Presentation on the topic Pechoro Ilych Nature Reserve. Pechora-Ilychsky Biosphere Reserve (presentation)

The purpose of the lesson: - to form ideas about the importance of nature in human life; - learn to protect the environment; - to know that every person needs to make a feasible contribution to the cause of saving nature.

Tasks: Who is responsible for what we breathe We will not stand aside Responsibility, not a good wish Summing up

The influence of living conditions on people's health was noticed in ancient times. But only in the 20th century did humanity fully realize that many diseases are directly related to air pollution, poor water supply, and poor-quality products.

People have always had a great impact on the environment, but today human activities are fraught with catastrophic consequences.

A huge amount of pollutants are released into the environment as a result of accidents or failures in technical support systems.

Chemicals destroy the ozone layer, a protective barrier around the Earth's atmosphere that blocks harmful radiation from the sun.

The two main environmental problems are where to get natural resources and where to dispose of industrial waste? - are resolved at the expense of Russia.

2. Imagine this case. On the way somewhere you got hungry and bought yourself a bun. Where will you throw away its packaging? Right where you stood or will you take it to the nearest trash can?

3. Do you take part in greening the city? Do you keep plants in your home?

New concepts Environment is the habitat in which we live. Ecology is the science of the interaction of living beings, including humans, with each other and with the environment. Environmental police – special service, which identifies violations in the field of ecology. Environmental law is special norms that regulate the interaction between man and nature. An environmental offense is a guilty, illegal act that violates environmental legislation and causes harm to the environment and human health.

Homework§ 19, pp. 153 -165. New concepts, working with a dictionary. Message on the topic: “What can I do to improve the environmental situation in my city”

List of used literature: 1. “Encyclopedia for children. ECOLOGY" edited by Viktor Volodin; 2. "AROUND THE WORLD" edited by Sue Grabham. List of websites used: 1. Information retrieval portal Rambler; 2. Information retrieval portal Google; 3. Information retrieval portal Yandex.

Slide 2

Airfields, piers and platforms, Forests without birds and land without water... There is less and less of the surrounding nature. More - environment.

Slide 3

Is there currently a threat to nature and human life?

Over the past 25–30 years, transport and industry have taken more oxygen from the atmosphere than humanity consumed in the entire anthropogen, that is, in 2–3 million years. Sulfur, nitrogen, zinc, potassium, and toxic substances are released into the atmosphere. Only 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted annually in the world, which can lead to warming and partial melting polar ice and rising sea levels. 50 Russian cities have levels of environmental pollution exceeding sanitary standards, including our city.

Slide 4

Biologists have already proven that genetic information transmitted to subsequent generations by a living cell can be distorted and disrupted under the influence of so-called “mutants”. These include radiation, active chemical substances, toxic chemicals, pesticides, some metals. For centuries, everything has been dumped into the seas and oceans without any restrictions, including radioactive waste. Numerous accidents of oil tankers lead to the death of fish, crabs, and seabirds.

Slide 5

What is the environmental situation in our region?

  • Slide 6

    Slide 7

    What impact does the environment have on people's health?

    According to medical workers, air pollution is responsible for 43–45% of the deterioration in public health. The quality of drinking water also affects your health. In many areas of Kazakhstan, direct influence has been established chemical pollution on the occurrence of diseases of the central nervous system, hepatitis, pregnancy toxicosis, increased stillbirth rates and congenital anomalies. Bacterial and viral pollution of rivers creates a constant danger of epidemiological outbreaks of intestinal infections. In many regions of our country, there is an excess of the permissible level of pesticides in the soil, which leads to children becoming ill with anemia and tuberculosis. Many plants and animal organisms become accumulators of metals and persistent chemical compounds; their consumption is hazardous to health.

    Slide 8

    Reckless human activity in relation to nature has brought 1,000 vertebrate species to the brink of extinction. The Red Book includes: 115 species of animals, 25% of birds and 44% of animals that are on the verge of extinction; 118 species of mammals and 127 species of birds have disappeared from the face of the Earth. 35 million people live in the environmental disaster zone in Russia. Accidents and natural disasters (drought, floods, earthquakes...) cause enormous damage to nature.

    Slide 9

    What needs to be done to preserve nature?

    First of all, it is necessary to create safe technologies, treatment facilities, we need hospitals with modern equipment... This requires huge funds. It is necessary to learn to be thrifty natural resources and communities. According to scientists, it takes 2000 years for a layer of soil 5 cm thick to form in nature. This greatest wealth was created over centuries, millennia. We must cherish and protect it from destructive consequences.

    Slide 10


    “Nature cannot cope with logic, with our human logic; it has its own, which we do not understand and do not recognize until it runs over us like a wheel.” I.S. Turgenev “I picked a flower - and it withered. I caught a moth - and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can touch nature only with your heart.” E.L. Prasolova

    Slide 11

    Take care of the Earth! Take care of the Lark in the blue zenith, The butterfly on the dodder leaves, The sun's glare on the path... Take care of the young shoots On the green festival of nature, The sky in the stars, the ocean and the land And the soul that believes in immortality, - The connecting threads of all destinies. Take care of the Earth! Take care....

    View all slides

    Let's save the nature of the Earth together.


    teacher primary classes GBOU LPR “Kirov Secondary School No. 3!

    Shevchenko Victoria Nikolaevna

    Goals and objectives of the lesson:

    • summarize and expand knowledge about the use

    man of the Earth's natural resources;

    • give students a concrete idea of ​​the value

    environmental problem looming over humanity;

    • introduce measures to protect nature;
    • develop a culture of communication,

    the ability to express one’s thoughts;

    • try to awaken a feeling of empathy,

    responsibility to the environment,

    feeling of being a good owner towards nature.

    Court participants

    • ACCUSER (nature)
    • JUDGE
    • DEFENDER of man
    • Atmosphere
    • Earth
    • Water
    • Chemist
    • Biologist
    • Doctor

    The planet was once beautiful


    And the rivers flowed, more transparent


    The snow was snow-white

    And the rain is like a tear

    Turquoise shone in the sun in the sky.


    Nature's skillful chisel

    For millions of years

    Turned it into a model.

    But now

    The pipes pierced the expanses of heaven.

    The waters are poisoned, the forest is polluted.

    The clouds are floating

    Just a black night:

    Breathe for animals too

    And people can’t bear it.......

    People have become strong

    like gods

    and the fate of the Earth is in their hands,

    But terrible burns darken

    at globe on the sides.

    We have long mastered the planet,

    The new century is sweeping ahead.

    On Earth already

    no white spots

    Can you erase black people?

    If the Greenland and Antarctic glaciers melt,

    The level of the World Ocean will rise by 70-80 m!

    By 1900, they had completely disappeared on Earth.

    65 species of mammals

    and 140 species of birds!!!

    Mediterranean Sea,

    dividing Europe, Africa and Asia,

    has become an international waste dump!

    Every year it is dumped into the Mediterranean Sea

    about 120 thousand tons of waste oils,

    60 thousand tons of detergents, 100 tons of mercury!!!


    about 600 species of vertebrates

    are on the verge of complete extermination!!!

    These are whales sea ​​turtles, rhinoceroses, cranes,

    Ussuri tigers, white polar bears,….

    People are cutting down forests!!!

    This violates

    global oxygen and carbon dioxide cycles.

    And the unfortunate forest dwellers

    They are deprived of their usual home and die.

    Court sentence:

    A person must correct everything that can be corrected, otherwise without clean air, clean water, full-fledged flora and fauna, he himself will not be able to survive. The person is sentenced to correctional labor for the duration of his life.

    Take care of your planet -

    After all, there is no other one like it !

    Love nature, boy, And girl, love Protect from pollution Don't ruin her! Don't poison the fields and rivers, Seas, forests and mountains, Don't dump waste in them, Shame on the pests! Love nature, man, You protect her A picture of scorched earth While living, don't leave!

    I look at the globe - the globe, And suddenly he sighed as if alive; And the continents whisper to me: - Take care of us, take care of us!

    The groves and forests are in alarm, The dew on the grass is like a tear! And the springs quietly ask: - Take care of us, take care!

    Sad deep river, My own, losing my banks, And I hear the voice of the river: - You take care of us, take care of us!

    The deer stopped his run: - Be a man, man! We believe in you - don't lie. - Take care of us, take care of us!

    I look at the globe - the globe is so beautiful and dear! And lips whisper in the wind: - I will save you, I will save you!

    Back forward

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    Explanatory note.

    Our Earth is just an infinitesimal particle of the Universe, but only on it, out of all the planets examined by man, is there life. And if so, then we need to doubly try so that the nature of our common home is not only preserved, but becomes more abundant and beautiful. After all, everything we eat and drink is given to us by nature. All our small and large equipment - from shovels to space rockets - are made from natural materials. Man himself is also a part of nature, and any trouble in nature threatens his health and life. In the era of the scientific and technological revolution, nature turned out to be defenseless against man and dependent on him. Rivers are dammed, rockets are launched into space, the earth's crust is pierced by the deepest wells...

    Voluntarily or unwittingly, a person interferes with the course of natural processes, disturbing the natural balance. As a result, rivers are dying, the climate is changing, plants and animals are disappearing. This disaster is called an environmental crisis.

    The subject of ecology is the connection of living beings with the environment. Ecology is called upon to develop a general strategy for human behavior in nature. It is also called upon to look for ways to restore damaged natural systems in a modified form.

    The right to live in an environmentally friendly, healthy and safe environment is one of the most important human rights. That is why the environmental problem has become so acute all over the world recently. It acquired economic, social and political implications. The role of ecology has increased in modern science. Economists, lawyers, sociologists, and philosophers began to study environmental issues.

    However, many issues still remain unexplored and unresolved. Therefore, the problem of environmental protection and the impact of pollution on human health remains relevant.


    • nurturing a sense of love for nature, respect for all living things;
    • helping students realize their moral responsibility for their fate native land, your village;
    • formation of ecological culture.


    • presentation.
    • nature conservation posters;
    • photographs of human influence on nature;
    • reproductions of paintings depicting nature;
    • children's drawings about the birds of our region;

    Progress of the lesson

    1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

    2. Speeches by students with environmental information on the topic class hour.

    3. Problem situation “Availability of sources of clean fresh water Nogliki village”

    4. Speeches by students with information on the topic of the class hour. “Biologists”

    5. Conversation with students “Environmental pollution.”

    6. Speeches by students with information on the topic of the class hour. “Medical worker.”

    7.Ecological raid. “What laws have been violated?”

    8. Speeches by students with information on the topic of the class hour. "Economist".

    9. Speeches by students with information on the topic of the class hour. "Student".

    10.Work in groups. “Appeal on behalf of Nature.”

    Progress of the event

    We must not allow people to direct towards their own destruction.
    those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer.
    F. Joliot-Curie

    1. Opening remarks.

    The sages and dreamers of the past more than once tried to list the “wonders of the world” - miracles created by nature and created by human hands. They talked about seven miracles, searched for and found the eighth, but it seems no one ever mentioned the miracle of miracles - the only one known to us in the Universe. This miracle is our planet itself, together with the atmosphere - the container and guardian of life. And for now it continues to remain unique, incomparable, greatest, mysterious and amazing. The only one, because the rest of the planets in our solar system are most likely lifeless, and we have not yet discovered habitable planets around other stars. The greatest, because it contains all the mysteries that have long troubled humanity - the mysteries of the birth and history of the planet itself, the mysteries of the origin of life, intelligence, and the future destinies of civilization.

    This miracle is Nature. Man is a part of it. Nature provides man with food. Wind and sun, forest and water give us common joy, shape our character, make us softer and more poetic. People are inextricably linked with nature through thousands of threads. Human life depends on the state of nature. Save nature - save life.

    Airfields, piers and platforms,
    Forests without birds and land without water...
    Less and less of the surrounding nature.
    More and more - the environment.

    There are only four lines of R. Rozhdestvensky’s poem, but they contain the very essence of the most serious changes taking place in the nature of the Earth. We the people beginning of the XXI centuries, almost unnoticed by themselves, they turned out to be both witnesses and culprits of these changes. How can they turn out for today and future generations?

    2. Speeches by students with information on the topic of the class hour. "Ecologist".

    For many years, there was no generally accepted understanding of the quantitative relationship between environmental pollution and human health.

    Is there currently a threat to nature and human life?

    Far-sighted, caring people have always been concerned about environmental problems. Thus, Yaroslav the Wise by law limited the production of swans, beavers and other valuable animals.

    The decree of Peter I of 1718 ordered “criminals who have been cutting down oak forest and will continue to cut down, as well as those who order cutting, cutting out their nostrils and ears, are ordered to be sent to hard labor in batogami.” With the same decree, Peter I demanded the construction of treatment facilities within St. Petersburg and obliged all citizens to ensure cleanliness around their homes and on their streets.

    According to the Decree of 1719 on the protection of reservoirs: “... if anyone defiles the river with garbage or other impurities, he will be sentenced to be beaten with a whip or exiled to Siberia...”.

    For millennia, human encroachment into nature has expanded. But especially great changes in the environment occurred during the era of the scientific and technological revolution. And they are not always positive.

    Scientific and technological progress has brought and continues to bring many conveniences and comfort to people. It made work easier and allowed us to go into space. It is impossible to stop or even slow it down, just as it is impossible to force a person to stop thinking, daring, creating... Unfortunately, not everyone understands the importance of protecting the environment. Nature began to send alarming signals and change. The culprits of these changes are people and the factories they created, power plants, mines, transport, as well as cities...

    A few decades ago, Academician V.I. Vernadsky, the creator of the science of biogeochemistry, warned against a predatory attitude towards nature and its riches: there can only be one result - its complete destruction.

    The expression “necessary as air” did not arise by chance. A person can live without food for weeks, without water for days, and without air for minutes.

    Over the past 25-30 years, transport and industry have taken more oxygen from the atmosphere than humanity consumed in the entire anthropogen, that is, in 2-3 million years. Sulfur, nitrogen, zinc, potassium, and toxic substances are released into the atmosphere. Only 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted annually in the world, which can lead to warming, partial melting of polar ice and rising sea levels. The possible negative consequences for humanity in this case are difficult to even imagine.

    More than 50 Russian cities have levels of environmental pollution that exceed sanitary standards.

    The problem of clean fresh water sources is becoming increasingly acute.

    Forests - the “lungs of the planet”, fail-safe filters of the atmosphere - are being cut down faster than they are growing. Each cubic meter of wood is almost half a ton of carbon dioxide absorbed from the air.

    Nature has generously endowed Sakhalin Island with riches. The main wealth of the island is undoubtedly oil and gas. large deposits on the Sakhalin shelf. According to OJSC Rosneft-Sakhalinmorneftegaz, they exceed the reserves on land of the island by 27 and 57 times, respectively, amounting to simply cosmic volumes: more than one billion tons of oil and 3.6 trillion cubic meters. m of gas.

    The relatively small territory of the Sakhalin region is subject to increasingly severe anthropogenic impacts, which tend to increase due to the development of the continental shelf and the development of new mineral deposits.

    Land pollution with oil products in the Sakhalin region, including the Nogliki region, is not decreasing. In the region there is a main oil pipeline - 303 km, a central oil pipeline - 273.7 km, supply oil pipelines - 85.9 km, a main gas pipeline - 329 km, supply gas pipeline - 220.8 km, as well as pumping machines, oil parks, oil production sites, oil gathering points, oil pumping stations in total - 71 units, there are 377 fuel and lubricants warehouses, over 100 gas stations, and the Petrosakh JSC oil refinery. All of them are environmentally hazardous objects.

    The production activities of drilling enterprises in the oil and gas complex have a significant technogenic load on the environment, causing complex environmental consequences that cause pathological deviations in the health of the population of adjacent cities and towns, including in the Nogliki region.

    In places where oil and gas wells are drilled, soil, water and air pollution is observed, leading to a disruption of the natural ecological balance. Issues of neutralization and disposal of drilling waste are of priority importance in the environmental policy of industry enterprises. Solution specified problem is possible only within the framework of the creation of environmentally friendly technologies and well construction techniques.

    A difficult problem is the disposal and disposal of waste drilling fluids and drill cuttings (drill rock).

    The main environmental problem when drilling wells is associated with the use of drilling fluid, which consists of oil, mineral additives and bentonite (clay powder). There are three ways to dispose of spent drilling fluid in the world: dumping it into the sea, pumping it into the reservoir, and transporting it ashore for disposal. Leading Russian research institutes and organizations are working on assessing these alternatives from the point of view of environmental safety.

    Currently, technological solutions have been developed for the reuse of spent drilling fluids when drilling wells, their use together with drill cuttings as secondary raw materials in the production of coarse building ceramics, as well as the regeneration of active components (obtaining clay powder, isolating a weighting agent). But so far these disposal methods have not found support on Sakhalin. It is economically profitable and practically accessible to neutralize these wastes using the method of disposal, followed by burial in mineral soil, directly on the territory of the drilling site. At the same time, the process of eliminating sludge pits and land reclamation is greatly simplified.

    On Sakhalin, one of the most serious problems has been the pollution of landscapes during the exploration and development of oil and gas fields. The accumulation of drilling waste in a limited area, the technology for disposal of which is not yet available, leads to soil salinization and contamination with oil products and heavy metals. The most toxic to soil microflora are chromium compounds, sodium and potassium hydroxides and carbonates, and chlorine compounds. In soils near a borehole, the barium content increases by 20 times, vanadium by 16 times, and lead by 6-7 times.

    3. Problem situation “Sources of clean fresh water in Nogliki”

    Cl. supervisor. Yes, everything in nature is interconnected, this relationship is studied by the science of ecology. Give examples of such relationships in our village?

    Sample answers from children:

    1.The production activities of drilling enterprises in the oil and gas complex have a significant anthropogenic load on the environment.

    2. On Sakhalin, one of the most serious problems was the pollution of landscapes during the exploration and development of oil and gas fields.

    3. A difficult problem is the disposal and disposal of waste drilling fluids and drill cuttings (drill rock).

    4. Speeches by students with information on the topic of the class hour. “Biologists”

    It has already been proven that genetic information transmitted to subsequent generations by a living cell can be distorted and disrupted under the influence of so-called “mutants”. These include radiation, active chemicals, toxic chemicals, pesticides, and some metals.

    Pathological signs of the body are the result of the interaction of hereditary (internal) and environmental (external) factors. One of the most important causes of human hereditary pathologies is mutational variability (induced mutagenesis).

    In the Nogliki region, among newborns, the number of children with congenital hereditary anomalies (when recalculating the incidence of children with hereditary anomalies per 1000 healthy newborns) is 0.219 ± 0.036, and the same figure only among children in the first year of life is 0.742 ± 0.123. Probably one of the reasons for the occurrence of hereditary anomalies in the Nogliki region is: the unfavorable ecological situation in the village of Nogliki, associated with environmental pollution during oil and gas production, as well as the reason that in the north of the island among the population of northern peoples living in remote villages ( Val, Tungor, Mgachi, Dagi, Sabo), as a result of crossing, recessive genes carrying hereditary anomalies are eliminated, and the number of homozygous organisms for these abnormal characteristics increases.

    The total number of people with cancer pathologies in the period from 1997 to 2005. in the Nogliki region shown on the graph (Fig. 1) increases. Data analysis showed that the number of people with cancer is increasing every year. So, if in 1997 only 32 people were identified, then in 2005 this figure was already 73 people.

    Actual data on various nosological units of cancer diseases in the population of Nogliki are shown in Figure 2. In general, it is important to note that in first place in the number of cases are people with breast cancer (38% of the total number of analyzed symptoms), in second place are those of the uterine body (16%), in third place are those of the lung (14%). Further, in descending order, oncological diseases were as follows: stomach cancer (10%), intestinal cancer (8%), ovarian cancer (7%) and skin melanoma (7%).

    Total number of people with cancer pathologies in the Nogliki region (1997-2005):
    1 – 1997, 2 -1998, 3 – 1999, 4 – 2000, 5 – 2001, 6 – 2002, 7 – 2003, 8 – 2004, 9 – 2005

    Factual data on various disease entities
    oncological diseases of the population of Nogliki

    For centuries, everything has been dumped into the seas and oceans without any restrictions, including radioactive waste. Numerous accidents of oil tankers lead to the death of fish, crabs, and seabirds.

    5. Conversation with students “Environmental pollution.”

    Key manager What environmental lesson does environmental pollution bring?

    Sample answers from children:

    1. Numerous oil tanker accidents lead to the death of fish, crabs, and seabirds.

    2. The reasons for the occurrence of hereditary anomalies in the Nogliki region are: the unfavorable environmental situation in the village of Nogliki, associated with environmental pollution.

    3. Increase in human disease.

    The facts presented are alarming.
    And only nature gasps...
    Spring! The streams do not stop:
    Streams in a riot - here and there.
    And they flow into our lake
    And fertilizers and fuel oil.
    The whole coast became like a landfill -
    What, what is not here:
    Scraps, old washcloths,
    Scraps of books and newspapers...
    Those landfills are growing year by year
    Along the banks of lakes and rivers,
    And Nature laments:
    - Why all this, Man?!
    I'm walking through the taiga valley...
    And again - bitter words:
    The tops of the pines have dried up,
    The leaves fell from the birches,
    There are black sores on the grass -
    Trouble everywhere you look...
    And the huntsman explained to me with relish:
    - And what? Acid rain...
    ...The forest cried, as if in bad weather,
    The creaking complaint of cripples,
    And I heard the groan of Nature:
    What have you done, Man?!
    Once on a tourist voyage
    I wanted to swim.
    But I took a walk near the beach
    And, believe me, I didn’t dare take off my clothes.
    The water smelled like poison -
    The smells came in waves.
    Not the sea - a gutter
    They splashed quietly in front of me.
    Factories smoked in the distance,
    Our cosmic age was noisy.
    But the crown of Nature was sad -
    Her creation is Man.
    Our mind has become Nature's yoke!
    Wouldn't it suddenly happen like this?
    What do we care about the Red Book?
    Is it just a step away?
    From thermonuclear reactions
    And from chemical innovations
    More than once the thread of posterity was torn.
    Wave of monstrous mutations
    Threatens to flood the planet.
    Everything can be, everything can happen...
    The question is blunt: to be or not to be?
    Nobody has that question for us
    And he won’t think to decide.
    Meanwhile, hour after hour
    We continue to do evil.
    And now there are no forest reserves,
    You can no longer drink in the river.
    Rockets hit the sky
    Disturbing our peaceful overnight stay,
    And Nature just gasps:
    - Are you my son, Man?
    V. Glebov

    6. Speeches by students with information on the topic of the class hour. “Medical worker.”

    The environmental situation in our country is also not encouraging and makes everyone think. What impact does the environment have on people's health?

    Air pollution is 43-45% responsible for deteriorating public health. The quality of drinking water also affects your health. On Sakhalin, environmental monitoring is carried out by a single service - the Sakhalin Territorial Administration for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. Control over the state of the natural environment is carried out by the State Environmental Committee for the Sakhalin Region and the Sakhalin Committee of Natural Resources.

    The direct influence of chemical pollution on the occurrence of diseases of the central nervous system, hepatitis, toxicosis during pregnancy, and on the increase in stillborn children and congenital anomalies has been established.

    Bacterial and viral pollution of Russian rivers creates a constant danger of epidemiological outbreaks of intestinal infections. In many regions of our country, there is an excess of the permissible level of pesticides in the soil, which leads to the incidence of anemia and tuberculosis in children.

    Scientists have registered an increase in overall mortality by 17-24%.

    Many plants and animal organisms become accumulators of metals and persistent chemical compounds; their consumption is hazardous to health.

    Changing the environment most directly affects human health, his biology, and all living things. Reckless human activity in relation to nature has brought 1,000 vertebrate species to the brink of extinction. The Red Book includes: 115 species of animals, 25% of birds and 44% of animals that are on the verge of extinction. 118 species of mammals and 127 species of birds have already disappeared from the face of the Earth. 35 million people live in the environmental disaster zone in Russia. Accidents and natural disasters (drought, floods, earthquakes...) cause enormous damage to nature.

    7. Ecological raid. “What laws have been violated?”

    Classroom teacher. Now we will conduct a raid through the streets of our village and see whether its residents comply with environmental laws?

    Sample answers from children:

    1. Air pollution is man's fault. (transport, production.)
    2. Many plants and animal organisms become accumulators of metals and persistent chemical compounds; their consumption is dangerous.
    3. Reckless human activity in relation to nature has brought plants and animals to the brink of extinction.

    8. Speeches by students with information on the topic of the class hour. "Economist".

    What can each of us do to preserve nature? First of all, it is necessary to create safe technologies, treatment facilities, we also need hospitals with modern equipment... This requires huge funds. There aren't enough of them yet. It is necessary to learn how to respect natural resources and communities.

    According to scientists, it takes 2000 years for a layer of soil 5 cm thick to form in nature. This greatest wealth was created over centuries, millennia. We must cherish it and protect it from destructive consequences.

    9. Speeches by students with information on the topic of the class hour. "Student".

    What exactly can every schoolchild do to preserve nature? Follow the rules of behavior in the forest and on the banks of water bodies! Follow the rules for collecting forest products: mushrooms, medicinal plants. Take care of our smaller brothers: ants, birds, hedgehogs. Decorate cities and villages in green.

    So, protecting nature concerns us all. We all breathe the same air of the Earth, drink water and eat bread, the molecules of which continuously participate in the endless cycle of substances. And we ourselves are thinking particles of Nature. This places a huge responsibility for its safety on each of us, each and every one without exception. Each of us can and must contribute to the fight for the preservation of Nature, and therefore life on Earth.

    10. Work in groups. “Appeal on behalf of Nature.”

    Classroom teacher. Today we learned the laws of ecology. Unfortunately, many do not know these laws and pollute the Earth, disturbing the fragile ecological balance in nature. And if Nature could speak, what would she say to her children? Let's write appeal letters on behalf of nature.

    • The first group will write an appeal to businessmen, owners of plants and factories.
    • The second group will write to the military.
    • The third group will prepare an appeal to scientists.
    • The fourth group will address farmers and peasants.
    • The fifth group will write to sailors and fishermen.
    • The sixth group will write a letter to the students of our school.

    The music is turned on, and for 5 minutes the children write appeals.

    Representatives of the groups come to the board and read the appeals.

    Thank you, I hope your words will be heard.

    Take care of the Earth!
    Take care
    Lark at the blue zenith,
    Butterfly on dodder leaves,
    There are sun glares on the path...
    Take care of young shoots
    At the green festival of nature,
    The sky in the stars, the ocean and land
    And a soul that believes in immortality, -
    All destinies are connected by threads.
    Take care of the Earth!
    Take care...
    M. Dudin

    Listening to an audio recording of the song “Birches” (music by I. Matvienko, words by M. Andreev - from the television series “Plot”, Spanish group “Lyube” and S. Bezrukov).

    Summarizing conversation on the topic of the class hour.


    1. Alekseev V.A. (ed). 1990. Forest ecosystems and atmospheric pollution. The science. L. 200 pp. Alekseev S.V., Yanushanets O.I.

    2. Ecological problems protection of water resources. Chvertkin N.S., Ryazantseva A.V., Zalomnova O.N., Lukashina G.V.

    3. Evaluation negative impact enterprises for the repair of vehicles on the environment Gaponyuk N.A.

    4. Hygiene assessment environmental factors. Gaponyuk N.A.

    5. Environmental management: textbook. allowance Zalomnova O.N., Rezchikov E.A. M.

    6.. Ecology: textbook. allowance Rezchikov E.A., Zalomnova O.N. M.

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