Service to school in church when. Schedule of liturgies

Public worship or, as the people say, church services - this is the main thing for which our churches are intended. Every day, the Orthodox Church celebrates evening, morning and afternoon services in churches. Each of these divine services consists, in turn, of three types of divine services, collectively united in a daily circle of divine services:

evening - from the 9th hour, Vespers and Compline;

morning - from Midnight Office, Matins and the 1st hour;

daytime - from the 3rd hour, the 6th hour and the Divine Liturgy.

Thus, the entire daily circle consists of nine services.

In Orthodox worship, much is borrowed from the worship of the Old Testament times. For example, the beginning of a new day is considered not midnight, but six o'clock in the evening. That is why the first service of the daily cycle is Vespers.

At Vespers, the Church recalls the main events of the Sacred History of the Old Testament: the creation of the world by God, the fall of the forefathers, the Mosaic legislation and the ministry of the prophets. Christians give thanks to the Lord for the day they have lived.

After vespers church charter Compline is supposed to be served. In a certain sense, these are public prayers for the future, at which the descent of Christ into hell and the liberation of the righteous from the power of the devil are remembered.

At midnight, it is supposed to perform the third service of the daily circle - the Midnight Office. This service was established to remind Christians of the Second Coming of the Savior and the Last Judgment.

Before sunrise, Matins is served - one of the longest services. It is dedicated to the events of the Savior's earthly life and contains many prayers of repentance and thanksgiving.

About seven o'clock in the morning they make the 1st hour. This is the name of a short service at which the Orthodox Church recalls the stay of Jesus Christ at the trial of the high priest Caiaphas.

The 3rd hour (nine o'clock in the morning) is served in remembrance of the events that took place in the Zion room, where the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, and in Pilate's praetorium, where the Savior was sentenced to death.

The 6th hour (noon) is the time of the crucifixion of the Lord, and the 9th hour (three o'clock in the afternoon) is the time of His death on the cross. These events are dedicated to the above services.

The main divine service of the Orthodox Church, a kind of center of the daily circle, is the Divine Liturgy. Unlike other services, the liturgy provides an opportunity not only to remember God, the entire earthly life of the Savior, but also to really unite with Him in the sacrament of Communion, established by the Lord Himself during the Last Supper. In terms of time, the liturgy should be performed between the 6th and 9th hours, before noon, in the pre-dinner time, which is why it is also called Mass.

Modern liturgical practice has brought its own changes to the prescriptions of the Charter. So in parish churches, Compline is celebrated only during Great Lent, and Midnight Office - once a year, on the eve of Easter. The 9th hour is also served extremely rarely. The remaining six services of the daily cycle are combined into two groups of three services.

In the evening, Vespers, Matins, and the 1st hour are performed one after another. Sunday eve and public holidays these services are combined into one divine service, called the all-night vigil. In ancient times, Christians did often pray until dawn, that is, they stayed awake throughout the night. Modern all-night vigils last two to four hours in parishes and three to six hours in monasteries.

In the morning, the 3rd hour, the 6th hour and the Divine Liturgy are served in succession. In churches with a large parish on Sundays and holidays, there are two liturgies - early and late. Both are preceded by reading hours.

On those days when the liturgy is not supposed (for example, on Friday of Holy Week), a short sequence of pictorial ones is performed. This divine service consists of some chants of the liturgy and, as it were, “depicts” it. But the fine arts do not have the status of an independent service.

Divine services also include the performance of all the sacraments, rites, the reading of akathists in the temple, communal readings of morning and evening prayers, ruled for Holy Communion.

On August 29, in all the churches of Russia there will be nowhere for an apple to fall. And dozens of boys and girls will be brought to the Zarechensky temple by the hand: “so that the grades are good”, “so that study is easy”, “so that they don’t get sick”. Today's issue of the Orthodox page "District" prepared to help those who are going to church on August 29, but vaguely imagine how to behave there, what to say in confession and whether it is worth being afraid of.

What will happen?
The tradition of worship Before the start of the exercise' goes back centuries. At Soviet power it was banned and revived only after perestroika.
Prayer " Before the start of the exercise"- a special service in which we ask the Lord that children grow up "for the comfort of their parents, and for the benefit of the Fatherland." The Church blesses teachers and students, prays for their health, successful development curricula. The main reason why they go to church is to take communion.
At home, on the eve of going to church, explain to your child in your own words why you are going there and what you will do.

Why take communion?
« Communion is not a reward for the saints, but a help for sinners". Communion is necessary for a person to sanctify his soul, it gives him strength to fight against sins, mental and bodily health. The body and blood of Christ, given to a person in communion, is the greatest shrine Orthodox Church so you have to be prepared for communion.

How to Prepare for Communion?
An adult who wants to worthily receive communion must be at the evening service the day before (it is better to confess at the same time, so as not to increase the queue, which is already long at the citywide service). On the eve, you need to give up meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, and also reconcile both with your offenders and with those whom you offended yourself.
Children are not so strictly asked. But everyone must confess before communion, except for babies under 7 years old. Communion without confession is unacceptable.

How to confess?
At confession, one must tell the priest everything that is on one's conscience, without justifying oneself and without shifting the blame onto others. Parents should prepare the child for the first confession in his life. Do not make up sins and do not write them down on paper. Just think together about what a child can be ashamed of before God. Shame on him, not on you.
There is no need to start confession with such sins as “I don’t go to church”, “I don’t keep fasts”, “I watch TV”, etc. Firstly, these are definitely not your most serious sins. Secondly, this may not be a sin at all: if a person has not come to God for a long time, then why repent of not observing fasts? Talk about big things, not small things.
Speaking of sins, one should not worry about how they should be called correctly, “according to the church”. You have to speak in plain language. " You confess to a God who knows more about your sins than you do, and you certainly won’t surprise God". Do not surprise you and the priest. Sometimes penitents are ashamed to name this or that sin, or there is a fear that the priest will condemn. In fact, the priest has to listen to a lot of confessions, and it is difficult to surprise him. Sins have not changed in millennia. Having become a witness of sincere repentance, the priest will not condemn, but will rejoice at the conversion of a person from sin to the path of righteousness.

How to take communion?
It is necessary to cross and fold your arms crosswise on your chest, right hand on top of the left. You need to move away from the bowl without separating your hands.
Children and the sick are the first to receive communion, then men, then women. You have to give way to others.
Women must erase before communion lipstick.
When the turn comes, you should clearly state your name and open your mouth so that you can put in a spoon with a particle of the Body and Blood of Christ. Carefully lick the spoon with your lips and, after getting your lips wet with a board, kiss the edge of the bowl. Then, without speaking, you need to go to the table with a drink to take the warmth (holy water with wine) and a particle of prosphora. Only after that you can apply to the icons and talk.
You can not touch the cup with your hands and kiss the hand of the priest. It is forbidden to be baptized at the bowl: you can accidentally spill the Holy Gifts.
If the Holy Gifts are taught from several cups, they can only be received from one. You cannot take communion twice a day.
And don't be in a hurry to leave. At the end of the service, all communicants must venerate the cross given by the priest. Only then can you leave the temple.

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The appearance of children in an Orthodox family is always a great joy. Life goes on, the child, the embodiment of parental love, seems to close the circle, finally unites and makes more complete family. And it is quite natural for parents to want to join their child in church life, to make him a full member of the Church of Christ.

Of course, the very first step on this path is the baptism of the newborn. From the day the baby receives Holy Baptism, he receives the right to participate in the Sacraments of the Church, of course, so far only in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, that is, to receive Communion.

While the child is small, parents, having come to the temple, can hold him in their arms or in a stroller. Babies are mostly asleep, and therefore do not cause much trouble to their parents. But a year has flown by, and one fine day the son or daughter enters the temple already on their own feet. And that's where the problems start...

One often hears complaints from parishioners that small children interfere with prayer. I want to be in silence, but here - they run, then shout, then hide-and-seek. And how to be? What about parishioners who expect a reverent atmosphere during worship? And how should young mothers not take their children to church at all?

The solution to this issue cannot be one-sided. It is built on compromises, however, like many things in this life, and both sides must go towards each other.

Parishioners must understand that it is impossible to deprive children of worship and communion. And their patient and understanding attitude towards noisy children is a small sacrifice for the sake of Christ, because the children were brought to the temple so that they too would taste the joys of being with God. Children are not making noise because they are ungodly or possessed. They make noise because they cannot do otherwise, because they are just children. Understanding the displeasure of those who pray, it is nevertheless necessary to remind them that one must be more tolerant and lenient and about the call of the Lord not to prevent children from coming to Him.

Now let's turn to moms and dads. Your desire to attend the temple with your child is understandable and commendable. However, do not forget that kids can actually interfere with the worship and prayer of other people, so your visits to the temple with small children must be properly thought out. Yes, they are children and they are allowed a lot. Many, but not all.

First of all, I would like to warn against following the recommendations posted in some Orthodox books: the child should be taken to the temple as often as possible and for as long as possible, and it is desirable to stand with him throughout the service from bell to bell. Like, this is how children learn to be in the temple. Nothing like this. The physical presence of a child in church does not accustom him to worship and does not automatically make him Orthodox. Yes, children quite quickly learn the atmosphere of worship, and get used to it, but they get used to it in the worst sense of the word.

Do not chase pious records, as some fathers and mothers do, striving to raise a second Sergius of Radonezh or Xenia of Petersburg. By inept, rude "accustoming" to the temple, you can only push the child away from him. Accept your child as he is, as the Lord created him, not everyone is given to be great ascetics from the womb, and if your child is destined to become a beacon of Orthodoxy, then his holiness will not fail.

Until a certain age, it is impossible for a child to explain how to behave in the temple, and because of his age, the child will not be able to stand still for two hours, because children seem to be woven from energy. The more active the child, the higher the likelihood that he will hesitate, will hesitate next to his mother, and will run to look for entertainment. As a result, the children in the temple begin to play, make noise, draw, crawl on the salt, wallow on the floor, while their mothers stand immersed in prayer. Does such a presence in the temple contribute to the cultivation of a pious Christian? The answer is on the surface. Instead of instilling a reverent attitude to worship, the child receives a very negative lesson: the church is boring, there is nothing to do there, going to the temple is just killing time. In no case should you bring a child to the temple and let him go for free grazing! If you come to the temple with your child, you must control what he is doing during the service. And that means you should come to church for as much time as you can do it.

The most important thing in this matter is an individual approach. No one, except the parents themselves, knows their child so well as to give a recommendation - how often to bring the child to the temple and for how long. Such decisions are solely the responsibility of the parents themselves. Children are different - smart and not very, noisy and quiet, patient and with "half a kilo of explosives." Therefore, with active children it is necessary to come closer to communion, with calm children it is possible even earlier - the main thing is that they do not have time to get bored, and there is no desire to indulge in idleness.

Older children can already explain the course of worship. A child who knows what is happening in the church will no longer be so bored at the service, he will feel like a participant in it, and not just an outside observer. At home, instead of a prayer rule, you can use church hymns, explaining unfamiliar words - so the child will learn to understand the singing, and then the prayers themselves.

With small children, it is better to be in the refectory part of the temple, behind all the worshipers - this way you will attract less attention to yourself, and even if the child is capricious, it will be easier to leave the temple with him on the street. Noisy games and excessively active conversations of children should, of course, be stopped. On the one hand, of course, “what to take from them - children”, but on the other hand, it is necessary to establish a measure from a very early age. Yes, for quite a long time, two or three years, and maybe more, your stay in the church will be mostly devoted not to prayer, but to watching over little fidgets - this is also part of the mother's cross, one of its components. Being a parent means sacrificing a significant part of your interests. This also applies to the habitual routine of spiritual life.

What to do if you really want to calmly stand at the service? Especially if you're going to take communion? It is not at all necessary to take a child to all services without exception. If you have someone who can babysit while you're away—husband, mom, mother-in-law, sister, brother, girlfriend, or hired nanny—wonderful. Enlist relatives to help. If there is no such person, then it is necessary to come with the child not to the whole service, but closer to communion. If you and your spouse both visit the temple, then you can alternate: on one day, mom prays, and the father looks after the child, on the other day, dad prays, and the mother looks after the child.

And may the Lord bless us!

ABC of education

Here you can order a Moleben - a prayer with a special request for academic success, gifting of the mind, successful passing of the exam, admission to a university and help in mastering educational material to the holy saints of God, who more than once appeared as quick helpers to students.

Places of performance of trebs and prayers:

Prayer at the icon Holy Mother of God"Addition of the mind" in the Danilov Monastery;

Prayer at the holy relics of Bl. Matrona of Moscow in the Intercession Monastery;

Prayer at the holy relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Basilica of Nicholas the Wonderworker in Bari, Italy (the ceremony is performed by a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church once a week);

Prayer service at the holy relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the Holy Ascension David Hermitage;

Prayer service at the holy relics of the martyr Tatiana of Rome in the Holy Ascension David's Hermitage.

Prayer for children and adults must certainly be present in the life of every family. And yes, prayer. Every day, every deed, every good undertaking must begin and end with it.

The thirst for knowledge is very commendable. Educated people back up their Faith with Knowledge. After all, Knowledge about the world that the Lord created only glorifies Him. To help in such a good cause as entering a university, there will be strong prayer. It can be pronounced by the student himself and everyone who wishes him successful delivery exam. Such a prayer can be heard at the institute or at school upon admission, at the time of passing the exam, the exam or the OGE. Words can be spoken both aloud and silently. The main thing is to put faith in the mercy and help of God into your own heart and open it before the Lord.

Prayer before an exam for helpin admission

If you want a prayer service, a prayer-request to increase its power, you need it to come not only from the lips of the petitioner, but also sound in a holy place from the lips of the priest and the flock. It is better when prayers are heard in a temple or in a monastery - this is called conciliar prayer. Their strength is multiplied by the strength of those who pray and the place of worship.

If it is not possible to visit the temple that you consider the best for reading your prayer, order a prayer service via the Internet. The possibilities of our site allow you to do this online. Parents can submit a note that their child, son or daughter passed the exam with excellent marks or with a good mark. An order for a prayer service for successful admission can be placed on one of the special pages. To do this, you need to write a note.

To which saint should you address your requests?

There are many canonized saints who have become famous in the field of education. It is to them that prayers are usually addressed for help in the exam at the university. If you want to enter the institute on a civilian specialty or in military school, get driver's license, rights in the traffic police or have a good result in mathematics at midterm exams at school, you can pray to the saints:

  1. . . Great miracles are performed by this saint. For this he is revered more than others. Prayer for choosing the right decision (in the people - luck) in various matters and for getting a good mark in exams will be heard by the saint of God.
  1. . . The blessed old woman helps people both during her lifetime and after her repose. The righteous John of Kronstadt himself considered her his replacement and the eighth pillar of Russia. Pray to her for admission to college or technical school.
  1. . . It was this saint who, during his lifetime, founded several monasteries and advocated the revival of Russian spirituality and scholarship. He is considered the patron saint of students and students.
  1. . . This martyr is the heavenly patroness of Moscow State University and all students. Tatyana's day is celebrated by everyone who seeks knowledge. To ask for help, strength and knowledge to pass exams, you need to say a prayer to the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome.

The prayer to the Theotokos has a special power. Reading it before will benefit a daughter or son from a mother who considers good luck to enlighten and gain knowledge for her children. Order a prayer service through the website - reading prayers before the holy relics of revered saints and (or) Orthodox icons, which are stored in the largest monasteries and churches in Russia.

Children are the future of the country, and the fate of Russia depends on how today's children grow up. Only a developed and educated generation can ensure the prosperous life of the people. At times Soviet Union school education, for all its shortcomings, was one of the best in the world. In our time, school education is constantly being reformed according to Western models, and, unfortunately, not in better side. A great loss in education was its de-ideologization, aggravated by the propaganda of the principles “take everything from life” in the media. mass media. As a result of the lack of ideological preparation, a generation began to form, “choosing Pepsi”. Evidence of this process can be seen at every turn.

That is why not only people with an Orthodox consciousness, but also many people who are far from Orthodoxy, with anxiety, faith and hope, are preparing their children for the new school year - the beginning of the great work of children to master the land of knowledge, in which many trials and labors await children.
The formation of a person's intellect and his knowledge base goes hand in hand with the development of his spiritual sphere. The fruitful influence of spiritual development on a child's ability to learn is undeniable. Suffice it to recall the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh, to whom training was given with great difficulty in childhood, and only thanks to spiritual development have the ability to learn.

Good Lord, send us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, listening to the teachings taught to us, we grow up to You, our Creator, to the glory, and to our parents for the consolation, the Church and the Fatherland for the benefit.
The Church has always approved of education, and in former times, with a shortage of schools, it itself carried out educational work. In our time, the Church teaches everyone, especially children, the basics of Orthodoxy. And, of course, the Church prays, asking the Lord to help all students.

In the church of St. Alexander Nevsky in Verbilki, it has already become a tradition on the last Sunday of August, on the eve of the beginning of the school year, to bless children for study. The blessing of the children is carried out after the Sunday liturgy during the prayer service for the blessing of water.

On this day, especially many children of all ages with their parents come to the liturgy.

For church-going children, participation in the liturgy has already become a habit. Small children and children who rarely attend Divine Services are still shy and huddle close to their parents.

On this day, there are noticeably more children at the service than during the usual Sunday liturgy. Usually, on Sundays, for the liturgy at the church of St. Alexander Nevsky, parents bring mostly small children to take communion. Today children are dominated by children school age. IN large families All children come to the service and blessing.

Before the beginning of the service, the churched children put candles on their own and venerate the icons.

The Sunday Liturgy follows its established canons. Burning is carried out, the Gospel and the Apostle are read

The priest reads prayers at the altar.

Parishioners participate in joint prayers during the Divine Service.

The Great Entrance with the Holy Gifts precedes the communion of parishioners.

Before receiving the Holy Mysteries of Christ, parents and grandmothers help small children venerate the icons.

The parishioners begin to prepare for communion.

According to a long-established tradition, children are the first to approach the Holy Chalice.

ending Sunday Liturgy holiday, during which parishioners venerate the cross.

As during communion, the children are the first to approach the cross.

Small children venerate the cross in their parents' arms.

After the end of the liturgy, a water-blessing prayer service is held in the Alexander Nevsky Church, during which Father Andrei blesses the children for study. Parishioners line up in a semicircle around a vessel with water for consecration near the entrance to the temple.

Children come to the fore, because Father Andrei will bless them today.
The children have grown noticeably over the summer. Old clothes become small. However, the new school outfits are not yet ready; children will wear them to school with bouquets of flowers for the holiday of the beginning of the school year on September 1.

Lord God and our Creator, in His image us, the people, who adorned, Thy chosen ones taught Thy law, so that those who listen to him marvel, revealed to the children the secrets of wisdom, Solomon and all those who have it - open the hearts, minds and mouths of Thy servants these (names of the rivers ), in order to comprehend the power of Thy law and successfully learn the useful doctrine taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and dispensation of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will.
Deliver them from all the wiles of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their lives, so that they may be strong in mind and in the fulfillment of Your commandments ....

One must see the shining eyes of the children when the priest reads the list of the names of the students. Indeed, now the priest and the whole parish, and together with them the whole Church, prays for the help of the Lord to each of the children present.
How much children need this help in the most important children's work - study!

After the end of the water-blessing service, parishioners, including children, parse the blessed water.

Someone just drinks a cup of holy water in the porch of the church, and someone draws water home. There is always enough holy water for everyone.
