Hungry shark where sunken objects. All the secrets of the game Hungry Shark: Evolution

Introducing the quick walkthrough guide for HungryShark: Evolution for Android and iOS. When compiling it, all scenarios in all missions were taken into account.

So your goal is:
- Unlock the giant white shark, the biggest and most dangerous character. According to the gameplay, you have to feed your hero until he becomes a 10-ton death machine. But according to the standard scenario, this will take a lot of time. To speed up the appearance of a healthy toothy monster, we advise you to perform simple actions.

Look for seashells. By opening them, you get access to the next mission. Explore the bottom, beaches and islands. By clicking on the shell icon on the left side of the screen, you will see how many missions you have completed and how many are left until the super mission, where you can earn a lot of points.

Remember that your main task in the game is to survive while earning as many points and coins as possible.

Passing levels from easy to those that are more difficult, spend coins on acquiring sharks and only in exceptional cases - on something else (for example, it is recommended to buy a map in order to understand where you can and should swim).

Try to avoid anything that can take away your energy and health.

Scenario for Reef Shark

    Since at the beginning of the game you will not have a card from the store, use the one located on top.

    The point is where your shark starts the journey from.

    Open nine shells and get a reward.

    Use acceleration (tap on the screen) to catch up with creatures that are faster than your shark.

    Do not buy anything at this stage.

    Save your coins for more useful things.

    Eat as many pelicans as you can surf the surface of the ocean.

    Dilute the menu with nutritious turtles (they live in areas highlighted in light blue).

The Super Mission will give you 25 thousand points. If you have reached level 10, buy the Mako shark. It costs 1.5 thousand.

Scenario for Mako shark

    Read the information about this character to know what he can do.

    The new sharks are still weak, so gain experience before earning points by attacking strong opponents.

    Each shark (after death) starts the journey from a new point.

    Do not buy various "upgrades". Save money for smarter use.

    You should now have enough coins to purchase a standard card.

    Use this card for quick search shells to move on to the next mission.

    Eat the fishermen: use the boost to jump high out of the water and land right on the boat. Swallow all three harpoon throwers.

    Mission: on a diet. To pass it, you need to swim as quickly and as far as possible with a full supply of energy.

    Jump out of the water and feed on low-flying pelicans.

    Make sure you are full of health and strength. Find a small underwater mine and ram it. After that, quickly replenish the supply of energy.

    Find one of the 15 sunken objects.

    You have reached the super mission: buy the Hammerhead Shark for 6000 coins.

Scenario for Hammerhead Shark

    Open shells and level up.

    Do not spend coins on various equipment and skills.

    Eat all the swarms of sardines that are not lucky enough to get in your way.
    Most comfortable spot for the passage of this mission is marked on the map:

    Find three sunken objects.

    Super Mission: Score over 100k points and buy the Tiger Shark.

Scenario for Tiger Shark

    Open shells to make your predator stronger.

    Don't buy any upgrades yet.

    Look for the angler on the left side of the map.

    Find the cave where Kempy Bass lives - a creature with a fish body and a human head. Fill your stomach before you swim in. Then swim into the cave and eat everything that comes along the way until you meet this funny creature - the location of the monster on the map:

    Find five sunken objects, earn over 200 thousand points and acquire the Great White Shark!

Scenario for Great White Shark

    Search and open shells.

    Now spend the coins you earn on "upgrading" the shark's abilities: make it faster, and its mouth is more dangerous and deadly.

    Look for side missions that are accessed near islands or closer to the surface of the water.

    To destroy a submarine, approach it and wait. When it turns its nose, sharply press acceleration and crash into it. This must be done before the submarine launches torpedoes at the shark. The submarine should be sought at depth. Dive under the point where the mission starts.

    Eat dangerous stingrays with sharp "wings".

    Try to find and eat as many unusual sea ​​creatures at the very bottom of the ocean.

    Find eight sunken objects.

    Score more than 1 million points.

Scenario for Megalodon

Here is the sixth shark in the game, which is particularly aggressive. It can be purchased for 50,000 coins after you complete the mission with the Great White Shark.

This monster from the world of dinosaurs can grow up to 25 meters in length, it easily bites in half fishing boats and ridges of other sharks. Megalodon can feed on anything but toxic waste barrels, mines, torpedoes, and, oddly enough, beach balls.

Dive to the bottom, and then accelerate upward to jump out of the water and grab paragliders and even helicopters soaring above the waves with your jaws.

To complete the Megalodon mission in Hungry Sharl Evolution, eat five harpoon throwers, five paragliders, 12 fishing boats, and 125 mines.

Scenario for Dunkleosteus

Dunkleosteus, also referred to as "Big Daddy" in the game, is the largest and most powerful predator in the Hungry Shark Evo.

This prehistoric monster will cost you 250,000 coins upon completion of the Megalodon mission. Its length can reach 30 meters in length, while it swallows deadly mines without any harm to itself. Unlike other sharks, instead of ramming submarines, Big Daddy can simply swallow them.

To complete the Dunkleosteus mission in Hungry Sharl Evolution, eat at least 30 people. Sink 30 boats. Eat 20 rare birds.

This guide describes secrets, shopping tips and progression, as well as important game points.

First meeting

It is best to start your journey with daily viewing of unloved ads by everyone (click the "+" icon, and then go to the "get free" tab). Because for each video (it allows you to watch 5 times a day) you get +2 gems needed to buy improved location cards. The total number of gems that will be required is 700, so you should start saving as early as possible. This means that it is not worth spending gems to buy decorative items in a local store, or to open elite pets, and even less so to resurrect a shark after death. As soon as such an opportunity arises, you should buy a regular card Pacific Islands. It will help you easily navigate in space and start linking certain locations to others (in your mind), so that in the end you can remember everything. And since the levels here are very large, although it is interesting to study them blindly, it is painfully difficult.

To fill a lot of money and points, it is enough to collect the letters "HUNGRY", scattered throughout the level in a random order. And only with the help of a map their location can be determined accurately. But, an ordinary card allows you to see only one letter at a time, so you will make more than one detour back and forth, and according to the law of meanness, it turns out that you could collect everything quickly and sequentially ... This is where an improved type card will help (the first will cost in 100 gems). First of all, it will display all the letters at once, which will help you immediately designate a convenient route so as not to waste extra minutes swimming. And secondly, you will also discover the location of five daily chests. If the first two give not so many coins, then the rest add more and more. Their daily collection will still help with finances, but you are unlikely to find most of them on your own, since these treasures are hidden very cunningly.

Pacific Islands

Your journey will begin from this location. The starting point is in the middle of the map, so you can swim in any direction. Right away it is worth noting the correct tactics of passage, since very quickly you will realize that swimming at random does not bring any profit or experience of pumping a shark. Collect shoals of fish in quick succession with virtually no stopping. That same score multiplier fades pretty quickly if you don't eat every few seconds. And solitary sea ​​creatures(crabs, seals, jellyfish) give very little or no effect on the multiplier charging, so losing it is very easy. Sometimes it is beneficial not to eat all the individuals of a school of fish at once, in order to slowly gnaw on the rest while looking around in search of a new group. All this is needed in order to quickly activate the gold rush mode, which allows you to become invulnerable and tireless for a short time. And this mode is not needed in order to abruptly start exploring remote corners of the world - while it is active, try to eat even more fish, as points will be awarded dozens of times more.

The more fish you consume during a Gold Rush, the faster the next one will activate. Not only that, it is also golden, that all living creatures begin to bring coins, which are multiplied by your points multiplier. In the end, the Mega mode will also be charged, allowing you to gobble up everything and everything, regardless of the size of your shark and the size of the victims. It is important to understand that simply by attacking strong opponents, you will not get many points, so you need to try to follow the scheme: first there are the smallest opponents that are found in large quantities, towards the middle of Mega start eating medium enemies, bombs and jellyfish, and towards the end try to go to the zone with whales and / or submarines. The "HUNGRY" mode works exactly the same as the Mega, so I try not to activate them at the same time. Even more, while you are in the Mega state, it makes sense to quickly collect the letters "HUNGRY" and vice versa. In theory, this way you can keep yourself in the form of a berserker all the time (well, the random generator sometimes throws letters at different ends of the map, so this does not always work).

It's also quite handy to use gold rush to collect letters safely if they are nearby, especially if you still control a small shark that is threatened by many opponents. Speaking of which. It is best to buy a medium shark of each category, as it offers the best balance of parameters at a reasonable price. There will be no reason for you to return to smaller sharks after discovering larger ones. Some argue that the smaller you are, the faster. It is so and not so at the same time. Yes, a small shark moves faster than a large one, but a large one can cover double or even triple the distance in the same time at its slow speed. Plus, size matters when it comes to the width of the gaping mouth (the larger it is, the more fish can swallow without unnecessary body movements). Agree that it is much easier to just press "forward" once and automatically swallow the floor of the ocean than to sharply and dodgy write out a bunch of circles and turns, not being able to keep up with the fleeing victims.

Early Game Tips (Pacific Islands)

You will have to constantly complete randomly generated tasks and, as far as I understand, if you do not unlock the map of the second island, the tasks of the second island will not appear, which is very good, as it will allow you to concentrate on the base map. Important places on the map will be described below, including secrets and the location of some creatures, so consider this a big spoiler and do not read if you want to explore this sea yourself.

1) Parrots live here in small numbers, and they love to fly high;
2) Pelicans, which are not considered birds in all quests, for some reason;
3) Turtles in in large numbers, sit on the ground;
4) Crabs;
5) Pike, dangerous only for the smallest species of sharks, sometimes needed for quests;
6) Squids, attack with dangerous clouds when retreating, appear in large numbers after two minutes of play;
7) Mutant fish that are found near waste and poisonous waters;
8) Swelling fish, cause damage to small and medium sharks if they swell up at the time of eating;
9) Fish-drops, in small clusters (strongly heal and charge the gold rush, give a lot of points);
10) Stingrays sting painfully and live in large numbers;
11) Fish-birds that can both fly and swim;
12) There are fishing boats, cages with divers and dolphins.

Blue indicates rich areas where nutritious blob or gem fish are often found, as well as useful trash - while there are no dangers;
Orange indicates areas with blobfish and powerful crayfish in large numbers, also predatory sharks, jellyfish and bombs often live on the approaches;
Red indicates danger zones, where harpoon divers, submarines and piranhas are often found;
Pink indicates the sector with whales, which appear at the very beginning of the game;
Purple is the only zone that does not promise any rewards, but is protected by a huge minefield, piranhas and contains little food;
Yellow arrows indicate currents that can only be overcome with the help of acceleration and large sharks, plus, at the end of each of them there is a significant threat.

general information

While holding the boost, your shark can eat prey much faster;
You cannot eat while being eaten;
One of the pets (worth 40,000) can gnaw on bombs of any size at a rate of approximately "one bomb every 5 seconds";
As early as possible, put a defense upgrade on the shark that will block bomb explosions, rockets and harpoons;
Not all daily rewards are useful, for example, sometimes for the top 1% they give an unnecessary item, and for the top 5% +50 gems - it's better to take gems;
It is advisable to pump a shark for coins only up to 33%, since then it requires too many coins, so it’s easier to buy a larger specimen;
Some inaccessible zones can be reached by land, especially in the first 2-4 minutes, when health can still be healed relatively easily;
Somewhere after 8 minutes of play, ANY source of damage can one-shot you, regardless of size (garbage, harpoon, bomb, jellyfish, etc.);
If the game is stuck watching ads and loading indefinitely, just go to the main menu and press the exit button - the scoring will start, but you will not need to restart the application;
Sometimes it is beneficial to leave treasure chests until the quest to collect coins drops out;
The second and third maps of the worlds are several times more difficult than the first, so it's pointless to go there without a shark of at least rank XL;
It is better not to spend coins on decorative items, as they are only useful for those who bought the final shark, and even then only in order to take big records.

If you do not want long time sit thinking how to pass Hungry Shark Evolution, then this review will help you for short term complete all tasks and missions. In it, we tried to describe in detail all the available scenarios for each mission. The main goal of the gameplay is to discover the biggest and most dangerous shark. Based on the gameplay, users have to diligently feed their pet until the character reaches 10 tons. However, this takes a lot of time and effort, but in order to quickly grow a "toothy death machine", it recommends using some tricks.

Explore the ocean floor regularly to find seashells. In them, users can find various useful goodies for their protagonist, and you can also find free access to a new task. On the left side of the display is a shell icon. By clicking on it, users will automatically go to the "missions" panel. Here you can see all completed tasks and active missions, as well as see how many percent are left before the super-task.

Do not forget that your main task in Hungry Shark Evolution is not just to survive, but also to earn as much gold as possible. Complete all easy and hard tasks to earn maximum amount gold coins. Having collected a certain amount of money, we recommend that you immediately buy a navigation map. On it you can find hidden caches, as well as see the most dangerous places where it is better not to swim. Since there are enough predators in the ocean, be very careful and vigilant to keep your character healthy and alive.

Gameplay Reef Shark

At first gameplay we will not have a map and a store. The main assistant at this stage will be the standard map, which is located in the upper corner of the screen. Activate your character and start conquering the ocean. We find shells, open them and collect gold. It is not worth buying various buns at this stage, it is better to save savings for more useful needs. Hunt pelicans and turtles for more nutritious shark food. Completing the Super Challenge will earn you 25,000 points. Upon reaching level 10, users can purchase the Mako Shark.

Mako shark gameplay

  • before the first swim, study in detail all the available characteristics of the "toothy monster";
  • young "monsters" are not too strong and maneuverable to immediately engage in battle with strong individuals;
  • after death, any shark starts its journey from a new starting point;
  • do not rush to upgrade your ward, it is better to leave gold coins for more useful buns;
  • after collecting enough money, buy a standard ocean map. She will help to find hidden treasures, show the most favorable places for shark feeding;
  • with the help of acceleration, swallow all the fishermen in the boat and throwing harpoons;
  • stock up on vital energy and try to complete the "diet" mission;
  • in the absence of provisions in the ocean, jump out of the water to feast on juicy pelican meat;
  • if your shark's health is fully restored, then find an underwater mine and ram it;
  • we restore the strength of our protagonist and set off to look for one of the 15 sunken objects;
  • super mission is now available. After completing it, users can buy a hammerhead shark for 6,000 coins.

Hammerhead shark gameplay

As in all other scenarios, playing as a hammerhead shark, users must find all the shells and increase the life level of their character. You should not immediately spend all the coins you earn on pumping the hero. It is better to leave them for more important purchases. Try to absorb all the sardines that will meet on your way. The most favorable place for this task is marked on the map. After completing the task "sardines", go in search of three sunken objects. After that, users will have access to a super-task, where they will need to accumulate 100,000 coins in order to open a tiger shark.

Tiger shark gameplay

  • find and open shells that will help make our ward more resilient and strong;
  • we refrain from rash purchases and upgrades of the "toothed monster";
  • we are trying to find on the left side of the screen - a fisherman;
  • explore the cave where Kempy Bass lives. Please note that before swimming into the cave, it is important to collect the maximum number of acorns on the island. We swim into the cave, eat all the floating creatures until we meet a fish-man;
  • find five sunken elements and collect 200 thousand coins to open the Great White Shark.

White shark gameplay

Having found all the shells, we quickly go to the store to fully upgrade each criterion of our ward. We increase the endurance, agility, lethality and maneuverability of the hero. We open the menu with tasks and look for available missions that are located near the island or on the surface of the water. To destroy a submarine, wait until it turns its bow towards you, quickly press acceleration and crash your character into it with all your might so that the boat launches a torpedo. Explore the bottom of the ocean to feast on unusual creatures and eat the most dangerous stingray with sharp spikes. After feeding the shark to its full, you can go in search of eight sunken elements, which in the future will open super-tasks and the possibility of buying a Megalodon.

Shark gameplay - Megalodon

Megalodon is the sixth shark in Hungry Shark Evolution. It differs from other "toothed predators" not only in a large level of health, but also in aggression, and the average length of an adult can reach 25 meters. A megalodon can easily bite through the spine of another shark or break a fishing boat in half. It can feed on all living creatures, except for barrels with toxic substances, rockets and mines. Go down to the very bottom of the ocean, accelerate the hero to top speed to jump out of the water and catch a plane hovering over the waves. To unlock another hero, you will need to deactivate five harpoons, eat five paragliders, and over a dozen fishing boats.

Gameplay Dunkleosteus

Big Daddy (big daddy) or Dunkleostea is the largest and most powerful marine predator in the game Hungry Shark Evolution. You can buy this historical monster for 250 thousand gold coins. The length of the prehistoric specimen is more than 30 cm. The shark can not only ram large ships, but is also able to swallow them whole. To complete all Big Daddy tasks, users will need to eat more than three dozen people, crash 30 boats, swallow 20 rare birds, and also feast on their "comrades-in-arms" - Megalodes. Please note that it is not worth attacking serious opponents, it is better to ram them from below or from the side.

Found chests can be used many times. For example, open the chest, take all the items and immediately close the game. Change the time and date on your phone a day ahead and open Hungry Shark Evolution again. The chest you opened earlier will be full again, and you can collect a few more extra goodies for your shark. After opening the chest five times in a row, crystals appear in the chest on the sixth attempt.

  • Game Review

    Conquer the ocean depths with Hungry Shark...

    An exciting sea adventure in which you have to control a shark! Try to stay afloat as long as possible, devouring everything in your path! Large selection of sharks to develop, including the hammerhead shark, white shark and even the megalodon!

  • Peculiarities

    8 sharks to develop

    Use coins and gems to grow a ferocious megalodon from a small reef shark and even bring prehistoric monsters back to life, like the mosasaurus! With the increase of the three main characteristics, the level of each shark will increase, and she will grow. Thanks to this, as well as special accessories and power-ups, your shark will soon become the most dangerous predator ocean!

    The science of devouring does not stand still!

    At your service the best achievements of shark science: a trinity of crazy sharks, terrifying for all underwater inhabitants. An extensive arsenal for filling the belly and destroying all life: electricity, ice and even rockets!

    New challenges

    Take your rightful place in the Facebook leaderboard. Compete with your carnivorous counterparts around the world. Ready to take on the challenge? Share your achievements on the official community pages on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, Google +, Pinterest and on the Ubisoft forums.

    Advanced graphics in the palm of your hand

    Unity graphics engine guarantees incredible quality of 3D models, lighting and environment!

    They need a bigger boat

    You have to fight deadly bosses and survive in an underwater world full of dangers: prey does not always swim straight into the mouth! Fin hunters, toxic waste, missile submarines, mines, and even a creepy giant crab!

    Hidden Objects!

    Each shark has its own set of tasks, as well as 15 hidden objects scattered throughout the map. For finding them you will receive extra points and coins!

    Hungry shark is an entertaining game, in order to advance in it you need to collect treasures that are hidden in niches and underwater caves. The presented treasure map, which shows their location, will help you find them.

    The game Hungry Shark is translated as a hungry shark. The goal of the game is to unlock the white shark, i.e. in the game you play as a shark. In addition, you need to find items that are at dead ends and the so-called gaps, but not all of them will be easy for you, for some of them you will need to fight mines, stingrays, barefoot.

    The game Hungry Sharks will not let you relax. In this game you will play as a shark. Throughout the game, you need to carefully monitor the rating and increase it by all means. One of them is the search for hidden treasures in caves at the bottom of the ocean. There you are detailed map, which lists all 15 treasures. You just have to pick them up. Good luck!

    In the Hungry Shark game, you will need to find 15 sunken objects. You will of course need a treasure map that you need to find. You should look for sunken objects in caves and depressions. Also see the map in the photo, all the necessary items are marked in yellow.

    A map of sunken objects for the game Hungry shark evolution is presented in a screenshot made by me personally.

    In total, 15 sunken objects can be found in the game. And by the way, having bought a megalodon you will have to complete a mission to find 15 items. Good luck. 🙂

    On each screen there are such niches or caves, in the depths of which there are sunken objects. In order to find them immediately, you can use the tips that you can see by watching the video, or the screenshots below. Very interesting levels! A small shark, although very toothy, will have to swim through all the tunnels and find lost and sunken among the sea or objects. Be sure to remember to collect all these items in order to increase your rating.

    On the top first screen you see three golden items and one wooden item.

    On the screenshot below you can also see six golden items and one wooden item.

    It's amazing how much fabulous and unusual things can be seen here. But the main thing is your desire. The desire to be the first, to find new treasures, to make discoveries, and to learn something unknown. It is all these sensations that you can find in this wonderful computer toy. Watch more videos, view more lessons, and go through quickly and optimally, step by step.

    On the next screen, there are only three items, and they are all gold.

    And finally, on the last screen, you can find four gold items sunk in the depths of the caves. The task must be completed quickly. Collect all of them for the complete completion of the mission.

    You can also watch and download some video to your computer. Here is an example of such a video clip that is very useful for passing the game:

    Wow, the name of the game is Hungry Shark To be honest, I didn’t even suspect the existence of such a game. But I wondered where to find these sunken objects. It turns out there are only 15 of these items. There is even a mission to find items. And the objects themselves are hidden in unusual places. These are interesting caves and depressions.

    Here is a map of sunken objects.

    All fifteen items on the screenshots are marked with yellow dots. Based on these maps, you can easily find all fifteen sunken objects.

    Good luck to everyone in this addictive game!

    I decided not to play too, the whole name beckons and intrigues what will happen next?

    Hungry Shark is a very interesting and addictive game. To increase your rating in this game, you need to collect hidden sunken objects.

    You can find them on the map

    There are only 15 items to collect.

    Who is already playing, but can not help but find the sunken objects, the tips are in this video.

    Video. Map. Where are the sunken items?- objects on the map are marked with a yellow marker, hurry up, otherwise you won't have time!

    Who has not yet played exciting adventures with a shark, you can download the game Hungry Sharks are here lt;- on Download, play, pretend to be a shark in the endless sea, hunt for crabs, fight with marine inhabitants, look for sunken objects to increase your level.
