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Losing a phone is a small tragedy for every person. Today, almost every phone contains a piece of the life of its user - these are photographs, social media, SMS messages, contacts and other important information. Due to these users, they are looking for the fastest and most efficient way to find a phone. This solution may seem search phone by IMEI .

Let’s immediately answer the main question of the topic: it is impossible to independently search for a phone by IMEI. There are several reasons for this:

1. A thief can change the IMEI of a device. IMEI is a unique numeric code that is assigned to each phone during production. You can usually find out IMEI in two ways:

Using USSD command. Open the dialing mode on your phone, enter the command *#06# and press the call key. The IMEI will be displayed on the phone screen.

Look under the device's battery. There is a sticker there that will tell you what IMEI your phone has. If the phone has a non-removable battery, the IMEI can be found on the box with the device and on the SIM card tray.

Using certain actions, a scammer can change your IMEI, which will cause your device to be considered non-existent.

2. The fact is that only the highest authorities have such powers as requesting the IMEI location. law enforcement agencies, which, as you understand, will not deal with ordinary phone thefts.

3. In turn, information about the location of the phone is provided by the cellular operator. However, the operator does not have the right to provide this information to ordinary users, but only to law enforcement agencies (see paragraph 2).

How to find a stolen phone.

1) First of all, of course, try to commit. If you lost your phone due to your own absent-mindedness, then a decent person could very well find it and return it to you. Naturally, you shouldn’t forget about rewards.

2) If you are the owner of an iPhone or Android, you can find your phone by geolocation. This method will only work if you have taken care of this in advance, i.e. or for Android “Android Remote Control”.

3) And, of course, if your device is expensive and contains a lot important information that needs to be returned, contact the nearest police station to file a report about the theft of your phone. Unfortunately, this does not always bring the expected result, but it’s worth trying your luck.

Conclusion. To avoid this situation, take care of your device: do not carry it in external pockets, do not leave it on the table in in public places, try not to use it in transport or on the street.

Lose mobile device, phone or tablet is quite simple. But finding it is quite the opposite. Despite this, there are many ways to find a smartphone. You can use the phone's imei - every manufacturer provides it.

But not all users correctly understand what Have means and why it is needed, how to use it independently. The question of how you can search for a phone using it via satellite, preferably for free, is being asked more and more often. Let's find out how to find a phone by imei.

First, let's look at what this number represents. Name is the individual identification number of a mobile device. It includes only fifteen digits. Even if you change your phone number, it will not change.

Even if your phone was stolen and a different SIM card was inserted based on your last name and first name, Name will be saved forever in the gadget’s memory. It is unlikely that it can be changed, although this is possible in some places. Our country is against changing such a number - they will be held criminally liable for this.

Is it possible to find a stolen phone yourself using it? Yes.

First you need to get to know him. How to determine Have: can be seen under the battery or by sending the command *#06#. Sometimes it is indicated closer to the place where you can find out the country of production.

How to find a stolen phone by imei

You can find a lost smartphone on your own, but it is better to go to a specialist while the lost phone is turned on. It is much easier to report a loss to the intelligence services than to search for how to find out Apple id by imei, solve problems using icloud.

If you want to find out the imei iPhone and seriously start searching for your lost one, it’s better not to get your hopes up. And don't look for icloud data. Theoretically, you can find your phone in this way, but in practice no one uses such ID codes. At least the police won’t help you - they rarely search for phone numbers here. You should not look for help on the phone manufacturer’s websites, any icloud services, or contact mobile operators.

Is it possible to find or track a phone using imei via the Internet?

It is hardly possible. On the Internet, various programs are offered for tracking your mobile phone using Imea, but such programs actually do not exist. If you find a suitable online service, be careful: do not pay for anything. The system itself must work for free, otherwise it is a scam.

The situation is even worse if the person who found or stole the phone, knowing modern technologies, changes this individual number. This is possible very rarely and usually only with Chinese gadgets.

Is it worth contacting intelligence agencies to track your device?

Contacting the special services is the most The best decision. They can quickly find a phone number using Name, because upon request, mobile operators quickly send them information.

Before purchasing a phone, check where the phone is made.

  • If the mobile phone is made in China, be wary. Usually a mobile phone in terms of security and location is a “tree” in such cases. A lot depends on the quality of the manufacturer's work. For example, apple products are easier to find. You will find them with the help of special services in both Russia and Kazakhstan.

Do not forget that the location is not always determined in this way. It only makes sense to search when the phone is turned on. And if he is in this state, you can simply call him and offer a reward.

How to find your phone if you lost it? Your location can be determined faster if you install location services on it in time. An excellent result is very possible, you just need to check and install the application in advance, while still near your smartphone.

There are many things without which modern man can easily get by, but a mobile phone is definitely not on this list.

And since a mobile phone has long been an integral part of our lives, its unexpected loss (and such a situation can easily happen to anyone) plunges us into a confused state.

Losing your favorite gadget is a nuisance from which no one is immune.

The loss of a favorite gadget makes us sad

And indeed, this device not only serves to make calls, but also contains a large number of confidential information, including a phone book with the numbers of our friends and closest people, a notebook with a lot of personal information, our favorite applications and games, memos and social network accounts with automatic login.

So, what should you do if your mobile device is lost (or stolen), and even if the situation is aggravated by the fact that the gadget is turned off due to, say, a dead battery?

First of all, you should not panic, but try, following the recommendations below, to find your irreplaceable loss.

Recommendation 1. We look for the phone in the suspected places of loss

Before starting the most global search, let’s make sure that we ourselves didn’t leave the device somewhere at work, in a taxi, or at a friend’s house during our last visit to them.

Our search would be greatly simplified by such a useful accessory as a keychain attached to a mobile phone and responding to our whistle or clap of the palm.

Therefore, if we are lucky and our phone is found somewhere in the house under a pile of things, the first thing we would like to do is to purchase such a keychain to make our life easier in the future.

Recommendation 2. If your Android phone is lost, the Android Device Manager service will help us

A special service from Google Android Device Manager will help you search

In the event that we have lost a mobile device based on Android, we can turn to a special service from Google, which is called Android Device Manager :

What should we do if the search did not produce results, and our lost device is also turned off? There is another way to search - via IMEI, which is known to be an original 15-digit number stamped on the body of each mobile device, usually under the battery.

As a rule, the 15-digit IMEI is located under the battery.

To find out the IMEI code on your phone, dial the USB combination *#06#

Note: In order to find out our phone number, it is not necessary to remove the case cover, just dial the USB combination *#06# on the phone and these numbers will appear on the screen of our device.

So, knowing the IMEI of a lost mobile phone, you can file a loss report with a law enforcement agency, whose employees will request the location of your device directly to the telecom operator and thus receive complete and reliable information about the location of your device and even the exact address of its new owner.

However, there is one “BUT” - police officers do not always take on the solution of such issues, but only in the case when a crime has been committed - theft. Otherwise, if it turns out that your phone is in your own home, then penalties cannot be avoided.

Recommendation 4. Search for a mobile device by satellite

This type of search is available to mere mortals only in two cases:

Let us consider in more detail the second case, as it is more probable. The above LoSToleN program works as follows - when replacing your SIM card on a stolen or lost device with new map, the command of this program is immediately activated, which sends you an SMS message to the specified “spare” number. After which you not only become aware that someone is using the phone, but also find out the number of its new owner. And then it’s up to you – either call and figure it out yourself, or contact the police.

Recommendation 5. An alternative way to search by satellite

Perhaps the site will help you find the device.

So, to begin an independent search for a mobile device via satellite, first of all, let’s connect to its monitoring on a special website

To do this on this resource Find the “free monitoring” section. We register in the system, indicating two mobile phone numbers - your current one, to which you want to receive information, and the number of the phone that we intend to look for.

The most important thing when registering and in further actions is to strictly follow the proposed instructions, which, however, are very simple - you just need to enter the missing subscriber’s number in a certain field and click the “search” function.

As a rule, all the information found is displayed on our monitor screen within a few minutes.


In conclusion, I would like to remind you of one truth - in order not to look for anything, it is better not to lose anything. Take care in advance about the safety of your phone and then you will never need all the above tips. Good luck!

Each phone, be it a functional smartphone or a simple push-button dialer, is assigned a unique IMEI code at the production stage, which is its identifier. Many of us have heard that IMEI can be used to locate lost or stolen devices. But is it?

The IMEI code, when assigned to a device, is applied both to the device itself (usually under the battery or on the SIM card tray) and is “driven in” programmatically, so it can be easily found in the device information menu or using a simple USSD request *#06# .

Is it possible to find a phone using the IMEI code?

From the very beginning, the IMEI code was created specifically to protect users' phones from theft. The fact is that this code can be known not only by the user, but also by the cellular operator, who, if the number is active, will always know the IMEI of the device, as well as its location.

Therefore, theoretically, it is possible to find a device using IMEI; however, a cellular operator has the right to disclose information about the location of a particular IMEI only if a corresponding request is received from law enforcement agencies. However, law enforcement agencies generally do not undertake to track down stolen phones unless it is connected to a more serious crime.

Is it possible to find a phone by IMEI using online services?

Nowadays on the Internet you can often find online services that provide services for searching for a phone by IMEI, using a satellite. Of course, none of these services provides such services for free.

It should be noted right away that such services are clean water fraud, since none of them, even in theory, can have access to the IMEI database and their location. It follows that visiting such resources, and then paying for services on them, is absolutely not worth it.

What to do if your phone was stolen?

Immediately contact the nearest police station and write a statement about the theft, providing accurate information about your device, preferably supporting this information with evidence of its ownership (a box with documentation and a receipt).

If you have a device search function on your smartphone, for example, on an iPhone this tool is called “Find iPhone”, then check the location of the device - if it is displayed, this information should also be immediately reported to the police.

Unfortunately, the practice is such that even after filing a statement with the police, a stolen device is rarely returned to the owner. However, judging by reviews on the Internet, there are exceptions when the police help in searching for the device and successfully find it.

I’ll look at a pressing question today: how to find a lost Android phone, and in very cool and cool ways.

All smartphones work via Android or iOS. The iOS security system is known to everyone and is carried out using special program, which allows you to track and find your phone. But what should Android owners do? Is there protection here and is it possible to find a lost phone? Let's figure it out further.

How to find a lost android phone when the phone is lost

Unfortunately, situations often occur when a phone is stolen or lost, and the question arises of how to find a lost Android phone. Many of you will immediately go to the nearest police station with a statement, but at the same time you know that the option positive result minimum.

Now I will tell you about reliable and effective ways finding a smartphone rather than going to the authorities. In order for you to be able to find a smartphone and track its location, complex actions are not required. However, you must have a Google account. If your data is not entered into the phone, you will not be able to find it.

You need to independently activate the “Remote control” item, in other words, set all the parameters. To do this, go to “My location” in the smartphone settings and check the “Allow tracking coordinates” box.

As you can see, everything is easy and simple. Google takes the issue of protecting personal information very seriously, so by checking this box, your smartphone will always be connected in case of loss.

How to search via computer

There is an Android Device Manager service specifically for searching through a computer, but if the gadget is turned off or all settings have been reset, then the capabilities are not so functional. However, no one claimed that thieves would be masters of this business, did they? To search for a device using this method, you must do the following on your computer:

  • Follow the special remote control link
  • Enter your username and password, and then log into your account. If you don’t have an account yet, be sure to create one, as it is very useful and necessary (after creation, also log into your account via your smartphone).
  • Then everything happens automatically, and you will see a window with the following information.

As you can see in the example, here you can remotely block your smartphone through your computer by pressing the appropriate button. You can also make a call or clear all data from the device’s memory.

If your phone is lost at home

Due to forgetfulness or his own absent-mindedness, a person can easily lose his phone at home. In this case, you can call yourself using this program via the Internet.

Your phone will ring within a few minutes, and this is completely independent of the set mode. This way, even when on silent, the phone will ring loudly and you can easily find it.

Send a message to a lost or stolen phone

If you have lost a gadget, and the person who found it wants to return it to the owner, because even in our time there are responsible people among us, then this can be contributed to. You can send a message to the number that will appear on the screen of your lost smartphone. We use the same service and the “Configure data blocking and deletion” button.

In the window that appears, you can do the following:

  • Enter a password with which you can lock the device.
  • Write a message, after reading which the person will return the mobile phone.

If it is not possible to return the gadget, then it is recommended to protect your personal data. To do this, click the “Clear” button. In this case, everything will be deleted and the phone will go to standard factory settings.

Additional programs

In addition to remote access, there are many other programs with similar functionality. The best of them is Lost Android. It is installed on the phone in the same way as other programs, that is, using the Play Market.

Helpful tip: after installation, the program will appear as Personal Notes with the appearance of a regular notebook. This is done so that thieves do not suspect anything. So don't worry if you don't find this program as recorded in the Market.

After running this program, give it administrator rights. To do this, press the appropriate button. How to do this can be seen from the screenshot below.

Then go to the official website of the application and log in again through Google. Enter your username and password, and then log into your account. All available functions are listed there.

These two methods I listed, through Google and the program, allow you to find even a turned off smartphone. This is achieved by the fact that Google services record the moment when the device was last turned on, and, accordingly, the location.

Find a phone by imei (via satellite) and by SIM card (by mobile phone number)

Here I hasten to disappoint, none of these methods will give results even through a computer using a phone number. Only law enforcement agencies, and even then the most advanced ones, can track the imei number via a computer. Those in the provinces may not rely on this method.

Of course, through a computer using a SIM card, you can determine extremely vague data like “Your phone is located in the city of Ivanovo.” Modern search services will not provide correct and accurate information; only the police have such technologies.

By phone number, also unlikely. Because as soon as they find the phone and want to keep it, they immediately throw away the SIM card, which makes tracking more difficult. You can’t even find it through your computer if it’s turned on (phone), mobile operators don’t bother themselves with such actions, although they are obliged to.

Do not waste time on these methods, but more about them below, at the end of the article.

Protection with avast! Anti-Theft for Android

In case of loss, you can pre-set your phone. To do this, I found a very interesting program that caught my attention. Here's what to do:

  • Download avast antivirus! Mobile Security and open it.
  • Go to the settings menu and check the “PIN code protection” and “Deletion protection” checkboxes. If a person detects an antivirus, he will not be able to get rid of it until he enters the PIN code.
  • Then we create account avast.
  • Go to the official antivirus service and click Create Account Now, set your email and enter your password.

From now on, your phone is protected.

Setting up the avast app! Anti-Theft in the gadget

The advanced settings menu in this program provides the following functions:

  1. Protective, that is, what needs to be done to the phone if it is lost. You can lock the gadget, set an alarm, block access to settings, and notify about low battery charge.
  2. Blocking text, information deletion and GPS tracking. Here you can enter text that will be displayed on the phone screen. Your device is now completely protected.

Last method

If the previous methods did not produce results for one reason or another, for example, you forgot the login and password for your Google account or did not create an account at all, then there is one more, as they say, as a last resort.

It is impossible to find your smartphone using your phone number. But you, as a victim, can come to the police station, write a statement and attach evidence that this is really your phone. Among them are the following:

  • Warranty card.
  • Purchase receipt.
  • Gadget box.
  • IMEI code.

Advice for those who have not yet lost their phone: be sure to write down your IMEI code. You can find it out using the command *#06#.

Based on the previous text, finding a phone by imei address is not very easy, more precisely, it is 0.5%, as statistics show, and less every year. But if you decide to go with this method, then I don’t envy you, it’s very difficult, the only worthwhile means is the police.


That's all, dear friends! I have listed the most reliable methods for finding a stolen phone. In conclusion, I want to give two main and useful tips:

  1. If possible, turn on the Internet on your smartphone to access data in case of loss.
  2. Set a screen lock. This is done like this: security - encrypt the device - set the lock type - password or pattern.

I hope my advice will be useful to you and you will find the answer in the article to the question of how to find a lost Android phone, although it is better not to encounter this situation at all. Subscribe to my blog, leave comments and share the link on social networks.
