Twenty-fifth lunar day: advice from an astrologer on the Day of Justice. Lunar birthday characteristics People born on the 25th lunar day characteristics

1-7 lunar birthdays

1st lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day, as a rule, live to a ripe old age. They are always waiting for something great, but they can live their whole lives without waiting for their finest hour. Sometimes inspiration dawns on them, and they accomplish a feat: they must join in the activity unexpectedly and brightly.

2nd lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will grow up prosperously. Undeveloped people of this day may exhibit aggressiveness and greed; never gaining weight, they eat everything indiscriminately, and a greed for things develops.

3rd lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day, in the absence of help from strong and happy planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, do not live long.

4th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will grow up to be a big egoist or even a criminal. Parents will have to use all their strength and skill to guide him on the right path. People born on this day are the bearers of some kind of cosmic secret: it is desirable that everyone unravel this secret within themselves on an intuitive level.

5th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day, without outside help, is short-lived. A distinctive feature of people of this day is fussiness, they do not get fat. They should not eat sauerkraut, pickles, or meat; they should avoid foods that contain germs of putrefaction.

6th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will live to old age. People of the sixth lunar day are transformers, conductors of cosmic energy, many of them become psychics.

7th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will have good health. People of this day are “weathervanes”, superficial and irrepressible collectors of gossip.

8th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day is most often deprived of external beauty, but the Moon rewarded him with spiritual beauty in abundance. Intelligence, knowledge, hard work, decency and goodwill - these are the main traits of people born on this day.

9th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day live long and fruitful lives. They are often unhappy and suffer from others’ misunderstanding of them. They need to constantly cleanse themselves - get rid of toxins, both physical and astral.

10th lunar birthday: characteristics

Those born on this day will grow up to be avid travelers; even if they cannot fulfill their blue dreams of distant lands, they will dream about them all their lives. They are romantics and adventurers at heart. They have established good contact with the Cosmos, and they draw their energy from there, and people use them as a source of energy. But among them there are also self-interested people, and then obstacles arise in their path in the form of serious illnesses.

11th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day have good mental abilities and live to a ripe old age, surrounded by their many admirers. They are very strong, almost unpredictable.

12 lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day have a soul aimed at helping others. They are merciful, peaceful, shy, charming.

13th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are noisy and fussy. They usually live to a ripe old age.

14th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are favored by fate. These are the leaders. They have a calling and go to it through all obstacles. They are characterized by a longing for authority, the ability to disguise themselves, intelligence, the ability to captivate others, and the ease of adaptation to any situation. There is a place for heroic deeds in their lives. Internally they are pure, they are disgusted with deception, even the slightest falsehood.

15th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day are very amorous, which can cause them to suffer greatly. They easily succumb to all carnal and astral temptations. They often have a weakened pancreas.

16th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day have good health, live long and fruitful lives. They love white and purity, with a penchant for blues and silvers. They don't judge others. Their symbol is the “stairway to heaven,” signifying the difficult path of ascent.

At the first stage of their spiritual advancement they hear nothing; at the second and third stages they come to understand the language of plants and animals. They have a strong imagination. They are gentle dreamers.

17th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are very happy in their families. Girls grow up to be faithful spouses and good mothers. They need their "other half". They have a great need for a true spouse or lover - a source of energy of pair polarity, otherwise they will be pathetic and weak in life.

18th lunar birthday: characteristics

If your child was born on this lunar day, then most likely he will be hardworking and efficient. Perhaps wealth awaits him in the future. People of this day, following a high path of development, are capable of self-sacrifice and feat, while they never shout about their merits.

Sometimes they turn out to be healers. If a person follows the lower path of development, then he can become an actor, circus performer, or clown.

These people see the world upside down. Life amuses them. If they are not stopped in time, then they can reach cynicism in their denial of existence, and then their path is pitiful. Confused in their illusions, such people tend to blame the whole world for their failures.

19th lunar birthday: characteristics

On this lunar day, people are born with high moral qualities, selfless, kind, modest, bringing light to the world. But if a child follows the lower path of development, then he may turn out to be an intriguer, a flatterer, an insidious seducer, a loser, or an unrecognized single creator; Such people often become drunkards.

20 lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day live with a constant feeling of flight in their souls. They easily master the science of astral travel and often become psychics.

The best people of this day are devotees who sacrifice themselves for the cause. At a low level, fate rewards those born on this day with an evil and unyielding character, which parents have to fight from the cradle. Such people become false teachers and dictators.

21st lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day can be, in their lowest version, indomitable proud people, in a blind rush towards the goal, not noticing anything, “tramping” others.

In the highest version, these are pure and honest knights, strong in spirit, defenders of justice. Both in the first and second versions they are distinguished by hard work, efficiency and patience. They show restraint in relationships with parents, loved ones, friends and colleagues.

22nd lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are active and live to a ripe old age. In their highest manifestation, they are the keepers of wisdom and traditions, capable of penetrating the meaning of all things and comprehending any science. In the lowest manifestation, these are conservatives, marked by a lack of dynamics in their worldview, convinced of their monopoly on truth.

23rd lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day is not distinguished by beauty, so much in his life depends on his upbringing, acquired knowledge and human kindness. People of this day are characterized by tenacity and a death grip; they take any task to the absolute. Maturity and completeness are evident in everything.

24 lunar birthday: characteristics

The best people born on this day are creative individuals with enormous energy, although at times they want to withdraw into themselves, close themselves off from people (go into hibernation). As a rule, people of this day are gourmets.

25th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day are the favorites of Fortune, happiness accompanies them until their death. Even in their youth they reason maturely. These are wise, unhurried, even sleepy people, but capable of transformation; often have prophetic dreams.

26th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will experience prosperity, even wealth, but it is also possible that he will often be robbed.

27th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will be too soft-bodied and weak-willed; parents should be involved in raising him and strengthening his will from an early age. People of this day live in a state of constant change and fluctuation.

These can be travelers with an eternal thirst for knowledge, tramps, mystics, dreamers, healers.

At the highest level of development, these are people capable of ideal love; at the lowest level, they are drunkards and drug addicts. The task of these people is to show willpower in order to “weed out” the lower world and master cosmic consciousness.

28th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day are very different. At a low level, they are not able to separate good and bad. They are characterized by cynicism, lack of emotions, and attachments. At the highest level - people “with the sun in their blood”, altruists to whom others are drawn. They bring goodness and light to the world. These are people of high moral character.

29th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this lunar day spend their entire lives fighting with someone. As a rule, they are long-lived, but they cannot be called darlings of fate. Going through all earthly temptations, they get into a lot of trouble.

30th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are beautiful, kind, and wise. Some of them live their whole lives without attachments, and some of them grow up to be altruists, to whom others are drawn. These are people of high moral character.

1ST PHASE (1st-7th lunar birthdays)

1st phase is associated with the element of Earth

Those born under the Moon in the first quarter are people of a virgin soul that has not yet acquired much experience. It is very difficult for such people to awaken from mental slumber, and they are in a kind of mental homeostasis.

A person is often unable to understand external impressions; his soul is truly virgin, having not received the impulse (impact) of the astral world in a past life.

Therefore, everything is new to him, he takes everything at face value, as if rediscovering everything emotionally. In the first phase, the human soul collects only the first external impressions, willingly accepting everything. Some 1st Moon phase people may come across as uncouth; at worst, they are characterized by infantilism.

1st - 7th lunar birthdays

There are very few suicides among Phase 1 people. Slowness of perception is accompanied by deep internal resistance in such people. If they allow someone to penetrate their soul, it is only to a certain limit, and then they are able to reject everything that they feel is foreign.

This is, as it were, their internal filter. Since the 1st quarter - 1st - 7th lunar birthdays - is associated with the element of Earth, this leaves a lasting and profound imprint on the psyche of those born during this period. In the first phase of the Moon, feminine properties are better expressed.

Such a person takes emotional balance from the Earth: it is easier for him when he is in nature or simply in contact with the Earth. The 1st phase of the Moon gives a person very great potential opportunities that he needs to awaken in order to realize his goal.

In the 1st phase, a person is allowed a lot, because he has not yet reached that degree of knowledge (although he strives for this), which imposes great responsibility.

At the moment of the phase change, the Moon receives the first stressful blow from the Sun - the time of quadrature - the amount of accumulated information transforms into a new quality, which is always painful.

That is why people born at the junction of two lunar phases - 1st - 7th lunar birthdays - are painfully susceptible: they have a lot of stress factors in their lives, i.e. Life provides them with as much material as they need to create stress, because this stage for these people is a stage of transition, choice, change in the form of emotional perception.

PHASE 2 (8-15 lunar birthdays)

2nd phase is associated with the element of Water

People born under the Moon in the second quarter have very strong emotional sensitivity - they are subtle conductors and, as a result, they experience a lot of internal changes.

Their inherent insight is a sign of an emotionally sophisticated person who has already experienced in a past life the first stress caused by a square, and this stress awakens a world of emotions, which, however, do not outstrip consciousness, do not break out, do not boil, because the Moon has not yet moved away from Sun to become independent.

Therefore, people of the 2nd phase - 8th - 15th lunar birthdays - are more receptive, subtle, diverse, capable of different manifestations. At the same time, they still do not give themselves complete freedom, they are not yet so seduced, not so tempted as to show everything hidden, to expose the secret (secrets of the psyche).

You won’t always understand them, you won’t always notice them, you won’t always solve them. People whose Moon is in the second phase wash themselves, shake off any dirt (they are like water off a duck's back), but they first accumulate it, they are not yet free in their receptivity.

If people of the 1st phase require, first of all, comfort, as a guarantee of the stability of existence, then for people of the 2nd phase - 8 - 15 lunar birthdays - the need for emotional contact comes first, on which they are very dependent due to their sensitivity.

They perceive a lot intuitively, through suggestion, intercept the emotional impulse and can develop it. Coldness of soul is perceived very painfully. All these are the properties of the awakened soul.

8 - 15 lunar birthdays

People in the middle of the second quarter are especially indicative. Born during the period when the Moon is in eastern trine aspect to the Sun (the most stable and stable), they have the masculine and feminine principles in balance, they are difficult to shake, their emotions are in their place, and their spirit is in its own.

These people receive a lot of new impressions, are able to understand them and at the same time not give themselves away. Among those born closer to the full moon there are many mediums.

In general, the zone within 30 degrees of the full moon is very interesting - it is a zone of rotation, or balance, which is disrupted only by the opposition itself.

A person born on these days constantly experiences emotional turns, constantly experiences the same emotional sensations as in childhood, returns to the original emotional states, to what he once felt.

People of the 2nd quarter - 8th - 15th lunar birthdays - lack deep reflection and relaxation - qualities that they could find in partners born in the 4th phase.

PHASE 3 (15 - 22 lunar birthdays)

The third phase of the Moon is associated with Air

At the junction of the 2nd and 3rd phases there is a full moon, during which the Moon is maximally freed from the influence of the Sun and becomes most independent.

Independence of the inner world, complete freedom and uninhibited control of his subconscious is acquired by the person whose Moon at the moment of birth is on the so-called Lunar Road (from the first to the last quincunx of the Moon to the Sun, i.e. 30 degrees “before” and 30 degrees "after" the full moon). These people are emotionally free, but also the most sophisticated.

15 - 22 lunar birthdays

They see prophetic dreams, perceive information of a different order, their state changes from phase to phase of the Moon, i.e. they are connected with the Moon directly. They received freedom from the Sun, and the Moon became more important for them, eclipsed the spirit, eclipsed their self-awareness.

They already identified themselves in a past life with the astral world, which is why they are born in this life on a full moon. These people are mystical, superstitious, and often give in to mood.

Their psyche is subtle, plastic, they carry through themselves various influences - both the most vile and the best. At the same time, they can wash away all bad influences with the stronger influence of some bright spirit or bright person.

This freedom will be freedom from dependence: while they perceive the influence, they are connected with it, and as soon as the influence ends, they are freed, separated from any influence.

Therefore, such people - 15 - 22 lunar birthdays - are special, people of the Moon Road, Moon Light. They are just guides and nothing more. In order to make the most of their capabilities, to isolate all evil spirits, to perceive only light influences, they need to raise their spirituality.

Otherwise, such a person will be like a blank slate on which any spirits will write whatever they want. There was already preparation for this in the Water phase. The people of the Moon Road are free. Their moon is at its brightest.

That is why they need to work on the Sun, on self-awareness, to develop a spiritual core in themselves, otherwise they can be completely unreliable people and it is better (if you cannot convince them) to stay away from them. But even if you can convince them, they will listen to you only while you influence them. They need to come to a decision on their own.

After the full moon, the Moon begins to suffer - its energy and its impact suddenly and completely change. Not only the phase changes, but also the hemisphere of the Moon: it becomes defective and loses light. The most deluded person, who has achieved complete emotional freedom, must lose longer and consistently give away what he has accumulated.

The first overexpenditure of emotions begins in the third phase. Such people lose more than they gain emotionally. Therefore, people of the third phase - 15 - 22 lunar birthdays - are people with primary emotional waste.

Their emotions are often superficial, they are already seduced, they already have understanding, sophistication, and the ability to maneuver; in the worst case - cunning, deceit; at best - a very strong need for emotional return, a craving for interaction.

During the full moon, the Moon and the Sun are in the phase of greatest confrontation - a rupture of soul and spirit. Hence duality, maximum imbalance and unpredictability of behavior.

People of the third phase, in the worst case, react painfully to every word and cannot calmly perceive anything; verbal abuse, bickering, emotional fussiness, restlessness, talkativeness, instability, sanguine temperament, superficiality begin; a person needs social contacts to compensate for his emotional imbalance.

4TH PHASE (23 - 30 lunar birthdays)

The fourth phase of the Moon is the element of Fire

There is no maximum emotional tension that appears in people after the last quadrature.

The fourth phase begins with the last, western square of the Moon and the Sun - converging, when the Moon is attracted to the Sun and it uncontrollably loses light. A person has gone through a lot in his receptivity earlier, therefore his emotions are mature, sharply manifested, flashes and bursts of subconscious activity appear, stormy, like the flame that was seen on the Moon - this is the human soul drenched in blood.

Such people are capable of emotional overstrain, breakdowns, and unbridled impulses. At times they are unable to control their inner nature; they themselves do not know what they are capable of.

23 - 30 lunar birthdays

The Gorgon goddess is extremely beautiful, with a cold and cruel face. This is the expression of a person who was born in the 4th phase - 23 - 30 lunar birthdays - in whom emotional boiling and emotional depression, inferiority are simultaneously triggered (the Moon is forced to obey the Sun).

That is why he can perceive any little thing as stress and, when he is unable to restrain himself, reacts violently to any irritating factor. Moreover, the explosive reaction of such people often precedes the emotional contact itself.

This bias towards everything is a consequence of enormous emotional experience: if a Phase 4 person receives at least a few stressful impulses in childhood, he becomes emotionally mature extremely quickly.

Therefore, there are examples of how, after a violent outburst of passions, such people become emotionally ossified and descend. They lack emotional disinhibition and exaltation.

People of the 4th phase - 23 - 30 lunar birthdays - can turn to stone when they succumb to temptation. They are hindered by temptation; they are constantly drawn to “look” into the face of the Gorgon. They need to learn to build a defense that, firstly, will help them correctly assess their nature, and secondly, learn to control it: not lose their minds, self-control, and avoid uncontrollable emotional outbursts.

It is not enough to cut off the head of the tempting snake; it must serve you faithfully. The task of people of the 4th phase - 23 - 30 lunar birthdays - is to master their powers, and turn dragons into stone so that they do not harm. Such people have the opportunity to be magicians, i.e. pass magical forces through oneself and work with the force that guides a person.

Symbolic correspondence: 19th - 30th degree of Capricorn.
Action: imagination.
Titles: shell, vessels, turtle.
The symbol is a turtle, a shell, an urn (a vessel for liquid), two vessels with living and dead water.
The day is passive, contemplative, a period of solitude, concentration and imagination. You can do therapeutic fasting and work on increasing your spirituality.
On this day, all people should cleanse themselves of toxins, spiritual and physical, and listen to their inner voice; haste is contraindicated. If clairaudience appears on the 25th day, this is a sign of slavish dependence on someone.
Social influence: Slightly unfavorable, requires prudence and rationality.
Household influence: slightly unfavorable, bad for marriage, travel.
People of the 25th day, even in their youth, reason maturely, like old people. These are wise, unhurried, even sleepy people, but capable of transformation; often have prophetic dreams.
Mystical influence: higher psychic powers are activated. Much can be achieved on this day by practicing contemplation, peace, waiting and developing sensitivity.
Impact on those born: They grow wise very early, are unhurried, but they can do a lot, they contain an inexhaustible supply of spiritual and mystical development. “Broadcasters” are often born.
Effect on conception: The mystery of birth or unknown circumstances will play a big role in the life of the person conceived on this day. He will receive protection and intercession. Characterized by intuition, foresight and isolation. Dangerous diseases and the wisdom of an elderly person. The main thing is that the formula “The end justifies the means” does not become the principle of his life.
Stones - spar, tiger's eye, hawk's eye (blue and blue), cat's eye (green), prazem, all fossils - wood, coal; sink, as well as heliotrope, pink marble.
Meditations: ideals of what is possible in man.
Signatures: spar, tiger's eye, shells.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

The first half is unfavorable, since some of the negative trends of the previous day remain. Lethargy and exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible at this time as a residual manifestation of previous energy expenditure. Therefore, in the first half of L.d. It is best to engage in individual activities and improve your health. However, the second half is more favorable and allows you to achieve your goals. Intuition becomes sharper and the support of superiors increases, so very often the negative events of the previous period at this time can be overcome, neutralized or transformed for the better.

"Days from the Birth" of the Moon according to Albertus Magnus

It's an unlucky day. Diseases are dangerous. The children will not have a good life.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

The symbols of the day are “Turtle”, “Sink”, “Urna with ashes” and “Two vessels with living and dead water”. This day is also associated with Aquarius. The astral plane is transferred to the physical plane, and astral images can be visible. This day is a magical day, just like the 22nd lunar day. A person's sidhi (superpowers) are activated. This is the day when wisdom comes and when everyone becomes a prophet in some way. If we work with the energies of this day, then the 25th lunar day will give us the opportunity to receive this wisdom. But in order for there to be no harm from this, a person must be clean. And the first practice on this day is cleansing. Fasting also promotes spiritual cleansing.
On this day it is necessary to get rid of various toxins: physical, astral, mental. It is useful to clean the organ depending on the position of the Moon. There will be different cleanses every month. It is necessary to free yourself from negative emotions, through breathing exercises to cast them into Manipura, where they burn out naturally. Mental cleansing through prayer is useful.
Each person has his own inner voice. This is our guardian angel talking to us.
On the 25th lunar day, you need to listen to your inner voice. You need to kind of test yourself, check your level. On this day you need to be especially attentive to information. On this day, wisdom can come to you with any seemingly insignificant information. Everything is a sign.
There is no rush on this day. It is not recommended to drink a lot of liquids and eat rough food. Cottage cheese is the best food on this day. It's better not to take any medications.
On the 25th lunar day, you need to take care of your ears; you cannot pierce them, since the earlobes and tragus are associated with it. The lobe and tragus are energy centers. By the shape of the tragus, you can determine whether a person receives energy from space or whether he receives it from other people. If the tragus sticks out straight, then the person receives energy from the Cosmos, and if it is pressed to the ear, then the energy comes with contacts. This does not mean that a person is a vampire, this is only one of the signs of how a person receives energy.
On the 25th lunar day, superpowers may turn on: telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and you need to be prepared for this, but you should not stimulate them, since abilities are the result of all previous work.
If you have not done cleansing or worked consciously before, then the 25th lunar day is a day of caution, so as not to do something that you do not yet know how to do and do not own. The spontaneous activation of these energies can end in failure (the “roof” will go away).
Incorrect use of these energies can result in ear diseases. Even a pimple on the ear is also a sign.
People born on the 25th lunar day are wise. They are leisurely, their dreams, as a rule, are prophetic. Since on this day there is a visual astral image, this can happen unconsciously for everyone. People born on the 25th lunar day can be in the astral plane consciously - in a dream, receive information and transfer it to the physical plane. As children, they reason maturely and have a correct understanding of everything.
On this day, everyone needs to be very careful and careful about their emotions and thoughts, since the thoughts generated by this day can live independently, charged with the energy of the day. And with your negative emotions you can create some kind of monster.

You can and should do and eat:
- Go hungry
- Cheesecakes
- Mental cleansing
- Cleansing the stomach and intestines
You cannot do or you must abstain, do not eat:
- Rough food
- Clean, operate, pierce ears
- Take medication
- Fuss
- Hurry

Name - “Turtle”, “Sink”, “Urna” (vessel for liquid), “Two vessels with living and dead water”. The day is associated with the sign of Aquarius. Last sextile.

A special day when images of the worlds of Navi (astral plane) can be embodied and manifested in our world of Reveal. A person may exhibit superpowers (“siddhis”): clairvoyance, clairaudience, mind reading, etc. - they say that on this day everyone is “a little prophet.” A day of concentration, contemplation and imagination. Favorable for solitude and peace. You should work on improving your own spirituality, you need to cleanse yourself of dirt - external and internal, listen to your inner voice. If a person is engaged in self-improvement, on this day he can gain wisdom. Successful for trips and relocations, travel and recreation, expanding opportunities in your activities. Mediation from friends and family can be very helpful, so listen to their advice. Creative proposals and new solutions to old issues can bring support from superiors and material success. You can improve your relationships with friends, relatives and lovers, take them to a new level. Sociability, charm, sense of humor increase, vitality increases. On this day, you need to be attentive to incoming information and what is happening around you - everything is a sign. Talk less, think more, think about your life. Peace and solitude are desirable. It is favorable to complete the things started.

On this day haste is contraindicated (“hurry slowly”). If on this day you hear someone’s voice and act on his orders, forgetting about your own opinion, this is a sign of energetic dependence on another person (or a creature of another world). It is better to spend this day alone, listening to yourself; this is difficult to do in large gatherings of people. If you have not previously engaged in self-improvement and self-purification of spirit and body, then to all manifestations of this day - signs, events, proposals, energies, etc. handle with great caution. Especially, to the spontaneous activation of abilities, since excessive passion for them can lead to mental illness. On these lunar days, you need to be very careful and attentive to your thoughts and feelings, since on this day, with their negative manifestations, you can create a “monster” on the subtle plane (in the world of dark Navi), which will begin to live independently and influence, in turn, on you and other people.

Conception - the secret of birth or strange circumstances will be of great importance in the life of the person conceived on this day. He will be characterized by the ability of foresight and instinct, slowness and secrecy. He will be accompanied by dangerous diseases and the wisdom of an old man (even at an early age). He will have his own patrons and defenders. The main danger is that the rule “The end justifies the means” may become the main one in his life. In the future, parents will have to educate and nurture in their child the best, bright sides of his character and nature.

Birth - people of this day of the Moon are slow, even seemingly sleepy, but are able to transform themselves according to circumstances. The best of them are the bearers of true wisdom (qualities of Knowledge); people will turn to them for advice - in ancient times they were called “prophetic” people. And in their young years they reason maturely, like old people, their distinctive feature is common sense. They have the abilities of clairvoyance and clairaudience; they are more likely than other people to see prophetic dreams and consciously communicate with other worlds. If a child has Heavenly patrons and is taught by his parents to lead a correct lifestyle, he can become “the favorite of Fortune” (the Goddess of fate and luck). In the worst case, life's trials can make a person unhappy, since becoming entangled in astral images and events of the Manifest World, he can lose his sanity and his path in life. Parents must teach such a child to use common sense to make the right decision - to take into account time, place and circumstances.

Dreams- it is better to interpret them the other way around on this day. On this day, dark forces have access to our unconscious processes. After sleep, it is better to take a cool shower.

Stones- tiger and falcon eye (Gemini, Virgo), cat's eye (green; Leo, Gemini), pink marble, heliotrope (Sagittarius, Virgo), actinolite (Cancer, Aries), spar (amulets made from them), shell, fossils (coal , tree).

26th lunar day

Name - "Swamp", "Toad". The toad, like the snake, is the personification of “wisdom,” which does not bring any benefit to man, because he is lured by the false seduction of his own achievements.

On this day, it is better to refrain from social activities and activities that require a large expenditure of vitality. This is a day of abstinence, fasting, rest and prudence. Communication with a spiritual Teacher is desirable. On this day there come tests related to checking the correctness of the chosen path, the chosen teaching and the teacher. There must be selectivity in communication, you need to cut off false connections and get rid of unnecessary acquaintances, communicating, if possible, only with those who are pleasant to your Soul. On this day, you should remember that it is better to communicate with a person who scolds you, but does it honestly and openly, than with someone who says nice things and praises you, making you deceive yourself, distorting your true self-esteem and state of affairs. We must strive for knowledge of life and the best in people, for a sober assessment of reality and sanity, for removing all “masks.” There is a folk sign for this day: if, when leaving home, you meet a person with full bags or buckets, it means you are going through life correctly. The first half of the day is more favorable and allows you to take a fresh look at the past and old unresolved issues. It is better to avoid new ventures and try to do things that have been started for a long time with the greatest efficiency. Then unexpected good news may come from old acquaintances and friends, and old agreements may be rethought and bring a qualitatively new charge of energy. If possible, talk to a wise person on this day, listen to his advice. Try to get rid of deception and narcissism in your self-esteem.

A dangerous day, on which people swear a lot (“croak”), fuss in vain, and waste a lot of energy on chatter. Avoid empty conversations, meetings, waste of time, fuss. On these lunar days, you don’t need to take the bad things they say about you personally - it’s better to think about it and evaluate it another day. Protective words of the day (from the evil eye and vain swearing): “ Forget me!“It is on this day that a person can overspend his life force over trifles; it should be remembered that there is a warning about this in many sacred texts. The second half of the day is less favorable and can cause loss of vital energy due to the negative influence of envious people and rivals. Relations between close relatives may become strained due to imbalance of feelings and emotions. On this day, a person is overwhelmed by the desire to attribute all the merits to himself (this may be a consequence of the 11th day of life being lived incorrectly), vanity and boasting manifest themselves. A person’s self-esteem and self-image are distorted - pay attention to people’s attitude towards you on this day, this can clarify the truth. If the 26th ld. falls on Monday, try to accept all events as passing by, without identifying yourself with anything, as a performance of life. A person with a weak character can be bullied, they can mock him, showing hypocrisy and crude materialism. Cut costs. On this day there is a high probability of robbery. Moreover, robberies can be not only material, but there can also be “robberies” of thoughts and feelings. It is dangerous at this time to sign contracts, start new businesses (you can get stuck in them, like in a swamp), take risks or drive at high speed. There is a sign that if on this day in a dream or in reality you see lightning- this is a sign that pride and vanity have not been tamed. Try to avoid smoke, fog, dark rooms, dark things.

Health- fasting, bath, massage are favorable on this day. The carnal (physical) body will be well cleansed through sweat. Abstinence and rest are necessary, as there is a danger of overexpenditure of sexual energy and vitality. The manifestation of Kundalini energy is associated with these lunar days. Communication with the elements of Nature is beneficial; they will help you maintain balance and peace in your soul. It is bad to pull out teeth (the wound may take a long time to heal). Diseases of this day are dangerous.

Nutrition- Potatoes, herbs, and fish are the preferred foods. It is better not to eat round vegetables (turnips, cabbage, etc.). You can fast.

Conception - a person conceived on this day can become rich, fame and honors will accompany him. But dangerous ambition will be a great test for him, “what he sows, that he will also reap,” and he will be rewarded for everything. Achievements await him both in good deeds and in dark endeavors - depending on what he chooses. In his life there will be reward for good deeds and retribution for the mistakes of the past.

Birth - people born on this day are silent. They are called upon to remain silent all their lives (since they will lose energy in conversations), make vows and promises (the fulfillment of which will contribute to their spiritual development), and undertake any asceticism (test). With the right attitude to life, they will be happy, prosperous and even rich. Their life will be difficult because they will constantly be engaged in self-esteem. People who are weak in spirit will perceive such a life as a hard lesson, not being able to draw the right conclusions from the experience they have already accumulated. Parents should teach their child to enjoy life in all its manifestations, to see the spiritual side of human growth in life’s trials. All people born in the last quarter of the lunar month have enough experience from past incarnations to learn how to resist all kinds of seductions and temptations. The best of them already know how to live correctly and will strive for this in both thoughts and actions.

Dreams- many of them come true to complete satisfaction. Often dreams of this day show us our own self-esteem.If in a dream we see ourselves on a throne, in sparkling clothes, or flying high, if we dream of fireworks or lightning, then our pride has unlimited power over us.

Stones - yellow jade (Virgo, Libra), jadeite (Virgo), chrysoprase (Aquarius).

The desire to receive help from the outside, but it is advisable to find it in meditation, turning inside yourself. Dark forces are manifesting themselves. People argue and waste a lot of energy talking. Stay strong! You are beset by the false seduction of your own importance. Try not to waste your energy in vain. It is better to remain strong if you are not sure that your love is strong and mutual, to be reasonable and thrifty, otherwise there will be losses and great damage. Selective and limited communication is helpful. There is a high probability of robbery and other losses. If you feel bad on this day, this is the result of a poorly lived 11th day.

27th lunar day

Name - “Trident”, “Rod”, “Ship”. In Ancient Greece it was the “Day of Neptune” and his mysteries (the number 27 in the sum of the digits gives “9” - the number of Neptune).

The day is associated with obtaining secret knowledge and information, a day of hopes and searches. On this day, a person is faced with the task of finding himself and passing on what he has found to other people. This improves both the person himself and the whole world. Intuitive insight is possible, especially when concentrating on something (a sign, pattern, illuminated object, etc.). A favorable day for any activity, labor, planting and sowing, communication with older people. The day is associated with water and sea travel. You can wash and clean your home. The second half of the day is more favorable and allows you to rethink the past, get rid of self-deceptions and obsessions, reduce nervousness in feelings and feverishness in actions. You can find a way out of difficult circumstances. Wise advice from friends can warn you of impending troubles, protect you from trouble, rivals and enemies. But on this day, especially if it falls on Sunday, you need to be aware of responsibility for your every action. A person who is pure mentally and physically will contribute to the purification of other people. Ordinary affairs on this day can wait. It is favorable to pay off debts.

The first half of the day is less favorable, fraught with dangers, injuries, and major complications. There is a danger of misfortunes, disagreements, the possibility of some blows of fate or a sharp decrease in vitality. It is bad to overexert yourself and come into contact with fire. You should not go into a trance from alcohol or intoxicating substances. On this day it is bad to start any business - as a rule, it fails. But if you consciously want to “fail the matter”, you need to start it exactly in the 27th year. d. You should look in the mirror as little as possible; it is better to do without it at all on this day (the mirror double can take you along on the 9th, 18th, 27th lunar days). On these lunar days, it is dangerous to expose yourself to even unconscious hypnotic influence. For example, if you are doing household chores with the radio or TV on, everything you hear, bypassing your consciousness, creates the preconditions for your actions in the future. You can suggest anything like this. If you use sources of information on this day, do it very carefully and consciously. A man of 27 years old. d. must stay awake in the full sense of the word, only then will he be protected and receive secret information and knowledge.

Health- on this day it is favorable to engage in healing (since the patron of the day, Neptune, is in charge of medicines). It’s good to go to the bathhouse, take a bath, swim in a river or an ice hole. The Vishuddha and Muladhara centers (mouth and source) are associated with the energies of this day. If you listen to heavy music on this day (for example, hard rock), it will affect the lower centers and possibly cause spasms. It is better to listen to more sublime, spiritual music - it has a beneficial effect on the highest centers - Vishuddha and Anahata. If the energies of the day are used incorrectly, thrombophlebitis and leukemia may occur. Although the diseases of this day are not dangerous.

Nutrition- It’s bad to overeat on this day. It is better not to eat potatoes, nightshades and citrus fruits. Fasting on water or juices is beneficial.

Conception- e If you are gentle people, then the child conceived on this day will be similar in character to you. True, he may often get sick and be prone to infectious diseases, but he will be kind, loved and protected. In his life, the main thing will be caring for his neighbor, and also wandering. But do not abuse your patience when raising him, otherwise your child will turn from a kind and fair child in the future into a capricious, formidable, punishing, uncontrollable and insane creation of his own egoism.

Birth - People born on this day are pleasant in appearance and live in a state of constant change and fluctuation. These are travelers with an eternal thirst for knowledge, eternal inventors. With a high level of spiritual development, they become healers, spirit seers and people capable of true, highest Love (27 = 2+7; nine is the highest manifestation of Venus and represents the number of highest Love and perfection). They bring secret information into the world, but use it in different ways: some for the benefit of people and society, and others only for their own benefit, indulging selfishness and their own weaknesses. With a low level of spiritual development, people of the 27th ld. may become drug addicts, drunkards, and tramps. Those born on these lunar days must show great willpower in order to “cut off” the lower world and low desires, and control the feeling of constant restlessness. They should master the ability to concentrate and calm down, control their thoughts, feelings and words, and learn prayer. They can influence other people with the help of words, incantations and spells. If a child is weak-willed, then parents should pay very close attention to his upbringing from early childhood and strengthen his will. Otherwise (especially if the parents indulge his weaknesses), you can raise a capricious, narcissistic and even criminal creature. It happens that a child simply does not know how to use his abilities for good and show his bright sides of character. It is the parents' responsibility to teach him this and help him.

Dreams- come true if they were repeated or will be repeated in the next days. Dreams of this day can reveal the true essence of things. Dreams bring intuitive knowledge, understanding of surrounding people and events. The day when not only dreams come true, but also omens.

Stones - emerald (Cancer, Pisces), purple transparent amethyst (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), moonstone (Pisces, Cancer), pink and crimson quartz.

These lunar days will provide an opportunity to learn the wisdom of earthly life not through the external manifestation of forces, but through working within oneself, with one’s subconscious. Each person has his own inner voice - it is the guardian angel talking to you, and on the 25th lunar day his voice is especially well felt. The main condition for understanding it is a firm belief in the constant evolution of one’s soul, in one’s purpose in this earthly life. It is unlikely that you will hear the voice of the forces of light if you are mired in constant squabbles with neighbors, friends or colleagues. It is not your guardian angel who will contact you on this day, but your personal tempter demon, and his advice will confuse your life even more.

You can do therapeutic fasting and work on increasing your spirituality. On this day, all people need to cleanse themselves of spiritual and physical toxins.

Day of passivity. It is advisable to spend it in peace and solitude. There is no need to start anything new, but one should complete what has already been started. Do everything slowly, without rushing anywhere, if you want to avoid overexertion and nervous breakdowns.

Protect yourself from accidental contacts and surprises. Therefore, do not show any activity. It’s better to sit in silence, be silent, think about your life, maybe reconsider your perception of the world. As a result, you will gain new strength and a good mood.

The twenty-fifth lunar day is a very calm and blissful day, intended for internal solitude and contemplation, excluding any physical activity and initiative. The day is influenced by two signs at once: Capricorn and Aquarius. Both signs endow the current day with wisdom and the ability to self-knowledge.

The sign of Aquarius - two sinuous lines - signify the two serpents of wisdom: intuition and rationalism or waves of consciousness. The nature of this sign lies in the “Man” symbol itself, i.e. the point of beginning of a person’s improvement in spirit and his achievement of stability, allowing him to overcome his animal nature and rise to a higher level of spiritual perfection. Likewise, the sign of Capricorn indicates that a person’s task is to gradually cut off the roots that attract him to the earth, to develop spiritually. And therefore, the basis of this day is spiritual development and self-improvement, to which it is recommended to pay special attention.

On the twenty-fifth lunar day, any spiritual or meditative practices are welcomed, aimed not only at your development, but also capable of increasing concentration and focusing on yourself, making it possible not to succumb to external and internal vanity, provocations from the outside world. It is advisable if your strength and energy are directed to analyzing your own actions and assessing the period you have lived, working on awareness. At this moment, it is recommended to pay attention to the purity of your thoughts and desires, keeping them under control. It is good to develop such qualities as self-control, attention, concentration. Strive to acquire inner harmony, not vanity in thoughts and actions.

On the twenty-fifth day of the lunar month, intuition is significantly heightened. Intuitions and insights are possible. Understanding and wisdom increase. It is these qualities that can lead to effective solutions to current problems, as well as choose the future direction of your actions and determine the main goals. Therefore, it is advisable during this period to rely not on reason and logic, but on the inner voice and intuition. It’s good to concentrate on your tasks, ideas and dreams, visualizing their implementation.

It is believed that on this lunar day, any coincidence or unexpected incident can be regarded as a sign. In addition, ear piercing is a bad omen.

A day of passivity, loneliness and peace. It is not recommended to be active, hasty, fuss and running around. Avoid accidental contacts and surprises. This is a day of concentration, self-deepening, cleansing from physical and spiritual toxins. Listen to your inner voice, think about your life and your perception of the world. Any sign on this day should be taken as an indication. As a result, you will gain new strength.

This day should be quite active and dedicated to controlling thoughts, you should engage in your own consciousness, but only turn on when you are asked. Unmotivated inclusions and work cannot be done on this day. You need to react to any provocations from the outside only when you are asked or involved, but you cannot initiate cases on your own, you cannot provoke them.

The day is good for trade, court cases, moving or business trips. Devote yourself to leisurely activities. Concentrating on spiritual problems, getting a good night's sleep and rest is very useful. Possible exacerbation of chronic diseases

New things should not be started on this day, but unfinished ones must be completed.

A very promising day! Advice from relatives and friends is very useful for you. Projects implemented on this day will bring benefits. You can make peace with those with whom you are in a quarrel.

The 25th day is good for starting trips, business trips, traveling and moving. Good for commercial activities, business, court cases, as well as sleep and relaxation.

These lunar days will provide an opportunity to learn the wisdom of earthly life not through the external manifestation of forces, but through working with your subconscious. Everyone has their own inner voice - a guardian angel. On these lunar days, his voice is especially well felt. The main condition for its understanding is a firm belief in the evolution of one’s soul and purpose in this earthly life. It is unlikely that you will hear the voice of the forces of light if you are mired in constant squabbles with others. Then it is not the guardian angel who will contact you on this day, but the tempter demon, and his advice will confuse your life even more. It’s better to do self-improvement or things to do at home and family.

The day is passive, contemplative, a period of solitude, concentration and imagination. You can do therapeutic fasting and work on increasing your spirituality. On this day, all people should cleanse themselves of toxins, spiritual and physical, and listen to their inner voice; haste is contraindicated. If clairaudience appears on the 25th day of the Moon, this is a sign of slavish dependence on someone.


In medical terms, the day is associated with the shells of the ears, and violations of the recommendations of the day lead to otitis media and other ear diseases.

The twenty-fifth lunar day is favorable for health-improving and strengthening procedures; traditional medicine is effective. It is recommended to limit physical activity and activity, but not eliminate it, in order to avoid the occurrence of lethargy and apathy. Meditation practices, yoga, and mudras are well suited for maintaining a state of calm.

On the twenty-fifth day of the lunar month, it is recommended to cleanse the body of toxins. For these purposes today it is good to use appropriate decoctions. It is advisable to go to the bathhouse or sauna, or take a herbal bath. You can do massages and use aromatherapy.

On this lunar day, it is good to pay attention to your diet. Moderation in eating is encouraged. Diets and fasting have a beneficial effect, including therapeutic fasting. It is advisable to exclude rough foods from the diet and consume more fruits, vegetables, and natural juices. Eliminate alcohol consumption and limit smoking. It is also advisable to reduce the use of medications, or replace them, if possible, with natural analogues.

From a medical point of view, today the knee joints and hearing organs are vulnerable. It is not recommended to pierce ears, treat the auricle and inner ear. A disease that appears on the twenty-fifth day of the lunar month is often not dangerous and goes away without relapse, but requires careful attention and strict compliance with all instructions. It is not recommended to start introducing new medications today.

It is contraindicated to use medications, cigarettes, rough food - anything that “clogs” the functioning of the brain. A vulnerable part of the body is the ears; you should not clean them, pierce them, or perform operations on this day.

The sick person is in serious danger if medical care is not provided.

Vulnerable knees. Ears - you should not clean them, pierce them, or have surgery.
Food: You can fast, cleanse yourself of various toxins.

Excessive fluid intake should be avoided. The best diet is food that is soft for the gastrointestinal tract; the use of medications should be kept to a minimum. You need to calm down, reject the vanity. It is unacceptable to carry out hearing treatment on this day.

Day of fasting and abstinence. It is better to spend energy and strength rationally and economically.


Plants: oak, verbena, hawthorn, spiny bell.


Day of communication with higher spirits, opening of information channels. A day of agreement with oneself, passive, contemplative. A period of solitude and concentration.

A day of self-improvement, meditation, psychotraining, intuitive insight, fortune telling with Tarot cards. Making pentacles for obligations assumed and assigned to you by others. Work on cleansing Sushumna - Vajrina, Chitra - Nadi for healing and opening energy channels. You should listen to your inner voice.

Associated with the transition from CAPRICORN to AQUARIUS. This is a day of concentration, transformation. On this day, SIDHI - higher psychic powers are activated: levitation, telekinesis, clairvoyance. They can also turn on unconsciously, appearing spontaneously on this day.

You can ask questions on any topic, but it is best to devote the twenty-fifth lunar day to making tools for fortune telling - runes, tarot cards, etc.

For calls, for any work of the waning moon, meditation. You can't start a new job.

This day is also associated with Aquarius. The astral plane is transferred to the physical plane, and astral images can be visible. This day is a physical day, like the 22nd lunar day. A person's chidhi (superpowers) are activated. This is the day when wisdom comes and when everyone becomes a prophet in some way. If we work with the energies of this day, then the 25th lunar day will give us the opportunity to receive this wisdom. But in order for there to be no harm from this, a person must be clean. And the first practice on this day is cleansing. Fasting also promotes spiritual cleansing.

On this day it is necessary to get rid of various toxins: physical, astral, mental. It is useful to clean the organ depending on the position of the Moon. Each month there will be a different cleansing. It is necessary to free yourself from negative emotions, through breathing exercises to cast them into Manipura, where they burn out naturally. Mental cleansing through prayer is useful.

On the 25th lunar day, it is not enough to listen to your inner voice. You need to kind of test yourself, check your level. On this day you need to be especially attentive to information. On this day, wisdom can come to you with any seemingly insignificant information. Everything is a sign.

25th lunar day. The day that predicts the future

The twenty-fifth lunar day is magical. Today we can spontaneously activate superpowers - clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, telepathy; we all become prophets in some way. If you work with the energies of the day, you will receive important information about yourself, your destiny - present, future, give clues in the past that caused some current troubles, launched a cycle of repeating unhappy situations. In a word, everything secret today can become clear - in a good and useful sense for you.

How to work with the energies of the day? First, listen to your inner voice. Today this is especially important, because communication channels with the energy-information field of the Earth are opening. Secondly, be attentive to any information coming from outside: today everything is a sign of fate. On other days of the lunar cycle, in order to recognize the voice of intuition in the flow of thoughts and information, you need to drown out the internal dialogue, renounce thoughts and worries about the present and clearly monitor your feelings. On the 25th lunar day these efforts are unnecessary. It is enough to drink a herbal infusion or, if you want to have a prophetic dream, take a bath with herbs that stimulate clairvoyance.

Drinks to enhance intuition

Aromas dissolved in water will help us strengthen our intuition - a quality that allows us to look into the future, predict possible scenarios, and then correct it. The smell affects the brain, tunes it in a special way, activating our ancient ability to foresee the future. What kind of ability this is, and why it actively works in some people (Vanga’s example), while in others it is dormant, has yet to be explained by scientists. The result is important to us.

What we call smell are molecules of a substance dispersed in the air. Different smells provoke different reactions in the brain: some tone you up, others calm you down, and others help you sleep. Aromas that sharpen mental perception slightly dampen the work of consciousness, introducing a state of light trance, due to which the subconscious comes to the fore. Water, due to its structure, enhances the effect of smell and is a conductor of its energy in our body.

Intuition is heightened by the aromas of the following plants:


Spicy cloves,

Hibiscus (hibiscus),

wood aloe,












Violet (root),

Obviously, some herbs are stronger than others. Below I provide recipes with the optimal ratio of ingredients for most of my students. At first it is better to use them, and then, when your intuition strengthens, you can try to create your own based on the herbs listed above. Remember that each of you is a unique person, different from others. Some people need to smell seven aromas to strengthen their intuition, some need three, and some need just one. Experiment! Today is a day that was created for working with intuition. But on other days it is not forbidden to use odors. Feel the aromas, listen to yourself: the smell that gives smoothness of consciousness, some detachment, will be yours.

Hibiscus with wormwood and spices

3 tbsp. spoons of hibiscus

1 tbsp. spoon of wormwood

1 chopped bay leaf

Hibiscus with yarrow and cinnamon

3 tbsp. spoons of hibiscus

2 tbsp. spoons of yarrow

1 cinnamon stick (break into several pieces)

Ginger drink

3 tbsp. tablespoons ground ginger root

1 tbsp. spoon of anise

1 tbsp. spoon of thyme

1 tbsp. spoon of hibiscus

0.5 teaspoon saffron

1 tbsp. spoon of ground nutmeg

Thyme-mint drink

3 tbsp. spoons of thyme

2 tbsp. spoons of mint-melissa

1 tbsp. spoon of flax seeds

1 tbsp. spoon of meadowsweet

How to prepare and use herbal infusions

Mix herbs, add 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture into a teapot, pour 2 cups of boiling water (it is not necessary to use melt water), close the lid and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then remove the lid of the kettle and inhale the smell for a few minutes, then drink a few sips of the infusion. Repeat this procedure 3-5 times a day.

Infusions can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than three days, then they lose their properties, so after this period they must be drunk, preheated.

For those who don't have time

For those who don’t have the time or desire to bother with brewing infusions, I recommend resorting to essential oils. Mental perception is sharpened by the oils of lavender, cinnamon, laurel, nutmeg, orange, rose, lemon balm, star anise (contraindicated for allergy sufferers!), thyme, anise, spicy cloves and jasmine. Choose the scent you like, light the aroma lamp and enjoy!

Essential oils are also good to apply to the skin. But before this, the oil must be diluted with vegetable oil to avoid skin irritation. Any vegetable oil is suitable as a base - olive, jojoba, coconut, almond, apricot kernel, sunflower. Proportions: 8-10 drops of essential oil per 1/8 cup of vegetable oil.

Baths for prophetic dreams

Taking a bath prepared according to special recipes before bedtime promotes prophetic dreams.

This is how a bath is prepared. Grind the dry herbs (from the list above) with a pestle and mortar and mix according to any of the recipes below. The mixture can be prepared in advance and stored until needed in an opaque, hermetically sealed container. The container for storing herbs should be non-metallic and non-plastic. Pour in 3 tbsp. spoons of the mixture into the center of a piece of gauze or cotton cloth, tie the ends and place the bag in a bath of warm water. Bath time is from 10 to 20 minutes.

Those who prefer a shower can sew a bag of herbs into terry cloth and “soap” their body with this improvised washcloth after the main wash.

You cannot dry yourself after a herbal bath. Wrap yourself in a towel or robe and wait for your body to dry.

Taking such baths, in addition to the 25th lunar day, is also useful on the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 12th, 14th and 27th lunar days: during these periods the likelihood of epiphanies, insights and prophetic dreams especially high.

Bath with thyme and tansy

3 tbsp. spoons of tansy

3 tbsp. spoons of thyme

2 tbsp. spoons of orange zest

1 tbsp. spoon of ground spiced cloves

1 tbsp. spoon of ground cinnamon

Clove-ginger bath

4 tbsp. tablespoons ground spicy cloves

2 tbsp. tablespoons ground ginger

2 tbsp. tablespoons ground cinnamon

1 tbsp. spoon of rosemary

1 tbsp. spoon of marigold or violet root

Bath with thyme, lemon balm and yarrow

3 tbsp. spoons of thyme

3 tbsp. spoons of yarrow

3 tbsp. spoons of lemon balm

1 tbsp. spoon of ground nutmeg

Today is the day when fate gives us signs, and we must be attentive to everything that happens to you, to any information coming to you, your inner voice, dreams. To improve the quality of information reception and remove interference, drink herbal infusions, enjoy the aromas of vegetable oils, or take baths.


If you have not done cleansing or worked consciously before, then the 25th lunar day is a day of caution, so as not to do something that you do not yet know how to do and do not own. Spontaneous activation of these energies can end in failure (“you’ll go crazy”). Incorrect use of these energies can result in ear diseases. Even a pimple on the ear is also a sign.


Ideals of the possible in man.

Beginnings- a day of passivity. It is advisable to spend it in peace and solitude. There is no need to start anything new, but one should complete what has already been started. Do everything slowly, without rushing anywhere, if you want to avoid overexertion and nervous breakdowns.

Conceived on this day: The mystery of birth or unknown circumstances will play a big role. Protection and patronage. Intuition and foresight, slowness and secrecy. Dangerous diseases and the wisdom of an old man. The main thing is that the formula “The end justifies the means” does not become the principle of his life.

On this day, everyone needs to be attentive and careful about their emotions and thoughts, since the thoughts generated by this day can live independently, charged with the energy of the day. And with your negative emotions you can create some kind of monster.

People of the 25th day, even in their youth, reason maturely, like old people. These are wise, unhurried, even sleepy people, but capable of transformation; often have prophetic dreams. A child born on this day will become Fortune’s favorite, and happiness will accompany him until his death.

DREAMS: An unfavorable dream only indicates that you are not fully fulfilling your mission; in this life you have been given and allowed more than you do. A dream immediately after midnight may be prophetic and should be paid special attention to

On this day, you may have a bad and even dangerous dream - in a dream, dark forces that want to harm can penetrate into our soul. Therefore, when you wake up, say three times: “Where there is night, there is sleep.”

That same morning (before noon), open the cold water tap, bend over to the stream of water and whisper your dream to it. It will be washed away with the water. It will be great if you say a prayer after this.

The dream images you had on the twenty-fifth lunar day are closely related to your subconscious. That is why it is believed that dreams on this lunar day are prophetic and do not require certain abilities to interpret them. All signs and images lie in the palm of your hand. And if the dream contains an incomprehensible moment, then simply turn to your intuition. She won't let you down today.

Dreams on the twenty-fifth lunar day can reflect your inner state. And with the correct interpretation, you can easily determine the degree of changes on the path of your spiritual development and, as a result, analyze whether you are moving in the right direction.

There is an opinion:

25 is the day of prophetic dreams (come true in eight or ten days). If you have a bad dream, you need to pray in the morning, open a tap with cold water, or go to the bank of a river or stream and tell the running water about your dream. Water will take away all the bad things without a trace, and sleep will not cause you any harm. People born on this day are the favorites of fortune, happiness accompanies them until the end of their lives, such people often see prophetic dreams.

Stones- Red jasper, spar (amulets), tiger's eye, hawk's eye (blue and blue), cat's eye (green), prazem, all fossils (wood, coal, shell), heliotrope, pink marble. Irazem is a translucent green stone (Salamander stone).

Energy of the day: active day

Lucky number 25 lunar day: 7; element of the day: Metal.

Lucky color of the 25th lunar day: green, malachite and emerald.

Stones: spar (amulets), tiger (red) eye, falcon (blue and blue) eye, cat's (green) eye.

Body part: knees.

Happy day of the week of the 25th lunar day: Thursday.

Lucky direction for 25 lunar days: Northwest.

The predominant form of 25 lunar days: circle, spiral.

Symbol of the 25th lunar day: turtle, shell, urn.

Key words: apathy, emptiness after achieving the task, recuperation, proper rest, psychological adaptation.

Guardian Angel of the 25th lunar day: Alfar - Guardian Angel of indigo color. Lord of the Three Crosses. Angel of dreaminess and melancholy. Alfar bestows insight and feminine intuition. He is responsible for sophistication, kindness, generosity, independence, inspiration, mercy, flexibility of mind and keen thinking. He is in charge of numerous affairs of earthlings, one way or another connected with quick enrichment and profitable transactions.

Basic properties of the day

A day of deep knowledge, a day of wisdom and prophecy, concentration. Awakening of higher mental abilities. A good day for travel and traveling, moving, trade and judicial affairs, sleep and rest.

Favorable acquaintances. It will bring joy to meet friends and like-minded people, relatives and representatives of the opposite sex.

The 25th lunar day is a passive, contemplative day, a period of loneliness. The motto of this day can be the words of Georgy Vitsin from his last interview. When asked what he would like to wish the newspaper's readers, he said: "Don't make a fuss, people."

On this lunar day you should not be hasty, you need to be thorough and leisurely. It is not for nothing that the symbol of the twenty-fifth lunar day is a turtle. So, for this short period, a person should be like a turtle - think about his step several times, weigh all the pros and cons, and only then make a move.

The twenty-fifth lunar day is a time of thoroughness, of finding peace; in a sense, you need to “lay low and keep your head down.”

As V. Vysotsky sang:

"I wish I could lie on the bottom like a submarine,
So that they couldn’t take a direction."

As a rule, astrologers advise devoting the 25th lunar day to internal problems, understanding yourself, reflecting on your character traits, and taking stock of your inner spiritual life. This is a time of relaxation and, in a sense, reflection.

But with all the contemplation of this lunar day, there is also a danger hidden in it - comprehension of one’s true “I” should not turn into self-digging and self-deprecation. It is necessary to treat yourself as objectively as possible. After all, your spiritual quest concerns only you and no one else. Today there is no need to work for the public, everything should be intimate and sincere.

Without such periods of inner solitude, you will never be able to know for sure whether you are living, moving forward in your development, or simply constantly running away from yourself.

The main goal of the twenty-fifth lunar day is to gain the ability to love yourself, and this means not inflating your ego, not narcissistic narcissism, but accepting yourself as you are, with all your “pros” and “cons.”

Tibetan astrologers believe that the twenty-fifth lunar day is favorable for travel, various types of trips, business trips, and so on. It is believed that everyone who sets off on the road now will certainly have good luck, but only if the traveler is not in a hurry.

The Tibetan astrological school also believes that funeral rituals and ceremonies can be performed on the 25th lunar day.

The twenty-fifth lunar day is the time when, first of all, you need to listen to your intuition and trust your heart. Reason and logical thinking can fail you during such a period. Rely entirely on your inner voice.

Business sphere: 25 lunar day

The twenty-fifth lunar day is favorable for carrying out trading operations, in any area - from selling cars to buying colored pencils for the office.

Problems that arise during these lunar days should be solved not so much by reason and through logical thinking, but by trusting intuition. This is especially true for money, since, according to esoteric teaching, it is money that is associated with the element of water.

If on the 25th lunar day you experience some kind of failure, for example, a deal falls through or your finances “flow out” - do not be upset. It’s just that your sphere is naturally freed from “material waste”, preparing a place for new arrivals. As a rule, what is lost today comes back doubled, or even tripled. But only if you take it calmly.

Marriage and wedding: 25th lunar day

On the twenty-fifth lunar day it is better to refrain from starting a family. This period is more suitable for planning a life together, for preparing the wedding celebration itself, and so on. It is believed that those who get married on the twenty-fifth lunar day will always “sink to the bottom”; they will often be faced with financial crises and periods of mental discomfort.

In general, it must be said that this time is more suitable for divorces than for creating a new unit of society. Divorces go smoothly, calmly, without scandals and quarrels. The next period of life flows away like water, and the past smoothes out like a sea pebble, leaving no sharp corners in memory.

Health: 25 lunar day

Nothing happens to Health on the twenty-fifth lunar day. If you were sick, then your health will remain the same, the pain will not get worse, but it will not go away.

Although, it must be said, this is the most successful and favorable time for unconventional healing practices, especially those that actively use water, for example, hydrotherapy.

It is very useful for healthy people to swim in a river, lake, sea or headquarters during this lunar time. If this is not possible, be sure to take a bath, preferably with herbs.

Some astrological schools warn against starting new medications on this day.

Sex and erotica: 25 lunar day

Sex on the twenty-fifth lunar day should be leisurely. Poses should only be selected that do not require special tension for both partners. Sex in water, for example, in a lake or under the shower, is very useful today.

The only prohibition: for people suffering from diseases associated with the genitourinary area, sex is strictly prohibited today, as it can cause exacerbations.

Dreams: 25 lunar day

Due to the fact that the twenty-fifth lunar day is associated with water, it is also associated with the depths of the subconscious. For this reason, almost all astrological schools agree that Dreams of this period are prophetic in nature, that is, now a person, as a rule, has prophetic Dreams.

Most of the dreams of the twenty-fifth lunar day do not even require allegorical interpretation; all the symbols are of a very definite and specific nature. If the images remain incomprehensible, then listen to your intuition - it will tell you the correct interpretation. Don’t try to put Dreams into pieces, don’t try to “logically dissect” them, today only intuition is true, trust it.

Esoterics: 25 lunar day

In the esoteric Christian tradition, on the twenty-fifth lunar day, as a rule, Baptism is performed. In other schools, very often on this day neophytes are initiated into various sacraments with the help of water.

In some Shugen-do schools, on the twenty-fifth lunar day, they practiced standing under a waterfall, and yogis performed various cleansing procedures both using water and in the water itself.

According to the Tibetan astrological school, on the 25th lunar day, female energy (in the Indian tradition - Shakti) reaches its apogee. Therefore, in Tibet this day is celebrated as the day of Dakini (guardian of the teachings). Today she is believed to extend her blessings to all living beings.

Lunar ritual on the 25th lunar day

Practice of the day: Self-test

Psychological tests operate with images that, at the subconscious level, can not only inform about a person’s attitudes or his attitude towards some life problems, but also allow them to be corrected.

On the twenty-fifth lunar day, you should subject yourself to testing, which allows you to evaluate your internal attitudes. and, if necessary, correct them.
