The total pollution index zc. Total index of chemical pollution Zc

complex according to the pollutant concentration coefficient

and total pollution index

The assessment of the level of soil pollution in settlements is carried out according to two indicators: the concentration coefficient of an individual substance K c and the total pollution index Z c in the presence of several polluting components in the soil.

The pollutant concentration coefficient is determined by the ratio

, (5.2)

where C - the actual concentration of this chemical in the soil, mg/kg; С f is the background concentration in the soil of a given substance, mg/kg. The total pollution index is equal to the sum of the concentration coefficients of chemical elements polluting the soil:

, (5.3)

where n - the number of pollutants taken into account.

The assessment of the danger of soil pollution according to the found total indicator Z c is carried out using Table. 5.4.

Table 5.4

Approximate rating scale for the danger of soil pollution by the total indicator

Index Z c

Changes in health indicators of the population in the sources of pollution

I. Permissible

The lowest level of morbidity in children and the minimum of functional deviations

II. Moderately dangerous

Increase general level incidence

III. Highly dangerous

An increase in the overall level of morbidity, the number of frequently ill children with chronic diseases, impaired functioning of cardio-vascular system

IV. extremely dangerous

An increase in the incidence of children, a violation of the reproductive function of women (an increase in cases of toxicosis of pregnancy, premature birth, stillbirth, hypotrophy of newborns)

Example 5.2. Determine the category of pollution of the soil of the settlement with chemicals according to the total indicator of pollution; characterize the health indicators of the population living in the area. The initial data are given in table. 5.5.

Table 5.5

Initial data


According to formula (2), we find the pollutant concentration coefficients:

K with F = 512/208 = 2.46; K cV e \u003d 3.7 / 1.5 \u003d 2.47; KcZn = 274/41.3 = 6.63.

According to formula (3), the total pollution index:

Z c \u003d (2.46 + 2.47 + 6.63) - (3 - 1) \u003d 9.56.

In accordance with the table. 5.4 the soils under consideration belong to the category of permissible pollution and are characterized by the most low level morbidity in children and a minimum of functional deviations.

Task 5.2. Determine the category of pollution of the soil of the settlement with chemicals according to the total indicator of pollution; characterize the health indicators of the population living in the area. The initial data on the content of pollutants in the soil are given in Table. 5.6.

Table 5.6

Variants of initial data for task 5.2

Concentration of pollutants in soil, mg/kg

Background concentrations, mg/kg

All options

Table 5.7

MPCs of chemicals in soil and allowable levels


soil MPC

taking into account the background,

Harm indicators



general sanitary


Movable form

Water soluble form




sulfur elemental


soil MPC

taking into account the background,

Harm indicators



general sanitary


Coal flotation waste

Complex granular fertilizers

Liquid complex

fertilizers (HCS)

Laboratory work

"Determining the level of total soil pollution in the St. Petersburg region"

In the sanitary and hygienic assessment of the contamination of the soil cover of the territory, the Zc indicator is used - the total indicator of pollution. Zc is the sum of the concentration coefficients (Kc) of toxicants (pollutants) of I, II and III toxicological hazard classes (Table 1) in relation to background values. It is calculated by the formula:

Zc = (Σ Kc) - (n - 1),

where Kc is the concentration coefficient of the i-th chemical element, n is a number equal to the number of elements included in the geochemical association.

The concentration coefficient (Kc) is calculated using the formula:

Kc \u003d Ci / Cfon,

where Ci is the actual content of the element; Sfon. — geochemical background.


1. Using the data in tables 1-3, calculate the total soil contamination index (Zc) of the proposed sites and profiles. Determine the levels of soil contamination, present the results in the form of tables:

Plot, profile

Element concentration factors, Ks

Center of St. Petersburg

Ex.I. SPb-Kalishche

Etc. II. SPb-Vyborg

Etc. III. SPb-Kuznechnoye

Etc. IV. SPb-Luga

Etc. V. St. Petersburg-Volkhov


Plot, profile

Total pollution index, Zc

The level of total soil pollution

Center of St. Petersburg

Ex.I. SPb-Kalishche

Etc. II. SPb-Vyborg

Etc. III. SPb-Kuznechnoye

Etc. IV. SPb-Luga

Etc. V. St. Petersburg-Volkhov


2. Using knowledge of the physical and socio-economic geography of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, draw conclusions about the factors that determine the level of contamination of the soil cover of the proposed sites and profiles.

Table 1. Hazard (toxicity) classes of elements

Source: SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for soil quality. - M., 2003.

Table 2. Results of X-ray fluorescence analysis of soil samples in the St. Petersburg region, 2008, mg/kg

Chemical element

Center of St. Petersburg

Project I SPb-Kalishche

Etc. II St. Petersburg-Vyborg

Etc. III SPb-Kuznechnoye

Etc. IV SPb-Luga

Etc. V SPb-Volkhov

Etc. VI Kronstadt

Geochemical background, Sfon

Task 2. Quality assessment natural environment according to integral geochemical parameters.

Determination of the hydrochemical index of water pollution (WPI)

The hydrochemical WPI is an additive indicator and represents the average share of exceeding the MPC for a strictly limited number of individual ingredients and is calculated by the formula:

Where n– number of indicators used to calculate the index; C i– concentration chemical in water, mg/l; MPC i– maximum allowable concentration of a substance in water, mg/l.

When determining WPI for water bodies of household and drinking and cultural and household types of water use, the calculation is carried out according to the value MPC in for the six components with the highest excess factor ( C/MAC in), i.e. n= 6. Among the six main, so-called "limited" indicators, the concentration of dissolved oxygen and the value of BOD 5.

Given that the indicator of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD 5) is an integral indicator of the presence of easily oxidizable organic matter(MAC for BOD full - 3 mg O 2 /l), as well as the fact that with an increase in the content of easily oxidizable organic substances (decrease in dissolved oxygen) the quality of water decreases more sharply, the MAC for these indicators is taken according to Table. 1.6.

Attention! For oxygen, the ratio is MPC i To C i.

Depending on the value of WPI, sections of water bodies are divided by quality into 7 classes, presented in Table. 1.1.

Table 1.1

Classification of water quality of reservoirs depending on the complex WPI

Water quality WPI values Water quality class
Very clean < 0,2
Pure 0,2 – <1,0
Moderately polluted 1,0 – <2,0
polluted 2,0 – 4<,0
Dirty 4,0 – <6,0
Very dirty 6,0 – <10,0
Extremely dirty ≥ 10,0

Task to work

The T. River is used for a multi-purpose purpose. In various parts of the river, water is used for household, drinking and cultural needs of the population. Water pollution can be from insufficiently treated wastewater discharges from various enterprises, as well as from washing away part of the soil containing various agrochemicals from the fields. It is necessary to determine the ecological state and suitability of the reservoir for the specified types of water use, as well as to propose ways to solve the problems that arise.

1. Determine the water pollution index (WPI):

1.1. Using the data of GN, fill in table 1.4

1.3. Select six components for calculation: dissolved oxygen concentration, value BOD 5, as well as the values ​​of 4 indicators that have the highest multiplicity of excess.

1.5. Present the calculation results in the form of table 1.5.

1.6. Indicate the qualitative state of water in accordance with the data in Table 1.1

1.7. Give a description of 3 substances that pollute water the most (in excess of MPC)

In table. 1.2 shows the results of a standard water analysis. In table. Tables 1.3 and 1.5 show the data of the chemical analysis of water in terms of the content of toxic metals in it and reference data for determining the value of WPI.

Table 1.2

Standard water analysis

No. var Indicators
Koli-index Smell, points BOD 5, mg O 2 /l pH Dissolved oxygen, mg/l Color-ness, hail Suspended solids, mg/l General mineralization, mg/l Chlorides, mg/l Sulphates, mg/l
10 8 1,5 7,2
10 7 9,4
1888 8,3
10 5,2
10 6 9,8
10 6 1,5 1,5
1,5 3,4
0,5 5,5
10 5 9,1
10 8 1,8
1,5 5,4

Table 1.3

The results of chemical analysis of water according to the content of toxic metal cations in it

No. var Concentration С, mg/l
Al 3+ As 3+ Cu2+ Fe3+ Hg2+ Mn2+ Ni2+ Pb 2+ Zn2+
0,15 0,03 2,0 0,1 0,001 0,05 0,35 0,05 0,2
0,03 0,02 1,0 0,2 0,001 0,07 0,16 0,70 0,1
0,02 0,01 0,5 0,1 0,001 0,20 0,25 0,05 1,0
0,02 0,07 0,5 0,2 0,001 0,30 0,46 0,02 2,0
0,30 0,01 2,0 0,5 0,001 0,05 0,34 0,02 0,05
0,02 0,10 0,2 0,1 0,001 0,05 0,33 0,02 0,5
0,01 0,02 0,1 0,2 0,001 0,07 0,08 0,05 7,0
0,002 0,01 0,5 0,1 0,003 0,03 0,37 0,03 2,0
0,01 0,03 2,0 2,0 0,001 0,50 0,03 0,05 0,5
0,02 0,02 0,1 0,1 0,001 0,05 0,05 0,02 0,5
0,03 0,05 1,5 0,6 0,001 0,30 0,31 0,05 1,5
0,01 0,10 1,8 0,2 0,002 0,05 0,25 0,03 1,0
0,02 0,05 0,5 0,15 0,001 0,10 0,10 0,07 0,5
0,01 0,02 0,1 0,3 0,001 0,03 0,48 0,02 1,0
0,30 0,03 0,3 1,6 0,001 0,25 0,36 0,03 0,5

Table 1.4

Maximum allowable concentrations and hazard class of chemicals in water

Table 1.5

Water pollution index

Components Concentration С, mg/l MPC in, mg/l C/MAC in Participate in the calculation of WPI
BOD 5, mg O 2 /l
Dissolved oxygen, mg/l
Cl -
SO 4 2-
Al 3+
As 3+
Pb 2+

Table 1.6

Guidelines for BOD5 and dissolved oxygen

Total index of chemical pollution Zc

Chemical contamination of soils and bottom sediments is assessed by the total indicator of chemical contamination Zc, which is an indicator of adverse effects on public health.

The total indicator of chemical pollution Zc characterizes the degree of chemical pollution of soils, surveyed areas of metals of I-III hazard classes, and is determined as the sum of the concentration coefficients Kc, individual components of pollution according to the formula

Zс = Кci + … + Кcn - (n - 1), (2.1)

where: n is the number of chemical elements taken into account;
Kci - concentration coefficient of the i-th pollution component, exceeding one.

Task to work

1.1. Using the data of SanPiN, GN, GN, fill in Table 2.2. In the absence of an established MPC (ODC), indicate the clarke of the element in urban soils (according to Alekseenko).

1.3. Select for calculation the components whose Kc exceeds 1 .

1.5. Present the calculation results in the form of table 2.3.

1.6. Make a conclusion about the level of total pollution and give recommendations on the use of soils in accordance with SanPiN

1.7. Give a description of 3 substances that pollute the soil the most (in excess of MPC)

Table 2.1

The results of the chemical analysis of the soil on the content of toxic metals in it

var. no. Concentration of substance in soil, mg/kg
Pb Zn Cu Ni co Mn V As Sr
152,3 461,1 30,0 32,3 3,7 583,1 35,0 35,5 209,5
18,7 91,0 24,7 23,9 2,8 509,9 24,3 12,2 139,9
44,8 117,7 24,4 22,5 1,9 422,2 16,7 15,8 169,6
26,3 82,7 32,3 23,5 0,9 491,4 35,0 12,7 193,1
30,4 75,0 37,9 23,9 0,9 401,0 36,7 12,8 129,3
31,2 109,1 39,4 28,2 3,5 725,1 59,1 13,1 166,0
133,7 219,6 26,8 22,1 2,7 484,4 23,4 31,9 155,1
29,0 89,5 31,5 20,4 1,5 404,5 20,4 35,0 165,8
49,6 142,3 26,8 22,8 1,8 485,8 26,3 24,3 140,4
169,8 26,8 30,1 2,1 521,3 31,4 16,7 123,8
44,5 205,6 38,4 30,4 1,6 525,3 33,8 35,0 174,0
67,8 200,0 31,0 36,8 3,5 300,0 25,4 36,7 178,9
72,3 350,7 24,0 28,7 0,8 298,0 27,8 27,8 165,0
40,1 99,8 22,0 25,5 0,4 425,0 26,3 26,3 123,8
18,9 95,0 36,6 24,0 2,6 523,6 18,5 18,5 114,5

Table 2.2

Maximum Permissible Concentrations and Hazard Class of Elements in Soil

Table 2.3

Chemical pollution index

Element Concentration, mg/kg MPC (ODC), mg/kg Ks Participate in the calculation of Zc
Conclusion (level of total pollution, recommendations)


1) For Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, As, use the DEC. Soil type - acidic (loamy and clayey), pH KCl<5,5




MOSCOW, 1987

Guidelines developed by the Research Institute of General and Communal Hygiene. A.N. Sysin Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (Prof. V.M. Perelygin, Ph.D. N.I. Tonkopiy, Ph.D. A.F. Pertsovskaya, Ph.D. V.N. Pavlov, Ph.D. T.I. Grigorieva, G.E. Shestopalova, E.V. Filimonova, N.B. Zyabkina).

Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Directorate of the Ministry of Health of the USSR (A.S. Perotskaya).

Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements (Ph.D. B.A. Revich, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Yu.E. Saet, Candidate of Geographical Sciences R.S. Smirnova).


Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases (Ph.D. L.O. Osipova, Ph.D. R.F. Daukaeva, S.M. Safonnikova, G.F. Maksimova);

Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute (Prof. M.Ya. Shelyug, Candidate of Medical Sciences E.A. Derkachev, Candidate of Medical Sciences P.I. Lakiza, Candidate of Medical Sciences B.N. Yaroshevsky);

Georgian Research Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene. G.M. Natadze (Doctor of Medical Sciences R.E. Khazaradze, N.I. Dogdnishvili, N.G. Sakvarelidze, N.A. Menagarishvili, R.G. Mzhavanadze);

Research Institute of Regional Pathology. Ministry of Health of the Kazakh SSR (candidate of medical sciences N.P. Goncharov, candidate of medical sciences I.A. Snytin).

I approve

Deputy Chief State

sanitary doctor of the USSR

EM. Saakyants

№ 4266-87



The main directions of the economic and social development of the USSR for 1986-1990 and for the period up to 2000 emphasize the need to implement measures to protect the environment and increase the effectiveness of environmental protection measures (“The main directions of the economic and social development of the USSR for 1986-1990 and for the period up to 2000 years", section V ).

To solve these problems, when establishing the order of implementation of hygienic and environmental measures, it is important to rank soils to the degree of danger of their contamination with chemicals and, on the basis of this, identify areas that require priority investments in monitoring soil pollution, developing comprehensive measures for their protection, and developing schemes of district planning, hygienic assessment of soils in areas of urbanization and measures for land reclamation.

The results of hygienic studies of soils contaminated with heavy metals, oil products and other substances made it possible for the first time to develop methodological approaches for assessing the degree of danger of soil contamination by these toxicants in terms of their possible impact on the systems "soil - plant", "soil - microorganisms, biological activity", "soil - groundwater", "soil - atmospheric air" and indirectly on human health.

These guidelines are intended for sanitary and epidemiological stations, research institutes and institutions of a hygienic profile, hygiene departments of medical institutes and institutes for the improvement of doctors, institutions of the agrochemical service and other regulatory organizations.

The use of unified methodological approaches will help to obtain comparable data in assessing the level of soil pollution and the possible consequences of pollution, and will also allow predicting the quality of food products of plant origin. The accumulation of factual material on soil pollution and their indirect impact on humans makes it possible to improve the proposed guidelines in the future.

These guidelines do not cover the assessment of soil contamination with pesticides.


1.1. From a hygienic standpoint, the danger of soil contamination with chemicals is determined by the level of its possible negative impact on contacting media (water, air), food products and indirectly on humans, as well as on the biological activity of the soil and its self-purification processes.

1.2. The main criterion for hygienic assessment of the danger of soil contamination with harmful substances is the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of chemicals in the soil. MPC is a comprehensive indicator of the content of chemicals in the soil that is harmless to humans, since those used inIn their scientific substantiation, the criteria reflect all possible ways of the indirect impact of the pollutant on the contacting media, the biological activity of the soil and the processes of its self-purification. At the same time, each of the ways of exposure is evaluated quantitatively with the justification of the permissible level of content of substances for each indicator of harmfulness. The lowest of the justified levels is limiting and is taken as the MPC of the substance, as it reflects the most vulnerable route of exposure to this toxicant.

1.3. To assess the risk of soil pollution, the choice of chemicals - indicators of pollution - is carried out taking into account:

Specifics of pollution sources that determine the complex of chemical elements involved in soil pollution in the study region (Appendix);

Priority of pollutants in accordance with the list of MPCs of chemicals in the soil (Table) and their hazard class (Appendix) (“Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Chemicals in the Soil”, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987);

The nature of land use (application).

1.3.1. If it is not possible to take into account the entire complex of chemicals polluting the soil, the assessment is carried out for the most toxic substances, i.e. belonging to a higher hazard class (Appendix).

1.3.2. If the above documents (Appendix ) do not contain the hazard class of chemicals that are priority for the soils of the surveyed area, their hazard class can be determined by the hazard index (Appendix ).

1.4. Soil sampling, storage, transportation and preparation for analysis are carried out in accordance with GOST “Nature Protection. Soils. Methods for the selection and preparation of soil samples for chemical, bacteriological and helminthological analysis.

1.5. Determination of chemicals in the soil is carried out by methods developed when substantiating their MPC in soil and approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR, which are published in the annexes to the “Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Chemical Substances in Soil (MAC)” (1979, 1980, 1982, 1985) .

1.6. In general, when assessing the risk of soil contamination by chemicals, the following should be taken into account:

A). The greater the risk of contamination, the more the actual levels of controlled substances in soil (C) exceed the MPC. That is, the risk of soil contamination is higher, the greater the value of the hazard coefficient (K o) exceeds 1, i.e.

K o =

b). The higher the hazard class of controlled substances, the higher the risk of contamination.

V). The assessment of the risk of contamination by any toxicant should be carried out taking into account the buffering capacity of the soil*, which affects the mobility of chemical elements, which determines their impact on the contact media and the availability of plants. The less buffering properties the soil has, the more dangerous it is to be contaminated with chemicals. Consequently, with the same value of K o, the risk of pollution will be greater for soils with an acidic pH value, a lower humus content, and a lighter mechanical composition. For example, if K o substances turned out to be equal in soddy-podzolic sandy loamy soil, in soddy-podzolic loamy soil and chernozem, then in order of increasing danger of soil pollution they can be arranged in the following row: chernozemÐ loamy sod-podzolic soilÐ sandy loamy soddy-podzolic soil.

* “Soil buffering” refers to the totality of soil properties that determine its barrier function, which determines the levels of secondary pollution by chemicals of the media in contact with the soil: vegetation, surface and groundwater, and atmospheric air. The main components of the soil that create buffering are finely dispersed mineral particles that determine its mechanical composition, organic matter (humus), as well as the reaction of the environment - pH.

1.7. The hazard assessment of soils contaminated with chemicals is carried out differently for different soils (different types of land use) and is based on 2 main provisions:

1. Economic use of territories (soils of settlements, agricultural lands, recreational areas, etc.).

2. The most significant for these territories ways of impact of soil pollution on humans.

In this regard, various schemes are proposed for assessing the risk of soil pollution in settlements and soils used for growing agricultural plants.


2.1. The basis for assessing the risk of contamination of soils used for growing agricultural plants is the translocation indicator of harmfulness, which is the most important indicator in substantiating the MPC of chemicals in the soil. This is due to the fact that: 1) with food of plant origin, an average of 70% of harmful chemicals enter the human body; 2) the level of translocation determines the level of accumulation of toxicants in food products and affects their quality. The existing difference in the allowable levels of chemical substances for various indicators of harmfulness (table) and the main provisions of the differential assessment of the degree of danger of contaminated soils also make it possible to give recommendations on the practical use of soils in contaminated areas.

2.2. The danger of contamination of soils used for growing agricultural plants is determined in accordance with Table. And . In table. the basic principles of soil assessment and recommendations for their use and reduction of the adverse effects of pollution are given. Table data. are the logical complement of the table. and provide the necessary information for ranking soils according to the level of pollution in accordance with the principles set forth in Table. .

Example. The soils of the territories are contaminated with nickel, the content of mobile forms of which is 20 mg/kg (1) in the first and 5 mg/kg (2) in the second. Based on the table. and soil (1) should be categorized as "extremely high" pollution, as the level of nickel content exceeds the permissible levels of the content of this element for all indicators of harmfulness: translocation, migratory water and general sanitary. Such soil can be used only for industrial crops or completely excluded from agricultural use.

Soil 2 can be categorized as “moderately polluted” as Nickel content (5 mg/kg) exceeds its MPC (4 mg/kg), but does not exceed the permissible level according to the translocation hazard indicator (6.7 mg/kg). In this case, the soil can be used for any agricultural crops while taking measures to reduce the availability of the toxicant - nickel - for plants.

Table 1

Schematic diagram of the assessment of agricultural use soils contaminated with chemicals

Pollution characteristic

Possible use of the territory

Suggested activities

I. Permissible

Use for any culture

Reducing the level of exposure to sources of soil pollution. Implementation of measures to reduce the availability of toxicants for plants (liming, application of organic fertilizers, etc.).

II . Moderately dangerous

Use for any crops subject to quality control of agricultural plants

Events similar category I . In the presence of substances with limiting migratory water or migratory air indicators, the content of these substances in the breathing zone of agricultural workers and in the water of local water sources is monitored

III. Highly dangerous

Use for industrial crops

Use under agricultural crops is limited, taking into account the plants-concentrators

1. In addition to the activities indicated for the category I , mandatory control over the content of toxicants in plants - food and feed.

2. If it is necessary to grow plants - food - it is recommended to mix them with products grown on clean soil.

3. Limitation of the use of green mass for livestock feed, taking into account the plants-concentrators

IV . extremely dangerous

Use for industrial crops or exclusion from agricultural use. windbreaks

Measures to reduce the level of pollution and the binding of toxicants in the soil. Control over the content of toxicants in the breathing zone of agricultural workers and in the water of local water sources

table 2

Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MACs) of Chemical Substances in the Soil and Permissible Levels of Their Content by Hazard Indicators

MPC mg/kg of soil, taking into account the background (clark)

Harm indicators



general sanitary



Movable form












Over 1000.0

Water soluble form






Gross content













manganese + vanadium

1000,0 + 100,0

1500,0 + 150,0

2000,0 + 200,0

1000,0 + 100,0











Lead + mercury

20,0 + 1,0

20,0 + 1,0

30,0 + 2,0

30,0 + 2,0

Potassium chloride ( K2O)











Benz/a/pyrene (BP)



















Sulfur compounds ( S)

hydrogen sulfide (Н 2 S)




elemental sulfur





sulfuric acid

















Housing and communal services*****)


Over 800.0


Over 800.0


*) Mobile forms of copper, nickel and zinc are extracted from the soil with ammonium acetate buffer pH 4.8 (copper, zinc), pH 4.6 (nickel).

**) The mobile form of cobalt is extracted from the soil with an ammonium-sodium buffer solution with pH 3.5 for gray soils and pH 4.7 for soddy-podzolic soil.

***) OFU - coal flotation waste. MPC OFU are controlled by the content of benzo/a/pyrene in the soil, which should not exceed the MPC of BP.

****) CSU - complex granulation fertilizer compositionN:P:K = 64:0:15. MPC KGU is controlled by the content of nitrates in the soil, which should not exceed 76.8 mg/kg of absolutely dry soil.

*****) ZhKU - liquid complex fertilizers of composition N :P:K = 10:34:0 TU 6-08-290-74 with manganese additives not more than 0.6% of the total mass. MPC for HCS is controlled by the content of mobile phosphates in the soil, which should not exceed 27.2 mg/kg of absolutely dry soil.


3.1. The assessment of the risk of soil pollution in settlements is determined by: 1) the epidemiological significance of soil contaminated with chemicals; 2) the role of contaminated soil as a source of secondary pollution of the surface layer of atmospheric air and in its direct contact with humans; 3) the significance of the degree of soil pollution as an indicator of air pollution.

3.2. The need to take into account the epidemiological safety of the soil of settlements is determined, as the results of our studies have shown, by the fact that with an increase in the chemical load, the epidemic danger of the soil increases. In contaminated soil, against the background of a decrease in the true representatives of soil microbiocenoses (antagonists of pathogenic intestinal microflora) and a decrease in its biological activity, an increase in positive findings of pathogenic enterobacteria and geohelminths, which were more resistant to chemical soil pollution than representatives of natural soil microbiocenoses, is noted.

3.3. The assessment of the level of epidemic danger of the soil of settlements is carried out according to a scheme developed on the basis of the probabilistic finding of pathogenic enterobacteria and enteroviruses. The criterion of epidemic safety is the absence of pathogenic agents in the object under study (Table ).

3.4. Evaluation of the adverse effects of soil pollution during their direct impact on the human body is important for cases of geophagy in children when they play on contaminated soils. Such an assessment was developed for the most common pollutant in settlements - lead, the content of whichin the soil, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase in the content of other elements. With the content of lead in the soil of playgrounds at the level of 500 mg/kg and its systematic presence in the soil, changes in the neuropsychiatric status in children can be expected ( War en H. V., 1979; Dygan M. J., Willians., 1977; ? 1983).

3.5. According to the study of the distribution in the soil of some metals, the most common indicators of urban pollution, an approximate assessment of the danger of atmospheric air pollution can be given. So, with the content of lead in the soil, startingfrom 250 mg / kg, in the area of ​​​​active sources of pollution, an excess of its MPC in the atmospheric air (0.3 μg / m 3) is observed, with a copper content in the soil, starting from 1500 mg / kg, an excess of the MPC of copper in the atmospheric air is observed (2 .0 µg/m 3).

3.6. The assessment of the level of chemical contamination of soils as indicators of an adverse impact on the health of the population is carried out according to indicators developed in the course of associated geochemical and geohygienic studies of the urban environment. Suchindicators are: the concentration coefficient of a chemical (K c), which is determined by the ratio of its real content in the soil (C) to the background (C f): K c = and the total pollution index ( Z with ).

The total pollution index is equal to the sum of the concentration coefficients of chemical elements and is expressed by the following formula:

Z c \u003d - (n - 1)

where n is the number of summed elements.

An analysis of the distribution of geochemical indicators obtained as a result of testing soils in a regular network gives a spatial structure of pollution of residential areas and the air basin with the greatest risk to public health (Methodological recommendations for the geochemical assessment of pollution of urban areas with chemical elements, 1982).

3.7. Assessment of the danger of soil pollution by a complex of metals in terms of Z with , reflecting the differentiation of pollution of the air basin of cities both by metals and other, the most common ingredients (dust, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide), is carried out according to the assessment scale given in Table. . Gradations of the rating scale were developed on the basis of studying the indicators of the health status of the population living in areas with different levels of soil pollution.

Determination of chemicals when assessing the level of soil pollution is recommended to be carried out by the method of emission analysis.

Table 3

Scheme for assessing the epidemic hazard of soils in settlements


Pollution indicators (cells per city of soil):

Escherichia coli


Pathogenic enterobacteria




1. High-risk areas: kindergartens, playgrounds, sanitary protection zones for water bodies

1 - 9

1 - 9


10 and

10 and


Sanitary protection zones

1 - 99

1 - 99


100 and

100 and

Table 4

Approximate rating scale for the danger of soil pollution according to the total indicator of pollution ( z with )

Value (z with )

Changes in health indicators of the population in the sources of pollution


Less than 16

The lowest level of morbidity in children and the minimum incidence of functional abnormalities

Moderately dangerous

16 - 32

Increase in overall morbidity


32 - 128

Increase in general morbidity, the number of frequently ill children, children with chronic diseases, disorders of the functional state of the cardiovascular system

extremely dangerous

Over 128

An increase in the incidence of the child population, a violation of the reproductive function of women (an increase in toxicosis of pregnancy, the number of premature births, stillbirths, hypotrophy of newborns)

Determination of chemicals when assessing the level of soil pollution is recommended to be carried out by the method of emission analysis.

Annex 1

Sources of pollution

Type of production

Concentration factor (K s)*

More than 10

2 to 10

Non-ferrous metallurgy

Production of non-ferrous metals directly from ores and concentrates

Lead, zinc, copper, silver

Tin, bismuth, arsenic,cadmium, antimony, mercury, selenium

Secondary processing of non-ferrous metals

Lead, zinc, tin, copper


Production of hard and refractory non-ferrous metals



Titanium production

Silver, zinc, lead, boron, copper

Titanium, manganese, molybdenum, tin, vanadium

Ferrous metallurgy

Alloy steel production

Cobalt, molybdenum, bismuth, tungsten, zinc

Lead, cadmium, chromium, zinc

iron ore production

Lead, silver, mouse yak

Zinc, tungsten, cobalt, vanadium

Machine-building and metalworking industry

Enterprises with heat treatment of metals (excluding foundries)

Lead, zinc

Nickel, chrome, mercury tin, copper

Production of lead batteries

Lead, nickel, cadmium


Manufacture of devices for the electrical and electronic industry

Lead, antimony, zinc, bismuth


Production of superphosphate fertilizers

Strontium, zinc, fluorine

Rare earths, copper, chromium, m yshjak

Plastics production

yttrium, copper, zinc, silver

Building materials industry

Cement production (when using waste from metallurgical production in cement production, accumulation of other metals in soils is also possible)

Production of concrete products

Mercury, strontium, zinc

Printing industry

Type foundries, printing houses

Lead, zinc, tin

Municipal solid waste from large cities used as fertilizer

Lead, cadmium, tin, copper, silver, antimony, zinc


Sewage sludge

Lead, cadmium, vanadium, nickel, tin, chromium, copper, zinc

Mercury, silver

Polluted irrigation water

Lead, zinc


*) K c - the concentration coefficient of a chemical element is determined by the ratio of its actual content in the soil (C i ) to background (С f ): К с = .

Annex 2

Assignment of chemicals that enter the soil from emissions, discharges, wastes, to hazard classes (according to GOST "Nature protection. Soils. Classification of chemicals for pollution control" Gosstandart, M., 1983)

Annex 3

Chemicals - estimated indicators determined according to ST SEV 4470-84 “Nature Protection. Soils. Nomenclature of indicators of the sanitary condition "for soil quality control, taking into account the nature of land use

The name of indicators

Applicability of indicators of the sanitary condition of soils


Resorts and recreation areas

Zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources

Sanitary protection zones of enterprises

Transport lands

agricultural land

forest land

Pesticides (residues)*) , mg/kg -1

Heavy metals**), mg/kg -1

Oil and oil products, mg/kg -1

Volatile phenols, mg/kg -1

Sulfur compounds**), mg/kg -1

Detergents (anionic and cationic)**), mg/kg -1

Carcinogenic substances**), µg/kg -1

Arsenic, mg/kg -1

Cyanides, mg/kg -1

Polychloride biphenyls, µg/kg -1

radioactive substances

Macrochemical fertilizers*), g/kg -1

Microchemical fertilizers*), mg/kg -1

*) The choice of appropriate indicators depends on the chemical composition of agricultural chemicals used in a particular area.

**) The choice of appropriate indicators depends on the nature of industrial emissions.


The “+” sign means that the existing indicator is required to determine the sanitary condition of soils;

The sign "-" - the indicator is optional.

Sign « ± » - the indicator is required if there is a source of pollution. Less than 0.1

Not dangerous

Hazard class calculation formula ( z)

z = log


A is the atomic weight of the corresponding element;

M is the molecular weight of the chemical compound, which includes this element;

S - solubility in water of a chemical compound (mg/l);

a - arithmetic mean of six MPCs of chemicals in different food products (meat, fish, milk, bread, vegetables, fruits);

MPC is the maximum allowable concentration of an element in the soil.


During the state examination of the results of engineering and environmental surveys, experts often encounter a situation where an incorrectly defined category of soil and soil pollution leads to the adoption of unreasonable design decisions regarding land reclamation

K.O. Kunakov

Chief Specialist

Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Ecological Expertise

Contradictions in Legislation and Assessment of Categories of Soil Contamination with Heavy Metals at the Stage of Engineering and Environmental Surveys

The Russian regulatory framework today is distinguished by a number of contradictions in the regulation of methodological approaches to the implementation of engineering and environmental surveys, which leads to the lack of uniform criteria for assessing the state of environmental components and uncertainty in making design decisions. In particular, there is no unified methodological approach to the assessment of soil and soil pollution, which is carried out as part of engineering and environmental surveys.

During the state examination of the results of engineering and environmental surveys, experts often encounter a situation where an incorrectly defined category of soil and soil pollution leads to the adoption of unreasonable design decisions regarding land reclamation. The problem of assessing soil pollution is especially relevant in the development of project documentation for capital construction projects in cities, industrial enterprises, areas of geochemical anomalies in untouched territories, agricultural lands. The degree of soil contamination directly affects their subsequent use. So, for example, a contaminated fertile layer is not subject to removal, soils and soils with an extremely dangerous category of pollution are subject to disposal or disposal. During the state examination of the results of engineering and environmental surveys, experts often encounter a situation where an incorrectly defined category of soil and soil pollution leads to the adoption of unreasonable design decisions regarding land reclamation. A typical example of such a situation is the assignment of soils to the permissible category of pollution instead of moderately hazardous, as a result, the project documentation does not provide for covering these soils with a layer of clean soil. Or, on the contrary, the contaminated layer is erroneously considered uncontaminated, and the scope of work provides for its removal and storage as fertile.

Contradictions identified in the regulatory framework affect such issues as the application of hygienic standards in determining the category of soil pollution with heavy metals and the determination of the total indicator of soil pollution (Zc).

The main regulatory documents regulating methodological approaches to the implementation of engineering and environmental surveys, including the determination of soil pollution, are:

  • SP 47.13330.2012 “Engineering surveys for construction. Basic Provisions",
  • SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for soil quality",
  • SP 11-102-97 "Engineering and environmental surveys for construction",
  • MU "Hygienic assessment of soil quality in populated areas".

The standard list of metals to be determined in soil is established in clause 8.4.13 of SP 47.13330.2012 and clause 6.4 of SanPiN It includes heavy metals, petroleum products and benzo(a)pyrene. Unfortunately, the method of sample preparation and the determined form of heavy metals (gross, water-soluble, acid-soluble and mobile forms) are not specified in these documents. SanPiN indicates that the determination of the content of pollutants in soils is carried out by methods used in the justification of hygienic standards or other certified methods.

According to Article 21 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", the content of chemicals should not exceed the maximum allowable concentrations (levels) established by sanitary rules. SanPiN, in turn, indicate that the content of heavy metals in the soils of residential buildings should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) or approximately permissible concentrations (APC). The assessment of soil contamination as a whole is carried out in accordance with Appendix 1 "Assessment of the degree of chemical contamination of the soil" to the SanPiN data, taking into account the hazard classes of the elements. Currently, hygienic standards GN (MPC) and GN (ODC) have been developed for inorganic pollutants of natural origin (heavy metals).

Fundamental contradictions arise in the issue of hygienic assessment: clauses 3.3 and Appendix 1 establish criteria for determining the categories of soil pollution with heavy metals according to MPC (APC) and Kmax values. At the same time, Kmax is the maximum value of the allowable level of the content of the element according to one of the four indicators of harmfulness. That is, of the four main limiting indicators of harmfulness (translocation, general sanitary, water-migration and air-migration) Kmax is the maximum possible permissible concentration, when the other limiting indicators of harmfulness have already been exceeded.

MPCs of heavy metals of the standard list (gross or mobile form) are developed only for one of the indicators of harmfulness (translocation or general sanitary) without division into soil types. AECs have been developed for the gross forms of heavy metals, regardless of the hazard indicators, and for three lithogeochemical soil groups. Kmax values ​​are given only in MU, however, this document is not subject to state registration, does not apply to sanitary rules, and the levels of permissible content of elements indicated in it (including Kmax) are not hygienic standards. Note that the mandatory state registration of sanitary norms and rules is established by the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Rationing, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 No. 554.

Thus, today in the Russian Federation there are no hygienic standards for the permissible level of heavy metals in the soil for all indicators of harmfulness, which would allow a full assessment of the quality of the soil. Within the meaning of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" and paragraphs 3.2, 3.3 of SanPiN, and also taking into account that the hygienic standards for maximum permissible concentrations and allowable concentrations of chemicals in the soil, established by GN, GN, are developed for the same elements, have equal legal force and the same scope, the legislation does not put forward an unambiguous requirement to determine the shape of the element for comparison only with MPC in the presence of AEC for another form of the element.

The choice of a specific technique for sample preparation and determination of heavy metals is within the competence of the prospector and should be based on the nature of the territory and soil cover, the expected structure and sources of pollution, and the available logistics. Since there are no uniform criteria, one should be guided by the requirements of clause 4.14 of SP 47.13330.2012, according to which the engineering survey contractor justifies the scope and scope of work, the methodology and technology for their implementation in the engineering survey program. Accordingly, the choice of a specific method for sample preparation and determination of heavy metals is within the competence of the prospector and should be based on the nature of the territory and soil cover, the expected structure and sources of pollution, and the available logistics. In general, such an approach should provide sufficient research results to make informed decisions on further soil management.

Returning to the concept of "maximum permissible levels" (MPL) in relation to the content of chemicals, it should be noted that Appendix 1 of SanPiN establishes a criterion for classifying soils into various pollution categories, including the value of the total pollution index Zc. To calculate the latter, information is required on the background values ​​of heavy metal concentrations, which, according to paragraph 8.4.13 of SP 47.13330.2012, can be obtained in the course of engineering and environmental surveys in the absence of data on the regional background content of elements. This is a universal indicator that can always be calculated by the surveyor and for which there are unambiguous criteria. The need to determine the total soil pollution (Zc) is established by paragraph 8.4.13 of SP 47.13330.2012 and paragraph 6.4 of SanPiN along with chemicals.

Appendix 1 to SanPiN indicates that the calculation of Zc is carried out in accordance with the guidelines for the hygienic assessment of soil quality in populated areas, that is, the above-mentioned MU

Methods for calculating this indicator also have discrepancies. In the course of reviewing reports on engineering and environmental surveys, there are results of calculating the total pollution indicator, which takes negative values. According to paragraph 6.7 of MU "Hygienic assessment of soil quality in populated areas", the following method for calculating Zc is given:

Z c \u003d S (K with i + ... + K cn) - (n-1), where

n is the number of determined summable substances;

К сi - concentration coefficient of the i-th pollution component»

Thus, a verbatim reading of this paragraph implies the summation of all heavy metal concentration factors.

This method of calculation in the text of MU almost completely copies the "Guidelines for assessing the degree of danger of soil contamination with chemicals", approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 4266-87. In accordance with these instructions, the calculation is carried out as follows:

Z c \u003d - (n - 1)

where n is the number of summed elements.

concentration coefficient of a chemical substance (K c), which is determined by the ratio of its actual content in the soil (C) to the background (C f): K c =

Both documents refer to the original source - "Methodological recommendations for geochemical assessment of pollution of urban areas with chemical elements" (M., IMGRE, 1982).

This technique, as well as in SP 11-102-97 and SP 47.13330, is characterized by a fundamental difference from the guidelines approved by the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities: when calculating Zc, only those concentration coefficients of the element K i are summed up, where the measured concentration exceeds the background and K i >1. Accordingly, the summand number of summed coefficients n also decreases, since it reflects the number of not all determined elements, but only those that have an excess over the background. Elements whose concentration does not exceed the background concentration are not included in the calculation. Deviation from this provision and summation of the concentration coefficients of all elements, regardless of the excess of the value, leads to a paradoxical situation: Zc can take a negative value, which means the meaning of this calculation is lost. An increase in the number of summed elements can artificially reduce the value of Zc and, ultimately, incorrectly determine the category of soil pollution. For example, the result of the calculation may turn out to be slightly less than 16, while the correct value of the indicator is more than 16 and the category of soil pollution is actually moderately hazardous, and not acceptable due to incorrect calculation.

Summing up, we can say that the lack of unambiguous criteria for assessing the quality of the soil leads to uncertainty in making design decisions, which, in turn, for example, can lead to unreasonable costs for the developer when disposing of the soil, or, conversely, to failure to take measures to preserve the fertile soil. layer, placement on the surface of contaminated soils, which may cause harm to public health. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to substantiate a specific methodology for laboratory work - sample preparation and analysis of soils for contamination. At the same time, the total indicator of soil contamination with heavy metals Zc is a normatively substantiated and fairly universal criterion for the hygienic assessment of soils. An analysis of the methods for calculating the total indicator of soil pollution Zc showed that the most correct version of the calculation should be recognized as the method from the original source (M.: IMGRE, 1982), which is reproduced in SP 47.13330.2012.

Currently, specialists from interested organizations are working to update SP 11-102-97 "Engineering and environmental surveys for construction." Let's hope that the developers will pay close attention to the research methodology and criteria for assessing soil contamination as part of engineering and environmental surveys.
