Prince William - biography, information, personal life. Prince William - biography, information, personal life Grandson of the English Queen William

Today, he and his wife Kate Middleton are joyfully expecting their third baby - George and Charlotte will soon have a sister or brother. long ago stated that he and Kate were dreaming big family, in which at least three charming toddlers will run around the house. In April of this year it will be clear who will be born to them - a son or a daughter, they are saying not only in a whisper, but also loudly out loud that the duchess is expecting twins!

Provincial silence as an alternative to a heavy crown

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Catherine, never cease to dream of a quiet provincial life. They regard the lack of media attention as the best gift and great happiness.

Anmer Hall, an 1802 Gregorian mansion located in Norfolk, was given as a wedding gift to Prince William and Kate by Queen Elizabeth in 2011. William is madly attached to him, here with his brother, Prince Harry, they spent the golden time of their childhood, a guest on vacation with the banker Hugh Van Cutsem, who rented the palace from the royal family from 1990 to 2000.

Family life

He and Kate have very little time left until they need to completely immerse themselves in state and international affairs. The Queen and Prince Charles can no longer perform their functions 100%. But there is still time, albeit a little. Apparently, this is why the spouses have a strong desire to use it in order to live a normal family life, give birth to children and give them the maximum necessary parental attention. This luxury will no longer be available to them in 5-10 years, when the couple is completely immersed in work.

Maybe that's why William desperately begged Elizabeth in 2015 to move with Kate to his palace in quiet provincial Norfolk and indulge family life, having relieved himself of royal responsibilities as much as possible. The Queen could not accept his arguments for a long time, but William’s favorite was so adamant and stubborn (like herself) that Her Majesty had no choice. This is her favorite grandson after all! Let him live for his own pleasure while there is at least some opportunity.

The luxury of privacy

Those who have something to protect try to protect it. Players on the world stage value their privacy hundredfold His home is not Olympus, and he is not God. G Duke of Cambridge William is a man destined to be a prince. But also a husband and a father. His wife hates cooks; she loves to cook and run the house herself. Why let extra people into the holy of holies - into your family? Why should someone's hands touch the house where happiness lives, built by them? William supports Kate 100% in this. There is a nanny, there is a housekeeper. Kate personally shops at a popular Norfolk farm store.

Not a palace family idyll at all

An ordinary dinner in the ducal family - noise, commotion, turmoil! Children don't want to eat vegetables, "we want French fries"! Palace table setting? Enough for you! Food is carried from the kitchen directly in pots!

William and Kate - the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge - take turns bathing the babies before bed, dad reads a fairy tale to the little prince and puts him to bed even more often than mom, he knows that “The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson is a book George adores. The family has a pet - the spaniel Lupo, who runs rampant around the palace, as well as the hamster Marvin.


They are so pleased with the idea that in Norfolk they can easily go and buy a toy for their son in a store! No one will run after them with a camera.

The couple have a huge number of friends in quiet and sleepy Norfolk. The cousin of the Duke of Cambridge, William, lives in the neighboring village, most local residents have children, and there will always be playmates for George and Charlotte.

In their beloved Norfolk, William and Kate often take long walks in parks and dine in village pubs. The Duke of Cambridge, William, loves to ride a bicycle, and Kate enjoys walking along the streets of the town of Holt and the village of Burnham Market.

Service for good

The Prince was commissioned in December 2006 and commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Cavalry. In 2009, he graduated from the RCAF flight school in Cranwell and worked at the Royal Air Force there, waiting for him career: Duke William of Cambridge has earned the rank of captain.

The Prince loves his current job, he is involved in the civil service, working on an ambulance helicopter based at Cambridge Air Force Base. William works alternating day and night shifts and is responsible for East Anglia. The Duke talks about the importance of medical aviation, especially now, in difficult and conflict-ridden times of war.

William (William) Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge(English: William Arthur Philip Louis of the United Kingdom, Duke of Cambridge) - Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus; eldest son of Prince Charles of Wales and his first wife, Princess Diana, grandson of the Queen of Great Britain. He is second in the line of succession to the British throne after his father.

Place of Birth. Education. William was born on June 21, 1982 at 9 pm, in London, in the Paddington area. William was the first Crown Prince born outside royal palace- he was born in St. Mary's Hospital in London.

On August 4, 1982, the prince was baptized by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Buckingham Palace and received the name William Arthur Philip Louis.

From 1990 to 1995, the prince attended Ludgrove School in Berkshire. It was a boarding school, and William did everything the same as everyone else, even sharing a room with four other students. At school, he was captain of the hockey and rugby teams, was an avid swimmer, played football and basketball well, and represented the school in cross-country running marathons on several occasions.

After school, William entered Eton College, where he studied geography, biology and art history. The prince was always a diligent student and received good grades, both in specialized subjects and in education, in addition, he easily found a common language with his peers. Thanks to his sociability, natural tact and modesty with an absolute lack of arrogance, he quickly acquired friends and acquaintances. True, in college he lived in a separate room and used a separate shower - but not out of arrogance, but for safety reasons.

When William's parents divorced in August 1996, the prince took it hard. He was always closer to his mother than to his father, but Princess Diana communicated a lot with the children even after the divorce. Even after the divorce she continued to be considered a member royal family and lived in Kensington Palace, doing a lot of charity work.

The big blow in the prince's life came on August 31, 1997, when his mother, Princess Diana, died in a car accident in Paris. The prince learned about the tragedy only on September 1 from his father, since Prince Charles forbade the children to have a radio in the house. No matter how hard it was for him to cope with the grief that befell him, William found the strength to take part in organizing the funeral. He and his brother followed their mother’s coffin in the funeral procession until Westminster Abbey where the funeral took place. After the death of his mother, William visited a psychoanalyst of his own free will.

In July 2000, after graduating from Eton College, the prince decided to take a break from his studies for a year. He traveled a lot, visited Chile, visited African countries following his mother (Princess Diana was actively involved in charity work), and even worked on an English dairy farm. After a year, Prince William chose his future path: he decided to enter the prestigious University of St. Andrews in Scotland, and soon became a student. The prince celebrated his coming of age (according to British law, it comes at 21) with an African-style party, which he held at Windsor Castle under the supervision of the queen herself.

The Prince's thesis in 2005 was on coral reefs. He graduated with very good results (though not with honors), and in this he surpassed his father, a graduate of Cambridge. According to William himself, he spent four happy years in St. Andrew. For some time after graduating from university, William worked and was engaged in socially useful activities, for example, representing Her Majesty in New Zealand, in the cities of Wellington and Auckland at celebrations dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

Military service. In May 2006, Prince William entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He was commissioned in December 2006 and joined the Royal Cavalry as a Second Lieutenant. In this regard, his career is no different from that of his male ancestors, starting with Henry V, since in Great Britain the monarch formally heads armed forces countries. In 2009, after graduating from the RAF flight school in Cranwell, he was transferred to the Royal air Force and promoted to the rank of captain (Flight Lieutenant). Served as a rescue helicopter pilot. His service as a rescue helicopter pilot ended in September 2013.

Working as a pilot. In 2014, it was announced that the Duke would work as an East Anglian Air Ambulance pilot. medical care, located at Cambridge Airport. The prince was paid a salary, which he transferred in full to the medical service charity fund. In July 2017, the Duke left his Air Ambulance job to take a more active role in royal duties on behalf of his grandmother, the Queen.

Sport. In May 2006, Prince William succeeded his uncle, the Duke of York, as President of the FA. As an active sportsman and Birmingham fan football club Aston Villa, the Prince expressed his burning desire to get as many children involved in football as possible.

Family. On 16 November 2010, Clarence House announced the engagement of Prince William and his longtime girlfriend. The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton took place on April 29, 2011 at London's Cathedral Church of St. Peter's in Westminster Abbey. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams officially proclaimed Prince William and Kate Middleton husband and wife, and Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain awarded the young couple the title of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

July 22, 2013 at 16:24 local time with Prince William and the Duchess Cambridge Kate Middleton was born a boy, George (George) Alexander Louis.

On September 4, 2017, Kensington Palace announced that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their third child, due in the spring of 2018. April 23, 2018Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton gave birth to a boy.

William was the first crown prince to be born outside the royal palace - he was born in St Mary's Hospital in London. He became the object of attention of the paparazzi as soon as he was born: already upon leaving the maternity hospital, Diana and Charles came under the camera lenses of numerous photographers who wanted to be the first to take a photo of the heir.

On August 4, 1982, the prince was baptized by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Buckingham Palace and received the name William Arthur Philip Louis.

From 1990 to 1995, the prince attended Ludgrove School in Berkshire. It was a boarding school, and William did everything the same as everyone else, even sharing a room with four other students. At school, he was captain of the hockey and rugby teams, was an avid swimmer, played football and basketball well, and represented the school in cross-country running marathons on several occasions.

After school, William entered the famous Eton College, where he studied geography, biology and art history. The prince was always a diligent student and received good grades both in specialized subjects and in education, in addition, he easily found a common language with his peers. Thanks to his sociability, natural tact and modesty with an absolute lack of arrogance, he quickly acquired friends and acquaintances. True, in college he lived in a separate room and used a separate shower - but not out of arrogance, but for safety reasons.

When William's parents divorced in August 1996, the prince took it hard. He was always closer to his mother than to his father, but Princess Diana communicated a lot with the children even after the divorce. Even after the divorce, she continued to be considered a member of the royal family and lived in Kensington Palace and did a lot of charity work.

The big blow in the prince's life came on August 31, 1997, when his mother, Princess Diana, died in a car accident in Paris. The prince learned about the tragedy only on September 1 from his father, since Prince Charles forbade the children to have a radio in the house. No matter how hard it was for him to cope with the grief that befell him, William found the strength to take part in organizing the funeral. He and his brother, Prince Harry, followed their mother's coffin in a funeral procession all the way to Westminster Abbey, where the funeral took place. After the death of his mother, William visited a psychoanalyst of his own free will. During this period, William's long-standing hostility towards the press escalated to the limit: he blamed the paparazzi for his mother's death.

In July 2000, after graduating from Eton College, the prince, like many students, decided to take a break from his studies for a year. He traveled a lot, visited Chile, visited African countries following his mother (Princess Diana was actively involved in charity work), and even worked on an English dairy farm. After a year, Prince William chose his future path: he decided to enter the prestigious University of St. Andrews in Scotland, and soon became a student. The prince celebrated his coming of age (according to British law, it comes at 21 years old) with an African-style party, which he held at Windsor Castle under the supervision of the queen herself.

The Prince's thesis in 2005 was on coral reefs. He graduated with very good results (though not with honors), and in this he surpassed his father, a graduate of Cambridge. According to William himself, he spent four happy years in St. Andrew. For some time after graduating from university, William worked and was engaged in socially useful activities, for example, representing Her Majesty in New Zealand, in the cities of Wellington and Auckland at celebrations dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

In May 2006, Prince William entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He was commissioned in December 2006 and joined the Royal Cavalry as a Second Lieutenant. In this regard, his career is no different from the career of his male ancestors, starting with Henry V, since in Great Britain the monarch formally heads the country's armed forces. In 2009, after graduating from the RAF flight school in Cranwell, he was transferred to

Prince William is considered second in line to the British throne after his father, Prince Charles of Wales; is the grandson of the current Queen Elizabeth II and the eldest son of Princess Diana, who tragically died in a car accident on August 31, 1997.

Prince William has a younger brother, Prince Henry of Wales, best known as Prince Harry.

Prince William is married to Kate Middleton. They have two children: the eldest, George (George) Alexander Louis, and the youngest, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.

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Biography of Prince William

Prince William was born at St. Mary's Hospital in London and was christened William Arthur Philip Louis.

At the age of 8, he began attending a boarding school in Berkshire, where, by the way, he lived along with other students in a dormitory. At the age of 13 he entered Easton College. True, there, for safety reasons, he had to rent a separate room, but despite this, Prince William easily found a common language with his peers, was distinguished by his obedience and sporting achievements.

At the age of 14, serious trials began in the life of the heir to the royal throne: first, he learned about his parents’ divorce, and two years later, his mother, Princess Diana, with whom he was very close, died.

William took the family tragedy very hard and after the funeral, he visited a psychoanalyst for several years. At age 20, after graduating from college, he took a break from his studies to continue Princess Diana's charitable mission in third world countries. At the same time, the prince lived on his own money, working part-time on a dairy farm.

At the age of 21, the eldest grandson of Elizabeth II decided to receive higher education and entered the prestigious University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

But his successes did not end there. At 22, he applied to the Royal Military Academy, where he was immediately accepted as a Second Lieutenant, and three years later he was transferred to the Royal Air Force and appointed captain.

Now Prince William works as a rescue helicopter pilot and participates in many of the most important operations (for example, in 2011, he rescued Russian sailors from the Swanland shipwreck). He and his wife Kate Middleton also take part in various public and charitable events.

In May 2016, Prince William, Kate Middleton and Prince Harry launched the Heads Together campaign, which aims to raise public awareness of the need to combat negative attitude to mental health problems.

Prince William's personal life

Prince William met his future wife Kate Middleton at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. They were both classmates. Their first meeting happened in 2002 at a charity fashion show, where Prince William came as a guest and Kate Middleton as a model. After the event they started chatting. William and Kate were often seen together at the university, on walks in the park, and while traveling. The young people called their relationship “friendly”; they simply felt good together.

In 2004, Prince William and Kate Middleton announced themselves as a couple. True, Middleton did not receive a marriage proposal from the prince. Then there were rumors that William would never marry a simple student girl, and she was simply wasting her time on him. And one day Kate and William broke up completely. They say that the prince initiated the breakup; he supposedly wanted to be free and spend time with friends, and not with his girlfriend. At the same time, Kate remained wise and simply waited. And, as we see, not in vain. Soon the British heir began inviting her on dates again. Moreover, in 2006, he invited his companion to Christmas dinner with Elizabeth II herself.

But in 2007, the prince and Middleton stopped communicating again. This time Kate couldn’t stand it: she didn’t like William’s statement that he wasn’t going to get married until he was 30. It was then that the prince came to his senses and began to court his beloved again.

In October 2010, while on vacation in Kenya, the British heiress made a long-awaited marriage proposal to Kate. She, of course, agreed.

They got married in April 2011 and their wedding was broadcast live to the whole world!

In December 2012, it became known that Kate was expecting a child. On July 22, 2013, she gave birth to a boy named Prince George Alexander Louis. In September 2014, news of the Duchess's second pregnancy appeared. On May 2, 2015, Prince William's wife gave birth to a daughter, who was named Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.

Born 21 June 1982 at St Mary's Hospital, London. Father - Prince Charles of Wales (1948), first heir to the throne of Great Britain. Mother - Princess of Wales Diana (née Diana Spencer, 1961-1997), was born into the aristocratic family of the Earls Spencer and died tragically in a car accident. Wife - Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (nee Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, 01/09/1982). Son - George Alexander Louis (07/22/2013), third heir to the British throne. Grandmother - Elizabeth II (1926), Queen of Great Britain from 1952 to the present. Grandfather - Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (1921). Younger brother - Prince Henry (Harry) of Wales (08/15/1984), fourth heir to the throne.

On August 4, 1982, the Prince was christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Buckingham Palace. At baptism he was given the name William Arthur Philip Louis. He is now second in line to the throne after his father.

From 1990 to 1995, William attended the prestigious Ludgrove School in Berkshire. He was captain of the school rugby and hockey teams, played excellent basketball and football, and also participated in all running marathons.

After school, William entered Eton College, where he studied biology, geography and art history. For security reasons, the prince lived in a separate room at college.

In August 1996, Prince Charles and Princess Diana divorced. William had a very hard time with his parents' separation.
