How to get rid of chipmunks? How to get rid of chipmunks in a dacha plot: the best methods of control Why a chipmunk is dangerous in a dacha garden.

Hunting for chipmunks is very popular among hunters who live in areas where such animals are found. This is not surprising - fur-bearing animals have always attracted attention. Take, for example, squirrel hunting. Read more about her. However, in order for the hunter to return from such a hunt not empty-handed, he needs to know about some of the rules of such a hunt. And this is exactly what our publication will tell you about today.

Chipmunk hunting time

To hunt a chipmunk, just like any other forest animal, you should go when the sun has not yet risen. Experienced chipmunk hunters head into the cedar forests long before the sun rises. AND, The sooner they are in place, the more productive their day will be.

How to hunt a chipmunk

If you think that you will have to take it with you, then you are mistaken. There is a simpler and more ancient way of hunting such an animal.

We suggest you go on such a hunt with a homemade wabik, made from a brass shot shell and with a stick and a hair loop... In order to lure a chipmunk, the hunter will need to imitate the whistle of a female chipmunk during the rut using a wabik. Any male chipmunk, as soon as he hears such a whistle, necessarily runs to the loud call and falls straight into the hands of the hunter. There is no point in worrying that the sound of the wabik may be false and the rodent will doubt that it is the female chipmunk calling him. The main thing is that the whistle should be at least a little similar to the rutting songs of a chipmunk.

The hunter himself, after he has lured the chipmunk in such a simple way, will need to straighten the small hair loop that he ties to a 2-meter stick, and be patient. When a chipmunk runs up to a hunter, he usually does not get scared and does not run away, but sits down in a column and looks at the hunter in surprise. At this time, the hunter should carefully bring a hair loop to the animal’s muzzle, throw it around the animal’s neck and lift such a fishing rod to the top. That's it - the chipmunk has been caught. However, do not rush to pull it out of the loop - the animal is very tenacious and despite its small sizes- he has sharp claws and teeth with which he can hurt you.

After one chipmunk has been killed, the hunter can again call other chipmunks with his wab. It is noteworthy that in one day, in such a simple and not tricky way, experienced hunters are able to kill up to a hundred chipmunks.

Today we talked about a simple way to catch chipmunks. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such a hunt, and even a novice hunter can do it.

Have you ever hunted chipmunks? Which hunting method do you prefer? Share your hunting experiences with us.

The article was prepared based on materials by V. Ivanov, taken from free sources.

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Yulia Shchetinyuk

All the efforts of gardeners can be ruined by a family of rodents or small diggers.

Animals, like people, just want to eat, and where their furry ancestors ate for centuries. Of course, you can try to live amicably with the land destroyers. What if it doesn't work out?

Striped Rascal

Previously, our sites were “bombed” by thieves. It has been several years since we entered into an agreement with the police. And our partnership is now under reliable protection. But there’s no one to protect us from rodents,” summer residents complain.

On my property, chipmunks regularly eat ripe berries. There is no peace from them all summer: the strawberries will die, the cherries, gooseberries and blackberries will ripen. Rodents sometimes completely eat up bushes,” complains experienced summer resident Angelina Leonidovna. “Their raids are especially devastating if I don’t come to the site for a whole week.”

Chipmunks are attacking strawberry plantations today: they pick berries (and larger ones), take them aside, bite off a few pieces, throw them away, and again for a new delicacy. In many areas, striped gnawers also eat green cherries. And if previously only the seeds were selected and the pulp was thrown away, now neither one nor the other is visible on the ground under the tree.

These animals are solitary by nature. They are excellent at climbing trees, because this is where they get most of their food. It turns out that each chipmunk (and their weight is 100 grams) collects about two kilograms of supplies for the winter, all of this is carefully divided by nutritional quality and stored in various corners of its shelter.

Stone cherry is especially attractive to stripers. That’s why they make their way to the still green berry,” says Viktor Aleksandrovich Kostenko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Theriology of the Biological and Soil Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation.

To prevent rodents from destroying cherries, you can use ordinary rat traps to catch them. The best bait would be pine nuts - the most delicious food for chipmunks; it acts on them like cheese on mice. Before stringing the nut onto the stem, you should soak it a little and cut off the tip - this will make the kernel’s flavor stronger. Chipmunks can smell a nut a mile away.

But be careful with the cavity animal. He will never attack on his own. But you shouldn’t pick it up: it can bite, and it’s quite painful.

The fight against chipmunks should begin with the grass: mow it around plantings and trees. The rodent will not go out into the open. In addition, it is most active not at night, but in the morning and evening. And according to ordinary gardeners, it is best to simply not leave the dacha for a long time. It has been noticed that pensioners who manage their lands all summer do not suffer from rodents as much as their “visiting” colleagues.

And in the cartoon he's so cute...

In some years, usually closer to August, many gardeners note a real invasion of moles. Few gardeners have seen these animals, but almost everyone is familiar with the results of their work - piles of earth on the surface. After all, in one night a mole is capable of digging up to 50 meters of underground passages.

Some summer residents are sure that moles are eating their potatoes. This is not true: the animals feed on insects and their larvae, snails, and worms. Roots, grains, berries - they are not interested. However, these diggers destroy the soil structure and destroy beneficial worms and insects. And damaged plant roots, if they end up in the air (in a mole tunnel), simply die.

Mostly, dacha plots are located in forest areas,” says Professor Alexander Kostenko. - The forest was cut down, but the moles remained. Our Ussuri mole does not dig large holes (like its European relative), but walks in the forest, raising the litter. So the dacha plot is a fertile place for a digger - here, when collecting worms, it is easy to raise the ground.

A mole trap will help against moles (you can find it in stores for 30 rubles). This cone-shaped metal structure, reminiscent of an ice cream cone, “grabs” the animal by the head. Since the mole rarely comes out, it is better to place the trap directly in the hole. According to summer residents, the bait can be cheese, sausage, or special bait granules.

One of these is called “Moleboy” (22 rubles, a portion is enough for 4 baits). This product has an extremely attractive smell to forest diggers. It is scattered near the hole, and a board with a small hole is placed on top. The bait has a specific effect - when moles eat it, they do not die, but simply leave the place. It is easy to check the effectiveness of the product - by the absence of new earth emissions in the area.

However, our Ussuri moles have little fear of imported mole traps. Since they are two and a half times larger than their Siberian and European relatives.

According to the scientist, one of the most effective methods of fighting moles is catching them. An ordinary bucket or cylinder will be useful for this purpose. We bury it ten centimeters below the mole tunnel. Cover the top with sticks and sprinkle with turf.

Little mice

People rarely come to us for mole traps and baits for moles and chipmunks - one or two people per season,” says Olga Pishchulina, manager of the Primorye Gardens company. - But there is no end to those who want to get rid of mice and rats on their property.

There are a lot of special products against rodents: for example, in the form of grain (10-12 rubles per package, which is enough to cover five square meters). ALT glue is also popular (price - 100 rubles, one “container” is enough for ten times use).

Summer residents especially praise this last remedy. The glue is easy to use - it is applied to a wooden board with a small strip (for mice - 2 cm thick, for rats - 4 cm). A rodent, falling on a sticky surface, first sticks to it with its whole body, and then dies from immobility and fear. So, when you throw away the board, you will shudder at the sight of a living rat or mouse stuck to it.

One of our regular customers said that with one ALT-greased board 15 cm long, he caught 8 large rats on his property.

The best bait for summer residents is to take grain (it can be placed in the holes along with a piece of cheese for smell). And keep in mind that you should always wear gloves when laying out bait in your area. And it's not that they can be poisonous. It’s just that a rodent, having sensed the smell of a person from the same grain, will never approach it.

Open doors and windows so the chipmunk can run outside. At the same time, close all doors to interior rooms so that the chipmunk has nowhere else to run but outside.

Take the blanket and use it to push the chipmunk towards the door. Don't panic if your chipmunk starts climbing on the blanket. Just carefully wrap the blanket with the chipmunk inside, take the blanket outside and throw the chipmunk away.

Contact a professional for help. If a chipmunk got into your attic or walls and died there, let a professional handle it.

Warnings Edit

What you'll need Edit

Chipmunks are cute and fluffy until they start tearing up your property and garden. Luckily, you can get rid of chipmunks using a variety of traps or keep them away from your property using natural methods. This article will help you solve your chipmunk problem once and for all.

Your actions

Part 1 of 3: Get Rid of Chipmunks with Traps

Buy an animal trap. Scatter seeds around the trap to lure chipmunks into the trap. Then get rid of the chipmunks by following city animal control regulations.

Place a half-empty bucket outside. Place a wooden plank on the bucket.

  • Scatter sunflower seeds on a board, in a bucket, and on the grass around the bucket. Chipmunks will climb onto the board to eat the seeds, fall into the bucket and drown.
  • Contact your local animal control for information on how to dispose of a dead chipmunk. When handling dead animals, remember to wear protective gloves and always wash your hands after disposing of them. They can carry fleas, ticks and other nasty critters.

  • Set up a rat trap. Coat the rat trap with a thick layer of nut butter and oatmeal. The rat trap works quickly and relieves them of pain. Again, dispose of dead animals according to your city's regulations.

    Part 2 of 3: Get Rid of Chipmunks Naturally

    Mothballs. Place mothballs at the base of the house, near plantings and around chipmunk holes. Mothballs will not kill chipmunks, but will cause them to move off your property and away from your garden.

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    Scatter things that chipmunks hate the smell of. Sprinkle blood meal near the roots of the plants. You can also place sticks of flavored gum near chipmunk holes.

    Let your pets run around in the yard. Having a dog and cat in the yard can scare away chipmunks.

    Spray your plants with pepper spray. Instead of pepper spray, you can also spray cayenne pepper. This way, you will prevent chipmunks from chewing on your plantings.

    Part 3 of 3: If a chipmunk got into your house

    Open doors and windows so the chipmunk can run outside. At the same time, close all doors to interior rooms so that the chipmunk has nowhere else to run but outside.

    Prop boards or other flat objects under open windows. The board will give the chipmunk the opportunity to escape through the window.

  • Take the blanket and use it to push the chipmunk towards the door. Don't panic if your chipmunk starts climbing on the blanket. Just carefully wrap the blanket with the chipmunk inside, take the blanket outside and throw the chipmunk away.

    Contact a professional for help. If a chipmunk got into your attic or walls and died there, let a professional handle it.

    • Seeing a dead chipmunk in a bucket of water or in a mousetrap can be very upsetting for your children. Protect their feelings and get rid of the rodent without their presence.
    • Contact an exterminator or local animal control department for help. If you still cannot solve the problem with chipmunks yourself, contact a specialist.
    • If chipmunks dig up flower bulbs, place them in a cage with 1-inch by 1-inch holes to prevent rodents from getting to them.


    • Make sure you are not prohibited from killing these animals. Some countries have laws prohibiting the inhumane capture, handling and killing of animals. Check with your local animal control department before using the bucket or mousetrap method. Otherwise, you risk paying for it with a fine or even imprisonment.
    • Never place the bucket where small children can reach it. Small children can fall into it and drown, even in shallow water.

    What do you need

    • Animal trap
    • Sunflower seeds or nut butter
    • Bucket half filled with water
    • wooden plank
    • Rat trap (mouse traps are too small and will only slightly harm the chipmunk)
    • Nut butter and oatmeal for the rat trap
    • Mothballs
    • Blood meal
    • Fragrant resin
    • Pet
    • Pepper spray or cayenne pepper
    • Blanket
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    How to get rid of milkweed in the garden

    What kind of tricks does a summer resident have to go to in order to grow an excellent harvest of vegetables and fruits? Fertilize the soil, carry out regular watering, mulch the plantings, tie up the plants, and also regularly fight weeds on the site. Unfortunately, the gardener has many such “enemies” as unwanted vegetation in the garden. Euphorbia also joins this group.

    This garden plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. It can reach from ten to twenty-five centimeters in length. The stems of the weed are very thick, one might even say fleshy, and spread along the ground. In most cases, there are small nodes on the stems. The oblong leaves of the plant can reach three centimeters in length.

    Monoecious flowers are surrounded by a cup-shaped spathe. The inflorescence consists of one female and ten to twelve male flowers. The fruit of milkweed is a three-lobed trinut. The plant blooms from July to August. Among other types of weeds, spurge vine is of particular concern to gardeners. Very often it is used in folk medicine, but it is a weed.

    Nature wisely regulates the number of all life on earth if man does not interfere with its mysteries. When buying a plot of land, we often do not suspect that its legal owners are not us, but representatives of the wild fauna - most often birds, rodents, insects... The struggle for happy ownership has to study the habits of the annoying "natives" and apply strategic and tactical techniques in colonial "war".

    Today we are at war with the “Mice” tribe, those who undermine the welfare of fruit crops, damaging pantries, frightening defenseless women. We choose one of the most peaceful methods of struggle - with the help of plants. Some of them (raticides) are used to prepare poisonous baits, the smell of others (repellents) repel house and forest mice, voles and rats, while others value their weapons - thorns. Lovers of ornamental mice know that rodents do not like the ground mass of beans, potatoes, tomatoes, rhubarb leaves and onions.

    Baits for rodents

    Many poisonous plants are used to prepare poisonous baits for mouse-like rodents. Plant rhizomes are especially often used. Crow's eye four-leaf is distinguished by blue berries and rhizomes, the smell of which causes headache. The bait contains ground rhizomes (5 g) and sunflower seeds (100 g).

    Aconite antidote is known for its strong anti-mouse effect. Their underground parts, especially the rhizome, have a toxic effect (50 g of powder from aconite tubers is added to 1 kg of food bait).

    An infusion of fresh rhizomes of Lobel's hellebore is also recommended for fighting mice and rats (100 g of rhizomes are kept in 0.2 liters of warm water for 4-5 days, adding a few drops of hydrochloric acid). Grain is poured into this infusion and left in it until it swells. The rhizomes are also ground into powder and added with water to lime (clay), which is used to coat tree trunks in the fall. Baits are also prepared from plant seeds. They contain ground castor bean seeds, which are mixed with unrefined vegetable oil.

    Crushed seeds of Thermopsis lanceolata are mixed with bread. The plant has an unpleasant mouse smell and is highly poisonous, especially the aerial parts and seeds. Infusion of thermopsis herb is poured over sawdust, which is placed in grooves around tree trunks dug up in the fall. When making baits and infusions, you should remember precautions and safety measures, since these plants are poisonous to people.

    Some bulbous and corm plants will help repel mice from the garden and flower beds. In mid-summer, plantings of potatoes, beets and carrots are protected with dug up daffodil bulbs, which, together with coriander stems, are distributed over the ridge area, covered with mulch on top. In autumn, bulbs of low species of daffodils are planted around tulip plantings as a living barrier. In the imperial hazel grouse, the annually replaced bulbs emit a sharply garlicky odor, which small rodents allegedly cannot tolerate. Does hazel grouse protect other plants from mice? big question, but voles really don’t eat its bulbs, although they don’t disdain young shoots.

    But what you can be firmly confident in is the autumn crocus, all parts of which are very poisonous. To prepare bait for rodents, add 20 g of colchicum seeds to 1 kg of cereal or flour, mixing the mixture thoroughly. It is laid out in places where mice are found. Wear gloves when handling the plant, as the juice can cause burns on your hands. Colchicums protect plantings on the south side, where this plant can grow.

    Fragrant plants that mice are afraid of

    Repellents - aromatic plants - will help you win the “mouse war”. Among the shrub repellents, wild rosemary is the most commonly used. The plant is considered poisonous due to its high content of essential oil, which has a damaging effect even at a distance. When driving out mice, they lay out wild rosemary branches with leaves at the entrances to the burrow or plug the holes with them. Mice leave such a home and never return.

    Black elderberry, herbaceous elderberry, and red elderberry have a repellent effect against mice and rats, because they cannot stand its unpleasant smell. The roots of black elderberry produce hydrocyanic acid. The plant is moderately poisonous to mammals, so small rodents will not settle where elderberry grows. This is of particular importance for storage areas and compost heaps, which is why elderberries are planted next to them. To protect plantings of bulbous and perennial plants from winter damage, black elderberry branches are placed under the covering material. They also tie tree trunks. House mice do not like the ethereal smell of chamomile.

    Chamomile heads are scattered on the floor in the house, bunches are kept in outbuildings where food is stored. Mice are afraid of the ethereal-resinous smell of the ground parts of feverfew, reminiscent of the aroma of chamomile or chrysanthemum, so for the winter they tie its stems around the trunks of young trees. They are also repelled by the sharp, slightly sweet smell of flowering tansy. The strong, pleasant, bitter-tart aroma of common wormwood and wormwood, planted around the perimeter of the garden, protects it from many pests. Shoots are tied around tree trunks for the winter. When covering the pruned vine, the wormwood is laid down so that the grapes do not touch the soil, covering it on top with grass, slate and again grass. Because of the wormwood, mice will not go to such a shelter. Before spreading the shoots in the house and on the plot, scaring away rodents, common wormwood is scalded with boiling water. Bunches of wormwood grass line storage areas (pantries, cellars).

    Garden plants against mice

    Some garden plants make no less of a contribution to the fight against the gray horde. Coriander (cilantro), rich in essential oil, is planted in May in areas where the presence of mice is undesirable, for example in peonies, which are often damaged by rodents. To prevent unwanted guests in outbuildings in winter, gardeners discourage them in the fall with the help of coriander seed stems, laying out their dry stems or seeds here.

    Dry bunches are tied around young plantings of fruit trees. Tomato tops, which contain toxic substances, are finely chopped or chopped in the fall, laid out under young plantings of trees and shrubs, since mice do not like their specific smell. In the spring it is covered with earth, producing good compost. A special place in the fight against mice has a biennial - black root, which has raticidal and insecticidal properties. All parts of the plant smell disgusting; mice cannot stand the aroma and run away. Due to the smell of the grass, black root has a popular nickname - “mouse spirit”, “mouse eater”. All parts of the plant, fresh and dry, collected in the second year of its life, are used against mice and rats.

    Rodent deterrent method

    To fight an enemy, you should study his weaknesses. Mice are incredibly clean, so clinging to plant organs is one of the methods of deterrence. The same black root, or dog's tongue, so nicknamed for the rough but tenacious surface of the seeds, completely covered with thorns, is considered the thunderstorm of mice.

    By clinging to thorns, mice leave the dangerous place. Mice also do not like the rough seeds of thistle, from which you can collect about 6,500 pieces, and the tripartite seed, in which the outer edges of the achene and awn are covered with spines. Burdock (burdock) inflorescences have outer involucre leaves that end in a small hook. In storage facilities, the prickly seeds and baskets of these plants are scattered around tall boxes, discouraging mice from climbing higher or jumping. Tree trunks are also tied with raspberry shoots, as they have thin thorns at the bottom.

    According to the degree of toxicity, poisonous plants are divided into poisonous (elderberry, anemone, lily of the valley, buttercup, etc.), very poisonous (nightshade, foxglove, broom, etc.) and deadly poisonous (monkshood, castor bean, colchicum, datura, black henbane etc. The following plants cause significant harm to mice: hydrangea, yew, wolfberry, all types of rhododendrons, including marsh rosemary, bracken fern, marsh marigold, crow's eye, lily of the valley, wrestler, white hellebore, autumn colchicum, meadow lumbago, celandine, belladonna ; purple and red foxglove, henbane, spotted hemlock with an unpleasant mousey odor, common hemlock, dog parsley with a strong odor; self-sown poppy, datura, black nightshade.

    About dope: be careful and careful

    Datura vulgaris, a common annual weed, attracts gardeners with its powerful, fast-growing bushes reaching 120 cm in height. Its large elongated funnel-shaped flowers of white or light purple color, decorating the plant from June to September, also look beautiful.

    After the datura has faded, fruits the size of a walnut appear on the bush in the form of ovoid, densely planted boxes with numerous thorns, which contain hundreds of black seeds. In gardens, Datura is most often grown as a soloist plant or in group plantings in flower beds.

    But few gardeners know that all parts of this weed are very poisonous. When a person is poisoned, nausea, dizziness, fever, and delirium begin, therefore, when caring for the plant, you need to take precautions (wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly with soap after work). Keep an eye on your grandchildren - there are stories among young people that it has a narcotic effect (Datura seeds); there have been cases of people eating it and poisoning it.

    Herbs and other folk remedies for controlling rodents (rats and mice) - advice from readers

    On weekends, when there is little snow, I pack up and go to the country. There, armed with a shovel, I collect snow from paths and other free places and pour it onto the strawberry beds. Since the fall, I have had boards placed next to the berry plantings and branches arranged in small piles - all this helps to retain the snow. I throw snow on the flower beds and under the rose bushes. Loose snow - best insulation. In addition, in winter I use snow to fight mice.

    How do I do this? Yes, very simple. Everyone knows that when the ground freezes, mice move under the snow. In order to disrupt the passage of mice, I trample snow in the passages between flower beds and beds, as well as in the tree trunks. The method is very effective.

    Verified. I. Zaitseva.

    Rodents can cause us a lot of inconvenience. Let's look at how to deal with them using folk remedies.

    Deadly Lures

    Scatter the dusted ash on the floor of the barn or cellar - mice will run through the ash, and it will stick to the folders. The mouse will sit down to lick the ash from its paw, and the alkali located there will cause irritation to the mouth, throat and stomach.

    Finely chop the corks (not synthetic ones), mix with bread crust crumbs and fry with lard, add a couple of drops of unrefined sunflower oil, place them in places where rodents appear - they will eat, and the cork, once in a wet stomach, will swell and clog the intestines and stomach.

    You can prepare dry bait from equal parts flour and gypsum, adding a little sugar for taste and a couple of drops of aromatic sunflower oil. Place it where rodents might hang out and provide water. The mice will eat the bait, drink the water, and the filler will solidify in the stomach, stopping its work.

    Dampen a rag or sponge with turpentine and push it into the mouse hole. Add turpentine every couple of days.

    Repellent herbs

    Now let's move on to a large group of control methods based on the use of plants.

    Blackroot, or Ratrunner. We place bunches of fresh or dried grass where we don’t want to see rodents. The smell, which is imperceptible to humans, will scare them away. You can use tenacious blackroot seeds: they stick to the skin of rodents and scare them. To protect the area from pests, you can place blackroot plantings on it.

    Elder. The smell of this plant also repels rodents. They lay out both fresh and dried branches in barns, sheds and attics. They layer beets and potatoes in the cellar. In the old days, people, noticing the property of elderberry to repel pests, planted it near houses and outbuildings.

    Sagebrush. Rodents cannot stand the bitter-tart aroma of wormwood, which also repels other pests. To combat mice, it is necessary to hang and spread dry bunches of wormwood in the house, basement, sheds and attics. You can make a strong infusion of wormwood and then spray the places where the animals are supposed to visit.

    Mint. This plant is good because it smells pleasant and repels many pests, including rodents. Bunches of fresh and dried mint are placed both in the supplies themselves and everywhere where we do not want to see mice. If you have mint plantations around your site and buildings, you can protect yourself well from the penetration of pests.

    Tansy. Mice, like many pests, do not like the smell of tansy, so arrange bunches of 4-5 stems of the dried plant as often as possible.

    Chamomile. To repel rodents, dried plants are used and scattered on the floor.

    Autumn colchicum. All parts of the plant are poisonous, but it is better to use the seeds. It is necessary to add 20 g of dried seeds per 1 kg of bait, mix thoroughly and spread in places where mice appear.

    Ledum. If you place branches in the corners, rodents will try to avoid these rooms. You can push grass into mouse holes and passages.

    As you can see, our ancestors had a wide and plentiful arsenal of fighting methods and, despite the development of modern methods of fighting, I believe that we should not write off ancient recipes. Moreover, many of them are completely harmless and do not cost a penny.

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  • Reviews and comments: 24

    1. In winter, our bank vole gnaws the bark. This year, to prevent this from happening, they wrapped the trunks and skeletal branches of young trees with a thin metal mesh and burlap. I recommend that if you are using a soft covering material, saturate it with a clay solution and add pine litter to it.


      • Rodents love to eat the bulbs of tulips, lilies and especially crocuses. However, they never touch the bulbs of daffodils and hazel grouse, as they contain toxic substances. One way to protect bulbs from rodents is to surround your plantings with a border of daffodils. Sometimes rodents damage the roots of plants; rodents especially love to eat the bulbs of tulips, lilies and especially crocuses. However, they never touch the bulbs of daffodils and hazel grouse, as they contain toxic substances. One way to protect bulbs from rodents is to surround your plantings with a border of daffodils. Sometimes rodents damage the roots of plants, especially peonies and carnations, and also gnaw the bark on the shoots of roses. However, in the fight against rodents, it is undesirable to use poisons that could harm other animals. To scare away rodents, sometimes it is enough to use plants that they do not like. For example, coriander fruits with branches are placed under the cover of roses and laid out on peonies. Dry twigs of tansy, wormwood, wild rosemary, as well as walnut, elderberry and bird cherry leaves also have the property of repelling rodents. that's why they are placed around plants. Rodents also do not like the smell of mothballs (it is mixed with sawdust and scattered near the burrows). Sphagnum moss is impregnated with Vishnevsky ointment, turpentine, kerosene or tar and laid out among plants that are damaged by rodents. Another highly effective method is the use of ultrasonic repellers. Devices have been developed for each type of rodent, operating at a specific frequency. This method is harmless to pets and people. And most importantly, rodents prefer areas where food can be found, so remove all plant debris, fallen fruits, tops, and weeds in the fall.


    2. The most effective. Drive a pipe (20-25 cm in diameter) into the ground to a depth of 30 cm so that 50-60 cm remains above the ground. Tie 2 beer cans. the wind shakes them and the cans knock on the pipe. (about 4-3 of these racks per 1 sq.m.). The sound resonance from the pipe goes into the ground, and everyone living in the ground: mice, moles, shrews, etc. are very sensitive to hearing and do not like such noise. There has been no one for 20 years.


      How to deal with shrews?
      Everyone writes about moles and mice, but not a word about these pests. I know that the shrew is the smallest mammal on Earth, but the harm from it is not at all small...


      I do better with radishes in summer than in spring: they are not affected by the cruciferous flea beetle. But when small radishes appear, mice and water rats begin to gnaw them.
      Hilling up doesn't really help, so I came up with this method of protection. Near the radishes I stick ordinary sticks-twigs 10 cm high, the ends of which I lubricate with Vishnevsky ointment. The smell is strong. I no longer have damaged radishes; mice and rats have stopped gnawing on them.


      With the onset of cold weather, small forest and field inhabitants, including mice and voles, move towards country houses. In years when their numbers increase, they can cause very serious damage to the garden.
      We do not use pesticides on the site, but use old proven methods. Mice really don't like wood ash. Therefore, in the fall, we scatter ash paths along the border of the site, under trees and bushes, in the beds where bulbous plants are planted. Since ash is an excellent fertilizer recommended for autumn application, the benefit is double.
      We wrap the trunks of young fruit trees with old nylon tights. Chalk-
      The small teeth of mice get stuck in the dense synthetic thread, and the rodents quickly give up trying to feast on the young bark.
      In existing holes you need to put fragrant herbs: tansy, black root, mint, you can also use rags soaked in ammonia. All crop residues should be carefully removed from the beds. If some of the root crops remain to overwinter in the ground, stick poles into the bed and hang turntables and cans on them - rodents do not like soil vibrations. You can use industrial vibration and ultrasonic repellers.
      And the best assistant in the fight against mice is a predatory, unspoiled village cat!


      For some time now I started buying Dacha and, as they say, I got hooked. I live in the city, and not long ago we bought a house in the village. I am a beginner, despite my advanced age. What prompted me to write this letter was a common problem – mice. I had big problems with these “grays”. And I got rid of them very simply - with the help of
      a sliver of wormwood branches (God's tree). I have a gorgeous bush of this shrub growing - beautiful, fragrant. In the fall, I break the branches and lay them out around the house. And everything is great now! They helped me both at home and in the city. I had food moths living in my apartment for several years. There was nothing they could do to get rid of it: as soon as you buy cereal, there are holes
      in the package, and she feasts there. And dried fruits were destroyed at the moment, and you could forget about the supplies. I brought home some branches and laid them out in white cotton rags so they wouldn’t fall off. At home they dried out until yellow color, and that's it. A surprisingly simple method after so much ordeal.


      As you know, mice cannot tolerate certain odors, so in order to drive rodents out of a cellar or country house, I make fragrant “mines” in the corners and along the walls. Most of all they dislike tansy, elderberry, celandine and peppermint. I simply collect the plants in bunches and place them around the house and cellar. Now my supplies are safe.
      You can also drive all mice out of your home without harming them using ultrasonic repellers. By installing one device in your home, you can say goodbye to rodents. The main thing is to buy a device with a sufficient radius of influence.

      Many types of broom (Russian, early, blackening) grow in the middle
      elk and tolerate harsh winters well. Sometimes the ends of their annual shoots freeze over. They need to be pruned in the spring. Pruning old, perennial shoots is undesirable, as this can lead to the death of the plant.
      More heat-loving types of broom (Austrian, creeping, racemose) need winter shelter. But even
      after freezing they recover well. After flowering, long broom branches with dried flowers are cut off by 1/3-1/2, thereby causing them to tiller. It is difficult to rejuvenate an old bush with bare shoots; it is better to replace it with a young one.
      Caring for tree species of broom is the same as caring for shrubs. In standard forms, shoots on the stem are removed and shoots are not allowed to grow at the base.


      The house mouse causes the greatest harm to humans. By the way, this species is the most common throughout the world: house mice live wherever there are people, with the exception of polar stations in the Far North and Antarctica, some swamps and highlands. Mice are simply phenomenally tenacious, and all because they are very similar to people: they are just as omnivorous and lazy. Mice even have an organism similar to that of a human: no wonder
      All vaccines and medicines are tested on them.
      So getting rid of a mouse is as troublesome as getting your annoying neighbors to move away from you. Fortunately, in the case of mice, you can use any control methods.
      How to protect yourself
      Mice eat according to the principle “everything that fits in their mouth is healthy.” Therefore, before winter, you need to take away from the dacha or put everything that a mouse can mistake for food into “chewproof” metal or glass containers. Not only what is edible for humans, but also candles, laundry soap, cosmetics, seasonings, seeds, cigarettes - in general, anything that has at least a drop of nutritional value and taste. Everything that remains to spend the winter at the dacha must be carefully packed. And remember: no plastic containers and nylon lids on jars! And you won’t save the supplies, and then you’ll have to throw away the dishes - they’ll chew them through.
      And the worst thing is that these little pests can find your cellar or place in the garden where bulbs are planted. And then - hold on! What they don't eat, they bite into.
      How to fight
      There are several good ways.
      The bottom and sides of the bed where you plan to plant bulbs should be lined with fine mesh. Typically, mice do not dig the ground themselves in search of food, but use molehills and steal crops.
      from inside the garden bed. If there are no passages, there will be no mice either: they will not bother themselves with digging and will go looking for freebies somewhere with their neighbors.
      And plant elderberries near the cellar, house and bulb beds. Mice try to avoid this tree.
      And cover all wooden elements of the cellar through which mice can get through with fine-mesh mesh or iron. Check if there are any cracks and if everything closes tightly.
      If you decide to declare a fight against rodents, a huge assortment of all kinds of traps and poisons is always at your service. But remember that poisons must be handled very carefully. Place them so that animals and birds cannot reach them, for example, in sections of a hose or cans turned on their sides.
      You are lucky if your dacha is located in a residential area. Grow valerian, feed it and not
      chase the neighbor's cats. Then they will visit your site in winter, catching a mouse or two along the way. Mice leave when it smells like a cat. This is not the most pleasant way, but the contents of the tray can be buried in a bed of bulbous plants or placed indoors, and the rodents will immediately run away.
      If mice didn't harm humans, they would be cute creatures. It’s not for nothing that in children’s fairy tales it is usually the mouse that is the positive character, while cats are often the villains. But, unfortunately, mice not only destroy our supplies. They also carry diseases that are dangerous to humans and can chew through wiring. Therefore, when leaving, be sure to turn off the electricity. Carefully place all the dishes in a bag, tie them up and put them in the closet. Cover furniture, bed linen, blankets and pillows with film, and in the spring, do not forget to fry them in the sun. Keep your house and cellar clean and tidy, do not scatter waste around the area, tightly cover everything edible - and mice will avoid your dacha.

      There is a lot of advice, but to no avail...
      When we say the word “mouse,” each of us immediately thinks of spoiled food, nibbled vegetables in the basement, holes in walls and baseboards, and black pellets, indicating that the uninvited guest had a good lunch (and maybe even had breakfast and dinner). Good, of course, is not enough. And how people who have a highly developed sense of cleanliness worry! For example, one of my friends’ mother-in-law demanded that she throw out a new bed only because, having opened the summer season in the spring, she found traces of mouse activity on it.
      But for some reason we forget that mice also serve as active carriers of serious infectious diseases. And this, you see, is worse than spoiled crops or laundry. Bank voles are especially dangerous - sources of a dangerous infection called hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, which is often called mouse fever. Symptoms when it is infected -
      They are very similar to the common cold, which makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis, especially since doctors in local hospitals are extremely overworked and have little time to go into details.
      The onset of this disease is long and costly, and if it is neglected or ignored altogether, it can even lead to death.
      The mouse fever virus enters external environment with secretions of infected animals. The main route of transmission to humans is through dust and dirt.
      Well, did I scare you? But every person should know this. So, it's time to think about how to get rid of these uninvited guests.
      There are many poisons, chemicals and baits, and some plants are also popularly known against rodents. They work well, but they have significant drawbacks. Firstly, mice can get used to them. Secondly, almost all of them are dangerous for pets. Thirdly, if the poison takes effect, the rodent will not run away, but will die in your house or on the property and will decompose there.
      Nowadays, various electronic repellers have appeared on sale, generating ultrasound, which rodents cannot stand, and forcing them to leave their homes. However, everything is not so simple here either. Judging by the responses (among my friends), the effectiveness of these devices falls into the “not very” category. In addition, I believe that ultrasound has an adverse effect on humans. I think that before you buy such an electronic repeller, it would be useful to ask your doctor whether it will harm your health.
      I'll tell you about my experience in dealing with mice. When we built a garden house 32 years ago, we decided to use an old method against rodents - burdock thorns. But we didn’t have the required amount of fruits of this plant on hand, so we decided to use glass wool.
      In order to lay the floors in the house and on the veranda, a strip of this material 25-30 cm wide was laid out along the inner perimeter of the strip foundation. In exactly the same way, a “barrier zone” was built in the attic - where the rafters and sheathing adjoin the walls.
      And during the entire period of operation of our home, there were never mice in the premises of the house, although our site is located only 150 meters from the forest. Mice appeared on the territory of the site, but here nature itself unexpectedly helped us. A hedgehog moved in with us, and the rodents were licked off like a tongue. The hedgehog lived for several years in a hole under the barn and hunted at night. Then he got used to us and began to run around the area even during the day, to the complete delight of the kids.
      When the hedgehog was gone, the mice appeared again, and we were forced to get a cat. From May to October she lives in the garden (the rest of the time in a city apartment). Whatever they say, there is no better protector against rodents than her in the world! For 8 years now, not only here, but also in five adjacent neighboring areas, no one has seen mice!
      A few simple tips
      As I already said, mouse fever infection is mainly transmitted through airborne dust and contact, so for prevention purposes it is necessary to adhere to the rules.
      When working with dust (dismantling buildings, removing garbage, straw, last year's grass, cleaning rooms, etc.), use gloves and a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage.
      Clean the premises only using a wet method using a soap solution.
      Store products in tightly closed containers.
      Do not smoke or eat with unwashed hands.
      Do not touch live or dead rodents without gloves or rubber gloves.
      I wish all readers of the magazine good health and abundant harvests!


      I went into the forest. He built trapping pits for them in secret places, and after a couple of days several animals fell into them.
      In fact, in appearance they are very similar to mice, but in character they are ferocious predators. They can eat more in a day than they weigh. They eat everything - insects, snails, and even voles.
      I put the “prisoners” in different boxes so that they wouldn’t kill each other, and for reinforcement I gave them a piece of meat (shrews cannot last even three hours without food!).
      He brought the rescuers home and released them in the garden. I must say that they quickly got used to the new place, and after a week I noticed that the number of mice had decreased significantly.
      This is how the mouse problem was successfully resolved.


      There are no traces of mice in my underground. For several years now I have been living in peace, without fear that the harvest will be spoiled. And before, gray evil spirits managed to gnaw even the durable boxes in which I put vegetables. The secret is the simplest, and I will gladly share it. You need to buy wild rosemary at the pharmacy - in medicine it is used as an expectorant. It's inexpensive. Sprinkle grass where mice roam and they will soon disappear.

      And I have one more case with black nightshade. This was in 1974. I gave birth to a daughter and caught a cold on the train in a draft. Large boils began to appear on the head. The doctors said to go to the hospital immediately, and the neighbor, an old paramedic, gave advice: it turns out that the nightshade leaf is much stronger than the plantain leaf in drawing out pus. Mom washed nightshade leaves, wiped them with alcohol and, placing a cap over her daughter’s head, put her cap on. This was the first night in two weeks when everyone slept peacefully...
      The next morning, everything was removed from the head, washed off, and combed. Now, from the height of my years, I wouldn’t do that, but then I really didn’t want to go to the hospital with my child in forty-degree heat,
      Since then, we all know that black nightshade can also be useful... And you say poison.


      Here you have written about nightshade as a poison
      And we, with three-liter cans, went for nightshade (black sheep) 15 kilometers along the sleepers outside the city. At that time, and this was the end of the fifties, the fields were sown with corn, and on the virgin, freshly plowed lands, our little crow was born well in the corn curtains... And there was no tastier delicacy than a cheesecake with a crow on a baking sheet from a Russian oven!
      And dumplings. .. Yes, we devoured them without sour cream on both cheeks. But the height of pleasure was the pies. Mom allowed us to take them outside and treat them to those who could not walk far with us to buy berries. And at the end of the season everyone made jam.
      Believe it or not, the little crow is still growing in my garden! You can say that I introduced it into culture. I dig up the best bushes in the spring, and Oma sprouts early, all over the garden. I put them in a row. and even under drip irrigation, so I’m with this berry until the frost! All my many guests are delighted with the dumplings and jam. Although who would be surprised by this now, I reasoned, getting ready to visit my daughter in Germany. They have everything there! And suddenly I thought: they’ll never guess!
      I made jam from selected crowberries, poured it into jars and rolled it up. At first the Germans were surprised: they had not closed jars with such lids for a long time. But, to my joy, they were also surprised by the taste of the jam. Oh, how wonderful the German pancakes with Ukrainian jam were! No one guessed that it was brewed from weed berries!


    1. A few more external signs.
    2. They can come visit.
    3. Where do chipmunks live?
    4. Chipmunks are architects.
    5. They are excellent climbers.
    6. Thrifty owners.
    7. Hot season.
    8. Is it easy to catch a chipmunk?
    9. Chipmunks vs gophers.

    1. They eat our plants.
    2. They dig too much.
    3. There are too many of them.
    4. Economic harm.
    5. Bites.

    How to protect yourself from chipmunks?

    Let's start with prevention. How can we ensure that our properties don't even attract chipmunks? The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management portal calls conventional fencing the most effective method of containment. Expert David Williams suggests using inexpensive, fine-mesh mesh: it can be used to cover crops, foundation cavities, pipes, etc.

    "ABOUT galvanized mesh is one of the best materials for fencing. Use a sheet with 6mm holes and be sure to bury it to a depth of 15-20cm to deter chipmunks from digging up paths, digging in the garden or other important places”.

    Missouri Department of Conservation analysts write that the risk of chipmunk infestation increases for owners of homes in wooded areas and connoisseurs of garden decor. All those huge logs, rock gardens and dense bushes can provide good hiding places for pests. Experts summarize: the more spacious, cleaner and more well-groomed the yard, the less the chipmunk will like it.

    After this, it is necessary to track down the habitats of the bastards. The Internet Center for Wildlife portal suggests that in small gardens they often settle near residential and commercial buildings. Moreover, you cannot recognize the entrance to the hole by a mound of earth and mud, as is the case with moles. Chipmunks skillfully camouflage their “collars,” which rarely exceed 5 cm in diameter. Look for holes near garages, tree stumps, piles, and in weak areas of foundations. But for large plots of land and farms, these tips are inappropriate: a hole can be found anywhere.

    “, say zoologists.

    Mothballs can repel chipmunks from attics, summer houses and storage areas when applied liberally (1.0 to 1.2 kg/100 m2). Be careful, however, in treated buildings, as the odor may be too unpleasant and irritating for people or pets”, writes David Williams.

    Total: Fencing and traps are effective. In countries like the United States, chipmunks can also be shot, unless prohibited by state law.

    In fact, you can find dozens of different instructions on the Internet for making homemade chipmunk traps. But experts do not confirm their high effectiveness. So let's look at the certified options available in online stores.

    This device is not as popular as Havahart traps, but it has an interesting feature. The developers call their invention the “most humane” trap for squirrels, mice and chipmunks. Before us is a transparent tube made of soft plastic, the metal gates of which open only for the entrance. Then the rodent finds itself inside a trap, from which it cannot escape even with the help of force.

    But this is no longer a humane trap. But it is the cheapest on our list. The principle of operation here is simple - “trap”. Bend the stainless steel spring, place the bait and wait for the animal. If a chipmunk gets caught in these “jaws,” the device will simply squeeze it with enormous force. Sellers promise that there will be no blood: the jaw will either suffocate the rodent or break its neck. After this, you will need to get rid of the corpse, rinse the trap and continue hunting.

    Snap-E Mouse Trap-6 Pack.

    mothballs for moths

    Let's summarize:

    A chipmunk infestation is always a serious ordeal that requires patience, diligence, and proper knowledge on the topic from the victim. We are sure that best weapon In this case, competent prevention is necessary. But those of you who do encounter this furry creature on your property do not need to despair. We'll tell you which traps, baits, and repellents are truly effective against chipmunks.

    What does a chipmunk look like: important facts about the life and behavior of a rodent

    So, the chipmunk is a small rodent with recognizable brown fur (from chocolate to reddish shades), as well as 5 black and 2 white stripes on its back. If you look closely, you can see small stripes on the animal’s face. Our hero loves to dig in the ground a little more than other rodents. He is ready to dig through the entire garden to find his favorite food. This makes the chipmunk one of the main enemies of the modern farmer. Here are the facts you need to know about this species to successfully fight it!

    1. A few more external signs. Chipmunks often walk on all fours, but usually stand upright when resting. They freely use a pair of front paws: they can hold food in them and grind it with their sharp teeth. Most of all, chipmunks resemble small squirrels measuring from 8 to 10 inches (however, these are animals from the same family). While running, they hold their tail straight, and while searching for food, they hide food in small cheek pouches.
    2. They can come visit. Chipmunks do not live in human homes; their territory is nature. But ventilation shafts, holes in basements, and open pipes can look attractive to rodents. Through them, chipmunks occasionally enter homes and can cause trouble there!
    3. Where do chipmunks live? Chipmunks are unpretentious in choosing their habitat and searching for food. They can be found in gardens and parks, on smooth lawns and in dense forests. However, extensive vegetation still attracts these creatures. They love bushes and low trees, as well as natural cover such as fallen logs or piles of rocks. Rodents cannot be found only in deserts, mountain forests and in the northernmost states.
    4. Chipmunks are architects. Chipmunks live in long and deep burrows, and they cleverly camouflage the entrance to them with the help of leaves and debris. These are cunning architects: our heroes make several entrances to the “house” and divide it into rooms for living and storing food.
    5. They are excellent climbers. Don't be surprised if you see a chipmunk in a tree. They are excellent climbers, although they are usually lazy. A chipmunk can be driven to an oak or ash tree either by hunger or by escaping from an enemy.
    6. Thrifty owners. Chipmunks are not easy to starve. We have already written about the pouches behind the cheeks, and now we will talk about their “food storage areas”. One animal's burrow can store up to 9 gallons of food: this will last an individual for a long time. So it’s better that they don’t have time to stock up on such a tasty “stash.”
    7. Hot season. Animals are most active during periods of mating games": in March and April, and then in July and August. The female's pregnancy lasts 1 month: the offspring can range from 2 to 8 individuals. By the way, within a year these fertile babies will begin to reproduce themselves! As a result, the population grows exponentially.
    8. Do chipmunks hibernate? Yes, they spend the winter. But not like brown bears. Every couple of days of its wintering, the chipmunk wakes up to eat: it simply does not have enough subcutaneous fat. Therefore, on the eve of winter, rodents begin to more actively stockpile food.
    9. Is it easy to catch a chipmunk? It is unlikely that this can be done without special traps. These rodents are very careful and nimble. They often climb to heights to look around. Seeing danger, the chipmunk takes off running and notifies its relatives of impending trouble with loud squeaks. In nature, only experienced hunters such as hawks, weasels, snakes, cats and some breeds of dogs can catch our heroes.
    10. Chipmunks vs gophers. These animals have very similar bodies. But gophers are still a little longer and have no contrasting stripes on their heads: they are only on their backs. But chipmunks have stripes that stretch across their entire heads.

    How dangerous are chipmunks for humans and their households?

    Chipmunks love to eat. They also dig a lot. Most conflicts between chipmunks and humans are associated with these qualities.

    1. They eat our plants. Chipmunks eat almost everything that grows in gardens and vegetable gardens: berries, seeds, fruits, flowers, herbs, roots, mushrooms, bulbs... and even bird eggs and small animals. They cannot be called a major problem for serious farmers, but rodents can definitely ruin a small garden.
    2. They dig too much. Traces of the presence of chipmunks disfigure lawns and beds. Rodents dig up seedlings and even damage foundations. Walls, stairs and decorative elements in the yard suffer from their too active digging. Of course, a chipmunk will not destroy an entire house, but these animals are capable of minor destruction.
    3. There are too many of them. Although chipmunks live alone, they are not afraid of their neighbors. More than 4 individuals with all their offspring can settle on one acre of land. Therefore, the above problems are aggravated by their fertility and craving for dense living.
    4. Economic harm. Researcher David Williams considers chipmunks to be an animal that poses a low threat to large-scale farming. But certain losses can be caused by the invasion of rodents on ordinary farms.
    5. Bites. Chipmunks almost never attack people. But in a shock situation, this “brother squirrel” can bite a child, a pet, and even an adult. This usually happens when attempts to catch an animal are unsuccessful. In this case, the wound will be painful, and the saliva is theoretically capable of transmitting rabies.

    How to protect yourself from chipmunks?

    Let's find out which methods of controlling chipmunks are most effective. We don’t want to be guided by the advice of grandmothers and Internet users. Our portal relies only on articles by scientists and government experts.

    Let's start with prevention. How can we ensure that our properties don't even attract chipmunks? The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management portal calls the most effective way retention is a regular fence. Expert David Williams suggests using inexpensive, fine-mesh mesh: it can be used to cover crops, foundation cavities, pipes, etc.

    Another expert, Thomas G. Barnes, a specialist at Extension Wildlife, also offers an affordable option with galvanized mesh:

    "ABOUT galvanized mesh is one of the best materials for fencing. Use a sheet with 6mm holes and be sure to bury it to a depth of 15-20cm to deter chipmunks from digging up paths, digging in the garden or other important places”.

    Be sure to think about the factors that may attract rodents to your property. For example, they really like bird feeders, even if they are hung on a tree. Bowls with food for pets in the public domain are also a dangerous bait. And it is better for owners of ducks and chickens to sweep up every single grain after the next feeding of the bird.

    Missouri Department of Conservation analysts write that the risk of chipmunk infestation increases for owners of homes in wooded areas and connoisseurs of garden decor. All those huge logs, rock gardens and dense bushes can provide good hiding places for pests. Experts summarize: the more spacious, cleaner and more well-groomed the yard, the less the chipmunk will like it.

    Best Chipmunk Control Methods: Traps, Repellents, Poisons, or Physical Extermination?

    If you haven’t managed to protect your garden from chipmunks, then you need to ask yourself a few questions. Firstly, is it possible to limit ourselves to fences in important flower beds/beds and live peacefully with the rodent next door? Secondly, does the appearance of 1-2 individuals threaten a major invasion or can they be caught and removed? Thirdly, you need to find out whether shooting rodents is allowed in your region.

    After this, it is necessary to track down the habitats of the bastards. The Internet Center for Wildlife portal suggests that in small gardens they often settle near residential and commercial buildings. Moreover, you cannot recognize the entrance to the hole by a mound of earth and mud, as is the case with moles. Chipmunks skillfully camouflage their “collars,” which rarely exceed 5 cm in diameter. Look for holes near garages, tree stumps, piles and weak points foundations. But for large plots of land and farms, these tips are inappropriate: a hole can be found anywhere.

    Scientists strongly doubt the potential of repellents and fumigants: “ They are not recommended because none of them are known to be effective. Mothballs in particular are not only ineffective, they contain toxic mothballs and the fumes are harmful to humans“, say zoologists.

    Almost all colleagues agree with them. Unless the Internet Center for Wildlife believes in the relative benefits of repellents. For example, they believe that flavor and aromatic mixtures may repel chipmunks from specific seeds and plants. But even here there will not be a 100% result. Well, experts say they are not so good with mothballs.

    Mothballs can repel chipmunks from attics, summer houses and storage areas when applied liberally (1.0 to 1.2 kg/100 m2). Be careful, however, in treated buildings, as the odor may be too unpleasant and irritating for people or pets”, writes David Williams.

    All experts agree on one thing: poison should not be used on chipmunks. Such products do not have a license because they can seriously harm people and animals.

    Total: effective means are fences and traps. In countries like the United States, chipmunks can also be shot, unless prohibited by state law.

    Choosing the best baits and traps for chipmunks

    In this section, we'll learn how to make chipmunk traps by hand, select the best chipmunk baits, and find the perfect ready-to-use traps.

    The mechanisms of most of these devices are not very original. Experts consider humane cage-type traps and traps like rat traps to be the best - although the latter can kill or injure too large individuals.

    The American authors of the memo “Managing Chipmunk Problems in Kentucky” do not stand on ceremony with animals and recommend the use of steel traps or noose traps. They say that if you bury them at the entrance to the hole and cover them with earth, you won’t even need any bait!

    And the guys from Kentucky offer a medium-complexity option for making a pumped-up trap with your own hands:

    “A humane trap with a hole entrance, can be made of metal mesh. Take a piece of 30x50 cm with 6 or 12 mm holes. Bend it so that a rectangular cage is formed. Press the edges together using spring rings. Cover one end of the trap with mesh and use it to create a door, attaching one end at the top so that it can move freely. Bend the bottom edge of the door so that when the door is closed, this edge goes 5 cm into the ground. For best results, set the trap where chipmunks have been spotted."

    In fact, you can find dozens of different instructions on the Internet for making homemade chipmunk traps. But experts do not confirm their high effectiveness. So let's look at the certified options available in online stores.

    Havahart X-Small Professional Style One-Door Animal Trap for Chipmunk, Squirrel, Rat, and Weasel – 0745

    A classic trap for its type, made of stainless wire mesh based on steel reinforcement. The trap is protected from corrosion and rust, and also has smaller gaps between the rods so that the animal has no chance of escaping. The trap has a very sensitive trigger and the flaps provide a chipmunk-safe grip.

    If the owner of this thing decides to save the life of the rodent and move it to another area, then a safe carrying mechanism will help him. The chipmunk will not be able to scratch you and will not feel any pain during transportation. By the way, in addition to our heroes, squirrels, rats, weasels and even larger mice are caught here.

    Among more than 1,500 customer reviews, we found comments from people who caught 23 and even 40 chipmunks during the season. Occasionally there were complaints about a specific defect in the product, but there was much more positive. In addition, people advise camouflaging the trap with twigs and leaves, and checking the cage more often so as not to torture the caught animal in a stressful situation.

    Live Catch Mouse Trap Humane No Touch Rodents Ground Squirrel Chipmunk Mice 2pk

    This device is not as popular as Havahart traps, but it has an interesting feature. The developers call their invention the “most humane” trap for squirrels, mice and chipmunks. Before us is a transparent tube made of soft plastic, the metal gates of which open only for the entrance. Then the rodent finds itself inside a trap, from which it cannot escape even with the help of force.

    According to sellers, the transparent walls make the Live Catch Trap not only safe, but also invisible to the chipmunk. But he will be able to feel and see the same bait. Extreme ease of use is noticeable: there are no triggers, closers or magnets to fiddle with. Well, Live Catch is several times lighter than its metal competitors.

    What do buyers write about him? They are sure that the product is not suitable for rats and tree squirrels, but chipmunks are really attracted to it. However, we did not find heroic reports of dozens of caught rodents, as with Havahart. Maybe plastic releases the scent of the bait worse? As a serious criticism, we note the comments that for large chipmunks, the Live Cath with dimensions of 2x3 inches is still too small.

    Intruder 16525 The Better Rodentrap

    But this is no longer a humane trap. But it is the cheapest on our list. The principle of operation here is simple - “trap”. Bend the stainless steel spring, place the bait and wait for the animal. If a chipmunk gets caught in these “jaws,” the device will simply squeeze it with enormous force. Sellers promise that there will be no blood: the jaw will either suffocate the rodent or break its neck. After this, you will need to get rid of the corpse, rinse the trap and continue hunting.

    The most economical buyers will also be pleased with the fact that the Intruder Rodentrap requires minimal doses of bait for chipmunks. This is what such tight-fisted gardeners write:

    “I caught three chipmunks in just a few days. You need very little peanut butter in the very center of the trap. It works better than any other trap I've ever tried."

    "This trap is easy to set up. Caught 4 chipmunks already this year using peanut butter and sunflower seeds."

    The trap was considered effective by 64% of buyers. Not so much, but not little either! Perhaps someone was embarrassed by the cruelty at work. And some buyers complained that their purchase soon broke down: sometimes this happened for unknown reasons.

    Overall, this is a slightly outdated trap of average effectiveness. Yes, it works, but you definitely have to tinker with the Intruder!

    Hoont™ Electronic Rodent Trap - Clean and Humane Extermination of Rats, Mice and Squirrels

    The time has come for the most controversial and scandalous trap in our ranking. We are always skeptical about electronic pest control products. Many of them turn out to be too cheap products, and such “gadgets” have problems with certification. Therefore, we carefully study reviews and select only the best models.

    What can you say about this electronic “rodent killer”? In front of us is a small plastic box with a compartment for bait, which kills mice and chipmunks with a powerful discharge of electricity. The developers call this "humane elimination the first time."

    The Hoont™ Electronic Rodent Trap comes with a 1.5 m wire and can also be powered by four batteries. You can expect 30 kills from one set of batteries. A special indicator will inform you about the prey, and you can throw away the corpse very easily and without direct contact with the skin.

    We have a couple more complaints about this product. Let's say he works well at home... But the fight against chipmunks is most often carried out on the street. It is unlikely that metal elements and the electric discharge supply system will respond well to rain and even fog! Secondly, the size of the trap is not the largest... and is not suitable for a fat chipmunk. After all, unlike transparent and metal traps, here the bait is felt only by smell: the rodent will not see it with its eyes. All this reduces the possible effectiveness of the product.

    Well, in the comments to HoontTM there is a lot of positivity from chipmunk haters. They say the contraption works well at home. But there are also reasonable claims that the trap can kill small puppies, kittens and pet hamsters. In addition, there is no reasonable mechanism that will indicate that the batteries in the device are low. Well, don’t stick your fingers in there, honestly!

    At the end of the review of traps we will write about models like Snap-E Mouse Trap-6 Pack.

    Such rodent traps can be easily scattered throughout the area and provide “breadth of coverage.” But the downside is that they are not always fatal to chipmunks. Their springs are not strong enough: the animal can simply get injured or crawl out from under the “jaws” on its own. So this is also a method, but the method is not the most humane and reasonable.

    Whatever trap you use, you can’t do without a “treat.” What bait should I use in chipmunk traps?

    Biologists answer specifically: chipmunks will be attracted to a mixture of peanut butter with oatmeal, nuts and seeds. You can also add berries to taste!

    How to choose an effective chipmunk repellent?

    We remember that repellents are not suitable as the main weapon against chipmunks. But some rare substances can still repel these animals from your home. Above we provided a recipe from David Williams for using mothballs in attics, barns and other non-residential premises. Classic ones are suitable for this. mothballs for moths. The main thing is to remember the dosage and do not harm the environment!

    Are there other means? You could try using granules like Shake Away 5006358 Rodent Repellent Granules. The description says that rodents perceive their smell as “the aroma of predator urine” and run away in fear. Although for people the granules smell like “very tart mint.” We cannot scientifically confirm or deny the power of Shake Away. But about 50% of buyers called the product effective.

    We did not find any other repellents against chipmunks in any normal online store.

    Let's summarize:

    Our portal recommends that readers choose means of combating chipmunks depending on the threat they pose to you and your garden. Often you can simply drive them away from your territory or fence off the rodents with a small fence. But even if the animals go on a real offensive, take a closer look at humane means of control like cage traps. This way you can get rid of chipmunks without getting their blood on your hands.

    As a last resort, use killer traps or take up arms. But remember that its use must be agreed with the authorities in your region!

    Chipmunks in their own way appearance They don’t cause a feeling of threat, they are cute and fluffy, children are happy to get such a pet.

    However, not everyone shares this point of view, especially summer residents in those regions where these rodents are found in natural conditions.


    If an animal was spotted on the site of a country house, then a real invasion can be expected soon.

    Therefore, it is important to take timely preventive measures to prevent rodents from entering, and if this happens, you should clearly know how to get rid of chipmunks.

    The rodent has an external resemblance to a squirrel, and their habits are similar.

    Chipmunk and squirrel

    However, while squirrels prefer to live in trees, chipmunks tend to spend a lot of time on the ground, where they dig well-camouflaged burrows.

    They live in a forest area, but can also choose a summer cottage. They rarely penetrate into the house, although ventilation pipes and chimneys become attractive habitats for them.

    Life cycle and reproduction

    Chipmunks grow up to 10-15 cm long. The rodent's decoration is a fluffy tail, which can reach 10 cm. Body weight is 120-150 grams. Distinctive feature is the presence of dark stripes on the back.

    The wool is colored gray-brown or red-brown. The eyes are protruding, which provides the animal with a maximum field of view and helps to hide from the predator in time.

    Chipmunks are active in the morning and evening. During the cold season they hibernate, but they do not sleep too soundly and wake up regularly to feed.

    Chipmunk stores food for himself

    They have little subcutaneous fat, so the animals have to prepare provisions for the winter. Rodents wake up and leave their burrows in the spring with the onset of warm weather, but they do this gradually.

    First, the animals emerge from burrows located on warm slopes, and then all the others. If it starts to get cold, they all hide until stable warm weather sets in.

    Under the spring sun, the animals are lethargic, lead a motionless lifestyle near their burrows and feed on tree buds. In summer, their activity increases, they become mobile and move around the area.

    On hot days they hide in holes, leaving them only early in the morning or late in the evening. If chipmunks live in a thicket, then even in the heat they can lead an active lifestyle under the trees. The peculiarity of their habits is that they do not like rainy weather.

    The chipmunk digs burrows in the roots of trees. It also prefers rotten stumps and sometimes hollows. He likes to settle and live in dead wood and windfall, where he can successfully hide from enemies.

    It prefers proximity to water, for example, it settles in thickets near streams and rivers. He can perfectly climb trees and run quickly on the ground.

    Mating begins after hibernation, when the female whistles to attract males. Pregnancy lasts a month, after which babies are born. Usually there are 3-6 of them, but the number can reach 12.

    Baby chipmunk

    Chipmunks are born blind and bald, but develop very quickly.

    After two weeks, the fur coat grows, and after 3 weeks, the eyes open. Feeding lasts only 60 days, and already 4 months after birth the animals emerge from the burrow.

    The new offspring are ready for breeding after 11 months. At home they can live up to 10 years, but in nature - only 2-3 years on average. This is due to the large number of natural enemies.


    The animal prefers plant foods, although sometimes it may include insects in its diet. Does not refuse mushrooms, nuts, acorns.

    Chipmunk eating corn

    Depending on the time of year, the menu includes young grass, fresh shoots, and buds. Loves to eat coniferous vegetation.

    Often, with its appetite, it harms humans, destroying areas. He likes cereals and other crops - peas, sunflowers, corn and buckwheat.

    Once in the garden, the animal is able to climb a tree and feast on apricots and plums. He won’t refuse to visit the cucumber patch.

    Harm to humans

    Chipmunks love to dig holes, which can reach several meters in size. Animals do not refuse food and can “help” the summer resident in harvesting.

    It is these factors that cause harm to humans:

    1. The omnivorous nature of the animals provokes the risk of damage to the garden - they eat bulbs, roots, flowers, fruits, and berries.
    2. Undermining damages lawns and flower beds; not only seedlings suffer from the actions of rodents, but also stairs or decorative components on the site.
    3. Fertility and the possibility of compact living of single individuals with offspring can lead to the colonization of the area by rodents.
    4. Economic damage - farms located in the territories of Siberia, the Urals, the Far East, and northern Russia may be subject to serious attacks by the Asian chipmunk, especially in settlements close to the taiga and forest plantations.
    5. Bites - such cases are infrequent, and the animal itself is not too aggressive, preferring to hide rather than enter into conflict. But when children try to catch a rodent or when entering a person’s home, attacks are possible. In addition, there is a risk of contracting rabies.

    Best Ways to Control Chipmunks

    The animals are very shy, they quickly run away at the first sign of danger. When digging holes, they carry the earth behind their cheeks away from their future housing, and carefully disguise the entrance. Therefore, finding a mink is not so easy.


    Using strong chemicals on the site is very dangerous.

    • Mothballs - they should be scattered near the house, in an area with plantings, near rodent burrows. This drug will not lead to the death of the animal, but it will scare it away from the garden. However, carefully monitor your children so that they do not pick up these balls.
    • Place objects around the perimeter of the site that will repel animals with their smell. For example, blood meal is scattered near the roots of trees and bushes. You can place sticks of chewing gum, which has a strong smell, around the holes.
    • Preparations containing capsaicin, a substance extracted from chili peppers.
    • Castor oil repellent.
    • Regularly treat the area with a repellent containing predator urine.

    Mechanical traps

    The most suitable option for getting rid of problems with chipmunks is prevention. For example, you can use a low-cost mesh with small cells.

    It is used to protect crops, various cavities and pipes. It is also advisable to use galvanized mesh with 6 mm cells. It must be buried to a depth of 15-20 cm to avoid the possibility of undermining. Fence around the perimeter of the site.

    If the animals have entered the garden, and you want to know how to get rid of chipmunks in your summer cottage, then it is advisable to explore such options. The most in a simple way is to purchase a rodent trap.

    Metal cage trap for small rodents

    After this, you need to scatter grains and seeds, luring the animal into it. After being hit, the chipmunk is disposed of.

    There is also this version of the trap - take a bucket, fill it halfway with water. Place it in the garden with a board resting on it.

    Trap bucket for rodents

    Seeds are thrown around the bucket, onto a board, and into the water to lure rodents. The trap can be made from metal mesh. To do this, take a cut of 300x500 mm. The holes should be 6-12 mm.

    By bending a piece of mesh, you get a rectangular cage. Secure the edges with spring rings. One end of the cage is closed to create a door. The cage is placed in places where animals are present.

    An effective, but dangerous method for children and other animals is the use of rat traps.

    Rat trap Swissinno SuperCat

    They should be scattered around the garden, checking their condition periodically.

    Ultrasonic repellers

    Another way to get rid of chipmunks in the countryside is to use devices that emit ultrasound.

    Such devices affect nervous system animals using ultrasonic pulses with a frequency of over 20 kHz.

    As a result, rodents have a desire and need to leave the affected area. To eliminate adaptation, the frequency changes in the range of 20-70 kHz.

    The device is placed in the center of the room. It must be placed on the floor or a wooden stand within 1.5 m in height. Required voltage 220 V.

    As well as the universal model WEITECH WK-0600.


    Chipmunks in a cage as a pet are very cute. Such a pet will delight your child.

    A rodent in the forest will not cause any harm. However, if the animal ends up in your garden, on your personal plot, it can cause quite serious harm.

    Therefore, it is necessary to take timely measures to protect your home from rodents.

    Video: Humane Chipmunk Trap

    Photo + video step by step at home A chipmunk invasion is always a serious test that requires patience, diligence and proper knowledge on the topic from the victim. We are confident that the best weapon in this case is proper prevention.

    How to get rid of chipmunks?

    Photos of what you need to get rid of forever

    A chipmunk infestation is always a serious challenge that requires patience, diligence and proper knowledge on the topic from the victim. We are confident that the best weapon in this case is competent prevention. But those of you who nevertheless encounter this furry creature on your property do not need to despair. We will tell you which traps, baits and repellents are really effective against chipmunks.

    What does a chipmunk look like: important facts about the life and behavior of a rodent

    So, a chipmunk is a small rodent with recognizable brown fur (from chocolate to reddish shades), as well as 5 black and 2 white stripes on its back. If you look closely, you can see small stripes on the animal’s face. Our hero loves to dig in the ground a little more than other rodents. He is ready to dig through the entire garden to find his favorite food. This makes the chipmunk one of the main enemies of the modern farmer. Here are the facts you need to know about this species to successfully fight it!

  • A few more external signs. Chipmunks often move on four legs, but when resting they usually stand upright. They freely use a pair of front paws: they can hold food in them and grind it with their sharp teeth. Most of all, chipmunks resemble small squirrels ranging in size from 8 to 10 inches (however, these are animals from the same family). While running, they hold their tail straight, and while searching for food, they hide food in small cheek pouches.
  • They can come visit. Chipmunks do not live in human houses; their territory is nature. But ventilation shafts, holes in basements, and open pipes can look attractive to rodents. Through them, chipmunks occasionally enter homes and can cause mischief there!
  • Where do chipmunks live? Chipmunks are unpretentious in choosing their habitat and searching for food. They can be found in gardens and parks, on smooth lawns and in dense forests. However, extensive vegetation still attracts these creatures. They love bushes and low trees, as well as natural shelters such as fallen logs or piles of stones. Rodents cannot be found only in deserts, mountain forests and in the northernmost states.
  • Chipmunks are architects. Chipmunks live in long and deep burrows, and they cleverly disguise the entrance to them with the help of leaves and debris. These are cunning architects: our heroes make several entrances to the “house” and divide it into rooms for living and storing food.
  • They are excellent climbers. Don't be surprised if you see a chipmunk in a tree. They are excellent climbers, although they are usually lazy. A chipmunk can be driven to an oak or ash tree either by hunger or by escaping from an enemy.
  • Thrifty owners. Chipmunks are not so easy to starve to death. We have already written about the pouches behind the cheeks, and now we will talk about their “food storage areas”. In the hole of one animal, up to 9 gallons of food can be stored: this individual will last for a long time. So it’s better that they don’t have time to stock up on such a tasty “stash.”
  • Hot season. Animals are most active during the periods of “mating games”: in March and April, and then in July and August. The female's pregnancy lasts 1 month: the offspring can range from 2 to 8 individuals. By the way, within a year these fertile babies will begin to reproduce themselves! As a result, the population grows in geometric progression.
  • Do chipmunks hibernate? Yes, they spend the winter. But not like brown bears. Every couple of days of its wintering, the chipmunk wakes up to eat: it simply lacks a layer of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, on the eve of winter, rodents begin to more actively stockpile food.
  • Is it easy to catch a chipmunk? It is unlikely that this can be done without special traps. These rodents are very careful and nimble. They often climb to heights to look around. Seeing danger, the chipmunk takes off running and notifies its relatives of impending trouble with loud squeaks. In nature, only experienced hunters such as hawks, weasels, snakes, cats and some breeds of dogs can catch our heroes.
  • Chipmunks vs gophers. These animals have very similar bodies. But gophers are still a little longer and have no contrasting stripes on their heads at all: they are only on their backs. But chipmunks have stripes that stretch across their entire heads.
  • How dangerous are chipmunks for humans and their households?

    Chipmunks love to eat. And they also dig a lot. Most of the conflicts between chipmunks and humans are associated with these qualities.

  • They eat our plants. Chipmunks eat almost everything that grows in gardens and vegetable gardens: berries, seeds, fruits, flowers, herbs, roots, mushrooms, bulbs... and even bird eggs and small animals. They cannot be called a major problem for serious farmers, but rodents can definitely ruin a small garden.
  • They dig too much. Traces of the presence of chipmunks disfigure lawns and beds. Rodents dig up seedlings and even damage foundations. Walls, stairs and decorative elements in the yard suffer from their overly active digging. Of course, a chipmunk will not destroy an entire house, but these animals are capable of minor destruction.
  • There are too many of them. Although chipmunks live alone, they are not afraid of their neighbors. More than 4 individuals with all their offspring can settle on one acre of land. Therefore, the problems mentioned above are intensified by their fertility and craving for dense living.
  • Economic harm. Researcher David Williams lists chipmunks as animals that pose a low threat to large-scale farms. But certain losses can be caused by the invasion of rodents on ordinary farms.
  • Bites. Chipmunks almost never attack people. But in a shock situation, this “brother squirrel” can bite a child, a pet, and even an adult. This usually happens when attempts to catch an animal are unsuccessful. In this case, the wound will be painful, and saliva is theoretically capable of transmitting rabies.
  • How to protect yourself from chipmunks?

    Let's find out which methods of fighting chipmunks are the most effective. We don’t want to be guided by the advice of grandmothers and Internet users. Our portal relies only on articles by scientists and government experts.

    Let's start with prevention. How can we ensure that our areas do not even attract chipmunks? The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management portal calls conventional fencing the most effective method of containment. Expert David Williams suggests using an inexpensive mesh with small cells: it can cover crops, cavities in the foundation, pipes, etc.

    Another expert, Thomas G. Barnes, a specialist at Extension Wildlife, also offers an affordable option with galvanized mesh:

    “Galvanized mesh is one of the best materials for fencing. Use a sheet with 6 mm holes and be sure to bury it to a depth of 15-20 cm to keep chipmunks from undermining paths, digging in the garden or other important places.”

    Be sure to think about the factors that may attract rodents to your territory. For example, they really like bird feeders, even if they are hung on a tree. Bowls with food for pets in the public domain are also a dangerous bait. And it is better for owners of ducks and chickens to sweep up every single grain after the next feeding of the bird.

    Analysts at the Missouri Department of Conservation write that the risk of a chipmunk invasion increases for owners of homes in wooded areas and connoisseurs of garden decor. All these huge logs, rock gardens and dense bushes can become a good hiding place for pests. Experts summarize: the more spacious, cleaner and well-groomed the yard, the less the chipmunk will like it.

    Best methods for controlling chipmunks: traps, repellents, poisons or physical extermination?

    If you haven’t managed to protect your garden from chipmunks, then you need to ask yourself a few questions. Firstly, is it not possible to limit ourselves to fences on important flower beds/beds and live peacefully with a rodent next door? Secondly, does the appearance of 1-2 individuals threaten a major invasion or can they be caught and taken out? Thirdly, you need to find out whether shooting rodents is allowed in your region.

    After this, it is necessary to track down the habitats of the bad guys. The Internet Center for Wildlife portal suggests that in small gardens they often settle near residential and commercial buildings. Moreover, you cannot recognize the entrance to the hole by a mound of earth and mud, as happens with moles. Chipmunks skillfully camouflage their “collars,” which rarely exceed 5 cm in diameter. Look for holes near garages, stumps, piles and in weak areas of foundations. But for large plots of land and farms, these tips are inappropriate: a hole can be found anywhere.

    Scientists strongly doubt the potential of repellents and fumigants: “They are not recommended because none of them are known to be effective. Mothballs for mothballs, in particular, are not only ineffective, they contain toxic naphthalene, and the vapors are harmful to humans,” say zoologists.

    Almost all colleagues agree with them. Except that the Internet Center for Wildlife believes in the relative benefits of repellents. For example, flavor and aromatic mixtures, in their opinion, can repel chipmunks from specific seeds and plants. But even here there will not be a 100% result. Well, with mothballs, experts say, they are not so good.

    “Mothballs can repel chipmunks from attics, summer houses and storage areas when applied liberally (1.0 to 1.2 kg/100 m2). Be careful, however, in treated buildings, as the odor may be too unpleasant and irritating for people or pets,” writes David Williams.

    All experts agree on one thing: poison should not be used for chipmunks. Such products do not have a license because they can seriously harm people and animals.

    Total: Fencing and traps are effective means. In countries like the United States, chipmunks can also be tracked unless prohibited by state law.

    Choosing the best baits and traps for chipmunks

    In this section, we will learn how to make chipmunk traps by hand, select the best bait for them, and look for the perfect ready-to-use traps.

    The mechanisms of most of these devices are not very original. Experts consider humane traps like cages and traps like rat traps to be the best - however, the latter can kill or injure too large individuals.

    The American authors of the memo “Managing Chipmunk Problems in Kentucky” do not stand on ceremony with animals and recommend the use of steel traps or noose traps. They say that if you bury them at the entrance to the hole and cover them with earth, then you won’t even need any bait!

    And the guys from Kentucky offer a medium-complexity option for making a pumped-up trap with your own hands:

    “A humane trap with an entrance to a hole, can be made of metal mesh. Take a piece of 30x50 cm with 6 or 12 mm holes. Bend it so that a rectangular cage is formed. Press the edges together using spring rings. Cover one end of the trap with mesh and build a door out of it, attaching one end at the top so that it can move freely. Bend the bottom edge of the door so that when the door is closed, this edge goes 5 cm into the ground. For best results, set the trap where chipmunks have been spotted."

    In fact, on the Internet you can find dozens of different instructions for making homemade traps for chipmunks. But experts do not confirm their high effectiveness. Therefore, let's turn to the certified options available in online stores.

    Havahart X-Small Professional Style One-Door Animal Trap for Chipmunk, Squirrel, Rat, and Weasel – 0745

    A classic trap for its type, made of stainless steel wire mesh based on steel reinforcement. The trap is protected from corrosion and rust, and also has smaller gaps between the bars so that the animal has no chance of escaping. The trap has a very sensitive trigger, and the flaps provide a chipmunk-safe grip.

    If the owner of this thing decides to save the life of the rodent and move it to another area, then a safe carrying mechanism will help him. The chipmunk will not be able to scratch you and will not feel any pain during transportation. By the way, in addition to our heroes, squirrels, rats, weasels and even larger mice are caught here.

    Among more than 1,500 customer reviews, we found comments from people who caught 23 and even 40 chipmunks during the season. Occasionally there were complaints about a specific defect in the product, but there was much more positive. In addition, people advise camouflaging the trap with twigs and leaves, and also checking the cage more often so as not to torment the caught animal in a stressful situation.

    Live Catch Mouse Trap Humane No Touch Rodents Ground Squirrel Chipmunk Mice 2pk

    This device is not as popular as Havahart traps, but it has an interesting feature. The developers call their invention the “most humane” trap for squirrels, mice and chipmunks. In front of us is a transparent tube made of soft plastic, the metal gates of which open only for the entrance. Then the rodent finds itself inside a trap, from which it cannot escape even with the help of force.

    According to sellers, the transparent walls make the Live Catch Trap not only safe, but also invisible to the chipmunk. But he will be able to feel and see the same bait. The extreme ease of use is noticeable: there are no triggers, closers or magnets to tinker with. Well, Live Catch is many times lighter than its metal competitors.

    What do buyers write about it? They are sure that the product is not suitable for rats and tree squirrels, but chipmunks are really attracted to it. However, we did not find heroic reports of dozens of caught rodents, as with Havahart. Maybe plastic releases the aroma of bait worse? As a serious criticism, we note the comments that for large chipmunks, the Live Cath with dimensions of 2x3 inches is still too small.

    Intruder 16525 The Better Rodentrap

    But this is no longer a humane trap. But it is the cheapest on our list. The principle of operation here is simple - “trap”. Bend the stainless steel spring, place the bait and wait for the animal. If a chipmunk gets caught in these “jaws,” the device will simply crush it with enormous force. Sellers promise that there will be no blood: the jaw will either suffocate the rodent or break its neck. After this, you will need to get rid of the corpse, rinse the trap and hunt further.

    The most economical buyers will also be pleased with the fact that the Intruder Rodentrap requires minimal doses of bait for chipmunks. This is what such tight-fisted gardeners write:

    “I caught three chipmunks in just a few days. You need very little peanut butter in the very center of the trap. This works better than any other trap I've ever tried."

    "This trap is easy to set up. We've already caught 4 chipmunks this year using peanut butter and sunflower seeds."

    The trap was considered effective by 64% of buyers. Not so much, but not little either! Perhaps someone was embarrassed by the cruelty at work. And some buyers complained that their purchase soon broke down: sometimes this happened for unknown reasons.

    Overall, this is a slightly outdated trap of average effectiveness. Yes, it works, but you will definitely have to tinker with Intruder!

    Hoont™ Electronic Rodent Trap - Clean and Humane Extermination of Rats, Mice and Squirrels

    The time has come for the most controversial and scandalous trap in our rating. We are always skeptical about electronic pest control products. Many of them turn out to be too cheap products, and such “gadgets” have problems with certification. Therefore, we carefully study reviews and select only the best models.

    What can you say about this electronic “rodent killer”? In front of us is a small plastic box with a compartment for bait, which kills mice and chipmunks with a powerful discharge of electricity. The developers call this “humane elimination the first time.”

    The Hoont™ Electronic Rodent Trap comes with a 1.5 m wire and can also be powered by four batteries. You can count on 30 kills with one set of batteries. A special indicator will inform you about the prey, and you can throw away the corpse very easily and without direct contact with the skin.

    We have a couple more complaints about this product. Let's say he works well at home... But the fight against chipmunks is most often carried out on the street. It is unlikely that metal elements and an electric discharge supply system will respond well to rain and even fog! Secondly, the size of the trap is not the largest... and is not suitable for a fat chipmunk. After all, unlike transparent and metal traps, here the bait is felt only by smell: the rodent will not see it with its eyes. All this reduces the possible effectiveness of the product.

    Well, in the comments to HoontTM there are a lot of positive comments from chipmunk haters. They say the contraption works well at home. But there are also reasonable claims that the trap can kill a small puppy, kitten and pet hamster. In addition, there is no intelligent mechanism that will indicate that the batteries in the device are low. Well, don’t stick your fingers in there, honestly!

    At the end of the review of traps, we will write about models like Snap-E Mouse Trap-6 Pack.

    Such rodent traps can be easily scattered throughout the area and provide “breadth of coverage.” But the downside is that they are not always fatal to chipmunks. Their springs are not strong enough: the animal can simply get injured or crawl out from under the “jaws” on its own. So this is also a method, but the method is not the most humane and reasonable.

    Whatever trap you use, you can’t do without a “treat”. What bait should I use in chipmunk traps?

    Biologists answer specifically: chipmunks will be attracted to a mixture of peanut butter with oatmeal, nuts and seeds. You can also add berries to taste!

    How to choose an effective chipmunk repellent?

    We remember that repellents are not suitable as the main weapon against chipmunks. But some rare substances can still repel these animals from your home. Above we provided a recipe from David Williams for using mothballs in attics, barns and other non-residential premises. Classic ones are suitable for this. mothballs for moths. The main thing is to remember the dosage and do not harm the environment!

    Are there other means? You can try using granules like Shake Away 5006358 Rodent Repellent Granules. The description says that rodents perceive their smell as “the aroma of predator urine” and run away in fear. Although for people the granules smell like “very tart mint.” We cannot scientifically confirm or deny the potency of Shake Away. But about 50% of buyers called the product effective.

    We did not find any other repellents against chipmunks in any normal online store.

    Let's summarize:

    Our portal recommends that readers choose means of fighting chipmunks depending on the threat they pose to you and your garden. Often you can simply drive them away from your territory or fence off the rodents with a small fence. But even if the animals go on a real offensive, take a closer look at humane means of control like cage traps. This way you can get rid of chipmunks without getting their blood on your hands.

    As a last resort, use killer traps or take up weapons. But remember that its use must be agreed upon with the authorities in your region!

    Natalia Toropova

    Chipmunks can damage plants and dig unwanted holes in the garden. Sometimes a chipmunk may even climb into a house through an attic, open window or door. Luckily, there are many ways to protect your property from these rodents. Eliminate food sources and hiding places to make your yard and home less attractive to chipmunks. If a chipmunk has already entered your home, you can evict this unwanted guest using simple and humane methods.


    Keep chipmunks away from your property and garden

      Remove berries and nuts that fall on the ground. Fallen berries and nuts will attract chipmunks to your property. If these rodents get used to a constant source of food, they will visit you regularly. Remove berries and fruits from the ground as soon as you find them to prevent them from attracting chipmunks.

      • If you have a bird feeder, remove seeds that fall from it onto the ground.
    1. Remove any rocks, brush, or piles of debris that chipmunks may be hiding among. Chipmunks look for places where they can easily hide from predators and people. If there are no trees on your site, they will hide under stones, in bushes, under firewood and boards.

      Enclose plants in your garden with chicken wire. If chipmunks are damaging or chewing vegetation in your garden, use chicken wire around the plants you want to protect. Bury the net at least 20 centimeters into the ground to prevent chipmunks from digging under it.

      • Wire mesh for the fence can be purchased at a hardware store or ordered online.
    2. Surround the area with a plant-free strip of gravel. Thanks to such a strip, chipmunks will not be able to hide in the bushes and grass near your house. In addition, the gravel will prevent them from burrowing into the ground. Purchase gravel from a hardware store or order online. Place it around the plants you want to protect or around the perimeter of the entire garden.

      If the chipmunks persist, spray a flavor repellent. Repellents such as Bitrex, Thiram or ammonia water will give the plants a nasty taste and will keep chipmunks away from them. These repellents can be purchased at a garden supply store or ordered online. Fill a spray bottle with repellent according to the directions for use and spray it thoroughly onto plants that attract chipmunks.

      • You may need to apply the repellent a few more times for it to take effect.
      • Taste repellents are effective in repelling chipmunks.
    3. Scare away chipmunks with a fake owl. A fake owl can help keep chipmunks away from your garden. Such a dummy can be purchased at a garden supply store or ordered online. Place it in a place where chipmunks regularly visit and see if it gives results.

      • Some owl models even glow or move their wings.
    4. Instead of pretending to be a predator, get a cat or dog so that the pet will scare away chipmunks. Be aware that cats and small dogs may prey on chipmunks. Try to prevent this from happening, as chipmunks often carry diseases that can infect your pet.

      • You can chain your dog to prevent it from chasing and killing chipmunks.
    5. Scatter mothballs in areas where you have seen chipmunks. Mothballs or camphor balls will act as a natural repellent for chipmunks. If you find that chipmunks have already made a nest in the attic or elsewhere in your home, scatter mothballs at a rate of 2 to 2.5 kilograms of mothballs for every 200 square meters.

      • Please note that mothballs have a strong odor that may be unpleasant to people and animals.
    6. Place bird feeders at least five meters from the house. Bird feeders located near your home can attract chipmunks to your home. Hang bird feeders away from the house and low branches. Remove any seeds that fall on the ground.
