We learn in our sleep. The magic of numbers

It is simply impossible to predict your next dream, since such nightly adventures remain a mystery of the subconscious to this day. Anything can happen in a dream at night, but how to correctly interpret a dream if you dreamed of poetry?

What if you dream about poetry?

Most often, poems appear in the dreams of passionate and sensual people who dream of great love, passionate confessions and romantic relationships. After waking up, the dreamer is under a pleasant impression for a long time, but it doesn’t hurt to look into the dream book and correctly interpret this mysterious symbol.

So, poems are associated with nostalgia, that is, a sleeping person has been longing for youth, departed feelings and former lovers for a long time. Perhaps, at the subconscious level, he admits to his own mistakes and hears poetic lines in a dream, but in reality, pride does not allow him to confirm his mistakes.

You need to pay attention to the content of such rhymed speeches. For example, sad lines become a symbol of melancholy, loneliness and boredom, that is, at some point life simply lost its meaning, became insipid and uninteresting in all respects. If you do not change your own position and do not broaden your horizons in a timely manner, the dreamer may be overwhelmed by a dangerous state of deep depression.

Funny poems with humor and satire indicate a resilient character and upcoming conversations that can change the dreamer, increase his self-esteem and simply look at life with completely different eyes. This is a favorable sign for the future, which after awakening certainly should not be left without due attention.

Poems in a dream are most often associated with the real mood of the sleeping person, so such a nightly image should not be taken too close to the heart, empathize and, moreover, be upset over trifles. Perhaps it does not carry any semantic load at all.

If a sleeping person reads aloud poetry of his own composition, this means that a plan is brewing in his head that will bring him not only moral satisfaction, but also tangible financial profit, self-confidence and confidence in the future.

It is best not to read poems by other authors in a dream, since such a night image indicates that in the dreamer’s life there is an influential patron who does not allow him to make independent decisions, interferes with the implementation of his plans and opposes spiritual self-development.

Reading aloud the poems of the classics is a pleasant way to spend time with intelligent and well-read people, to learn a lot of new and informative things to expand your own horizons. To criticize such eternal poetic lines is to go against the system, to be misunderstood in society and to prove oneself a “black sheep.”

If this is not poetry but a serenade voiced in a night dream, then radical changes in the near future may occur in your personal life. When the dreamer sings, he will definitely soon fall in love and lose his head. If the serenade is performed by the dreamer, then increased interest on the part of representatives of the opposite sex is guaranteed. So pleasant changes are just around the corner.

What does it portend?

If a sleeping person is in search of poetry in a dream, then this indicates that he is looking for himself. Such uncertainty is frustrating and depressing, but the decision will ultimately be correct and fateful.

Learning poetry by heart is a symbol of self-realization, that is, the dreamer strives for new knowledge, tries to realize himself as much as possible in all areas of life and find the true path. If you fail to learn rhyming lines, then on your life’s path you will face a confrontation that will disrupt your future plans.

If a schoolboy expressively reads poetry in a dream, then a pleasant surprise awaits the sleeping man, but for the dreaming woman this is a sign of maternal instinct and intuition, which has never failed. So you should listen to your second “I”, and then all doubts will fade into the background.

When a sleeping person in a dream forgets a verse that he should recite with expression from the stage, this indicates that his moral state still leaves much to be desired. Perhaps moral traumas and old grievances have not yet been forgotten, but it is still not recommended to dwell so much on the past - it is dangerous for health.

But hearing applause after reading poetry means being at the pinnacle of success, achieving a positive result and strengthening your position in society. Such a sign will certainly inspire you after waking up, but it is still advisable to clarify the interpretation of the dream in your dream book.

Poems are always touching and pleasant, but their appearance in a dream can carry the most unexpected meaning. It is very important to pay attention to the smallest details of the night’s adventure, and then restore them in your memory with utmost accuracy. This is the only way to find the correct answer to the questions of the subconscious.

Poetry in a dream is associated with flights of fancy, dreams and hopes of the sleeping person. What you dream of reading poetry, according to the dream book, promises good luck in your favorite activity, a sharpening of intuition and improved relationships with others.

Poems in Miller's dream book - to the high appreciation of your efforts

If you dreamed that you had a chance to write a poem, it foretells noticeable progress in business and success in your endeavors. Telling someone a rhymed passage from a work by famous writers predicts, according to Miller, the high appreciation of your work by your superiors and those around you. Listening to someone declare poetry in a dream promises receiving news. Writing a rhyming work yourself means successfully getting the desired job.

Poems about love in a dream - to romance in reality

Hasse's dream book explains why one dreams of reading a poem about love as a harbinger of good news. The dream book of lovers, the interpretation of the dream is associated with the lines heard and their message in the dream. Thus, a plot about unrequited feelings in a dream speaks of some difficulties in understanding your soulmate. If poems about love talk about mutual sympathy, it means that in reality a romantic date awaits you.

Listening to love poetry is predicted by the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, about happiness and idyll surrounded by a sleeping person. Seeing someone declare a love sonnet signifies the sincerity and reliability of the partner.

Write poetry or creativity

The esoteric dream book associates the dreamed action with the emergence of new goals and aspirations of the dreamer. And if your plans have a clear and specific form, perhaps they will soon be implemented. Seeing someone busy with poetry is considered by the interpreter to be a hint that will help resolve an issue or resolve an unpleasant situation.

The Yellow Emperor's dream book connects why one dreams of composing poems with the active and harmonious flow of life of a sleeping person. For those who are sick in real life, a dream about a picture signifies an improvement in their well-being, and for those who are mired in problems, it means a quick release from troubles.

Writing poetry and remembering at least a few lines of your own work the next morning is a sign that the dreamer is not “clouded” by everyday life and worldly affairs, a direct connection with the Cosmos. The vision promises great creative progress.

Learning poetry in a dream means successful achievements

Seeing children memorizing rhymes in a dream represents peace and harmony in the dreamer’s family, life in complete harmony with their offspring and relatives.

Learning poems yourself from memory and remembering a few lines after waking up speaks of the dreamer’s high creative potential, which, if demonstrated, can achieve great success.

A dream in which you remember poetry suggests a subconscious search for the lost rhythm of life. A picture like this marks a way out of depression, a desire to enjoy every moment.

Reading poetry portends stability

Reciting poetry, receiving indescribable pleasure from it, tells the interpreter about the dreamer’s correct lifestyle, his stable internal and external rhythm of movement. What you dream of hearing someone tell your own rhymed composition predicts the emergence of a muse and new ideas, the desire to create and show yourself.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Read blank verses- to a mystical event; write poetry- to a headache.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Reading white S. - to a mystical event; writing means a headache.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Read poetry- get a job.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Esoteric dream book

  • Composing, recording - to dreams. If your dreams have a fairly specific form, then they will come true.
  • Hearing - subtle entities, Muses, help you, and you can take up writing or composing poetry in reality.

Esoteric dream book

  • Write poems and write them down- to dreams. If your dreams have a sufficiently specific form, then they will come true.
  • Hear- subtle entities, Muses, help you, and you can take up writing or poetry in reality.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Reading poetry means loss of illusions / peaceful neighborhood.
  • Hearing poetry means well-being.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Write and read poems- fall in love; apparatus employed.

Old Russian dream book

  • read - get a job.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

  • You write hieroglyphs, letters, compose poetry, text, letters. - Great happiness, good luck.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

  • The sleeping area is cold and secluded. There is little joy in reading poetry alone. I sit silently, looking into the darkness of the night.
    Gao Qi.
    Primary elements - fire, earth. Elements - heat, humidity.
  • Emotions - joy, thoughtful confidence.
  • Organs - heart, spleen, small intestine, stomach.
  • Planets - Mars, Saturn.
  • Poems are a certain clear rhythm and specified sound parameters. The Yellow Emperor's Treatise on Inner states: From Beginning to End, nine laws govern. The first law is Heaven. The second law is the Earth. The third law is Man. The fourth law is Time. The fifth law is Sound. The sixth law is Rhythm... In the human body, sound corresponds to hearing, and the eternal circulation of the feminine and masculine principles of yin-yang (dark and white, life and death...) necessary for life corresponds to rhythm. That is, this dream reflects the relationship between the dreamer and one of the basic laws of life on earth, to which everyone and everything on earth and in Space is subject.
    Reading poetry (composing poetry) in a dream is yang and yin in the movement of rhythm development. Reading poetry from a book or by heart in a dream means establishing your own stable external and internal rhythm in life, when all internal states and their maximum realization in reality are enhanced. Depending on what emotions the dreamer experienced in the dream (delight, aggression, excitement, anxiety), we can talk about the favorability/unfavorability of the rhythm and one’s own attitude towards the events that follow rather quickly after fluctuations in the rhythm. Possible options: a depressive state, the gloomy coloring of a dream is often associated with the inability to remember poems - this is a reflection of the reluctance to confront events (the rhythm of depression - come what may, whatever happens); depression only leads to ill health (brooding, sadness - unhealthy spleen, lungs and colon); aggression - constant forcing of the situation in a dream and in reality, which can lead to an unexpected defeat in reality in business; from a medical point of view, the heart and small intestine are affected. In this version of the dream, aggression is expressed in throwing away the book, in the reluctance to read and remember poetry, as a distance from business. Happiness, pleasure when reading poetry in a dream - readiness for change, confidence in its favorableness. This type of sleep promises success, good mood and health, since the necessary steps for this have already been taken.
    Composing poetry yourself in a dream means an active and harmonious flow of yin and yang energy inside and around the dreamer: if there were troubles, then soon everything will change, ill health will pass. Composing poems in a dream and memorizing them (remembering at least a few words in the morning) is a sign of direct uncloudedness by everyday life, connection to the information of the Cosmos.
    The dream foretells great creative success. To remember poems in a dream is to look for the lost rhythm of movement in life, such a desire in itself is favorable, but the dream is interpreted depending on whether the poems were remembered or not and what emotions arose during this: depression or confidence that the poems will be remembered.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

  • Poetry- this is a certain clear rhythm and specified sound parameters.
  • Read poetry from a book or by heart in a dream- establishing your own stable external and internal rhythm in life, when all internal states and their maximum realization in reality are enhanced. Depending on what emotions the dreamer experienced in the dream (delight, aggression, excitement, anxiety), we can talk about the favorability/unfavorability of the rhythm and one’s own attitude towards the events that follow rather quickly after fluctuations in the rhythm.
  • Possible options: a depressive state, a gloomy coloring of a dream, often associated with the inability to remember poems - this is a reflection of the reluctance to resist events (the rhythm of depression - come what may, whatever happens); depression only leads to ill health (brooding, sadness - unhealthy spleen, lungs and colon); aggression, constant forcing of the situation in a dream and in reality, which can lead to unexpected defeat in reality in business; from a medical point of view, the heart and small intestine are affected. In this version of the dream, aggression is expressed in throwing away the book, in the reluctance to read and remember poetry, as a distance from business.
  • Happiness, pleasure when reading poetry in a dream- readiness for change, confidence in its favorableness. This type of sleep promises success, good mood and health, since the necessary steps for this have already been taken.
  • Compose your own poetry in your sleep- means an active and harmonious flow of yin and yang energy in and around the dreamer: if there were troubles, then soon everything will change, ill health will pass.
  • Compose poems in a dream and memorize them (remember at least a few words in the morning)- a sign of direct uncloudedness of everyday life, connection to the information of the Cosmos. The dream foretells great creative success.
  • Remember poems in a dream- to look for the lost rhythm of movement in life, such a desire in itself is favorable, but the dream is interpreted depending on whether the poems were remembered or not and what emotions arose during this: depression or confidence that the poems will be remembered.

Why do you dream about poetry?

According to the spring dream book

Reading poetry while sleeping can mean for the sleeping person quick quarrels and conflict situations in which he will be the instigator.

According to the summer dream book:

According to the autumn dream book:

If the dreamer watches his child read poetry in a dream, then in reality this can only symbolize harmony and mutual understanding in the family. When a person reads poetry himself, these are ordinary memories of his former youth.

Dream Interpretation of E. Tsvetkova:

According to the Chinese dream book:

Whatever a sleeping person does with poetry in a dream, it will only bring him great happiness and success in any endeavor in reality, because creativity and books are always wisdom.

Wanderer's Dream Book:

Composing poems in a dream, writing them down or reading them means successful employment, promotion, or falling in love.

Wanderer's Dream Book:

Seeing poetry in a dream means falling in love in reality, changing jobs or getting a new position.

Esoteric dream book

Any dream in which you compose or simply write down poetry speaks of your dreamy nature. If dreams are real enough, then they will definitely come true. They help you in your creativity, and your muse says that it’s time to start writing or composing poetry in reality.

Learning a poem means the efforts of your heirs.

Imperial dream book

A dream in which poetry is a clear and rhythmic sound in rhyme symbolizes stability for the dreamer of his inner world. Such a person is in harmony, but the favorableness of the dream can only be judged when there is information about the emotions experienced at the time of reading a literary work. Joyful emotions in a dream have a good effect on a person in reality.

Quite often in a dream, a situation occurs when a sleeping person tries to memorize a verse or remember something he had memorized long ago. If he doesn’t succeed, then perhaps in real life he should stop thinking about bad things and start fighting prolonged depression. Perhaps you can fight against poor health, but laziness is stopping you. This dream can also talk about diseases. If a person is sad, then you should beware of diseases of the lungs, spleen and colon. A dream where poetry only evokes aggression can predict heart and small intestine diseases. Aggression itself is expressed in a reluctance to read or memorize anything. It can manifest itself in throwing away books.

Composing poetry in your dream means harmony in the soul of a sleeping person. If at that moment in reality he had problems, then they would resolve themselves and his health would improve.

If a person manages, even after waking up, to remember at least a few lines from a poem that was composed in a dream, then this indicates that his mind receives information from the Cosmos and is not clouded by everyday problems.

If the dreamer tries to remember a poem in a dream, then this is already good, since he is trying to find the meaning of life for himself, to enter into the rhythm of movement.

Newest dream book

Why you dream of blank verses can be interpreted from this dream book. Such a dream speaks of the antecedent of some mystical phenomenon. But writing such poems only promises a headache in real life.

According to the dream book of birthday people in May and the summer months:

Everyone who happened to watch poetry being read in a dream will in reality try to influence their children, change their attitude towards themselves, and guide them on the path of truth.

According to the dream book of birthday people in the autumn months and December:

Remembering poems in a dream and trying to read them by heart means memories from your distant youth.

According to the dream book of January, February, March and April birthdays:

The dreamer who was reading poetry in a dream will find himself in a conflict situation, or organize it himself. For this category of people, such a dream foreshadows minor quarrels. Perhaps you should beware of provocateurs and not be led by your own experiences. You should restrain your emotions while in a state of depression. Poems in a dream are a kind of moral teaching.

Universal dream book:

The sonorous poems that the sleeper managed to hear in a dream indicate that the person is trying to somehow express himself and is trying to perceive the words of those around him. The knowledge he has is not enough for him. There is a constant desire for the sublime.

What does it mean to have a dream in which poetry occupied a dominant place? Dreams associated with poetry contain a lot of hidden meaning, and they often personify the dreams and hopes of the sleeping person. The dream book identifies poetry in a dream with doing something interesting in reality, with the opportunity to expand one’s personal and professional interests.

In order to understand what poems mean in dreams, and to understand the secret meaning of what you saw, you should remember the important moments of the dream, namely: under what circumstances did you hear the poems, read them yourself, or try to memorize them? Also, you should not ignore the nature of the poems themselves, their literary “mood,” and your personal attitude towards them.

Special meanings in popular interpreters

Miller's dream book explains learning poetry in a dream as a tremendous success in an important matter, which can bring you advancement up the career ladder. According to this dream book, reading poetry of your own composition to someone means you will have to speak to your superiors at work. You can easily show your best side by showing your high professional qualities.

Reading poetry to a crowd of people in a dream means you will soon receive a large sum of money, and you won’t have to make much effort for this. You will be able to spend this amount on your household needs, allowing yourself to purchase things that you could not even dream of before.

A Now, if a stranger had a chance to read poetry in visions for passing onlookers, unexpectedly show yourself as a wise leader who can resolve a conflict situation even before it begins. This will not go unnoticed by management, and, most likely, you will be encouraged.

Did you try to write poetry in your dream? According to the Modern Dream Book, such a vision promises good luck in an obviously impossible task. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity and try your best to achieve what you want.

How does the Women's Dream Book explain the verse that the girl had to learn all night in her dream? If you dreamed of learning an entire poem by heart, in reality an unmarried young lady should take this as a sign that she is making too much effort to win the attention of the guy she likes. You should show a little disinterest and, to your surprise, it will have the exact opposite effect - you will achieve your goal.

Why dream of learning poetry, but not remembering a single line? The vision symbolizes your fear of an upcoming important event. You worry that you won’t be able to look decent, and this is how your subconscious visualizes your fears.

Try to imagine tomorrow after the event. Imagine how you will feel in any outcome of affairs, and be imbued with the calm that will already fill your mind - such a rehearsal should help your brain not to panic, and you to successfully complete what you started.

The sound of the lines

What were the poems you wrote and recited in your sleep? A few clarifications will help clarify the answer to this question:

  • If the poems in the dream had a good rhyme, were harmonious and were perceived harmoniously, in reality you will be lucky in life and you will be able to easily achieve any goals you set.
  • Did you have to listen to poems in your sleep, written without rhyme? Such a dream means that some of your affairs may not go according to plan and you will have to quickly find a solution on the go, improvising and relying on luck.
  • If in your dreams you write a poem, but the result is only an unrhymed set of words, the dream book advises you to take a closer look at what you do professionally. Perhaps you mistakenly chose an occupation that does not bring you spiritual satisfaction, while there is a profession in the world that was simply created for you. If it’s hard for you to move forward, look around and try to find yourself in something else.

What does the dream in which you published an entire book of poems mean? Such a vision suggests that very soon you will achieve universal respect and attention for your good deeds. Don't stop there, and in the near future you will feel like the most important person in the world!

Circumstances of creativity

What does it mean to have a dream in which you happened to write poetry in a romantic place - for example, on a bench or over a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe? In reality, you crave solitude and cannot achieve this state. Dream interpreters advise you to get away from the bustle of the city this coming weekend and enjoy either the feeling of loneliness or communication with a narrow circle of loved ones.

In a dream, did you see a guy singing serenade poetry under his beloved’s balcony? In real life, very soon your “other half” will tell you good news that will concern your family life. A romantic evening awaits you, where you can discuss important news in a warm atmosphere.

If you had a dream in which a stranger wrote an impromptu poem on a piece of paper in front of you, go on a tourist trip, where you will be able to visit interesting places and make new acquaintances.

Why would you dream of reciting poetry in front of the whole class? In the coming days, you will meet an old acquaintance who will invite you to renew your relationship and become friends again, despite past differences. The dream book advises you to seriously consider such an offer, since this meeting can change a lot in your life for the better. Author: Zoya Krupskaya

Probably, any of us would like to save time on studying and shift this often tedious process to sleep. Advertising promises caress the ear, talking about the 25th frame.

Is it possible to study in a dream without wasting time and effort, or are these just beautiful fairy tales?

The phenomenon of learning during natural sleep is called "hypnopaedia", from the Greek words hypnos () and paideia (learning).

Historians claim that this method was practiced in ancient India: the texts of ancient manuscripts were whispered to students by Buddhist monks during sleep.

Hypnopedia received its revival and further development in the 20th century. An original experiment was conducted at a clinic in Leningrad: the sleep of three little girls was accompanied by reading an interesting story.

The dreams each of them told in the morning turned out to be similar. This result interested science, and research was continued.

Works of the scientist A.M. Svyadosha showed that the human brain in a dream perceives and remembers information coming from the outside. However, it is not distorted and is available for playback after waking up.

In parallel with A.M. Svyadosh carried out scientific research by Professor L.A. Bliznichenko, who considered sleep an unacceptable waste of time and proposed using it more rationally: studying in a dream what is especially difficult to remember, for example, vocabulary, foreign words, terms.

According to his theory, human memory is most receptive:

in the last quarter of an hour before bedtime- this is the time for making plans for the next day, making decisions, assessing the events of the past day.

in the first 60 minutes after falling asleep,

in the last 30 minutes of sleep before waking up in the morning.

Professor Bliznichenko offers the following methodology:

  • The necessary material is read, then listened to on the radio, repeated loudly after the announcer, all these actions are accompanied by soothing music.
  • After a quarter of an hour, you should turn off the lights and go to bed. At this time, the announcer continues to read the text, repeating three times, the voice becomes quieter, becoming barely audible.
  • In the morning, the announcer reads the text again, with increasing sound, the music wakes up the sleeping people, this is followed by a control test to check the material learned.

An experiment conducted using this method in Dubna showed good results: 90% of the participants learned the information.

Important point:

this method does not exclude working on material while awake, but recognizes it as the most important element of the memorization process.

Interesting fact:

women perceive a man's voice better, and men do the same nsky.

Some sleep specialists perceive hypnopedia as a publicity stunt and also express an opinion about the possible harm to health from such activities: A. Borbeli, a famous somnologist, believes that at night the brain should rest, and not study.

If we put aside fears and consider hypnopedia as an additional resource in mastering new knowledge, then it is certainly effective. This is confirmed by experimental studies: the speed of memorizing new information increases by 30%.

This does not mean simply listening to the material while sleeping, but working on it while awake: repeated reading and memorization. The popular proverb about a fish that cannot be caught from a pond without difficulty is wise.

The effectiveness of hypnopedia:

  • Organization of daily practice cannot but give positive results:

According to Edgar Poe, completely new information is difficult to perceive and assimilate. Memorizing previously unknown material requires energy and mental expenditure. When new material is repeated many times, it passes into memory more easily, because the brain begins to “guess” it.

  • Daily practice implies the correct sleep and wakefulness: you have to go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  • Positive emotions: a person wakes up with the knowledge that the night was useful, with a feeling of satisfaction from the work done.

What role does sleep play in this learning process?

To understand this, one should remember that,

any information perceived by a person during the day first enters short-term or conscious memory (the hippocampus), the volume of which is limited. Then it is transferred for storage to long-term or unconscious memory (recorded on the “hard drive” of the brain), its volume is unlimited.

Transmission occurs during sleep, when the person’s brain is disconnected from external stimuli.

Modern research by Californian scientists Bryce Mander and Matthew Walker has once again confirmed the validity of information theory.

They found that information is transferred from the hippocampus to the prefrontal cortex (the so-called “hard drive”) during sleep spindles, which precede delta sleep, in which new information is recorded in memory forever. This frees up space in the hippocampus for new experiences and knowledge.

Sleep spindles are electrical impulses (frequency: 11 Hz to 15, duration: 0.5 seconds to 1.5) repeated up to 1000 times per night. The greatest number of these impulses occurs in the second half of the night.

According to scientists Bryce Mander and Matthew Walker, this circumstance explains the need to sleep at least 6 hours to allow sleep spindles to do their work.

Neurophysiologists agree with them: information, when transferred for storage to unconscious memory from the language of electrical impulses, is translated to the molecular level, recorded using a code based on a combination of nucleotides.

This process requires a certain time: impulses will circulate through neural circles until the information is transferred into protein molecules.

If a person gets up earlier than the body requires, this important process is interrupted, hence the feeling of fatigue after waking up:

the body did not receive proper rest, the brain was not completely freed from the information overload of the previous day.

According to Walker, sleep occupies a key position in human development; it helps young children acquire an avalanche of knowledge, skills, and impressions. That's why

The scientist suggests a relationship between memory impairment and sleep disorders.

Matthew Walker is an outspoken opponent of weekend sleep-in, and he calls This phenomenon is called “sleep bulimia.” You cannot study successfully, play sports, or create artistic masterpieces by robbing your brain and depriving it of sleep, says Matthew.

So do we learn in our sleep? Undoubtedly. During sleep, our brain processes the knowledge that we want to store in memory.

Sources: “Input and consolidation of information in human memory during natural sleep” L.A. Bliznichenko, journal “Modern Biology” (Current Biology).

If you, my dear reader, are a student or a friend (relative) of a student, then the following video will be very informative for you:

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Verses from your dream

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Composing, recording - to dreams. If your dreams have a sufficiently specific form, then they will come true. Hearing - subtle entities, Muses, help you, and you can take up writing or composing poetry in reality.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

For those born in May, June, July and August

For those born in September, October, November, December

How to learn to understand your dreams

Why do women and men dream about Poems?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Poems in a dream have the same meaning for both sexes.

Personal dreams and their interpretations
