Requirements for a modern lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard. Formation of UUD in a mathematics lesson within the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

New federal state educational standards (FSES) are increasingly entering the mass school, where teachers, students, and parents are participants in an important event for the life of the school.

One of the main components of the standard, without which the successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in schools is impossible, is personnel training. The teacher has always been, is and will be key figure At school.



Teacher readiness

to work within the framework of the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards

Sherstobitov V.A.

Most schools in the country are included in innovative activity, because they understand that without innovation in our time it is impossible to be successful and maintain the proper level of teaching skills.

All publications in the media concerning the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard can be divided into two parts: those explaining the differences between the new standard and the old one and describing the range of new statuses and requirements for teachers. This is explained by the main role in implementing the basic requirements of the Second Generation Standard is traditionally assigned to the teacher, since it is he who bears most of the responsibility for creating conditions for the development of the student’s personality.

New federal state educational standards (FSES) are increasingly entering the mass school, where teachers, students, and parents are participants in an important event for the life of the school.

One of the main components of the standard, without which the successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in schools is impossible, is personnel training. The teacher has always been, is and will be a key figure in the school.

The profession of a teacher requires continuous improvement, both in the subject area and in mastery of teaching methods, forms, and technologies. According to the Law “On Education” and labor legislation, a teacher improves his professional competence every five years through retraining courses. He must have basic professional education and the necessary qualifications, be capable of innovative professional activity, have a level of methodological culture and formed readiness for continuing education throughout life.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the nature of teaching activities changes. Sold in primary school The fundamentals of education require teachers to be able to teach children how to acquire knowledge and shape the learning activities and thinking of schoolchildren. The modern pedagogical situation is characterized by diversity and dynamism, and the teacher must skillfully adapt to continuously occurring changes in the content of teaching. A special role in the process of professional self-development of a teacher is played by his readiness for the new, advanced.

The main components of teacher readiness: psychological aspect, deep knowledge of the subject, ability to implement acquired knowledge. A survey among school teachers showed that 79% of teachers are morally prepared to work in the new regime, 96.9% expressed a desire to improve their knowledge and increase their professional and intellectual level.

What should a new generation teacher be like?

To raise a new generation of children, the teacher must be of a different formation. He must be erudite and flexible in behavior, enthusiastic and able to captivate children, and open in communication.

A teacher must manifest himself in the following interrelated characteristics: general erudition, including deep knowledge psychological, physiological, age characteristics children, as well as the methods and conditions of their development; qualities of the teacher’s personality, the style of his teaching activity and the nature of his communication with the student and others, his value systems. Such a teacher has that component of pedagogical skill that allows him to successfully transfer to the student the necessary, even expanded amount of subject knowledge, teach him subject actions and the application of acquired knowledge in a typical situation.

Analyzing the materials on the introduction of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards, they indicate that the authors assign a special role to the teacher: he himself must be a role model, be in constant search, self-education, and self-improvement. Working according to new standards, it actualizes the problem of increasing the professional competence of a teacher.

A distinctive feature of the new standard is its activity-based nature. The main goal is personal development. The education system abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities. The standard specifies actual activities. At the heart of the implementation of the core standard general education lies a system-activity approach, which involves the widespread introduction of project and research activities into teaching practice. I must say that project activities widely used by school teachers in the classroom and outside of school hours, both in senior and junior grades.

The Federal State Educational Standard encourages the teacher to plan not only the lesson as a whole, but also the child’s variable activities, in which the teacher to a greater extent has to follow the student’s train of thought, since the main component is not to be a transmitter, a translator of knowledge, but to design educational environment student, class, teach a child to acquire knowledge, self-improvement, self-realization, which is many times more difficult.

The conditions for teacher effectiveness are: professional competence, scientific, theoretical and methodological training, the ability to identify the causes of the student’s difficulties and provide him with the necessary information assistance, direct the discussion to analysis and search for new ones, predict the student’s actions and his development as a whole, connect control and diagnostic actions with the analysis of the student’s development trajectory and work goals with him, plan your activities and teach planning to the student, find and evaluate the positive in the child even in his wrong actions.

Speaking about competence, we can also talk about broad erudition in the field of the subject being taught, going beyond the scope of the school curriculum. This allows them to be interesting to the student in that part of communication with him that lies in line with the interests of the student himself. They are able to answer questions and provide the student with a lot of additional information. But the scope of their competence does not go beyond the limits of awareness in a given subject area of ​​knowledge and does not extend to issues of individual characteristics of students, methods of diagnosing them, and variable work with them.

The teacher must be ready to competently plan work with students with a focus on increasing interest, use an individual approach taking into account diagnostic results, and create the necessary conditions for the child’s intellectual development. His interaction with the student must rationally combine elements of explanation and practical work, theoretical preparation and teaching rational methods of educational and creative activity.

Confident knowledge of ways to provide feedback to students should ensure stimulation of the child’s activities, provision of timely and adequate assistance to students, and instilling confidence and self-esteem.

The activities he organizes must be varied and combine a wide range of forms, methods, techniques and modes of activity for the teacher and student. He must have perfect analytical, diagnostic and design skills, and correctly use the educational and educational situation in achieving the student’s development goals. Its tasks include regulation and adjustment of the child’s activity and development, assessment and encouragement, modeling of developing situations and mobilization of students’ energy resources.

The readiness of a teacher to implement the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation determines many things: the presence of appropriate value orientations, love for his profession, the subject. Practice shows that a subject taught by a favorite teacher often becomes a student’s favorite subject.

The competence of a teacher includes the implementation of training and education of students, the use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication technologies, the ability to effectively use educational, methodological, information, and other resources, and constantly develop professionally and intellectually.

The professional qualities of a teacher are based on the following skills: modify learning programs, work according to the curriculum, advise students, provide assistance in independently acquiring knowledge. It is necessary to respect the child’s desire to work independently, the ability to refrain from interfering with the child’s creative process, encourage work on projects proposed by students, and make the most of students’ hobbies, specific hobbies and inclinations.

The success of a teacher’s work with a student largely depends on the correctness of the teacher’s chosen strategy for working with him. And this strategy, in turn, depends on the individual cognitive strategies inherent in this child. A traditional teacher is accustomed to talking more than listening, since the very conditions of mass education form this not the best teaching habit. In traditional teaching, the teacher leads the students quite strictly. A student who switches his attention to something else during the teacher’s explanation goes into an uncontrolled and uncontrollable flight of thoughts; if such a switch occurs while performing training tasks, the formation of the necessary skills does not occur and a defect in assimilation of the material and a lower grade are laid down.

Since the teacher’s activities according to the new standards are not limited only to observing and recording manifestations, but provide for more diverse activities in analyzing the student’s actions, understanding the course and directions of his thoughts, establishing the causes of his difficulties and mistakes, the mandatory characteristics of a teacher should be active thinking, highly developed analytical and logical functions, imagination.

The demands placed on high school teachers are high. The teacher must engage in scientific research, draw up methodological developments, and be able to describe his work experience. The city is developing such a direction in working with schoolchildren as a scientific research movement. It has become a tradition to hold city conferences among schoolchildren. Collaboration between teacher and student encourages them to constantly act, be creative, work with scientific and journalistic literature, set specific goals, define tasks, conduct experiments, and engage in research activities. Every year, schoolchildren participate in conferences where they present the results of their work to scientists - members of the jury.

The system-forming factor in all the teacher’s activities becomes the student’s personality and the individual-group strategy for his development, built on the basis of a detailed diagnosis of his characteristics and current capabilities. This strategy is dynamic, since not only the content of the material with which the teacher and student work is constantly changing, but also the subject of formative activities in this moment. The teacher acts as a coordinator and organizer of student activities, a diagnostician, a consultant, and a developer of pedagogical ideas, the implementation of which leads to the generation of situational subject ideas by the student.

Cooperation between teacher and student is aimed at the consistent and step-by-step development of those components of the intellectual and emotional-volitional sphere of the student that are currently underdeveloped, which hinders general development and interferes with the child’s full development. But the formation of some components automatically leads to the formation of others. Therefore, each child’s individual disclosure strategy is always multi-stage and gradually undergoes changes, the need for which is determined by subsequent testing of the student’s work results.

Reading the New Generation Standards, everyone sets certain goals, determines ways to implement them, and looks for answers to the questions posed. But there are more questions than answers. How can a teacher assess the causes of a student’s difficulties and failures and how to ensure their elimination? How to resolve a child’s external and internal conflicts? What kind of assistance should be provided to the child, including in establishing his relationships with children, parents and other teachers? All these problems are very acute in modern conditions life activity in the standard environment of a mass school. It is no coincidence that the standards of the new generation pay special attention to the spiritual and moral education of the child. The problem becomes the child’s attitude and interaction with the class team, the team of teachers.

So, in order to switch to the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, we need teachers who deeply know their subject, master a variety of methodological tools and have thorough psychological and pedagogical training. But this is not enough. Each teacher must become an innovator, find his own methodology that meets his personal qualities, because without this, everything else can remain only a formal and expensive innovation that will never “reach practical use.”

Now in primary school a child must be taught not only to read, count and write, which they still teach quite successfully, but he must be taught two groups of new skills. The first includes a group of universal educational actions that form the basis of the ability to learn: creative problem solving skills and skills of searching, analyzing and interpreting information. The second is the formation of motivation in children to learn, helping them in self-organization and self-development.
Can a schoolchild expect that he will become modern educated after graduating? secondary school, because he starts educational activities? Yes, if he really wants to, he will know how to do it and the educational space will facilitate this. But when a child crosses the threshold of school, at first he simply doesn’t think about it, and when faced with a choice, he often realizes that he has the knowledge and the desire, but it’s not so easy for him to succeed as a professional. Such a gap between the acquired knowledge and the prospects for its application in real professional and social activities makes the learning process itself meaningless. This was one of the reasons for the development of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.
In connection with the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards-2, the role of the teacher primary classes changes significantly in terms of understanding the meaning of the learning and education process. Now the teacher needs to build the learning process not only as a process of mastering a system of knowledge and skills, but to build it as a process of personal development. Therefore, along with the traditional question “What to teach?”, the teacher must understand “How to teach?” or more precisely, “How to teach in a way that triggers children’s own questions: “What do I need to learn” and “How do I learn this?”
To be prepared for this, the teacher should comprehend the idea of ​​a system-activity approach as the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, and create conditions for the formation of universal educational actions.
The role of a primary school teacher according to the new educational standards is not to convey knowledge in a ready-made form, but to create conditions so that children themselves acquire knowledge in the process of cognitive, research activities, and in working on tasks directly related to real-life problems. Teaching should not be viewed as a simple transfer of knowledge from teacher to students, but acts as collaboration - the joint work of teacher and students in the process of mastering knowledge and solving problems. The sole leadership of the teacher in this cooperation is replaced by active teaching methods that contribute to the formation of communicative universal educational activities in the school.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher acts not only as a teacher, but also as a

Instructor (person,who systematically conduct individual and group work with schoolchildren to develop, coordinate, and evaluate the progress and results of educational work);

A mentor (a person who knows how to provide targeted assistance to a child, not ridding him of a problematic situation, but helping him overcome it);

Consultant (a specialist who can discuss a learning task and give advice on various issues);

Occupies the position of curator (participant educational process, the main goal of which is to create conditions for children to acquire life experience (generalization, choice, responsible behavior) and life values);

Manager (a person proficient in such management technologies as pedagogical analysis of resources, the ability to design goals, plan, organize, adjust and analyze results);


In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO, he (the teacher) is a wise educator, an ally of a psychologist, a social educator, and is fluent in team, joint, collective and pair work.

Characteristics of teacher activities

Subject of changes

Traditional system

Activities of teachers within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard

1.Preparation for the lesson.

The teacher draws up a lesson summary based on methodological recommendations

The teacher draws up a lesson plan with information support

2.Main stages of the lesson.


Checking d/z


Title of the lesson topic

New material


Self Job


Updating knowledge

Statement of the problem situation


A way out of a problematic situation, i.e. use in non-standard situations

Control and assessment activities


More than 70% independent activity of children.

3. The main goal of the teacher in the lesson.

Formation of ZUNs.

Formation of educational skills, i.e. teach to learn.

4. Formation of tasks for students.


Come up with it



The child sets a learning task, plan, project.

5.Form of work in the lesson.






6.Who creates the educational environment?


We need to strive for students to create.

Topic: Design modern lesson within the framework of the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards LLC

Good afternoon, dear colleagues. Today at the seminar Designing a modern lesson within the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard we will try to consider the following issues:

The difference between a modern lesson and a traditional one.

2. Lesson structure according to Federal State Educational Standards

3. Typology of a modern lesson

4. Routing lesson that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Of course, the first step towards introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for LLC is familiarization with the regulatory documents. These documents are presented on the slide.

Currently, new requirements are emerging, both for people and for education. Modern children are significantly different from those for whom the current education system was created. First of all, the social situation in the development of children of this century has changed:

    Children's awareness has increased dramatically; modern children read relatively little, especially classic fiction; unformed voluntary behavior, motivational sphere, different types of thinking; limited communication with peers.

And currently, the teacher is solving very difficult problems of rethinking his teaching experience, looking for an answer to the question “How to teach in new conditions?”

The school becomes not so much a source of information as it teaches how to learn; A teacher is not a conductor of knowledge, but a person who teaches through creative activity aimed at independent acquisition and assimilation of new knowledge.

Based on the requirements of the time, the approach to the modern lesson is changing.

In accordance with the new standards, it is necessary, first of all, to strengthen the child’s motivation to understand the world around him, to demonstrate to him that schoolwork is not about obtaining knowledge abstract from life, but, on the contrary, about the necessary preparation for life, its recognition, search useful information and skills to apply it in real life.

New lesson requirements

Today we will look at what changes when preparing and conducting a lesson modern type in the activities of the teacher and students, and in the second part of the seminar we will try to write down the student’s activities in the finished technological map. What is the difference between the didactic requirements for these lessons.

The lesson, being the main form of organizing the educational process, is built on the same principles as before. The teacher, both previously and now, must plan the lesson in advance, think through its organization, conduct the lesson, and correct his actions and the actions of the students, taking into account analysis (self-analysis) and control (self-control).

As you know, the most common type of lesson is combined. Let's consider it from the perspective of basic didactic requirements, and also reveal the essence of the changes associated with conducting a modern lesson:

Lesson requirements

Traditional lesson

Modern type lesson

Announcing the topic of the lesson

The teacher tells the students

Formulated by students themselves

Communicating goals and objectives

The teacher formulates and tells students what they should learn

The students themselves formulate, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance.


The teacher tells the students what work they must do to achieve the goal

Students planning ways to achieve the intended goal

Practical activities of students

Under the guidance of the teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organizing activities is more often used)

Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group and individual methods are used)

Exercising control

The teacher monitors students' performance of practical work

Students exercise control (forms of self-control and mutual control are used)

Implementation of correction

The teacher makes corrections during the implementation and based on the results of the work completed by the students.

Students formulate difficulties and make corrections independently

Student assessment

The teacher evaluates students for their work in class

Students evaluate activities based on their results (self-assessment, assessment of the performance of peers)

Lesson summary

The teacher asks the students what they remember

Reflection is taking place


The teacher announces and comments (more often the task is the same for everyone)

Students can choose a task from those proposed by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities

With a detailed analysis of the two types of lessons (discussed above), it becomes clear that they differ, first of all, in the activities of the teacher and students in the lesson. The student, from being present and passively following the teacher's instructions in a traditional lesson, now becomes the main actor. “It is necessary that children, if possible, learn independently, and the teacher guides this independent process and provides material for it” - the words reflect the essence of a modern lesson, which is based on the principle of a systemic activity approach.

How can a teacher prepare a modern lesson? Is the preparation process itself changing?

All teachers are familiar with the main stages that were carried out when designing a traditional lesson:

    defining goals and objectives; content selection educational material; selection of teaching methods and techniques; determination of forms of organization of student activities; selection of material for students’ homework; determination of control methods; thinking over the place and time in the lesson to evaluate students’ activities; selection of questions to summarize the lesson.

Upon careful analysis of each stage, it becomes clear that technological process The preparation of a modern type lesson is based on them. Only now, at each stage, the teacher must be critical of the selection of forms, methods of work, content, ways of organizing students’ activities, etc. After all, the lesson should be aimed at obtaining new results: personal, meta-subject and subject-specific learning achievements.

How to prepare a modern lesson.

In modern conditions, when the volume of scientific information is enormous and training time is limited, one of the most pressing requirements is to find the optimal (primarily from the point of view of time) presentation of content and choice of teaching methods. This requirement applies to every lesson.

The rational structure of the lesson is provided by:

    comprehensive planning of training, education and development tasks; highlighting the main, essential in the content of the lesson and topic; determining the appropriate sequence and dosage of material and time for repetition, learning new things, consolidation, homework; selection of the most rational methods, techniques and teaching aids; differentiated and individual approach to students; creation of the necessary educational and material conditions for learning.

Most of the time (20-30 minutes) should be devoted to learning new material (“learning in class”). In order for something new to be firmly assimilated, it is necessary to place it in the zone immediate development, tie to the old, familiar, which is remembered (actualized) before the explanation. Hence the title of the first part—updating basic knowledge, skills, and abilities, rather than a narrow “survey.” The control function in a lesson should not be an end in itself; it turns into constant student-teacher feedback. Then consolidation is carried out in the forms of repetition and application and correction of knowledge. All this taken together forms an optimal combined lesson system, leading students to the goal in the shortest possible way.

Preparing the teacher for the lesson

What main points should a teacher take into account when preparing for a modern lesson in the light of the new Federal State Educational Standards? First of all, it is necessary to consider the stages of lesson design. The quality of any lesson is largely determined by the thoroughness of the teacher’s preparation for it.

A lesson plan is the final result of the teacher’s preparatory work for teaching a lesson. The lesson plan is drawn up on the basis of a thematic plan, taking into account real progress in the study of the topic. The lesson plan states:

Topic and lesson number in the topic; basic textbook; target; A goal is one of the elements of human behavior and conscious activity, which characterizes the anticipation in thinking of the result of an activity and the way of its implementation using certain means. The goal usually begins with the words “Definition”, “Formation”, “Acquaintance”, etc. When forming the goal of the lesson, verb forms should be avoided. lesson objectives (teaching, developmental, educational); A task is a goal of activity given under certain conditions (for example, in a problem situation), which must be achieved by transforming these conditions, according to a certain procedure. The formulation of tasks should begin with verbs - “repeat”, “check”, “explain”, “teach”, “form”, “educate”, etc. type of lesson; forms of student work (group, individual, etc.) list and location of educational demonstrations; time for each stage of the lesson; equipment and teaching aids necessary for conducting the lesson; lesson structure - the sequence of educational situations when presenting educational material and conducting independent work of students.

The main didactic structure of the lesson is displayed in the lesson plan and in its technological map. It has both static elements, which do not change depending on the types of lesson, and dynamic ones, which have a more flexible structure:

    Organizational moment: topic; target; educational, developmental, educational tasks; motivation for their adoption; planned results: knowledge, skills, abilities; personally formative focus of the lesson. Checking the completion of homework (if it was assigned). Preparation for active learning activities of each student at the main stage of the lesson: setting a learning task, updating knowledge. Posting new material. Solving a learning problem. Assimilation of new knowledge. Primary check of students' understanding of new educational material (ongoing control with a test). Consolidation of the studied material. Generalization and systematization of knowledge. Control and self-testing of knowledge (independent work, final control with a test). Summing up: diagnosing the results of the lesson, reflecting on the achievement of the goal. Homework and instructions on how to complete it.

Technological lesson map is the new kind methodological products that ensure effective and high-quality teaching of educational courses at school and the possibility of achieving the planned results of mastering basic educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
Training using a technological map allows you to organize effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal educational activities (hereinafter - UAL)) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, significantly reduce the time for preparing a teacher for a lesson.

The essence of project-based pedagogical activity using a technological map is the use of innovative technology for working with information, describing tasks for the student to master the topic, designing expected educational results. A technological map is distinguished by: interactivity, structure, algorithmicity, manufacturability and generalization of information.

The structure of the technological map includes:

    the name of the topic indicating the hours allocated for its study; the goal of mastering educational content; planned results (personal, subject, meta-subject, UUD); meta-subject connections and organization of space (forms of work and resources); basic concepts of the topic; technology for studying the specified topic (at each stage of work, the goal and predicted result are determined, practical tasks to practice the material and diagnostic tasks to test its understanding and assimilation); control task to check the achievement of planned results.

The technological map allows:

    implement the planned results of the Federal State Educational Standard; determine the UUDs that are formed in the process of studying a specific topic and the entire training course; systematically form them; comprehend and design the sequence of work to master the topic from goal to final result; determine the level of concept development at this stage and correlate it with further training (inscribe a specific lesson into the lesson system); determine the possibilities for implementing interdisciplinary knowledge (establish connections and dependencies between subjects and learning outcomes); implement meta-subject connections in practice and ensure coordinated actions of all participants in the pedagogical process; carry out diagnostics of the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic; relate the result to the learning goal after creating the product

The technological map will allow the school administration to monitor the implementation of the program and the achievement of planned results, as well as provide the necessary methodological assistance.
The use of a technological map provides conditions for improving the quality of training, because:

    the educational process for mastering a topic (section) is designed from goal to result; are used effective methods working with information; stage-by-stage independent educational, intellectual, cognitive and reflective activities of schoolchildren are organized; conditions are provided for the application of knowledge and skills in practical activities.

New social demands reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard define the goals of education as the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, ensuring such a key competence of education as “teaching how to learn.” The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of a set of universal educational activities that ensure the competence of “teaching how to learn,” and not just the mastery by students of specific subject knowledge and skills within individual disciplines. The lesson is built within the framework of a systemic activity approach:

    it is necessary to develop in students the ability to independently set a learning task; design ways of their implementation; monitor and evaluate your achievements.

It is known that the introduction of something new often causes a person to be wary and even protest. It is not surprising that teachers who for many years (and the majority of teachers in our schools are people over 35 years old) worked according to traditional methods, today cannot immediately switch to new educational technologies. A teacher needs time and conditions to learn to work as required by the new educational standard.

We present to your attention an approximate template of a technological map.

Technological lesson map that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

on the slides and on your desk

Main stages of organizing educational activities

Purpose of the stage

Teacher activities

Student activities




1. Setting learning objectives

Creating a problematic situation. Fixing a new learning task

Organizes immersion in the problem, creates a situation of rupture.

They try to solve the problem in a known way. Fix the problem.

The teachers are listening. Construct statements that are understandable to the interlocutor

Accept and maintain the learning goal and task.

2. Joint research of the problem.

Finding a solution to a learning problem.

Organizes an oral collective analysis of a learning task. Records the hypotheses put forward by students and organizes their discussion.

Analyze, prove, argue their point of view

Consciously construct speech statements and reflect on their actions

Explore the conditions of the educational task, discuss substantive solutions

3. Simulation

Fixation in the model of essential relationships of the object being studied.

Organizes educational interaction among students (groups) and the following discussion of the compiled models.

The highlighted connections and relationships are recorded in graphical models and in letter form.

Perceive student responses

Exercise self-control Accept and maintain the educational goal and task.

4. Construction of a new method of action.

Building an oriented basis for a new way of acting.

Organizes educational research to highlight a concept.

Conduct collective research, design new way actions or form concepts.

Participate in discussion of the content of the material

Accept and maintain the learning goal and task. Exercise self-control

5. Transition to the stage of solving particular problems.

Primary control over the correct execution of the method of action.

Diagnostic work (at the input), evaluates the performance of each operation.

Carry out work to perform individual operations.

Learn to formulate your own opinion and position

Exercise self-control

6. Application of a general method of action to solve specific problems.

Correction of method development.

A new method is being used. Processing operations in which errors were made.

Build reasoning that is understandable to the interlocutor. Able to use speech to regulate their actions

Self-test. They work out the method as a whole. Carry out step-by-step control based on the results

7. Control at the stage of completing the training topic.


Diagnostic work (output):

Organization of differentiated correctional work,

Control and evaluation activities.

They perform the work, analyze, control and evaluate the result.

Reflection on your actions

Carry out step-by-step control based on the results

I would like to dwell on the words of Winn: “If 40 people with different desires and needs gathered simultaneously in the office of a doctor, lawyer or dentist, and some, having no desire to be there, constantly interfered with his work, and the doctor, lawyer or dentist (without assistant), would have to achieve high professional results within 9 months, using all his skills, then, perhaps, he would get some idea of ​​​​the work of a school teacher.”

We will devote the second part of the seminar practical work with technological maps.

Reflection using the “Map”

Final work of the course student

"Modernization of education

in the conditions of the new Federal State Educational Standards of the main

general education"

on this topic

“Formation of UUD in a mathematics lesson

within the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

year 2013.


Federal State Educational Standards requirements for studying mathematics in primary school:

in a personal direction:

1) the ability to clearly, accurately, competently express one’s thoughts in oral and written speech, understand the meaning of the task, build an argument, give examples and counterexamples;

2) critical thinking, the ability to recognize logically incorrect statements, to distinguish a hypothesis from a fact;

3) an idea of ​​mathematical science as a sphere of human activity, of the stages of its development, of its significance for the development of civilization;

4) creativity of thinking, initiative, resourcefulness, activity in solving mathematical problems;

5) the ability to control the process and result of educational mathematical activity;

6) the ability to emotionally perceive mathematical objects, problems, solutions, reasoning;

in the meta-subject direction:

1) initial ideas about the ideas and methods of mathematics as a universal language of science and technology, a means of modeling phenomena and processes;

2) the ability to see a mathematical problem in the context of a problem situation in other disciplines, in the surrounding life;

3) the ability to find in various sources the information necessary to solve mathematical problems and present it in an understandable form; make decisions in conditions of incomplete and redundant, accurate and probabilistic information;

4) the ability to understand and use mathematical visual aids (graphs, diagrams, tables, diagrams, etc.) for illustration, interpretation, argumentation;

5) the ability to put forward hypotheses when solving educational problems and understand the need to test them;

6) the ability to use inductive and deductive methods of reasoning, to see different strategies for solving problems;

7) understanding the essence of algorithmic instructions and the ability to act in accordance with the proposed algorithm;

8) the ability to independently set goals, select and create algorithms for solving educational mathematical problems;

9) the ability to plan and carry out activities aimed at solving research problems;

in the subject area:

1) mastery of the basic conceptual apparatus for the main sections of content; an understanding of the basic concepts being studied (number, geometric figure, equation, function, probability) as the most important mathematical models that allow one to describe and study real processes and phenomena;

2) the ability to work with mathematical text (analyze, extract the necessary information), accurately and competently express one’s thoughts in oral and written speech using mathematical terminology and symbols, use various languages ​​of mathematics, carry out classifications, logical justifications, proofs of mathematical statements;

3) development of ideas about number and number systems from natural to real numbers; mastering the skills of oral, written, instrumental calculations;

4) mastery of the symbolic language of algebra, techniques for performing identical transformations of rational expressions, solving equations, systems of equations, inequalities and systems of inequalities; the ability to use the idea of ​​coordinates on a plane to interpret equations, inequalities, and systems; the ability to apply algebraic transformations, the apparatus of equations and inequalities to solve problems from various sections of the course;

5) mastery of a system of functional concepts, functional language and symbols; ability to use functional graphical representations for description and analysis real dependencies;

6) mastery of the basic methods of presenting and analyzing statistical data; presence of ideas about statistical patterns in the real world and about in various ways their study, about probabilistic models;

7) mastery of geometric language, the ability to use it to describe objects in the surrounding world; development of spatial concepts and visual skills, acquisition of skills in geometric constructions;

8) mastering systematic knowledge about plane figures and their properties, as well as, at a visual level, about the simplest spatial bodies, the ability to apply systematic knowledge about them to solve geometric and practical problems;

9) the ability to measure the lengths of segments, angles, use formulas to find perimeters, areas and volumes geometric shapes;

10) the ability to apply learned concepts, results, methods to solve problems of a practical nature and problems from related disciplines, using reference materials if necessary.

Technological map of a lesson in 5th grade

Lesson topic “Multiplying decimals by natural numbers”

Lesson goals (objectives)

educational :

To develop the ability to multiply decimal fractions by natural numbers. Improve skills in performing addition, subtraction and multiplication.

Contribute development mathematical speech, random access memory, voluntary attention, visual-effective thinking.

educational :

Bring up culture of behavior during frontal and individual work, formation of positive motivation.

developing :

- Regulatory UUD : the ability to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher;

pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;

express your guess.

- Communicative UUD : the ability to express one’s thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them.

- Cognitive UUD : skill navigate your knowledge system: distinguish new from already known with the help of a teacher;

gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experience and information received in the lesson.

Lesson results


Be able to multiply decimal fractions by natural numbers.


Be able to determine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of the teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;

work according to a collectively drawn up plan;

evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment;

plan your action in accordance with the task;

make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made;express your guess(Regulatory UUD).

Be able to express your thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them (Communicative UUD).

Be able to navigate your knowledge system: distinguish new from already known with the help of a teacher; gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experience and information received in class(Cognitive UUD).


Be able to carry out self-assessmentbased on the criterion of success of educational activities.

Type of lesson, pedagogical technology

learning new material;

By sources of knowledge: verbal, visual;

According to the degree of teacher-student interaction: heuristic conversation;

Regarding didactic tasks: preparation for perception;

Regarding the nature of cognitive activity: reproductive, partially search.

Basic concepts, terms

Natural numbers, decimals, perimeter, sum, product.

New concepts and connections between them

workdecimal to natural number

Control, self-control in the lesson

Frontal work, individual and independent work, mutual testing, work in pairs.

Homework Read paragraph 34, learn the rule for multiplying decimal fractions by natural numbers p. 204;

1330; 1331; 1332

1. Motivation for educational activities.

Organizes the updating of requirements for the student in terms of educational activities. Creates a positive attitude towards productive work.

Guys! I'm glad to see you in class today in a good mood.

Now smile at each other and wish them a good mood in class.

I also wish you good work today.

Visual control of the readiness of the classroom and workplace for the lesson.

Engage in interaction with classmates and the teacher.

The couple smiles at each other.

Personal: self-determination.

Regulatory: goal setting.

Communicative: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

2. Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial educational action.

Numbers are written on the board.

12,34; 76; 568; 12; 5,98; 0,136; 578; 98,1; 0,03; 99 .

Break them into 2 groups

I - natural numbers;

II – decimal fractions.

I - natural numbers:

76; 568; 12; 578; 99 .

II – decimal fractions.

12,34; 5,98; 0,136; 98,1; 0,03;

Regulatory UUD : be able to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson.

Cognitive UUD : be able to convert information from one form to another.

Communicative UUD

3. Goal setting and motivation

What do you think is the topic of our lesson?

What numbers besides decimal fractions did we remember at the beginning of the lesson? Therefore, the topic of our lesson is not just “Multiplying decimals”, but “Multiplying decimals by natural numbers”

Write down the date and topic of the lesson in your notebook.

What is the purpose of our lesson, what should each of you understand and learn by the end of the lesson?


Multiplying decimals.


In a notebook, students write down the date and topic of the lesson.

- Learn the rules for multiplying decimals by natural numbers.

Regulatory UUD :

be able to pronounce the sequence of actions in a lesson, make a decision in a problem situation. .

4. Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of assimilation

Before introducing new material, children are divided into 2 groups (children draw tokens of two colors (green and yellow) or according to options.

Both groups are given a task: they need to find the perimeter of a square with side1.23 dm (green square) –1 group,3.4 dm (yellow square) – group 2

How to find the perimeter of such a square? Students are asked to find it by adding the lengths of the sides. Write the results on the board.

1,23 + 1,23 + 1,23 = 1,23 = 4,92 13,6 (dm)

How else could one find the same perimeter?

Let's multiply the numbers expressing the lengths of the sides by 4, ignoring the commas for now (students work on the spot)

123 4 = 492 ;

34 · 4 = 136.

Now compare your answers with the answers written on the board. Why is the comma in this particular place? Explain.

Find the sum of the lengths of the sides.

In notebooks: 1.23 + 1.23 + 1.23 = 1.23 =4,92 (dm); 3.4 + 3.4 + 3.4 + 3.4 =13,6 (dm)

Multiply the side length of a square by 4

In notebooks:123 4 = 492 ;

34 · 4 = 136.

The only difference is the comma.

The conclusion is drawn: To multiply a decimal fraction by a natural number, you need to multiply it by this number, ignoring the comma. In the resulting product, separate as many digits from the right with a comma as there are separated by a comma in the decimal fraction.

Regulatory UUD :

be able to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; express your assumption, evaluate the correctness of the action.

Communication UUD:

be able to express thoughts orally and in writing, take into account different opinions, argue and defend one’s position

Regulatory UUD : adequately independently assess the correctness of the action.

5.Primary consolidation

Organize children’s assimilation of a new method of action when solving this class of problems with their pronunciation in external speech: frontally. 55; №1

The task is completed in a notebook, checked and spoken orally in a chain.

Solve the exercise with commenting at the board - one student, the rest in notebooks No. 1306A ,b,c; 1307.

Complete the task independently in your notebook:

1) №55; № 1 , self-test, speaking orally in a chain;

2) exercise with commenting at the blackboard - one student, the rest in notebooks No. 1306A ,b,c; 1307.

Regulatory UUD:

be able to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;

be able to carry out work according to the proposed plan. Be able to make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made

6. Organization of primary control

Independent work with self-test against the standard.

Independent work.

Option 1

1) Follow these steps:

a) 8.353H 7 =

b) 62.32H 9 =

c) 0.0005H 54 =

d) (65.51 – 8.367)H 27 =

Option II

1) Follow these steps:

a) 5.249H 9 =

b) 27.43H 7 =

c) 0.007H 63 =

d) (45.67 – 5.085)H 23 =

Do it yourself solution.

Option 1

1) Follow these steps:

a) 8.353H 7 = 58.471;

b) 62.32H 9 = 560.88;

c) 0.0005H 54 = 0.027;

d) (65.51 – 8.367)H 27 = 1542.861

Option II

1) Follow these steps:

a) 5.249H 9 = 47.241

b) 27.43H 7 = 192.01

c) 0.007H 63 = 0.441

d) (45.67 – 5.085)H 23 = 933.455

With the help of the teacher, they name the place of their difficulty, and correct the mistakes.

Organizes self-test according to the standard.

Organizes identification of the location and cause of difficulties, work on errors

Perform independent work.

Then work in pairs. Exchange notebooks, check the solution against the standard.

With the help of the teacher, name the place of their difficulty and correct mistakes.

Regulatory UUD :

be able to carry out work according to the proposed plan. Be able to make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Personal UUD:

ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities.

7. Summing up the lesson.

We are moving to the last stage.

Let's summarize the work in the lesson.

What was your goal?

Have you reached your goal? Why?

Provide a qualitative assessment of the work of the class and individual students.

With the help of the teacher, they pronounce the name of the next stage.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Regulatory UUD :

Be able to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson.

Be able to evaluate the correctness of an action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment.

Personal UUD

The ability to self-assess based on the criterion of success in educational activities.

8. Information about homework

Ensuring that children understand the purpose, content and methods of completing homework.

1330; 1331; 1332

Students receive homework, write down.

9. Reflection

Organizes reflection.

What goal did you set at the beginning of the lesson?

Have you achieved the goal of the lesson?

What did you use to achieve your goal?

What interesting things did you notice when dividing decimals by natural numbers?

Analyze the results of your work.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Communication :

the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;

Cognitive : reflection.

Analysis of the lesson from the point of view of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The students themselves took part in the process of formulating the topic of the lesson, determining the goals and objectives. The work was carried out according to the plan drawn up by the teacher. The students' activities were organized using group and individual work. Students independently formulated the difficulties that arose and corrected them. Forms of self-control and mutual control were used. At the end of the lesson, the teacher asked the students what they learned and remembered from the lesson. Reflection organized. Throughout the lesson, the formation of several universal learning actions was purposefully promoted.

Certain issues regarding the introduction of the federal state educational standard of general education (FSES) are clarified.

Thus, attention is paid to the key features of the Federal State Educational Standard; the status and format of the exemplary basic educational program (BEP); the relationship between the Federal State Educational Standard, the approximate general education educational program, the general educational program and the educational program of the school. The transition of an educational institution to the Federal State Educational Standard, changes in connection with its introduction, extracurricular activities and etc.

The Federal State Educational Standard includes requirements for the structure and results of mastering the educational program, and the conditions for its implementation. This is the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates, regardless of the form of training.

It is being developed in stages according to the stages of education, respectively, for primary, basic and secondary (complete) general education. Currently, standards have been approved for primary (Order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated October 6, 2009 N 373) and basic general education (Order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated December 17, 2010 N 1897).

The mandatory introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (grade 1) in all Russian educational institutions will begin in the 2011/12 academic year. Compulsory training in the Federal State Educational Standard at the level of basic general education - from the 2015/16 academic year; secondary (complete) general education - from 2020/21.

You can move to the Federal State Educational Standard in stages, at the stages of general education after the approval of the relevant standards and as soon as you are ready educational institutions to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (in 5 grades - starting from the 2012/13 academic year, in 10 - from 2013/14).

The criteria for the readiness of an educational institution for such an introduction and measures to ensure it have been established.

To assist the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation in organizing the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, a corresponding Coordination Council has been created under the Department of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Probably every person wants to give their child a quality education. But how can you determine the level of training if you have nothing to do with pedagogy? Of course, with the help of the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is Federal State Educational Standard

For each education system and educational institution, a list of mandatory requirements has been approved aimed at determining each level of training in a profession or specialty. These requirements are combined within a framework that is approved by authorities authorized to regulate educational policy.

The implementation and results of mastering programs in state educational institutions cannot be lower than those specified in the Federal State Educational Standard.

In addition, Russian education assumes that without mastering the standards it will be impossible to obtain a state document. The Federal State Educational Standard is a certain basis thanks to which a student has the opportunity to move from one level of education to another, as if on a ladder.


Federal state educational standards are designed to ensure the integrity of the educational space of Russia; continuity of the main programs of preschool, primary, secondary, vocational and higher education.

In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard is responsible for aspects of spiritual and moral development and education.

The requirements of the educational standard include strict deadlines obtaining general education and vocational education taking into account all possible forms of training and educational technologies.

The basis for the development of indicative educational programs; programs of academic subjects, courses, literature, test materials; standards for financial support of educational activities specialized institutions implementing the educational program is the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is the standard for public education? First of all, these are the principles of organizing the educational process in institutions (kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, etc.). Without the Federal State Educational Standard it is impossible to monitor compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the educational field, as well as to conduct final and intermediate certification of students.

It is worth noting that one of the goals of the Federal State Educational Standard is internal monitoring. With the help of standards, the activities of methodological specialists are organized, as well as certification teaching staff and other personnel of educational institutions.

Training, retraining and advanced training of education workers are also within the sphere of influence of state standards.

Structure and implementation

Federal law stipulates that each standard must include three types of requirements.

Firstly, the requirements for (the ratio of parts of the main program and their volume, the ratio of the mandatory part and the share that is formed by the participants in the educational process).

Secondly, the implementation conditions are also subject to stringent requirements (including personnel, financial, technical).

Thirdly, the result. All educational program should develop in students certain (including professional) competencies. The GEF lesson is designed to teach you how to apply all acquired skills and knowledge and act successfully on their basis.

Of course, this is not the constitution of all educational institutions. This is just the beginning of the vertical, with the main recommendation positions. At the federal level, on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, an approximate educational program is being developed, focusing on local specifics. And then educational institutions bring this program to perfection (even interested parents can participate in the last process, which is regulated by law). Thus, Russian education from a methodological point of view can be represented in the form of a diagram:

Standard - sample program federal level - program educational institution.

The last point includes aspects such as:

  • syllabus;
  • calendar schedule;
  • work programs;
  • assessment materials;
  • methodological recommendations for subjects.

Generations and differences in Federal State Educational Standards

What's happened state standard, knew back in Soviet time, since strict regulations existed then. But this particular document appeared and came into force only in the 2000s.

The Federal State Educational Standard was previously called simply the educational standard. The so-called first generation came into force in 2004. The second generation was developed in 2009 (for primary education), in 2010 (for basic general education), in 2012 (for secondary education).

GOST standards for higher education were developed in 2000. The second generation, which came into force in 2005, was aimed at students receiving ZUMs. Since 2009, new standards have been developed aimed at developing general cultural and professional competencies.

Until 2000, for each specialty, a minimum of knowledge and skills that a person graduating from a university should have was determined. Later these requirements became more stringent.

Modernization continues to this day. In 2013, the Law “On Education” was issued, according to which new programs for higher professional and preschool education. Among other things, the clause on the preparation of scientific and teaching staff was firmly included there.

How do the old standards differ from the Federal State Educational Standard? What are next generation standards?

The main distinguishing feature is that in modern education the development of the personality of pupils (students) is put at the forefront. Generalizing concepts (Abilities, skills, knowledge) disappeared from the text of the document and were replaced by more clear requirements, for example, real types of activities that every student must master were formulated. Great attention is paid to subject, interdisciplinary and personal results.

To achieve these goals, previously existing forms and types of training were revised, and an innovative educational space for classes (lessons, courses) was put into operation.

Thanks to the changes introduced, the student of the new generation is a free-thinking person, capable of setting goals for himself, solving important problems, creatively developed and able to adequately relate to reality.

Who develops standards?

Standards are replaced with new ones at least once every ten years.

The Federal State Educational Standards of general education are developed according to levels of education; the Federal State Educational Standards of vocational education can also be developed according to specialties, professions and areas of training.

The development of the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out taking into account:

  • acute and long-term needs of the individual;
  • development of the state and society;
  • education;
  • culture;
  • Sciences;
  • technology;
  • economics and social sphere.

The educational and methodological association of universities is developing the Federal State Educational Standard for higher education. Their project is sent to the Ministry of Education, where discussion takes place, edits and adjustments are made, and then submitted for independent examination for a period of no more than two weeks.

The expert opinion is returned to the Ministry. And again a wave of discussions is launched by the council on the Federal State Educational Standard, which decides whether to approve the project, send it for revision or reject it.

If changes need to be made to the document, it goes through the same path from the very beginning.

Elementary education

The Federal State Educational Standard is a set of requirements necessary for the implementation of primary education. The three main ones are results, structure and conditions of implementation. All of them are determined by age and individual characteristics, and are considered from the point of view of laying the foundation for all education.

The first part of the standard indicates the period for mastering the basic elementary program. It is four years.

It provides:

  • equal educational opportunities for all;
  • spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren;
  • continuity of all preschool and school education programs;
  • preservation, development and mastery of the culture of a multinational country;
  • democratization of education;
  • formation of criteria for assessing the activities of students and teachers4
  • conditions for the development of individual personality and the creation of special learning conditions (for gifted children, children with disabilities).

It is based on a systems-activity approach. But the primary education program itself is developed by the methodological council of the educational institution.

The second part of the Federal State Educational Standard outlines clear requirements for the outcome of the educational process. Including personal, meta-subject and subject learning outcomes.

  1. Formation of ideas about the diversity of the country's linguistic space.
  2. Understanding that language is an integral part of national culture.
  3. Forming a positive attitude towards correct speech(and writing) as part of general culture.
  4. Mastery of the primary norms of the language.

The third part determines the structure of primary education (extracurricular activities, programs of individual subjects, which includes thematic planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard).

The fourth part contains requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational process (personnel, finance, logistics).

Secondary (complete) education

The first part of the standard on requirements is partially repeated and echoes the Federal State Educational Standard on primary education. Significant differences appear in the second section, which deals with learning outcomes. The necessary standards for mastering certain subjects are also indicated, including the Russian language, literature, foreign language, history, social studies, geography and others.

The emphasis is on students, highlighting such main points as:

  • education of patriotism, assimilation of the values ​​of a multinational country;
  • formation of a worldview that corresponds to the level of reality;
  • mastering the norms of social life;
  • development of an aesthetic understanding of the world, etc.

The requirements for the structure of educational activities have also been modified. But the sections remained the same: target, content and organizational.

Higher levels

The Federal State Educational Standard for higher education is built on the same principles. Their differences are obvious; the requirements for the structure, result and conditions of implementation cannot be the same for different educational levels.

Secondary vocational education is based on a competency-based approach, i.e. people are given not just knowledge, but the ability to manage this knowledge. When leaving an educational institution, a graduate should say not “I know what,” but “I know how.”

Based on the generally accepted Federal State Educational Standard, each educational institution develops its own program, focusing on the profile focus of the college or university, the availability of certain material and technical capabilities, etc.

The Methodological Council takes into account all recommendations of the Ministry of Education and acts strictly under its guidance. However, the adoption of programs for specific educational institutions is the responsibility of local authorities and the education department of the region (republic, territory).

Educational institutions must take into account and implement recommendations regarding educational materials (for example, Federal State Educational Standards textbooks have taken their rightful place in libraries), thematic planning etc.


On the way to approval, the Federal State Educational Standard went through many amendments, but even in its current form, the education reform receives a huge amount of criticism, and received even more.

In fact, in the minds of the developers of the standard, it was supposed to lead to the unification of everything Russian education. But everything turned out the other way around. Some found advantages in this document, others found disadvantages. Many teachers, accustomed to traditional teaching, found it difficult to switch to new standards. The Federal State Educational Standards textbooks raised questions. However, you can find positive aspects in everything. Modern society does not stand still, education must change and changes depending on its needs.

One of the main complaints against the Federal State Educational Standard was its lengthy formulations, the lack of clear tasks and real requirements that would be presented to students. Entire opposing groups emerged. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, everyone was required to study, but no one gave explanations on how to do this. And teachers and teaching specialists had to cope with this locally, including everything necessary in the program of their educational institution.

Topics on the Federal State Educational Standard have been raised and will continue to be raised, since the old principles, in which knowledge was the main thing in education, have become very firmly entrenched in everyone’s life. New standards, in which professional and social competencies predominate, will find their opponents for a long time.

Bottom line

The development of the Federal State Educational Standard turned out to be inevitable. Like everything new, this standard has caused a lot of controversy. However, the reform took place. To understand whether it is successful or not, at a minimum, you need to wait until the first graduation of students. Interim results are uninformative in this regard.

At the moment, only one thing is certain - more work for teachers.
