Prayer between night and morning. How and when to perform Tahajjud prayer? Tahajjud prayer times

Tahajjud- this is a desirable prayer (sunnat), performed after the night prayer before the time of the morning azan, after a short sleep.

Time to perform Tahajjud prayer

The time for its performance is before the onset of morning prayer. No matter how long the sleep lasts, prayer performed after a night's sleep and before dawn - this is tahajjud. If, by the right of a traveler (musafir), a person has transferred the night prayer to the evening prayer, then after a short sleep he has the right to perform Tahajjud, even if the time for the night prayer, considered when performing it separately, has not yet arrived.

For any prayer performed at night after waking up, be it a refundable prayer, performed according to a vow (nazr), Witr or other desired prayers, a Muslim will receive a reward in the form prayer-tahajjud.

How many rak'ahs are performed during Tahajjud prayer?

The number of rak'ahs for tahajjud prayer is not established. The bigger, the better. There are scholars who say that the minimum number of rakats for him is two, the maximum is twelve, and the average is six. Instead of performing many rak'ahs in a hurry, it is better to perform fewer, but calmly, reading long surahs.

For one who constantly performs Tahajjud, deviating from his tradition of performing this prayer is undesirable. One day the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to Abdullah bin ‘Umar:

« Don't be like that person who used to wake up at night (for namaz-tahajjud), and then stopped ». ( Buhari)

How to perform Tahajjud prayer

It is not necessary to pronounce a special intention (niyyat) to perform tahajjud. The intention to perform the usual desired prayer is enough. It is better to perform it by dividing it into two rakats, saying “salaam” after every two rakats.

Before going to bed, it is advisable for a Muslim to have a firm intention to wake up at night and perform Tahajjud; even if he does not wake up at night, Allah will reward him as for perfect tahajjud, and sleep will be the mercy of Allah for him.

Advantages of Tahajjud prayer

The Koran and Hadith repeatedly speak about the benefits of prayer performed at night after waking up.

The Qur'an says (meaning): " They lift their sides from their beds, calling upon their Lord with fear and hope, and spend from what We have given them. No man knows what delights for the eyes are hidden for them as a reward for what they have done " (surah " Al-Saja", verses 16-17)

A hadith narrated by Muslim says: “ The most valuable prayer after the obligatory ones is the prayer performed at night, after sleep. ».

The hadith cited by Daylami says: “ When you wake up at night, pray at least two rak'ahs. Night prayers cleanse from sins, reduce the wrath of Allah and the heat of the fire of Hell ».

Another hadith reported by Tirmidhi, Hakim and Ahmad says: “ Try to wake up and get up for prayer at night, for this is what the best righteous people who lived before you did. This will bring you closer to Allah, wash away your sins, free you from diseases ».

If a person himself gets up at night for Tahjud prayer, then it is advisable to wake up those who had the desire to perform it, especially the spouse - this is the sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

From Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) it is narrated: “ Never stop praying at night. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) never stopped doing it. When he was sick or weak, he would perform this prayer while sitting. ». ( Buhari And Muslim)

It is advisable for the one who performs namaz-tahajjud to sleep for some time before lunch (qaylula), and this sleep is similar to suhoor (food taken by Muslims before dawn for fasting) of a fasting person. Just as suhur helps a fasting person, so kaylyulya makes it easier for him to wake up at night.

Tahajjud dua is a special type of prayer that is read at night. The name of the chant is translated from Arabic - “to rise at midnight.” According to the canons of Sharia for correct execution sacraments, you can expect a reward from the Almighty.

Dua Tahajjud prayer is mainly performed at night. Muslims agree that the sacrament is optimally performed in the last third of the night (as the Prophet Muhammad believed). The total number of rak'ahs is eight. After prayer, turn to the Creator asking for forgiveness of sins. Don't forget to thank him for the benefits that have been provided to you.

Dua is performed before the obligatory night Isha and the morning Fajr. Chanting requires compliance with a certain number of rules.

The chant is performed collectively and alone.

The Messengers of the Almighty performed dua every day. Prayer is a sign of righteous people. Night worship brings a person closer to Allah. Atonement for sins helps improve the body's defenses against disease. The main advantages of the Tahajjud ritual are:

  • saving the family from harm;
  • wisdom will come from the tongue;
  • receiving life's benefits;
  • on the day of judgment the Muslim will be resurrected.

The hadith of the prophet clearly provides information about how the Creator loves a believer. He smiles and bestows blessing on a certain category of people:

  1. The person who is fighting at the end of the group. The Lord will make him wise and give him understanding.
  2. Having a beautiful wife and a soft bed, but getting up at night to make dua, including Tahajjud.
  3. A believer who travels with a group and does not forget about the ritual at night.

How to perform Tahajjud prayer correctly

It is necessary to perform Tahajjud prayer according to the sunnah of the prophet consistently. This is the only way to achieve results. The algorithm for performing the sacrament of dua consists of the stages of preparation for chanting:

  1. Arrange to wake up on time. The sacred text Tahajjud is best recited a few hours after sleep. If you get the required amount of sleep, don't beat yourself up. The Creator sees the sincere intentions of a person from heaven.
  2. After waking up, take a bath. These actions are necessary to cleanse your own energy flow before touching the Quran and performing dua. The classic procedure is carried out using clean water. To do this, wash your face, hands and ankles.
  3. Find a quiet place in the house. Sit comfortably on a special prayer mat. To perform the sacrament, it is not necessary to visit the Mosque and read the Tahajjud. It is enough to prepare a room in the apartment.
  4. Decide all worldly affairs in advance so that your heart does not experience worries. During dua, focus on love for the Almighty. Eliminate thoughts about difficulties in life. Ignore negative energy, bad attitudes and destructive feelings. With your eyes closed, generate spiritual awareness in your thoughts.

The mechanism for pronouncing prayer has its own characteristics. Before starting the sacrament of dua, you need to form an appeal to yourself in your thoughts. Decide on the intention of the chant. There is no need to voice them out loud. For the Creator they are always open and clear. Tahajjud is based on the systematic repetition of the rak'ah.

The beginning of the prayer is represented by the reading of verses and the Koran. The chant is performed in a standing position. Then the believer bows deeply, placing his hands on his knees. After I and II reading of “Al-Fatih”, surahs “Al-Kafirun” and “Al-Ikhlas” are read.

Two rak'ahs is the minimum required to conduct Tahajjud. There are no restrictions in Holy Scripture regarding the repetition of chants. Prophet Muhammad read up to 30 cycles of dua. You can add your own request at the end. Additionally, give thanks to the Creator for life and righteousness. If necessary, ask him for help to get through difficult times with dignity. Sincere prayer will be heard in heaven.

If you are overly tired, return to bed. The dua ritual interrupts sleep; if you do not have the strength to complete the sacrament, go to bed.

The stage of studying the Tahajjud deserves special attention:

  • read key passages from scriptures. To decipher the meaning of words, you can use specialized reference books. Beginners are recommended to read book 21 by S. Bukhari;
  • think over the mechanism for performing the ritual in your family. In Islam, reciting the sacred text of dua with relatives is encouraged. A collective approach allows us to achieve the most beneficial effect. The exception to late rising applies to children, the elderly and sick people;
  • when saying prayer, follows the example of Muhammad;
  • create conditions so that the dua Tahajjud becomes an integral part of your life.

Keep your intention in your heart. This approach will ensure concentration on prayer words.

If you do not have practical chanting skills, seek help and clarification from a religious brother. Don't say your intentions out loud.

Text and translation of the dua Tahajjud

Dua made in Tahajjud prayer has a certain power. The main advantages of the sacred text are:

  1. Reward. Performing nafl prayer promises a person sawab. The believer must encourage his wife to perform the sacrament.
  2. Increased attention that comes from the messenger. Muslims follow the example of the Prophet.
  3. Conscious perception of the dua Tahajjud. Performing the ritual promises great success for the believer. There is a moment in every night when a prayer is accepted by the Creator.
  4. A strong type of prayer. The hadith mentions that Ahmad is a powerful prayer call.
  5. Consistent direction towards Allah. Tahajjud restrains the righteous from bad deeds.
  6. Complete cleansing from the horrors that await in the grave. Chanting dua at night allows you to acquire the desired sawab. You should wake up several hours before the sacrament, thereby developing willpower.

It is better to recite the sacred text of Tahajjud from memory. This approach ensures the most open connection with the Creator. Don't rush when chanting. If you are in a bad mood, give up the dua.

  • moderate food intake. Hearty food creates heaviness in the stomach. As a result, the human body becomes difficult. Fatigue inclines the body to sleep and avoid performing the dua Tahajjud;
  • the depth of sinful acts. Bad deeds give the heart callousness and cynicism. For such people the gates to the Creator are closed;
  • refusal to eat prohibited foods;
  • awareness of the value of the sacrament of dua in the night. Psychological attitude is important because it helps a person get up at night;
  • sincerity of love for Allah. The predominance of a great feeling in the heart of a servant of God contributes to the performance of the Tahajjud ritual;
  • systematic reading of Surah Kaf, which facilitates sleep;
  • repetition of the text in abc. If you follow all the recommendations, the realization of your cherished dream or desire is inevitable.

Give up greed for material things. A greedy person usually has a tired heart and physical body.

Is refusing to pray considered a sin?

The Tahajjud Dua prayer allows you to get closer to Allah and receive forgiveness for your sins. Refusal to chant is considered one of the grave sins in Islam. The Great Creator reminds us that a person without faith and prayer will certainly find his own destruction. Truly religious people always receive forgiveness and a place in heaven.

Tahajjud represents the foundation of Islam. Along with the daily chanting of dua, the believer must recognize the uniqueness of Allah, pay zakat, fast in Ramadan and perform Hajja. The sacred text acts as an effective tool for the spiritual elevation of a person and the worthy overcoming of internal obstacles.

Tahajjud is an effective option for atonement for sins. By getting up at night and sacrificing sleep, a person automatically protects himself from vile and reprehensible thoughts.

Performing good deeds also helps to cleanse a person's aura. For the atonement of small sins, a dua was created, for heavy ones - the procedure of repentance to the Creator. A properly performed sacrament removes care from the soul and heart. As a result, fear, worry, anxiety and anger disappear.

There are several days throughout the year on which the dua Tahajjud ritual must be performed. The sacrament is performed without fail, since a good deed is taken into account by the Creator in multiples. Special dates are the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan, the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah. The period of Sha'ban deserves special attention. The ninth night of Muharram has special magical powers, when believers wake up and perform the ritual. The holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Fitr are considered sacred in Islam. By observing these instructions, a believer can count on forgiveness. His soul will rest in peace.

Among Muslims, Tahajjud prayer is one of the most revered prayers. It is optional, performed at night in the interval between the obligatory Isha (night) and Fajr (morning) prayers and is considered an important part of the life of devout Muslims who are convinced that at night Allah listens best to words and requests. This prayer is the same for women and men, except that women have more situations when prayer is unacceptable.

Most Muslims know how to perform Tahajjud prayer, but many of them miss the importance and benefits of this prayer. Theologians never tire of talking about the dangers modern world for the soul of the faithful. There are many temptations around, temptations during the day and dishonor at night consume Muslims, alienating them from the Lord. One of the ways to awaken the soul from despondency and carelessness is the night prayer of Tahajjud. Of course, you need to know how to perform it technically, but it is equally important to understand its undoubted value.

10 benefits of night prayer

Based on the Qur'an and the sacred sunnahs, learned theologians have deduced the virtues of night prayer.

  1. Tahajjud is a custom of the ancient righteous; night prayer brings one closer to Allah and helps to acutely feel the love for the Lord.
  2. Waking up to pray, a person understands the instructions of Allah better and more clearly.
  3. Tahajjud is a cure for the carelessness of the heart, which teaches humility and perseverance during the night vigil.
  4. Such prayer is honorable for a Muslim, because he is alone and very close to the Merciful.
  5. Night prayer fills you with light and goodness and lifts your spirits for the whole day. There is a legend that the shaitan makes three knots on the back of a person’s head, which he hits during the night, saying: “Sleep, your night is long.” Having woken up for prayer, the faithful untie one knot. After washing himself, before performing Tahajjud prayer, he unties the second knot. Through prayer he gets rid of the third knot and greets the morning with a pure soul.
  6. Such a prayer grants victory over enemies and difficult situations.
  7. Night prayer is a short path to the mercy of the Lord. Allah gladly has mercy on a Muslim who prays at night and wakes up his family to pray.
  8. Looking at the one performing Tahajjud, the Most Merciful boasts about him before the Angels and says: this faithful believer could sleep, but he remembers and praises me, abandoning his passions.
  9. Tahajjud eases the fate of the Day of Judgment and saves the worshiper from the horrors of hellfire.
  10. Night prayer ensures a person's life in paradise.

How to make Tahajjud prayer a habit

How can women and men do it constantly, and not occasionally? Theologians give three pieces of advice:

  • First. Read sacred and theological books, learning how Muhammad observed night vigils. By imitating the Prophet, you can better understand the meaning and value of night prayer. In addition, night prayer is given a lot of space in Hasidic and religious discussions.
  • Second. Strive to perform prayer with your family, because the Prophet performed Tahajjud with his wife Aisha. Night prayer will bring relatives even closer and show their solidarity in worshiping Allah.
  • Third. Try to make optional prayer a regular and desirable ritual for communicating with the Merciful and cleansing the soul.

How to Prepare the Spirit

Before performing Tahajjud prayer, it is necessary to prepare the spirit for prayer; this will help you endure the night vigil without difficulty, even with joy. A believer needs to understand that:

  • Love for the Almighty is an honor for a Muslim, and prayer is an opportunity to show this love, show Faith, and become closer to Allah.
  • The righteous ancestors honored Tahajjud.
  • Daytime sins invalidate night prayer. Standing before the Merciful must be earned through righteousness.
  • The believer is in awe of Allah and carries meek hopes in his heart.
  • Night prayer leads to heavenly rooms, saving you from the heat.

How to prepare your body

To endure prayer at night, you need to prepare yourself physically:

  • During the day, do not overwork yourself with useless, unnecessary activities.
  • During the day and especially in the evening, drink and eat less.
  • There is strictly halal food.
  • Use kailulya - daytime sleep.
  • Don't sleep on a bed that is too soft.

Time and place

The time for Tahajjud prayer begins after the obligatory Isha prayer and lasts until the obligatory Fajr prayer. If we conditionally divide this period into three parts, then the third part is best suited for night prayer. According to holy books, The Almighty descends at this time to the lower sky, is close to the person praying and hears the Tahajjud prayer well.

How to do it in the right place? Night prayer is performed in solitude or with family, so it does not require a mosque or a specially decorated room. The main conditions for the premises are cleanliness and silence. Purity is a sign of reverence for the pure name of the Most Gracious. Silence is important for deep communication with the Lord.

A Muslim should not be upset if he overslept the time of Tahajjud. After all, it is said in the hadiths: Allah knows perfectly well the thoughts and desires of the faithful, He often grants sleep as mercy. And the next night will be for prayer.

Ablution and preparation for prayer

Before performing Tahajjud prayer, it is necessary to perform ablution. Waking up to pray, you need to clean water wash your hands three times, then rinse your nose and mouth three times, then wash your face three times, wash your hands up to your elbows, wipe your head and ears, and wash your feet up to your ankles.

After ablution, go to the prayer room. Place the mat towards the Kaaba. Let go of all extraneous, vain worries from your consciousness. It is important to focus on talking with the Almighty, ignoring negative and empty thoughts, which are insignificant compared to the wisdom of Allah. Having reached an exalted state of soul, you can begin Tahajjud prayer.

How to perform night prayer according to the sunnah

This optional prayer does not have an exact number of rakats - cycles of prayer positions and formulas. Usually they make from two to eight rak'ahs, but the choice is entirely in the will and zeal of the worshiper. Let's say one rak'ah, or thirteen, as Muhammad often did, or more.

  • First, the Muslim announces his intention to pray. Before Tahajjud, a person mentally declares to himself that he is going to pray. There is no need to pronounce the words out loud: the Almighty knows any thoughts and desires of a true believer.
  • The first two rak'ahs are performed, traditionally considered to be the minimum number.
  • Further rakats follow as many as the believer wishes.
  • Then your own prayer is added. Her sincerity is more important than length. You can ask for health to your children, good luck to your friend. This prayer is of special power; all requests will be heard and fulfilled, if this is the will of the Almighty.
  • If during Tahajjud your eyes become closed and you have no strength to continue your prayer, then you need to return to bed without shame and reproach. As recorded in the hadiths, Allah is aware of the sincere desire to complete the prayer, and He does not give tests that exceed human capabilities.

Women and Tahajjud prayer

How to do it for women? According to the Sunnah, Muslim women pray in the same way as men. But there are a number of restrictions that prohibit them from night prayer. You cannot perform Tahajjud after miscarriages, childbirth, or during menstruation. Even before prayer, she should not laugh, cook food on fire, or touch uncleanliness or genitals.

How and when to perform Tahajjud prayer?

“Stay awake part of the night, reciting the Quran during additional prayers. Perhaps your Lord will elevate you to a place of praise.”

Holy Quran. Sura 17 Al-Isra / Night Transfer, verse 79

Performing the Tahajjud prayer is sunnah. Tahajjud prayer is performed on the interval between night prayer (Isha) and morning prayer (Fajr). Tahajjud prayer can be performed at any time of the night, but it is best to wake up specifically to perform Tahajjud prayer in the last third of the night. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Our Lord, the Great and Mighty, descends into the lower heaven every night when it reaches its last third and says: “Who turns to me with a prayer that I answer him? Who asks Me to give it to him? Who asks Me for forgiveness so that I can forgive him?” (al-Bukhari; Muslim).

Number of rakats Tahajjud prayer - from two to eight (at the request of the worshiper). After performing the Tahajjud prayer, it is recommended to turn to the Almighty with a personal prayer, ask Him for forgiveness, support and help, thank Him for all the benefits He has given. Also, according to some hadiths, after Tahajjud, you can perform one rak'ah of Witr prayer, as the end of the night prayer as a whole. It is condemned to perform Tahajjud collectively because the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions did not perform this prayer collectively.

“They lift their sides from their beds, calling upon their Lord with fear and hope, and spend from what We have provided for them. No man knows what delights for the eyes are hidden for them as a reward for what they have done.”

Holy Quran. Sura 17 “As-Sajdah” / “Prostration”, verse 16-17

The Messenger of the Almighty, peace and blessings be upon him, performed tahajjud constantly. He said: “Get up at night to pray, truly this is the custom of the righteous people before you, which will bring you closer to Allah, atone for your little sins, and keep you from sin.” He also said: “Whoever performs prayer perfectly at night, Allah will bestow upon him nine blessings - five in worldly life and four in akhirah.”

Among the five worldly blessings, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, named protection from harm by Allah, love of people for a Muslim performing Tahajjud, achievement of wisdom, humility before Allah and enlightenment. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, listed among the four blessings of akhirat the resurrection of a Muslim with a brightened face, the facilitation of a Muslim’s report on the Day of Judgment, a quick and painless passage across the Sirat Bridge and the delivery of his book of deeds on the Day of Judgment to his right hand.

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Tahajjut prayer - when and how to perform it

Tahajjud prayer times

Tahajjud prayer is performed between the night prayer ('Isha) and the morning prayer (Fajr). Performing Tahajjud is sunnah. The best time The last third of the night is the time to perform this prayer. If you set an alarm for a specific time to wake up on Fajr, you can set it 20-30 minutes early for Tahajjud prayer (or another time, depending on how many rak'ahs you intend to pray and whether you are going to After this, make a personal prayer to Allah Almighty).

The Tahajjud prayer will be counted even if the worshiper performs it at any other time of the night, and even immediately after the ‘Isha prayer, but the greatest reward for it will be for those who specifically wake up to perform it in the last third of the night.

Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Our Lord, the Great and Mighty, descends into the lower heaven every night when it reaches its last third and says: “Who turns to me with a prayer so that I answer him? Who asks Me to give it to him? Who asks Me for forgiveness so that I can forgive him?” (collections of hadiths by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Performing Tahajjud prayer

Two rak'ts are considered the minimum required to perform Tahajjud; their maximum number is not clearly limited anywhere. In Tahajjud prayer, you can perform as many two-rak't prayers as your soul desires. Most Muslims limit themselves to eight rak'ts (that is, 4 prayers of 2 rak'ts), and many also perform 12 rak'ts (6 prayers of 2 rak'ts each). In accordance with the Sunnah, in the first rak't after Al-Fatiha, it is recommended to read Surah Al-Kafirun, and in the second - Al-Ikhlyas, although reading longer surahs requires another O greater reward.

After performing the Tahajjud prayer, it is recommended to turn to Allah Almighty with a personal prayer, ask Him for help, for forgiveness of sins, and thank Him for all the blessings He has endowed you with. Also, according to some hadiths, after Tahajjud, you can perform one rak'ah of Witr prayer, as the end of the night prayer as a whole.

The significance of Tahajjud prayer

The Quran says about the merits of performing Tahajjud: “They lift their sides from their beds, calling upon their Lord with fear and hope, and spend from what We have provided for them. No one knows what delights for the eyes are hidden for them as a reward for what they did” (Surah As-Saja, verses 16-17).

The Messenger of the Almighty (s.a.w.) performed nafil prayer (tahajjud) constantly, even despite the state of his health. The Prophet (saw) said: “Get up at night to pray, truly this is the custom of the righteous people before you, which will bring you closer to Allah, atone for your little sins, and keep you from sin.”

The Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever performs prayer perfectly at night, Allah will grant him nine blessings - five in worldly life and four in akhirah.”

Among the five worldly blessings, Muhammad (saw) highlights Allah's protection from harm, people's love for a Muslim performing Tahajjud, the achievement of wisdom, humility before Allah and enlightenment. Of the four blessings of Akhirat, the Prophet (saw) highlights the resurrection of a Muslim with a brightened face, the facilitation of a Muslim’s report on the Day of Judgment, a quick and painless passage across the Sirat Bridge and the delivery of the book of a person’s deeds on the Day of Judgment to the right hand.

It is prohibited to perform Tahajjud collectively because the Prophet (saw) and his companions did not perform this prayer in the jamaat (collectively).

Prayer (namaz) Tahajjud

Tahajjud- (from Arabic) additional night prayer performed after sleep.

This prayer is not an obligatory sunnah (muakkyada), but can be performed as an additional prayer (nafil) to fard prayers.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “ Best prayer, after the five obligatory ones, is the prayer of the night." On another occasion, the Prophet clarified: “All those [prayers] that [are performed] after the night prayer (‘Isha’) belong to the prayer of the night.” Also, the Messenger of the Almighty left a covenant: “Follow the night prayer! Truly, this is a sign of the righteous, drawing closer to the Lord, atonement for your sins and moving away from sins.”

The number of rakyaats of this prayer is from two to eight (at the request of the worshiper).

The time of Tahajjud begins after the obligatory night prayer (‘Isha’) and lasts until dawn.

It is advisable to devote less time to sleep and pray more on the following nights: holidays - the night before the holiday of breaking the fast (Eid al-Adha) and the holiday of sacrifice (Eid al-Adha); the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan; ten nights before the festival of sacrifice (the first ten nights of the month of Dhul-Hijjah); night of the middle of the month Sha'ban (Laylatul-bara'a); night on the day of 'Ashura' (tenth of Muharram). There are hadiths that emphasize the peculiarity of these nights and the desirability of performing additional prayers at this time.

The collective performance of the Tahajjud prayer is canonically condemned, for neither the Prophet Muhammad nor his companions performed this prayer in jama'at (collectively).

And one more hadith: “Every night the Lord “descends” [in a manifestation of mercy, forgiveness and limitless power] to the lower sky after the first third of the night. He exclaims: “I am the Lord! Is there anyone who calls [to Me]? I'll answer him. Is there anyone who asks Me? I'll give it to him. Is there anyone who repents so that I can forgive him?” And this continues until dawn."

See: Mu'jamu lugati al-fuqaha'. P. 149. The verb “tahajada”, from which this word comes, means “waking up at night to perform prayer.” See: Al-mu'jam al-'arabiy al-asasiy [Basic Arabic dictionary]. [B. m.]: Larus, [b. G.]. P. 1253.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Ahmad, Muslim, etc. See, for example: An-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 452, Hadith No. 202 (1163); al-Qari 'A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharkh miskyat al-masabih. In 11 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1992. T. 3. P. 930, hadith No. 1236; al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. In 8 vols. T. 3. P. 60, hadith No. 949.

St. x. at-Tabarani and others. See, for example: Zaglyul M. Mavsu'a atraf al-hadith an-nabawi al-sharif [Encyclopedia of the beginnings of noble prophetic sayings]. In 11 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1994. T. 7. P. 40.

St. x. at-Tirmidhi. See: At-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi [Collection of hadiths of Imam at-Tirmidhi]. Beirut: Ibn Hazm, 2002. P. 982, Hadith No. 3558; al-Qari 'A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharkh miskyat al-masabih. T. 3. P. 927, Hadith No. 1227.

See: At-Tabrizi M. Mishket al-masabih. T. 1. P. 375, hadiths No. 1306 and 1308.

See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 2. P. 1064.

The hadith cannot be interpreted based on an anthropomorphic understanding of God, for the Creator of all things is the Lord Almighty, All-Knowing, All-Seeing, Existing outside of time and space. The metaphysical meaning of the hadith is that, no matter how close the Almighty “descends” to the earth, to earthly beings and objects, He always remains transcendent, being in the sphere of inaccessibility to human experience. At the same time, “he knows what his soul whispers to a person, and Who is closer to him than [his] carotid artery” (see: Holy Koran, 50:16).

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Muslim and others. See, for example: An-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 298, Hadith No. 169 (758); al-Qari 'A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharkh miskyat al-masabih. T. 3, p. 923, Hadith No. 1223; al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. In 8 volumes. T. 3. P. 62.

Tahajjud prayer how to read

Tahajjud prayer

Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُزَّمِّلُ * قُمِ اللَّيْلَ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا * نِّصْفَهُ أَوِ انقُصْ مِنْهُ قَلِيلًا * أَوْ زِدْ عَلَيْهِ وَرَتِّلِ الْقُرْآنَ تَرْتِيلًا

“O wrapped one! Stand still for almost a night, half a night, or a little less than that, or a little more than that, and read the Qur’an in a measured manner.”. (Surah Al-Muzammil, 1-4 verses)

The noblest of the additional, voluntary (nafil) prayers is the night prayer of Tahajjud. The word "tahajjud" comes from the word "hujud", which means "sleep", and the meaning of the word "tahajjud" is to wake up from sleep.

Tahajjud is a nafil prayer that is performed after the obligatory night prayer (isha), after a short sleep in the second half of the night. Allah Almighty will give huge blogs to those who get up at night to worship Him, while all people are immersed in deep sleep.

The merits of Tahajjud prayer

The Qur'an describes devout Muslims as follows:

“تَتَجَافَىٰ جُنُوبُهُمْ عَنِ الْمَضَاجِعِ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُمْ خَوْفًا وَطَمَعًا وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنفِقُونَ * فَلَا تَعْلَمُ نَفْسٌ مَّا أُخْفِيَ لَهُم مِّن قُرَّةِ أَعْيُنٍ جَزَاءً بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ”

“They lift their sides from their beds, calling upon their Lord with fear and hope, and spend from what We have provided for them. No man knows what delights for the eyes are hidden for them as a reward for what they have done.” Surah As-Sajdah, verses 16–17.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, in one of the many hadiths in which he noted the greatness of Tahajjud prayer, said:

“عَلَيْكُمْ بِقِيَامِ اللَّيْلِ فَإِنَّهُ دَأَبُ الصَّالِحِينَ قَبْلَكُمْ ، وَهُوَ قُرْبَةٌ لَكُمْ إِلَى رَبِّكُمْ ، وَمَكْفَرَةٌ لِلسَّيِّئَاتِ ، وَمَنْهَاةٌ عَنِ الْإِثْمِ”

“Get up at night to pray, truly this is the custom of the righteous people before you, which will bring you closer to Allah, atone for your little sins, and keep you from sin.”

another hadith says:

“إِنَّ فِي الْجَنَّةِ غُرَفًا، يُرَى ظَاهِرُهَا مِنْ بَاطِنِهَا، وَبَاطِنُهَا مِنْ ظَاهِرِهَا أَعَدَّهَا اللَّهُ لِمَنْ أَلَانَ الْكَلَامَ، وَأَطْعَمَ الطَّعَامَ، وَتَابَعَ الصِّيَامَ، وَصَلَّى بِاللَّيْلِ وَالنَّاسُ نِيَامٌ”

“Truly in Paradise there are such chambers (rooms), from the inside of which you can see what is outside, and from the outside you can see what is inside.” Allah prepared them for those whose speeches were good, who fed people, fasted constantly and prayed to Allah at night when people were sleeping."

The collection of hadith cited by Ibn Majah says: “If someone wakes up and wakes up his wife, and they perform two rak’ah prayers together, Allah will write the names of both of them among the names of men and women who constantly remember Allah.”

In the hadith quoted by Sahih Bukhariyya, Masruk says the following: “When I asked Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) about the night prayer of the Messenger of Allah, she replied: His prayer, in addition to the morning prayer, consists of seven (three of them are witr), nine (of which three are witr) and eleven rak'ahs (three of which vitr)". In another hadith cited by Sahih Bukharia, the mother of the faithful Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Prophet performed thirteen rakats in his night prayer. Three of them are witr and two rak'ahs of the sunnah of morning prayer." .

How many rakats does Tahajjud prayer consist of?

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ read the Tahajjud prayer in different ways. Sometimes he read two, four, sometimes six or eight rak'ahs. Following them, scientists came to the conclusion that tahajjud prayer is performed by the smallest of two rak'ahs, and the largest of eight rak'ahs.

Tahajjud prayer time

The time for performing Tahajjud prayer begins after the obligatory night prayer (Isha) and lasts until the beginning of the morning prayer. But, the best time to perform Tahajjud prayer is the last third of the night, i.e. If the period of time from sunset until the time of morning prayer is divided into three parts, then it is preferable to perform Tahajjud in the third part (the time before morning prayer) of the divided time. The hadith says that at this time our repentance and prayers will be accepted. The way to read Tahajjud according to the Sunnat is as follows: after reading the night prayer, go to bed, then get up and read Tahajjud. Witr prayer is performed after Tahajjud prayer. And, if someone is not sure that he will wake up at night, he should perform “witr prayer” before going to bed. In the case of reciting Tahajjud, performing three rak'ahs of Witr along with Tahajjud is also Sunnat. But if Witr has already been read after the night prayer, then after Tahajjud there is no need to read it a second time, because the Messenger of Allah ﷺ forbade reading Witr twice in one night.

Suhoor time - covers 1-2 hours before the morning prayer, this time is also called one sixth of the night.

However, if you look at some hadiths, then according to them the Prophet ﷺ slept in the first half of the night and performed namaz in the last part of the night. After performing namaz, I lay in bed and got up as soon as I heard the voice of the muezzin calling for morning prayer. If necessary, he performed full ablution (ghusl), and if not, then he performed small ablution (wudu).

In the Hanafi madhhab, it is considered a good deed to perform Tahajjud prayer in the second part of the night, and in the first part of the night one should sleep.

O people of Islam! If you want to receive the mercy of Allah, then perform Tahajjud prayer more often. May Allah strengthen us in Islam! Amine!

Number of rak'ahs in tahajjud prayer

The book “Havi Qudsi” says: “The smallest number of rakats is two, and the largest is 8 rakats.”

In the books “Javhara” and “Marakil Falah”: “The smallest is 8 rakats. You can choose as you wish."

Tahajjud prayer time

The best time to perform Tahajjud prayer is the second half of the night (before dawn). During the last third of the night, Almighty Allah accepts dua and declares: “Who will ask Me (for anything) so that I will grant it to him? Who will ask Me for forgiveness so that I will forgive him?”

But if someone is unable to wake up during this part of the night, he can perform the night prayer (tahajjud) any time after the isha prayer (night prayer). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Everything that is done after Isha is considered night (will be considered tahajjud)” (“at-Targhib”, volume 1, page 430; “Shami”, volume 2, page 24).

Anyone who is not sure that he will wake up at night should perform Witr before going to bed. Moreover, if he wakes up at night, he can perform tahajjud, but there is no need to repeat witr (“Shami”, volume 1, p. 369).

The advent of Ramadan provides an ideal opportunity for this outstanding Sunnah of our beloved Guide (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to become firmly established in our lives.

The virtues of Tahajjud prayer

The Qur'an says (meaning): " They lift their sides from their beds, calling upon their Lord with fear and hope, and spend from what We have given them. No man knows what delights for the eyes are hidden for them as a reward for what they have done "(Sura As-Saja, verses 16–17).

Performing nafl prayer (tahajjud) late at night was the constant practice of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Mrs. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Do not leave the night prayer, because truly the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) never left the Tahajjud prayer. Even in case of illness or weakness, he performed Tahajjud while sitting.”

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him) says: “ Never stop praying at night. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) never stopped performing it. When he was sick or weak, he would pray while sitting "(Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) encouraged the Ummah to perform Tahajjud. Fakihs have established that tahajjud is the most significant of all nafl prayers (“Tahtavi”, p. 393).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Get up at night to pray, truly this is the custom of the righteous people before you, which will bring you closer to Allah, atone for your little sins, and keep you from sin.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “May Allah have mercy on a man who woke up at night and performed prayer and woke up his wife, and if she refused, he sprinkled water on her. May Allah have mercy on a woman who woke up at night and performed namaz and woke up her husband, and he performed namaz, and if he refused, then she sprinkled water on him.” (Reported by Ahmad in his Musnad, volume 2, 250 pages, and by Abu Dawud in Sunan, volume 2, 73 pages)

Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever performs prayer perfectly at night, Allah will grant him nine blessings - five in worldly life and four in akhirah.

Five blessings in worldly life:

1. Allah will protect you from troubles.

2. A trace of submission to the Creator will appear on the face of a Muslim.

3. The hearts of the righteous and all people will love him.

4. Wisdom will flow from his tongue.

5. Allah will make him wise, that is, give him understanding.

Four benefits that will be granted in Akhirat:

1. The Muslim will be resurrected with a face illuminated by light.

2. His account will be made easier on the Day of Judgment.

3. He will pass through the Sirat Bridge like a flash of lightning.

4. The book of deeds will be given into the right hand on the Day of Judgment.

Sayings of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

“The best prayer among additional prayers is the prayer performed in the dead of night - the tahajjud prayer” (narrated by Ahmad).

“Performing the night tahajjud prayer will bring the reader closer to Allah, protect him from evil and cleanse him from disease.”

"Duas are accepted (better) in the middle of the night."

“Say hello (i.e. say “as-salamu alaikum”) to those around you, feed the poor, maintain close contact with your loved ones and perform namaz when people are sleeping - and you will enter Paradise in peace.”

« Every night there is a moment when Allah will fulfill everything that a person asks for in dua. "(narrated by Muslim).

« Namaz-tahajjud will keep a person from committing sins and bring him closer to Allah "(narrated by Tirmidhi).

« Namaz-tahajjud will remove the horrors of the grave "(narrated by Ibn Majah).

« Namaz-tahajjud is equal to four rak'ahs performed on Laylat ul-Qadr "(reported by Tabarani).

If you get up at night, knowing that there is someone else who also wants to perform this prayer, then wake him up. It is better to make the intention (niyat) before going to bed, and then, even if you oversleep (unintentionally), you will still receive a reward, inshaAllah.

Mr. Abu Umama (may Allah be pleased with him) reported the following words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Remember the night prayer (tahajjud), because verily: 1) it was practiced by the righteous who lived before you, 2) it is a way achieving closeness to your Lord, 3) it is an atonement for sins, 4) it serves as a protection from disobedience.”

In other hadiths, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) Tahajjud described it this way:

5) the best of all prayers after the obligatory ones,

6) honor for a true believer,

7) the reason for the extreme pleasure of Allah,

8) a way to easily get to heaven,

9) protection from diseases.

(At-Targhib, vol. 1, pp. 423–435)

The Ulama said that one of the many advantages of Tahajjud prayer is that it illuminates the face of the one who performs it with nur (divine light) and protects him from the horrors of the Day of Judgment. The mother of Prophet Suleiman (peace be upon him) advised her son: “O my son! Don't waste a lot of time on night sleep, because he is the cause of man’s poverty on the Day of Judgment.”

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best prayer after the five obligatory prayers is the night prayer.” On another occasion, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) clarified: “All those after the night prayer (isha) belong to the night prayer.”

The collective performance of the Tahajjud prayer is canonically condemned, for neither the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) nor his companions performed this prayer in the jamaat (collectively).

It was narrated from Huzaifa (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) read surahs “al-Baqarah” and “Alu Imran” in his night prayers, and when he came to the verses that mention Paradise, stopped and asked Allah, and when he came to the verses that mentioned Hell, he stopped and asked for protection from Allah, and when he came to the verses that mentioned examples, he stopped and reflected.

If they ask: “In prayer, is it better to stand for a long time or make numerous prostrations?” - a reliable word is that transmitted from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He was asked about the best prayer (namaz), and he replied that this is the prayer in which standing will be long. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: “Your reward will be according to your fatigue.”

Some conditions that make it easier to get up at night

1. Moderation in food. Hearty food makes the stomach heavy and the body lazy, making a person sleepy and making it difficult to get up.

2. The severity of sins. Sins harden a person's heart and close the gates of Allah's mercy. Once Hasan al-Basri was asked: “O Abu Said, I am not sick, and I want to get up at night to worship, and I prepare everything for this, but, I don’t know why, I cannot get up at night.” To which Hasan al-Basri said: “You are bound by the sins that you committed during the day.”

3. Refusal of forbidden (haram) food. One of the righteous once said: “ It often happens that we eat forbidden food once and for a whole year deprive ourselves of waking up at night to worship».

4. Knowing the value of night worship. For his reward is great. This will help a person get up at night in an effort to earn as much reward as possible before Allah.

5. Love for your Creator. When sincere love for Allah Almighty strengthens in the heart of a servant of God, he is overcome by the desire to be alone with the Creator of all things at a time when everyone is sleeping and worldly affairs do not distract him in the complete silence of the night. It is said that Imam Abu Hanifa performed morning prayer for forty years with the ablution made for the night farz prayer.

6. Reading Surah "Kaf". The theologian Afzaludin said: “It facilitates sleep.”

8. Go to bed after ablution and make the intention to get up for Tahajjud.

9. Refusal of greed for worldly possessions. A greedy person tires his heart and body, and when night comes, he sleeps like the dead.

It is advisable to devote less time to sleep and pray more on the following nights: holidays - the night before the holiday of Breaking the Fast (Eid al-Fitr) and the holiday of sacrifice (Eid al-Adha); the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan; ten nights before the festival of sacrifice (the first ten nights of the month of Dhul-Hijjah); the night of the middle of the month of Shaban (Lailat ul-Baraa), the night of the day of Ashura (the tenth day of Muharram). There are hadiths that emphasize the peculiarity of these nights and the desirability of performing additional prayers at this time.

Sheikh Takhtavi, "Hashiyatu Takhtavi"; Hassan son of Ammar, "Marakil Falah"; Abu Bakr son of Masud, "Badaiu Sanai"; Usman son of Hassan, "Durratu Nasihin"; Abdulwahab son of Ahmad son of Ali Sharani, “Lavakihul anwar kudsia.”

Material prepared

Faruk Azimov

Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُزَّمِّلُ * قُمِ اللَّيْلَ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا * نِّصْفَهُ أَوِ انقُصْ مِنْهُ قَلِيلًا * أَوْ زِدْ عَلَيْهِ وَرَتِّلِ الْقُرْآنَ تَرْتِيلًا

“O wrapped one! Stand still for almost a night, half a night, or a little less than that, or a little more than that, and read the Qur’an in a measured manner.”. (Surah Al-Muzammil, 1-4 verses)

The noblest of the additional, voluntary (nafil) prayers is the night prayer of Tahajjud. The word "tahajjud" comes from the word "hujud", which means "sleep", and the meaning of the word "tahajjud" is to wake up from sleep.

Tahajjud is a nafil prayer that is performed after the obligatory night prayer (isha), after a short sleep in the second half of the night. Allah Almighty will give huge blogs to those who get up at night to worship Him, while all people are immersed in deep sleep.

The merits of Tahajjud prayer

The Qur'an describes devout Muslims as follows:

"تَتَجَافَىٰ جُنُوبُهُمْ عَنِ الْمَضَاجِعِ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُمْ خَوْفًا وَطَمَعًا وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنفِقُونَ * فَلَا تَعْلَمُ نَفْسٌ مَّا أُخْفِيَ لَهُم مِّن قُرَّةِ أَعْيُنٍ جَزَاءً بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ"

“They lift their sides from their beds, calling upon their Lord with fear and hope, and spend from what We have provided for them. No man knows what delights for the eyes are hidden for them as a reward for what they have done.” Surah As-Sajdah, verses 16–17.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, in one of the many hadiths in which he noted the greatness of Tahajjud prayer, said:

"عَلَيْكُمْ بِقِيَامِ اللَّيْلِ فَإِنَّهُ دَأَبُ الصَّالِحِينَ قَبْلَكُمْ ، وَهُوَ قُرْبَةٌ لَكُمْ إِلَى رَبِّكُمْ ، وَمَكْفَرَةٌ لِلسَّيِّئَاتِ ، وَمَنْهَاةٌ عَنِ الْإِثْمِ"

“Get up at night to pray, truly this is the custom of the righteous people before you, which will bring you closer to Allah, atone for your little sins, and keep you from sin.”
another hadith says:

"إِنَّ فِي الْجَنَّةِ غُرَفًا، يُرَى ظَاهِرُهَا مِنْ بَاطِنِهَا، وَبَاطِنُهَا مِنْ ظَاهِرِهَا أَعَدَّهَا اللَّهُ لِمَنْ أَلَانَ الْكَلَامَ، وَأَطْعَمَ الطَّعَامَ، وَتَابَعَ الصِّيَامَ، وَصَلَّى بِاللَّيْلِ وَالنَّاسُ نِيَامٌ"

“Truly in Paradise there are such chambers (rooms), from the inside of which you can see what is outside, and from the outside you can see what is inside.” Allah prepared them for those whose speeches were good, who fed people, fasted constantly and prayed to Allah at night when people were sleeping."

The collection of hadith cited by Ibn Majah says: “If someone wakes up and wakes up his wife, and they perform two rak’ah prayers together, Allah will write the names of both of them among the names of men and women who constantly remember Allah.”

In the hadith quoted by Sahih Bukhariyya, Masruk says the following: “When I asked Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) about the night prayer of the Messenger of Allah, she replied: His prayer, in addition to the morning prayer, consists of seven (three of them are witr), nine (of which three are witr) and eleven rak'ahs (three of which vitr)". In another hadith cited by Sahih Bukharia, the mother of the faithful Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Prophet performed thirteen rakats in his night prayer. Three of them are witr and two rak'ahs of the sunnah of morning prayer." .

How many rakats does Tahajjud prayer consist of?

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ read the Tahajjud prayer in different ways. Sometimes he read two, four, sometimes six or eight rak'ahs. Following them, scientists came to the conclusion that tahajjud prayer is performed by the smallest of two rak'ahs, and the largest of eight rak'ahs.
It is permissible to read both two rak'ahs and four, but it is mustahabb to read two rak'ahs.

Tahajjud prayer time

The time for performing Tahajjud prayer begins after the obligatory night prayer (Isha) and lasts until the beginning of the morning prayer. But, the best time to perform Tahajjud prayer is the last third of the night, i.e. If the period of time from sunset until the time of morning prayer is divided into three parts, then it is preferable to perform Tahajjud in the third part (the time before morning prayer) of the divided time. The hadith says that at this time our repentance and prayers will be accepted. The way to read Tahajjud according to the Sunnat is as follows: after reading the night prayer, go to bed, then get up and read Tahajjud. Witr prayer is performed after Tahajjud prayer. And, if someone is not sure that he will wake up at night, he should perform “witr prayer” before going to bed. In the case of reciting Tahajjud, performing three rak'ahs of Witr along with Tahajjud is also Sunnat. But if Witr has already been read after the night prayer, then after Tahajjud there is no need to read it a second time, because the Messenger of Allah ﷺ forbade reading Witr twice in one night.

Suhoor time - covers 1-2 hours before the morning prayer, this time is also called one sixth of the night.
However, if you look at some hadiths, then according to them the Prophet ﷺ slept in the first half of the night and performed namaz in the last part of the night. After performing namaz, I lay in bed and got up as soon as I heard the voice of the muezzin calling for morning prayer. If necessary, he performed full ablution (ghusl), and if not, then he performed small ablution (wudu).
In the Hanafi madhhab, it is considered a good deed to perform Tahajjud prayer in the second part of the night, and in the first part of the night one should sleep.

O people of Islam! If you want to receive the mercy of Allah, then perform Tahajjud prayer more often. May Allah strengthen us in Islam! Amine!
