When to read the psalter. How to read the psalter

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Prayer brings a person closer to God. This known fact. She gives strength and gives hope to everyone who asks. You can read for both the living and the dead. Reading around the clock strengthens a person’s strength and will, casts out demons and gives God’s blessing. You can find more information about what the psalter for health is, and the never-sleeping psalter, how to read it correctly and other interesting information in our article.

This collection of prayers is characterized not only by the fact that it is read without interruption, but also by the fact that church ministers can sit while presenting it. It consists of certain sections (“kathismas” - read while sitting), which are performed separately for health, for repose and for every day. You can also read it yourself at home. This ritual not only strengthens the spirit of the person praying, but also opens his soul to the Lord, as it speaks to him tirelessly and with great faith.

The never-ending psalter, features

Monks who are given the right to read these psalms have a special grace from above - to beg forgiveness for the sins of worldly people. For them, prayer is a sermon, good news that brings them closer to God. And here on Earth they are in the guise of angels. Their power is very great, otherwise the requests will not reach the Almighty, which means that help in saving the soul will not be provided. And they cannot allow this to happen.

The peculiarity of such prayers is the fact that while the monks pray for a person, great power protects him from evil demons and helps in the fight against sinful passions. They are read day and night, and the ministers simply replace each other after a certain time.

This work has long been performed in many monasteries. And ordering his reading was considered a generous alms that helps with health and saves the soul in heaven. Any monastery needs to have such a rank, since this is its direct support. This ritual will greatly benefit not only the person for whom it was ordered, but also:

  • to you personally, because this is a great and merciful deed;
  • the monastery, since this is its main support;
  • monks, because they take part in this rite;
  • by your own example you can inspire other people;
  • Seeing the inevitable and expected result, your faith will strengthen and become stronger.

It’s very good to order a reading for yourself personally, then invisible support is felt in everything. It’s not surprising that there is also eternal reading. And, believe me, the money spent will be worth it. You can also carry out this action yourself.

How to read the psalter correctly

Reading this work is a great tradition, which is based on certain rules that must be strictly followed. People have been praying using this book for a long time. Even among the ancient monks, it was customary to read it in their heads, and the monastery accepted only those who knew it by heart.

In Orthodoxy, to this day, there is a custom of reading scripture by agreement.

  • A group of believers, separately from each other, reads it in its entirety in just one day. Also, each of them reads one kathisma given to him at home, remembering the names of those who perform the ritual with him. All this is done clearly and by agreement.
  • On the second day, the entire book is read again, but each of the believers is already performing the next kathisma. If one of those gathered was unable to read the section given to him on any of these days, he reads it the next day, not forgetting that what follows are the following prayers required for fulfillment.
  • The entire book is read at least forty times, especially if the execution takes place before Lent. It is beyond the power of one person to do this, therefore, as a rule, this action is performed by a certain group of believers.

How to read the psalter at home

  • To read, you need to prepare a burning lamp or candle. You can pray without a church fire only on the road;
  • It is necessary to read only out loud (in a low voice or quietly), so that both the mind and the ear understand the prayer and “live” it;
  • special attention should be paid to the placement of accents and correct reading In general, you need to be aware of the meaning of every word you read. Remember that a mistake can change the meaning of both one word and the entire phrase, which means that everything performed will not only have no meaning, but will also become a great sin;
  • You can sing psalms while sitting (“kathisma”). You need to get up when reading the initial and final songs, as well as when reading the words “Glory”;
  • Say your prayers monotonously, without much expression or passion, singing a little, because the Almighty is unpleasant to your sinful feelings. Reading with theatrical tact suggests that in the soul of a person, speaking word, demons settled in and filled his mind and heart;
  • You should also not be discouraged while reading or embarrassed if the section you are reading is not particularly clear. Regarding the performance of the psalms, there is the following statement: “You don’t understand - the demons understand.” Therefore, do not worry if you do not fully understand something in what is written - everything will come with time. Spiritual development The meaning of the church work will gradually be revealed.

Now knowing how to read the psalter correctly at home, everyone who believes and wants to help another will be able to do so. After all, a person’s faith is strong only when his spirit and will are not broken, when the mind and heart are one whole, and the soul is directed towards the eternal.

The never-ending psalter about health, what is it?

Life and health for any person are the most important thing; without it, nothing makes sense. And when a terrible illness awaits our loved ones, when everyday misfortunes lie in wait, we can also read the psalms “On Health.” They are ordered from monasteries, and then the monks tirelessly pray for a certain time so that the Lord will grant his loved one his grace and help him overcome despondency.

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How to read the psalter about health at home

You can also help a loved one at home. By reading prayers independently and adhering to the above rules, each of us can turn to God, knowing for sure that he will be heard. To do this you need to have pure thoughts and unshakable faith.

A person always trusts in the mercy of God, because he understands that it will be difficult for him to fight various ailments and misfortunes on his own. And every time troubles happen in life, we turn to the Lord as the last “resort”, where they will hear, see, understand and help...

An indestructible psalter to remove damage from a person

Sometimes it happens that a person seems healthy and reasonable, but something weighs him down and does not allow him to live normally. And when no “earthly” methods help, he goes to the temple, realizing that he is controlled by “evil spirits,” which can over time completely take over his body and soul.

Reading this particular scripture best removes damage, because its main goal is to pacify and give peace, driving out the demons that have filled the mind and heart.

The everlasting psalter removes damage various types. And this is a very serious problem that many do not believe in, but in vain. A person’s thoughts are material and, once thinking sinfully, one can bring upon oneself the enormous power of demons. Their power is very great, and, as a rule, it is almost impossible to cope with them alone. And this, unfortunately, can lead to disastrous consequences.

Here, help in reading prayers is not just necessary, but is the only way to help the sufferer.

Psalter for the dead up to 40 days

IN Orthodox history There is a tradition of reading prayers over the body of the deceased before his burial and then one kathisma after the ceremony.

  • Only relatives should read, doing this standing whenever possible and continuously until the burial process for several days. You can only fall silent at those moments when a memorial service is being read over the coffin of the deceased.
  • If relatives cannot gather together over the body of the deceased, then you can divide the time and read to everyone in their own and at home.
  • Then, after the ceremony itself, the relatives continue to read the scripture for 40 days, until the soul of the deceased leaves the earthly abode and goes to heaven.

So they help her get rid of the sins committed during her life and find eternal peace in paradise, becoming an angel.

Psalter for the Dead

The most common church ritual is the reading of prayers for the deceased. One of these prayers is “Sorokoust”. It is often ordered in monasteries on memorial dates. Then the clergy for forty days (and therefore forty times) mention in the reading the name of the person for whom they are praying.

It is believed that in this way all sins are forgiven and God's grace comes. To make this prayer even stronger, you need to order it in several churches at the same time.

The Psalter of Repose is very important for everyone who has experienced a great tragedy in life and lost a loved one. Realizing that the pain cannot be relieved even here on earth, nothing can be done to help their loved one, they resort to the mercy of God, who now accompanies him there in heaven.

Psalter of the Virgin Mary

These prayers are read for the health of one, a loved one or even a stranger, before the face of the Virgin Mary in the temple, while a candle is placed on the altar, the fire of which expresses the sincerity of thoughts and love for God.

The Psalter of the Mother of God is a very powerful scripture. They read it asking for health and grace, since the Most Pure One fulfills the will of the Lord and is closest to him than all the saints.

Valaam Psalter

One more is enough interesting reading prayers are performed by the choir of the brethren of the Valaam Monastery. The monks (and among them only men) pray tirelessly and with grace. Their songs are not only meaningful, but also very beautiful. In Orthodoxy, this choir is truly a masterpiece of church culture.

Prayer is eternal... That is why the never-ending psalter has such great importance for everyone who has believed the Lord in his heart. This is an “invisible hand” that guides through life, not letting you fall, helps and protects, giving a great miracle - faith.

The Lord is always with you!

Pray for one another (James 5:16).

The Psalter is a sacred book of psalms, or Divine hymns, recorded by King David at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Reading the Psalter attracts the help of Angels, blots out sins, and saturates the soul with the breath of the Holy Spirit.

The method of praying according to the Psalter is much more ancient than the Jesus Prayer or reading akathists. Before the advent of the Jesus Prayer, in ancient monasticism it was customary to read the Psalter in one’s mind (to oneself) by heart, and some monasteries accepted only those who knew the entire Psalter by heart. IN Tsarist Russia The Psalter was the most widespread book among the population.

In Orthodox ascetic practice, there is still a pious custom of reading the Psalter by agreement, when a group of believers separately from each other reads the entire Psalter in one day. At the same time, everyone reads one kathisma assigned to him at home, privately, and remembers the names of those who pray with him by agreement. The next day, the Psalter is read in its entirety again, with everyone reading the next kathisma. If someone fails to read the kathisma assigned to him one day, it is read the next day plus the next one in order.

So during Lent the entire Psalter is read at least 40 times. One person cannot achieve such a feat.

Tips for beginners
1. To read the Psalter, you must have a burning lamp (or candle) at home. It is customary to pray “without a light” only on the road, outside the home.

2. Psalter, on the advice of Rev. Seraphim of Sarov, it is necessary to read aloud - in an undertone or more quietly, so that not only the mind, but also the ear, listens to the words of the prayer (“Give joy and gladness to my hearing”).

3. Particular attention should be paid to the correct placement of stress in words, because a mistake can change the meaning of words and even entire phrases, and this is a sin.

4. You can read the psalms while sitting (the word “kathisma” translated into Russian means “that which is read while sitting”, in contrast to the word “akathist” - “not sitting”). You need to get up when reading the opening and closing prayers, as well as during the “Glories”.

5. The psalms are read monotonously, without expression, slightly intoned - dispassionately, because Our sinful feelings are unpleasant to God. Reading psalms and prayers with theatrical expression leads a person to a demonic state of delusion.

6. One should not be discouraged or embarrassed if the meaning of the psalms is not clear. The machine gunner does not always understand how the machine gun fires, but his task is to hit enemies. Regarding the Psalter, there is a statement: “You don’t understand - the demons understand.” As we mature spiritually, the meaning of the psalms will also be revealed.

Prayers before reading kathisma

In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Heavenly King.

Trisagion according to Our Father.

This Troparion, tone 6: Troparion of repentance, tone 6

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, bewildered by any answer, we offer this prayer to You as the Master of sins: have mercy on us.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit: The honor of Thy prophet, O Lord, is a triumph, Heaven shows the Church, the Angels rejoice with men. By your prayers, O Christ God, guide our belly in peace, so that we may sing: Alleluia.

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen: My many and many sins, Mother of God, have come to You, O Pure One, demanding salvation: visit my weak soul and pray to Your Son and our God to grant me forgiveness for the evil deeds, O Blessed One.

Lord have mercy. (40) And bow as much as you want.

The same prayer to the Holy Life-Giving Trinity:

All-Holy Trinity, God and Creator of the whole world, hasten and direct my heart, begin with reason and finish the good works of these God-inspired books, even as the Holy Spirit vomits the mouth of David, which I now want to say, I, unworthy, understanding my ignorance, falling down and praying to Thee, and asking for help from You: Lord, guide my mind and strengthen my heart, not about the words of the mouth of this cold, but about the mind of those who say to rejoice, and prepare to do good deeds, even as I learn, and I say: yes good deeds enlightened, at the judgment of the right hand of Thy land I will be a partaker with all Thy chosen ones. And now, Vladyka, bless, and, sighing from my heart, I will sing with my tongue, saying to my face:

Come, let us worship our King God. Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, our King and our God.

Then another kathisma is read, remembering the names on each “Glory”.

On "Slava"

Where the kathisma is interrupted by the mark “Glory”, the following prayers are read:

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to You, O God! (3 times).

Lord, have mercy (3 times).

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Save, Lord, and have mercy on His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, further - the name of the ruling bishop and the names on the list are remembered, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and with their holy prayers forgive and have mercy on me, unworthy! (After this prayer, you can bow to the ground, depending on the zeal of the believer).

On the first and second “Glory” names of health are remembered, on the third Glory - names of repose: “Rest, O Lord, the souls of Thy servants who have fallen asleep (according to the list) and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them Thy Kingdom of Heaven! » (and prostrations).

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

After the third “Glory”, the troparia and prayers written in the next kathisma are read. The prayer “Lord, have mercy” is read 40 times - on the fingers or rosary.

Sometimes, at will, between the second and third tens (between 20 and 21 of the prayer “Lord, have mercy!”), a personal prayer of the believer is said for the closest people, for the most vital.

After reading the kathisma

The closing prayers are also worthy.
In the case of the deceased - solely by blessing, otherwise there may be serious attacks and this often happens, in such cases it is blessed to read the akathist for the one who died, and not the Psalter for the 1st kathisma on the day.. (Yes, if for the deceased, it is really necessary take a blessing.. or if it’s about a specific person, or for some cause.. but if it’s just a rule that includes one kathisma per day.. then it’s not necessary)

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Irina! In church practice, there is a tradition of commemorating the dead on the third, ninth, fortieth day and anniversaries. There is no such thing as a “twentieth day”. Your father spoke about the most important thing that the deceased needs now - church prayer. The Holy Fathers consider remembrance during the Liturgy to be the greatest help to dead Christians. “Anyone who wants to show their love for the dead and give them real help can best do this by prayer for them and especially by remembrance at the Liturgy, when the particles taken for the living and the dead are immersed in the Blood of the Lord with the words: “Wash, Lord, the sins of those who were remembered here by Your honest Blood, by the prayers of Your saints." We cannot do anything better or more for the departed than to pray for them, remembering them at the Liturgy. This is always necessary for them, especially in those forty days when the soul of the deceased follows the path to eternal villages. ... the soul feels the prayers offered for it, is grateful to those who offer them, and is spiritually close to them. Oh, relatives and friends of the deceased! Do for them what is necessary and what is in your power, use your money not for the external decoration of the coffin and grave, but to help those in need, in memory of their deceased loved ones, in the Church, where prayers are offered for them. Be merciful to the deceased, take care of their souls," writes St. John (Maksimovich) Thus, the main thing now is to pray for your relative and give alms for him, and not to organize memorial meals for relatives and friends. Reading the Psalter is also a laudable desire.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Good health, father! Question about reading the Psalter. If I just want to read 1 psalm a day for myself, do I need to read prayers before and after reading the psalm? And in what cases, and what prayers are read? Question about alms. If I give alms not from pure heart, and for the sake of the future fate of my soul, does such alms count?


Alexey, when reading the Psalter, prayers are read only once - before the reading begins (the prayers are indicated in the Psalter). You don't need to read them every time. Just as we have read the entire Psalter, we need to read our prayers again. After reading the kathisma, prayers are read only for the deceased; these prayers are not read for health. Giving alms is very useful for ourselves: “Alms save from death and cover a multitude of sins.” Not everyone can give alms from a pure heart, and this must also be cultivated in oneself. It’s very good that you give at all, and this is also useful and counts as a good deed: “Every giving will be good.”

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good evening, fathers! Please tell me, when you read one kathisma a day, what prayers should you read after it? At the back of the psalter there are prayers read after reading one kathisma, but as I understand it, this is for those who read more than one kathisma, and after each one they say these prayers, then after every third, there are also corresponding prayers at the back. In general, how can I finish reading the Psalter if I read only one kathisma a day?


Elena, the Psalter can be read both for the dead and for the living, or just for yourself. Prayers at the end of kathisma are read only when we read for the repose of someone’s soul; in other cases these prayers are not read. After kathisma, pray in your own words as best you can.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon I am sure that my husband is damaged, will ordering an indestructible Psalter help with this? Where in Moscow can I order?


"Damage"? Who diagnosed your husband with this?! Could you explain what is happening to him: does he drink, get sick, sin? Then we will discuss what to do. Otherwise, we have many voluntary sins attributed to “damage” from evil people so as not to be responsible for ourselves. And read the Psalter yourself, you can order magpies in churches.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Good afternoon, Holy Father, I would like to clarify under what circumstances to read Psalm 108?


Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Good afternoon. Please tell me, is it possible to write a note about the health of a person who practices witchcraft or black magic, when you sincerely want to help this person take the path of God? A mother we know advised us to order such people the Never-Sleepless Psalter about Health. Please tell me is this correct? Thank you in advance.


Marina, if this person is not your relative, then do not dare to pray for him - there is no need. Not everyone can pray for such people. Save your soul, that will be enough.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Thank you very much to Abbot Nikon (Golovko) for answering my previous question, you were very helpful. Please tell me, my father passed away on July 18, the 40th day falls on August 26, Monday. This will be the Assumption Fast. Is it possible to prepare funeral food with vegetable oil, or should I stick to a dry diet? We are just at a loss, what can we cook without oil? And yet, after his departure, I read kathisma every day, pray for him, ordered magpies from churches for a year, but I still have great anxiety. I worry about him every day and anxiously await the 40th day. He died without repentance and communion. Maybe he's feeling really bad? Maybe there's something I haven't done yet? Thank you in advance for your response.

r.b. Natalia

Yes, Natalya, you can cook food in oil. As for dry eating, this charter is prescribed mainly for monasteries, and some relaxations are possible in the world. Continue to pray for your father as you pray, and try to offer remembrance in church more often. You are doing everything right, doing everything you can, so rely on the mercy of God - the Lord is merciful. May God rest his soul in the villages of the righteous!

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon. I found books from my grandmother (she died) from 1900, a Psalter, in pretty bad condition. Please advise how to deal with them correctly, maybe take them to the temple? And the second question: no one has lived in my grandmother’s house for 4 years, the icons are hanging. Is this correct, or should they be taken into your home?


Mary, the ancient Psalter, if you don’t need it, you can take it to the church, it will be placed in the library. Every Orthodox family should have icons. If you do not live in that house, then you can take the icons for yourself.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

On August 8th it will be a year since I buried my son, every Sunday I submit notes for the repose, order a memorial service or lithium, magpies. What else can I do for my son on the anniversary of his death? I would like to pray in a special way on this day. Can you tell me the address where I can order eternal remembrance or the indestructible Psalter? God bless you!


Natalya, you need to submit a note of repose for the Liturgy, which will be celebrated on August 8, and, of course, pray during this service yourself. After the service, you need to perform a memorial service, and also have a memorial meal at home. For this meal, in addition to the usual dishes, you can prepare kutya, which will need to be brought to the temple for the funeral service so that the priest will bless it. Of all the other things you listed, it is best to submit a note of repose for a year. Regarding the so-called “eternal” remembrance, I must disappoint you - such a requirement does not have the blessing of the hierarchy, it should not be accepted in churches, and if this is done somewhere, it is out of ignorance. As for the indefatigable Psalter, it is read in large monasteries, in particular in the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! My grandmother died, July 24 will be 40 days old, we are going to order a memorial service at the Temple. But we were told that we also needed to invite home a woman who would read the Psalter all night (all our acquaintances for some reason call such women nuns, despite the fact that they live in the world and have not committed any spiritual acts). I really want to do everything right, please tell me, is it necessary to invite such a woman? And one more question: we thought that it was necessary to commemorate and order a memorial service on the 40th day, but everyone says that on the eve of the 40th day, i.e. On the 39th. Is it so? Thank you very much in advance for your answers!


No, Julia, it is not at all necessary to do this, and as for the Psalter, you - close relatives - should read it, and not at night, but several kathismas during the day after the morning prayer rule. The memorial service and funeral service must be performed on the 40th day, but in some churches it is customary to order the services the day before, so that in the morning the serving priest already knows what and when he needs to perform.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! 40 days have passed since my mother died. She didn’t read the Psalter herself for a month, she felt very bad, she just prayed for the repose of her soul and ordered prayer services and magpies in churches. Now I want to pray for my mother myself. It is difficult to read the Psalter; the soul shrinks and is filled with some kind of fear. But I read the akathist for the one who died and cry, and it becomes easier. How long can you read it? Are there any restrictions? Thank you.


Tatyana, you can read the akathist for the one who died as much as you have the strength. We pray for the departed constantly, remembering them every day at morning prayers, submitting notes for church services, and accordingly, prayer for them never stops. But if you want to read something beyond the minimum that we do, that’s very good, and you can do it as much as you have the will.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello. Please tell me how to read the Psalter for the Dead correctly: one kathisma every day? But there are only 20 of them, and 40 days.


Elena, it is very good to read the Psalter for the departed for forty days. You can read more than one kathisma a day - as many as you like, as much as you can. When the entire Psalter has been read, it is read again, and so on for forty days. And after forty days, you can, if you wish, read the Psalter every day, at least one kathisma in the same order - the Psalter is over, read it again.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! I started reading the Psalter, one kathisma a day, reached the 17th kathisma, and I don’t know what to do, whether to read it or not, because my parents and relatives, for whom I pray, died a long time ago. And one more question: how to read the Psalter correctly, on which Glories to read which prayers, otherwise maybe I’m reading it wrong. I'll wait for an answer. Thank you very much.


Valentina, if you read the psalter in its entirety, all in a row, then Kathisma 17 should also be read in the usual order. After each glory, prayers are not said. Prayers for repose are read only at the end of each kathisma; they are at the end of each kathisma. You can read the Psalter simultaneously about health and repose: in this case, after the first two glories, the names of health are remembered, after the third glory, the prayers that are indicated there at the end of the kathisma are read, and the names of repose are remembered. If you read the Psalter only about repose, then the kathisma is read in full at once, and after the third glory, prayers are read and the names of the departed are remembered, and it does not matter when the person died, recently or long ago.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

I read two, and sometimes four, kathismas a day. I don’t know where to start reading the Psalter in the morning and what to read before starting the next kathisma? After SLAVA, what should you read?


Natalya, you can begin reading the Psalter with the words “Come, let us worship,” and end with the Trisagion according to the Lord’s Prayer and the prayer prescribed according to kathisma.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)


Irina, the Psalter for the deceased is usually read in full. Before starting to read the Psalter, the initial prayers are read: to the Heavenly King, the Trisagion according to Our Father. After each kathisma there are prayers, they need to be read, they are read just for repose, and this is how the entire psalter is read. At home, bowing to the ground is, of course, possible, and even necessary. On Easter and Bright Week church charter The reading of the Psalter is cancelled, we are not reading the Psalter these days. On Easter, the departed also receive joy. The church has established a day for remembrance of the dead, it is called Radonitsa. It always takes place on the second Tuesday after Easter. You should go to the cemetery on Radonitsa and not Easter.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good health! I started going to church a year ago. And only a couple of weeks ago I decided to confess. But I wrote my sins on paper. Father, without reading the paper, tore it after reading the prayer. Afterwards I took communion. Is such a confession valid? After all, Father did not know what sins I wrote about. Another question about Baptism. Is it harmful to plunge into an ice hole without ever trying it before? How do you feel about the Never-Sleeping Psalter? I ordered online on the Optina Pustyn website, about health. Thank you.

Order of reading the Psalter

The liturgical regulations for reading the Psalter are stipulated in Chapter 17 of the Typikon. In general, Orthodox worship basically consists of the Psalter. The psalms are the core, the foundation of the service. There is not a single service in the daily liturgical cycle that does not use psalms; in almost all sequences of the Trebnik, texts from the Psalter are used.

Along with the reading of kathismas at Vespers, Matins and the Lenten Hours, psalms are used separately in divine services (for example, the Hours are based on three psalms) and verses from them (prokeemny, chants to stichera).

During the week in churches, the Psalter must be read in full once, during the period of Great Lent, twice a week.

For the laity, the Psalter has become an indispensable book in home prayer. There are no special instructions here on how to read the Psalter at home, but general rules similar to liturgical ones. The Psalter is read with prayers for health and the repose of the departed, especially during periods of fasting.

Charter for reading the Psalter...

In difficult life situations a person often turns to faith. And then he may have many difficulties regarding traditions and rules. And one of frequently asked questions— how to correctly read the Psalter to the Lord and the Mother of God.

How to read the Psalter about health correctly?

The Psalter contains poems and prayers that are read on a variety of occasions. About health The Psalter is read in case of a serious illness - one’s own or loved one. Important condition- presence of faith. If you believe in the power of prayer, it will definitely help.

Before you begin to read the Psalter about health, you must read special preliminary prayers. Those who do not know them can read the Lord's Prayer, which will replace them. The priest can indicate prayers for health more precisely, but for ease mental illnesses most often read psalms 4, 7, 27, 55, 56 and 108, for severe headaches - 56, 79, 125, 128, to improve hearing and vision - 5, 58, 99, 122. For...

How to read the Psalter

Among the books Holy Scripture The book of Psalms occupies a special place. Written long before the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is the only book of the Old Testament that was entirely included in the liturgical charter of the Christian Church and occupies a prominent place in it.

The special value of the Psalter is that it depicts the movements of the human soul striving for God, giving a high example of prayerful resistance to sorrows and temptations and praising God. “In the words of this book, all human life, all states of the soul, all movements of thought are measured and embraced, so that beyond what is depicted in it nothing more can be found in a person,” says St. Athanasius the Great. The grace of the Holy Spirit, penetrating every word of the Psalter, sanctifies, cleanses, supports the one praying with these sacred words, drives away demons and attracts Angels.

The first Christians deeply revered and loved the Psalter. They learned all the psalms by heart. Already in apostolic times...

In Orthodox ascetic practice, there is still a pious custom of reading the Psalter by agreement, when a group of believers separately from each other reads the entire Psalter in one day. At the same time, everyone reads one kathisma assigned to him at home, privately and...

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Question to the priest

Number of entries: 16441

Good afternoon Some time ago I dreamed of my mother’s death several times, after the last such dream my mother died (a month ago). Now I dream that my husband is dying (I have dreamed about this twice already). I also often dream that my mother seems to have come to life. I don't understand anything. Help me understand what this is all about. What should I do??? I'm very worried about my husband.

Dear Mary, do not be afraid of dreams, but trust all your fears to the Lord God in prayer. Since you are worried about your husband, pray especially for him, okay holy gospel read. God bless you!

Priest Sergius Osipov

Hello, priests! I want to thank you, and in your person the entire Orthodox priesthood, for your invaluable help and blessed work! Glory to the Lord for his care for people with your hands and words! A question. In my prayer book...

Pray for one another (James 5:16).

The Psalter is a sacred book of psalms, or Divine hymns, written down by King David at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Reading the Psalter attracts the help of Angels, blots out sins, and saturates the soul with the breath of the Holy Spirit.

The method of praying according to the Psalter is much more ancient than the Jesus Prayer or reading akathists. Before the advent of the Jesus Prayer, in ancient monasticism it was customary to read the Psalter in one’s mind (to oneself) by heart, and some monasteries accepted only those who knew the entire Psalter by heart. In Tsarist Russia, the Psalter was the most widespread book among the population.

In Orthodox ascetic practice, there is still a pious custom of reading the Psalter by agreement, when a group of believers separately from each other reads the entire Psalter in one day. At the same time, everyone reads one kathisma assigned to him at home, privately...

Good afternoon Please tell me what prayers to read at the 3 Glories in the Psalter, when about living, deceased relatives, about a deceased father, and what prayer for him? Best regards, Tatiana.

In the Orthodox tradition there is no single model for reading the Psalter for the living and the dead. Among the traditional approaches, the following options are worth noting:

1. At all kathismas, according to the first glory (in the text it looks like “Glory:”), prayers are read for health, according to the second - for repose, according to the third - prayers for someone you want to pray for, for example, for a sick person or a traveler, or the newly deceased, depending on prayer needs;

2. On the odd kathisma - according to the first and third glory they pray for health, according to the second - for peace. On even-numbered kathismas it’s the other way around. 17 Kathisma is usually read about repose.

When the text of the psalter says “Glory:”, we read:

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory...

IN Orthodox Church There is a good custom of reading the Psalter in memory of the deceased. The reading of the Psalter for the dead has its origins in the most distant antiquity. Serving as a prayer to the Lord for the dead, it brings them great consolation both in itself, as reading the word of God, and as testifying to the love of their living brothers for them. It also brings them great benefit, for it is accepted by the Lord as a pleasant propitiatory sacrifice for the cleansing of the sins of those remembered - just as every prayer and every good deed is accepted by Him.

The Psalms should be read with tenderness and contrition of heart, slowly, and carefully delving into what is being read. The greatest benefit comes from reading the Psalms by those who commemorate them: it testifies to the great degree of love and zeal for those commemorated by their living brethren, who themselves personally want to work in their memory, and not replace themselves in work with others. The Lord will accept the feat of reading not only as a sacrifice for those remembered, but as a sacrifice for those who bring it, the workers themselves...

— The Psalter is the sacred book of psalms, or Divine hymns. The author of the Psalter is King David. At least most of the psalms are his. These are his experiences, experience of communication with God, repentance, joy, gratitude, reflections, prophecies about the coming Messiah. Since Old Testament times, the Psalter has been sung during worship. Psalms were sung.

And today the Psalter is often used during worship; we hear some psalms sung in chorus, some read. The reading of the Psalter in church is regulated by the liturgical regulations. The entire liturgical circle of services is connected with this book of Holy Scripture. Certain kathismas are read at services. It takes a week to read it completely. And during Great Lent - even twice. When reading at home, there are strict instructions on how to read, it is much more important to tune in to prayer. This, I think, is the therapeutic effect...

“Praise God in His saints, praise Him in strengthening His power.

Praise Him according to His strength, praise Him according to the abundance of His majesty.

Praise Him with the trumpet, praise Him with the psaltery and the harp.

Praise Him in the tympanum and face, praise Him in the strings and organs.

Praise Him with the cymbals of good will, praise Him with the cymbals of shouting.

Let every breath praise the Lord.”

Psalm 150

If once, at a difficult, difficult moment in life, you began to read the Psalter, felt how it became a healing plaster, a healing balm for your ailing soul, you will never be able to leave such, blessed by the name of King David, offering prayers to the Lord . For a Christian, the Psalter is the most precious book of the Old Testament and one of the most beloved collections of prayers.

St. Ambrose of Milan writes: “In all Scripture the grace of God breathes, but in the sweet song of the psalms it breathes primarily.” In grief, in feeling...

Rev. Macarius of Optina writes about the need for spiritual warfare for salvation:

“The point [of salvation] is not just to go to church and sit down at the hoop, but to look after your heart and destroy passions: pride, self-love, vanity, anger, rage, malice, gluttony, lust of the flesh, etc.; This is precisely what our spiritual warfare consists of - to resist passions, to destroy them with the help of God.

“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, and against the authorities, and against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12); likewise, “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,” but spiritual, “capable of destroying the strongholds of the enemy” (2 Cor. 10:4), about which St. also writes. Apostle: “For this reason take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the day of cruelty” (Eph. 6:13) ... He commands you to gird yourself with the truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness, put on your nose the clothing of the gospel of peace, take on the shield of faith, in which all things are possible quench the arrows of the evil one, and receive the helmet of salvation, and...

The Psalter for health and peace is read according to the following rule:
Before reading each kathisma, those prayers that were written before the 1st kathisma are read. In the kathisma itself, after the 1st and 2nd *Glory*, we read a prayer for health: “Save, Lord, and have mercy on (names) all Orthodox Christians. Amen." After the 3rd *Glory* we read a prayer for repose: “Rest, O Lord, the souls of your departed servants (names), and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, grant them the Kingdom and the communion of Your eternal good things and Your endless pleasure of life. Amen."

Now, sequentially: we open the Psalter and read: Let it be reasonable, as befits an individual to sing the Psalter.
Blessed be our God, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. ...
Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
Heavenly King...
Trisagion: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (thrice).
Holy Trinity...

If you read at home, a rigid sequence constructed by someone is not necessary. It is better to stick to the order you define.
Hallelujah! (3p), Glory to You, God!” "Lord have mercy! (3p) - in this sequence - this is the usual reading on Slava. Of course you can! This is a prayer, and not some kind of mantra that should sound like this and nothing else. ...

For those who believe in God, in his help to us, it is necessary to read the psalms (moreover, now there is Lent), thanks to which we get closer to our creator, attract angels to us, and get rid of acquired sins. But for those who do not know what the Psalter is, we will try to give an answer for beginners, in addition, we will tell you how to read the Psalter correctly.

What is the Psalter

The Psalter is a book from the Old Testament that consists of 150 songs (or psalms). Psalms or songs are intended to pour out one's emotions about all the trials of a person's life (death, birth, illness). At this time, the Psalter is used for worship. Before reading the Psalter and the psalms contained in it, you need to understand the content, structure of these religious songs and the book as a whole.

In a general literary sense, the Psalter is written according to all the rules of Jewish poetry, that is, the simultaneously colorful and amazing text of the song conveys all the power...

Reading the Psalter for the Dead

From the book “Rest With the Saints” - Published with the blessing of Bishop Longin of Saratov and Volsk

See: Afanasy (Sakharov), bishop. On the commemoration of the dead according to the Charter of the Orthodox Church. St. Petersburg, 1995. pp. 198–200.- Comp.

The custom of reading the Psalter for the dead dates back to ancient times. In our country, the Psalter is read at the tomb of deceased laymen. In some places there are special readers who are either invited to the house of the deceased for continuous reading of the Psalter, for example, for 40 days or even a whole year, or in their own home they read the Psalter at the request of the relatives of the deceased. In many Orthodox monasteries, the so-called vigilant day-night reading about the living and the dead is performed. With this reading of the Psalter, in addition to the usual troparions and prayers for each kathisma, it is also added at each “Glory” special prayer, followed by the names of the deceased. (When reading the Psalter simultaneously for the living and the departed, the commemoration of both is performed on the “Glories” in turn: one at a time -...

Use of the Psalter

Psalms, as sacred songs, were mostly written for temple worship in ancient Israel. Each psalm has its own story, its own special reason for writing. IN christian church The Psalter has also become the main book of worship; believers sing and pray in a new way, reading the psalms, seeing in them an indication of the love of God revealed through Jesus Christ. Church experience determines for many psalms a special prayer purpose, in particular psalms read during illness.

Psalms about healing

The most famous psalm read in the church and related to bodily recovery is Psalm 102. The general idea of ​​​​this psalm, which begins with the words “bless my soul the Lord,” is that a person proclaims the greatness of God and his mercy and generosity to all areas of human life . In particular, the psalm contains the following lines: “He forgives all your sins, heals all your ailments, saves life from destruction...

A collection of prayers and poems from the Old Testament, consisting of 150 verses, which glorifies the name of the Most High, is called the Psalter, and hymns and psalms in church during services are read from this book. The good custom of reading the Psalter about the dead and the living has been going on since time immemorial; at this time, believers regain comfort for the deceased and rejoice with the living, lifting up words with love to the Lord. Reading the word of God is considered a merciful sacrifice intended for cleansing from earthly sins, and prayer is considered one of the good earthly deeds. Historians believe that many psalms originate from the times of David and Solomon, some were written later, closer to modern times.

To receive the help of the Almighty, get rid of sins and acquire helpers on earth in the form of Angels, you need to read psalms daily that glorify God and his power. The psalter is used in worship, for example, at matins psalms of praise are sung (148-150), and during other...

The Psalter for a Christian is one of the important books. The name Psalter comes from the Greek “psalo,” which means to play on strings.

The Psalms are considered to be a book of prayers for all occasions; even lists are compiled that indicate. They were composed over 8 centuries. More than 80 psalms were written King David(X century BC), in whose life there was grief and joy, love and betrayal of loved ones. In addition to his psalms, the book includes the psalms of Solomon, Moses, Asaph and his descendants, Heman, Etham, the sons of Korah, and 41 psalms of unknown writers.

King David was the first to accompany the singing of his prayers to God by playing the “psaltyrion,” a musical instrument very similar to the modern harp.

Very often during services a thanksgiving song is performed - this is a very beautiful and heartfelt piece.

We are used to reading only prayers, and forget about the psalms. The Church recommends remembering them, which is why many verses from the psalms are included in church services, in modern prayers, and which has already become a classic, is included in the daily morning rule for reading. Knowing what sin the holy prophet David committed, and the words in which he expressed his regret and repentance about this, recorded in the 50th Psalm, you begin to understand the feelings conveyed in the psalms much better.
These prayerful appeals to the Lord are filled with love and thanksgiving and instill in the hearts of people a feeling of reverence and empathy, repentance and joy in the Lord.

An interesting incident happened to me, the author of the article, at the airport. Our flight was delayed. Just like the previous flight of the same airline, which was supposed to fly to the same destination as us, but an hour earlier, was postponed. We are sitting, waiting for departure. My wife took out a psalter and began to read psalms. I read several psalms and suddenly, the passengers of our flight are asked to board. Our plane nevertheless departed on time, and the departure of the previous flight, unfortunately, was again postponed.

Saint Ephraim the Syrian wrote about the psalms:

Psalm – driving away demons.
The psalm is a weapon against the fear of the night.
Psalm - calmness from the day's labors. Psalm - safety of babies.
The psalm is a consolation for the elderly, the most decent decoration for women. He makes the holidays bright, he produces sorrow for God.
The psalm also brings tears from a heart of stone.
Psalm is the work of Angels, heavenly residence, spiritual censer. It enlightens the mind, it lifts people to heaven, it makes people interlocutors with God, it delights the soul, it stops judgment, it humbles those at war. Where there is a psalm of contrition, there is God with the Angels.


The abbreviations written in the text of the Psalter mean the following:

  • Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to You, O God. (Thrice).
  • Lord have mercy. ( Three times).
  • Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

At the end of the kathisma, in the last Gloryreads only:

  • Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

In prayers at the end of any kathisma it is written:
Trisagion. Holy Trinity... Our Father

  • Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. ( Three times)
  • Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
  • Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.
  • Lord have mercy. ( Three times)
  • Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
  • Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

After"Our Father" the troparion indicated in the psalter is read, then"Lord have mercy" ( 40 times) and prayer.

  • Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow)
  • Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. (Bow)
  • Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, our King and our God. (Bow)

If you finish reading the psalter on this day, then read sequentially:

  • Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
  • Lord have mercy. ( Three times)
  • Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross and the saints Heavenly forces the bodiless, and our venerable and God-bearing fathers, and the Holy Prophet David, and all the saints, have mercy and save me, a sinner, for I am Good and Lover of Mankind. Amen.

On the Internet you can find descriptions of situations in which reading psalms helps - which one will save you from toothache, for have a good marriage, obtaining housing, etc. These are special cases and perhaps they helped someone, but that is not the main point.

The main idea of ​​the psalms, why they exist, this is repentance for one’s sins and gratitude to God for His mercies towards us people. The texts of the psalms also often contain prayers to the Lord for help in difficult circumstances and for protection from enemies. At the same time, the holy fathers point out that the enemies mentioned in the psalter are precisely internal enemies of a person: pride, anger, hatred etc. Having eradicated them (internal problems), the rest of the troubles, by God’s grace, will leave you alone.

read a psalm of gratitude or glorifying God, then you need to sincerely repent of your sins, perhaps even some specific ones for which God teaches you, creating a certain unpleasant situation that you want to resolve. After the repentant psalm, they usually read a psalm about help or intercession, and then again a psalm of thanksgiving to the Lord.

Everyone can have their own prayer set for different life occasions. In your choice, it is very useful to read the interpretation of the psalms, the history of their origin, and then your soul will help you choose the most understandable and close psalms.

For example, Schema-Archimandrite Vitaly (Sidorenko; † 1992), who is revered as an ascetic, gave the following instructions to his children: before leaving the house you need to read Psalms 26, 50 and 90, and after each psalm you need to read “ Rejoice to the Virgin Mary“, these prayers will help protect you from trouble.
