Presentation of the treasury of the earth under the protection of man. Topic: "Treasures of the Earth under the protection of mankind"

Seven Wonders of the World

In-ra-zi-tel-nye your-re-re-tion of the hands of a man-lo-ve-ka on-zy-va-yut "Seven Wonders of the World". Much to our regret, we won’t be able to see them, they were razed by a man.

Rice. 1. Vi-sya-che gardens of Se-mi-ra-mi-dy ( image-ra-same-tion of re-creation-of-creation-but with the help of computer-p-ter-noy gra-fi-ki) (Source)

The hanging gardens of Se-mi-ra-mi-dy (Fig. 1) were beyond the top-le-na.

Rice. 2. Temple of Ar-te-mi-dy of Ephesus ( ) (Source)

The temple of Ar-te-mi-dy of Ephesus (Fig. 2) twice-ru-sha-li.

Rice. 3. Statue of Zeus Olym-pius-go-go ( copy) (Source)

Statue of Zeus Olimpiy-sky-go (Fig. 3) sgo-re-la.

Rice. 4. Mav-zo-lei in Ga-li-kar-na-se ( image-ra-same-nie re-creation-but with the help of com-p-ter-noy gra-fi-ki) (Source)

Mav-zo-lei in Ga-li-kar-na-se (Fig. 4) was disassembled in the 15th century. kre-sto-nose-tsy for building-ki-kre-po-sti.

Rice. 5. Co-loss Ro-dos-sky ( image-ra-same-nie re-creation-but with the help of com-p-ter-noy gra-fi-ki) (Source)

Rice. 6. Alek-san-driy-sky lighthouse ( layout)(Source)

The co-loss of Rho-dos-sky (Fig. 5) and the Alek-Sandria lighthouse (Fig. 6) collapsed at the earth-le-try-se-ni-yah.

And only one miracle - the Egyptian pi-ra-mi-dy (Fig. 7) - survived until our time.

Rice. 7. Egyptian pi-ra-mi-dy (Is-toch-nick)

world heritage

So that the world does not lose in the future priceless treasures, the idea arose to announce you -me-cha-tel-no-sti nature and culture-tu-ry

The all-world heritage includes objects of nature, united by the name “All-world-nature- noe-heritage, ”and the objects of your-re-re-tion of human hands, united under the name“ All-world-noe cultural heritage". These two parts are inseparable from each other, about which go-vo-rit and em-ble-ma All-the-world-no-go-on-the-follow (approved in 1978) (Fig. 8 ).

Rice. 8. Em-ble-ma

The circle of sim-in-li-zi-ru-et comes with-ro-du, and the square in the center is your-re-tion of human hands.

At the present time, a list of all-the-world-but-on-the-follow-dia (more than 900 objects) has been created, some-year-by-year-but by the floor - no-no.

State-su-dar-stvo, on the ter-ri-to-rii of someone-ro-go on-ho-dit-sya object All-the-world-no-go-on-the-follow-dia, takes upon itself the obligation -for-tel-stva for its preservation.

grand canyon

In North America, there is the Big Canyon (Grand Canyon), one of the deepest canyons in the world (Fig. . 9).

Iguazu Falls

The river Ko-lo-ra-do ve-ka-mi pro-bi-va-la your way, about-ra-zo-vav a huge gorge, along the bottom of someone-ro-go with a speed -at a speed of 20 km / h, its red-brown-rich-not-high waters rush (Fig. 10-11).

In South America, there are races-by-lo-women in-to-pad Igua-su. This is a unique complex of 270 from del del waters to pas, some have a shi-ri-nu of about 2.7 km. In-up-to-pa-dy races-on-the-same-us on the length of the entire river (Fig. 12-14).

Victoria Falls

In South Africa, one of the grandest di-laz-ny waters-do-pads of the world - Vik-to-riya (Fig. 15-17) . His shi-ri-na is about 1800 meters, you-so-ta - 108 meters. Falling from such a huge you-so-you, drops of water break-b-va-ut-sya into shallow-tea-shie parts of water-dya-no-go tu-ma-na, under-no -ma-yu-shche-go-sya more than 400 m and vi-di-mo-go from a distance of 20 km.

Serengeti National Park

There is a unique place in Af-ri-ke - Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti, in some-rum so-br-na is-che-for-yu species of animals and races (Fig. 18-20).

Rice. 18. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti (Is-toch-nick)

Rice. 19. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti (Is-toch-nick)

Rice. 20. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti (Is-toch-nick)

In dense thickets of acacia you can see elephants and zhi-ra-fs (Fig. 21, 22),

Rice. 21. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti. Elephants (Is-point-nick)

Rice. 22. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti. Zhi-ra-fy (Is-toch-nick)

in the sa-bath, pa-sut-sya Af-ri-kan-skie bui-vo-ly, ga-ze-li, an-ti-lo-py wildebeest (Fig. 23-25),

Rice. 23. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti. Af-ri-kan-sky buffalo (Is-toch-nick)

Rice. 24. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti. Gazelle (Is-toch-nick)

Rice. 25. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti. An-ti-lo-py wildebeest (Is-toch-nick)

in the thickets of thick grass, lions and ge-par-dy came (Fig. 26-27),

Rice. 26. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti. Leo (Is-point-nick)

Rice. 27. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti. Cheetah (Is-point-nick)

in the winding rivers there are many be-ge-mo-tov and cro-co-di-lov (Fig. 28-29).

Rice. 28. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti. Cro-co-di-ly (Is-toch-nick)

Rice. 29. Na-tsi-o-nal-ny park Se-ren-ge-ti. Be-ge-mo-you (Is-point-nick)

Great Barrier Reef

Off the coast of Australia, there are races of the Great Barrier Reef, which is the largest eco-si-ste- mine in the world (Fig. 30-32). He-becomes-la-is a co-lo-nia of cor-ral-lo-vy-po-lipov, of which for hundreds of years the formations-mi-ro-wa-lis-ro-va , voz-you-sha-yu-shchi-e-sya over the top of the ocean-a-on.

Rice. 30. Big Barrier Reef (Is-toch-nick)

Rice. 31. Big Barrier Reef (Is-toch-nick)

Rice. 32. Big Barrier Reef (Is-toch-nick)

More than 400 species of coral-fish, 500 species of fish, green che-re-pa-hi, various mol-lus-ki (ra-ko-vin-ny some of them can weigh more than 200 kg) (Fig. 33-37).

Rice. 33. Big Barrier Reef. Koral-lo-vye-li-py (Is-toch-nick)

Rice. 34. Big Barrier Reef. Ko-ral-ly, fish (Is-toch-nick)

Rice. 35. Big Barrier Reef. Ko-ral-ly, fish (Is-toch-nick)

Rice. 36. Big Barrier Reef. Ze-le-naya che-re-pa-ha (Is-toch-nick)

Rice. 37. Big Barrier Reef. Ra-ko-vi-na (Is-toch-nick)


In Russia, the Golden Mountains of Eurasia are the Altai. Such a name is connected with the Turkic word "altyn" - golden. Altai is the si-ste-ma of the highest ridges in the Si-bi-ri (Fig. 38-40).

Volcanoes of Kamchatka

In Russia, there is another object of the All-the-world-no-on-the-follow-dia - vul-ka-ny Kam-chat-ki, the exact number of it is impossible to determine some of them (about 1000, 28 of them are active). This area is made up of a large number of volcanoes, gey-zero-ditches, mountain ranges, lakes, rivers and water-to-pads (Fig. 41-43).

Lake Baikal

Zhem-chu-zhi-noy Si-bi-ri na-zy-va-yut lake Bai-kal - deep-bo-tea-neck lake in the world (mak-si-mal-naya deep-bi-na - 1637 m ) (Fig. 44-46). Bai-kal is not only a huge reservoir of fresh water, but also a habitat for many species of animals and races that those are not found anywhere else in the world. On the shore of Lake Bai-kal, a whole-lu-loz-but-bu-mazh-ny plant was built, during the work, someone-ro-go was dumped into the lake she-but a huge number of wastewater. In order to protect the unique species of animals and races, Lake Bai-kal was given the status of an object of the All-world-no-go at -genus-but-go on-follow-dia.

Abu Simbel

To the objects of the cultural-tour-no-go-on-the-follow-from-but-syat-sya your-re-niya of human hands.

In Egypt, there is a temple of Abu Sim-bel, someone was saved from over-top-le-ning (Fig. 47).

This is one of the largest in-zhe-ner-no-ar-heo-lo-gi-che-sky operas-ra-qi-ey in the spa-se-niyu of the object All-world-no- go on-follow-dia: the temple was ak-ku-rat-but dismantled and be-rezh-but re-re-not-sen to a safe place. Now we can love-whether-wh-tven-us-mi hundred-tu-i-mi of the temple, you-se-chen-ny-mi right in the rock.


Mem-fis is the ancient capital of Egypt, around which there were ancient temples and pi-ra-mi-dy (Fig. 48, 49) .

Rice. 49. Mem-fis. Necropolis. Pi-ra-mi-dy. Sphinx (Is-point-nickname)

Athens Acropolis

The Athenian Ak-ro-pol is another object of the All-world-no-go culture-tour-no-go-on-the-follow-dia. Ak-ro-pol - the elevated fortified part of the ancient city. Temple of Athena, Par-fe-non, - the central object of Ak-ro-po-la, ve-li-che-stven-but rising-you-sha-yu-schi-sya over the city -house (Fig. 50).

Rice. 50. Athenian Ak-ro-pol. Par-fe-non (Is-toch-nick)

Taj Mahal

Taj-Ma-hal is a pa-myat-nik of the tender love of mu-sul-man-sko-go ko-ro-la Ve-li-kih Mo-go-lov Shah Ja-ha-na for his wife - fabulous beauty-sa-vi-tse Mum-taz Mahal. Grieving for his deceased su-pru-ge, the shah p-ka-hall voz-ve-sti ve-li-chest-ny mav-zo-lei, for the construction of someone-ro- 20 thousand of the best masters were eaten from all over the world. And after 22 years, white marble ku-po-la shot up, and the Taj itself, reflecting in the water, seems to be floating in the sky. Undoubtedly, this is the most beautiful building in India (Fig. 51).

Synopsis of the world around

Subject: Treasures of the Earth under the protection of mankind.


    to acquaint students with World Heritage sites, to show the beauty and originality of these sights;

    develop cognitive activity;

    learn to draw conclusions;

    cultivate love and respect for nature.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, computer.

Lesson structure

    Organizational moment 1 min.

    Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson 1 min.

    Checking homework 10 min.

    Learning new material 15 min.

    Summary of the lesson 5 min.

    Homework 3 min.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment

Teacher: Stand up correctly, straighten your backs. The first row sat quietly, the second row sat quietly, the third row sat quietly.

II. Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Teacher: Today in the lesson we will learn about the treasures of the Earth, protected by man, about the World heritage of nature and culture.

III. Checking homework


Let's get to work soon.

Let the lesson be interesting!

And now I would like to know

How many ecologists have a class of knowledge on "five".

Teacher: Tell me what ecology is and who ecologists are.

(Children retell the text of the textbook).

Teacher: Guys, what are the causes of ocean pollution?

Children: The causes of ocean pollution are: oil products, industrial and household waste, wastewater from fields and farms, poisonous and radioactive waste that people dump into the seas and oceans.

Teacher: Is cutting down rainforest environmental problem and why?

Children: Deforestation is an environmental problem of the Earth. The forests give us a large number of clean air.

Teacher: What emblem does the International environmental organization Greenpeace?

Children: The international environmental organization Greenpeace has an emblem depicting a panda.

Teacher: Well done guys! And now we are moving on to the study of new material.

IV. Study of new material

Teacher: What do you think can be attributed to the treasures of our planet?

(Children give their answers).

The guys, in ancient times, unusual creations of human hands, which amazed contemporaries with their beauty, size, technique, were called "Seven Wonders of the World". Unfortunately, we will not be able to see them in all their splendor, they were destroyed by man, and only one miracle - the Egyptian pyramids - has survived to our time.

(Drawings of the "Seven Wonders of the World" are shown)

Egyptian pyramids;

- "Hanging Gardens of Babylon;

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus;

Zeus Olympian;

Mausoleum in Halicarnassus;

Faros lighthouse;

Colossus of Rados.

Time did not spare these wonderful creations. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were flooded. The Temple of Artemis was destroyed twice. The statue of Zeus burned down. The mausoleum was dismantled in the 15th century. crusaders to build a fortress. The colossus collapsed in an earthquake. The same fate befell the Lighthouse of Alexandria. And only the pyramids survived. No wonder they say that time is afraid of them.

So that the world would not be deprived of priceless treasures in the future, the idea arose to declare outstanding sights of nature and culture a World Heritage Site.

World Heritage includes objects of nature, united by the name "World Natural Heritage", and objects of human creation, united by the name "World Cultural Heritage". These two parts are inseparable from each other, this is evidenced by the World Heritage emblem (show emblem).

The circle symbolizes nature, and the square in the center is the creation of human hands.

Currently, the World Heritage List has been created, which is updated annually.

Let's study the map-scheme on page 56.

Natural heritage sites include:

1. Grand Canyon in North America.

2. Iguazu Falls in South America.

3. Victoria Falls in Africa.

4. Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia.

5. Volcanoes of Kamchatka.

6. Lake Baikal.

7. Altai - Golden mountains in Eurasia.

The objects of cultural heritage are :

1. Statue of Liberty in New York.

2. Abu Simbel.

3. Memphis - ancient capital Egypt.

4. Athens Acropolis.

5. Venice.

6. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square.

7. Kizhi - wooden churches.

8. Historical center of St. Petersburg.

9. Great Wall of China.

V. Summary of the lesson

Teacher: What is World Heritage?

Children: World heritage is unique objects of nature and objects of human creation, which the whole world cherishes.

Teacher: What two groups is the World Heritage divided into?

Children: Natural and cultural

Teacher: What is natural and what is cultural heritage?

Children: Natural heritage includes unique monuments of nature, and cultural heritage includes unique structures created by man.

VI. Homework.

Teacher: Open your diaries and write down homework:

Pages 54-59 story, prepare a report on one of the World Heritage sites that were discussed in the lesson today.

The lesson is over. You can go to rest.

Throughout the history of mankind, unique creations, real masterpieces of architecture, have been created by the hands of people, which surprised and continue to amaze contemporaries. No less valuable are natural resources, which also need the most careful treatment. Let us consider in more detail the topic "Treasures of the Earth under the protection of mankind."

What is World Heritage?

Active human activity has caused many cultural monuments and unique natural complexes to be under the threat of destruction. To prevent this from happening, it was decided to take them under protection and declare them a World Heritage Site.

Thus, a list of the most significant, most outstanding sights appeared, which are of particular value to all mankind. This list is maintained by the largest international organization- UNESCO.

World Heritage includes:

  • objects of nature - World Natural Heritage;
  • human creations - World Cultural Heritage.

These are two indivisible parts of one whole.

TOP 4 articleswho read along with this

The World Heritage emblem looks like a circle with a square inside. The circle is a symbol of nature, and the square is a symbol of human creativity.

Rice. 1. Emblem of World Heritage

world natural heritage

The nature of our planet is amazing. She is able to amaze and delight with her creations. So that our descendants can also admire them, natural treasures should be protected as carefully as possible. On the globe There are many of them, consider the most famous:

  • Great Barrier Reef - amazing beauty natural complex with over 2,000 individual reefs. It is located on the east coast of Australia and is about 18 million years old. The underwater world of the Great Reef is incredibly rich and diverse.

Rice. 2. Great Barrier Reef

  • national park Grand Canyon - one of the oldest national parks USA. It looks like a huge chasm in the Colorado Plateau, Arizona. The canyon is 446 km long, 8-29 km wide and up to 1.8 km deep in some places. This creation of nature impresses with its scale and harsh, untouched nature.
  • Niagara Falls - a complex consisting of three largest waterfall cascades. Located on the US-Canada border. This is one of the most powerful and majestic waterfalls in the world.

world cultural heritage

  • the great Wall of China - a defensive wall stretching along the mountain range of northern China. Its length is more than 21 thousand km, and its height is about 7 m. It is the largest architectural monument of Ancient China.

Rice. 3. Great Wall of China

  • Egyptian pyramids - ancient stone structures of a pyramidal shape, located in Egypt. Most of them are the tombs of the great pharaohs. The largest is the famous pyramid of Cheops, which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Until now, the mystery of the construction of these monumental structures has not been solved. Modern scientists cannot give exact answers to many questions. Who created these tombs? What technologies were used for this? What is the true purpose of the pyramids?

What have we learned?

According to the program of the surrounding world for the 4th grade, we learned that the treasures of the Earth under the protection of mankind are of great value. These include both unique monuments of nature and creations created by human hand.

Report Evaluation

Average rating: 4.3. Total ratings received: 28.

Lesson type: combined


– formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of a person’s place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value understanding of a child personal experience communication with people and nature;

Characteristics of students' activities

Understand learning objectives of the lesson, strive to fulfill them.

To tell about reasons for the World Heritage List. Distinguish objects of the World natural cultural heritage. Work in pairs: get to know each other according to the map - scheme with the most significant World Heritage sites, determine them from photographs, meet according to the drawing of the textbook and read about the animal from the International Red Book. Prepare messages about World Heritage sites.

Formulate conclusions from the studied material, reply for final questions and evaluate achievement in the classroom.

Planned results

Subject (know, be able)

Know rules of human behavior, monuments of history and culture.

Be able to use knowledge to assess human impact on nature.

Metasubject (Regulatory. Cognitive. communicative)

P. - search for the necessary information to perform learning tasks using various sources.

R. - to show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation.

K. - to formulate one's own opinion and position; be active in interaction

Personal Outcomes

Motivational basis learning activities, including educational and cognitive motives.

Self-assessment based on the criteria for the success of educational activities

Basic concepts and definitions

Preparing for the assimilation of new material

We learn what the World Heritage and the international Red Book are. We will learn to give examples of World Heritage sites and animals from the international Red Book.

Think about what the words "World Heritage" might mean. If you know what it is, be prepared to explain it in class. Remember what you know about the Red Book of Russia. Name some plants and animals from this book

Learning new material



In the 60s of the XX century in Egypt, a giant dam was built on the Nile River. An artificial lake was formed, stretching for hundreds of kilometers. The water in it kept coming, and it was under the threat of flooding. unique monument antiquity - Temple of Abu Simbol. The whole world was in alarm: will the amazing temple really disappear from the face of the earth?! A project for his rescue was urgently developed. And people managed to perform a miracle: in short term a huge temple carved into the rock has been moved to a safe place! To do this, he was cut into thousands of blocks and recreated on a higher site, where the water did not threaten him.

Humanity learned a very serious lesson from this incident. People realized that due to ill-conceived economic activity the whole world may lose priceless treasures. There was an idea to announce the most outstanding sights of nature and culture world heritage, subject to mandatory protection. This is how the World Heritage List was born. It is run by an authoritative international organization - UNESCO (United Nations Organization for
issues of education, science and culture).

World Heritage includes objects of nature (World Natural Heritage) and human friction (World Cultural Heritage). These are two inseparable parts of one whole. Their unity is emphasized by the World Heritage emblem, in which the circle symbolizes nature, and the square
in the center are human creations.

Like most countries of the world, Russia supported the idea of ​​creating the World Heritage List. Now it includes a number of objects of nature and culture of our country. The UNESCO World Heritage List is replenished every year.

Comprehension and understanding of the acquired knowledge

Examine the map.(1,2,3) . Use it to find out which properties are inscribed on the World Heritage List. Which of them belong to the GL) natural heritage, and which - to the cultural one? Which of the objects on this list are in Russia? Complete the assignment in your workbook.




Identify World Heritage Sites from photographs. Check yourself on the Self-Check Pages. Find these objects on the map.

Read the text. Use it as a template for preparing your own message.

Lake Baikal

This is the deepest lake in the world. Its greatest depth is 1642 meters! It contains 1/5 of the entire fresh water planets. If it suddenly happened that all the people of the world were left without drinking water, then in Lake Baikal there would be enough water for all mankind for 7,000 years! The lake is home to a variety of plants and animals. Almost 2/3 of them are found only here and nowhere else!

Unfortunately, a pulp and paper mill was built on the shores of the great lake. During its existence, a huge amount of sewage has been dumped into the lake. They were enough to spoil a large part of the purest Baikal water. Pollution kills the crustaceans living in the lake, which are able to filter and purify water. Fish in Baikal began to grow more slowly, its fertility decreased. Living organisms that are not found anywhere else in the world are dying ...

Let's discuss!

How will you complete your story about the world from the point of view of an ecologist, using the knowledge gained in the lesson?

Independent application knowledge

What is World Heritage? 2. Give examples of World natural and cultural heritage sites. 3. What World Heritage sites are located in Russia? 4. What is the IUCN Red List? 5. Give examples of animals from the international Red Book.


World heritage is the most outstanding sights of nature and culture of the whole world, subject to mandatory protection. The International Red Book (IUCN Red Book) is a book that lists the rarest species of plants and animals. different countries.

Homework assignment

With the help of an encyclopedia, other additional literature or the Internet, prepare a report about one of the World Heritage sites, about one of the animals of the international Red Book (of your choice).

Treasures of the Earth under the protection of mankind

Objectives: 1. To acquaint with the World Heritage sites, to show the beauty and originality of these sights. 2. To acquaint with the International Red Data Book. 3. To form a conviction about the personal responsibility of each person for the state of the natural environment.

We will learn about the treasures of the Earth, protected by man, about the World Heritage of nature, culture, and the International Red Book. In ancient times, unusual creations of human hands, striking contemporaries with their beauty, size, technique, were called "Seven Wonders of the World". Unfortunately, we will not be able to see them in all their splendor, they were destroyed by man, and only one miracle - the Egyptian pyramids - has survived to our time.

"Seven Wonders of the World" - Egyptian pyramids; - "Hanging Gardens of Babylon; - Temple of Artemis of Ephesus; - Olympian Zeus; - mausoleum in Halicarnassus; - Faros lighthouse; - Colossus of Rados.

Time did not spare these wonderful creations. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were flooded. The Temple of Artemis was destroyed twice. The statue of Zeus burned down. The mausoleum was dismantled in the 15th century. crusaders to build a fortress. The colossus collapsed in an earthquake. The same fate befell the Lighthouse of Alexandria. And only the pyramids survived. No wonder they say that time is afraid of them.

So that the world would not be deprived of priceless treasures in the future, the idea arose to declare outstanding sights of nature and culture a World Heritage Site.

World Heritage includes objects of nature, united by the name "World Natural Heritage", and objects of human creation, united by the name "World Cultural Heritage".

These two parts are inseparable from each other, this is evidenced by the emblem of the World Heritage. The circle symbolizes nature, and the square in the center is the creation of human hands. Currently, the World Heritage List has been created, which is updated annually.

Natural heritage sites include: 1. The Grand Canyon in North America. 2. Iguazu Falls in South America. 3. Victoria Falls in Africa. 4. Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. 5. Volcanoes of Kamchatka. 6. Lake Baikal. 7. Altai - Golden mountains in Eurasia.

Cultural heritage sites include: 1. The Statue of Liberty in New York. 2. Abu Simbel. 3. Memphis - the ancient capital of Egypt. 4. Athens Acropolis. 5. Venice. 6. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square. 7. Kizhi - wooden churches. 8. Historical center of St. Petersburg. 9. Great Wall of China.

The priceless treasures of the Earth include rare and endangered species of plants and animals. The idea of ​​creating the Red Book arose in the late fifties of the XX century.

Scientists considered it extremely important to draw the attention of the international community and the leaders of individual states to the disastrous state of nature. The Red Book was first published in 1966 and included descriptions of 200 plant species.

The main goal of the book is to identify and account for those species of organisms that may disappear, for the conservation of which special protection measures are needed.

Gradually, the IUCN Red List was improved and replenished. The third edition, whose volumes began to appear in 1972, already included information on 528 species and subspecies of mammals, 619 species of birds, and 153 species and subspecies of reptiles and amphibians. The book went on sale, and in connection with this, its circulation was sharply increased.

The international environmental organization Greenpeace has an emblem depicting a panda.

World Foundation wildlife collects and distributes funds necessary for the protection rare species living organisms.

Everyone has a duty to preserve nature and environment take care of natural resources!
