 - 21 marriages with foreign citizens. Ukraine - 9 people; Tajikistan - 3 people; Uzbekistan - 3 people 2015 - 36 marriages with citizens of other states. Ukraine - 20 people; Tajikistan - 4 people; Moldova - 3 people 2016 - 19 interstate marriages: Ukraine - 8, Uzbekistan - 4, Tajikistan - 2.
In 2017, 94 divorces were registered. For comparison: in 2016 - 100, in 2015 - 94, in 2014 - 141. The main age category of divorced people is citizens from 25 to 39 years old.
The sad statistics on the people who left us are as follows: 2017 - 208 people, of which 109 were men, 99 were women. For comparison: 2016 claimed 234 people (leap year!), 117 men and 117 women. In 2015, 182 people died: 86 men and 96 women. In 2014, 204 people died from us. 115 men and 89 women.
In the past year, 11 records of acts of name change were drawn up in the registry office. Of these, 9 changes were made by women and 2 by men. This is a common, predictable situation. I want to clarify right away that, in accordance with the civil code Russian Federation, the name of a person includes three components: a proper name, patronymic and surname. Therefore, it is possible to change one, two or all components of the name. Men are more likely to change their proper name and surname. Women are more likely to change their last name. For comparison: 2014 - 17 name changes and of them - men - 4 people, women - 13 people. 2015 - 12 name changes, men - 5, women - 7.
In 2016 - 19 people applied for a name change, incl. 3 men and 16 women.
Ahead is 2018. On these Holy Days, I want to wish everyone health, optimism, love and, of course, magic.

156 marriages
registered in 2017 in Chernogolovka

head of Chernogolovsky
department of the registry office of the GU REGISTRY OFFICE MO,
photo: Anastasia Mushenok

Moms and dads continue to love unusual names and call them their children. New data on how boys and girls were called in the first quarter of 2017 was presented in the capital's Office of the Civil Registry Office.

So, now boys with the names Lavr, Achilles, Potap and two Thomas live in Moscow. As for the girls, one of them was named Uma by the parents. Also in the capital, you can now meet two Ophelia, Serena and Juno. By the way, among such rare names as Elizabeth, Francesca, Paola, Julia and Iris, the once popular name Zinaida suddenly appeared, which two girls received.

Rare exotic names for children are called both by foreign families for whom these names are familiar, and by Russians who want their child to stand out with an unusual name. Families where one of the parents is a citizen of Russia and the other a foreign state can also name the child Harry, Matteo or Ophelia,

Explained in the press service of the registry office in Moscow.

Muscovites are also increasingly turning to traditional Slavic and Greek variants.

The list of popular names has changed slightly compared to last year. Alexander leads among boys. This name was given to 764 babies. Mikhail this time moved from fourth to second place (655 children), while Artem retained the third position (630 children). This is followed by such names as Danila (Daniel, Danil), Maxim, Ivan, Dmitry, Kirill, Timofey and Yegor. Last year and the year before last, Andrey was in the top ten, but now it has moved to 13th place. Instead, the 9th place was taken by the name Timothy (363 babies).

In the ranking of female names, there are even fewer changes. The top three have maintained their positions since 2015. In the first place - Sophia or Sofia (925 babies), followed by Maria (638 girls) and Anna (580 babies). For the first time, Alice (517 newborns) was on the fourth line of the rating, followed by Anastasia, Polina, Victoria and Alexandra. The top 10 also included Ksenia and Ekaterina, who previously occupied places in the top twenty.

Recall that now parents have much less opportunity to call their child a strange name. In early May, Vladimir Putin signed a law introducing some bans. Now, according to article 58 of the Family Code, “it is not allowed to use numbers, alphanumeric designations, numerals, symbols and signs that are not letters, with the exception of the hyphen sign, or any combination of them, or swear words, indications of ranks, positions, titles." Previously, it was expected that compound names and abbreviated names could also fall under the ban. However, legislators decided that many of these names have already entered into practice, and therefore it is not worth changing the situation.

Why do parents call their children strange names and how can this affect a child's life? We also learned the opinion of experts on the adopted law. Experts: Anfisa Kalistratova - child and adolescent psychologist; Galina Kartashova - manager Department of the Civil Registry Office of the Administration of Vladimir; Alexandra Pavlova - psychologist at the private kindergarten "My Komarik"; David Gorelishvili is a member of the All-Russian Association of Parents' Committees and Communities.

What names for girls are considered lucky

People have long attached great importance to names: it is not for nothing that young parents are first of all interested in how they named the newborn. There is a belief that there are happy and unlucky names, and many mothers and fathers try to choose a more “lucky” name for their child. What happens in practice?

What names for boys are considered lucky

We have already said that there is a tenacious belief about “happy” and “unlucky” names. Today we will talk about male names which are believed to bring good luck and luck to their owners.

Named the most popular baby names in Moscow in 2016

In the capital's registry office, they talked about the rarest and most popular names of newborns that were born last year.

How to name a child? A simple and euphonious name is better than a funny and original one.

What advice do experts give to young parents who do not know what to choose from a long list of existing names? Photo:

History of the letter Yoyo

Tajikistan bans calling newborns strange names

It is legally prohibited to give a child a name that is alien to the Tajik national culture...

On the origin of surnames. family formations

The proposed interpretations of parts of the surname can only explain the main ways of forming surnames.

Ancient Russian and Slavic names

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Russians start naming children after Game of Thrones heroes

Experts believe that the global trend will only strengthen its position in Russian cities

Russian parents want to ban giving children strange names

If the amendments to the law “On Civil Status Acts” prepared in the State Duma are adopted, children in Russia will not be called, for example, Count, Princess or Queen, as was done in 2014 in different regions of the country.

In the previous review, we dealt with female names, and today we will consider how to name a boy in 2017. When choosing, remember that the name can give the baby certain character traits and affect his entire destiny. Running through the lists of beautiful and modern names for boys in 2017, remember that it should sound good, be combined with the last name and patronymic, and should not cause negative associations.

The most popular boy names in 2017

The Fire Rooster, who will become the patron saint of next year, will give born babies those masculine qualities that will help them in life. Children born in the year of the Rooster often become scientists, musicians, soldiers or athletes. When naming a baby, it is worth considering the character traits that will be inherent in them:

1. perseverance;

2. self-confidence;

3. purposefulness;

4. energy;

5. quick wits.

According to statistics in 2017, popular names for boys will be:

1. Alexander. From ancient Greek it means "protective husband", "protector". Usually Alexanders are bold, purposeful, assertive and domineering.

2. Max. It comes from the Latin word "Maximus", which translates as "greatest". Their characteristic features are vigor, self-confidence, pride, calmness.

3. Timothy. From Greek it is translated as "worshiping God." Timothy is characterized by independence, obedience and non-conflict.

4. Daniel. Derived from the biblical Daniel. Daniels have excellent intuition, reasonable, optimistic and not prone to haste.

5. Artem. In Greek, it means "intact, perfect health." Artems are diligent in their studies and persistent in achieving goals, they love the house and become good family men.

6. Matvey. The name is of Hebrew origin, and translates as "given by God." Matvey is brave, courageous, assertive and brings everything to the end.

7. Michael. In Hebrew it means "equal to God." From an early age, Mikhail will love beauty and art. Most often these are beautiful, attentive and smart children.

The list of fashionable names for boys in 2017 also included Ivan, Andrey, Kirill, Vladislav and Alexey. In addition, many parents will list Elisha, Mark, Leo, Arthur and Miron on their son's birth certificate.

Boys names by months for 2017

In addition to the most common names for boys in 2017, moms and dads will turn to the Orthodox tradition and name the newborn in honor of the saint. It is believed that in this way the child receives his patron. In this case, when choosing, you need to focus on the date of birth and choose from the list indicated in the table:
