Meaningful reading of the quote. Sayings about books and reading

"What is he praying for, friend? There would be an abundance of books ..." (Horace)

"The whole life of mankind consistently settled in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the book remained." (A.I. Herzen)

“Most of human knowledge in all areas exists only on paper, in books, this paper memory of mankind. Therefore, only a collection of books, a library is the only hope and indestructible memory of the human race. (A. Schopenhauer)

“You need to know the book. You have to love and believe in her. It is necessary to develop in oneself the ability and practical dexterity to work with the help of a book. (N.A. Rubakin)

“Reading is one of the origins of thinking and mental development". (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

“If you carefully look for wisdom in books, you will find great benefit for your soul.” (Nestor the Chronicler)

“What could be more precious than to enter daily into communion with the wisest people in the world.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

"Books give birth to a dream, bring it to life, make you think, bring up independence of judgment." (S.G. Strumilin)

"No failures of history and deaf spaces of time are able to destroy human thought, fixed in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books." (K.G. Paustovsky)

“The book is magical. The book changed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages. (N.A.Morozov)

“What a pleasure it is to be in a good library. Looking at books is already happiness. (Charles Lam)

"The reason people remember so little of what they read is that they think too little themselves." (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

"Every kind of rudeness melts, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books." (Victor Marie Hugo)

"Study was for me the main remedy against the boredom of life, and I did not have such grief that did not dissipate after one hour of reading." (Charles Louis Montesquieu)

“Classes with books - they nourish youth, amuse old age, decorate happiness, in misfortune they provide shelter and consolation, please at home, do not interfere outside the house ...” (Mark Thulius Cicero)

"The book is the purest essence of the human soul." (Thomas Carlyle)

“A book is viable only if its spirit is directed to the future.” (Honoré de Balzac)

"Books are the best companions of old age, and at the same time the best guides of youth." (Samloel Smiles)

“With books we have the same situation as with people. Although we get to know many, we choose only a few as friends, as heart partners in life. (Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach)

“Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us. (Petrarch F.)

“A book read on time is a huge success. She is capable of changing lives, just as her best friend or mentor will not change. (Pavlenko P.A.).

“All good books are similar in one thing - when you read to the end, it seems to you that all this happened to you, and so it will remain with you forever.” (Hemingway E.)

“There are many good books in the world, but these books are good only for those people who know how to read them. The ability to read good books is not at all tantamount to literacy” (D.I. Pisarev)

“Reading good books reveals to us thoughts hidden in our own souls” (Ch. Piermont)

"The greatest merit of classical works is that they inspire wise conversations, serious and cordial conversations, reflections." (A. France)

"A book whose merit lies in the subtlety of observations on the nature of man and things can never cease to please." (K. Helvetius)

“Read not in order to contradict and refute, not in order to take it on faith; and not then to find a subject for conversation; but to think and reason. (F. Bacon)

« Good book is a gift bequeathed by the author to the human race. (D. Addison)

"Learn, read, reflect and make the most of everything." (N.I. Pirogov)

“How many people who, after reading another good book, opened new era own life!" (G. Toro)

“Because life is very short and free hours are very few, we should not spend any of them reading books of little value.” (D. Reskin)

“The most useful books are those that make you think the most.” (T. Parker)

“Look for people whose conversation would be worth a good book, and books whose reading would be worth a conversation with a philosopher” (P. Buast)

“The book is a teacher without pay and gratitude. Every moment gives you revelations of wisdom” (A. Navoi)

“It is absurd to lay down strict rules about what should be read and what should not. good half modern culture rests on what should not be read. (Oscar Wilde)

"Books are ships of thought, roaming the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation." (Francis Bacon)

“Reading is the best teaching!” (A.S. Pushkin)

“There is no better remedy for refreshing the mind than reading the ancient classics; as soon as you take one of them in your hands, even if for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, relieved and cleansed, uplifted and strengthened, as if refreshed by bathing in a clean spring. (A. Schopenhauer)

“Reading makes a person knowledgeable, conversation resourceful, and the habit of writing accurate.” (F. Bacon)

"People stop thinking when they stop reading." (D. Didro)

“Read not in order to contradict and refute, not in order to take it on faith, and not in order to find a subject for conversation; but to think and reason. (F. Bacon)

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” (D. Addison)

Reading a book and not understanding it, the bibliophile is likened to a donkey listening, moving its ears, to the sound of the divine lyre; a lot of books will not make him a scientist either, as, according to the proverb, a monkey will always remain a monkey, even if he wears a golden necklace.

If you read something, then learn the main idea from what you read. So do I: from what I read, I will certainly note something.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

There is no better remedy for refreshing the mind than reading the ancient classics; it is worth taking one of them in your hands, even if for half an hour, - immediately you feel refreshed, relieved and cleansed, uplifted and strengthened, as if refreshed by bathing in a clean source.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Learn and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

I read strangely, and reading has a strange effect on me. I read something that I have long re-read, and as if I strain myself with new forces, I delve into everything, clearly understand, and I myself extract the ability to create.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

One of the reasons for the greed with which we read the notes of great people is our pride: we are glad if we resemble wonderful person whatever it is, opinions, feelings, habits - even weaknesses and vices. Probably, we would find more similarity with the opinions, habits and weaknesses of people who are completely insignificant if they left us their works.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Reading is the best teaching!
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

A well-read fool is the most annoying kind of fool.
James Bayard Taylor

Read the classics first, otherwise you won't have time to do it!
Henry David Thoreau

Any kind of rudeness melts, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books.
Victor Marie Hugo

The mind is strengthened or relaxed by reading just as much as the body by fresh or spoiled air.
John Ruskin

Choosing books for your own and others to read is not only a science, but also an art.
Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin

Most of all you would like - what modesty! - immortality to read.
Elias Canetti

Reading is a purely internal process.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Educated people who read a lot need to constantly keep in mind that literature is one thing, and life is another.
Lev Shestov

The reader exists for the writer.
Lev Shestov

Readers, like everyone else, are easily divided into sadists and masochists; sadists read Sacher Masoch, and masochists read the Marquis de Sade.
Frantisek Lid

Reading is an idle creative labor.
Maurice Blanchot

Sometimes reading is accompanied by a struggle.
Paul Ricoeur

In the act of reading, two systems constantly replace each other: look at the words - this is language, look at the meaning - this is literature.
Roland Bart

The reader is a person without history, without biography, without psychology, he is just someone who brings together all those strokes that form a written text.
Roland Bart

The pleasure of the text has no ideological preferences.
Roland Bart

The pleasure of the text is not necessarily something victorious, heroic, muscular. You shouldn't puff up. Pleasure may well take the form of ordinary drifting.
Roland Bart

The pleasure of the text is a righteous rebellion against the isolation of the text.
Roland Bart

The pleasure of a text is that moment when my body begins to follow its own thoughts; for my body does not have the same thoughts as mine.
Roland Bart

It is often said that the preface should only be read at the end. The conclusion, on the other hand, is at the beginning.
Gilles Deleuze

A reader is someone who doesn't have to do anything with a language other than learn it.
Pierre Bourdieu

The reader must be either super-sophisticated or not sophisticated at all.
Jacques Derrida

When reading, you must think carefully so that what you read turns into your flesh and blood, and is not folded in one memory, as in some dictionary.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Reading makes one knowledgeable, conversation makes one resourceful, and the habit of writing makes one accurate.
Francis Bacon

Reading is talking with wise men, action is meeting fools.
Francis Bacon

Reading good books is, as it were, a conversation with the most respected people of past centuries - their authors, and, moreover, a learned conversation in which they reveal to us only the best of their thoughts.
Rene Descartes

If the crowns of all the kingdoms of the world were placed at my feet in exchange for my books and my love of reading, I would reject them all.
François Fénelon

Of all the connections that arise between people, the most fickle, the most confusing and changing is the connection between writer and reader.
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury

Reading for the mind is the same as physical exercise for body.
Joseph Addison

Studying was for me the main remedy against the boredom of life, and I did not have such grief that did not dissipate after one hour of reading.
Charles Louis Montesquieu

To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure.
Charles Louis Montesquieu

To shake off importunate and unbearable thoughts, I need only take up reading; it easily grabs my attention and drives them away.
Charles Louis Montesquieu

There is no entertainment cheaper than reading books and there is no pleasure longer.
Marie Montague

The more you read without thinking, the more you are sure that you know a lot, and the more you think while reading, the more clearly you see that you still know very little.

When we read a good book for the first time, we experience the same feeling as when we make a new friend. To read a book you have already read again means to see an old friend again.

The abuse of reading kills science. Excessive addiction to reading creates only presumptuous ignoramuses.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

There are people who read only to find mistakes in the writer.
Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Much more important is not what we read, but how and for what purpose.
Edmund Burke

A narrow circle of reading and communication - that, it seems to me, is what they are most proud of!
Edmund Burke

There are so many people who read just to avoid thinking.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

The reason why people remember so little of what they read is that they think too little for themselves.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

No reading requires such a strict standard as the reading of fragmentary, scattered thoughts.
Johann Gottfried Herder

Acquaintance with the thoughts of bright minds is an excellent exercise: it fertilizes the mind and refines the thought.
Johann Gottfried Herder

Re-reading books already read is the surest touchstone of learning. Christian Friedrich Hebbel (Gobbel)

The book is a close companion and friend.

The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,

If you let go of the book.

V. Bokov

  • The book is a huge force that book lovers can easily handle. K. Kushner
  • Every book needs to be able to read. B. Pascal
  • The books that are read have the present. Books that are re-read have a future. A. Dumas Jr.
  • Books are there to remind man that his original thoughts are not so new. A. Lincoln
  • Books are intertwined people. A. Makarenko
  • Life is known from books and works of art, perhaps even more so than from life itself. T. Dreiser
  • Much more important is not what we read, but how and for what purpose. E. Burke
  • The book is a teacher without pay and gratitude. Every moment she gives you revelations of wisdom. This is an interlocutor with a brain covered with skin, silently speaking about secret things. A. Navoi
  • There is no sweeter friend in the world than a book. A. Navoi
  • In books we find only ourselves. A. France
  • From time immemorial, the book raises a person. Russian proverb
  • The whole life of mankind consistently settled in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but books remained. A. Herzen
  • The book is the tireless wings of thought. Aibek
  • Some books teach us about life, others decorate our life. M. Genin
  • A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person. L. Tolstoy
  • Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development. V. Sukhomlinsky
  • If you carefully look for wisdom in books, you will find great benefit for your soul. Nestor
  • What could be more precious than daily contact with the wisest people in the world? L. Tolstoy
  • The book is magic. The book changed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages. N. Morozov
  • What a pleasure it is to be in a good library! Looking at books is already happiness. C. Lam
  • The art of reading is the art of thinking with some help from another. E. Fage
  • The reason people remember so little of what they read is that they think too little themselves. G. Lichtenberg
  • Any kind of rudeness melts, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books. V. Hugo
  • Studying was for me the main remedy against the boredom of life, and I did not have such grief that did not dissipate after one hour of reading. C. Montesquieu
  • Classes with books - they nourish youth, amuse old age, decorate happiness, in misfortune they provide shelter and comfort, please at home, do not interfere outside the home ... M. Cicero
  • The book is the purest essence of the human soul. T. Carlyle
  • A book is viable only if its spirit is directed to the future. O. Balzac
  • A book that is not worth reading twice is not worth reading once. K. Weber
  • Books have the ability of immortality. They are the most durable fruits of human activity. S. Smiles
  • There is nothing that would attract me to a greater extent all my life than reading good, kind books containing deep and interesting thoughts. A. Apsheroni
  • The best service that a book can do for you is not only to tell the truth, but also to make you think about it. E. Hubbard
  • Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us. petrarch
  • A book read on time is a huge success. She is able to change life, just as her best friend or mentor will not change. P. Pavlenko
  • All good books are similar in one thing: when you read to the end, it seems to you that all this happened to you, and so it will remain with you forever. E.Hemingway
  • There are many good books in the world, but these books are good only for those people who know how to read them. The ability to read good books is not at all tantamount to literacy. D. Pisarev
  • Reading good books reveals to us the thoughts hidden in our own soul. C. Piermont
  • The greatest merit of classical works is that they inspire wise conversations, serious and cordial conversations, reflections. A. France
  • The book, whose merit lies in the subtlety of observations on the nature of man and things, can never cease to please. K. Helvetius
  • A good book is a gift bequeathed by the author to the human race. D. Addison
  • Learn, read, reflect and get the best out of everything. N. Pirogov
  • How many people who, after reading another good book, opened a new era in their lives! G. Toro
  • Since life is very short and there are very few free hours, we should not spend any of them reading books of little value. D. Ruskin
  • The most useful books are the ones that make you think the most. T. Parker
  • Look for people who are worth a good book to talk to, and books that are worth talking to a philosopher to read. P. Buast
  • The book is a teacher without pay and gratitude. Every moment gives you revelations of wisdom. A. Navoi
  • You don’t need to read everything at all, you only need to read what answers the questions that have arisen in your soul. L. Tolstoy
  • Reading without thinking is like eating and not digesting. E. Bork
  • It is absurd to lay down strict rules about what should be read and what should not. A good half of modern culture is based on what should not be read. O. Wilde
  • Books are ships of thought, roaming the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation. F. Bacon
  • Reading is the best teaching! A. Pushkin
  • There is no better remedy for refreshing the mind than reading the ancient classics; it is worth taking one of them in your hands, even if for half an hour, - immediately you feel refreshed, relieved and cleansed, uplifted and strengthened, as if refreshed by bathing in a clean source. A. Schopenhauer
  • Reading makes one knowledgeable, conversation makes one resourceful, and the habit of writing makes one accurate. F. Bacon
  • People stop thinking when they stop reading. D. Diderot
Read. And may there not be a single day in your life when you would not read at least one page from a new book. K. Paustovsky

Reading used to be one of the most common leisure activities. A very pleasant and useful leisure, I must say. But now the book is increasingly being replaced electronic devices- smartphones, tablets, laptops, TVs and audio players. Or people prefer only short excerpts and quotations from books to full reading. But if we compare reading a book with other ways of obtaining information, then it significantly surpasses them in usefulness, because it activates several important parts of the human brain at once, thereby enhancing mental potential. In addition, answers to the question "why do I need to read books?" - a lot of. Let's consider. And we will do this using quotes about books and their benefits.

Wise quotes from great people about books and reading

I am sure that nothing will replace the book in the future, just as nothing could replace it in the past.
Isaac Asimov

Reading is extremely helpful, and books are good company, if you take the most suitable.
Louisa May Alcott

Everywhere I searched for peace and found it in only one place - in the corner, with a book.
Umberto Eco

The one who reads books is never bored.
Irvine Welsh

Reading books is not a way to escape from life, books provide the key to understanding it. Key to reality.
Sebastian Faulks

What kind of person you become will be determined by two factors: the people you associate with and the books you read.
Robin Sharma

It's not about the number of pages you read, but the number of thoughts they evoke.
Paulo Freire

Peace, a fireplace, books, silence... Formerly they saw only philistinism in this. Now it's dreams about paradise lost.
Erich Maria Remarque

Nothing can be more pleasant than living in solitude, enjoying the spectacle of nature and sometimes reading a book.
Nikolay Gogol

Nothing can replace a book. Despite the latest discoveries, new types of information preservation, we will not rush to part with the book.
Dmitry Likhachev

The quote that, despite new technologies, one should not part with the book is extremely relevant. Indeed, people read literature less and less, giving preference to other, more progressive sources of information. This is evidenced by the fact that among people of different age categories, watching various TV shows and films is more popular. And yet, books are indispensable. Let's continue to confirm this with clever quotes about books.

Thoughts and quotes about books and reading

Whatever you do, whatever you do, you will always need a smart and faithful assistant - a book.
Samuil Marshak

Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience - this is the ideal life.
Mark Twain

Literature is the sweetest way to ignore life.
Fernando Pessoa

If someone next to you is immersed in reading a book, then consider that he is not near you - he is somewhere else; he has nothing to do with you - he communicates with other people.
Karel Capek

A man with a good book in his hands can never be alone.
Carlo Goldoni

Any kind of rudeness melts, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books.
Victor Hugo

Just read and let the words caress your ears like music.
Roald Dahl

Everything that humanity has done, changed its mind, everything that it has achieved - all this has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books.
Thomas Carlyle

Paradise is a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No... eight days a week.
Alan Bradley

He who reads a lot and walks a lot sees a lot and knows a lot.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

When watching movies, fantasy does not develop - it is limited only by special effects. Books also train the imagination, making our brain more plastic. We really hope that these quotes about reading will make you want to open some book.

Beautiful quotes about books

Reading is passive creativity.
Victoria Tokareva

There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading.
Andre Maurois

Eating with a book does not mean eating alone.
John Irving

And what else normal person in this country to do so as not to get dirty? All that remains is to read books and love girls.
Yuri Polyakov

Reading is like this world behind closed eyelids - and it can be said that while reading, we also close our eyes to everything. Open book- cover, pages - as if blinding us: it fences off from the outside world, its persistent calls and awakens fantasy.
Peter Mendelsund

We live in turbulent times. People began to eat a lot and read little.
Grigory Gorin

Reading is an unpunished vice...
Bernard Chirini

Reading is a good substitute for vodka...
Sergey Lukyanenko

Reading is just a kind of friendship. Which either adds up or doesn't.
Max Fry

As children, we were often told that we needed to read books in order to grow up to be a smart person. Indeed, books enrich us and teach us a lot. Many of us read books all the time, others less often. Someone reads historical novels, and someone only reads magazines on the plane - it all depends on education, mood, character and many other factors. We hope that if you read these quotes, then books are not alien to you.

Statuses about books are short

Reading is the basis of all knowledge.

People stop thinking when they stop reading.

Read serious books. Life will do the rest.

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Cheer up and remember - when it's hard, take a book and read.

In the movies I watch others, the book allows me to become a different person for a while.

Books are separate magical worlds.

Books break the shackles of time, proving that people are capable of magic.

Reading good books, we water the flowers that grow in us.

We hope that quotes about books gave you the desire to read. After all, the future depends on education. It is important to learn not to drown in gadgets, but to properly balance between them and books that really open your eyes and make you see beauty in small things. No need to go far: take interesting book and you will understand what is interesting - nearby!

Quotes about books are funny

Life is some kind of constant hindrance to reading.

There are people who read only to find mistakes in the writer.

Indeed, many people read only in order to have the right not to think.

What is written without effort is read, as a rule, without pleasure.

Someone likes tea with sugar, someone - with jam, and I love - with a book.

My problem with reading books is that I'm constantly distracted... by other books.

Books are doors that lead you out of four walls...

The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The person who never reads lives only one.

In bed, you can do everything that gives pleasure to both. Even read.

Trust books, because they are your closest friends. Books, like friends, are silent when needed, and give you the whole world in the palm of your hand when needed. And always with meaning.

Wise Thoughts on Reading

The advantage of books is that the lives, stories, thoughts contained in them become yours. Closing the book, you are no longer the same as you were, opening it ...

Every book has a soul. The soul of the one who wrote it, and the souls of those who read and experienced it, and dreamed about it.

You will read many good books. Bad, of course, too, but you will learn to see the difference.

A good book only gets better the second time you read it. great book- at the third.

Books - good way talk to someone you can't talk to.

Books are an undeniable source of knowledge. A person who reads books improves, develops his horizons, logic, thinking, improves his memory.

Nowadays, few people read paper books, people prefer computers, laptops and e-books.

I like to spend time reading paper books. Reading distracts me from extraneous thoughts, I turn on my imagination and fantasy, plunge into the world of stories with my head. Reading books is to some extent an antidepressant, it helps to relax, get rid of negative thoughts and fall asleep.

Reading books increases one's lexicon improves written and spoken language. Books help to become more literate and interesting for people around.

Books are of great importance in people's lives. It is always pleasant to communicate with well-read people, they are self-confident, they know the answers to many questions. Their familiarity helps them find topics easily and carry on conversations with ease.

Many books are sources of ideas and inspiration. From books, people draw invaluable experience that will definitely come in handy in life.

I believe that books should be protected, they should not disappear from a person's life.

Essay on the importance of books

Perhaps most importantly, the habit of thinking emerges. You can not stop at a certain number of books read. Our brain always needs intellectual work. You need to learn how to process information consciously.

IN modern world very few reliable sources of information. Facilities mass media engaged in propaganda work without developing a personal opinion. Analyzing the question of why books are needed, I came across a book by the American writer R. Bradbury “451 degrees Fahrenheit”.

The author describes the dystopian world of the future, in which absolutely all printed publications are burned because of their harm to society. To the main character, fireman Montag, the chief explains that they burn books so that a person is calm and happy. Thus the state takes care of its citizens. One of the shocks of the hero took place when he saw that people are ready to sacrifice their lives in order to save books. In one of the houses, a firefighter secretly takes several books under his arm. From now on, his life will never be the same. On the advice of another character, Montag searches books for the truth of life. In contrast to the TV, which makes a person a narrow-minded creature, but with the worldview necessary for the government. R. Bradbury's book surprised me very much that such a world without reading is possible.

Some interesting essays

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  • Characteristics and image of Kuteikin in the comedy Undergrowth

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  • Analysis of Gorky's story My Universities

    This story tells about the young man Alexei, who went to study in Kazan at the university. Arriving, he stops at a familiar Evreinov family. The family is very poor and they barely have enough for food, then Alyosha decides to get a job.

  • Composition Communication. What is communication (reasoning)

    What is communication? I think communication is about making contact with people. In my opinion, it is vital for a person to communicate with other people.

  • Composition The main idea and meaning of the Song about the prophetic Oleg Pushkin

    "Song of prophetic Oleg” was written by A.S. Pushkin in 1822, it was during these years that the poet was especially worried about the historical past of his homeland. Pushkin's freedom of thought formed the basis for writing this poetry.
