What expressions should be spoken for well-being. Words - "passwords" that attract good luck

This section contains quotes and words to attract money. The thought is material. We attract to ourselves whatever we think about. You should repeat the words and quotes below several times a day to convince your subconscious mind that you really get what you want. The subconscious, like a sponge, absorbs everything that gets into it, perceives everything verbatim and fulfills it.

The law of the universe - start to feel what you want and it will enter your life, for example: I have a lot of money! Or am I just swimming in money! Let's continue...

I value money and respect it and they are attracted to me.

Everything I need, I always get!

I know how to pass through a cash flow.

The universe and the whole world does everything for my prosperity, so I trust her.

I spend money on what I need and it makes me happy.

Money channels are opening up for me right now!

I let money into my life!

Money is happiness, peace, health, success!

I attract money, they come to me easily and effortlessly!

Money comes to me easily, all sources of abundance lie in me!

I am attracted to money!

Money easily comes into my life and stays in it!

I get exactly my money and do it effortlessly!

Money loves me very much.

I am attracted to money.

I let money flow into my life!

Money loves me very much!

I am open to money!

Money brings joy and happiness into my life!

I am open to the cosmic source of abundance.

Money just sticks to me! My pockets and my wallet are full of money.

I like money!

Money flows to me from everywhere!

I easily and freely accept money that comes to me from all sides.

I always earn more than I spend.

I attract money, wealth and prosperity like a magnet.

I always have enough money for everything I want to have.

I earn money to buy what I want.

My wealth is limitless!

I live in abundance and wealth;

My wealth is growing every day!

I deserve to live in luxury!

I always think only positively about money and prosperity.

I deserve big money!

I let go of all negative thoughts about money.

I choose happiness with money!

Most The best way to attract money is to feel happy!

I choose to always think positively about money! I love money and it loves me.

I always have much more money than I can afford to spend!

I am in tune with a large flow of money.

I always have money.

I always have money everywhere.

I am a magnet for money! Money comes to me in different ways! I am open to money!

I always have enough money!

I always know how to make a lot of money.

Now I allow myself to earn good money.

I choose happiness with money!

Every day I have more and more money!

I am proud that I am rich, I deserve it.

I love looking at my gorgeous bank account.

I am worthy of big money and worthy of living in luxury and prosperity!

My passive income is guaranteed to me at birth, just like the ability to breathe.

I live in prosperity because I allow myself to do it!

My income is growing every day!

I earn more and more and do it with pleasure and ease.

I like to win money.

I know the value of my work and allow myself to charge a decent price.

Money comes to me from various sources, both expected and unexpected.

I make money easily!

Money flows to me like a river!

I love money and easily attract them to me!

Money flows to me easily.

I am a money magnet!

Money comes to me from the most unexpected sources!

I am open to accepting money!

Money allows me to open all the virtues of my soul.

I love spending money!

Money keeps me going.

I allow money to come to me easily and freely.

Money loves me and always comes in the right amount! Even more!

I attract money!

Money easily and simply comes into my life!

I attract money to myself, into my life playfully, easily and naturally!

Money always comes to me at the right time!

I let money into my life!

Money is happiness, health, success!

I manage my money wisely!

I always have more money than I need.

I respect and appreciate money and they are attracted to me like a magnet!

The universe provides me with everything I ask for, including money!

I appreciate money and allow myself to receive it in the desired amount.

Wealth is my natural state.

Use these quotes and words to attract money and you will take away their positive effect. Also connect imagination and visualization to get what you want.

It is not for nothing that people say that a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness. Material and family well-being depends not only on our actions and behavior, but also on thoughts and words. Thinking about themselves and their prosperity with negativity, and even more so, voicing these thoughts, people willy-nilly program themselves for poverty, not allowing the cash flow to flow into their lives. Before you attract money and good luck to the house, you should attract them to your thoughts.

How to attract money and good luck with words

Money is a subtle and very sensitive substance, so never allow it to be neglected. Respect any amounts of money and denominations, avoiding phrases “These are some pennies!”, “Money is never enough!”, “I get paid pennies!”, “Apparently, I am destined to be a beggar”, “I am always unlucky”. With such comments you block the way for money and energy flows.

Negative emotions such as anger and envy can also do you a disservice. Drive away envy of the rich from yourself, learn to sincerely rejoice for successful people. Surround yourself with such people, because they know how to attract money and good luck.

Never make malicious comments about financial structures and organizations - even if you experience real difficulties in paying loans or have tax debts.

Set yourself up with phrases and thoughts like "Money will come." "Money themselves float into my hands", "I'm always lucky, I'm lucky."

how to attract money feng shui

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui will help you harmonize your life by making its elements powerful magnets attracting good luck and prosperity. Here are the basic rules that every person dreaming of wealth should follow:

  • Keep the house clean. Do not allow deposits of old and unnecessary things, they collect negative energy. Get rid of the trash and fresh cash flows will pour into your life.
  • Do not let the water in the house leak away just like that. This threatens not only with impressive receipts from the city water utility, but also with the leakage of monetary energy. Remember that the house should not have leaking faucets and gurgling toilet cisterns. Money is water and should not be wasted. But a decorative fountain with circulating water in the southeastern part of the house, on the contrary, will attract wealth.
  • Get a money tree at home. The ancient Chinese knew how to attract money and good luck with this plant. To do this, they put a coin or banknote under the flower pot and looked after the green pet with special trepidation.
  • To attract money and good luck, you definitely need a money talisman. It can be anything from a three-legged toad sitting on a pile of coins to a personal amulet. Best of all, the second, because the amulet should always be with you. It is usually recommended to acquire a charmed amulet with prayers and chants.
  • Pay attention to your wallet. It must not be torn or dirty. Banknotes and small coins should be stored in separate compartments. Banknotes should be folded neatly, sorted by value, placing them on the same side. Do not allow the wallet to remain empty, it should always contain a "fidget" bill or a coin.

How to keep money and luck for a long time

It is important not only to create energy magnet traps for money, but also to follow certain rules so as not to scare away the energy of wealth that has come. There are a number of signs proven by centuries of experience of ancestors, to ignore which is a real economic crime.

  • Don't forget to donate to charity and help the underprivileged;
  • After the guests leave, be sure to shake the tablecloth outside to get rid of envy and the evil eye that may have entered your home;
  • Do not keep two brooms in the house;
  • Never lend on Monday and in the evening;
  • Do not take out the garbage after sunset, and also in inclement weather;
  • Do not put empty containers on the table, do not leave money and keys on it;
  • Don't put your wallet or money bag on the floor;

Signs for prosperity

Now you know enough about how to attract money and good luck to your home. Follow all the above rules and expect a quick result. The fact that profit is just around the corner, you can find out by some signs:

  • If it itches left palm- it's about money. You need to clap your hands several times or tap your palm on some wooden object.
  • During the flowering of domestic plants, you can expect profit.
  • The one who finds a four-leaf clover in the forest is waiting for wealth and good luck.
  • Butterfly flying into the house or bat do not promise anything bad, but rather prophesy wealth. Make sure that uninvited guests fly back to the street safe and sound.
  • Do not be discouraged if you have a "trace" from a flying bird on your clothes. This is for money.

Do not miss these signs of fate and prosperity and good luck will enter your house.

Words that bring money

Bring joy into your life. Pray for her. Affirm, "The joy of the Lord is my strength." But don't think about it all the time. Just know that joy is a vital impulse. Don't work for her like a horse. This mental and spiritual method does not involve willpower or muscle strength. Just know and affirm that the joy of the Lord is flowing through you now, and if you pray, miracles will happen in your life. As a result, you will find freedom and peace.

One woman told me her story: “I was in financial ruin. I didn’t even have money to feed my children. Holding the last 5 dollars in my fist, I said:“ God will multiply them. Now I am filled with the riches of the Lord. All my needs are met now and will always be satisfied. "I stated this for half an hour and an amazing calm descended on me. I went and spent these $ 5 on groceries. The owner of the store asked if I would like to work as a cashier for him, since she the woman who worked for him got married and left her job. I accepted his proposal and soon married him, we received and now receive all the riches of life. "

This woman turned to the Source; she believed in Him with all her heart - and God's blessing followed. Her wealth increased incredibly.

During a trip to Hawaii, I spoke with a teacher who told me that she taught Spanish and French in a religious educational institution. Every morning she and her students gather together and each student says aloud: "I am inspired by the Supreme. Infinite Intelligence guides me in my studies. I pass all exams in Divine order. I radiate love and goodwill to all my classmates. I am happy free and full of joy. God loves me and cares for me."

The teacher said that there had been a big change in her students, and for the past three years they had all been doing well in their studies. She claims to give them an "infusion" of faith and conviction every morning, telling them that they will move forward, will be under Divine guidance in their studies. Students listen to her, absorb the truth of her statements, and together with morning prayers, these truths penetrate into their subconscious and become a reality.

This woman realized that scientifically based prayer works wonders.

One manager told me that he was fired because of excessive drinking during work and because of an intimate relationship with a secretary. He was very upset, depressed and worried about his wife, his income and his future.

Later, while talking to his wife, I learned that she had unsuccessfully tried to dominate her husband and control all his actions. She was incredibly jealous and possessive. Every evening she made her husband scenes of jealousy if he did not return home at a certain hour.

In an emotional and spiritual sense, he was an immature person and could not cope with his problems. In the depths of his soul he was terribly indignant at her quarrelsomeness. He retaliated by getting drunk and then hooking up with another woman. "I just wanted to be her equal," he explained to me.

Both spouses agreed to start praying in the mornings and evenings, realizing that only in this way they would get rid of bitterness, hostility and discontent, since Divine love overcomes everything that is not like it.

His wife prayed in the morning and evening as follows: "My husband is a man of God. God guides him. What he seeks will be given to him. Divine love fills his soul, and Divine peace fills his mind and heart. God makes him flourish in all his affairs. Harmony, peace, love and mutual understanding reign between us. It is God who dwells in our lives."

Her husband similarly prayed mornings and evenings for her. Here is his prayer: "My wife is a child of God. God loves her and takes care of her. Divine love, peace, harmony and joy constantly pass through her. God guides her. Harmony, peace, love and mutual understanding have been established between us. I see God in her, and she sees God in me."

As soon as the husband and wife relaxed and calmed down, they realized that in this situation it is possible to achieve positive results. Soon, the president of the company he worked for called her husband and asked him to return, explaining that he had heard about his reconciliation with his wife.

In reality, his wife had surreptitiously gone to the president of the company and talked about how happy they were now and that another woman had "vanished" from her husband's life. She said that now they pray together. This made a very strong impression on the president. This married couple discovered the riches of "scientific prayer."

Constantly affirm, feel and believe that God multiplies your goodness in every possible way, and every minute you will be enriched spiritually, mentally, intellectually, socially and financially, since there is no end to the glory of a person for his daily labors. See what miracles will happen when you internalize these truths in your subconscious mind. A glorious future awaits you.

Follow your thoughts. Never talk about economic disadvantage and limitation; never say that you are in poverty or want. It is very foolish to tell your neighbors or relatives about difficulties, financial problems and similar things. Start thinking about prosperity. Talk about Divine riches that are present everywhere. Understand that the awareness of wealth produces wealth. When you talk about how you don't have enough money to pay the rent, and you have to cut yourself in everything and eat the cheapest food, you are impoverishing yourself.

Feel free to use the money you now have. Get rid of them with joy and understanding that Divine riches flow to you in an inexhaustible stream. Look up at the Source. When you turn to God, the answer will come, for "He cares for you." You will find neighbors, co-workers and strangers participating in your good deeds. Put it into your practice to pray for Divine guidance in all your endeavors and trust that the Lord will supply all your needs. Once you make this attitude of mind a habit, you will find that the invisible law of abundance can and will produce visible wealth for you.

One beauty parlor owner told me that the secret to her success was that every morning, before opening her beauty salon, she retired for a while and said: "Divine peace fills my soul, and Divine love saturates my whole being God guides me, inspires me and makes me prosper He enlightens me and His healing love flows from me to all my clients All those who come to my salon are blessed and healed Infinite Healing Presence fills my salon This is the day that the Lord has created, and I rejoice and thank Him for the countless riches that come down on my clients and on me.

The woman wrote this prayer down on a card and repeated it over and over every morning. In the evening she thanked God for all her clients, stating that they were given guidance, prosperity, happiness and harmony, and that God and His love filled each of them.

She told me that as a result of this prayer, after three months she already had many more customers than she could handle, and she had to hire three more workers! She discovered the riches of effective prayer and began to prosper beyond all expectations.

Recently, a Beverly Hills doctor told me that her constant prayer is this: “I live in joyful expectation of the best, and the best will inevitably come to me. My favorite Bible verse with which I saturate my mind is this: "... Himself giving to everything life and breath and everything" (Acts of the Holy Apostles 17:25). () she learned that joy, health, success, happiness or peace of mind do not depend on people. She hoped in the Almighty Living Spirit, who is within it, in terms of its progress, achievements, prosperity, success and happiness. "... Whoever trusts in the Lord, he is blessed" (Book of Proverbs 16:20).

Reflect on your progress, success, achievements, knowledge. The Spirit of the Almighty will act in your interests, forcing you to fully express what you desire. Unleash yourself now and allow Infinite Riches to come into your life.

When using prayer therapy, avoid struggle and tension, as this shows your unbelief. Your subconscious has the wisdom and power to solve any problem. Your conscious mind takes into account external conditions and tends to constantly fight and entrench resistance. However, do not forget that a calm mind can do everything. Periodically calm yourself, relax your body. When your conscious mind is calm and receptive, subconscious wisdom rises to the surface and you have a solution.

By how you feel, you can determine how successful your prayer has been. If you continue to feel restless or anxious, and if you are concerned about when, where, or through what source the answer will come to you, then you are in the wrong business. This suggests that you do not really believe in the wisdom of your subconscious. Stop annoying yourself all day long. When you think about your desire, lightness of touch is important. Remind yourself that Infinite Intelligence will take care of your desire in Divine order much better than you would by straining your conscious mind.

Many people ask, "How often should I pray for a loved one who is sick or struggling financially?" Here is the answer: you should pray until you feel inner satisfaction, or until you realize that this is the best thing you can do at this stage. Wait until your prayer for harmony, health, vitality and abundance is answered. You can pray again a little later. You will know when your prayer has been answered through an inner sense of calm and confidence.

Long periods of prayer are usually a mistake, as they may indicate that you are trying to force an action using mental compulsion, which always leads to the opposite result. You will find that short prayer, read from the heart, brings better results than a long prayer that is uttered formally.

Learn to free yourself and relax. Do not give way to sickness or bad condition. Give power to the Infinite Healing Presence and be true to it. The swimming instructor says that you can float on the water if you stay calm, still and relaxed. But if you become nervous or afraid, you will drown.

As you seek spiritual healing, feel that you are immersed in Holy Infinity and that a river of life, love, truth and beauty is flowing through you, transforming your entire being into a pattern of harmony, health and peace. Identify yourself with the river of life and love and you will feel yourself being swept up in the great ocean of life. This feeling of oneness with God will restore your health. He "strengthens my soul" (Psalms 23:3).

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Sorcerers, magicians and healers of all times have known about the power of words, that they are able to attract good luck and protect from danger. Words form our thoughts, thoughts form actions. Ultimately, it turns out that it is words that create our life path.

Magic Bundle

There are many words endowed with special energy to attract good luck in various matters.

For example, if you have lost any small item, you can say the following bunch of words: "Together - find - now." This link is deciphered as follows:

  • The first word connects intuition and consciousness.
  • The word "gain" in this situation plays a key role (after all, we are, in fact, trying to regain the lost object).
  • The final word helps the event to happen faster.

Passwords for every occasion

Password words for any occasion of life Password words have amazing property attract luck exactly where it is needed. Consider the most powerful words. It is desirable, as in the previous example, to insert these “passwords” into a frame of the words “together” and “now”.

  • Convince the interlocutor of your point of view - “turn it on”.
  • If you need to get rid of pain - "change".
  • To hide from various threats - "protect".
  • Fall asleep faster - "around".
  • Increase the ability to clairvoyance and telepathy - "between".
  • To win in the conditions of competition, competition - "fight".
  • To get rid of resentment against a person - “postpone”.
  • Gain a strong will - it's done.
  • Get rid of the feeling of longing and loneliness - "be".
  • Calm the mind - "be."
  • Perform hard, burdensome work - "adapt".
  • Rid the mind of aggressive thoughts - "push back."
  • Earn a large amount of money - "count".
  • To accomplish the impossible, to surpass oneself - "foresee".
  • Overcome self-doubt, get rid of low self-esteem - "straight."
  • To sell something - "to present".

A few words about readiness for success

Words alone, of course, are not enough to attract good luck. We need the right inner attitude, the willingness to take advantage of the gifts that the Universe is ready to offer to each person. It is easy to check this readiness.

  1. If a person looks at pictures from a “beautiful”, rich life, and a grumpy old man or old woman wakes up in him.
  2. If he does not admit to himself that he is afraid of large sums of money.
  3. If he considers himself unworthy of good luck in any skill, happiness in his personal life, career, then the person is not yet ready to let good luck into his life. In this case, a long work on yourself is required. Luck is a combination of a person's inner readiness and the opportunities that the world.

Words that attract luck

And for those who are internally ready for life changes, we offer following list positive words. They help bring luck. On the one hand, these words program the mind, contribute to the attraction of good luck in life. On the other hand, they can be used as a kind of spell to transform the surrounding reality.

  • I'm lucky.
  • Every day I attract good luck.
  • People see me as a very lucky person.
  • I always think positively.
  • I am full of gratitude for my luck.
  • Day after day I become more and more successful.
  • I transform into a person who is always lucky.
  • It's easy for me to attract luck.
  • I deserve to be happy.
  • Fortune smiles at me unexpectedly.
  • Every day I celebrate new luck.
  • I get good news regularly.
  • I always get what I want.
  • I attract luck like a magnet.
  • I'm ready for anything, that's why I'm so lucky.
  • I am incredibly happy.
  • I am lucky in everything I do.
  • I create my luck every day.
  • Every moment I expect only the best.
  • Everywhere I go, there is an aura of luck.

Now you know a lot of words to attract good luck and luck into your life. However, remember that the words-"passwords" will help you only if you are ready to open up to the Universe and accept its gifts.

It was noticed that the frequent use of words with sharp negative value leads to aggravation of problems, and, on the contrary, the predominance of “positive” words in speech gives a person such strength that he gets out of the most difficult life situations and achieves good luck. Our wise ancestors used this observation to make conspiracies truly effective. A modern psychologists confirmed the connection of what we say with our sense of self and luck. The whole point is that

words that we often utter are deposited on the subconscious and cause a special reaction of the body, affecting our behavior and life in general. Therefore, if problems haunt you, it's time to think about what words you say most often. Here is a list of 10 words that will help get rid of problems and attract good luck.

Luck.Yes, luck loves to be called by name. But you need to use this word confidently and only with a positive attitude. No "Oh, if only luck smiled at me ...". Instead, you need to say "I believe that luck will smile at me today."
Happiness.Happiness is what you strive for. Remind yourself of this goal every day and look to the future with confidence: “I will definitely achieve my happiness.” By repeating this word, you will bring your goal closer to yourself, and after a while you will really feel like a happy person.
Love.The ability to love yourself and the world around you is the key to good luck, which does not like hardened people. Remind your loved ones about your feelings, and don't be afraid to confess your love to the world. Say, "I love this world for its beauty and the possibilities it opens up for me." And the world will hasten to answer you in return.
well-being.The word consists of two parts, and if we rearrange them, we will see the combination "receive good." If you use this word often, and especially if you wish the well-being of other people, you will really begin to get the benefit of life and turn your luck around.
Gratitude.If you disassemble this word by its components, you get the combination "to give good." Fortune turns its back on those who are only able to receive without giving anything in return. Therefore, for your successes, thank - uttering the word “thank you” - loved ones, fortunate circumstances, those who have provided you, albeit insignificant, but help, and next time luck will again refuse you its favor.

Success.So that all your undertakings are crowned with success, say this word more often. Thus, you will program yourself for good luck and achieve what you want.
Confidence.Confidence is one of the fundamental feelings of successful people. If you believe in yourself, then Fortune will give you favor. Frequent repetition of this word will help you feel confident in your abilities, convince yourself of your own faith, even if at first you had doubts.
Confidence.In order for circumstances to develop successfully, you need to trust life. Before an important task for you, talk about trust more often: “I have confidence in relation to life. I know life's circumstances will be in my favor."
Health.The key to success is physical and mental health. Negative words, discussions of diseases and constant complaints about well-being not only attract problems, but also worsen the condition of the body. But the word "health" in positive combinations will contribute to the fact that you will always feel good.
Hope.Hope makes a person gather strength into a fist and move on even in the most difficult situations. Say "I hope for the best", and luck will surely hear you and justify your hope.
Change your life for the better with Right words. Your happiness is in your hands. May Fortune always bestow its favor on you!
