Thirteen arguments from the Sunnah that the abandonment of prayer is a big kufr. A few questions about prayer Punishment for those who leave prayer

Who prayed” (Sura al-Mudassir, 42-43).

Allah Almighty also said:

“After them, descendants came who stopped performing prayer and began to indulge their desires. All of them will suffer loss (or will experience hardships; or will suffer the punishment of ignorance; or meet evil), except those who repented, believed and acted righteously ”(Sura Maryam, 59-60).

"Woe to those who pray who are negligent in their prayers"(Sura Al-Maun, 4-5).

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

“The first of the deeds for which a slave will be asked on the Day of Judgment is his prayer. If his prayer is in order, then he is one of the successful, if not, then he is one of the losers ”(at-Tirmidhi, 411).

« Between us and them is the obligation to perform prayer. The one who left the prayer, he fell into kufr "(at-Tirmidhi, 2623).

“The deeds of the one who does not perform the afternoon prayer will be in vain”(al-Bukhari, 553).

“Between a slave and polytheism is the abandonment of prayer”(Muslim, 82).

“The one who left the prayer deliberately, he lost the protection of Allah”(Ahmad, 421/6).

Also, Umar ibn Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “There is no share for those who, being in Islam, do not perform prayer.”

It is narrated from Abu Hurairah that he said: “The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad did not consider it kufr (disbelief) to leave anything of worship other than leaving prayer” (at-Tirmidhi, 2624, al-Hakim, 7/1).

Ibn Hazm also said: “There is no sin after the greatest sin - failure to perform prayer at the prescribed time and killing a believer without right.”

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: “I was ordered to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and they do not pray and pay zakat, and if they do all this, then they will protect their lives and their property from me, (which henceforth they can be deprived of no other way than) by the law of Islam, and (then) an account from them (only Allah will have the right to demand) ”(al-Bukhari, 25) .

It is also narrated from Abu Sa'id that one day a man said: "O Messenger of Allah, fear Allah!" To this the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Woe to you, but of all those living on earth, is it not right for me to fear Allah most of all ?!” Then this man left, and Khalid bin al-Walid said: “O Messenger of Allah, should we cut off his head?” The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “No, because it is possible that he is one of those who perform prayers”(al-Bukhari, 4351).

It is also narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: “He who does not observe the prayer will lose nur (light), argument and salvation, and on the Day of Judgment he will be with Karun, Firaun, Gyaman and Umayya bin Khalaf” (Ahmad , 169/2).

All these verses and hadiths indicate to us that leaving prayer is almost kufr (unbelief), but the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), referring to Muaz, said: “Allah forbade fire to touch any person who testifies that there is no god, other than Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” (al-Bukhari, 128).

It follows from this that the one who did not perform the prayer at the prescribed time, big sin and the one who does not pray at all is one of the losers who is mired in committing a great sin.

At the same time, Allah Almighty said:

“Whatever you disagree about is up to Allah to decide.”(Sura Ash-Shura, 10).

“If you begin to argue about something, then refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day” (surah an-Nisa, 59).

If we consider the existing disagreement in the light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, we will see that both of these sources indicate to us that the abandonment of prayer is a great kufr (disbelief), which leads a person out of Islam.

Allah Almighty says in the Quran: “But if they repent and pray and pay zakat, then they will become your brothers in faith.”(Sura at-Tauba, 11).

Almighty Allah also said: “After them descendants came who stopped performing prayer and began to indulge desires. All of them will suffer loss (or will experience hardships; or will suffer the punishment of ignorance; or meet evil) ”(Sura “Māryam”, 59).

“... except those who repented, believed and acted righteously. They will enter Paradise, and they will not be treated unfairly at all” (Sura “Maryam”, 60).

In the fifty-ninth verse of Surah Maryam, we see the provision regarding those who have abandoned prayer and followed their passions, and in the sixtieth verse of the same Surah, we see that Allah says: “…except those who repented and believed…”(Sura Maryam, 60).

In verse number fifty-nine of Surah Maryam, Allah Almighty says that those who have left prayer and followed their passions are not believers.

In the verse of Surah at-Tauba (see above), Allah Almighty establishes three conditions for the establishment of brotherhood between believers and polytheists:

- Repentance for committing polytheism.
- Performing prayers.
- Paying zakat.

It follows that if the polytheists repent of committing shirk, but do not pray and pay zakat, they will not be our brothers in faith. Also, if they begin to pray, but do not pay zakat, in such a situation they will also not be our brothers in faith. That is, brotherhood in religion is denied only when a person leaves religion completely. In other words, brotherhood in religion is not denied by fusuk (impiety) or kufr duna kufr (unbelief that does not lead out of religion).

There is also evidence in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) that leaving prayer is a big kufr that takes a person out of Islam. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: “Indeed, between a person and shirk with kufr is the abandonment of prayer.”(Muslim, 82).

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) also said: “Between us and them is the obligation to perform prayer. The one who left the prayer fell into kufr "(at-Tirmidhi, 2623).

In this hadeeth, kufr means kufr that takes a person out of Islam, as the Prophet (ﷺ) set prayer as a division between believers and unbelievers. Whoever does not fulfill this obligation (prayer) will be among the unbelievers.

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) made the prayer a boundary dividing between kufr and iman, between believers and unbelievers. The boundary divides and separates one from the other, and what is absolutely different cannot be one.

Indeed, prayer is one of the pillars of Islam, and whoever does not perform prayer destroys this pillar of his religion.

  • 7197

    • June 12, 2015, 17:34
    • +1

      Namaz is the key to success in this world and the cause of salvation in the Hereafter.

      The Almighty created man to worship Him, for the Qur'an says: "And I did not create genies and people except to worship Me".

      "Indeed, prayer protects from abomination and reprehensible"(Quran, 29/45).

      “Indeed, man was created impatient, restless when trouble touches him. Stingy when good touches him. This does not apply to prayers who regularly perform their prayers ”(Quran, 70/19-23).

      “Verily, the believers who are humble in their prayers have prospered.”(Quran, 23/1-2).

      • June 12, 2015, 17:39
      • +1

        What did the Prophet (ﷺ) say about those who left prayer for no reason?

        “What brings you to Hell? They will say: “We were not among those who prayed. We didn't feed the poor. We plunged into verbiage along with those who were sinking. We considered the Last Day a lie until conviction (death) came to us. The intercession of intercessors will not help them ”(Sura Mudassir, verses 40-48)

        These Quranic verses list some of the sins that will cause a person to fall into Hell. Before the rest, the sin of leaving prayer without a good reason was named.

        Allah Ta'ala favors: “After them descendants came who stopped performing prayer and began to indulge desires. All of them will suffer loss (or will experience hardships; or will suffer the punishment of ignorance; or meet evil) ”(Sura Maryam, 19:59).

        Our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also spoke of great importance prayer:

        "The difference between iman and unbelief is the abandonment of prayer"(Tirmizi, "The Book of Iman", 9).

        On the day of Qiyamah, prayer will be the first deed for which a slave will be asked on behalf of the Lord, and on behalf of the Lord's servants he will be asked for the human blood shed by him.

        Our Prophet (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) told the following: “The first thing a slave will be accountable for on the Day of Resurrection is prayer, and if he performed it regularly, then things will go well for him, and he will be in profit. If he did not do this, he would lose and be at a loss. When there is some defect in his farzs, the mighty and glorious Lord will say to the angels: “See if My servant has additional prayers and make up for the lack of his obligatory prayers with them.” Then they will do the same with zakat and with all other deeds ”(Tirmizi,“ Chapter on the time of prayers ”, 188).

        And in another hadeeth it is said: “Whoever performs the obligatory five prayers, performing a thorough ablution, and reads them on time, and properly performs the hand ‘, and reads the prayer with piety, then for him there is a promise of Allah that He will forgive him. And whoever does not observe this, there is no promise for him. If he wants, He will forgive him; if he wants, he will punish him" (Abu Dawood, "Chapter on Prayer", 9).

        In order for the angels to testify in our favor before the Lord, it is also necessary to pray: “The angels who are among you at night replace those who are among you during the day, and they meet each other during the morning and afternoon prayers. After that, those angels who spent the night among you ascend to heaven, and Allah asks them: “In what state did you leave My servants?” - although He knows better about them. The angels answer: “We left them when they were praying, and when we came to them, they were also praying” (Bukhari, “The Book of Prayer Times”, 16).

        In one hadith-qudsi, Allah Almighty announced: “I have made it obligatory for My Ummah to pray five times. I wrote down a covenant (or promise) at my place that I will settle in Paradise the one who performs prayer on time and regularly. And to the one who deliberately and without good reason leaves his prayer, I have no promise ”(Ibn Maja,“ On standing prayer, No. 1403).

        Since prayer is a very important rite of worship, for those who do not perform prayer, there may be a danger of dying without iman. After all, the abandonment of prayer precedes the weakening of iman. And the sign of a strong iman is the fulfillment of the commands of our religion with desire and pleasure, not counting the rites of worship as a heavy burden. It is not for nothing that Allah Ta'ala commands us: “Refer to patience and prayer for help. Indeed, prayer is a heavy burden for everyone except the humble” (Surah Bakara, 2:45).

        And in the hadith sharif it says: “As you live, so you will die. As you die, so you will be resurrected!”(Muslim, "The Book of Paradise, descriptions of grace in it and its inhabitants", 83-84).

        Namaz in our religion is such an important rite that its abandonment is not given permission in any case, except for death or deprivation of reason. Therefore, for those who are not able to read namaz, fully fulfilling all its conditions, it is allowed to perform namaz according to their position. Thus, our religion has provided all the facilities for the fulfillment of this religious duty by a person. For example, those who do not find water for ablution can perform tayammum (Sura “Maida”, 5:6), who are in a state of war, can read namaz depending on the combat situation (Sura “Nisa”, 4:102), who cannot stand on their feet, they can perform prayer sitting, if there is not enough strength for this, then even lying down, only through gestures (Sura Ali Imran, 3:191).

        • June 12, 2015, 17:47
        • 0

          Why are not all our duas (prayers) accepted?

          Dua is the weapon of the mu "min (believer). Mu" min speaks with Allah directly through the dua. In dua, he asks Allah to solve his problems or give him what his heart desires. Allah hears every dua uttered by a true believer.

          When we make dua, it is accepted and we get what we asked for in dua. But sometimes our desires in dua are not fulfilled, so what is the reason? According to the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), when mu "min makes dua to Allah, the following happens:

          His dua is accepted and he gets what he wanted.
          He will be rewarded for his dua future life but not in this world.
          He is saving himself from losses that could happen in his life, but he did not know about it.

          Thus, one of three consequences occurs when a mu'min makes dua to Allah.

          The hadith says that the dua of a person who eats haram food will not be accepted.. Similarly, if we do not regularly pray, do not fast in Ramadan, do not give zakat, our duas will not be accepted. If we are impatient or do not believe while making dua, then they will not be accepted. Committing sins can also be a reason for not accepting our duas.

          Making dua is a great virtue, and Allah loves those believers who make dua with tears in their eyes. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “There is nothing more precious to Allah than a supplication to Him.”

          Allah says in Surah Ahzab of the Qur'an: "Trust in Allah if you believe".

          As believers, we should always believe that Allah will accept our duas. We also need to do good deeds and avoid haram if we want our duas to be accepted.

          islam today

          • Similar techniques are used in the method of the famous doctor K.P. Buteyko. There is also a deep meaning in how, after a meal, after making du'a, as a token of gratitude to the Almighty, we pass on the face. This movement contributes to the distribution of bioenergy throughout the body, starting from the head. The teachings of some physiologists and therapists, in their essence, are built on this principle.

            Islam has protected our people for eleven centuries. Enriched him not only spiritually, but also physically. The morning of every true believer begins with the simplest water procedure called taharat, which consists of rubbing the head three times with wet hands from the crown, frontal part and from the bridge of the nose to the chin. Doctors recognize it as a hydroprocedure useful for the whole body. A small ablution, prayer, sorting out the rosary allows you to focus, calm your nerves and overcome stress, restrain emotions.

            After all, it is no coincidence that the biocurrents of a person performing namaz emanate from his body up to one meter. Such a free biofield has a positive effect on the intellect, promotes the development of will and mercy. That is why recently in the treatment of nervous and mental illness in medicine, some methods of ‘ibadat are used.

            Some scientists like the great scientific discovery they present artificial starvation or uraza, while for 15 centuries it has been one of the main five pillars of Islam. Not to mention the fact that the canons of Shariah are successfully applied in the fight against smoking and alcoholism.

            Gabdulkhak hazrat Samatov. "Shariah: Wa'azs, Hukms, Fatwas, Answers to Questions and Recommendations"

    ✅ First argument
    The Messenger of Allah said: “Between a slave and between polytheism and disbelief, abandoning prayer” (Muslim, 82, Abu Dawood, 4678, Tirmizi, 2618, Ahmad, 14989, Ibn Hibban, 1453, Tabarani, 799, Beyhaqi, 3-366, and others , and its isnad is authentic)
    Imam Ash-Shankyti said about this hadith: “It is clear that the one who left the prayer is a kafir, since the binding of polytheism to disbelief gives the strongest reinforcement to the fact that he is a kafir” see “Advaul bayan”, 4-311

    Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Abdul Latif said: “The Messenger of Allah drew a clear boundary between Islam and disbelief, and this is the abandonment of prayer, and whoever performs prayer is a Muslim, and whoever leaves him, then he is an infidel,” see “Nawakidul iman al qouliya wal amalia”, 462
    ✅ Second argument

    The Messenger of Allah said: “The covenant between us and them is a prayer, and whoever left it became a Kafir” (An-Nasai, 463, Tirmizi, 2621, Ibn Maja, 1079, Ibn Hibban, 1454, Ahmad, 5-355, and others, and its isnad is sahih)
    Hafiz al-Iraqi said in the sharh of this hadith: “Verily, the pronoun “them” returns to the infidels and munafiqs, and its meaning is between Muslims and infidels and hypocrites leaving the prayer” “Torhu at-tasrib sharh at taqrib”, 2-145
    Sheikh Uthaymeen said: “The covenant that is between us and the kafirs, that is: the dividing thing that is between us and them is prayer, and whoever left it became a kafir, became one of them, and not of us” see “Sharh riad as -solikhin", 1-68

    ✅ Third argument
    The Messenger of Allah said: “There is a prayer between a slave and iman and kufr, and whoever left it, he made polytheism” (Lalakai, 1521, and Albani called the hadith authentic.)
    The essence of the evidence for them is the same as that of the previous hadiths.

    ✅ Fourth argument

    Imams Bukhari, Muslim, and others reported that when the Messenger of Allah suddenly attacked the village, before the onset of the Fajr prayer, if he heard the adhan, then he refrained from attacking, and if he did not hear, then he suddenly attacked them. (Bukhari, 610, Muslim, 382, ​​and others)

    ✅ Fifth argument

    Imam An-Nasai and others conveyed from Mihjan that he was in the Majlis with the Messenger of Allah, and the azan was given for prayer, and the Messenger of Allah got up and prayed, then returned, and Mihjan was in the same place, and did not pray with him. And the Messenger of Allah said to him: “What prevented you from praying with people? Are you not a Muslim man? And he said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah, but I prayed with my family. The Messenger of Allah said: “If you have come, then pray with people, even if you have already prayed” (an-Nasai, 930, Malik, 298, Hakim, 1-244, Abdur-Razzak, 3932, and others, and Sheikh Albani said: authentic hadith)

    Imam-Salaf Ibn Abdul Barr said: "And in this - and Allah knows best - the proof that the one who does not pray is not a Muslim" see "At-Tamhid", 4-224
    Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: “And the Messenger of Allah made a distinction between a Muslim and a kafir prayer, and as if you find it implied in the words of this hadith - “Verily, if you were a Muslim, you would have prayed” see “As-Solatu wa Hukmah tarikha", 36
    And in this hadith there is a transmitter named Busr, and there is disagreement in it, however, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani called it true, and Sheikh al-Albani recognized this hadith as reliable, however, even if we assume that it is unreliable, then this is far from the only one a clear argument in this matter.

    ✅ Sixth argument
    The Messenger of Allah said: “For the one who observes the prayer, it will become a light, proof and salvation from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection. And for the one who does not observe it, there will be no light, no proof, no salvation from the Fire, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be resurrected along with Karun, Pharaoh, Haman and Ubey ibn Khalaf ”(Darimi, 2721, Ibn Hibban, 1467 , Ahmad, 6576, Tahawi, 3181, Tabarani 1767, hadith hasan)
    Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: “Indeed, he singled them out in mention only because they are from the chapters of kufr. And this is a wonderful subtlety - that the one who left to strengthen the prayer does this for four reasons - either his money, or power, or a high position, or trade, and the one who is kept from prayer by his wealth, he will be with Karun. Whoever is kept from praying by his power will be with Pharaoh. The one who leaves the prayer because of his high rank will be with Haman. And the one who is kept from prayer by his trade will be with Ubey ibn Khalaf. See "As-Solatu wa Hukmu Tariqiha", 33
    Some imams responded to the argument with this hadith by saying that he will not be with them forever, however, and Allah knows better, the opinion of Ibn al-Qayyim is more correct, since salvation from Fire is completely denied in the hadith, and so far there is no evidence that this is a temporary denial salvation, it is not possible to deviate the hadeeth from its obvious meaning.
    Imam Ash-Shankyti said: “And this hadith is the clearest proof of the kufr of the one who left the prayer, since the denial of light, proof, and salvation, and their existence together with Pharaoh, Haman, Karun, and Ubey ibn Kholaf on the Day of Resurrection is the clearest proof of kufr "See" Advaul button accordion ", 4-313

    ✅ The seventh argument
    The Messenger of Allah said: “The head of everything is Islam, its support is prayer, and its peak is jihad in the path of Allah” (Tirmidhi, 2616, Nasai, 11394, and others, and Sheikh Albani, Imam Tirmidhi, Imam Ibn al-Qayyim and others called its credible)

    Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said: “Don’t you know that when its support falls, the hut itself will fall, and neither the rope nor the pegs will be useful, and when the support of the hut is standing, then the rope will benefit him, and pegs?" see Imam Ahmad's Risalat al-solya, 16
    Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: “The essence of the evidence is that, verily, the Messenger of Allah said that prayer in Islam is in the status of a support on which the tent rests, and just as the tent falls when the support falls, Islam also leaves when the prayer leaves.” "As-Solatu wa Hukmu Tariqiha", 34

    ✅ Eighth argument
    The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever prays our prayer, and turns to our qibla, and eats meat slaughtered by us, is a Muslim who has safety from Allah, and safety from His Messenger, so do not violate the safety from Allah” (Bukhari, 378 , An-Nasai, 2030, etc.)
    Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: “The essence of the evidence will be from two sides. First: that he truly made him a Muslim only with the presence of these three, and he would not be a Muslim without them. Second: the fact that he truly, when he prays towards the west, will not be a Muslim until he prays towards the qibla of Muslims, so what to say if he leaves the prayer at all ?!” See As-Solatu wa Hukmu Tariqiha, 35

    ✅ The ninth argument
    The Messenger of Allah said: “The first thing that you will lose from your religion is amana, and the last thing that will remain of your religion is prayer” (Tabarani, 8699, Beyhaky, 5283, etc., and it is reliable in the sum of all the evidence)
    Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal said: “And our prayer is the end of our religion, and this is the first thing for which we will be asked tomorrow from our affairs, and there is no Islam and religion after the departure of the prayer, and if prayer has become the last thing that will leave Islam , then every thing that leaves the last part of it is gone completely” see “Risalat as-solya” by Imam Ahmad, 1-39

    ✅ Tenth argument
    The Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, my Ummah on the Day of Resurrection will be called by a star on the face and round rings on the legs and arms from the traces of wudu, so let the one who can increase his star do it” (Bukhari, 136, Muslim, 246, etc.)
    Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “Verily, there will be a star and rings only for those who did ablution and prayed, and his face shone from wudu, and his legs and hands shone from wudu, and he prayed with a star and rings. Whoever did not do wudu, and did not pray, did not have a star and rings, and he will not have the features of Muslims, which is like a coat of arms for the Prophet .., and there will not be such from the Ummah Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ”cm "Majmua al fatawa", 35-10

    ✅ Eleventh argument

    The Messenger of Allah said: “The first thing for which a slave will be calculated on the Day of Resurrection is a prayer, and if it was good, then all his deeds will be good, and if it was worthless, then all his actions will be worthless” (Tabarani, 1859, Sheikh Albani recognized as reliable)
    It came in another version of the hadith: “If it is suitable, then he succeeded, and if it is unsuitable, then he failed and lost” (Tabarani, 3872, Tirmizi, 378, An-Nasai, 461, and others, Sheikh Albani recognized sahih)
    Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: “If any of the good deeds were accepted from the one who left the prayer, then he would not be (named) among those who failed and lost.”

    ✅ The twelfth argument
    Hadith about intercession, where it came in the middle of the story about the events of the Day of Judgment: “.. Until Allah wants Mercy to whomever He wishes from the People of Fire, and orders the angels to take out of the Fire those who worshiped Allah and did not give him anything as partners, and they will bring them out, and they will recognize them by the traces of sujud, and Allah forbade the Fire to eat traces of sujud, and they will lead them out of the Fire, and they will recognize by the traces of sujud, and Fire will eat all the son of Adam, except for the trace of prostration, and they will bring them out of the fire, and they are burned .. and then Allah will complete the judgment between the slaves ”(Bukhari, 764, Muslim, 267)

    And from this hadeeth it is clear that the last one who comes out of the Fire through intercession is people with traces of sujud who did the prayer, and those who did not perform it will remain in the Fire forever.
    Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said, citing part of this hadith: “And whoever is not among the people of Sujud, the Only Worthy of Worship, the Forgiving, the Loving, the Owner of the Great Throne, the Fire will eat him all” (see “Majmua al fatawa”, 35 -117)

    ✅ Thirteenth argument
    Asar from Jabir Ibn Abdullah, when he was asked: "What was the difference between you between kufr and iman from deeds in the time of the Messenger of Allah?", And he answered: "Prayer." (See Tazymu kodri al-solya, 893, and Sheikh Albani admitted that his isnad is hasan)
    And as the scholars on the basics of fiqh said, the words of the companion “ the time of the Messenger of Allah” are an indication of ikrar (recognition of the Messenger of Allah), and are Sunnah, and this is a clear evidence in our question.
    Al-Shaukani said: “If a companion says: “we did this and that in the time of the Messenger of Allah,” then al-Amidi, Ibn Hajib, As-Safi al-Hindi said that most of the scholars, according to usul, that this is an argument, and the essence of this is that it is transmitted as the actions of their jamaat along with the recognition of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
    And it is impossible that the companions at the time of the Messenger of Allah considered the abandonment of prayer as kufr, and the Hukm of Shariah was the absence of kufr, and the Messenger of Allah did not correct his Sahaba in any way!

    Moreover, this includes the unanimous opinion of the Companions, because if they thought so at the time of the Messenger of Allah, then even more so, after his death they did not introduce any innovations! And this is supported by other asars from the companions who will come below, and the fact that none of the companions contradicted this issue.
    And there are many more arguments from the Sunnah that scientists argued, but their indication of the kufr of the one who left the prayer is either indirect or can be challenged, so we will not lengthen the work from this side, and we think that what has already been given will be quite enough.

    “In the Gardens of Eden they will ask each other about sinners.

    What brought you to Hell? They will say: “We were not among those who committed . We didn't feed the poor. We plunged into verbiage along with those who were sinking. We considered the Last Day a lie until conviction (death) came to us. The intercession of intercessors will not help them ”(Sura Mudassir, verses 40-48)

    These Quranic verses list some of the sins that will cause a person to fall into Hell. Before the rest, the sin of leaving prayer without a good reason was named. Allah Ta'ala favors:

    “After them, descendants came who stopped performing prayer and began to indulge their desires. All of them will suffer loss (or will experience hardships; or will suffer the punishment of ignorance; or meet evil) ”(Sura Maryam, 19:59).

    Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also spoke about the great importance of prayer:

    “The difference between iman and unbelief is the abandonment of prayer” (Tirmidhi, Book of Iman, 9).

    On the day of Qiyamah, prayer will be the first deed for which a slave will be asked on behalf of the Lord, and on behalf of the Lord's servants he will be asked for the human blood shed by him. Our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said the following:

    “The first thing a slave will be accountable for on the Day of Resurrection is prayer, and if he performed it regularly, then things will go well for him, and he will be in profit. If he did not do this, he would lose and be at a loss. When there is some defect in his farzs, the mighty and glorious Lord will say to the angels: “See if My servant has additional prayers and make up for the lack of his obligatory prayers with them.” Then they will do the same with zakat and with all other deeds ”(Tirmizi,“ Chapter on the time of prayers ”, 188).

    And in another hadeeth it is said: “Whoever performs the obligatory five prayers, performing a thorough ablution, and reads them on time, and properly performs the hand ‘, and reads the prayer with piety, then for him there is a promise of Allah that He will forgive him. And whoever does not observe this, there is no promise for him. If he wants, He will forgive him; if he wants, he will punish him.” (Abu Dawud, "Chapter on Prayer", 9).

    In order for the angels to testify in our favor before the Lord, it is also necessary to pray: “The angels who are among you at night replace those who are among you during the day, and they meet each other during the morning and afternoon prayers. After that, those angels who spent the night among you ascend to heaven, and Allah asks them: “In what state did you leave My servants?” - although He knows better about them. The angels answer: “We left them when they were praying, and when we came to them, they were also praying” (Bukhari, “The Book of Prayer Times”, 16).

    In one hadith-qudsi, Allah Almighty announced: “I have made it obligatory for My Ummah to pray five times. I wrote down a covenant (or promise) at my place that I will settle in Paradise the one who performs prayer on time and regularly. And to the one who deliberately and without good reason leaves his prayer, I have no promise ”(Ibn Maja,“ On standing prayer, No. 1403).

    Since prayer is a very important rite of worship, for those who do not perform prayer, there may be a danger of dying without iman. After all, the abandonment of prayer precedes the weakening of iman. And the sign of a strong iman is the fulfillment of the commands of our religion with desire and pleasure, not counting the rites of worship as a heavy burden. No wonder Allah Ta'ala commands us:

    “Refer to patience and prayer for help. Indeed, prayer is a heavy burden for everyone except the humble” (Surah Bakara, 2:45).

    And in the hadith-sharif it is said: “As you live, so you will die. As you die, so you will be resurrected!” (Muslim, "The Book of Paradise, descriptions of grace in it and its inhabitants", 83-84).

    Namaz in our religion is such an important rite that its abandonment is not given permission in any case, except for death or deprivation of reason. Therefore, for those who are not able to read namaz, fully fulfilling all its conditions, it is allowed to perform namaz according to their position. Thus, our religion has provided all the facilities for the fulfillment of this religious duty by a person. For example, those who do not find water for ablution can perform tayammum (Sura “Maida”, 5:6), who are in a state of war, can read namaz depending on the combat situation (Sura “Nisa”, 4:102), who cannot stand on their feet, they can perform prayer sitting, if there is not enough strength for this, then even lying down, only through gestures (Sura Ali Imran, 3:191).

    “Those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Is it not in the remembrance of Allah that hearts find solace? Namaz is the cause of salvation ”(Quran, sura“ Thunder verse 28).

    It is obligatory for a Muslim to follow the five pillars of Islam: witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; prayer observance; issuance of zakat; fasting in the month of Ramadan; performing the Hajj. About how important prayer is and what punishment awaits believers for leaving the obligatory prayer, told Timergali Hazrat Yuldashev as part of a daily lecture on topical issues of Islam.

    Namaz is a special kind of worship to the Almighty, which should be performed in accordance with how the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us, at a certain time. Islam commands five obligatory prayers: al-Fajr ( morning prayer), az-Zuhr (lunchtime prayer), al-Asr (evening prayer), al-Maghrib (sunset prayer) and al-Isha (night prayer).

    Often, it is through reading namaz that a person not only comes to faith, but also opens his heart to the Creator. Prayer does not just calm a person, but strengthens his mind, invigorates the body and drives away laziness. Namaz is a shield that protects its owner from sins and everything obscene, and also unites Muslims among themselves and unites them. But the most important advantage of prayer is the creation of a connection between a person and the Almighty.

    About how important and valuable prayer is, what is its role in instructing a person on the righteous path, it is said in many verses of the Holy Quran. For example, in Surah "Spider", verse 45, prayer is called protecting from vile deeds and reprehensible: "Read to them [Muhammad] what is given to you through revelation in Scripture, perform ritual prayer, because it protects from vile deeds and reprehensible. And the remembrance of Allah is the most important thing. Allah is aware of your deeds." In Sura al-A`la, verses 14 and 15, prayer is called the cause of salvation: “Verily, the one who cleansed himself, remembered the name of his Lord and performed prayer, succeeded.”

    “(Man is created) and stingy when good touches him. This does not apply to those who pray, who regularly perform their prayers, who set aside a certain share of their property for the beggars and the destitute ”(Quran, sura“ Steps ”, 21-25 verses). “So endure patiently [O Muhammad] what [disbelievers] say, and glorify your Lord before sunrise and before sunset, praise him both during the night and also during the day - perhaps you will satisfied [with the degree of intercession in the Hereafter]” (Quran, sura “Ta. Ha”, 130 ayah). Thus, we see that prayer is not just a means of approaching the Creator, an unbreakable bond with Him, but also the first step on the path of spiritual and moral perfection of a person.

    One of the most important qualities in prayer is humility. A praying person should perform prayer with all his heart, standing before his Creator humbly. However, the obligatory humility can be achieved only by eliminating all factors that can interfere with concentration and cause anxiety. It is also extremely important to understand the meaning of all actions and spoken words in prayer and to have in your heart the intention to glorify the Creator. You need to show respectful fear of the Almighty and rely on Him that He will accept your prayer.

    Leaving prayer in Islam is considered a grave sin, because humanity was created for worship, as Allah said in the Qur'an: "And We (Allah) created people and genies only so that they worship Me" (surah al-Zariyat, ayat 56 ). The first thing everyone asks each day Doomsday is a prayer. The one who leaves the prayer, Allah will deprive His help and bring down on him a great punishment: “Whoever left the prayer intentionally, truly, is deprived of the care of Allah and His Messenger” (Imam Ahmad). If a person missed a prayer for any reason, then he is obliged to make up for it: "... and the debt to Allah is more worthy of repayment (than the debt to anyone else)" (al-Bukhariy). Missed prayer, fasting, hajj, zakat are a duty to Allah.

    It is worth noting that if a person shows negligence regarding the performance of a fivefold prayer, then he will be punished by Allah with fifteen types of punishment: five are waiting for him in this world, three at the time of death, three at the grave and three at the exit from the grave (on the day of resurrection) .

    Five types of punishment that await in this world:

    1. Grace will be removed from his life.
    2. The sign of righteous people is erased from his face.
    3. For his deeds, Allah will not reward him.
    4. His prayer will not rise to heaven.
    5. He will not have a share from the prayers of the righteous.

    Anyone who was not serious about observing the second pillar of Islam will die humiliated, hungry, and very thirsty. The grave of such people will be a fiery fire and will become so cramped that the ribs will break. Such a person will be tormented by a huge snake. And on the day of resurrection, a severe interrogation awaits him, the wrath of the Almighty, which will lead a person to Hell.

    “When My servants ask you about Me, then I am close and answer the call of the one who prays when he calls to Me” (Sura Bakara, ayat 186).

    Ilmira Gafiyatullina, Kazan

    In Surah At-Tauba, after it was ordered to punish the hypocrites on the spot, it says: “... If they repent and begin to pray and pay zakat, then let them go, for Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” Also, regarding the unbelievers, the following is said: “He did not believe (in the Book and in the Prophet) and did not perform prayer.” If you pay attention, in the verses after the iman, prayer is mentioned as the first deed that the believer is obliged to perform. There are many hadiths on this subject. Here are some of them.

    As narrated from Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him!), The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “He who performs prayer in the same way as we (believed in our prayer and performs it like us), and turns to our qibla, and eats what we sacrifice, is a Muslim who is under the protection of Allah Almighty and under the protection of His messenger. Do not betray Allah (by betraying those who are) under His protection. That is, do not encroach on their protection, do not touch them.

    As reported from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him!), the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “Every thing has its essence. And the essence of iman is prayer.

    From the venerable Ali it is transmitted that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) Said: “Namaz is the pillar of religion.” In other words, whoever performs prayer properly at the appointed time, he maintains the existence of his religion, and whoever leaves him, he will destroy his religion.

    As narrated from Ubad Ibn Samit, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said the following: “Almighty Allah made five prayers obligatory (for his slaves). And the one who performed a thorough ablution (following the Sunnah) and prayed at the time set for prayers, and made full bows and earthly bows (performing all the basic elements of prayer), and observed humility in prayers (prepared his heart for prayer, discarding all worldly worries and being at rest), he has a promise from Allah that He will forgive him. And whoever does not do this does not have a promise from Allah, and if Allah wishes, he will forgive him, and if Allah wishes, he will punish him.

    In many other hadiths, prayer is also mentioned as the most obvious feature that distinguishes a believer from a non-believer. In one hadith, which was transmitted from Jabir Ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him!) in a state of fear, our prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “Verily, between a person and shirk , kufr (disbelief in Allah Almighty) - abandoning prayer. In other words, leaving prayers, a person approaches shirk and kufr, and at the last breath, his iman will be in danger.

    From Buraydah (may Allah be pleased with him!) It is transmitted: “The difference between us and them is prayer. Therefore, a person who abandons prayer is like unbelievers.” Tabiyin Shaqiq ibn Abdillah says the following: “The Sahaba of the venerable Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him!) did not consider the abandonment of any worship other than prayer as disbelief.”

    As can be seen from the verses and hadiths, prayer, being the biggest sign of our submission to the Lord, is also the main criterion for assessing the religious direction of a person. In fact, according to the Hanafi imam on matters of faith, Imam Maturidi and his supporters, in this hadeeth, abandoning prayer means abandoning prayer from the point of view of faith. In other words, a person who does not believe in the obligation of prayer becomes an unbeliever.
    Hukm leaving prayer:

    All scholars are unanimous in the opinion that prayer is obligatory for every prudent Muslim who has reached maturity, is cleansed of menstruation and postpartum hemorrhage, is not insane and insensitive. Namaz is worship performed by the body and in no way recognizes representation. Prayer for another person is invalid. Fasting for another person is also invalid.

    All scholars are unanimous in the opinion that a person who denies the obligation of prayer is an unbeliever, an apostate. Because the obligation of prayer is clearly established by the evidence of the Qur'an, Sunnah and Ijma. A person who does not perform prayer due to laziness and indifference is a sinner and a wicked person. But if this person has just converted to Islam and was not among the Muslims, he will not be considered a sinner due to not performing prayer until he is informed that prayer is obligatory, because there is no responsibility on him.

    Not performing prayer will be the cause of punishment in worldly and eternal life. About the punishment in eternal life, Allah Almighty says the following: “In the Gardens of Paradise, they will ask each other about sinners. "What brings you to Hell?" They will say: “We were not among those who prayed.” “After them, descendants came who stopped performing prayer and began to indulge their desires. All of them will suffer loss (or suffer hardship; or suffer the punishment of ignorance; or meet evil), except those who repented, believed and acted righteously. "Woe to those who pray who are negligent in their prayers." The venerable Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him!) said: “Whoever leaves prayer deliberately, he loses the protection of Allah and His Messenger.” “The deeds of the one who did not perform the afternoon prayer will be in vain.” “Allah will seal the heart of the one who misses Friday prayer three times (in a row) without a good reason.”

    The fact that a person performing namaz is a Muslim can be established only by four signs: performing namaz at the time set for him, performing namaz with jamaat, or timely pronunciation of the azan and performing tilawat sajda (bow of reading the Koran) when any verse of prostration.

    A person who was unable to perform prayer on time due to his forgetfulness, laziness or because he could not wake up must make up for the missed prayer. The hadith says: “Whoever forgot about the prayer or overslept it, then the atonement for this will be the performance of this prayer as soon as he remembers it.” According to the opinion of most faqihs, first of all, it is necessary to compensate the prayer for a person who missed prayer because of his laziness without a good reason, as well as because of forgetfulness and sleep. Since he was unable to pray on time, he should also repent to Allah and ask for his forgiveness. If the Almighty Lord wishes, then He will forgive all sins, except for the association of associates with Him. Regarding such forgiveness, which includes prayer, there are various dogmas.

    IN Holy Quran It says: “Verily, Allah does not forgive when partners are joined to Him, but He forgives all other (or less serious) sins to whom He wishes.” In one hadith, which is cited from Ubada ibn Samit, it says: “Whoever duly performed the five times prayer at the time set for prayers, without neglecting them, he has a promise from Allah Almighty that He will enter him into paradise. And the one who does not perform prayers in this way does not have a promise from Allah. If Allah wills, He will forgive him, and if He wills, He will punish him.”

    In one hadith, which is cited from Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him!), It says: “The first thing for which a slave will be asked on the Day of Judgment is prayer. If his prayers are performed properly, he will succeed in everything. Otherwise, he will be told: “Look, does he have prayers performed voluntarily? If he has voluntary prayers, they will make up for the shortcomings in the obligatory prayers. Then the rest of his obligatory deeds will be dealt with in the same way.”

    According to this, deficiencies in obligatory prayers can be made up for by sunnah prayers or other voluntary prayers. The goal of the believer should be to perform all worship, without dividing them into fard, wajib or sunnah. Because, along with the fact that it is a source of worldly peace and spiritual happiness, it is also the greatest preparation for eternal life.

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