Synopsis of the ood on ecology in the preparatory group. Open lesson on environmental education with children of the preparatory group

Galina Polivakhina
"Be nature's friend." Open class on ecology in the preparatory group

« Be nature's friend» .

Target: educational: to form an emotional positive attitude towards the world around and nature; develop social skills: ability to work in group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of the partner, as well as defend your opinion.

- Developing: Develop logical thinking, imagination.

- Educational: to systematize and clarify ideas about the properties of water and air.

Movement with different strength

invisibility air


Water has no taste or smell


Activation and enrichment of the vocabulary of children, nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic classes.

preliminary work:

holding mini-conversations "if there was no water", "green lungs of the planet", "The water cycle in nature» . Examining the globe, memorizing poems about water and air.

Material: cups, water, milk, small toys, granulated sugar, tubes, brushes, paints.

Sun: our planet- common Home. And we have lived in it for many years. But, as everyone knows, we must protect this house. What is planet Earth? (children's answers)

Sun: Yes, these are rivers, forests, fields, sky, sun, animals; that is, everything that is not made by human hands. And man is also a part nature. And the smallest insect is also a part nature. Nature feeds man, clothes, teaches, gives everything necessary for life.

What does it teach us nature will tell Danya K.

We are taught at any time of the year by the wise nature

Birds learn to sing. Spider - patience

Bees in the field and in the garden teach us to work

And besides, in their work everything is fair,

Reflection in the water teaches us truthfulness

The snow teaches us purity, the sun teaches kindness

And with all the immensity teaches modesty.

Sun: Guys, what do we breathe?

Children: Air, oxygen.

Sun: What is the air like? (Children: dirty and clean.) Is the air always clean?

Children: No.

Sun: Where to meet fresh air?

Children: In the forest, on the sea, in the mountains.

Sun: Where can you find dirty air?

Children: In big cities where there are a lot of cars and factories.

Sun A: What can be done about it? What would the air be clean?

Children: Plant trees, put filters on the pipes of factories.

Sun: Guys tell me, can we hear the air, and when can we hear it?

Children: We can hear it when the wind blows.

Maxim K. "Wind".

Carefully the wind blows

Came out of the gate

Knocked on the window

Ran across the roof

Played a little

branches of bird cherry,

scolded for something

Sparrows of acquaintances

And, straightening cheerfully

young wings

flew somewhere

In distillation with dust.

Sun: Tell. Can we see air?

Children: No.

Sun: And I suggest you do an experiment where we can see the air and hear it.


Take a glass of water and straws from under the juice. Dip the tubes in a glass of water and slowly blow into the tube. Explain that bubbles are air and we can see it. Then we blow with different strength to hear the air. The properties of air are movement with different strengths.

Though armless, but it happens

Upholstering pears from branches

Pine uproots

So sometimes he gets angry

Only that he was everywhere

A moment and it is not there anywhere!

Sun: Tell me, who needs air?

Children's answers

Sun: And what will happen if there is only dirty air on Earth?

Children's answers.


Dark forest and green meadow

We are walking one after another

So that we do not crush the flowers,

Let's raise our legs.

The warm wind gently caresses

The forest rustles with thick grass

Cedar wants to bow to us,

Elle shakes his head

A curly birch

Follows all the guys

Goodbye green forest.

We are going to kindergarten.

Sun: And without which a person cannot live yet. To find out, you need to solve the riddle.

If your hands are in wax.

If there are blots on the nose.

Who then is our first Friend,

Wash away dirt from face and hands

What Mom Can't Do Without

Neither cook nor wash

Without which we will say directly

Man to die? (water)

Sun: Right. We will talk about water, remember what we know, learn new things, we will argue, play. Where in nature can we see a drop of water?

Children's answers.

Veronica L. "Spring water".

The vodka sings murmuring,

familiar path

Bear goes for a drink

Key water.

He bends down, laps

Wet brown fur

And the key runs sparkles

And generously waters everyone.

Maxim K. "Rain".

The rain pours down on the bushes,

Hit without a miss!

Whipped all the raspberries

All the cherry!

He tilted the pear branches

The garden needs a fresh shower

But why pour so hard

Knock down an apple tree?

Sun: Who knows where the rain hides?

Children's answers.

Game practice. "Mom Cloud".

Sun: Let's imagine that I am Cloud's mother, and you are my children. Do whatever I say.

Droplets, it's time for everyone to hit the road. Droplets flew to the ground. Jumped, jumped (Children jump). They got bored of jumping alone. They gathered together and flowed in little merry streams. (Droplets form streams in pairs). Brooks met and became a big river (brooks connected in one chain). Droplets float, travel in a big river. The river flowed, the river flowed and fell into the big ocean (Children line up in a big ocean and move in a circle). They swam, the droplets swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that Mama Cloud had ordered them to return home. And then the sun warmed up, the droplets became light and stretched up. They evaporated under the rays of the sun and returned to Mama Cloud. (Children run up and run to the teacher) .

Sun: What is water? What properties does it have? To find out, we will sit down in our seats.

"Water has no smell".

Invite the children to smell the water and say. What does she smell like (or doesn't smell at all). Let them sniff again and again until they are sure that there is no smell. However, emphasize that the water from the water pipes may have an odor, as it is cleaned with special substances so that it is safe for your health.

"Deviations have no taste".

Invite children to try water through a straw

Question: Does she have a taste?

Very often, children confidently say that the water is very tasty. Let them taste milk or juice for comparison. If they are not convinced, let them taste the water again. You have to prove to them that water has no taste. The fact is that children often hear from adults that water is very tasty. Explain that when a person is very thirsty, they drink water with pleasure, and to express their pleasure, speaks: "What delicious water", although in fact it does not feel the taste.

"The water is transparent". In front of the children are two glasses: one with water, the other with milk. In both cups put a toy from the Kinder. In which of the cups is it visible, and in which is it not? Before us is milk and water, in a glass of water we see a toy, but not in a glass of milk. Conclusion: water is clear, but milk is not.

“Some substances dissolve in water, but others do not dissolve».

Take two glasses of water in one of them, the children will put ordinary sand and try to stir it with a spoon. What happens? Has the sand dissolved or not? Take another glass and pour a spoonful of granulated sugar into it, stir it. What happened now? In which of the cups did the sand dissolve?

The result of the experiment: water is one of the most amazing substances. She has many properties: transparency, has no taste and smell, is a solvent.

Outcome classes:

So that the joy of tomorrow

Could you feel

Must be a clean land

And the sky be clear.

And this Earth, not sparing

Tormented century after century

And he took everything only for himself

"Reasonable" Human

Now rushed to save

« natural environment» ,

But why are we so late

did you feel trouble?

Through factories and factories of thoughts

It's hard for us to see

All the suffering that the earth

We have to endure.

How long will we have enough water?

If poison is dissolved in it?

How long will those forests last?

Where are the axes knocking?

Save fields, forests, meadows

And the clean surface of the rivers - the whole Earth

Can only you

Man of sense!

So our fun and informative tour of ecology, now each of us can safely say:

"I - friend of nature»

Oksana Shuvalova
Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the preparatory group "Water is life"

Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the preparatory group

« Water is life, a priceless gift, the wealth of the planet ".

Target: foundation formation ecological worldview and environmental awareness, responsible attitude to environment (water).



Clarify children's knowledge about the role of water in human life.

Give children an idea of ​​what great importance have springs and other sources pure water for all life on earth.

To acquaint children with the traditionally kind attitude of people towards springs.

Learn to understand what is pure water is a priceless gift of nature that must be carefully preserved.

Develop skills of competent and safe behavior in nature

Teaching children through art (poster) communicate the problem of protecting clean water sources to other people

Contribute to the all-round development of the child.


Develop logical thinking, coherent speech, Creative skills children.


Cultivate respect for water ecological culture.

vocabulary work: activation dictionary: globe, springs, water in the spring(which): spring, cold, transparent, crystal, icy, flowing.

Integration of educational regions: music, speech development, fiction, physical development(health, art (application).

Methods and techniques: a story about springs and clean water, the protection of water in nature; listening to a poem "The earth is our home", "Springs" Bunin; p/i "Streams - Lake"; the arrival of the fairy-tale character Luntik; experiments, d/i "The Fourth Extra", the development of children's creativity - a collective application.

preliminary work: Acquaintance with the globe, looking at illustrations. Conversations: "How to save water?", "Who needs water. Observations in nature: snowfall, snowmelt, rain, puddles, dew, fog. Reading fiction literature: Marta Gumilyovskaya "Following the Drop" (stories).

Material to occupation: Globe. Image picture factory draining dirty water. Picture of garbage in the water and on the shore of the reservoir. Pictures depicting lakes, rivers and springs, Luntik toy, cards with riddles, a poster with the outline of the planet Earth, colored paper(blue, glue stick, napkins, oilcloths for application. A glass of water, an empty glass, a cup of sugar, a spoon, a piece of ice, a candle. Pictures for games water, cloud, smoke from the chimney.

Lesson progress:

I. Quiet music sounds.

The teacher reads a poem:

Our home is our own, our common home is

The land where we live!

We can't count miracles,

They have one name There is:

Forests and mountains and seas

Everything is called Earth!

And if you fly into space,

That from the rocket window

You will see our blue ball,

Favorite planet!

Globe work.

The teacher shows the globe.

Does anyone know what this item is called? (globe)

What is a globe? (this is a model of our Earth, only reduced many times over, this is how our planet Earth looks from space).

Look at the globe. What color is the most on the globe (blue). Why (children's answers? These are oceans and seas. There is a lot of water in them, but it is salty and not suitable for drinking. Guys, there are also rivers and lakes. Many lakes are so clean, they have underground springs that you can drink from them water. For example: in our country there is such a reserved lake Itkul. There is also Lake Baikal. This is the largest fresh water lake in the world.

Guys, why do you think water? (To live, bathe, wash, drink, cook, wash, etc.)

Guys, do you know where it comes from water in rivers and lakes? (children's answers)

Many rivers and lakes, even very large ones, are formed at the beginning of their journey by the confluence of small streams that flow from springs.

Loves and protects our springs people: covers them with stones, fences, makes canopies over them. On a well-groomed spring there is always a mug left by someone's disinterested hand for everyone. Drink, good people, crystal clear water, drink to your health.

Guys, which of you drank water from a spring?

And what do they say about clean water from a spring? (spring, cold, transparent, crystal, icy, flowing.)

I. A. Bunin has a poem "Spring".

Listen to him:

In the wilderness of the forest, in the wilderness of green,

Always shady and damp

In a steep ravine under the mountain

A spring of studio beats out of stones ny:

Boils, plays and hurries,

Spinning in crystal clubs,

And under the branchy oaks

Runs like molten glass.

Do you know that nothing can live without water? alive: neither man, nor animals, nor plants.

caregiver: A spring is a priceless gift. It is necessary to ensure that the springs are clean, so that water of which flowed freely into streams. It is necessary to protect them from those who do not spare either the beauty or the purity of nature.

And now I propose to play a mobile game.

P\game "Brooks-Lake".

The guys line up one after another, 5-6 people each, put their hands on the belt of the one in front - this "brooks". On signal "brooks run" children randomly run each in their own column one after another. All columns run without interfering with one another. By signal: "Lake!" each team, holding hands, forms a circle - "lake".

II. Meeting with Luntik.

There is a knock. The playable character Luntik appears. He is dirty and crying.

Guys, who came to us, so dirty, so unhappy? (children's answers)

Luntik: I went to visit you, past the river, the sun warmed up, I decided to swim in the river. Bathed and came out of the water so dirty. caregiver: Guys, maybe you know what happened to Luntik? (children's answers).

Luntik: Oh, I remembered! On the bank of the river, I saw a long pipe that stretched from factory. Black flowed from it. water. Here it is! (Shows a picture.) And there, in the water and on the shore, there were a lot of bottles, garbage bags, candy wrappers, banana peels and tangerines. And so I felt bad and uncomfortable.

(Children feel sorry for Luntik. The teacher invites him to wash).

Who do you think could do this? (children's answers)

What needs to be done to keep our water bodies clean? (children's answers)

Luntik: Thank you guys. Today I came to you to play. I will say the words and show the movements, and you will repeat after me. (Children stand in a circle).


"Greek rode across the river,

(children pretend to row a boat with oars)

He sees the Greek, there is cancer in the river.

(Turns of the torso and head to the right and left)

He put the Greek hand into the river,

(torso forward)

Cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap!

(The teacher catches the children by the hand)

caregiver: And now, I suggest you become magicians for a while, and experiment with water. Luntik, you too join us.

1. Two glasses. One empty second with clean water and a cup of sugar. Pour water from one glass to another. Water is pouring So what is she like? (Liquid). Add sugar to a glass and stir. What do we see? The sugar is gone. Having conducted this experiment, we have considered such a property as solubility. in liquid state water dissolves some substances.

2. Children close their eyes, I run a piece of ice over their palms. How do you think I touched your hands? Ice. What is ice? Ice is water, only in the solid state. If you hold it for a long time in warm palms, then it will turn into water. Means, water is liquid and solid.

3. And now we will take some water in a spoon and hold it over a candle. At high temperature water boils and turns into steam. This is the third state of water - gaseous.

Luntik: How interesting! I want to play a game with you "The Fourth Extra". Images: river, lake, sea, sand. Ice, snow, icicles, lollipop. Steam, hot water, cloud, smoke from the chimney.

Well done guys, you are doing so well. Are you good at solving riddles? Then listen:

Lives in seas and rivers

And often flies through the sky.

And how bored she is to fly,

Falls to the ground again. (Water.)

Slightly shaking in the breeze

Ribbon in space

Narrow tip in the spring,

And wide in the sea. (River)

He has no arms, he has no legs

Could break out of the ground

He us in the summer, in the heat,

Ice drink water. (Spring)

In the middle of the field lies a mirror:

The glass is blue and the frame is green. (Lake.)

Not the sea, not the land, ships don't sail

Only frogs croak.

You can't walk, you can get stuck. (Swamp)

Luntik: Guys, how good are you, fun and interesting. But it's time for me to go home, my friends are waiting for me. Friends: Kuzya Pchelyonok and Mila. Goodbye.

Luntik leaves.

II Artistic creativity (collective application):

(The teacher invites the children to go to the tables. Reminds them of the guest, how bad he was from dirty water).

Guys, what do you think, what needs to be done so that our Earth remains the same blooming and blue. (children's answers).

That's right, it is necessary to protect the cleanliness of reservoirs and their banks, not to pollute their: do not throw garbage, do not wash cars and bicycles in them. After a picnic, collect garbage in bags and take it with you. After all water- this is the wealth of our planet life and health of people, animals and plants.

Making a poster "Our home is planet Earth".

Children read poetry:

. And the springs quietly ask: "You take care of us, take care!"... I look at the globe - the globe of the earth, Sad deep river, So beautiful and dear! Losing their shores, And lips whisper on wind: And I hear a voice rivers: "I will save you, I will save you!"“You take care of us, take care of us.

Summary of the lesson

For preparatory group.

"Young Explorers"

Program content:

Continue to acquaint children with the properties of water based on previously acquired knowledge by experience;

To expand and deepen the understanding of children about the meaning and location of air on earth, about the properties of air, about the significance of the properties of air in nature

To form the ability to perform experiments, observe the progress and results of the experiment, the ability to draw conclusions, reason by analogy, analyze;

Develop observation and curiosity of children;

To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around, the first skills of rational nature management

Cultivate the ability to take care of the living and inanimate nature to foresee the positive and negative consequences of one's intervention in nature in advance;

To help to see the beauty, uniqueness, and diversity of nature (the richness of its forms, colors, smells), to enjoy communicating with it.


Handout: jars, napkins, plastic bags;

stones, foam rubber, chalk, earth, glass; soap bubbles; paper boats or tennis balls; magic cylinders; glasses with different amounts of water, pipes, flutes, medals.

Demo material: water (hot and cold); body drawing

person; globe; drawings "Who pollutes the air"; riddles about water and air, questions of a blitz tournament; 3- liter jar salted water, half a glass of fresh water, pipettes, a plate, illustrations of the seas, lakes; 3-liter jar of water, paint, dirty carrots on a plate, dirty doll dress in a tub, dirty brushes, soap; Bowl; glass, napkins; test tubes with colored water; 2 plastic pipes; air balloons, plastic bottle; tennis balls.

Lesson progress

Children, together with the teacher, approach the door of the room. On them the inscription: "Research laboratory". There are pictures of two "little men" on the door.

air code

water code

To open the doors to the laboratory, you must solve the code. "Did you recognize the "little men" on them? The "little men" of what substance are depicted here?

Yes, water ones are droplets, they take the form of the dishes into which they are poured. What can be water men?(People of water, tea, milk, puddles, rain.)

And these are airborne - constantly in action, they are always flying somewhere. What could be such people?(Gas, smoke, steam, smell.)

The doors open and the children enter the lab.

Today we will explore different substances. But above all

what safety rules should be followed?(children's answers)

Water riddle

A cloud in the sky rushes, pours, flows and runs.

On a pond in winter it can become transparent glass.

What it is? That's right, this iswater.

Well, remember what game you know about water? "Water is not water."

Who can remind the rules of the game?

If the children do not remember, then the teacher:

I will name the words if the word means something that contains water(rainbow, puddle) you will raise both hands.

If an object or phenomenon is related to water(ship, dolphin) you raise one hand; if I name an object or phenomenon that has no connection with water(wind, stone) you don't raise your hand.

caregiver names the words: rainbow, sand, fish, stone, snow, rain, wind, dolphin, puddle, cloud, shuttle, icicle, ice, clay, stream, lake.

Well done! You know well what contains water, what has a connection with water, and what does not!

Do you think humans need water? Why does a person need it? Do you think there is water in the human body?(children's answers)

Look at this drawing. You see, the human body mainly consists of water: it is in the blood, in saliva. A person can live without food for a week, but without water for 1-2 days. How much water do you think each person needs every day. Many or few? Is there a lot of water on our planet, is there enough for everyone?(children's answers)

Children, what planet do we live on?(Earth)

This is a model of our planet Earth.(The teacher shows the children a globe.)

What is it called?(Globe). Blue color on the globe depicts the seas and oceans.

Look carefully at the globe and tell me what is more on our planet - water or land?(Water).

Is there a lot of water on planet Earth? (A lot of).

Most of the water is made up of seas and oceans. And their water is salty. Can any water satisfy human needs?(children's answers)

Experience 1. Compare the amount of salt and fresh water on Earth.

What do you think, what kind of water do we have the most?

To make it clear: we approach the table on which there is a 3-liter jar of salted water, half a glass of fresh water, pipettes and plates.

Children, imagine that we poured the water of the seas and oceans of our planet into this jar. There is salt water here. Then fresh water will take only half a glass.

And only 3 drops (count - 1. 2. 3.) is the water of rivers and lakes.

Come to a conclusion together.

How much fresh water do we have? (Little compared to salty)

Living beings need a lot of water, there is not enough of it on the planet. We need to save water. What are you doing to save water?

Or maybe you don’t need to save it, because it all returns back to


Experience 2. What kind of water returns to nature.

And in what form?(Children state their assumptions).

The teacher brings the children to the table on which they stand:

3 liter jar of water; dye; dirty carrots on a plate, a dirty doll dress in a bath, dirty brushes, soap, a jar, sand and a napkin lie next to each item. In the middle is a large bowl. The teacher puts 2 children near each "labor equipment", pours water from a large jar into jars. Proposes to perform the right job, children perform. Dirty water from small bowls is poured into a large bowl.

Together come to a conclusion: the water returns to nature dirty.

Children, do you know where the water comes from to our taps?(children's answers)

Yes, water comes to us from natural reservoirs, from rivers and lakes through pipes, but before that it is purified at special stations. Then she goes back through other pipes.

Children, remember what crystal clear water was in the jar, but turned into nasty muddy water. Pure water came to us from rivers and lakes, but it returns very dirty. Therefore, the water in rivers and lakes has ceased to be clean. And before the water comes back into the plumbing, it must be cleaned. If the faucet was left open, then not only was clean water wasted, but the amount of dirty water also increased. Appropriate load on the treatment plant. So far, tap water can be used, but its quality is deteriorating every year.

What rule can be derived?(Pure water is scarce and must be conserved - not polluted.)

We need clean water. Therefore, we must not pollute it. Listen to how the poem describes this:

And water is a real miracle!

How to live without water?

We are always happy with her.

We have no problem with her.

There is water - plants grow:

Forest, gardens, beautiful fields.

It's wonderful for a man

And the whole earth rejoices.

Children swim in the waters

Fish live in water.

Flowers bloom in the meadow.

And it often rains.

The cycle is constant

On Earth, water leads.

Therefore, everything is fine with water

"Heavenly Well" - will save us!

- Now guess the riddles about water.

I'm expected, can't wait

And when they see it, they run away.


Over you and over me

A bag of water flew by.

Ran into a distant forest

Chilled us and disappeared.


From the sky - a star

On the palm of your hand - water.


Hanging outside the window

Ice bag

It's full of drops

And it smells like spring.


self water

And it floats on water.


In the morning the beads shone

They covered all the grass.

And let's go look for the day -

Searching, searching, not finding.


Around the water

And drinking is a problem.


Swirls, not smoke

Falls, not snow.


The kettle is on the stove

What is hissing over the teapot?


Well done children! You were very attentive, well and interestingly answered my questions.

Now let's talk about what air is and how important it is. But in order to explore the air, it must be seen. And if we do not see it, then apparently there is no air. You agree with me?(Children's answers.)

I suggest you catch air. Children try to catch air


Are you sure you are holding air?(Children's answers.)

The teacher invites the children to pick up plastic bags, unfold them and take air into them.

The children are doing the task.

What's in your packages now? How do you know it's air?

(Children's answers.)

If the bag is twisted, then there is something in it that interferes to the end

wrap the package. But why can't we see anything in the package? (Because

the air is transparent.)

You and I can feel the air if we bring the bag to our face

and let's open it.

Baby, did you blow bubbles? What do you think is in the middle

soap bubbles? (Children's answers.)

Let's try blowing some bubbles.(Children blow bubbles.)

Let's see where else there is air.

Air has no definite shape, it spreads in all directions.

Experience 3. Is there air

I'll take the glass that's empty.

Do you think there is air in it? (Children state their assumptions).

We will check now.

The teacher takes a glass and attaches a plasticine napkin to the bottom.

Now I will immerse the glass in water, and you see if the napkin gets wet?

The teacher dips the glass upside down into the container.

What happens if the napkin gets wet? Why? (The napkin remained dry.)

What conclusion can be drawn? (There was air in the glass, which kept the napkin from getting wet.)

Experience 3. Is there air in various objects of inanimate nature.

And now let's try to investigate whether there is air in stones, foam rubber, chalk, earth, and the like.

(Children state their assumptions).

To do this, you will be divided into groups. Each group will explore where there is air.

Children choose material for experiments: sponges made of foam rubber, stones (you can take a brick), chalk and the like.

Children dip these objects into glasses of water.

What do you see? What are these bubbles? (Children's answers.)

What conclusion can be drawn? (We see bubbles that rise to the surface of the water. This is air. There is air in all the objects that surround us.)

Experience 4. Can living objects live without air

Can living things live without air?

(Children state their assumptions).

Why do people say: "Needed like air"?(Answer options


Try to hold your breath. How long can you hold your breath?

(All living beings, including humans, need oxygen to breathe, which is contained in the air.)

Experience 5. Can living objects live without air

Do you think water behaves the same at different temperatures?

(Children state their assumptions).

Pour a full test tube of colored water and close it with a stopper with a glass tube. Water will enter the tube. There is a sticky strip of paper on the tube at the water level. Drop the test tube into hot water what did you notice? Why did the water level in the test tube change?

Now let's drop the same test tube into cold water. How did the water level in the test tube change?

Why do you think the water level rises when heated and decreases when cooled? Let's conclude together(Water tends to expand when heated and contract when cooled.)

Air does not conduct heat well. This property of air can often be observed in nature. For the winter, animals grow thick hair, and birds have fluff. There is a lot of air between thick hairs and fluffs. It stores the body heat of animals. In winter, some herbaceous plants- winter wheat, rye, strawberries do not die off and remain green. But they do not die only when they are covered with a thick lush layer of snow. Why? If the snow is lush, then there is a lot of air between the snowflakes, which does not conduct heat well. Heat is stored near plants and warms them during frost.

Now I will tell you a few more interesting things about air. Air is everywhere: both in the group, and in our house, and on the street. Clean air has no color, smell or taste. But, if we flavor it, will it smell? The smell of perfume, the aroma of flowers spreads easily and quickly in the air, the air changes even after rain.

Air has no definite shape, it spreads in all directions.

Air is an amazing shell around our Earth. If it wasn't

around the Earth of air, all living things would die in the burning rays of the Sun

during the day and from the cosmic cold at night. The wind distills cold air over the earth to the south, warm - to the north, disperses the clouds, Wind

filling the air with moisture and collecting small clouds into rain clouds.

In summer it waters the earth with rain, and in winter it covers it with fluffy snow.


Without air, the Earth would be a dead desert. There is no air in space, so astronauts spaceships take in air from the earth.

Now let's play the game "Who will quickly transport Smesharikov along the stream."

Children are divided into 2 teams and take turns blowing on objects so that they swim from one end of the stream to the other. (2 plastic pipes are cut along).

The teacher invites the children to look at the drawings and think about who

pollutes the air, and who cleans it. Children should notice objects that

clean the air, and cross out those that pollute it.

The teacher invites the children to look at the drawings and tell how to help keep the air clean. How do kids do it.

The teacher invites the children to play "Magician".

Children, do you like magic tricks? And tell me, please, who performs tricks and with the help of what magical objects do they do it? Want to

learn to show tricks yourself?(children's answers)

What do you think, is it possible to show magic tricks with the help of ordinary things?(children's answers)

Let's check? Let's put on our magic top hats, which will help us.

You kids, don't yawn, don't make noise, And watch me!

Experience 6. How to inflate a balloon

Children, how can you inflate balloons or with what

items? Can you inflate with a plastic bottle?

(Children state their assumptions).

The teacher takes a bottle, which is well frozen in the refrigerator and a balloon. Puts open bottle into the basin, puts a balloon on it, and pour hot water into the basin. The ball is inflated.

Children, look what is happening, why do you think the balloon is inflated?(children's answers)

Well, let's conclude that the air became hot and crowded in the bottle, it expanded and began to come out of the bottle directly into the balloon, which is why the balloon inflated. Warm, hot air is lighter or heavier than cold air.(Easier)

Experience 7. What can push a balloon

And how do you (child's name) think air can push objects?

We are real magicians, now we will check.

Invite the children to release air from one balloon. Does it have sound? It is suggested that children put their palm under a stream of air. What do they feel? It draws the attention of children: if the air comes out of the balloon very quickly, it seems to push the balloon and move forward. If you release such a ball, it will move until all the air comes out of it.

Experience 8. What can push a balloon

Is it possible to make a tennis ball move without the help of hands? (Children's answers.) Now let's check.

It is suggested that children substitute a tennis ball under a stream of air from an air bubble. What's happening?(Children's answers.)

What conclusion can be drawn? (A jet of air forces objects to move) - Where else can this happen?(A jet of air forces the leaves of trees, ships on the sea, light objects on the ground to move).

We also know that water can produce a variety of sounds. What does it depend on?(From what it is, and how much it is). Can air sound? What does it depend on?(From the strength of the air flow)

The game of children on glasses with different amounts of water and on pipes, pipes.

And what do you know about water, we will see by holding a small blitz tournament, for each correct answer you will receive a medal "Researcher"

What properties does water have?

What determines the color of water?

Is water a solid or a liquid?

What determines the taste of water?

Does water change shape or not?

Can water be purified?

Can water move?

What temperature is the water?

How does water turn into a gaseous state?

Can living things live without water?

What are the properties of air?

What is the significance of the property of air to retain heat in nature?

Give examples.

Can a person live for hours without air?

Air fills all cavities?

What color is the air? (Transparent.)

Inhale air through your mouth.

Try it, what does the air taste like?

Breathe in air through your nose. What smell does it have?

So our work in the research laboratory ended. You were real researchers and received medals, maybe one of you will become an outstanding scientist. You have learned a lot and you can do some experiments yourself at home, it does not require a lot of equipment.

Water and air are a good factor for maintaining our health, so we must always treat them with care!

Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Tula

municipal budgetary general educational institution

"Education Center No. 57"

"Water is a miracle"

(summary of an open lesson on ecology in the preparatory group)

Developed and implemented:

Korotkova E.I.

Abstract of an open lesson on ecology in senior group- "Water is a miracle".

Region: Cognition.

Area integration: "Communication", "Socialization".

Target: Clarify and expand children's knowledge about water, its properties and significance for life and health.


    To acquaint children with the properties of water, with the concept of "water cycle in nature", methods of water purification, with the ability of water to work for the benefit of man.

    To develop in children the skills of conducting laboratory experiments.

    Strengthen the ability to work with dishes, observe the necessary safety measures.


    Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, take into account the opinion of a partner, defend one's own opinion, prove one's case, instill a careful attitude to water.


    Develop observation skills, the ability to put forward hypotheses and draw conclusions from the results of observations and experiments and experiments.

    Develop the ability to solve riddles.

    Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about water, its role in human life.

2. Consideration of illustrations on the theme "Water".

3. The use of games about water: "What is water?", "Four elements", "Cut pictures".

4.Reading fiction on the topic "Water".

5. Observation of water on a walk.


A foam cloud with droplets attached to it on a fishing line.
Background picture "water cycle in nature", color silhouette pictures of the sun, droplets, clouds.
Bucket. Jug.
Thermos with boiling water. Mirror.
Pictures: "steamboat", "hydroelectric power station", "fishing boat".
Tanks with water, tanks with sand and soil.
Paints, brushes, water bottles.
Glasses of water, spoons, empty jars of cloth, sugar, salt.

Creek, fish blanks.

Lesson progress:

Guys, today we have not an easy lesson. Our group has become a laboratory. And we are researchers. What do they do in the lab? That's right, experiment. We are waiting for interesting experiments and discoveries. How should one behave in the laboratory? You are ready? But in order to find out the subject of our study, we need to guess riddle :

If a blot has settled on the nose, then who will be our first friend, who will remove the dirt from the face and hands? Without what can a mother neither cook nor do laundry? Without what, we will say bluntly, a person should die? So that it rains from the sky, so that ears of bread grow, so that ships sail, so that jelly is cooked. To avoid trouble. We can't live without... (water ) . Right!

Droplets will help in our research and experiments. Who brought us hints.

1. Droplet thrifty

The first drop is a thrifty drop. She brought you this item. (showing a globe). Are you familiar with this subject? What is it called? This is a globe - this is how our planet Earth looks reduced many, many times.

The blue color on the globe means... what? Water. Do you think there is a lot of water on our planet? A lot of. Let's spin the globe quickly, quickly. It seems that the whole planet is blue - covered with water. Indeed, there is a lot of water on Earth. But almost all of it is in the seas and oceans, which means what does it taste like? Salty. Is salt water safe to drink? No, salt water is not drinkable.

There is not much fresh water on our planet. There are places on earth where people do not have enough fresh water. That is why you can not pour it in vain. fresh water, must be preserved.
Now we will go to the washroom and prepare everything for the Save the Water experiment.

Experiment "Save water"

Children open the tap with water, and then close it not completely.

How much water is pouring from the tap now in vain? Few. Let's put a bucket under this thin stream of droplets and see how much water will be in the bucket by the end of our lesson.

2. Droplet hard worker

Water not only gives water and washes. Water can work, be useful.
The water is the widest, the most comfortable road. On countless rivers, oceans, seas, ships sail day and night - they carry heavy loads and passengers. (Show picture)
Water not only feeds everyone, it also feeds. The seas and oceans day and night plow thousands of large and small fishing boats that catch fish. (Show picture).

Hydroelectric power plants run on water - they turn large turbines and help produce electricity, thanks to which our houses have light and electrical appliances work.
(Show picture).

The game "What is water? (cold, hot, sea, river, etc.)

3. Curious droplet

This little guy loves to experiment. Let's remember with you the property of water: water is a liquid, it can be poured, poured; the water is odorless; water without taste; water is colorless, etc.

Experience No. 1 "Water can take on a taste."

Educator: - Guys, you said that water has no taste, it is tasteless. Hush, hush, guys, Droplet wants to tell me something!

The teacher listens, approaching the droplet.

Educator: - The droplet says that he knows that water can change the taste. Let's check!

Educator: - Look, we have plates with salt and sugar on the table, let's add them to our glasses of water and see what happens!

Children spoon salt and sugar into cups and stir.

Educator: - Guys, where did the salt and sugar that we added to the water go?

Children's answers.

Educator: - They disappeared, dissolved! Now, let's try the water again. What did she taste like?

Children's answers (sweet, salty)

Conclusion: Water can dissolve certain substances and acquire the taste of the substance dissolved in it.

4. Droplet artist

Experiment No. 2 Water can change color.

Educator: - Guys, it became interesting to me if water can change its taste, but can it change its color? After all, we all know that pure water is transparent! Let's check! Take the brushes and add paint to the water.

Children's actions.

Educator: - What happened to the water? She changed her color.

Conclusion: Water takes on the color of the substance dissolved in it.

The droplet artist asked me to decorate the fish lying on your table in any color. Whoever did the work, put the fish aside and let it dry.

5. A drop of science

Droplet Five - The Science Droplet wants to introduce you to how water travels.

Didactic exercise "Water cycle in nature"

Water comes to our homes through pipes from rivers and lakes. What do we use water for?
For drinking and cooking, washing with water, washing in water, cleaning, watering plants. How much water is needed for this? A lot of. How is it that people have not yet used all the water, why is the water not running out? A scientist will tell you about this.

Put pictures in front of you. Take a drop and put it in the river. The sun rises in the sky every day. Put the sun on the picture. The sun heats water in rivers and seas. The water is heating up.
I poured warm water into this thermos. Let's open the lid and see what happens to the heated water.

The teacher opens the thermos, steam rises from it.

What does water turn into when heated? In par. Where is the steam going? Up.

The thermos closes.

This is how our droplet heated up and rose up in the form of steam. Move the drop to the sky and place it on the cloud.

In the sky, a drop has cooled down. Because the higher you are from the ground, the colder the air becomes.

Let's open the thermos again and put a mirror on the steam coming out of it. Let's cool down. See what the steam turned into on the mirror after it cooled down? In water.
Here and in the picture, the cooled droplet became water again. But she did not go to heaven alone - there are still many of her droplet sisters with her. And the cloud became a heavy rain cloud. Cover the cloud with a cloud. Soon it began to rain from the cloud, during which our droplet, along with its sisters, fell to the ground. Move the drop to the ground.

Raindrops fall on the ground and flow into rivers and seas. So the water resumes its path. It starts its journey anew, heats up and rises up in the form of steam. This way of water is called "the water cycle in nature." In a circle revolves - the cycle. Let's repeat and try to remember these words "the water cycle in nature."

Dynamic pause "Cloud and droplets"

I'm your mother cloud
And you are my little droplets,
Let the cloud make you friends
And the cheerful wind will spin.
Get up in the round dance,
And repeat with me:
We will have fun walking and smiling!
Wave your hands to the sun and bend over,
To water the plants and water the animals!
We will wash the earth ourselves and return to the mother cloud.

6. A drop of cleanliness

Watching filters

Unfortunately, in the pipes that bring us water from the rivers, the water is not very clean. But people figured out how to purify water. With the help of filters. Do you have filters at home? Many of you have smaller filters at home. Here are some, for example. (Showing a jug filter) Water enters this jug, passes through this vessel with filters and flows out purified. And all the dirt remains inside this vessel. When it gets dirty, it is replaced with a new, clean one.

A drop asks to clean the river water, fish cannot live in dirty water!

Experience number 3. "Filtration of water"

Now we will try to purify the water ourselves using a filter.

Add sand to a glass of water and stir. What has the water become? The water became cloudy. Let's try to purify water using the simplest filter - a cloth cloth. Pour cloudy water into an empty jar through a cloth. What kind of water is in the glass? Clean, not cloudy, but transparent.
Conclusion: the sand remained on the fabric, and the water purified from it got into the glass. The fabric has become a filter for purifying muddy polluted water.

Now the water in the river is clean and clear. Let's release our fish into the water. Well done!

7. A drop of life-giving

There is a saying: "Where there is water, there is life." Everyone needs water for life.
During the rain, our green friends - trees - drink and wash. Animals and birds should drink and bathe. Man cannot live without water.

What will happen to our indoor plants if we stop watering them? They will wither and die. And what will our group room be like if we don't have water to clean the floor? The room will become dirty. What if we stop washing our hands? We can get sick from dirty hands. And if a person does not drink, he will not be able to live without water for more than three days.

Neither wash nor drink without water.
The leaf will not bloom without water.
A bird, an animal and a man cannot live without water.
And that is why everyone everywhere needs water!
Do you remember the saying? "Where there is water, there is life!"

directly educational
activities with children 6, 7 years old

"Environmental ABC"

Type of direct educational activity: integrated.

Integrable areas: "Cognitive development", "Social - communicative", "Speech", "Artistic - aesthetic".

NOD form: group.

Activities: communicative, cognitive research, reading fiction, gaming.

Program tasks:
To form in children an interest in environmental protection activities of man.
· To give an idea that nature needs the help of man, his care, love. There are many living beings on earth. Everyone needs clean water pure land, fresh air.
· To instill in children a high responsibility for the preservation of natural resources, reasonable use and multiplication.

Material and equipment:
1.Multimedia installation, tape recorder.
2. Slides: images of animals, fish, birds living near the river.
3. Pictures for compiling a model of river pollution.
4. gouache, paints, paper.
5. Ecological alphabet.

Preliminary work:
1. Conversation with children on the topic:
a) "Where does the Volga river originate?"
b) "What cities, factories and factories are located on the banks of the river?"
c) “How does a person pollute a river?”
d) "Who inhabits the river?" (fish, animals, plants).

2. Reading books about the Volga.
a) Our Volga.
b) "Why" (from the series "Our World")
c) Pollution and Preservation (from the Our World series).
d) “Rivers and lakes (from the series “Our World”).
e) Ecological alphabet.

3. Consideration of albums, postcards about the Volga.
A series of postcards "Astrakhan Reserve".

4. Drawings of children about the Volga, native land.

5.Excursion to the Volga embankment.

Relationship with family:
help parents in making cards for games.

Interaction with specialists:
providing background music in the implementation of the activities of NOD.

The course of direct educational activities:
Teacher: Sit comfortably. Now we will continue the conversation about what surrounds us. About nature, about its beauty, about how to protect it. We have had many conversations about the ecology of our region. Even though you are not adults yet, it is time to understand your meaning for nature. Nature took care of us - gave us water to drink, fed, warmed, clothed, pleased the soul with its beauty. How do we relate to nature?

- viewing slides on the screen about river pollution.
- Are we using its wealth wisely and will it last for a long time? We must be responsible for our planet. We have a lot to learn. And in order to learn something, you need to read a lot of books. And the ABC will help us with this. But since we want to become young ecologists, what alphabet are we studying?
- Ecological alphabet (answers)

Right! Let's remember with you some words from this alphabet.
The teacher puts a card on the board with the letter "A".
- Now say the ecological word for this letter.
- Aquarium (answers)

Exhibited letter "IN"
- Say an ecological word starting with this letter.
- Water.
The teacher asks to explain the meaning of this word (answers)
- Water is of great importance for all living things. It is not for nothing that since ancient times man has built a house by the river.
- Guys, do you and I live on the banks of what river?
- On the banks of the Volga River.
Let's talk a little about our river.
- Where does our Volga originate from?
- What was it called before?
- Does our river have tributaries?
- Where does the Volga flow?
What city is located near the river delta?
What is the difference between a river and a lake?
- What benefits does the river bring (answers)?
- Yes, guys, we call our Volga mother-nurse.

Exhibited beech "TO".
- The Red Book (answers).
- A new word for the letter "K" - a disaster. What is it?

The teacher gives an explanation of the word "catastrophe". They remember with the children the oil pipeline disaster that occurred on the Belaya River.
- What did this catastrophe threaten us with?
(the Belaya River flows very close to the Kama River, and the Kama flows into the Volga River).

Listen to what happens if a person has a bad attitude towards nature, does not care about it.

The story of the teacher with a slide show.
- The river Volga flowed along the plain with clean - pure water. A chemical plant was built on its shore. To work, he needs a lot of water - so they laid two pipes from the factory to the river. One at a time, the water flows into the plant, the other pours back. Clean, clear water flows in, and waste, dirty water pours out.

The teacher builds a model of river pollution on the blackboard. From each object of pollution, he draws a dirty path of waste through the water with a brush.

Guys, I will give you cards, and we will try to compose a short story “Colorful River” with you (cards are given to children).
What can you guys add to my story?
How else do humans pollute rivers?

1. Factories - industrial waste.
2. Dumping of waste and garbage.
3. Steamboats, boats, tankers - the remains of gasoline, fuel oil.
4. Pollution from car washing.
5. Waste water. (children's answers)

Guys, look, our river has turned from a clean transparent one into a gray-brown-crimson one. Our river has become hard! Listen, don't you hear anything? There is a voice (in the recording) of Neptune - the owner of the river: "Help
people, it became difficult for me to live, breathe, our river deteriorated. Yes, and you yourself are in danger - there will be no clean water, there will be no life on earth.

Guys, help Neptune!
- Let's clean up our Volga! Let's look in our laboratory for cards with good deeds (children look for cards).

1. Build treatment facilities - "water treatment".
2. Build smoke traps - "smoke trap".
3. Build more sailboats.
4. To catch fish only with a fishing rod.
5. Clean the river from fuel oil and dirt.
6. It is better to wash cars in a special car wash.
7. Build fish farms.

Here are some good deeds we have done. And our river breathed, sparkled. And it became easier for the fish, and for animals and for humans. Our river flows, and Neptune rejoices in our good deeds. And with great joy, Neptune populated our river with fish, and animals, and birds, and plants.

Yes, he messed up a little. Gathered all the inhabitants and settled in one place.

Let's help him properly resettle the inhabitants.
(The game "Russells correct aquatic life" is being played.)

Questions for children:
1. Why don't they live by our river: a camel, polar bear, penguin, ostrich, zebra?
2. Why don't they grow near the river: cactus, wheat?
3. And in the river water are not found: crabs, octopuses?

Children answer questions, reinforcing them with short stories about the habitat of this species.

So we did another good deed - we helped the river! And so, step by step, you will gradually learn about your native land, about nature, about its troubles and needs. And when you grow up big, you yourself will be able to help nature and teach others how to carefully treat their native land, our planet Earth.

1. "Sorceress water" - N.A. Ryzhova
2. "Environmental education of preschoolers" - N.S. Golitsyn
3. “We bring up love for nature from childhood” - S.N. Nikolaev
4. " Ecological games in the education of preschoolers "- N.A. Ryzhova
5. "Education of ecological culture at preschool age"
- S.N. Nikolaev
6. "Formation of the foundations of the ecological worldview in preschool children
age "- G.I. Solomakhina
7. "Environmental ABC" - N.V. Emelyanova

Title: Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the preparatory group "Environmental ABC"

Position: teacher of the first category
Place of work: MOU kindergarten No. 295
Location: Volgograd city, Krasnoarmeisky district
