Presentation on the topic "rules of conduct at school." Presentation on the topic "rules of conduct at school" General rules of conduct at school

"Joint work of a psychologist and a speech therapist" - Monitoring the results of activities. Student survey. Areas of work. Model of correctional-developing activity. Organization of joint work of a teacher-speech therapist and a teacher-psychologist. L.S. Vygotsky. Integrated lessons. Diagnostics. Correctional and developmental classes. Efficiency.

"Activity of the psychological service" - Quantitative indicators. Government order. metasubject result. Journal of work performed. Technical task. Structure. Statistical report. List of documentation of the teacher-psychologist. Subject-methodical laboratory. Working programm. Artistic and aesthetic development.

"Psychologist at school" - Drawing up a recommendation for raising children in the family. Main directions of activity. Upbringing - difficult process. Child-parent relationship. Book: Practical psychologist at school: lectures, counseling, training. Parent counseling. Dispatching activity becomes a very important area of ​​work for a psychologist-consultant.

"School psychologist" - We, psychologists, want to tell you about how we can be useful to you. Ways to optimize the interaction of a psychologist with the teaching staff and administration. Teachers - about psychology. The content of work with a particular child The content and principles of using psychodiagnostic techniques. Mapping psychological help and pedagogical support.

"The work of a teacher-psychologist" - Zone of relaxation and removal of emotional stress. Providing psychological assistance to teachers. Social support of the educational system. Subscription editions "School psychologist". The color scale is sustained in soft tones. Diagnostic material is systematized. Scanner. Group and individual conversations, relaxation sessions.

"Psychologist's office" - Availability of seats 14. Catalog of educational literature and manuals. Passport of the office of a teacher-psychologist. Psychology office plan.

MKOU "Average comprehensive school With. Bijan"


for schoolchildren

  • School students must behave fair and dignified, observe morality and ethics in relationships with others and with older people.
  • Students are required to address by first name, patronymic and to “You” to teachers, institution employees and other adults.
  • Students must give way to adults; older students let the younger ones go in front of them, boys - girls.

General rules school behavior

for schoolchildren

  • Students come to school no later than 15 minutes before class starts, in neat shape.
  • After coming to school, students take off their outerwear in the cloakroom, put their clothes and hair in order, take their workplace in the classroom and prepare for the lesson books, notebooks, pens and other accessories needed for use in the lesson.
  • At the request of the teacher The student is required to present a diary and keep a record of homework in it daily.

General rules of conduct at school

for schoolchildren

  • Physical confrontation, intimidation and bullying, attempts to humiliate a person, discrimination based on nationality or race are unacceptable forms of behavior.
  • It is forbidden to use obscene expressions and gestures.

General rules of conduct at school

for schoolchildren

  • Forbidden bring and use weapons, explosives and flammable substances, flammable liquids, pyrotechnics, gas cartridges, alcoholic beverages, drugs, intoxicants, as well as poisonous and toxic substances in the school or on its territory.
  • Smoking on school grounds prohibited.

General rules of conduct at school

for schoolchildren

  • Students should take good care of school property, carefully treat both your own and other people's property, keep cleanliness and order on the school grounds. If a student causes damage to school property, parents (legal representatives) are obliged to compensate it in full.
  • All students must take part in activities to improve the school and school grounds, to the best of their physical abilities.

General rules of conduct at school

for schoolchildren

  • Schoolchildren should respect property rights. Books, clothes and other personal items in the school belong to their respective owners.
  • Students who misappropriate other people's belongings may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including criminal penalties.
  • students who found lost or forgotten, in their opinion, things must be handed over to the duty administrator or teacher.

General rules of conduct at school

for schoolchildren

It is forbidden to leave without the permission of a teacher or a nurse educational institution during the course.

If a student misses class, he/she must present class teacher a certificate or note from the parents (persons replacing them) about the reason for the absence from classes.

General rules of conduct at school

for schoolchildren

When moving from floor to floor, school students must be extremely careful. On the stairs, do not bend over the railing, look at your feet, keep to the right side.

  • The student must come to class no later than 2-3 minutes before the start of the lesson.
  • When the teacher enters the classroom, the students stand up and greet the teacher silently. Similarly, students greet any adult who enters the classroom during class (except labs and practical exercises in physics and chemistry).
  • Each teacher sets out the rules for the behavior of students in their lessons.
  • During the lesson, you can not make noise, distract yourself and distract others from classes with extraneous conversations, games and activities that are not related to the lesson, as this violates the rights of others to receive the necessary knowledge.

Rules of conduct for students in the classroom (classes)

  • If the student wants to say or ask something, ask the teacher a question or answer a question, he must raise his hand and, after the teacher's permission, speak.
  • The student has the right to defend his views and his beliefs when discussing various controversial and controversial issues in the correct form.
  • In the lesson, students have the right to use school equipment, which they return to the teacher after the end of classes. It must be handled carefully and carefully.
  • The bell for the end of the lesson is given to the teacher. And only after the permission of the teacher, students can leave their workplaces and the classroom.

During recess, students must:

a) tidy up your workplace and leave the classroom if the teacher asks;

b) comply with the requirements of duty officers and school employees;

c) schoolchildren must, at the request of a teacher or a student on duty, report their last name, the class in which they study.

During recess, students are prohibited from:

a) run along corridors, stairs, near window openings, stained-glass windows and in other places that are not intended for games;

b) push, throw various objects and use physical force against each other, make noise and prevent other students and teachers from resting.

The class that is on duty should help the teacher on duty and monitor compliance with the rules of conduct during breaks.

Rules of conduct for school students in the cafeteria

  • Schoolchildren visit the canteen in accordance with the schedule.
  • It is forbidden to visit the dining room in outerwear, as well as with briefcases or bags.
  • When eating in the cafeteria, students must adhere to manners. good behavior. Students should wash their hands before eating, eat carefully while sitting at the table, do not scatter food, bones, cores, do not take food out of the dining room.
  • Pupils of the school are required to respect the employees of the cafeteria.
  • Talking while eating should not be loud, so as not to disturb those who eat nearby.
  • Each student cleans up after himself the dishes after eating and puts the chairs in their place.
  • Students must take good care of the property of the school cafeteria.
  • Students must clean up dirty dishes.

Rules of conduct for students on school grounds

The territory of the school is part of the school (school site).

At the school site students are required :

  • do not go beyond its borders;

- Adhere to the rules of behavior during changes.

For non-compliance with these rules and the Charter educational institution to the students disciplinary and educational measures are applied, which are provided for by the Charter of the school.

For gross and regular violations of the requirements of the Charter of the school and these rules the student may be expelled from the school.

"Student Behavior" - Purpose: Research public opinion in the computer club of the village. There are many interesting channels on television, carrying a lot of new, interesting, and informative. Kinds mass media. Dinosaurs. Media Influence on Behavior junior schoolchildren. Analysis of the literature on the research topic. Computer games.

"School rules" - English. Muslims. Follow the school rules! Turn. School etiquette. How do I respond in class? Japan. Class hour. My mood. What am I doing wrong? Meet by clothes. behavior in the dining room.

"School of politeness" - "Polite person". The two boys collided at the door. Politeness is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person. Get ready, kids, it's time to fly! Journey to the School of Politeness. How do you end the conversation? The boy shouted to a passerby: "What time is it?" How do you ask a friend for help?

Student Rules - Learn well. Watch the time. The student is not allowed to smoke in emergency exits. Come to the lesson on time - 5 minutes before the start of the lesson Do not be late! Wash your hands!!! Rules for student behavior. Our textbooks. The student is not allowed to run outside during the lesson. The student is not allowed to run around the school.

"Rules of conduct for schoolchildren" - Say hello. Rules of educated schoolchildren. Take care of school property. Take care of school textbooks. Do not be late. Get a briefcase. Conduct yourself with dignity. Get ready for the lesson at recess. Say goodbye. Be careful. Don't giggle in class. Do your best. Respect teachers.

"About behavior at school" - "About the culture of behavior at school". Rules of conduct: Conditions of upbringing: Behavior -. Topic No. 1 - "Duties of the school attendant" Topic No. 2 - "Rules of conduct at school." Each of those present will give the little man a sign of a well-mannered person. Observing the rules of decency. Task number 3: proverbs about the culture of behavior.

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Situation No. 1 The boy shouted to a passerby: “Tell me, what time is it now?” Turning to a passerby, the boy made three mistakes. Tell me, what mistakes did he make? Skvortsova Nadezhda Viktorovna MOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME

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Answer. The boy should not have screamed, but calmly asked: “Tell me, please, what time is it?” Skvortsova Nadezhda Viktorovna MOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME

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Situation 2 One girl indignantly complained to her mother: "In the yard the boy is so ignorant - Galka calls me." “And what do you call him?” Mom asked. “But I don’t call him at all,” Galya answered - I just shout to him: “Hey, you!” - Tell me, is Galya right? Skvortsova Nadezhda Viktorovna MOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME

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Situation No. 3 An old man was walking down the street, leaning on a large gnarled stick. He was very old and bent from old age, so he walked, looking at his feet. Towards him, raising his head up and looking at something in the sky, there was a boy. The boy did not notice the old man and pushed him hard. The old man was very angry with the boy .. But then the boy said something to the old man, and he immediately became kinder. -What did the boy say that made grandfather immediately stop being angry? Skvortsova Nadezhda Viktorovna MOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME

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Situation No. 4 A boy calls a friend, his mother answered the phone. “Call Sasha,” said the boy. Mom indignantly complied with his request. Why do you think? Skvortsova Nadezhda Viktorovna MOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME

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Let's think ... What role did the word play in each situation? Skvortsova Nadezhda Viktorovna MOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME

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Speech etiquette- rules of conduct adopted in speech communication between people. And these rules are needed in order to maintain a positive tone of conversation. It is from the lips of the cultural and polite person we hear etiquette expressions: welcome; Bon appetit; thank you; be healthy; excuse me; Please; Good evening. Skvortsova Nadezhda Viktorovna MOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME

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Magic words Words of gratitude; Words of welcome; Words of polite refusal and apology Skvortsova Nadezhda ViktorovnaMOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME

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Gratitude is a feeling of gratitude to someone for the kindness, attention. Thank you Thank you Very grateful I owe you a lot You are very kind Touched by your attention You helped me out so much Etc.

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Task number 1 Name situations when words of gratitude are heard. Thank you, thank you very much; Thank you; My gratitude knows no bounds; You are very kind; Touched by your attention Skvortsova Nadezhda Viktorovna MOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME

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Words of gratitude in transport Thank you Thank you very much Thank you Very grateful You are very kind Thank you Nadezhda Skvortsova

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Thank you in the store

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Thank you is one of the most common etiquette words in Russian. God bless you for this! Skvortsova Nadezhda Viktorovna MOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME

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Greetings Hello! Great! Hello! Good health! Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening!

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Words of polite refusal Sorry Excuse me Very sorry My apologies Nadezhda Viktorovna Skvortsova

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Sorry! Situation at school: Petya offended his classmate Vika. After a few minutes, he realized that he was wrong. What do you think Pete should do? Skvortsova Nadezhda Viktorovna MOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME

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Sorry! The situation on the bus you have to get off, and there are people in front of you, you usually say: “Sorry, you get off at the next stop!”. In the situation described, this is not an apology in the full sense of the word, but courtesy. You need to apologize more often - this is a kind of culture of communication. Skvortsova Nadezhda Viktorovna MOU "Gymnasium in Kozmodemyansk" RME
