Prayer for suffering in the soul. Orthodox prayers for every day In mental ailments and sorrows Prayers for mental sorrow and pain

How often do we grumble about our fate when it seems to us that we are groping our way in the darkness, that we have turned away from the right path, that we are surrounded by the unknown! But even here, in this darkness, in this uncertainty, who leads us? One Lord. Why and where? We don’t know this, but we will be content with the fact that He is leading us and nothing should fear us anymore.

Hear what promise the Lord gives to His people: “I will make darkness light before them, and crooked paths straight.” Let us not despair, brothers: our Heavenly Father will not leave us, He cares about us, He will lead us where we need to go. If He brings darkness upon us, if He sends us trials, we need all this, all this should contribute to our good. He knows better than we do which path we need to take. “What I do now you do not know, but you will understand later” (John 13:7).

Well, if you are overcome by sorrow and despair, then say the prayer: Lord Jesus Christ! Help me: I am overcome by grave despondency, everyday troubles and misfortunes, manifold needs and sorrows overwhelm me and oppress me, my soul is sorrowful; do not leave me, O Light that never leaves, but always remain in me, for without You there is sorrow and distress, but with You there is peace and joy. By Your almighty power, let the dark cloud of thoughts and sorrows that confuse me run away from me, and let the sadness and heaviness of my heart disappear.

God! May the burden of sin not trouble me, and may I be justified in You, our Savior, for You are the cleansing for our sins, having suffered sin on the cross for our sake. May I not be embarrassed by everyday troubles and misfortunes, worldly worries and cares, for You are the only Good One and Lover of Mankind, giving consolation to Your faithful servant, saying: “I will not leave the imam to you, nor will the imam leave you. The wife will forget her food in her youth... or even if she forgets, I will not forget you.” You, through the mouth of Your Apostle, said: “Humble yourself under the strong hand of God, so that in time you will lift up all your sorrow, casting away all your sorrows to Nan, as He cares for you.”

God! Behold, I am a great sinner, all my sorrow, all my worries and cares, I cast upon Thee, my Savior, and, groaning, I cry out to Thee: show me Thy timely help in all my misfortunes and needs, even as Thyself have weighed, and arrange everything for good according to the holy and more salutary than Thy will. Let people’s insults and sorrows not bother me, forgive all these insults and sorrows to my neighbors, and have mercy on me, a sinner; Forgive my sins and do not deprive Your intercession and Your gracious blessing, so that I can boldly say: “The Lord is my Helper, and I will not fear what man will do to me?”

Oh, Merciful Lord! Take in my grieving soul, pacify and deliver me, keep me under the shelter of Your goodness all the days of my life, and You Yourself direct my life to salvation, according to Your holy and almighty will, through the prayers of the Lady Theotokos and all the saints. Amen.

We often hear that it is difficult to pray. And, unfortunately, we all often have a weakening faith when we are in difficult circumstances or do not receive an answer to our prayer for a long time. We lose heart and sometimes even stop praying altogether. But if we treated the Lord as a loving Father, if we firmly believed His word, we would never give up prayer. The Lord often delays in answering for reasons that are hidden from us, but this does not mean that He does not hear us.
When the Savior was called to the dying Lazarus, whom He loved and called His friend, He hesitated, waiting two more days before going to Bethany. This attitude might surprise us, but now we know why He delayed. He came after the death of Lazarus, when his sisters and all his relatives could no longer expect anything more from Jesus - so what? When everything seemed over, the Lord brought him back to life, turned their crying into joy and showed everyone the glory and power of God.
And the Lord often does the same with us. We pray fervently, we repeatedly run to Him with tears, but everything that upsets us remains the same. But the Lord knows why He does not immediately answer our prayer. Let us not despair, let us believe that He hears us and, perhaps, when it seems to us that everything is lost, then deliverance will appear!
Let us remember that He, the Merciful, the Almighty, can do “incomparably more than what we imagine”; Let us not grieve Him with our lack of faith, but let us hope that sincere prayer will always be heard and fulfilled for our good.

A bad mood and apathy towards everything is not the best state. When melancholy and despondency intensify, the path to joy is blocked. The more often people are in a bad mood and completely depressed, the more they begin to get sick. But the worst thing is that all this can drag on for a long time, and it will be too late to get out. That is why many people turn to the Lord God to read a prayer for melancholy, giving birth to hope for something bright, joyful and unforgettable.

To whom should I read a prayer for despondency and despair?

There are a number of sacred texts that are recited to certain saints to get rid of the severe condition of sadness forever. To begin with, it is important to choose a prayer that can help. This is done as follows: when reading the text, believers should feel a surge of strength and energy. If everything is so, then prayer is suitable to get rid of apathy and melancholy. And these are the Saints who should be prayed to:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • John of Kronstadt;
  • Great Martyr Barbara;
  • Rev. Ephraim;
  • Saint Tikhon;
  • Martyr Tryphon;
  • Mother of God.

How to correctly read a prayer for despondency and depression?

A melancholy state does not allow a person to feel the taste of life, it constantly plunges him into stress and depression, darkening every day. Even the Bible says that despondency is one of the seven sins, which “burns out” the heart and destroys it. That is why prayers to the saints are so necessary so that this terrible aching state disappears and never returns. You can read the sacred text not only in church, but also at home. Here it is important to have in the corner an icon of the saint to whom you want to pray.

  1. Be sure to read the prayer sincerely, believing that everything will certainly work out and get better.
  2. Take your time while reading the text; it is better to pronounce everything at a moderate pace, correctly understanding each word.
  3. The prayer can be said both out loud and silently. The main thing is that no extraneous noise interferes.
  4. By the way, you can read the text not only if you are overcome by ordinary sadness and there is no joy in your heart, you can resort to it if you want to say a prayer for longing for a loved one.
  5. Reading is carried out if there is a feeling or premonition of something bad and unpleasant. To prevent this, it is best to turn to the saints.

Preparing to read the text

The believer should be alone in a secluded place, so that no one distracts or interferes. Be sure to light a candle and face the icon. First, you need to cross yourself and read “Our Father,” mentally imagining the image of the Almighty and not thinking about the bad. Then, it is important to thank the Lord God for everything that you have, for his protection and support, for the fact that you have life. After this, as a rule, forgiveness is asked for all sins committed, voluntary and involuntary - every person has many of them. After everything is done, it is important to begin praying for forgiveness so that sadness will leave the heart once and for all. Everyone should be clearly aware of what they are reading, delving into every word.

Prayer for despondency to Saint Tikhon

“Our Father Tikhon! God's grace was given to you for your angelic life on earth, so help us in our salvation. Free us from melancholy, may your mercy descend on our sinful souls. Save our hearts from fossilization, crush our sins. Grant us peace and silence, health and salvation, a bright life, deliver us from eternal torment. In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for longing for a loved one

“Most Holy Theotokos, intercessor of the weak, comforter of widows, always ready to help, save! You, Most High, have been given grace, hear us and comfort our sorrow. Deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, give us peace and consolation, fill our hearts with joy. Show your mercy, heal the sadness in our hearts. We resort to your intercession, cleanse our souls from sorrow and illness, protect us from all human slander. Under your protection, honor and glory to you now and throughout the ages of ages. Amen".

Never miss an opportunity to pray so that you never have a bad mood. Sadness should not “eat” a person from the inside, otherwise he simply will not live, but will only exist. This is the most terrible thing that can happen in the world: when we pretend to live, we turn into callous and insensitive, cruel and uninteresting people. You can find other prayers to the saints; it does not have to be exactly the one given above. Do not let this condition affect you and always pray to God, who will certainly help and get you out of such a situation.

Prayer for despondency, melancholy and despair - the most powerful was last modified: July 7th, 2017 by Bogolub

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Prayer for suffering in the soul

Question: Hello, Father Pavel! Please help me. Tell me what prayers to read in despair and mental pain? I was betrayed by a very close person. I don’t hold any grudges or grudges against him, only pain remains, I can’t reconcile myself and let him go with my soul. Thank you!

Answer: Hello! Our Lord Jesus Christ predicted to his disciples, and through them to all Christians: “In the world you will have tribulation; but take heart: I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; you will be sad, but your sorrow will turn into joy. So now you also have sorrow; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will rejoice for you. will take it away from you; and on that day you will not ask Me anything." (John 16, 21-22). Imagine how Christ felt when He was betrayed by one of His 12 closest disciples, Judas. And how bitter it was for the Lord when even His most faithful and ardent disciple, Peter, denied Him three times in the courtyard of Caiaphas. What human feelings did He experience when, in the last minutes before His death, He saw only His Most Pure Mother and the youngest of the disciples, John, at the cross? And where were the rest? Yes, often in life we ​​are betrayed by those closest and dearest to us, and that makes us a hundred times more painful. The prophet David also wrote: “Even the man who was at peace with me, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread lifted up his heel against me.” (Ps. 40:10). But we who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ have a consolation that non-believers do not have. In the Sermon on the Mount, the Savior said: “Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you and slander you in every way unjustly because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven:

so they persecuted the prophets who were before you" (Matthew 5:11-12). The Lord also prophesied: "Because iniquity increases, the love of many will grow cold; but he who endures to the end will be saved. "(Matthew 24:12-13). So be patient and pray for those who offend you, and the Lord will save you for eternity and bless you a hundredfold. If a person close to you has unjustly betrayed you, then, as the people say in such cases: “at least tear it off and throw it away." So it’s best to forgive him, throw him out of your head and live happily on. The Lord bless you! If your soul is heavy and has a sediment, then read the CANON OF PRAYER TO THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, sung in every spiritual sorrow and situation, and also Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

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Prayers in sorrows and emotional situations

Do not allow me, O Master Lord, temptation or sorrow or illness beyond my strength, but deliver me from them or grant me the strength to endure them with thanksgiving.

We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as an image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the King of kings and Lord of lords to keep (names) under His protection, and together with you and with all the saints we will exalt and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven for my protection! I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds, and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, blessed Mother of Christ God, our Savior, joy to all who mourn, visitation to the sick, protection and intercession of the weak, widows and orphans, patroness of the sad, all-reliable comforter of sad mothers, strength of weak babies, and always ready help and faithful refuge for all the helpless! You, O All-Merciful One, have been given grace from the Almighty to intercede for everyone and deliver them from sorrows and illnesses, since you yourself have endured fierce sorrows and illnesses, looking at the free suffering of Your beloved Son and Him crucified on the cross, seeing, when the weapon predicted by Simeon, the heart Yours has passed: in the same way, O Mother of children, listen to the voice of our prayer, comfort us in the sorrow of those who exist, like an intercessor faithful to joy. Standing before the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, you can, if you desire, ask for everything useful to us: for the sake of heartfelt faith and love, we fall to You, as the Queen and Lady: hear, daughter, and see, and incline Your ear, hear our prayer and deliver us from current troubles and sorrows: You are the Joy of all the faithful, as you give peace and consolation. Behold our misfortune and sorrow: show us Thy mercy, send comfort to our hearts wounded by sorrow, show and surprise us sinners with the wealth of Thy mercy, give us tears of repentance to cleanse our sins and quench the wrath of God, and with a pure heart With a good conscience and undoubted hope we resort to Your intercession and intercession. Accept, our All-merciful Lady Theotokos, our fervent prayer offered to You, and do not reject us, unworthy of Your mercy, but grant us deliverance from sorrow and illness, protect us from all slander of the enemy and human slander, be our constant helper all the days of our life , as if under Your maternal protection we will always pursue goals and preserve Your intercession and prayers to Your Son and God our Savior, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers before the icons of the Mother of God “Quiet my sorrows”

Hope to all the ends of the earth, Most Pure Virgin, Lady Theotokos, our consolation! Do not disdain us sinners, for we trust in Your mercy: extinguish the sinful flame burning in us and water our parched hearts with repentance; Cleanse our minds from sinful thoughts, accept the prayers offered to You from the soul and heart with sighs. Be an intercessor for us to Your Son and God and turn away His anger with Your Mother’s prayers. Heal mental and physical ulcers, Lady Lady, quench the illnesses of souls and bodies, calm the storm of evil attacks of the enemy, take away the burden of our sins, and do not leave us to perish until the end, and comfort our broken hearts with sadness, let us glorify Thee until our last breath.

Prayers before the icons of the Mother of God “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the Highest Powers, Queen of Heaven and Earth, our city and country, our all-powerful Intercessor! Accept this singing of praise and gratitude from us, unworthy Thy servants, and lift up our prayers to the Throne of God Thy Son, that He may be merciful to our iniquities and add His grace to those who honor Thy all-honorable name and with faith and love worship Thy miraculous image. We are not worthy of being pardoned by Him, unless You propitiate Him for us, the Lady, for everything is possible for You from Him. For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and speedy Intercessor: hear us praying to You, cover us with Your all-powerful protection and ask God Your Son as our shepherd for zeal and vigilance for souls, as a city ruler for wisdom and strength, for judges of truth and impartiality, as a mentor reason and humility, love and harmony for a spouse, obedience for children, patience for those who are offended, fear of God for those who are offended, complacency for those who grieve, abstinence for those who rejoice: for all of us is the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on Your weak people; Gather those who are scattered, guide those who have gone astray onto the right path, support old age, educate young ones with chastity, raise infants, and look upon us all with the care of Your merciful intercession; raise us up from the depths of sin and enlighten the eyes of our hearts to the vision of salvation; be merciful to us here and there, in the land of earthly arrival and at the Last Judgment of Your Son; Having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, our fathers and brethren began to live with the Angels and all the saints in eternal life. For you are, Lady, the Glory of the heavenly and the Hope of the earthly, You, according to God, are our Hope and Intercessor of all those who flow to You with faith. We therefore pray to You and to You, as the Almighty Helper, we commit ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

What prayer to read when your soul is heavy

To everyone who has “cats scratching at their souls” and a terrible sadness has settled in, I will tell you what prayer to read when your soul is heavy. A person cannot always be cheerful; it happens that he will find such melancholy that he could even howl like a wolf. At such moments, many find solace in alcohol or food, but not everyone knows that Orthodox prayer can come to the rescue.

Which great martyrs will help heal spiritual wounds?

If you truly believe in the Lord God and wear an Orthodox cross on your body, then you can turn to the Saints for help, who themselves have more than once suffered from mental anguish. Here's who can help you best here:

It is imperative to pray in front of the icons of these Great Martyrs, so that they hear you and help you. You can carry one of these icons with you everywhere, and when your soul becomes heavy, then retire somewhere, take out the icon and quietly, looking at the image of the saint, pray.

How else can you remove the burden from your soul?

You can overcome strong melancholy and despondency with the help of prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God, for example, when your sorrows are associated with your children.

  • On the most difficult day, you can pray to the Mother of God more than a dozen times. It won't get any worse.
  • Pray in your own words and ask her to fill your soul with light. For example, you can say these words:

“Mother of God, dear, darling, give me the strength to survive my troubles. Do not leave me alone with my sorrows and bad thoughts. Guide me on the right path. I don’t know how to live further. Don’t let me break and say goodbye to life. Help, Mother, I ask you. My darling is tormented and there is no rest for her. Fill my life with meaning and my heart with love. Amen, Amen, Amen.”

  • If the pain in your soul is very strong, then go to church every day. Light candles there for the health of all living loved ones and for the repose of all deceased relatives.
  • Pray as best you can before the faces of the saints of Christ and the Mother of God.
  • Ask Father to pray for your soul and confess your sins to him. You will see how your soul will immediately feel lighter.
  • Dial holy water and drink a few sips of it every day. You can also wash your face with it.
  • All corners of the house can also be sprinkled with this water to fill the house with an atmosphere of goodness, peace and harmony.

Take care of yourself and don’t let melancholy and despondency creep into your heart, because now you know what prayer to read when your soul is heavy.

Prayer for suffering in the soul

Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr, and in them the Martyr Christ himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless , in peace, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always remain in good health in soul and body, we glorify the wondrous one in our saints The God of Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever, Amen.

Most wise and all-fair saint of the Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Blessed are you, for the Precious Wisdom of God has not shown you flesh and blood, but God the Heavenly Father Himself, like you, for the sake of faith, abandoned, expelled and killed by an unfaithful father, has received into His beloved daughter; for the corruption of earthly property, the inheritance of the flesh is freely incorruptible; the labors of martyrdom by the repose of the Heavenly One changed the Kingdom; glorify your temporary life, cut short by His death for His sake, with veneration, as if you have placed your soul from the faces of the Heavenly spirits, but keep your body, placed on earth in their angelic temple, by the angel of the commandment intact, honorably and miraculously. Blessed art thou, Christ the Son of God, the Heavenly Bridegroom, the despised Virgin, who desired to have the kindness of thy Caregiver, who through suffering, wounds, pleasure, cutting, and the very heads by beheading, like the dearest creatures, thou didst strive to adorn: so, like a wife, she is faithful to her head - to the husband, Christ, in spirit and body, united inseparably, saying: I have found Him, whom my soul loved, I held Him and did not forsake Him. Blessed are you, for the Holy Spirit has rested upon you, having been taught by the spiritual to reason spiritually, you have rejected all the spirits of wickedness in idols as destructive, and having come to know the One God the Spirit, as a true worshiper, you deigned to worship in spirit and truth, preaching: “I honor the Trinity, One Divinity.” You glorified this Holy Trinity in life and death through your confession and suffering; pray for me, my intercessor, as I have always been the triple faith, love and hope of virtue. This is where I venerate the Holy Trinity. Imam is the lamp of faith, but is devoid of good deeds of oil: you, wise virgin, give your suffering flesh, filled with blood and shedding wounds, like a lamp of yours, so that by decorating my soul, I will be honored for you in the Heavenly Palace. I am a stranger on earth and a stranger, like all my fathers; eternal blessings to the heiress and a blessed supper in the Kingdom of Heaven to the partaker, as in the journey of life, the Divine Meal of pleasure, and in the exodus from the world desired, vouchsafe me guidance; and when at the end I begin to lull you into the sleep of death, then touching my exhausted flesh, like sometimes the Angel of Elijah, saying: Arise, eat and drink: for by the grace of the Divine Body and Blood of the Mysteries I will be strengthened in the fortress of that food, the long path of death, even to the Mountains of Heaven : And there, through the three windows of the bathhouse, you first saw God the Trinity by faith, Him together with you face to face, so that I may be worthy to see and glorify Him forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Pray with us and for us, the servants of God (names), beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, but the Christian end of our life will be painless, shameless, May I partake of peace and the Divine Mysteries, and by the grace of God and your warm intercession, may you always remain in good health in soul and body, glorifying the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw His help from us, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for your speedy intercession for help; see us weak, caught everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice; Try, O servant of God, not to leave us in the captivity of sin, so that we may not joyfully become our enemies and not die in our evil deeds. Pray for us unworthy of our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he will not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts, but according to his goodness he will reward us . We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, servant of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles that rise up against us, and for the sake of Your holy prayers will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

O great intercessor, Archpriest of God, Blessed Nicholas, who shone with sunflower miracles, appearing as a quick hearer to those who call upon you, who always precede them and save them, and deliver them, and take them away from all sorts of troubles, from these God-given miracles and gifts of grace! Hear me, unworthy, calling you with faith and bringing you prayer songs; I offer you an intercessor to plead with Christ. Oh, renowned for miracles, saint of heights! as if you have the boldness, soon stand before the Lady, and reverently stretch out your hands in prayer to Him for me, a sinner, and grant me the bounty of goodness from Him, and accept me into your intercession, and deliver me from all troubles and evils, from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible freeing, and destroying all those slander and malice, and reflecting those who fight me throughout my life; for my sins, ask for forgiveness, and present me saved to Christ and be worthy to receive the Kingdom of Heaven for the abundance of that love for mankind; to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with his beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever forever and ever.

O all-praised, great wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray to you, awaken the hope of all Christians, protector of the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of the weeping, doctor of the sick, steward of those floating on the sea, feeder of the poor and orphans, and quick helper and patron of all, may we live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven and with them unceasingly sing the praises of the One God worshiped in the Trinity forever and ever.

O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and a sad person, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, so that I may always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Oh, all-merciful Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow with faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer! Strive quickly and deliver Christ’s flock from the wolves that are destroying it; and protect and preserve every Christian country with your holy prayers, from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire and vain death; and just as you had mercy on three men sitting in prison and delivered them from the king of wrath and the beating of the sword, have mercy on me too, in mind, word and deed, existing in the darkness of sins, deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and help. With His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and will deliver me from my standing, and will give me the gift of grace with all the saints. Amen.

Saint Tikhon of Voronezh, Wonderworker of Zadonsk

O all-praised saint and saint of Christ, our Father Tikhon! Having lived like an angel on earth, you, like a good angel, appeared in your wondrous glorification. We believe with all our souls and thoughts that you, our merciful helper and prayer book, with your honest intercessions and grace, abundantly given to you from the Lord, are constantly contributing to our salvation. Accept therefore, blessed servant of Christ, even at this hour our unworthy prayer: free us through your intercession from the vanity and superstition that surrounds us, the unbelief and evil of man. Strive, quick intercessor for us, to beg the Lord with your favorable intercession, may He add His great and rich mercy to us sinners and unworthy His servants, may He heal with His grace the incurable ulcers and scabs of our corrupted souls and bodies, may He dissolve our petrified hearts with tears of tenderness and contrition for our many sins, and may He deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna: and may He grant to all His faithful people in this present world peace and silence, health and salvation, and good haste in everything, and such a quiet and silent life lived in every piety and purity, vouchsafe me with the angels and with all the saints to glorify and sing the All-Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper and quick to obey the intercessor to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple, and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, shining in great miracles, exuding healing to those who flow to you with faith and intercede for those in sorrow, you yourself promised before your departure from this corruptible life to pray for us to the Lord and you asked Him for this gift: if anyone in any need, sadness and illness of soul or body, if he begins to call on your holy name, may he be delivered from every excuse of evil. And just like you sometimes the daughter of the princess, in the city of Rome, tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce machinations, save us all the days of our lives, and especially on the day of our last breath, intercede for us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil spirits, and our leader to the Kingdom of Heaven. And where you now stand in the presence of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that with you we may collectively glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer from the works of St. Demetrius of Rostov

God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father of mercies and God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our sorrow! Comfort everyone who is grieving, saddened, despairing, or overwhelmed by the spirit of despondency. After all, every person was created by Your hands, wise in wisdom, exalted by Your right hand, glorified by Your goodness. But now we are visited by Your Fatherly punishment, short-term sorrows! “You compassionately punish those you love, and you show mercy generously and look upon their tears!” So, having punished, have mercy and quench our sorrow; turn sorrow into joy and dissolve our sorrow with joy; Surprise us with Thy mercy, wondrous in counsels, Lord, incomprehensible in destinies, Lord, and blessed in Thy deeds forever, amen.

Prayer for deliverance from despondency by St. John of Kronstadt

The Lord is the destruction of my despondency and the revival of my boldness. Everything is Lord for me. Oh, truly this Lord, glory to You! Glory to Thee, the Life of the Father, the Life of the Son, the Life of the Holy Soul - a Simple Being - God, who always delivers us from spiritual death, caused by passions to our souls. Glory to Thee, Trinitarian Master, for from one invocation of Thy name you enlighten the dark face of our soul and body and bestow Your peace, which surpasses all earthly and sensual good and all understanding.

All about religion and faith - “prayer for spiritual sorrow” with detailed description and photographs.

Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr, and in them the Martyr Christ himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless , in peace, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always remain in good health in soul and body, we glorify the wondrous one in our saints The God of Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever, Amen.

Most wise and all-fair saint of the Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Blessed are you, for the Precious Wisdom of God has not shown you flesh and blood, but God the Heavenly Father Himself, like you, for the sake of faith, abandoned, expelled and killed by an unfaithful father, has received into His beloved daughter; for the corruption of earthly property, the inheritance of the flesh is freely incorruptible; the labors of martyrdom by the repose of the Heavenly One changed the Kingdom; glorify your temporary life, cut short by His death for His sake, with veneration, as if you have placed your soul from the faces of the Heavenly spirits, but keep your body, placed on earth in their angelic temple, by the angel of the commandment intact, honorably and miraculously. Blessed art thou, Christ the Son of God, the Heavenly Bridegroom, the despised Virgin, who desired to have the kindness of thy Caregiver, who through suffering, wounds, pleasure, cutting, and the very heads by beheading, like the dearest creatures, thou didst strive to adorn: so, like a wife, she is faithful to her head - to the husband, Christ, in spirit and body, united inseparably, saying: I have found Him, whom my soul loved, I held Him and did not forsake Him. Blessed are you, for the Holy Spirit has rested upon you, having been taught by the spiritual to reason spiritually, you have rejected all the spirits of wickedness in idols as destructive, and having come to know the One God the Spirit, as a true worshiper, you deigned to worship in spirit and truth, preaching: “I honor the Trinity, One Divinity.” You glorified this Holy Trinity in life and death through your confession and suffering; pray for me, my intercessor, as I have always been the triple faith, love and hope of virtue. This is where I venerate the Holy Trinity. Imam is the lamp of faith, but is devoid of good deeds of oil: you, wise virgin, give your suffering flesh, filled with blood and shedding wounds, like a lamp of yours, so that by decorating my soul, I will be honored for you in the Heavenly Palace. I am a stranger on earth and a stranger, like all my fathers; eternal blessings to the heiress and a blessed supper in the Kingdom of Heaven to the partaker, as in the journey of life, the Divine Meal of pleasure, and in the exodus from the world desired, vouchsafe me guidance; and when at the end I begin to lull you into the sleep of death, then touching my exhausted flesh, like sometimes the Angel of Elijah, saying: Arise, eat and drink: for by the grace of the Divine Body and Blood of the Mysteries I will be strengthened in the fortress of that food, the long path of death, even to the Mountains of Heaven : And there, through the three windows of the bathhouse, you first saw God the Trinity by faith, Him together with you face to face, so that I may be worthy to see and glorify Him forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Pray with us and for us, the servants of God (names), beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, but the Christian end of our life will be painless, shameless, May I partake of peace and the Divine Mysteries, and by the grace of God and your warm intercession, may you always remain in good health in soul and body, glorifying the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw His help from us, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

O great intercessor, Archpriest of God, Blessed Nicholas, who shone with sunflower miracles, appearing as a quick hearer to those who call upon you, who always precede them and save them, and deliver them, and take them away from all sorts of troubles, from these God-given miracles and gifts of grace! Hear me, unworthy, calling you with faith and bringing you prayer songs; I offer you an intercessor to plead with Christ. Oh, renowned for miracles, saint of heights! as if you have the boldness, soon stand before the Lady, and reverently stretch out your hands in prayer to Him for me, a sinner, and grant me the bounty of goodness from Him, and accept me into your intercession, and deliver me from all troubles and evils, from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible freeing, and destroying all those slander and malice, and reflecting those who fight me throughout my life; for my sins, ask for forgiveness, and present me saved to Christ and be worthy to receive the Kingdom of Heaven for the abundance of that love for mankind; to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with his beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever forever and ever.

O all-praised, great wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray to you, awaken the hope of all Christians, protector of the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of the weeping, doctor of the sick, steward of those floating on the sea, feeder of the poor and orphans, and quick helper and patron of all, may we live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven and with them unceasingly sing the praises of the One God worshiped in the Trinity forever and ever.

O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and a sad person, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, so that I may always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Oh, all-merciful Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow with faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer! Strive quickly and deliver Christ’s flock from the wolves that are destroying it; and protect and preserve every Christian country with your holy prayers, from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire and vain death; and just as you had mercy on three men sitting in prison and delivered them from the king of wrath and the beating of the sword, have mercy on me too, in mind, word and deed, existing in the darkness of sins, deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and help. With His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and will deliver me from my standing, and will give me the gift of grace with all the saints. Amen.

Saint Tikhon of Voronezh, Wonderworker of Zadonsk

Prayer from the works of St. Demetrius of Rostov

God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father of mercies and God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our sorrow! Comfort everyone who is grieving, saddened, despairing, or overwhelmed by the spirit of despondency. After all, every person was created by Your hands, wise in wisdom, exalted by Your right hand, glorified by Your goodness. But now we are visited by Your Fatherly punishment, short-term sorrows! “You compassionately punish those you love, and you show mercy generously and look upon their tears!” So, having punished, have mercy and quench our sorrow; turn sorrow into joy and dissolve our sorrow with joy; Surprise us with Thy mercy, wondrous in counsels, Lord, incomprehensible in destinies, Lord, and blessed in Thy deeds forever, amen.

Prayer for deliverance from despondency by St. John of Kronstadt

The Lord is the destruction of my despondency and the revival of my boldness. Everything is Lord for me. Oh, truly this Lord, glory to You! Glory to Thee, the Life of the Father, the Life of the Son, the Life of the Holy Soul - a Simple Being - God, who always delivers us from spiritual death, caused by passions to our souls. Glory to Thee, Trinitarian Master, for from one invocation of Thy name you enlighten the dark face of our soul and body and bestow Your peace, which surpasses all earthly and sensual good and all understanding.

Prayers for depression, melancholy and despondency

Depression and despair, according to doctors, are among the most common mental disorders. They usually arise as a consequence of negative events that have occurred in a person’s life, but it happens that they develop without any reason. A depressive state is characterized by depressed mood, excessive fatigue, anxiety, fear, irritability, inability to concentrate, loss of appetite, and disturbed sleep. Sometimes people are visited by thoughts about their uselessness, the meaninglessness of life, they want to end their earthly journey with suicide.

Who to pray to

In the Orthodox religion, depression, despair, and melancholy are designated by the term “despondency.”

Prayer for depression and despair will help cope with a negative state.

There are many such prayers, but after reading one of them “a burden will roll off your soul” and a person will understand that this is exactly “his” prayer.

Each of the prayers is addressed to a specific saint, and it is this saint who will intercede with the Almighty on behalf of the prayer book.

Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr, and in them the Martyr Christ himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His compassion, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless , in peace, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always remain in good health in soul and body, we glorify the wondrous one in our saints The God of Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever, Amen.

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for your speedy intercession for help; see us weak, caught everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice; Try, O servant of God, not to leave us in the captivity of sin, so that we may not joyfully become our enemies and not die in our evil deeds. Pray for us unworthy of our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he will not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts, but according to his goodness he will reward us . We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, servant of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles that rise up against us, and for the sake of Your holy prayers will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

O all-praised saint and saint of Christ, our Father Tikhon! Having lived like an angel on earth, you, like a good angel, appeared in your wondrous glorification. We believe with all our souls and thoughts that you, our merciful helper and prayer book, with your honest intercessions and grace, abundantly given to you from the Lord, are constantly contributing to our salvation. Accept therefore, blessed servant of Christ, even at this hour our unworthy prayer: free us through your intercession from the vanity and superstition that surrounds us, the unbelief and evil of man. Strive, quick intercessor for us, to beg the Lord with your favorable intercession, may He add His great and rich mercy to us sinners and unworthy His servants, may He heal with His grace the incurable ulcers and scabs of our corrupted souls and bodies, may He dissolve our petrified hearts with tears of tenderness and contrition for our many sins, and may He deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna: and may He grant to all His faithful people in this present world peace and silence, health and salvation, and good haste in everything, and such a quiet and silent life lived in every piety and purity, vouchsafe me with the angels and with all the saints to glorify and sing the All-Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper and quick to obey the intercessor to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple, and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, shining in great miracles, exuding healing to those who flow to you with faith and intercede for those in sorrow, you yourself promised before your departure from this corruptible life to pray for us to the Lord and you asked Him for this gift: if anyone in any need, sadness and illness of soul or body, if he begins to call on your holy name, may he be delivered from every excuse of evil. And just like you sometimes the daughter of the princess, in the city of Rome, tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce machinations, save us all the days of our lives, and especially on the day of our last breath, intercede for us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil spirits, and our leader to the Kingdom of Heaven. And where you now stand in the presence of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that with you we may collectively glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.

The Lord is the destruction of my despondency and the revival of my boldness. Everything is Lord for me. Oh, truly this Lord, glory to You! Glory to You, Father Life, Son Life, Holy Soul Life - Simple Being - God, who always delivers us from spiritual death, caused by passions to our soul. Glory to Thee, Trinitarian Master, for from one invocation of Thy name you enlighten the dark face of our soul and body and bestow Your peace, which surpasses all earthly and sensual good and all understanding.

Reverend Father Athanasius, a great servant of Christ and a great Athonite miracle worker, during the days of your earthly life you taught many on the right path and guided you wisely into the kingdom of Heaven, comforting the sorrowful, giving a helping hand to those who give you a helping hand, and a kind, merciful and compassionate former father! Even now, dwelling in heavenly lordship, you most especially multiply your love for us who are weak, in the midst of life, we are in need, tempted by the spirit of malice and passions that war against the spirit. For this reason, we humbly pray to you, holy father: according to the grace given to you from God, help us to do the will of the Lord in simplicity of heart and humility: to overcome the temptations of the enemy and the fierce sea of ​​passions, so that we will calmly pass through the abyss of life and through your intercession to the Lord we will be worthy of achieving the Kingdom promised to us Heavenly, glorifying the Beginningless Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Hope of the unreliable, strength of the helpless, refuge of the overwhelmed, protection of the attacked, intercession of the offended, bread-loving, delight of the hungry, nectar of heavenly rest for those thirsty, Mother of the Most Blessed God, Most Blessed and Immaculate Virgin! I alone resort to You, to Your protection I wholeheartedly bow my knees, Lady. Do not despise crying and tears, the joy of those who cry! Even if my unworthiness and the damnation of my sins terrify me, but this whole-bearing image assures me, on it Your grace and power, like an inexhaustible sea, I see: the blind who have received their sight, the galloping lame, wandering as if under the canopy of Your charity, those who have been laid to rest, and those who have abounded at all times. ; Looking at these images of pardon, he came running, blind with his spiritual eyes and lame with his spiritual feelings. Oh, Unstoppable Light! Enlighten and correct me, weigh all my sorrow, weigh all misfortune, do not despise my prayer, O Helpful One! Do not disdain me, a sinner, do not despise me, a foul one; We know that you can do everything, the greatest will, oh my good hope, my hope comes from my mother’s breast. I am committed to You from the womb of my Mother, I am left to You, do not leave me, do not depart from me, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer service for longing for a loved one

In relationships between a man and a woman, unforeseen circumstances happen, as a result of which love only brings suffering, unbearable torment from lovesickness. As a result, some couples still have hope for restoring their relationship with the help of Heavenly Forces, while for others the outcome of the relationship is hopeless and all that remains is to beg the Almighty to help cool down the irrepressible ardor of love and help them forget their loved one.

Hopeless love is a dangerous feeling that deprives one of self-confidence, instills despondency, and can lead to madness and suicidal thoughts.

In such a state, rarely does anyone think about God and often sinks to the very “bottom” of life, where his soul is taken over by demonic forces that can direct a “broken” and wounded soul to commit a mortal sin.

How can you help?

The Orthodox Church equates such lovers with the mentally ill and advises relatives to monitor their condition and adequately evaluate their actions.

It is wonderful if the “patient” correctly assesses his condition, longs to get rid of it and himself prays to the Heavenly Father for the salvation of his soul.

Over a sick person, one should constantly read prayers for spiritual anguish, begging Christ to heal his body and soul. And if the sufferer can pray on his own, then it is advisable to do this on his knees before the Face of the saint and pray to him for the granting of peace of mind.

Important! We are all creations of God and we need to trust only in His Will, only then is it possible to receive salvation from Him.

Results from prayers

After reading prayers for difficult mental states:

  • general physical and mental state improves;
  • the mood becomes positive and the person looks at the reality around him differently;
  • the longing for a loved one subsides;
  • painful attachment disappears;
  • there is a desire to do something pleasant and useful;
  • the ability to concentrate on work or other activities appears.
  1. A lover is recommended to visit the temple of God, but if there is no desire to pray, then you need to overcome yourself and at least just sit within its walls and think, rethink your life. Soon the desire to pray will appear.
  2. Buy a church candle, light it and place it in a candlestick. Turn to Christ, His Mother or any saint, read a prayer or ask for help in your own words and help from Heaven will definitely arrive.
  3. For someone who is sick, you can order a magpie for health - this is a special church service. For 40 days, the church clergy will pray for the health of the sufferer.
  4. It is recommended to order a prayer service for health. To do this, you need to write the name of the ailing person (in the genitive case) on a special form in the candle shop.

Attention! Usually prayer services are served at the end of the Liturgy. The date and time of the prayer service must be confirmed with the ministers. The presence of the lover or his relatives at the prayer service is mandatory.

In case of depression and despair, confession is especially important - repentance for sins. You need to cry for them not on your friend’s chest, but in front of the priest, who is a kind of “conductor” between the Heavenly Father and the confessor. After confession, the soul is cleansed, after which it is necessary to ask the priest for blessings to receive Communion - the Blood and Flesh of Christ.

Entire volumes of Orthodox literature have been written about despondency. Therefore, read it, study the facts, strengthen yourself with the spiritual wisdom of the holy fathers.

Advice! Orthodox pilgrimage services have been established at almost every major cathedral. Trips to the shrines of Orthodoxy are designed for any budget.

So don’t waste time, buy a ticket and travel, strengthen your faith, plunge into holy springs, venerate the relics of great saints, pray, confess and receive communion. And if necessary, do not refuse the help of traditional medicine, because healers are also from God.

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Melancholy, despondency, and especially a depressive state is not just a bad mood that becomes better only from one minor joyful event, such a state can rather be attributed to an illness, and even a protracted one.

In the Orthodox religion, despondency and depression, among other things, were correlated with mortal sin. It is worth noting that during their lifetime, some saints also had a hard time fighting the spirit of despondency. And it was from them that texts came to us that help in overcoming this spirit, one of these is the prayer for longing for the deceased.

There are many prayers to miracle workers that can help in getting rid of such a difficult condition. First of all, it is necessary to select one or several sacred texts that can have a beneficial effect on the person asking.

It is quite simple to determine what kind of prayer for longing and despondency for a person will help quite simply, that is, when reading any of the prayer services, an Orthodox believer should feel that this particular prayer can help him.

Everyone who needs and sincerely asks will be given strong prayer in desperation. The choice itself is simply necessary, because the reasons and types of appearance of this state can be varied, and therefore you need to find exactly the miracle worker who will hear, understand and fulfill the request of the believer as soon as possible.

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And accordingly, prayer texts, as well as reasons, can be different, providing help in a given situation, for example:

  • Prayer for despondency will help those who are in emotional imprisonment;
  • If a person is separated from his family and people close to him, then prayer for melancholy will help him cope with this;
  • But a prayer service for sorrows can save a believer from failures in various matters.

Saints who help heal from laziness, despondency and despair:

  1. Righteous John of Kronstadt;
  2. Holy Great Martyr Barbara;
  3. Nikolai Ugodnik;
  4. Saint Tikhon;
  5. Rev. Ephraim;
  6. Mother of God - such a prayer will become especially effective if it is proclaimed in front of the “” icon.

You can address this icon of the Virgin Mary with these words:

“My Queen, my hope, the Mother of God, protector of the orphaned and strange, patroness of the offended, salvation of the perishing, consolation of all who grieve, you see my misfortune, you see my sorrow and melancholy.

Help me the weak, strengthen me the suffering. You know my grievances and sorrows, resolve them, stretch out your hand over me, for I have no one to rely on, only You are my only protector and intercessor before the Lord, for I have sinned immeasurably and am sinful before You and people.

Be, my Mother, a comforter and helper and save me, drive away sorrow, melancholy and despondency from me. Help, Mother of my Lord."

From laziness and despondency

Prayer to Alexander of Rome against laziness will help those who constantly delight themselves with “doing nothing,” spend all their time in idle activities, and cannot pull themselves together and gather their thoughts. It is worth noting that this appeal is one of the most powerful and effective.

“Lord Jesus Christ, hearken to Thy servant, who suffers for Thy name, and grant Thy grace; let the sick, where my memory is honored, be miraculously healed for the glory of Thy name.

In the earthly vale, we are tormented by many sorrows, cramped by troubles, confused by a storm of temptations and temptations, depressed by various illnesses, we weaken in spirit and fall into despondency and spend the short days of our life in inaction. not having any gain behind us, since we have no good deeds with the help of which we could future life be justified and receive eternal bliss.

Therefore, we beg you, holy martyr Alexander, help us throw off the burden of negligence and laziness, so that we can cheerfully begin the deeds of hard work and remain firm in striving and doing spiritual things in order to gain salvation for you.

And for the sick, hear our prayer, Saint Alexander, and heal us, suffering from physical and mental ailments, by appearing to help us, because before your death you prayed for those who would honor your memory, so that they would be delivered from all diseases.

So, show concern for us who honor your memory and save us from illness and heal the weak who call on you, so that the name of God may be glorified by all at all times. Amen".

Prayer for depression to Saint Tikhon

Prayer for depression, melancholy and despair is a sincere appeal to God, a cry for help when severe emotional depression appears.

“O all-praised saint and saint of Christ, our Father Tikhon! Having lived like an angel on earth, you, like a good angel, appeared in your wondrous glorification.

We believe with all our souls and thoughts that you, our merciful helper and prayer book, with your honest intercessions and grace, abundantly given to you from the Lord, are constantly contributing to our salvation.

Accept therefore, blessed servant of Christ, even at this hour our unworthy prayer: free us through your intercession from the vanity and superstition that surrounds us, the unbelief and evil of man.

Strive, quick intercessor for us, to beg the Lord with your favorable intercession, may He add His great and rich mercy to us sinners and unworthy His servants, may He heal with His grace the incurable ulcers and scabs of our corrupted souls and bodies, may He dissolve our petrified hearts with tears of tenderness and contrition for our many sins, and may He deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna: and may He grant to all His faithful people in this present world peace and silence, health and salvation, and good haste in everything, and such a quiet and silent life lived in every piety and purity, vouchsafe me with the angels and with all the saints to glorify and sing the All-Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer service for longing for a loved one

A prayer text for severe conditions helps:

  • The general condition of the applicant improves;
  • Changes in mood appear, the person has a more positive attitude towards everything;
  • Allay longing for a loved one;
  • Coping with inseparable attachment.
  • Release the deceased;
  • Concentrate on work;
  • Find something you like and take your mind off sad thoughts.

“Living in the help of the highest, in the shelter of the heavenly God, the Lord will say: You are my intercessor and my refuge, my God and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap and from the words of the Rebellious, His blanket will overshadow you, And under His wing you trust, His Truth will bypass you as an instrument. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying during the day, from the thing that comes in the darkness, from the cloak and the midday demon. Thousands and thousands will fall from your country at your right hand, but they will not come close to you. Behold Your eyes and see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. No evil will come to you, and no wound will come near your body. As His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, and once they dash your foot on a stone, you will step on and cross an asp and a basilisk, a lion and a serpent. Because he trusted in Me, I will deliver him, and I will cover him, and because he knows My name, he will bring him to Me, and I will hear him, I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him and glorify him, I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.”

God bless you!
