Guseva M.R., Dmitriev V.G., Plaksina L. Education and upbringing of preschool children with visual impairments

Intended for typhlopedagogues, defectologists, psychologists and preschool educators compensatory type; recommended to specialists of preschool pedagogy, ...

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In the proposed detailed thematic planning, developed according to the program " Correctional work V kindergarten"Edited by L. I. Plaksina for the older group of children with visual impairment, the main directions of the educational process are presented: the development of visual perception, spatial relations, social orientation. The plan of each section is clearly structured, the goals and objectives of pedagogical work are defined, taking into account the integration of all types of children's activities Systematism and consistency in the presentation of the material, compliance with modern correctional and developmental technologies will allow teachers-defectologists, educators and psychologists to carry out the integrated development and education of preschoolers in accordance with FGT, provide the child with a comprehensive adaptation in society and successful preparation for schooling.
Intended for typhlopedagogues, defectologists, psychologists and educators of preschool educational institutions of a compensating type; recommended to specialists of preschool pedagogy, students of pedagogical educational institutions, parents.


This program is designed primarily for preschoolers and first grade students. However, its material can also be used in subsequent classes, in particular, when working on the development of touch in students who lost their sight at school age and came to a school for children with visual impairments from a public school. The proposed program will help in organizing classes with pupils of preschool groups at schools for children with visual impairment, blind and visually impaired students primary school. The teacher himself can dose the time for studying the sections of the program, depending on the successful mastery of the skills of tactile perception by children or the techniques of a specific subject-practical activity.

The program of education and training of preschool children L.I. Plaksina

The basis for organizing an educational complex (nursery - kindergarten - elementary school) is to provide optimal conditions for the systematic, integrated, continuous education and training of children of early, preschool and primary school age - the periods of maturation of the child's visual system.

The program proposed by L.I. Plaksina consists of two parts:

    kindergarten program:

Speech development:

is carried out in all types of activities of children and is a necessary part of the correctional and educational work of a kindergarten for children with visual impairment; provided for substantively practical lessons on the development of speech and object perception, on teaching the analysis of objects and functional actions with them;

Formation of elementary mathematical representations:

main themes:

"Number and Count"


"Orientation in space and time"

the formation of interrelated elementary mathematical ideas about the quantity and number, the size and shape of objects, the position of objects in space, about time, as well as the assimilation of methods of quantitative comparison - the establishment of one-to-one correspondence, comparison of the results of counting and measurement;

Acquaintance with the environment:

contributes to the formation in children of real ideas about the world around us and human life;


aimed at mastering children's sensory standards; classes in visual activity and design are closely related to the game, familiarization with the outside world and the development of visual perception, manual labor and the formation of elementary mathematical representations;

Physical education: includes a number of corrective tasks:

Achievement of the level of development of basic movements corresponding to age characteristics, physical qualities, orientation in space, coordination of movements;

Correction of health and physical development through the use of special tools and methods that increase functionality, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory system, visual-motor orientation;

Overcoming the shortcomings that arise against the background of visual pathology when mastering movements;

Activation and exercise of visual functions;

Labor training:

the formation of a positive attitude towards the work of adults, the desire to provide them with all possible assistance, respect and interest in the results of labor, the development of personal qualities, self-service, household work, labor in nature, manual labor;

A game:

conducting special propaedeutic classes on teaching the game; a special task in the development of the game is to overcome verbalism and enrich the sensory basis of the game.

    correctional work in kindergarten:

Development of visual perception:

1st year of study. Develop visual response to objects the world around, notice their shape, color, form actions with objects, cultivate interest in the world around them; to form in children the visual abilities of examining objects: to distinguish and name the shape of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval) and correlate them with the shape of planar images and three-dimensional geometric bodies (ball, cube, cone, etc.), correlate, find their shape in real three-dimensional objects; to consolidate children's knowledge about the sensory properties and qualities of objects in conditions various kinds activities using a mosaic, objects, shapes, colors in the process of depicting simple objects; correlate the relevant sensory qualities with the real object; to form in children an idea of ​​the surrounding realities; teach children how to examine the sense of touch, hearing, smell, taste. For the development of vision and the implementation of the relationship between classes on the development of visual perception and vision treatment, conduct visual exercises to activate and stimulate visual functions, develop visual abilities, color discrimination, eye movement, fixation, localization, convergence and accommodation.

2nd year of study. To consolidate in children the ability to analyze the main features of objects: shape, color, size and spatial position. To form ways of visual perception of objects of the surrounding reality, to distinguish and name the shape of geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle). Develop skills of orientation in space. Learn to name the location of objects in space.

3rd year of study. To consolidate the skills of visual examination and the ability to analyze, classify objects according to their main features. Learn to use optics (lenses, magnifier, binoculars) when looking. Visually distinguish and name a group of objects with homogeneous features (shape, color, size and spatial position). Learn to distinguish the basic shades of color, saturation, contrast of colors, lightness. Learn the color of real objects in the animal and plant world. Create color panels, paintings according to a model, verbal description, scheme. Learn to distinguish geometric figures and voluminous figures. To teach how to use their shape as a reference for analyzing the basic shape of real objects.

To teach visual analysis of the shape and size of objects, to select objects by decreasing and increasing size. Highlight and verbally designate the size of real objects, establish the relationship between objects in size. To learn to see the location of objects in the picture, to name the located objects closer, further. Learn to understand the obscuration of the subject of one by another. Exercise to stimulate and activate the vision of children in accordance with the requirements of medical and rehabilitation work on hygiene of vision. Teaching orientation in space. To teach the analysis of the complex shape of an object by inscribing sensory standards for analyzing the structure of the shape of objects.

4th year of study. To expand children's ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to develop the speed and completeness of visual examination, to form visual-motor skills to examine objects, pictures systematically and purposefully, to highlight the main features, to teach how to use optical means (loupes, lenses, binoculars) when examining objects. Learn to create patterns, subject images, complex geometric shapes from geometric shapes (two triangles - a rhombus; a triangle and a square - a pentagon, etc.). Know the basic colors and shades, correctly use color standards in the description, classification of groups of objects. Distinguish between the color of a moving object and multiple objects. Create patterns, color compositions on flannelgraph, magnetic board, mosaic. Name near and far, high and low, thick and thin, wide and narrow objects in the process of observation. Develop the eye in children. Exercise children in comparing images according to the principle of similarity and difference, group objects according to individual characteristics. To teach children the knowledge of the world around them with the help of all the senses. To teach children to distinguish various signs and properties of objects, training the visual functions of discrimination, localization, fixation, convergence, accommodation, tracking. Learn orientation in space. To form in children the ability to verbally designate spatial positions on the micro and macro planes. Learn to draw up path diagrams and read the spatial positions of objects on the diagram. Strengthen the ability to navigate the street with the help of auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile senses

Correction of speech disorders. Corrective work of a speech therapist is aimed at the development of speech, cognitive activity and activation of the motor sphere of the child. That. in system special classes, a comprehensive multilateral approach is carried out to correct the development of children by the forces of a speech therapist, typhlopedagogue, which ensures the activation of the activity of intact analyzers of motor activity, development of proprioceptive sensitivity in children with impaired sensory sphere.

The development of touch and fine motor skills. The purpose of correctional classes is the formation of skills and abilities of tactile perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, as well as teaching them the methods of performing subject-practical actions with the help of safe analyzers. Along with the development of direct touch in remedial classes, it is necessary to introduce some methods of indirect, i.e. instrumental, touch.

Orientation in space. Visual impairment that occurs at an early age negatively affects the process of formation of spatial orientation in children. Orientation in space on a limited sensory basis requires

special training of children in the active use of impaired vision and all intact analyzers (hearing, smell, etc.). To solve this problem, didactic games and exercises in which children learn to identify and analyze various spatial features and relationships, to obtain information about the surrounding space involving the entire sensory sphere.

Social orientation.

Subject representations:

Exercise children in highlighting the signs and properties of objects (shape, color, size, spatial position). Select and group items according to these characteristics, as well as according to their purpose. To teach to distinguish, name the qualities, properties of objects and materials perceived by touch, taste, hearing. Develop polysensory, bi-sensory perception of objects. Learn to use household items

group room.

Involvement of the child in the work of adults:

Raise interest in the work of adults, drawing their attention to the work of an assistant teacher, cook, driver, father, mother, etc. Raise a desire to help them. To teach understanding of the importance of the work of adults in kindergarten and to cultivate a careful attitude to the results of the work of adults.

Outdoor observations:

Behind people, their behavior, on the street; monitoring the movement of vehicles; observation at the bus stop.

To the child about himself:

Exercise children in naming their first name, last name; learn to smile beautifully, speak affectionate words; to teach beautiful manners of communication with others.

Rhythm. Physiotherapy.

These programs become the starting point for the analysis and accumulation of own experience of typhlopedagogues, educators, and also help to determine ways to improve the correctional and pedagogical process, taking into account the working conditions of a special preschool institution.

Alternative programs "Rainbow", "Childhood" have also been developed.

This program is designed for training, development of a child with visual impairment from 3 years of age.

The basis for organizing an educational complex (nursery - kindergarten - elementary school) is to provide optimal conditions for a systematic, comprehensive, continuous education and training of children of early, preschool and younger school age- periods of maturation of the visual system of the child.

The program consists of two parts - the kindergarten program and the elementary school program.

The kindergarten program has two directions - general developmental, correctional and includes the following aspects:

Speech development:

is carried out in all types of activities of children and is a necessary part of the correctional and educational work of a kindergarten for children with visual impairment; subject practical classes are provided for the development of speech and subject perception, for teaching the analysis of objects and functional actions with them.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations:

order of introduction of topics in educational process: "Quantity and count", "Magnitude", "Shape", "Orientation in space and time" are aimed at

the formation of interrelated elementary mathematical ideas about the quantity and number, the size and shape of objects, the position of objects in space, about time, as well as the assimilation of methods of quantitative comparison, the establishment of one-to-one correspondence, comparison of the results of counting and measurement.

Acquaintance with the environment:

contributes to the formation in children of real ideas about the world around us and human life.


aimed at mastering children's sensory standards; classes in visual activity and design are closely related to such sections as play, familiarization with the outside world and the development of visual perception, manual labor and the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Physical education includes a number of corrective tasks:

Relevant age characteristics the level of development of basic movements, physical qualities, orientation in space, coordination of movements;

Overcoming the shortcomings that arise against the background of visual pathology when mastering movements;

Activation and exercise of visual functions;

Labor training:

the formation of a positive attitude towards the work of adults, the desire to provide them with all possible assistance, respect and interest in the results of labor, the development of personal qualities, self-service, household work, labor in nature, manual labor.

A game:

conducting special propaedeutic classes on teaching the game; a special task in the development of the game is to overcome verbalism and enrich the sensory basis of the game.

Correctional work in kindergarten

Development of visual perception:

1st year of study (3 – 4 years)

To develop a visual reaction to objects of the world around us, to notice their shape, color, to form actions with objects, to cultivate interest in the world around us; to form in children the visual abilities of examining objects: to distinguish and name the shape of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval) and correlate them with the shape of planar images and three-dimensional geometric bodies (ball, cube, cone, etc.), correlate, find their shape in real three-dimensional objects; to consolidate children's knowledge about the sensory properties and qualities of objects in the conditions of various activities using mosaics, objects, shapes, colors in the process of depicting simple objects; correlate the relevant sensory qualities with the real object; to form in children an idea of ​​the surrounding realities; teach children how to examine the sense of touch, hearing, smell, taste. For the development of vision and the implementation of the relationship between classes on the development of visual perception and vision treatment, conduct visual exercises to activate and stimulate visual functions, develop visual abilities, color discrimination, eye movement, fixation, localization, convergence and accommodation.

2nd year of study (4 – 5 years)

To consolidate in children the ability to analyze the main features of objects: shape, color, size and spatial position. To form ways of visual perception of objects of the surrounding reality, to distinguish and name the shape of geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle). Develop skills of orientation in space. Learn to name the location of objects in space.

3rd year of study (5 - 6 years)

To consolidate the skills of visual examination and the ability to analyze, classify objects according to their main features. Learn to use optics (lenses, magnifier, binoculars) when looking. Visually distinguish and name a group of objects with homogeneous features (shape, color, size and spatial position). Learn to distinguish the basic shades of color, saturation, contrast of colors, lightness. Recognize the color of real objects in the animal and flora. Create color panels, paintings according to a model, verbal description, scheme. Learn to distinguish between geometric shapes and three-dimensional figures. To teach how to use their shape as a reference for analyzing the basic shape of real objects.

To teach visual analysis of the shape and size of objects, to select objects by decreasing and increasing size. Highlight and verbally designate the size of real objects, establish the relationship between objects in size. To learn to see the location of objects in the picture, to name the located objects closer, further. Learn to understand the obscuration of the subject of one by another. Exercise to stimulate and activate the vision of children in accordance with the requirements of medical and rehabilitation work on hygiene of vision. Teaching orientation in space. To teach the analysis of the complex shape of an object by inscribing sensory standards for analyzing the structure of the shape of objects.

4th year of study (6 - 7 years)

To expand children's ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to develop the speed and completeness of visual examination, to form visual-motor skills to examine objects, pictures systematically and purposefully, to highlight the main features, to teach how to use optical means (loupes, lenses, binoculars) when examining objects. Learn to create patterns, subject images, complex geometric shapes from geometric shapes (two triangles - a rhombus; a triangle and a square - a pentagon, etc.). Know the basic colors and shades, correctly use color standards in the description, classification of groups of objects. Distinguish between the color of a moving object and multiple objects. Create patterns, color compositions on flannelgraph, magnetic board, mosaic. Name near and far, high and low, thick and thin, wide and narrow objects in the process of observation. Develop the eye in children. Exercise children in comparing images according to the principle of similarity and difference, group objects according to individual characteristics. To teach children the knowledge of the world around them with the help of all the senses. To teach children to distinguish various signs and properties of objects, training the visual functions of discrimination, localization, fixation, convergence, accommodation, tracking. Learn orientation in space. To form in children the ability to verbally designate spatial positions on the micro and macro planes. Learn to draw up path diagrams and read the spatial positions of objects on the diagram. Strengthen the ability to navigate the street with the help of auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile senses

Correction of speech disorders

Corrective work of a speech therapist is aimed at the development of speech, cognitive activity and activation of the motor sphere of the child. That. in the system of special classes, a comprehensive multilateral approach is carried out to correct the development of children by the forces of a speech therapist, typhlopedagogue, which ensures the activation of the intact analyzers of motor activity, the development of proprioceptive sensitivity in children with impaired sensory sphere.

Development of touch and fine motor skills

The purpose of correctional classes is the formation of skills and abilities of tactile perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, as well as teaching them the methods of performing subject-practical actions with the help of safe analyzers. Along with the development of direct touch in remedial classes, it is necessary to introduce some methods of indirect, i.e. instrumental, touch.

Orientation in space

Visual impairment that occurs at an early age negatively affects the process of formation of spatial orientation in children. Orientation in space on a limited sensory basis requires

special training of children in the active use of impaired vision and all intact analyzers (hearing, smell, etc.). Didactic games and exercises are aimed at solving this problem, in which children learn to identify and analyze various spatial features and relationships, to obtain information about the surrounding space with the involvement of the entire sensory sphere.

Social orientation

Subject representations:

  • Exercise children in highlighting the signs and properties of objects (shape, color, size, spatial position).
  • Select and group items according to these characteristics, as well as according to their purpose. To teach to distinguish, name the qualities, properties of objects and materials perceived by touch, taste, hearing.
  • Develop polysensory, bi-sensory perception of objects.
  • Learn to use household items in the group room.

Involvement of the child in the work of adults:

  • Raise interest in the work of adults, drawing their attention to the work of an assistant teacher, cook, driver, father, mother, etc.
  • Cultivate a desire to help them.
  • To teach understanding of the importance of the work of adults in kindergarten and to cultivate a careful attitude to the results of the work of adults.

Outdoor observations:

  • for people, their behavior, on the street;
  • monitoring the movement of vehicles;
  • observation at the bus stop.

To the child about himself:

  • exercise children in naming their first name, last name;
  • learn to smile beautifully, speak sweet words;
  • to teach beautiful manners of communication with others.

Corrective rhythm

Correction of health and physical development through the use of special means and methods that increase functionality, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and visual-motor orientation.

Municipal budgetary preschool

educational institution of the city of Kostroma

"Kindergarten No. 41"

Kindergarten No. 41 of the city of Kostroma is attended by children aged 3-7 years with visual impairment, mainly children with visual diagnoses: strabismus, amblyopia, astigmatism of varying degrees, etc.

There are 6 groups in the preschool institution:

1 group of early age it is attended by 23 children, including 8 visually impaired children 1 disabled child

5 groups of compensating directivity for children with visual impairments, the average size of the groups is 13 people, total strength children 62 children, including 7 visually impaired

Children with visual impairment in a preschool institution receive intensive complex treatment, combined with a rationally constructed pedagogical process, providing for correctional and developmental work, taking into account the violation of the visual analyzer.

Information about teaching staff


  • The main general educational program "The program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. stamp,

T.S. Komarova, Moscow 2004;
  • Specialized program for children with visual impairment "Correctional work in kindergarten" edited by L.I. Plaksina, 1997

  • “Our home is nature”, N. Ryzhova;

  • “Know thyself”, S.S. Frolova, E.E. Tsvetkova;

  • "Environmental education", N. Nikolaeva;

  • "Young Kostromich" - regional program, leader G.V. Vlasov

In a preschool institution, all conditions have been created for the most complete disclosure and realization of the potential of each child, as well as for improving or stabilizing the results of the treatment of ocular pathology:

- there is an ophthalmologist's office;

-equipped room for musical activities and for physical education

(with colorful sports equipment to enhance visual function and motor activity;

- Equipped classrooms for teachers - defectologists.

Correction and development environment

In the process of regime moments, ophthalmo-hygienic requirements are fulfilled:

Proper lighting in groups and defectologists' offices - at least 500 lux

Additional lighting in the form of illuminated boards;

The presence of ophthalmic simulators in the gym, in the offices of speech pathologists, groups; work on stands (children with strabismus)

The created subject developing environment promotes health, development of visual abilities of children attending our kindergarten.

Ophthalmo - hygiene requirements:

Correctional work is built as a multi-level system, consisting of two interrelated areas: correctional-pedagogical work and medical-rehabilitation process.

In turn, correctional - pedagogical work consists of specially organized activities of teachers - defectologists, a speech therapist, a teacher - psychologist and the organization of correctional exercises by educators, an instructor in physical education, a music director.

providing a holistic, comprehensive, differentiated, regulated process of managing the entire course of psychophysical development and restoring vision based on the stimulation of all the potential capabilities of children with visual impairments.

Teachers - defectologists (typhlopedagogues), together with a teacher - psychologist and other specialists, developed individual cards for accompanying children with handicapped health, disabled children, where recommendations are given by kindergarten specialists (typhlopedagogues, speech therapist, psychologist), continuity notebooks are kept in the work of educators with specialists

Teachers - defectologists and specialists of preschool educational institutions conduct special correctional classes on the development of visual perception, rhythm, social adaptation and spatial orientation, correction of speech disorders, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child with visual impairment, his visual pathology

Correctional and pedagogical work:

Educators in groups organize corrective exercises in various classes (in mathematics, drawing, speech development, physical education, manual labor, etc.), in games, and household activities.

Teachers have information about the state of the visual function of each child, about the results of an examination by an ophthalmologist, about the prescribed treatment. Knowing the visual abilities of children, teachers purposefully influence the development of vision, create conditions in the process of raising and educating children to consolidate the results of medical and rehabilitation work.

Medical and rehabilitation work

Children in our preschool receive intensive special complex treatment. In the ophthalmological office, an ophthalmologist G.V. Izvolova conducts an appointment, daily treatment is carried out by an orthoptist sister. In their work they use devices:

Amblyotrener - for training vision with strabismus;

Synaptophore - for the diagnosis and treatment of strabismus;

TAK-6, "Brook" - for training accommodation and oculomotor functions;

BTVR - 2 Biviziotrener - to improve visual acuity in amblyopia;

BZR "Rainbow" - to restore binocular vision;

TBO "Light pen" - for training eye-hand coordination;

PSR "Mosaic" - for the pattern of stimulating exercises;

Laser device "Speckle" - for stimulation of the retina in amblyopia and other ophthalmic equipment.

Office of an ophthalmologist

The optimal combination of corrective-developing and therapeutic-rehabilitation measures creates favorable conditions for the versatile development of children with visual impairment, increases the efficiency of overcoming vision pathology and helps prepare children for schooling.

According to the results of graduation in 2011, out of 13 children in the group preparatory to school (3 disabled), 8 children were released with visual acuity of 1.0 - 8 children, 0.9 - 3 children, 0.8 and below - 2 children, disability was removed from one child.




Belmer V. A., Grigorieva L. P., Deniskina V. Z., Kruchinin V. A., Maksyutova R. D., Novichkova I. V., Plaksina L. I., Podkolzina E. N., Sekovets L. .S., Sermeev B.V., Tuponogov B.K.

P78 Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the IV type (for children with visual impairments). Kindergarten programs. Correctional work in kindergarten / Ed. L.I. Tearful. -M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003. - 173 p.

ISBN 5-94692-629-2

The programs are created on the basis of general didactic and typhlopedagogical principles that ensure the comprehensive development of a child with visual impairment and successful preparation for schooling.

For employees of educational complexes (nursery - kindergarten - elementary school) for children with visual impairment.

© State Scientific Institution "Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education", 2003

© Publishing house "EXAM", 2003























The programs are addressed to employees of the nursery - kindergarten - primary school for children with visual impairment and include four sections: "Kindergarten programs", "Correctional work in kindergarten", "Primary school programs", "Correctional work in primary school". The programs are created on the basis of general didactic and typhlopedagogical principles that ensure the comprehensive development of a child with visual impairment and successful preparation for schooling. The content and objectives of the programs provide for the education and upbringing of children in kindergarten and primary school and are arranged according to the types of children's activities, while an important condition for their implementation is an integrated approach to the organization of correctional and educational work.

The lack of special remedial classes, as well as sparing conditions for vision in a mass secondary school, leads to relapses of visual eye pathology when a child with visual impairment enters school. Therefore, it is very important not only to improve the state of vision in the preschool period, but also to consolidate the results obtained during the period of primary school education, when mastering reading and writing should be carried out taking into account the visual capabilities of students.

Proceeding from this, the conceptual foundations for organizing a nursery - a kindergarten - an elementary school are to provide optimal conditions for a systematic, integrated, continuous education and training of children of early, preschool and primary school age - periods of maturation of the child's visual system.

The main principles of the organization of correctional-pedagogical and educational processes are:

    taking into account the general, specific and individual characteristics of the development of children with visual impairment;

    complex (clinical-physiological, psychological-pedagogical) approach to diagnostics and correctional assistance to children with visual impairment;

    modification of curricula and programs, increase in terms of training, redistribution educational material and changing the pace of its passage on the basis of the continuity of the school course with the preschool, while observing the didactic requirements of compliance and content of education with the cognitive abilities of children;

    a differentiated approach to children depending on the state of their vision and ways of orientation in the knowledge of the world around them, including the use of special forms and methods of working with children, original textbooks, visual aids, typhlotechnics, as well as reducing the size of classes and groups and methods of individual-subgroup learning;

    ensuring the standard of general education in the context of the continuity of preschool education, education and treatment of children with visual impairment;

    system of work on social adaptation and self-realization of children with visual impairment;

    creation of ophthalmic and hygienic conditions in classrooms, group rooms and treatment rooms and a special routine of life, treatment, upbringing and education, taking into account the interests, abilities and needs of the child;

    providing optimal conditions for long-term medical and psychological rehabilitation of children with visual impairment from 2 to 10-11 years old.

The variability of programs and means of influence, the adaptive possibilities of educational and educational forms and methods, the integrity and complexity of the general improvement of the child's body create a single and harmonious model of social adaptation and rehabilitation of children with visual impairment.

This model allows solving the problems of prevention and improvement of the state of vision by creating sparing conditions for a complex of general strengthening and special corrective measures.

To do this, the duration of vacations is increased: during the academic year, at least 30 calendar days, and in the summer at least 8 weeks. For first grade students, an additional weekly vacation is established.

A dosed visual load is introduced into the educational process when teaching children to write and read, watching video information, etc.

An important corrective requirement for the daily routine of children in a nursery - kindergarten - elementary school is the system of the child's motor activity, which provides for overcoming physical inactivity in children with visual impairment, due to the difficulties of their visual-motor orientation, including special classes in physiotherapy exercises, rhythm and orientation in space, physical culture minutes.

Simultaneously with the general educational process, special correctional work is carried out, aimed at overcoming deviations in the psychophysical development of children with visual pathology. All classes are individually differentiated, depending on the needs of the child.

The ultimate goal is to stabilize the entire course of the psychophysical development of the child for its successful integration into the general education school and peer society.




For the development of the speech of children with visual impairment, the assimilation of their native language, the formation of speech, is of particular importance. The development of speech is carried out in all types of activities of children and is a necessary part of the correctional and educational work of a kindergarten for children with visual impairment.

It is necessary to conduct systematic classes on the development of speech in subgroups and individually. Carrying out work on the development of speech, the teacher carefully listens to what and how children with visual impairment speak, teaches them to build phrases, consistently express thoughts, and use words correctly in meaning.

Due to the lack of sensory experience, they may experience some gap between the objective practical action and its verbal designation. To do this, the program provides for subject-practical classes on the development of speech and visual perception, on teaching the analysis of objects and functional actions with them. The teacher should have a sufficient number of illustrations and other visual materials so that children with visual impairments can better see the image.

For the development of speech great importance children have real ideas about the world around them. Therefore, the use of visual aids is carried out taking into account the originality of visual perception. Objects, phenomena, illustrations, toys, on which the visually impaired make a verbal description, should be visually accessible to children. Images in pictures should not be overloaded with objects. For a visually impaired child, the speech of the teacher should serve as an example and be figurative, expressive and emotionally colored. The teacher builds the selection of literary material taking into account the knowledge of children and their intellectual capabilities.

1st year of study


Work on the correct pronunciation of vowel sounds, their differentiation. Pronunciation of consonant sounds, hard and soft (m, b, p, t, d, n, k, g, x, f, c, l, s, c).

Form a clear articulation of sounds. Preparation of the articulatory apparatus for the pronunciation of hissing sounds.

To form in children the ability to distinguish sounds in a word, pronounce phonemes, words according to the model of a teacher (drawn out mu-mu, la-la-la, na-na), with the release of sound in words (cat, mouth, etc.).

Learn to imitate the sounds of various objects and animals (knock-knock - a hammer; meow-meow - a cat; oink-oink - a piglet, etc.).

Perform various actions with objects according to verbal instructions: “Roll the ball”, “Hang the ring”, “Throw the ring”, “Find a toy (doll, car, ball, etc.)”.

Isolation of sound with a clear pronunciation of the word. Education of intonation instinct, diction, rate of speech.

To teach the ability to clearly pronounce simple phrases using the intonation of a whole sentence, as well as the ability to regulate the pace of speech in a coherent statement.

Teach children proper verbal learning: how to say hello, say goodbye, ask, thank, ask.


Accumulation and enrichment of the vocabulary based on the expansion of knowledge and ideas from the life around the child.

To teach children to distinguish objects by essential features, to name them correctly, answering the questions “What is this?”, “Who is this?”, to highlight signs and qualities (what?), As well as actions associated with the movements of toys, animals, humans (what does?, what can be done with it?).

Games: “What kind of object?”, “Tell me what”, “Who can do what?”, “Who will say more words about an apple, what is it?”.

Teach children to see the beginning and end of the action. Picture game: What comes first, what comes next? Formation of understanding and the use of generalizing concepts (toys, clothes, dishes).

Distinguishing words with opposite meaning on the basis of clarity (large-small, high-low).


Learning to change words by case, coordinating nouns and adjectives in gender and number (little horse, long tail). Activation of the use of spatial prepositions (in, on, behind, under, over), leading to the use of case forms. Teaching different ways of word formation (names of animals, names of utensils, etc.: hare-hare-hare, sugar bowl, bread box).

Work on the formation of onomatopoeic signals (sparrow: chirp-chirp - chirps, duckling: quack-quack - quacks).

Games: “Add a word”, “Who is doing what?”, “Who will name the actions more?”, “What do they do on musical instruments?”, “Who gives a voice?”.

To teach children to compose a phrase of 2-3 or more words, using games with toys, actions with objects, and a description of the picture for this.

Exercise children in naming an object and its features, leading to its description. To learn to answer the questions of the teacher, without repeating the structure of the question after him. Lead the child to repeat after the teacher reading fairy tales, poems.

Use dramatization games to teach sequential storytelling.

Develop the ability to build different types sentences: simple and complex, using pictures.


The development of coherent speech is carried out in the interrelation of different speech tasks (education of the sound culture of speech, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary work).

To teach children to retell a literary text, the ability to reproduce the text of a familiar fairy tale or a short story, first on the questions of the teacher, and then together with him.

Teach children to answer questions on the content of the picture in question.

To teach children to build a joint statement consisting of three sentences (“The bunny went (where?). There he met (who?). They began (what to do?)”).

It is important to take into account the different speech level of children. Of particular importance here is the individual work of the teacher with each child.

Children with a high level of speech development can be offered short schemes (“It has come ... Guys ... They have become ...”).


To teach children to understand the meaning of poems, fairy tales: sincerity, lyricism (I. Surikov, “Winter”; E. Trutneva, “Christmas Tree”), humor (N. Saxonskaya, “Where is my finger?”; “Grow, braid”, “Already you are a kitty-cat”, “Ruff-kids” - folk songs and nursery rhymes), joy (“Grass-ant”), playful character (“Sun-bucket”), solemnity, elation (Y. Akim, “Our planet”) , admiring (E. Serova, "Bell", "Dandelion"; A. Prokofiev, "Early Spring").

Maintain the sequence of the plot in the process of retelling familiar fairy tales, convey the character of the characters ("The Wolf and the Goats", "The Hare, the Fox and the Rooster").

Emotionally convey the character of the dialogue of characters, figurative words and expressions. Reproduce the author's words, expressions in the process of retelling (K. Ushinsky, "Bishka"; E. Charushin, "Like a horse rolled animals"; "Mitten" - a fairy tale, translated by E. Blaginina).

To educate the emotional susceptibility of works of art, to distinguish between the genre of a fairy tale and a story (“Fox with a rolling pin”, processed by I. Karnaukhova; Y. Taits, “Obedient Rain”), to distinguish between poetic and prose text (S. Marshak, “The Mustachioed Striped”; In Suteev, “Who said meow?”; fairy tales “Puff”, “Goby - a tar barrel”).

2nd year of study


Form the correct pronunciation (s, s, s, s, c, u, f, h, w, l, l, p, pb); develop phonetic perception, vocal apparatus, speech breathing, the ability to use a moderate rate of speech, intonation means of expression.
