Establishment of a specially protected natural area. OOP are specially protected natural areas.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, all natural lands are subject to protection, regardless of their purpose. But there are areas that are protected especially carefully.

These include:

  1. Land plots containing cultural, natural or historical heritage specially protected areas (PAs).
  2. Earth and animal world specially protected natural areas (PAs).

What is the difference?

PAs are lands that have some value, be it historical, cultural or natural.

The lands of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) are, in fact, a type of SPNA. These are subsoils bearing rich natural value.

Why allocate ZOONT

In view of the fact that there are natural areas, where many rare plants or there are unique animals, it was decided to take them under special control.

Due to the threat of mass destruction of vegetation or animals, hunting, agricultural activities, and even more so deforestation and the construction of residential buildings are prohibited in such places. The concept of specially protected natural areas includes not only land, but also water bodies and airspace.

Reserved natural land: description

A specially protected natural area is not only land, but also water bodies, and even the air space above them, where there are unique natural objects that need protection.

Such areas are a national property and cannot be sold to a private person or rented out.

All activities on these lands, with the exception of the study, preservation and enhancement of specimens located there, are prohibited. For the normal functioning of life, a specially protected natural area implies the absence, even within reach, of harmful emissions, a ban on the construction of industrial plants. All activities that negatively affect the natural objects of protected areas are prohibited.

The boundaries of protected lands are necessarily marked with special signs.

Types of specially protected natural areas

WITH various features natural objects, their status and the presence of erected buildings on the territory, protected areas are divided into certain types and categories.

  1. Natural state parks.
  2. Natural untouched reserves.
  3. Monuments of wildlife.
  4. National parks.
  5. Arboretums and botanical gardens.
  6. Therapeutic and health resorts.

In a certain area, decrees of local self-government may establish other categories of specially protected natural areas - this is a kind of subspecies of the basis of the territory, which differs in certain characteristics.

Regardless of the status of the land (all-Russian or local), the rules for using it do not differ.

Specially protected natural territories of Russia are subject to preservation and enhancement. All activities carried out on these lands are permitted only subject to this requirement.

primeval reserve

The reserve is a specially protected natural area, which is distinguished by its pristine nature. Here everything is untouched by the hand of man and is in such a state as Mother Nature created.

For land to become a nature reserve, it must meet a number of requirements:

  • To be as little affected by civilization as possible.
  • Have unique plants on your territory and rare species animals.
  • Earths have self-regulation and are not subject to self-destruction.
  • They have a rare landscape.

It is the reserves that are a traditional species and are singled out as specially protected natural areas of Russia as an example of untouchedness and originality.

At the time of 2000, 99 protected areas were allocated in the Russian Federation. On their territory Scientific research, educational and environmental work.

Monuments of nature

These are unique natural objects that cannot be recreated with the help of human efforts.

Such natural objects may be under federal or regional jurisdiction. It all depends on the value of the natural monument.

As a rule, such objects are classified as regional property. They are in fact the pride of the region where they are.

Today, such peculiar corners of nature federal significance there are 28, they occupy an area of ​​more than 19 thousand hectares.

There are much more regional unique natural areas, and they are divided into types:

  1. biological, including interesting plants and animals.
  2. Hydrological - a kind of reservoirs and rare aquatic plants and animals.
  3. Geological - include unique lands.
  4. Complex - corners of nature, combining two or more types of rare natural objects.

nature reserves

Natural reserves are a specially protected natural area where endangered plants and animals are subject to conservation and restoration.

It happens that the land is declared a natural reserve, and it belongs to a private person on a leasehold basis. In this case, the issue of withdrawal or abandonment of the lease is decided, taking into account what kind of activity is carried out by the owner in this territory.

Zakazniks as specially protected natural areas have different meanings:

  1. Landscaping - created to restore
  2. Biological - on their territories, biologists are trying to preserve and increase endangered animals and plants.
  3. Paleontological - fossil objects are especially protected here.
  4. Hydrological - based on the conservation of reservoirs, lakes and water bodies.

National parks

The concept of lands with a special natural, aesthetic or cultural value is embedded in this meaning. are used for scientific observations, and also organize cultural recreation for people.

The entire world community has recognized the enormous benefits of creating such protected lands.

There are three national parks in the Russian Federation included in the World Cultural Heritage. Two of them - Zabaikalsky and Pribaikalsky - are also included in the special protected zone of Lake Baikal.

Arboretums and botanical gardens

Recently, arboretums have been actively growing and expanding. This is due to the development of resort areas and the emergence of an increasing number of recreational facilities operating in environmentally friendly conditions.

Botanical gardens are called upon to preserve the rarest and most endangered plant species. In addition, there are various experiments aimed at protecting endangered species.

Arboretums are used for educational purposes. On their territory, educational excursions are conducted, telling and showing people all kinds of outlandish trees, shrubs and herbs.

In addition to educational tasks, arboretums pursue as their goal the breeding and preservation of all the beauty of Russian nature, which can only be captured in this area.

As you can see, there are many protected lands, all have different names, but the goals of specially protected natural areas are almost the same - the preservation and enhancement of natural objects, observation of the natural course of events, scientific and educational activities.

Sections: Ecology

Type of lesson (type of lesson): lesson-journey



  • give an idea of ​​nature reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, botanical gardens and monuments world heritage;
  • to form an idea of ​​the unity of the world, that "specially protected natural territories" are the property of all mankind.


  • develop analytical skills, the ability to draw their own conclusions.


  • to cultivate ecological culture, a sense of patriotism and responsibility for the fate of nature.

Intersubject communications:

  • ecology,
  • biology,
  • story,
  • Russian language

Ensuring the lesson.

Visual aids:

  • multimedia presentation,
  • video film

Technical training aids:

  • multimedia projector,
  • computer,
  • screen.

During the classes

I.Organizing time.

Greetings. Checking for absentees. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II. Explanation of new material.

The most effective forms of protection of biotic communities, as well as all natural ecosystems, include the state system of specially protected natural areas. Specially protected natural areas, the law on which was adopted State Duma February 15, 1995, are intended to maintain the ecological balance, preserve the genetic diversity of natural resources, most fully reflect the biogeocenotic diversity of the country's biomes, study the evolution of ecosystems and the impact of anthropogenic factors on them, as well as to solve various economic and social problems.

Specially protected natural areas- plots of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have a special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance, which are withdrawn by decisions of state authorities in whole or in part from economic use and for which a regime of special protection has been established.

Basic goals:

  • preservation of unique natural landscapes;
  • protection of the gene pool of endangered, relic species of plants and animals;
  • provision of ecological conditions for their evolution;
  • protection and protection of recreational ecosystems, etc.

According to the Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", the following main categories of these territories are distinguished:

a) state natural reserves, including biospheric ones;

b) National parks;

V) natural parks;

d) state nature reserves;

e) monuments of nature;

f) dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

g) health-improving areas and resorts.

Reserves.(Cslides 2-4, application)

Today we will get acquainted with some of them. We will start our journey through protected natural areas with reserves.

To command... Since ancient times, this word has meant in our language the desire of people to pass on to future generations in an intact, original form all the most valuable, the most beautiful, created by man or nature itself.

The history of the creation of reserves in Russia has its roots in the Middle Ages. Already from the 13th century there was a reserve Belovezhskaya Pushcha, intended for the Grand Duke's hunting, in the 18th century. the royal hunt "Izmailovo" was organized, and in the 19th century. - Imperial hunting "Kuznetsovo". From the middle of the XIX century. Count Strogonov in the Urals organized about 80 protected areas with a total area of ​​30 thousand hectares.

Modern reserves began to be organized at the beginning of the last century, in particular in 1916. "Kedrovaya Pad" (Primorsky Territory), "Barguzinsky" (Buryatia) and "Sayansky" ( Krasnoyarsk region). Over time, in our country arose whole system reserves. To date, there are about 100 reserves operating in Russia, covering an area of ​​34 thousand hectares (or 2.2% of the territory of Russia). The sizes of reserves vary greatly. The largest Big Arctic has an area of ​​4.2 million hectares, and the forest-steppe reserve " galichya mountain”, located in the Don valley, - only 231 hectares.

The reserve is a specially protected area where any economic activity(including tourism) for the conservation natural complexes, protection of animals and plants, as well as monitoring the processes occurring in nature.

With the help of reserves, three main tasks are solved:

  • protection of flora, fauna and ecosystems;
  • conducting scientific work;
  • work on the restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals.

biosphere reserves- are part of a number of state nature reserves and are used as a background reserve-reference object in the study of biospheric processes. A unified global network of more than 300 biosphere reserves has now been created in the world, of which 16 are in Russia (Caucasus, Sikhote-Alin, Central Forest, etc.), which work according to the agreed UNESCO program and conduct constant monitoring of changes in the natural environment influenced by human activities.

Thus, thanks to the reserves, the "islands" are preserved wildlife, surrounded by a sea of ​​man-made landscapes, rare species of plants and animals; ecological balance is maintained.

National parks. (Cslides 5-6, application)

National natural parks- these are withdrawn from economic use, specially protected natural complexes that have ecological, genetic, scientific, environmental and educational, recreational value as typical or rare landscapes, habitat for communities of wild plants and animals, places of recreation, tourism, excursions, education of the population.

primary goal national parks- preservation of natural complexes and objects in combination with the organization environmental education population in the process of direct acquaintance with typical and unique landscapes, plants and animals. As in reserves, they protect the standards of natural complexes and the gene pool of typical and rare organisms. Like sanctuaries, these parks protect animal resources and flora, valuable and unique landscapes or their individual components. But at the same time, the specific tasks of national parks, which distinguish them from other categories of protected lands, are the preservation of unique recreational resources in relatively untouched nature and the creation of conditions for educational tourism and the organization of environmental education.

There are currently 35 national parks in Russia with a total area of ​​about 70,000 sq. km.

The most famous natural national parks in Russia include Losiny Ostrov (a district of St. Petersburg), Sochi, Elbrus, Valdai, Russian North.

Topic: "Buzuluk forest - the pearl of the Orenburg region."

Reserves. (Cslides 7-10, application)

"Order" - very old Russian word and means a ban on something. "Ordered" means "don't touch or do it wisely".

Preserves are areas of natural areas within which certain types and forms of economic activity are (permanently or temporarily) prohibited in order to ensure the protection of one or more valuable objects of wildlife or scenic types of landscape.

At the same time, the economic use of other resources is allowed, but in a form that does not adversely affect the protected species or group of species.

For example, in the Tikhvin region Leningrad region the Viennese Forest reserve is located, in which virgin spruce forests are taken under special protection, at the same time hunting and tourism are not prohibited.

There are several types of reserves. The most common:

  • Landscape (or complex), designed to preserve and restore natural complexes (natural landscapes);
  • Hydrological (sea, river, lake, swamp) designed to preserve and restore valuable water bodies and ecological systems;
  • biological (botanical, zoological); intended for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including species valuable in economic, scientific and cultural terms; the latter can include special reserves for growing medicinal herbs, for the reproduction of cedar forests, for increasing the number of valuable fur-bearing animals, etc.

Currently, there are more than 4,000 reserves in Russia.

They can be of various purposes - federal, republican, regional, regional.

Orders are created for a specific period(in some cases permanently) to save or restorenatural complexes or their components and maintaining ecological balance. After the restoration of the population density of animal and plant species, natural landscape, etc., the reserves are closed.

Monuments of nature.(Slides 11-12, appendix)

In accordance with federal law Russian Federation"On Specially Protected Natural Territories" dated February 15, 1995, natural monuments are unique, irreplaceable, environmentally, scientifically, culturally and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin. These can be: caves, canyons, gorges, waterfalls, lagoons, geysers, ancient trees, etc.

The main purpose of declaring natural complexes and objects as natural monuments is to preserve their natural state. Sometimes reserves are created around them to preserve the most valuable natural monuments. For example, in order to preserve the most beautiful cascading waterfall Kivach on the Suna River (in Karelia), the Kivach Nature Reserve with an area of ​​102 km2 was created.

Monuments of nature may have federal, regional or local significance, depending on the environmental, aesthetic and other value of protected natural complexes and objects.

The most common natural monuments are at the regional level, there are only 39 natural monuments of federal significance with a total area of ​​28.0 thousand hectares, of regional significance - more than 9 thousand with a total area of ​​4.15 million hectares.

Botanical gardens and dendrological parks.(Slides 13-15, Appendix)

The state standard of Russia defines Botanical Garden as "Green area special purpose, which hosts collections of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants for research and educational purposes”.

As a rule, auxiliary institutions operate at botanical gardens - greenhouses, herbariums, libraries of botanical literature, nurseries, excursion and educational departments.

The first botanical garden was founded at the beginning of the 14th century. in Italy at the medical school in Salerno. IN Western Europe monastic gardens laid the foundation for botanical gardens, and in Russia - "apothecary gardens". The first botanical garden in Russia was founded by Peter I in 1706 at the Moscow State University and was called the Apothecary Garden, and in 1714 - the Imperial Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg.

Botanical gardens, in which trees are mainly studied, are called dendrological parks (arboretums).

Arboretum- (from the Greek. Dendron - tree) a piece of territory where in open ground woody plants (trees, shrubs, lianas) are cultivated, placed according to systematic, geographical, ecological, decorative and other features.

Arboretums have a scientific, educational, cultural and educational or experimental production purpose. The territories of dendrological parks and botanical gardens are intended only to fulfill their direct tasks, while land plots are transferred for perpetual (permanent) use either to parks, or research or educational institutions under whose jurisdiction they are.

Direct tasks are:

  • study of plant biology and ecology under stationary conditions;
  • scientific foundations of ornamental gardening, landscape architecture;
  • introducing wild plants into cultivation;
  • breeding methods and techniques to create sustainable decorative compositions;
  • plant acclimatization.

At present, there are more than 80 botanical gardens and dendrological parks in Russia, which are managed by Russian Academy Sciences. Russia has the richest collections tree species collected in the arboretum of the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), the Forest Engineering Academy (St. Petersburg), in the Sochi Arboretum.

Now we will make a video tour of the Sochi arboretum.

Video tour of the Sochi Arboretum (fragment of the popular science film "Sochi Arboretum").

Monuments of the World Heritage.(Slides 16-18, appendix)

In 1972, the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of UNESCO adopted the International Convention.

The purpose of the convention is to create an effective system of collective protection of cultural and natural heritage of outstanding and universal value, organized on a permanent basis and in accordance with modern scientific methods.

World Heritage Site status provides the following benefits:

  • increases the prestige of the territory and creates additional guarantees for the safety and integrity of unique natural complexes and cultural and historical sites;
  • ensures priority in attracting financial resources to support World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites, primarily from the World Heritage Fund;
  • contributes to the organization of monitoring and control over the state of conservation of natural objects.

By joining the convention, each state undertakes to preserve the World Heritage sites and sites located on its territory. Thus, the preservation of such objects for future generations becomes a responsible task for both the state itself and the entire international community.

As of July 1, 2009, there are 890 objects in the World Heritage List (including 689 cultural, 176 natural and 25 mixed) in 148 countries: individual architectural structures and ensembles - Acropolis (Greece), Versailles (France), the historical center of Warsaw ( Poland) and St. Petersburg (Russia), the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square; cities of Brazil and Venice, natural: Galapagos islands, Yeluston National Park, Lake Baikal, volcanoes of Kamchatka, etc.

At present, 15 cultural and 8 natural objects have the status of a World Heritage Site in Russia: the virgin forests of Komi, Lake Baikal, Kamchatka volcanoes, the golden mountains of Altai, the Western Caucasus, the Sikhote-Alin nature reserve, Wrangel Island.

The most unique is Lake Baikal. This is one of the greatest lakes on the planet: the deepest (1637 m), the oldest (about 25 million years), with the most diverse flora and fauna among fresh water bodies.

Student presentation accompanied by a slide show or multimedia presentation.

Topic: "Lake Baikal - the greatest lake planets."

World heritage sites included in the special list of UNESCO are of great interest to the entire population of the planet. Unique natural and cultural objects make it possible to preserve those unique corners of nature and man-made monuments that demonstrate the richness of nature and the possibilities of the human mind.

IV. Conclusion:

Nature is the greatest wonder of our planet. It is infinitely diverse and beautiful, but also vulnerable to the onslaught of rapidly developing technological progress. To control the degree of anthropogenic changes in nature and their consequences, it is necessary to preserve the standards (samples) of untouched territories.

Conducted scientific research and accumulated world experience in using the status of specially protected areas - this effective form of conservation of natural ecosystems - indicate the need for a significant increase in their area in our country in the coming decades.

V. Fixing material:

In order to see how you have learned the material, we will play a game. In front of you are 12 colored buttons with numbers behind which questions are hidden. Each column is a command. A representative of each team in turn chooses a question that appears on the screen. You have 5 seconds to think about your answer. If the respondent does not know the correct answer, then the team can help him, but in this case the question is worth half a point. After the spoken answer, the correct answer is displayed on the screen, and if the answers match, the team receives a point. And the right to move is given to the next team. The maximum you can score is 4 points.

  1. A specially protected area, within which it is strictly forbidden to stay, is called ... nature reserve
  2. Which protected natural areas are transferred for perpetual use to research or educational institutions. botanical gardens
  3. What ancient and primitive cereal is of great interest in the Sochi Arboretum? Bamboo
  4. What specially protected areas are created for a certain period and closed after the restoration of the population of animals or plants? Reserve
  5. Protected areas where economic activity is not allowed, but organized recreation, tourism, excursions are allowed are called ... national parks
  6. What category of protected natural areas can be attributed to 350 year old pines located in the Buzuluk forest. To natural monuments
  7. What is the name of the organization that approved the list of World Heritage sites (monuments)? UNESCO
  8. What is the status of unique natural areas that are of great interest to the entire population of the planet? Objects (monuments) of the World Heritage.
  9. What type of protected natural areas allowed to restore the number of beaver and bison in our country? Reserve
  10. Which protected area was previously intended for the Grand Duke's hunting? Reserve
  11. Buzuluk forest is a specially protected natural area and has the status of… national park
  12. Which category of protected natural areas include geysers, waterfalls, caves? natural monuments

VI. Homework:

Using the definitions, do comparative characteristic protected natural areas

The list of such territories includes lands , which have a special environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health and other value.

These categories of areas are withdrawn from circulation and use in part or in full, depending on which legal regime established for them. regulates this issue. .

Zones that require the installation of a special security regime can be allocated on the basis of a decree of the federal, regional or local authorized agency.

Prohibitions and restrictions on the lands of specially protected natural areas

Any work that is not aimed at preserving the territory and not related to the study of the complex's lands, as well as those that are contrary to current legislation, is prohibited on the squares.

Not allowed change in intended use such lands, as well as the restriction or termination of powers in relation to the site for needs that do not meet its direct purpose.

In these areas, economic or recreational activities are partially limited within the framework of the legal regime that is defined.

Creation of protected zones

Because specially protected natural territories of Russia belong to the category of objects of national heritage and have a number of qualities valuable for society and the state, they are assigned a special protection regime that ensures the safety and protection from the negative impact of citizens and environment.

It is forbidden to perform the following actions in relation to protected areas:

  • transfer allotments for the organization of a garden or vegetable garden;
  • use the territories for the creation of roads or the construction of buildings of residential, industrial, economic types;
  • to carry out parking and passage of technical equipment, as well as driving livestock;
  • other activities included in the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In order to stop the negative impact of the environment on such zones, the boundaries of allotments are marked in accordance with the requirements of the law, using information signs.

In the event that private areas are located within the territories, the rights of users and owners to them are preserved, and they have the right to dispose of the lands, but within the framework of the appointed guard mode.

Land reservation

In order to create new and at the same time expand existing areas that require the appointment of a special security regime, territorial departments with special powers have the right to make a decision on the possibility of citizens and the payment of compensation. Also, the authorized bodies issue a resolution on the establishment of restrictions on the performance of certain types of economic activity.

The procedure for holding this event is also stipulated in the current legislative acts, and the procedure itself is carried out according to the established regulations.

Lands of state reserves and national parks

The areas where state reserves and nature reserves are located are not subject to privatization, and these lands are managed by departments with special powers.

In exceptional cases, it is allowed to locate private plots within national parks, however, the condition in this case is the prohibition of activities that have a negative impact on the territory of the park, as well as work that violates the established security regime.

As a rule, the territories of natural parks are located in zones provided by government agencies RF for permanent perpetual use.

Withdrawal of lands of specially protected natural areas

The legislation provides for situations in which the withdrawal of the territory is allowed or prohibited. Each of the options arises after the authorized agency declares the territory a reserve.

If the lands are occupied by natural complexes or objects that are natural monuments, then the territories can be alienated in favor of the state or region from the user or owner.

The legislation provides for the payment of compensation for the owners of such plots and compensation for losses incurred by them in connection with the early termination of land rights.

Also, withdrawal can be carried out if a regime has been established for the site requiring the complete withdrawal of territories from circulation in connection with the organization of special protective measures against anthropogenic and biogenic factors that negatively affect the land.

Alienation is not made if the territory can be used regardless of whether it is part of a national park or a nature reserve. However, here a special legal regime is established in relation to land, which limits the activities of the owner or user to a list of types of work, which is formed by the Government of the Russian Federation or an authorized body.


At the end of what has been written, several conclusions can be formulated:

  1. The lands that require the establishment of a special protection regime are territories that have some therapeutic possibilities or are of historical and cultural value.
  2. The procedure for the use of such lands is established by special legislative acts.
  3. Territories recognized as requiring the establishment of a special protection regime also undergo a land surveying procedure and are registered with Rosreestr.
  4. On the territory of a specially protected zone, it is prohibited to perform work that has a negative impact on the land. The types of such activities are enshrined in a special list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  5. It is prohibited to change the intended purpose of the territory, as well as to alienate it for needs that contradict the direct purpose of the land.
  6. Determination of the boundaries and area of ​​zones requiring the installation of a special security regime takes place in accordance with the decision of the authorized department. The same body establishes the protection regime and determines whether the withdrawal of space from circulation is required or not.
  7. In the event that lands belonging to private individuals are located within the protected areas, they can be alienated in favor of the authorized department with the provision of a compensation payment or left at the disposal of citizens, but with restrictions on operation in accordance with the assigned protection regime.
  8. The state or municipality has the right to reserve territories in the event that there is a need to expand the territory of the protected zone.
  9. The lands of zakazniks and nature reserves cannot be the object of the privatization procedure.

The most popular questions and answers on specially protected natural areas

Question: Hello, my name is Marina. My site is located in a special protected zone, and I am officially notified that, despite legally owning the territory, I cannot perform a number of actions that are contrary to the established legal regime for this zone.

I recently planted several fruit trees on my yard. After some time, an employee of the administration came to me and issued a fine for violating the land use regime, and said that in case of a repeated violation, the site would be confiscated from me without compensation.

Tell me, are these actions legal? Do I have to pay a fine and can the site really be seized?

Answer: Hello Marina. IN article 94 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", states that natural areas, for which a special legal regime has been established, cannot be transferred for the establishment of a garden or vegetable garden.

Planting several fruit trees can be attributed to the organization of the garden, which means that you really violated the requirements of the law and, as a result, must pay the issued fine.

As regards the withdrawal of land, this option is possible only when you purposefully and systematically allow harmful effects on the earth and do not comply with the instructions of the authorized department. In this case, the site can be withdrawn even without compensation, which must be paid as a general rule.

If you do not perform such actions, then the requirements of the employee in this regard will have no basis, and you will be able to challenge them in court.

What specially protected areas are called nature reserves and sanctuaries?

There are 98 nature reserves in Russia, incl. 16 biosphere with a total area of ​​33 million hectares.

reserves- areas of land and water space seized in accordance with the established procedure from any economic use and properly protected.

The reserves protect all natural objects inherent in the territory or water area, and all the relationships between them, the entire natural-territorial complex as a whole, a section of the natural landscape with all its components.

Often nature reserves are created to protect unique phenomena:

n mineral deposit - in the Ilmensky Reserve;

n Valley of Geysers - in Kamchatka;

n waterfowl colonies in the Astrakhan Reserve;

n relict flora - in the Pinezhsky Reserve.

Often nature reserves play the role of reserves for the protection of rare and endangered species of animals and plants:

· The Kandalaksha Nature Reserve protects the nesting places of a valuable species of birds – eiders;

The Voronezh Nature Reserve played an important role in the conservation and restoration of the population beaver;

Barguzinsky, Kronotsky, Pechoro-Ilychsky - in the restoration of numbers sable.

Any economic activity is prohibited in the reserves:

u logging;

u collecting berries, mushrooms and mineral samples;

u haymaking and grazing;

u mining.

It is unacceptable for introduced plants and acclimatized animals to enter the territory of the reserve.

Each reserve has "Chronicle of Nature" , in which the course of phenological phenomena is recorded daily. These data allow us to judge:

n about sustainability and productivity natural biocenoses;

n to forecast the development of phenological phenomena, the number of animals.

In a number of reserves there are nurseries in which the most valuable gene pool is preserved, rare species of animals are studied and bred.

Here are some of the largest reserves in Russia:

Æ Kandalaksha Reserve (created in 1932). The main direction is the protection of eider colonies and other bird species.

Æ Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve (1935), elk guard.

Æ Barguzinsky Reserve (1916), sable protection.

Æ Reserve "Kivach" (1931).

Æ Lapland Reserve (1930), reindeer conservation.

Æ Reserve "Kedrovaya Pad" (1916), plant protection.

Æ Central Black Earth Reserve (1935), protection of steppe vegetation.

The territories with the most stringent nature protection regime in foreign countries are called reserves . In the reserves, not only is economic activity completely prohibited, but they are closed to sightseers and tourists.

Reserves- areas of the territory or water area where certain species of animals, plants or part of the natural complex are preserved for a number of years or constantly in certain seasons or all year round.

In reserves:

u the use of certain natural resources is allowed;

u hunting for certain species of animals is prohibited for several years until their numbers are restored;

u created to protect fish spawning grounds;

u training centers, centers for the education of students are being created.

The total number of reserves in Russia at the end of the 20th century. amounted to 1519, of which 71 were of federal significance.

Zakazniks, unlike other systems of protected areas, are an extremely dynamic and mobile form of protection of natural objects.

What specially protected areas are called national (natural) parks and natural monuments?

National parks- these are areas of the territory (water area) allocated for the conservation of nature for aesthetic, recreational, scientific, cultural and educational purposes.

The boundaries of national parks usually pass along natural boundaries:

n mountain ranges;

n gorges.

The area of ​​the national park allows large herds of large animals to live on its territory:

elephants and antelopes;

bison and tigers.

The entire territory of the national park is divided into zones:

u reserved;

u demo;

u household.

National parks:

n ensure the preservation of unique landscapes; rare and valuable species of plants and animals;

n serve as a great place to relax;

n attract tourists;

n fully pay for maintenance costs and generate significant income.

National natural parks in Russia began to be created in the 80s, and in the mid-90s of the XX century. there were more than 20 of them, with a total area of ​​over 4 million hectares.

All national parks, with the exception of Losiny Ostrov and Pereslavsky, are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Forestry Service.

Monuments of nature- these are separate irreplaceable natural objects that have scientific, historical, cultural and aesthetic significance.

Monuments of nature can be:

Æ waterfalls;

Æ geysers;

Æ sources;

Æ caves;

Æ geological outcrops;

Æ paleontological finds;

Æ groves of relic trees;

Æ individual trees of historical or aesthetic value.

Natural monuments include:

u Mammoth Cave (USA);

u Kungur Ice Cave (Russia, Urals);

u "Devil's Settlement" (Russia, Yekaterinburg);

u Mountain-bump, "Korsak-Bas" ("Fox Head") (Russia, Orenburg).

In a number of regions of Karelia, the protected monuments include dark bark birch .

Monuments of nature are not independent legal entities. Ensuring the regimes of use and protection established for them are assigned to the institutions on whose lands they are located. There are 29 natural monuments of federal significance in Russia and they are located mostly on European territory countries.

What are the features of pollution and protection of recreational areas?

Recreational areas- These are areas of natural landscapes used for recreation and treatment of people.

The most typical violations of the sanitary and hygienic regime that cause pollution and depletion of the resort and medical zones of Russia are:

n the presence in zones I and II of sanitary protection of non-sewered industrial, agricultural and municipal facilities;

n pollution atmospheric air vehicle exhaust gases and emissions from industrial enterprises and municipal facilities;

n industrial felling of forests in the districts of sanitary protection;

n discharge of domestic and fecal waste into open water bodies;

n pollution mineral waters and therapeutic mud products of agricultural facilities.

The number of people seeking to relax among forests and meadows, on the banks of rivers and lakes, is constantly growing. Excessively high density of recreants often leads to:

destruction of the soil cover;

vegetation disturbance;

Deterioration of living conditions and decrease in the number of animals;

environmental pollution;

destruction and degradation of landscapes.

Therefore, it is very important to determine the maximum allowable load of vacationers on specific landscapes and, in accordance with this, regulate the flow of vacationers. Another direction is regulation of the behavior of vacationers and tourists . The main educational and coercive measures are as follows [Armand, 1969]:

u The need for cultural behavior in the bosom of nature should be brought up in a person with early childhood;

u Attention to the study of environmental issues should be strengthened in schools, excursion and tourism organizations;

u Highly frequented recreational areas require dedicated personnel:

u u Æ protection of order;

u u Æ fire brigade;

u u Æ medical staff;

u u Æ garbage collectors.

u Accessible areas must be subject to particularly strict access control.

u The ethics of behavior in the bosom of nature must become an integral part of the moral responsibility of every person.

Article 2. Categories of specially protected natural areas, features of their creation and development

1. When making decisions on the creation of specially protected natural areas, the following shall be taken into account:

a) the importance of the relevant territory for the conservation of biological diversity, including rare, endangered and economically and scientifically valuable objects of flora and fauna and their habitats;

b) the presence within the boundaries of the relevant territory of areas of natural landscapes and cultural landscapes, which are of special aesthetic, scientific and cultural value;

c) the presence within the boundaries of the relevant territory of geological, mineralogical and paleontological objects of special scientific, cultural and aesthetic value;

d) the presence within the boundaries of the relevant territory of unique natural complexes and objects, including single natural objects that are of special scientific, cultural and aesthetic value.

3. The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may also establish other categories of specially protected natural areas of regional and local significance.

4. Specially protected natural areas may be of federal, regional or local significance and be under the jurisdiction of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, respectively, and in the cases provided for in Article 28 of this Federal Law, also under the jurisdiction of state scientific organizations and government educational organizations higher education.

5. State nature reserves and national parks are classified as specially protected natural territories of federal significance. State natural reserves, natural monuments, dendrological parks and botanical gardens can be classified as specially protected natural areas of federal significance or specially protected natural areas of regional significance. Natural parks are classified as specially protected natural areas of regional significance.

6. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation coordinate decisions on the creation of specially protected natural areas of regional significance, on changing the regime for their special protection with:

a) an authorized federal executive body in the field of environmental protection;

b) federal executive authorities in the field of national defense and state security, if it is assumed that within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas there will be lands and other Natural resources provided for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

7. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall have the right to co-finance the fulfillment of expenditure obligations of the Russian Federation arising from the exercise of powers related to the creation and development of specially protected natural areas of federal significance from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Local self-government bodies create specially protected natural areas of local importance on land plots owned by the respective municipality. In the event that the specially protected natural area being created will occupy more than five percent of the total area land plots owned by the municipality, the decision to create a specially protected natural area is coordinated by the local self-government body with the state authority of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

9. Local self-government bodies decide on the provisions of the Federal Law "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation" issues of use, protection, protection, reproduction of forests of specially protected natural areas located within the boundaries of settlements, urban districts, in accordance with the provisions on the relevant specially protected natural areas.

10. To prevent adverse anthropogenic impacts on state nature reserves, national parks, natural parks and natural monuments on adjacent land plots and water bodies security zones are established. The regulation on the buffer zones of these specially protected natural areas is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Restrictions on the use of land plots and water bodies within the boundaries of the buffer zone are established by the decision to establish the buffer zone of a specially protected natural area.

11. Decisions on the establishment, change, and termination of the existence of buffer zones of specially protected natural areas specified in paragraph 10 of this article are taken in relation to:

a) protective zones of state natural reserves, national parks and natural monuments of federal significance by the federal executive body in charge of these specially protected natural areas;

b) protected areas of natural parks and natural monuments of regional importance by the highest official of the subject of the Russian Federation (head of the highest executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation).

Information about changes:

Article 2 was supplemented by paragraph 12 from August 4, 2018 - Federal Law

12. A mandatory annex to the decision to create a specially protected natural area is information about the boundaries of such a territory, which must contain a graphic description of the location of the boundaries of such a territory, a list of coordinates of the characteristic points of these boundaries in the coordinate system used to maintain the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Information about changes:

Article 2 was supplemented by paragraph 13 from August 4, 2018 - Federal Law of August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ

13. The form of a graphic description of the location of the boundaries of a specially protected natural area, the requirements for the accuracy of determining the coordinates of the characteristic points of the boundaries of a specially protected natural area, the format of an electronic document containing the specified information, are established by the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate, carrying out state cadastral registration of real estate, state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, providing information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Information about changes:

Article 2 was supplemented by paragraph 14 from September 1, 2018 - Federal Law of August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ

14. The main types of permitted use of land plots located within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas are determined by the regulation on a specially protected natural area. The regulation on a specially protected natural area may also provide for auxiliary types of permitted use of land plots. In the case of zoning of a specially protected natural area, the main and auxiliary types of permitted use of land plots are provided for by the regulation on a specially protected natural area in relation to each functional zone of a specially protected natural area.

In cases where the permitted use of land plots within the boundaries of a specially protected natural area allows construction on them, the regulation on a specially protected natural area establishes the limit (maximum and (or) minimum) parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects.

The specified types of permitted use of land plots and the limiting parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities do not apply to cases of placement of linear facilities. At the same time, it is not allowed to place linear objects within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas in cases established by this Federal Law, and in the case of zoning a specially protected natural area - within the boundaries of its functional zones, the regime of which, established in accordance with this Federal Law, prohibits the placement of such linear objects.
