Where did the name Masha come from? The meaning of the female name Maria

The name Masha never goes out of style. It confidently occupies a leading position in the list of popular and most beautiful female names. Parents all over the world continue to give their daughters the name Maria year after year.

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The choice of a child's name largely determines his future destiny. Therefore, parents should carefully familiarize themselves with the meaning, origin, main character traits and temperament of the bearer of the name.

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      Origin of the name

      The name Mary is inextricably linked with the history of Christianity. According to biblical legends, this was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ. The Holy Mother of God is the intercessor of people before God; believers turn their fervent prayers to her. IN Catholic countries, where the cult of saints is widespread, Mary is revered as the patroness of many countries and cities. Her images - statues, icons - become objects of pilgrimage.

    1. 1. From the Hebrew word mrym - “beloved”, “desired”, “mistress”.
    2. 2. From the Hebrew word marar - “bitter”, “sad”.
    3. 3. From the Hebrew word mara - “to fight back, refuse, reject.”

    Translation into other languages

    Due to the widespread use of the name Maria in different countries the world has acquired a heterogeneous sound. Each ethnic group adapted it to its own dialect. Sometimes the changes went so far that they no longer resembled the original name.

    Maria on different languages world:

    • On English language- Mary (Mary), Maria (Maria), Mariah (Mariah).
    • The name is translated into Japanese not literally, but its meaning - Nigai (bitter, stubborn).
    • In Chinese "Malia". Name hieroglyphs: 玛丽娅, transcription -mǎlìyà.

    Pet names

    From the moment of birth, parents try to call their baby affectionately and come up with diminutive nicknames for him. Most often these are abbreviated modified forms of the name. Children readily respond to them and keep them as household nicknames into adulthood.

    Maria has many variants of different word forms: Masha, Mashunya, Munya, Mashura, Mura; Maryushka, Mariyka, Marisha, Marya, Marunya, Marulya; Marusya, Musya, Masya, Musha; Manya, Manyunya, Manyusya, Manyuta, Manyusha, Manyasha, Mulya.

    Name day

    In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to celebrate Mary’s name day three times a year, on the days of remembrance of saints of the same name:

    • 14th of April;
    • June 5;
    • September 21.

    The day of remembrance of the patron saint has a deep inner meaning. It has long been customary to visit the temple and offer prayer to your heavenly intercessor.

    Character and destiny

    Most often, Maria takes on the character traits of her father. Her relationship with her mother is not easy, and misunderstandings often arise.

    It is preferable to call a girl from an early age full name, since Masha and Maria carry different energetic meanings.

    Little Masha is growing up as a calm, balanced child. Her favorite pastime is playing with dolls. Mashenka gets along well with other children and readily helps her parents around the house. He can be capricious with his grandmother, but quickly calms down. Tries not to upset elders.

    Feels good in the school community. She tries to be the first in everything. Therefore, she jealously monitors the successes of other students, and is even capable of minor mischief to her opponent. Then he repents and tries to make amends. Masha has many hidden abilities. To wake them up, the teacher needs to choose the right key and be as tactful as possible. Masha has a very vulnerable nature. She is easily offended and takes criticism painfully.

    Most of all, Masha loves spending time with children, especially babies. She happily performs the duties of a nanny.

    Basic character traits

    The best qualities of nature are hard work, justice, perseverance.

    If necessary, he knows how to resist and stand up for himself. Friends value Masha for her reliability and devotion. At any age, Maria is incredibly responsive to the misfortune of others and strives to help in any way possible. At the same time, under no circumstances will he shift his own problems onto the shoulders of others. He experiences them deep in his soul, alone.

Origin: The name Mary has Hebrew roots. According to one version, it comes from the word ???????, which means “sad lady,” according to another version, this name is translated as “rejected.” Given name is international - it is widespread in both hemispheres. Maria is one of the key names Orthodox culture(Mary, wife of Joseph - Mother of God, mother of Jesus Christ) and one of the most popular names in the CIS over the past 20 years.

Short form of the name Maria: Masha, derivatives - Manya, Marusya, Masha, Maruska, Marya.

Foreign forms of the name Maria: Mary (Great Britain, USA), Marie (France), Marika (Czech Republic), Maryya (Belarus).

Name day Mary is celebrated on January 8, 12, 31, February 8, 19 and 25, March 1 and 20, April 1, 2, 14, 17, 25, 29, May 10 and 17, 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22 and June 24, July 2, 17 and 25, August 4, 18, 22, 24 and 28, September 8, 21 and 28, October 2, 11 and 21, November 11 and December 15.

Characteristics of the name Maria

Positive traits of the name: responsiveness, sincerity, humanity, responsibility for one’s actions. Maria strives to help everyone and always, the knowledge that her actions benefit someone makes her truly happy. Those with the name Maria are not vindictive, they tend to quickly forgive insults, and are often the first to take a step forward. But with all this, Maria is not a spineless person; in certain situations she can insist on her own. Maria will not be the first to enter into conflict, but she is able to defend her dignity. Also, the bearers of this name dote on children.

Negative traits of the name: habit of taking all comments to heart, excessive sentimentality. Many Marys are idealists; they tend to see this world as romantic and correct, and when faced with life problems may become depressed. It is difficult for the owner of the name Maria to get out of difficult situations. life situations without outside help.

Choosing a profession by name: Maria is disgusted by those activities that require personal deformation, the need to please someone. On the contrary, if the profession involves a flight of fancy, the opportunity to show your Creative skills, Maria will happily plunge into it. In terms of psychological comfort work activity Maria largely depends on the team. At work, she will never be a lone wolf; she tries to establish friendly relations with all colleagues, regardless of hierarchy. Maria can be a successful art critic, theater worker, designer, stylist, teacher.

Impact of a name on business: The bearers of this name are not inclined to throw money away; they are very prudent in everything related to finances. Maria will not take any action if there is a risk of a negative outcome; they prefer well-calculated, crystal clear transactions. Maria takes business as seriously as possible and demands the same from her partners.

The influence of a name on health: Many people named Maria have had allergies since childhood. Their weak spots- organs of the excretory system, liver, stomach. Maria should also pay special attention to the prevention of “female” ailments: cervical erosion, polycystic ovary syndrome, mastopathy.

Psychology of a name: By nature, Maria is a very sociable person, but she rarely makes acquaintances first. He has an excellent sense of humor, but does not make jokes and jokes at every opportunity, preferring to admire the sparkle of others. If Maria is faced with a dilemma - to devote time to her family or spend it in the company of friends or colleagues, she will choose the first without hesitation. Family priorities for Maria always come first.

Name compatibility: Maria is not inclined to fleeting connections; she chooses life partners according to the call of her heart, and not by cold calculation. The ideal spouse for Maria could be Alexander, Daniil, Ivan, Anatoly, Roman, Vyacheslav, Vasily. But with Valery, Rostislav or Vsevolod family life it may not work out.

Famous bearers of the name Maria

  • Virgin Mary (Theotokos, mother of Jesus);
  • Mary Magdalene (biblical saint);
  • Mary Tudor ( British Queen XVI century);
  • Marie de Medici (French queen of the 17th century);
  • Marie Antoinette (French queen, wife of Louis XVI);
  • Maria Callas (opera diva);
  • Marie Curie (female physicist who discovered radioactivity);
  • Maria Golubkina (actress);
  • Maria Sharapova (tennis player);

This gentle female name is recognizable and loved by all the inhabitants of the planet, because this is the name of the Mother of God. Meaning of the name Maria It is not known for certain; according to several sources, it can mean both bitterness and serenity. Although its sound is not modern, it remains popular today.

Parents who choose the meaning of the name Maria for a girl will have to deal with the rather contradictory personality of the baby. She sometimes combines the most contradictory qualities, such as kindness and increased conflict, obedience and at the same time quite stubbornness.

The meaning of the name Maria for a child implies good obedience, a desire to help parents, and excellent mental abilities. Whatever she does, the result almost always far exceeds expectations, even in childhood she shows clear leadership abilities.

IN school years she rarely causes trouble for parents, even during a difficult transition period for other children. Mashenka knows how to control herself, she is thorough and consistent. But sometimes, thanks to her innate fearlessness, she commits rash acts, which, however, she can correct on her own, and does not attach much importance to them.

The general interpretation of the name gives Masha a unique versatility, and even complexity of personal qualities, which in the future will help her establish serious contacts with the right people who, at will, will strive to communicate with her.

The name Maria is of Hebrew origin, with possible meanings: “bitter”, “desired”, “serene”. The name Mary is the most common name in the world because it is the name of the mother of Jesus.

In the Old Testament, this name is also borne by the Jewish prophetess, the elder sister of Aaron and Moses - Mary (Mariam, Mariam). The name Mary was borne by many European royals, including Russian Empire.

Catholics have many "secondary" names for the Virgin Mary, which are given in honor of the most famous miraculous icons, statues and titles of the Virgin (Regina, Montserrat, Consuelo, Carmela, Mercedes, Dolores and others).

In Islam, the Virgin Mary is known by the name Mariam (Maryam, Maryam, Miriam). There is a version that the name Maria is one of the variants of the name Mariam, meaning either “rejected” or “sad.” Among Orthodox Christians, the name Maria means “lady.”

The different pronunciations of the name Mary in European languages ​​have given life to this name in various variations. So in England the name Mary is more often used, which was a variant of the name Mary, which in its full form was used quite less often. But the Mariah form became popular only at the end of the 20th century, thanks to the singer Mariah Carey.

In the Middle Ages, the name Maria in England acquired the form - Mariot (Mariot), Malkin, Marion (Marion), and at a later time it also began to be pronounced as Mamie, May, Minnie.

From all the different variants of the name Maria, the diminutive titles Molly and Polly were formed, which in Europe are often used as independent names.

In many European countries The name Maria is pronounced as Marie, Mary, Maria, but there are other variants that are considered both diminutive addresses and sometimes act as independent names.

In Germany, Maria will be called Marichen, Mitsel, Marieke, in France - Mariette, Mariel, Marion, Manon, in Spain - Marita, Marianela, in Portugal - Marika, Marilda, in Italy - Mariolla, Maryun, in Romania - Marioara, Maritza, in Greece - Marigula, Marietta, in Belarus, Poland - Marusya, in the Czech Republic - Marzhenka, Marika, in the Netherlands - Mathieu, Maike, in Sweden - Mian, Maya, in Norway - Mia, Mariken, in Ireland - Moira, Mora.

There is a variant of stress in the name Maria on both the first and second syllables. The diminutives Mara, Marika, Maya are also independent names. From the combination of the names Maria and Anna, the name Marianna was formed.

Maria is a kind, affectionate, balanced girl. Her favorite pastime is being a nanny for little children. Maria is very vulnerable and does not easily cope with even a small remark addressed to her. At the same time, her character contains firmness, feeling self-esteem, the ability to stand up for oneself.

Maria's actions are sometimes impulsive. She is responsible for her studies at school and always diligently completes chores around the house. Her peers value her for her hard work and ability to provide support.

Maria is a mysterious woman, she has a strong spirit of active, dynamic and enterprising, Maria is the embodiment of the spirit of freedom and adventure. In fact, she represents a rather restless woman, with her own mind, who is preoccupied with the opinion of herself.

Maria may appear inconsistent to those around her, but this girl knows her plan of action and possible variations in the development of events and prefers to act along the intended path.

Maria is a rather skeptical girl, a critic who has an independent, innovative view of things, so sometimes many do not understand her, and she does not feel very comfortable among other people.

In any case, the owners of the name Maria are women who have a need for movement and action, and who will not hesitate to question any answer to a question that is obvious to others.

Maria's mood changes depending on her ability to act. Freedom is one of her core values ​​and is also important for her to live without restrictions. Those with the name Maria are not afraid of loneliness.


In the love sphere, Masha cannot be called passionate and sensual. This means that her actions towards men are most often guided by calculation; she perceives the relationship as a matter of course, which occurs not because of love, but because of mutual benefit.

Masha knows how to attract attention to herself; it is not difficult for her to win the hearts of the men who are interested in her with light flirting. But with the same ease, she can destroy relationships that, in her opinion, will no longer benefit either side.

Masha does not attach much importance to sex life, although she receives considerable satisfaction from intimacy. Her feelings can rather be described as strong affection, but far from passion. Although betrayal can unsettle her for a long time and close her heart to other relationships.


You can't find a better housewife than Masha. This means that she copes well with all household chores, even if she has babies roaring in both arms. She has enough strength to cook and clean, and she does not require her husband to distribute responsibilities - she copes with everything herself.

Maria approaches raising children with all thoroughness. In anticipation of a new addition to the family, she will dig through mountains of literature to ensure that her baby is raised properly. She loves her children, but often devotes too little time to games, paying more attention to everyday details.

In her life, Masha devotes no time to her career. great importance. She prefers the comfort of a family hearth and the feeling of being a housewife. But if, by coincidence, she has to become a “nurse-breadwinner,” then that means she will bend over backwards, but she will work in a well-paid job - she does not intend to work for free.

The professions that would best suit her involve helping other people. She will be a wonderful nanny, doctor, teacher. She loves and knows how to listen, and attaches great importance to other people's opinions, so the specialty of a psychologist is most suitable for her.

The mystery of the name Maria

Maria supports everyone. This is a woman who gives her warmth to others. Any misfortune that happens even to strangers makes her want to help.

Maria is very devoted to her children. Such a woman dotes on them and will always give everything for them. In marriage, Mary remains faithful to her husband and obeys him unquestioningly.

Maria tries to improve relations with everyone. So, she knows how to understand and forgive. Always tries to please everyone. The only thing that can throw Maria off track is the infidelity of her beloved husband. A woman can worry about this for a long time. Children love Mother Mary passionately, they always try to take her side.

Astrological characteristics of the name

  • Zodiac: Virgo
  • Name color: blue
  • Emission: 97%
  • Planets: Venus
  • Talisman stone: emerald
  • Plant: lily
  • Totem animal: dove
  • Main character traits: will, receptivity, morality, activity

Numerology of the name Maria

Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away.

If there is a patient mentor and advisor, this can be one of the relatives or simply close person, “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable.

Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.


  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
  • Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
  • Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
  • Day: Saturday.
  • Metal: Lead.
  • Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
  • Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, borax, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
  • Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Maria

M- caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
A- a symbol of beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
R- the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the essence; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
I- self-esteem, the desire to achieve the respect and love of others and the ability to receive them.

In sex, Maria expresses herself, her character and her whims. She gives men the impression of a somewhat constrained, cold woman. In fact, she is far from indifferent to joy intimate relationships. She is able to give them, and even more so - to receive them.

She views sex as fun, pleasure, strives for entertainment, selflessly devotes herself to love play. But Maria is smart enough not to show her obvious displeasure if minor failures occur - next time she will be able to correct her partner’s mistake.

Maria is incredibly jealous, often this is the spring of her sexual behavior - her desire to squeeze everything possible out of a man so that he has no strength left for another woman.

She treats all men with a certain degree of suspicion; at the slightest hint of infidelity, she is ready to break off all relations with her partner.

In this sense, “summer” women are an exception - they are patient and know how to forgive their unfaithful lovers.

Maria is reserved, cautious, sexual intimacy is possible for her only in a familiar environment (mainly at home) and at night. In other conditions, even if she agrees to intimacy, then feels constrained, restless, wary, and cannot relax.

“Autumn” Maria is somewhat suspicious; she experiences the slightest love failure as the greatest tragedy of her life. Fortunately, they rarely meet with her, because Maria knows how to keep the man she likes, and he himself very quickly becomes attached to her.

“Winter” Maria equates sex and love: the deeper her feelings, the more passionately she gives herself and the more frank she is in sex. “Summer” and “autumn” men are more suitable for Maria.

Catholic name day Mary celebrates

Name forms

  • Full name: Maria.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Mashenka, Manya, Manyunya, Marusya, Masha, Mara, Manyasha, Masha.
  • Declension of the name – Maria, Maria.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Mary.

There is no more beautiful name - Maria! In it is the purity of motherhood and the flight of fidelity. The meaningful sensuality of the elements, marriage is the most reliable stronghold!

The name Maria means - "beloved", "desired". It has Hebrew roots and comes from the name Mariam (Miriam).

The name Mary is the most common name in the world - it was borne by two main women in the Bible - the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, and Mary Magdalene.

Also, many royals of Europe, including those in the Russian Empire, bore this name. Of the royals, this name was borne by Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, and Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland.

The different pronunciations of the name Mary in European languages ​​have given life to this name in various variations. This is how the famous name Mary is used more often in England. But the Mariah form became popular only at the end of the 20th century, thanks to the singer Mariah Carey.

From various variants of the name Maria, diminutive addresses were formed - Molly and Polly, which are often used as independent names.

Maria Sharapova
  • On French the name sounds like Marie (Marie);
  • In Italian - Maria (Mary);
  • In Germany, Maria will be called Marichen, Mitsel, Marieke;
  • In France - Mariette, Mariel, Marion, Manon;
  • In Spain - Marita, Marianela;
  • In Portugal - Marica, Marilda;
  • In Italy - Mariolla, Maryun;
  • In Romania - Marioara, Maritsa;
  • In Greece - Marigula, Marietta;
  • In Belarus, Poland - Marusya;
  • In Ireland - Moira or Mora;
  • In the Czech Republic - Marzhenka, Marika;
  • In the Netherlands - Mathieu, Maike;
  • In Sweden - Mian, Maya;
  • In Norway - Mia, Mariken.

Catholics have many “secondary” names of the Virgin Mary, which are given in honor of the most famous miraculous icons, statues and titles of the mother of Jesus - Regina, Montserrat, Carmela, Consuelo, Mercedes (hence the car brand), Dolores.

There is a variant of stress in the name Maria on both the first and second syllables. The diminutives Mara, Marika, Maya are also independent names.

From the combination of the names Maria and Anna, the name Marianna was formed.

Patrons of the name Maria

  • Zodiac – Virgo
  • Color – Gray
  • Happy time of year- Autumn
  • Treasured plant- Cornflower
  • Treasured tree – Birch
  • Patron – Dove
  • Talisman stone – Diamond
  • Totem – Lily

Character of the name

Mary means will, receptivity, morality, activity. This is a choleric person with a difficult character, a reasonable, hardworking woman, somewhat gloomy, but possessing huge reserves of love and tenderness. Maria is a person of extraordinary warmth, which is why she is the best friend you could ever wish for. Someone else's misfortune evokes in her an instinctive desire to help. She has a rare ability for self-sacrifice. She is able to devote her life to her husband, children, friends, and favorite books. Her motto is “I feel sorry for everyone.” I have to help everyone.

Maria is smart and prone to philosophy. She is a psychic, a psychoanalyst, a fortune teller, a healer, a good sorceress - she always has sublime, almost superhuman abilities, which she rarely develops in herself, because she has no time, she needs to arrange the affairs of others!

Maria is elegant, beautiful, and a wonderful hostess. She is an introvert - she tends to withdraw into herself and does not always reveal her thoughts and feelings - she is quite secretive. He has good intuition, but does not use it, preferring proven ways to solve problems.

He stands firmly on the ground, does not strive to shine, rather prefers to give way to people who want to attract attention. She has an analytical mind, hence her interest in little things rather than the whole.

Love, family and marriage

Maria adheres to fairly strict moral rules. She has an innate sense of decency and attaches great importance to marriage. She either becomes an ideal housewife and blossoms during motherhood, or she becomes a woman who will always prove to everyone that she is not what she seems. Sex for Maria is, first of all, pleasure, similar to the pleasure of good food and relaxation.

Marya is an undeservedly forgotten name. From the cycle " Fairy tales Rus'".

Marya the mistress, Marya Morevna, Marya the princess, Marya the beauty - long braid- this is from Russian fairy tales.

Marya Bolkonskaya, Marya Voronova, Marya Gavrilovna- this is from literature.

Marya-light the snow, Ivan da Marya, Maryin Root- and this is already from folk legends and monthlies.

Name Marya It was very common in Ancient, Kievan, pre-revolutionary Rus'. But then, they replaced this name with Hebrew Maria and now the Internet, when asked for “Marya,” will helpfully offer the meaning of the name Maria, in some cases indicating in brackets that it is the same as Marya.

But no! Marya- this is not just a different letter in the name, it is a completely different fate, a completely different character.

So I decided, as a nameologist, to establish justice. I do this for myself to gain experience. comparative analysis, both for you, so that you understand the difference between the Russian name Marya and the Jewish name Maria, and for those few parents who decided to name their daughter Marya, but do not know the true meaning of the name.

So, Marya.

Firstly, the name has two syllables, which suggests that Marya can self-realize only if there is someone nearby who supports and guides. It can be said that The name Marya carries feminine energy. The stress on the first syllable indicates that Marya early years determine their path in life. A stressed syllable closed on both sides indicates a person who knows how to hold his own. Such people say little, but do a lot. They know how to not only go towards a goal, but even calculate a retreat plan in case of failure. But four letters in a stressed syllable indicate that Maryas usually become conductors not of their own ideas, but of those around them. All this may indicate that Marya clearly understands that her purpose is to be mistress, have big family, be able to manage the affairs of this family, honor your husband and elders in general. In general, live according to the house-building regulations.

Now Maria.

The name is three-syllable, with emphasis on the second syllable.

Such names force a woman to attract crisis situations to herself and strive to re-educate her partner in her own way. Only in the middle of her life does Maria finally understand her true purpose; the first third of her life is unstable, full of new projects, unfulfilled desires. One can say about the name Maria that it carries masculine energy. Marias usually consider themselves to be right, not leaving their partner the right to self-expression. A stressed syllable of two letters, closed in front, indicates that a person will think many times before making a decision. The three-syllable name also speaks about this - a person is constantly faced with a choice. Based on these preliminary characteristics, I can state that Maria does not live a stable life, she constantly strives to take a leadership position, wants to keep up with the man, but ahead, constantly proving that she is strong.

But Marya doesn’t need to prove anything, her strength is in stability, harmony, regularity, her strength is in a strong family.

Let's analyze those letters in the names Marya and Maria that are the same. Almost immediately, based on the above preliminary characteristics of each name, I will “distribute” the meanings of the letters among the names in accordance with their correspondence.

First M indicates that representatives of the name are not inclined to think a lot (Maria), they have a strong, inventive mind, but have difficulty accepting new things (Marya); insightful (Marya), talented in creative professions (Maria). But Marya must also be classified as a creative person, because it was they who passed on skills and abilities to their children - but this did not become a profession, it was a natural occupation.

First M makes a person caring, merciful, shy, soft. But the representative of this name has a desire to be in the center of attention, stubbornness, knows how to appear soft outwardly, but internally be tough, and sometimes cruel.

Compare these characteristics with what we already know about the representative of each name.

Marya They will be caring, merciful, and will not hide their true face.

Maria will appear before us outwardly soft, shy, and we do not even suspect that under this mask there may be a tough warrior, striving to win her place in the sun with stubbornness and sometimes cynicism.

The second letter of the name reveals what a person lacks for complete happiness, what he needs to develop in himself in order for harmony and good luck to come into life.

Letter A in this position it says that our Marya/Mariyas need to strive for clarity, purity, understanding, for the sake of which this or that step is being taken, to achieve spiritual and physical comfort. In the name Marya - A is stressed and this suggests that Marya has intellectual abilities, the rational principle predominates in her character, she is capable of deep reflection. In the name Maria - A is not stressed and this can give, in addition to the above characteristics, another one - an indispensable desire to insist on one’s own, to be first, right in everything. As you can see, the needs seem to be identical, but in what different ways do the owners of the names we have chosen go to them. Marya build their lives wisely, reflecting on the correctness of each step. Maria“they go ahead” just to achieve, win, prove.

The third letter of the name (in our case it is R) speaks of a higher manifestation, of what must be discovered and necessarily developed; It’s very good if this letter is a core letter. And in our names it is precisely the core. And she gives our Marya/Mariyas: “selflessness, rationality, the ability to delve into the essence, the ability not to be deceived by external ideas, self-confidence, courage, passion, activity, sometimes thoughtless risk, adventurism.”

Let's compare this characteristic with the descriptions of both names already known to us.

Maryam she needs to learn to be more courageous, self-confident, active; she is fully rewarded with other qualities of character. Mariam you need to become more disinterested, rational, learn to delve into the essence of what is happening in order to somewhat soften the traits with which they are endowed.

And now we come to the fourth letter, the same one that is different in both names. Let's look at it in more detail.

The fourth letter of the name indicates what a person can be caught doing if he loses his sense of proportion; it’s hard if this letter is stressed, although sometimes it indicates that a person develops himself through extreme situations.

In the name Marya the fourth is b, which gives the ability to “sort things out”, but also gives self-doubt. It is difficult to imagine that Marya, with her inherent character traits given above, can step over something, “cross the threshold.” Nevertheless, this may well happen - we are all different - and then the Higher powers will send her a test in the form of constant self-doubt, in her abilities, in her rightness. Only rationality and the ability to think logically will help restore the integrity of thoughts.

And here in the name Maria I is shock and, judging by the characteristics of this letter, higher powers send tests to Mariam in the form of financial difficulties, loss of partnership, loneliness in her personal life. Mary will have to make a lot of efforts to restore the correct value system and return harmony to their lives.

The fifth letter of the name is the letter of communication, contact, expanding connections, helping someone in difficult times; if it is the latter, it makes a person vulnerable in society.

Letter I gives our heroines a sense of self-esteem, a desire for respect and love from others. They are valued for their intelligence, not for their strength, they have organizational skills and know how to lead.

But the last syllable in both names consists of only one letter, which means that the syllable is open. This makes our heroines susceptible to external conditions, dependent on the opinions of others, their energy weakens somewhat and some kind of action is constantly needed to replenish it.

And again, we can observe how the representatives of these very different names replenish their personal energy in different ways. Based on all the above characteristics, I can say that Maryam they don’t even need to adapt to anyone - they already live in the interests of those close to them and receive joy from the fact that those around them are joyful and successful. And the more Marya knows how to rejoice for others, the stronger her energy.

Maria you have to constantly prove your importance, further weakening your already weak personal energy. Maria must learn to be happy for others, live in the interests of others, and not waste her life proving her uniqueness, strength, and significance.

These are such different names.

The purpose of my comparative analysis was to analyze what character traits both names highlight. And also to show the reader that both names - Marya and Maria - have the right to independent existence, and there is no need to pay tribute to fashion and give up desire call daughters Marya.

This is a wonderful name that helps a woman to be a woman - soft, gentle, caring, loved and strong..

Gelena Pshenichnaya
