Beautiful Azerbaijani female names. Azerbaijani female names

When a child is born in the East, people wish the parents not only happiness and health, but also that the child is worthy of his name. It so happened that Azerbaijanis call their daughters strong and beautiful names. People believe that a name largely shapes a person’s character.

History of Azerbaijani female names

Modern Azerbaijani names convey the style of the Turkic group of languages. Many names are based on Arabic and Persian cultural elements. Muslims still use names associated with the family of the Prophet. This is Asiya, Farida, Khidije. It is considered an honor to bear the name of a member of a holy family.

However, it is not possible to preserve all the cultural values, so today other names are used. Neologisms (new variants of old names) have become widespread. Today, more and more names are distinguished by their expressiveness and pleasant sound (Malika, Amal, Mona). Often these are borrowed names with a flavor of oriental culture. People fell in love with the names of both neighboring countries and distant trading partners.

Classification of Azerbaijani names

Azerbaijanis highly value the cult of the planets, especially the Sun and the Moon, so many names are echoes of these words (Tarai, Unay, Aychin). Like other peoples, Azerbaijanis honor beauty and feminine sophistication. There is a whole group of names that characterize the appearance of Azerbaijani women (Esmer, Nigar, Tuba).

Where there is beauty, there is character. Azerbaijani names meaning character traits are very popular. This is Susan (silent), Sakina (quiet), Nardan (alive). Some names are derived from metaphors: Basira (with an open soul), Gyulshyan (cheerful flower), Umai (bird of happiness).

The Persians gave the Azerbaijanis a good tradition of giving their daughters flower names: Banovsha (filaka), Lale (tulip), Nargiz (narcissus). There are also many names that, when translated, are the names of precious stones (Billura, Zumrud, Durdana).

Popular Azerbaijani names for women

Heiransa is the best woman.
Nisar - forgiveness.
Tunai is the moon visible at night.
Tarai is the new moon.
Aidan is the moon.
Tovuz is a desirable beauty.
Nardan – fire, liveliness.
Ulviya is pure.
Banu is a lady.
Shirin – sweet.
Banovsha – violet.
Alma is an apple.
Nigar – beautiful, faithful.
Ulkar is the morning star.
Lalazar - blooming.
Tuba is tall.
Ayla - dawn.
Ferdy is the future.
Syaba is a light breath of Bahar.
The boss is healthy.
Aygun - moonlight.
Narmina is tender.
Elmira is a princess.
- loving.
Billura - crystal.
- gorgeous.
Rena is the soul of a person.
Buta - bud.
Farida is the only Busat.
Altun is gold.
Meltem is a light breeze.
Anakhanym - mother.
Anara - pomegranate.
Yayla is a pure-hearted Afag.
Shohrat - glory.
Mehri is sunny.
Efra is tall.
Afsana is a legend.
Denise is the sea.
Unai - the voice of the moon.
Jahan - peace.
Mehriban is affectionate.
Chinara is tall.
Zara is gold.
Ziba is beautiful.
Durdana is a gem.
Dilara is the heart.
- pomegranate flower.
Esmer is dark-skinned.
Elyaz is the joy of the people.
Kamala is obedient and smart.
Gumar is the color of persimmon.
Persimmon – I like it.
Gunash is the sun.
Garanfil – clove.
Wafa - devotion.
Azada – free.
Aysel - moonlight.
Nailya – enjoying life.
- faithful.
Aida - profit.
Diamond is beautiful.
Sabiga is perfect.
Emina is quiet and calm.
Zumrud - emerald.
Ilaha is a goddess.
Inji is a pearl.
Shahnaz – beautiful flower.
Kenyul is the soul.
Gözal is a beauty.
Roya is a dream.
Seviar – loving
Shimay – sparkling moon.
Naira – fire, radiance.
Aziza - dear.
Parvana is a butterfly.
Bayaz – snow-white.
Pari is a nymph.
Zarif - night.
Gussa – sadness.
Shabnam – love.
Mina is a subtle pattern.
Yagut – valuable, ruby.
Aichin – bright.
Muqafat is a reward.
Sevinj is joy.
Lutfiya is amazing.
Sona is a swan, beautiful.
Akchay is pure.
Sharafat is a treasure.
Yegana is unique.
Sada – voice.
Torai is the moon hidden behind the clouds.
Sevil - be loved.
Alvan – colored.
Zahra is radiant.
Ulduz is a star.
Efshan – sower.
Ture is a princess.
Layagyat - generous.
Tarana - melody.
Irada - will.
Tamam - the end.
Laman – sparkling.
Saadat - happiness.
Saida - chosen by God.
Saiga - respect.
Sevda – love.
Onai is the first moon.
Sanay is like the moon.
Sarai is a palace.
Solmaz is unfading.
Umai is the bird of happiness.
Nargiz is gentle.
Elnara is the flame of the people.
Farah is joy.
Tutu is pride.
Inja is gentle.
Fidan is a young tree.
Shenai is the sparkling moon.
Safura is persistent, patient.
Shems is the sun.
Elnura is the light of the people.
Zarifa is gentle.
Rachel is a lamb.
Salahat - good.
Shovkat is a ruler.
Shalale - waterfall.
Nursach – emitting light.
Ferda is the future.
Seyran - madam.
Ragsana – quiet, calm.
Khayala – dream, dream, vision.
Humai is a magical bird.
Sarykhatun - golden-haired lady.
Reyhan - basil.
The Torah is the rules to which everyone obeys.
Shams is the sun.
Ulker - morning star, Venus.
Sarah is noble.
Sahilya - coastal.
Emel is a goal, an ideal.
Masuda is happy.
Khumar - beauty.
Sakina - quiet, silent
Latafat – light.
Elnaz is the most desirable among the people.
– curly.
Sevgili is my favorite.
Yasaman - lilac.


The Azerbaijani language belongs to the Turkic language group, and many names have Turkic roots. The Azerbaijani name book is a heritage of Arabic and Persian culture. Names borrowed from these languages ​​became widespread in Azerbaijan after the adoption of Islam.

Children in Azerbaijan are often named after a revered relative, a great celebrity, or even a favorite literary character. So many of the names that the writer Jafar Jabbarla invented for the characters in his works were later borne by real people.

Women's names in Azerbaijan have beautiful meanings. Many of them are associated with the cult of the Moon. Names that stand for “moon-faced” or “moonlight” can be found everywhere. Some names emphasize the positive character traits of the bearer of the name, his talents: faithful, honest, smart.

Today in this Caucasian country the role of Islam has again intensified, in fashion religious names. But at the same time, names borrowed from other languages ​​- Elina, Alina, Carolina, Sofia - get along well here.

A beautiful ritual in Azerbaijan

The naming ceremony of a newborn in Azerbaijan is a big holiday. He is taken on the seventh day after the baby is born (sometimes on the tenth). Numerous relatives and neighbors gathered at the rich table. The Muslim calls to prayer (adhan and iqama) are read one by one into the child's ears, and only after that a name is given.

List of modern names for girls in alphabetical order and their meaning

Azerbaijanis firmly believe that the baby’s entire life, fate and talent depend on the correct naming. The list of names of this country is quite extensive. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the beautiful modern ones.



  1. Banovsha– (Azerbaijani – “violet”) – ready to make any concessions for the sake of someone else’s happiness;
  2. Basura (Basira)– (Azerbaijani – “with an open soul”) – knows how to make decisions quickly, enjoys authority among others;
  3. Billura– (Arabic – “crystal”) – loves communication, is an open and cheerful person;
  4. Bella– (Latin - “beauty”) – very responsible and obliging, you can always rely on her.


  • Valida– (pers. – “mother of the Sultan”) – merciful, always ready to come to the rescue;
  • Wafa– (Persian – “devotion”) – economical, her house is always clean and cozy;
  • Vusala– (pers. – “meeting”) – reliable, ready to lend a shoulder in difficult times.


  1. Göncça– (Azerbaijani – “bud”) – clearly follows his goal and will eventually achieve it;
  2. Gözal– (Turkic – “beauty”) – self-sufficient, does not like to make “extra” acquaintances, she feels good alone with herself;
  3. Gunay– (tur. - “day moon”) – strives for perfection and demands the same from others;
  4. Gulcin– (Azerbaijani – “Chinese flower”) – they say about such people – “a talented person is talented in everything.”



  1. Zarifa– (Arabic – “eloquent”) – prefers to communicate only with a close circle, mainly with relatives;
  2. Zara– (pers. – “gold”) – makes acquaintances easily, there are always a lot of people around her;
  3. Zulfiya– (Arabic – “curly”, “beautiful”) – thanks to talent, she will easily build a career in the creative field;
  4. Zahra– (Arabic – “brilliant, radiant”) – has a calm and balanced character.


  • Ilaha– (Turkish – “goddess”) – possesses creative abilities, has every chance of becoming famous;
  • Ilham– (Arabic – “inspiration”) – intelligence and innate pragmatism promise an excellent career;
  • Inara– (Arabic – “chosen one”) – a very amorous person, inclined to idealize people;
  • Irada– (Arabic – desire) – loves power, subjugates people to himself, to his influence.



  • Lala– (pers. – “beautiful flower”) – strong character, knows what he wants and how to achieve it;
  • Lamia– (Arabic – “bright”) – has an “inner core”, has leadership qualities;
  • Latifa– (Arabic – “anecdote”) – science is easy for her, especially linguistics;
  • Leila– (Turkic - “night”) – has incredible willpower, a sports career will bring success.


  1. Maryam– (Arabic – “loving”) – there are always a lot of people around her, but only a few who are truly close;
  2. Mahabbat– (Arabic – “love”) – she should not count on manna from heaven, she will have to achieve everything with her own labor;
  3. Malahat– (Arabic – “grace”) – inquisitive, shows interest in many sciences;
  4. Medina (Madina)– (Arabic – “city of Medina”) – merciful, always shows compassion for one’s neighbor.


  • Nailya– (Arabic – “gift”) – tries to make the world a better place, demands the same from the people around him;
  • Narmina– (Persian – “tender”) – values ​​​​friends and friendship, for their sake she is ready to make any sacrifice;
  • Nargiz– (Turkic – “narcissist”) – is interested in music, often chooses the profession of a singer, musician, composer;
  • Nisar– (Arabic – “forgiveness”) – straightforward, firm in decisions, often prevails in disputes.


  1. Bet– (pers. – “beauty”) – brave, courageous, decisive, knows how to take responsibility;
  2. Parvana– (Persian – “butterfly”) – can “infect” others with his optimism;
  3. Pakiza– (pers. – “pure”) – she is attracted by travel and adventure.



  1. Samira– (Arabic – “fruit-bearing”) – idealizes the world, believes that the “absolute” exists and everyone is obliged to strive for it;
  2. Sarah– (Hebrew – “mistress”) – develops creative abilities throughout life;
  3. Seville– (Turkish – “be loved”) – self-confident, energetic and proud;
  4. Simuzar– (pers. – “treasure”) – has a colossal reserve of firmness and self-confidence.


  • Tovuz– (Arabic – “desired”) – a good housewife, but the desire to be the head of the family can provoke quarrels;
  • Tutu– (Turkic – “sweet-spoken”) – mobile, sociable, strives for leadership and loves to provide patronage to the weaker;
  • Takhmina– (Turkic – “princess”) – she is distinguished by her cheerfulness, mobility, and self-confidence.

Azerbaijan is a state on whose territory they met and actively interacted various cultures. That is why the question of which names are considered Azerbaijani and which are not is quite complicated. We conventionally consider such names to be those that are common today among the population of this country.

Origin of traditional names

Azerbaijani names for women and men largely come from Turkic dialects. This is the most ancient factor that influenced the formation of local culture. Later they were supplemented by Persian and Albanian borrowings. In addition, many Azerbaijani names, female and male, are, of course, taken from Arab culture, which is of enormous importance as a source of religion and the entire way of life for the local population. The most popular of them are names that once belonged to family members and associates of the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam - Ali, Hasan, Fatima and others. Another part of the names are given to children in honor of the names of some significant places, for example, rivers or mountains. At the same time, Azerbaijanis take naming very seriously, as evidenced by the local proverb and wish: “Let the child live up to the name.” So a name is a kind of program, a business card, according to which, in particular, an idea of ​​a person is built. Therefore, children are named for a reason, but in honor of someone who commands respect and is an authority - from the prophets scripture to relatives. Many Azerbaijani names, female and male, also come from poetry. For example, the epic “Kitabi Dede Gorgud” is very popular in this regard.

USSR time

The arrival of the Soviet regime also played an important role in shaping the cultural picture of modern Azerbaijan. Because of him, new names appeared, and in general the approach to naming a child has changed somewhat. For example, the traditional endings “khan” and “bek” began to disappear from use. Names in honor of revolutionary figures or even remakes based on communist values ​​have become widespread. Even surnames were subjected to Russification, from which local endings were removed.

But after the collapse of the USSR and the return to previous traditional values, the situation began to change - parents increasingly began to choose traditional male and female Azerbaijani names for their children. Modern parents in this sense have returned to their original traditions, because Islam has once again become a culture-forming force on the territory of the state. In this regard, the country has a traffic light principle in the field of naming. This means that Azerbaijani names, female and male, are separated by color. Red, for example, is a color that unites names, the choice of which is highly discouraged for young parents. This category includes names mainly from the Soviet past and generally foreign names that are not very welcome in Islam. The green list, on the other hand, includes those names that are most welcome. They may be on different languages, but, of course, the most popular of them is Azerbaijani. Women's names, like men's names that do not fall into these two categories, have yellow. These are valid options. They are usually given to children who were born in families where one of the parents is a foreigner. The attitude towards such names is reserved; most often they are not approved by the conservative majority.

Names as a reflection of the character of the era

From a historical perspective, the names of Azerbaijanis usually reflect the spirit of the times. Thus, in the era of strong Turkic influence, a person had three names at once. The first of these was given at birth and was used simply for recognition and communication. Then, as a child, the person was assigned another name based on his characteristic features, character or appearance. Well, in his mature years a person acquired a third name, reflecting the reputation he had earned in society. The Islamization of the region led to the Arabization of names, and those that were popular in religious Muslim society came to the fore. The Soviet system interrupted the tradition for some time, actively promoting the Russification and Sovietization of names (for example, such names as “Traktor”, “Kolkhoz”, “Vladlen” became widespread). But the end of the era of socialism was marked by the revival of previous historical traditions, based on the synthesis of Turkic and Arabic components with small elements of Albanian and Persian cultures.

Azerbaijani female names and their meanings

Below we provide a list of some female names. Unfortunately, a complete list of them would be too lengthy, so we will limit ourselves to just a few. All the following are Azerbaijani female names- beautiful and popular among people.

  • Aidan. Means "lunar".
  • Azada. Translated into Russian as “free”.
  • Aigul. Literally means "moon flower".
  • Ayla. The meaning is close to the concept of dawn or shine.
  • Aysel. Very beautiful name meaning "moonlight".
  • Amina. This name is translated as “safe” or “preserving.”
  • Basura. Means a woman with an open soul.
  • Bella. The name means "beauty".
  • Valida. IN direct meaning"Mother of the Sultan"
  • Vusala. Reflects the concept of unity, meeting, connection.
  • Jamila. Arabic name meaning "beauty of the world."
  • Dilara. Difficult to translate name. It roughly means the following: “caressing the soul.”
  • Yegana. It means “the only one.”
  • Zara. Literally translated as “gold”.
  • Zulfiya. Means "curly".
  • Irada. This name has a meaning close to the concept of strong will.
  • Inara. This is the name of the chosen woman, that is, the meaning of the name is the one who was chosen.
  • Lamia. Means "bright".
  • Leila. It hints that the girl's hair is black as night.
  • Medina. This is the name of a holy city in Arabia. The name is given in his honor.
  • Nailya. Talks about a woman who enjoys life.
  • Ragsana. Translated as “quiet”.

Azerbaijani male names and their meanings

Now we present a small selection of names for boys.

  • Abas. This name means a gloomy person.
  • Abid. Translated as “praying”.
  • Adalat. The literal meaning is "justice".
  • Bayram. It means just a “holiday”.
  • Bahram. This is what they call the killer of an evil spirit, literally translated.
  • Valef. Means "in love."
  • Walid. A word meaning parent.
  • Wasim. That means it's beautiful.
  • Gharib. This name is usually given to children of non-native origin. It means "foreigner".
  • Dashdemir. The name literally translates to “iron and stone.”

They have Arab, Turkic, Persian and Albanian roots. The most popular Arabic names were those associated with the names of family members and closest companions of the Prophet. In Azerbaijan, according to tradition, the parents of a newborn wish: “Let the child live up to the name.” Therefore, they tried to name children in honor of successful and famous people: thinkers or religious figures.

It is noteworthy that in ancient times the Turks bore three names at once. The first was given by parents at birth and was used exclusively for communication. The second was assigned in adolescence by others and reflected certain distinctive features person. And a person received a third name in old age, and it carried the reputation that he was able to earn over the years of his life.

With coming Soviet power the situation has changed and traditional Azerbaijani names have practically gone out of use. But after the disappearance of the totalitarian system, more and more people began to express a desire to regain the name of their grandfather or great-grandfather. Islamic names have become very popular again. Most often, children were called by the following names: Mamed, Fatma, Mami, Muhammad, Ali, Omar, Nisa(in Azerbaijani pronunciation they may differ from the Arabic version).

Today in Azerbaijan Increasingly, children are given names that relate to the historical roots of the nation or have religious overtones.

Popular male Azerbaijani names

  • Ali - “high”, “exalted”. The bearers of this name are not alien to the sense of beauty; they can make good clergymen.
  • Yusif - “increased.” Owners of this name have a tendency to successfully carry out trading operations; they have an extremely well-developed commercial spirit.
  • Muhammad - on behalf of the Prophet.
  • Huseyn – “beautiful”.
  • Abid – “praying”. Men with this name have every chance of becoming a good clergyman.
  • Alim - “knowing”. People with this name have a penchant for studying exact sciences and can achieve success in this field.
  • Gorgud – “fire”, “light”.

Popular female Azerbaijani names

  • Nurai – “shining moon”. The owners of this name know the value of their natural beauty.
  • Zahra – “white”, “light”.
  • Eileen – “sunny”.
  • Ilaha – “goddess”.
  • Inara – “chosen one”. Girls with this name have a special mission ahead of them, and they can easily cope with it.
  • Samira - “fruit-bearing”. The house of a woman with this name will always be a full cup.
  • Fakhriya – “pride”. A girl with this beautiful name will become the pride of her parents and husband.
  • Elnura – “light of the people.”

The name determines the fate of a person and can even influence his environment. Therefore, before naming a child, you should find out the origin and interpretation of the name. Here are collected traditional and modern Azerbaijani names. When choosing a name for a child, you need to make sure that it is harmonious and carries a good meaning.

Choosing a name for a girl is always very difficult. I would like to give the baby not only a beautiful name, but also a name associated with her people. It should be noted that Azerbaijani girl names originate from the Turkic language group. But in addition to Arab culture, Albanian and Persian culture had a huge influence on Azerbaijani names. On this moment Names in honor of members of the family of the Prophet Muhammad, for example, Fatima or Hussein, are very popular among the Azerbaijani population.

In Azerbaijan, it is customary to congratulate a family on their addition with the words “may the child live up to the name,” so many carefully choose Azerbaijani names for girls and boys. Some give the names of famous people, poets and thinkers, or their pious relatives. At the same time, many of the names mentioned in the epic “Dede Gorgud” are actively used by the people today.

Imprint of the Soviet period

During the USSR, Azerbaijanis, fearing persecution, changed their names and surnames. Basically, they removed the endings khan or bek, but after the collapse of the Union and gaining independence, children began to be given Islamic names. After all, the people gradually returned to faith and the role of Islam in people’s lives increased. The most popular Azerbaijani girl names are as follows.

Azerbaijani names for girls:

Aida - profit, income

Sona is beautiful

Aidan - lunar

Susan - tulip

Ayla - dawn, shine

Tarai - new moon

Aichin - moon-like; bright

Tovuz - a desirable beauty

Diamond - beautiful

Torai - the moon hidden behind the clouds

Altun - gold

Tore - rules to which everyone obeys

Arzu - desire, wish

Tuba - tall, pretty

Banu - lady; lady

Turai - visible moon

Basura - with an open soul

Ture - prince (essa)

Busat - fun

Tunai - moon visible at night

Gumral - persimmon color

Turkan - Turks

Denise - ebullient, stormy

Tutu - sweet-tongued

Dildar - beloved

Ulduz is a star

Dunya - peace; close

Umai - the bird of happiness

Lala - a beautiful flower

Ferda (i) - future

Leila - night

Fidan - fresh

Meltem - light (breeze)

Hanim - a respectable, respected woman

Mina - fine pattern

Khatyn is a respected woman

Mushtag - wishing from the heart

Khumar - beauty

Naira - fire, radiance

Persimmon - I like it

Nardan - fire, liveliness

Chinar - tall, pretty

Nurai - moonlight

Shenai - sparkling moon

Nursach - emitting light

Shems - sun

Nursan - light of glory

Shefa is healthy

Onay - first magnifying glass

Shimay - sparkling moon

Rose - red flower

Elyaz - the joy of the people

Saiga - respect

Elnaz is the most desirable among the people

Sanay - like the moon

Emel - goal, ideal

Sevda - love

Esmer is dark-skinned

Seviar - loving

Efra - tall

Syaba - light breath

Yagut - valuable

Sima - honor

Yayla - sincere

Solmaz - unfading
