What is a den? What is a stash and how to find one in your home? You may be interested in knowing the lexical, literal or figurative meaning of these words

HAVEN- HOTEL - a room for gathering people for the purpose of carrying out certain illegal or immoral actions. The Criminal Code provides for liability only for the organization or maintenance of dens: a) for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (Article 232); b) for prostitution (Article 241). The premises used for P. may belong to the perpetrator either as personal property or as a lease; be both residential (house, apartment, room, cottage, etc.) and non-residential (bathhouse, sauna, basement, attic, barn, etc.); specially equipped (sauna, bathhouse) or adapted (basement equipped for housing). The organization of a property should be understood as actions aimed at creating (for example, construction, renting) or adapting premises (repairs, redevelopment, equipment, providing necessary items and means), finding people who want to use this premises as a property. The maintenance of a property means the adoption by the perpetrator of systematic (regular) measures for the functioning of the property (for example, provision of electricity, heat, water, security, bedding, dishes, etc.). The subject of crimes under Art. 232 and 241 of the Criminal Code, there may be an individual who has reached 16 years of age at the time of organizing or maintaining the P. For the organization or maintenance of the P. the Criminal Code provides different kinds punishment, up to imprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years. Alikperov Kh.D.


HOTEL - a room for gathering people for the purpose of carrying out certain illegal or immoral actions. The Criminal Code provides for liability only for the organization or maintenance of dens: a) for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (Article 232); b) for prostitution (Article 241). The premises used for P. may belong to the perpetrator either as personal property or as a lease; be both residential (house, apartment, room, cottage, etc.) and non-residential (bathhouse, sauna, basement, attic, barn, etc.); specially equipped (sauna, bathhouse) or adapted (basement equipped for housing). The organization of a property should be understood as actions aimed at creating (for example, construction, renting) or adapting premises (repairs, redevelopment, equipment, providing necessary items and means), finding people who want to use this premises as a property. The maintenance of a property means the adoption by the perpetrator of systematic (regular) measures for the functioning of the property (for example, provision of electricity, heat, water, security, bedding, dishes, etc.). The subject of crimes under Art. 232 and 241 of the Criminal Code, there may be an individual who has reached 16 years of age at the time of organizing or maintaining the P. For organizing or maintaining a P. The Criminal Code provides for various types of punishment, up to imprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years. Alikperov Kh.D.

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Many have heard, but not everyone knows the meaning of the word “brothel”. What is this? This is the name of a room where people gather in order to carry out certain illegal or immoral actions. The Criminal Code provides for liability for anyone organizing or maintaining a den for:

  • use of drugs or psychotropic substances;
  • prostitution (“brothel lights”).

The premises that are used for a brothel may belong to the culprit not only as personal property, but also be rented; it can be residential or non-residential, or with special equipment (sauna, bathhouse). Brothel - what is it? A hangout must be understood as actions that are aimed at creating or adapting a room, finding people who want to use this room.

Maintenance implies that the perpetrator takes systematic measures for the functioning of the brothel, for example, providing electricity, heat, water, security, bedding, dishes, etc. Subjects of the crime. according to Articles 232 and 224 of the Criminal Code, are individuals who have reached the age of 16 at the time of organizing or maintaining a brothel.

Types of dens

Brothel - what is it? This is a place of regular meetings of people for criminal or other unseemly purposes. Most often it is found in the apartments of criminals, construction sites, factories and warehouses. Brothels most often sell drugs and engage in prostitution. The den also serves as a shelter, hiding place and place of thieves’ gatherings. We have already learned what it is, but it turns out that there are several types of these illegal establishments.

  1. A mess - a brothel.
  2. Blat-khata - located in an apartment or in a house, the owner must be very wealthy.
  3. A nativity scene is a room in which frequent guests are criminals.
  4. Zavodilovka is a premise for libertines who like to play pranks in an unconventional way.
  5. A hot place is a den where debauchery is encouraged.
  6. A leper colony is a closed room, entry to which is by invitation only.
  7. A drug den is intended for the use of drugs and psychotropic substances.
  8. Blatnaya raspberry is a den for thieves.
  9. A gambling den is a place for gambling lovers.
  10. Alcopriton - alcohol lovers gather here.

Punishment for organizing a brothel

For organizing or maintaining a den for the use of drugs and psychotropic substances, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation implies criminal liability in accordance with Art. 232. For a den for prostitution or the systematic provision of premises for this, criminal liability is also provided for in accordance with Art.

Khaza) is a place where people regularly gather for criminal or other unseemly purposes. Usually the apartments of members of an organized organization become hangouts. criminal group, abandoned construction sites, factories and warehouses. Brothels are places where drugs and prostitution are distributed. Dens also serve as shelters or hiding places and serve as meeting places for members or leaders of an organized criminal group.

Types of dens

  • Blatnaya raspberry- a den of thieves.
  • Brothel(brothel) - a den for prostitution (aka den of depravity ).
  • Gambling den- hangout for participation in gambling(Katran).
  • Drug den- a den for the use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, a haven for drug addicts and drug addicts.
  • Alcopriton- a den for drinking alcoholic beverages, a haven for alcoholics and alcohol addicts.
  • Blathata- a hangout in an apartment/house, predominantly of a wealthy owner with criminal connections.

Punishment for organizing brothels

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Excerpt characterizing the Den

And the regimental commander, looking back at the adjutant, walked towards the regiment with his trembling gait. It was clear that he himself liked his irritation, and that, having walked around the regiment, he wanted to find another pretext for his anger. Having cut off one officer for not cleaning his badge, another for being out of line, he approached the 3rd company.
- How are you standing? Where's the leg? Where's the leg? - the regimental commander shouted with an expression of suffering in his voice, still about five people short of Dolokhov, dressed in a bluish overcoat.
Dolokhov slowly straightened his bent leg and looked straight into the general’s face with his bright and insolent gaze.
- Why the blue overcoat? Down with... Sergeant Major! Changing his clothes... rubbish... - He didn’t have time to finish.
“General, I am obliged to carry out orders, but I am not obliged to endure...” Dolokhov hastily said.
– Don’t talk at the front!... Don’t talk, don’t talk!...
“You don’t have to endure insults,” Dolokhov finished loudly and resoundingly.
The eyes of the general and the soldier met. The general fell silent, angrily pulling down his tight scarf.
“Please change your clothes, please,” he said, walking away.

- He's coming! - the makhalny shouted at this time.
The regimental commander, blushing, ran up to the horse, with trembling hands took the stirrup, threw the body over, straightened himself, took out his sword and with a happy, decisive face, his mouth open to the side, prepared to shout. The regiment perked up like a recovering bird and froze.
- Smir r r r na! - the regimental commander shouted in a soul-shaking voice, joyful for himself, strict in relation to the regiment and friendly in relation to the approaching commander.
Along a wide, tree-lined, highwayless road, a tall blue Viennese carriage was moving in a train at a brisk trot, its springs slightly rattling. Behind the carriage galloped a retinue and a convoy of Croats. Next to Kutuzov sat an Austrian general in a strange white uniform among the black Russians. The carriage stopped at the shelf. Kutuzov and the Austrian general were talking quietly about something, and Kutuzov smiled slightly, while, stepping heavily, he lowered his foot from the footrest, as if these 2,000 people were not there, who were looking at him and the regimental commander without breathing .
A shout of command was heard, and again the regiment trembled with a ringing sound, putting itself on guard. In the dead silence the weak voice of the commander-in-chief was heard. The regiment barked: “We wish you good health, yours!” And again everything froze. At first, Kutuzov stood in one place while the regiment moved; then Kutuzov, next to the white general, on foot, accompanied by his retinue, began to walk along the ranks.
By the way the regimental commander saluted the commander-in-chief, glaring at him with his eyes, stretching out and getting closer, how he leaned forward and followed the generals along the ranks, barely maintaining a trembling movement, how he jumped at every word and movement of the commander-in-chief, it was clear that he was fulfilling his duties subordinate with even greater pleasure than the duties of a superior. The regiment, thanks to the rigor and diligence of the regimental commander, was in excellent condition compared to others who came to Braunau at the same time. There were only 217 people who were retarded and sick. And everything was fine, except for the shoes.

Parents scare their teenage children with this scary place. Anyone who has seen crime news or read newspapers at least several times knows what a den is. Creepy apartments and private houses, where not the most law-abiding individuals gather, can scare not only a child, but also the bravest adult. What is going on in brothels and what do such establishments keep in their bowels? Let's find out!

How to recognize a stash in your home?

High-rise buildings and apartment buildings and the crazy pace of life have deprived people of the opportunity to know their neighbors well. In the best case, residents of one floor can intersect and communicate periodically, while residents from other floors remain strangers. Who knows what they hide behind the iron doors? Sometimes you have to learn about this from crime chronicles. Even intercoms and a concierge will not guarantee your safety. Criminals and marginalized individuals know dozens of ways to get into the desired entrance.

If you notice that you regularly receive calls on the intercom from unknown persons who introduce themselves as a postman, courier, or plumber, it’s time to think about it. Most likely, there is a “bad apartment” in your building. What is a den? This is a place where people gather to commit illegal or immoral acts. What if you don't hear screams, sounds of fighting, or other signs coming from your home that indicate there's a real nativity scene inside? This is not yet a reason to dismiss doubts. Drug dens are not known for their noise and loud activities. At the first suspicion, call the police. Such places pose a danger not only for individual citizens, but also for the entire house.

What do they do in the dens?

Having even a superficial idea of ​​what a brothel is, it is not difficult to guess for what purpose people gather in such places. If you look at the situation with irony, you can compare this phenomenon with hobby groups. Only these interests contradict the laws of the Russian Federation. There are several types of stashes that you need to know in order to react in time if you discover one in your neighborhood.


Thieves gather in such places. Here they plan their crimes, share their experiences and often keep their cash register or, as it’s nice to say in such circles, a common fund. It is not easy to recognize such a den - criminals know how to avert their eyes and not arouse suspicion. Only constant surveillance of a certain apartment can help shed light on the true purpose of the regular arrival of strange guests.


Not needed here special explanations. Girls of easy virtue live and work in such dens. At the same time, these brothels are places where the most terrible crimes sometimes occur. When such dens are discovered, it often turns out that the girls do not live there of their own free will. Many are not even 18 years old, and for refusing to work they are regularly beaten and even killed. If various men constantly come to the neighboring apartment, there is reason to think.

Drug den

One of the scariest places you can be is an apartment where drugs are sold. Not only do they sell death here, but often addicted people take the dose right on the spot. This type of den is run by a dealer who most likely uses illegal substances himself. The danger is that drug addicts do not control their actions during withdrawal and anyone who decides to go out at the wrong time can get hurt. There are often cases when, after consumption, the entire stash went into another world due to an unextinguished cigarette. Of course, neighboring apartments suffered significant damage.


This word can be used to describe every second apartment in which a person with alcohol addiction lives. Therefore, we can conclude that such dens are in the majority. Drunkards, outcasts and degenerate individuals gather in such a place to once again celebrate another day of life.

These gatherings can end in fire, fights, rape and murder. Most often the whole house knows about the existence of such a den.


m. (from stick or stick?) shelter, refuge, shelter, shelter, pier; place of gathering, gathering place;

private place. A den of fish, birds, animals, a place where there are many of them; hangout of people or for people, in bad. meaning, bad people, thieves, horse thieves, robbers. Gambling houses are a hangout for idle youth. A den of debauchery, the home of this analysis. Brothel, related to a hangout. The hangout is akin to and close to Pritin.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


brothel, m. House, premises, in which they gather for criminal, unseemly, etc. purposes. Den of thieves. Den of debauchery. Brothel keeper.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


A, m. Place of secret criminal gatherings. Thieves' point of debauchery.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Place of secret criminal gatherings.

    outdated Permanent place of residence of someone; refuge, refuge.

Large legal dictionary


within the meaning of the criminal law of the Russian Federation, a place regularly (systematically) used for committing indecent acts, participating in gambling, drinking alcoholic beverages or using drugs. P. can serve as a regular or specially adapted premises (residential or non-residential). The Criminal Code of the RSFSR established liability for the maintenance of “debauchery”, “gambling”, “alcohol”, etc. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability only for the organization or maintenance of a house for prostitution (Article 241) and “P. for the consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances” (Article 232).



Den (outdated nativity scene; Blatn. haza) is a place where people regularly gather for criminal or other unseemly purposes. Usually, the apartments of members of an organized crime group, abandoned construction sites, factories and warehouses become hangouts. Brothels are places where drugs and prostitution are distributed. Dens also serve as hideouts or hiding places and serve as gathering places for members or leaders of an organized criminal group.

Examples of the use of the word brothel in literature.

Prikamskaya on the banks of the Vyatka River, where they founded an independent community that became in the northeast hangout all fugitives, like southern Berlad and Tmutarakan.

When they find our spades and realize that the grave was dug up not by dogs, but by people,” said Vesalius, turning around, “then they will look for the body on the Small Bridge, among pharmacists, in witchcraft dens and other secret places, but no one will guess that it lies openly on the Street of the Holy Fathers.

It was high-grade Osaka jargon. dens, and Jerry again didn’t understand.

This is an establishment hangout gambling and money people, was located on the very outskirts of the city, then the forest began, suburban, mercilessly littered, but still at least a little saving Zheleznogorsk from the terrible breath of metallurgical plants.

And if he was asked to leave Liege, it was not because of his past sins, but because he rented a house from a certain Mr. Argentot and, with the help of his faithful Gillet, turned it into a real one. hangout with cheerful girls, so the noise at night disturbed the neighbors’ sleep.

This refers to the Franconian Saale, right hangout Maina, in the vicinity of which, according to legend, Charlemagne was born.

After such a reception, you fly out of the kitchen, stuffed, stupefied, as if from a robber's prison. hangout.

Wherever the case took place, whether in a cabaret in the Latin Quarter, in a coffee shop in some forgotten Italian village, in a drunken hangout port city, or in the city club, drinking Scotch and soda, but I always achieved what I wanted: meeting people and making acquaintances thanks to the assistance of the Green Serpent, who arouses friendships.

I recall, for example, an introverted, intellectually highly developed neurotic who alternately hovered in the highest spheres of transcendental idealism and spent his time in the dirty suburban dens, and his consciousness did not allow either moral or aesthetic conflict.

A trimmed lawn, stony paths, chalky, marl or gypsum soil, the harsh monotony of fallow or uncultivated fields, vegetable gardens with beds of early vegetables suddenly appearing somewhere in the background, a mixture of wildness and homeliness, vast and deserted backyards where regimental drums , beating loudly, they try to remind of the thunder of battles, wastelands that turn into bandit zones at night dens, a clumsy mill with wings turning in the wind, lifting wheels of quarries, taverns on the corners of cemeteries, the mysterious charm of high gloomy walls enclosing in their squares huge empty spaces, flooded with the sun and full of butterflies - all this attracted him.

And at the same time, Livadia Backfire-Long, former stripper, wet woman, gunner, kept black hangout, a convict, a fugitive, felt like herself - a beautiful mulatto who had passed through fires and waters, loved and loving, kind and gentle, intolerant and believing.

And it was not Livadia Backfire, the criminal, the owner hangout, an escaped convict, she was a servant of Beelzebub himself.

Your team is enough to keep the flying smuggler on the move. hangout, said Bel Iblis.

The Corsicans did not lag behind the police, bypassing dens, pimps, prostitutes, pickpockets, thieves, bandits and warning that concealing information of interest to them will entail the wrath of the union, with all the ensuing consequences.

Squeezing Montferrat's hand, Zubeida rushed under the black arch of the former Roman baths, where the ominous hangout- opium den.
