Is it possible to masturbate from a religious point of view. Is self-satisfaction a big sin? What would you say to your son

Modern world differs in permissiveness, but after all and earlier the mankind has not distinguished itself with innocence. The problem of the 21st century is that it has brought globality and publicity to people. Today, you can easily find scenes of violence, propaganda of homosexuality and erotic pictures on the Web.

It has become very easy to sin today, and the priesthood is concerned about the extent to which lust is spreading among people, which leads to masturbation and adultery. And if the negative consequences of adultery are clear to everyone, then some Christians sincerely wonder why self-satisfaction is bad?

What is the sin of masturbation

The sin of masturbation in Orthodoxy is considered serious and identified with malakia, and both concepts are easily found in the Bible, where they are indicated as a kind of adultery.

Bible on the sin of masturbation

At the root of this ungodly action lies lust - the desire to satisfy one's flesh, no matter what means. Sex is a sacred sacrament that occurs only (!) Between legal spouses who have been blessed by the Church. And masturbation is a sign that a person cannot control his body and lives according to its laws and aspirations.

About bodily relationships:

A person, seeking to satisfy his lust, indulges himself on his own, using auxiliary erotic materials for this, which today are in abundance on the Web.

Important! The church considers malakia a perversion, along with homosexuality, since sexual intercourse takes place without the participation of the other sex. Masturbation defiles the body of a person, his soul and spirit.

Negative consequences this process is manifested in:

  • alienation from his wife;
  • termination of sexual relations in marriage;
  • artificial substitute for marriage.

A man who masturbates loses interest in a wife or a possible marriage, because he gets satisfaction on his own. He begins to lustfully look at other women, spend a lot of time reading erotic magazines and watching videos. This not only negatively affects his relationship with the female sex, it corrupts him more and more, and can lead to committing the sin of adultery.

Important! Scripture says adulterers will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

Malaki in women and children

There are no examples in Scripture of women who would please themselves on their own, but this does not mean that they did not exist or that they are allowed to do so. As you know, there is no sin that can be done by men or women.

Sin is forbidden for a person, regardless of his gender, therefore female masturbation is condemned no less than male. Everyone is equal before God, and everyone will be equally punished for masturbation and lust. Women who have stumbled should, like men, repent, confess and strive for pure thoughts.

But the issue of child masturbation is different. Adolescents often perform this act without realizing what they are doing. Hormonal fluctuations, puberty, tight clothing, or unspoken questions lead to body exploration and masturbation. Scolding a child for this or publicly punishing him should not be. It is necessary to talk with him calmly and privately, he, most likely, will feel shame even without publicity.

The role of the parent here is to find out the reason for such behavior and solve it, to help the child cope with the harmful desire.

How to help a teenager

What not to do:

  • punish;
  • to publicly shame;
  • arrange interrogations and inspections.
  • buy loose clothing;
  • monitor the regularity of hygiene procedures;
  • talk and answer all questions;
  • walk outdoors together.
Advice! If adults go on about their lust, the child, most often, goes on about incomprehensible desire and ignorance. You just need to calmly explain everything to him and help him overcome it.

What the Holy Scripture says

The story of masturbation is described in Genesis, when a man named Onan was forced to lie with his dead brother's wife. According to the then law, the widow of the deceased brother was transferred to the younger brother so that he could lie with her and give birth to a child who would bear the name of the older brother. Thus, the lineage of the man continued.

But Onan did not want to do this and in the process of sexual intercourse ".. poured out his seed on the ground" (Gen.38:9). From him came the name of this process - onanism. Further it is written that it was evil in the face of God and He killed Onan. Thus, Scripture makes it clear how the Lord treats this process.

In addition to the story with the founder of onanism, other passages from Scripture can be cited as an example, which equates masturbation with adultery:

  1. “Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor malakia ... - they will not inherit the Kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6, 9-10);
  2. “Run fornication; … Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you, … glorify God in your bodies and in your souls, which are God’s” (1 Cor. 6, 18-20).

In the annals of the Middle Ages, one can find stories about penances for self-satisfaction. It should be emphasized again that the desire for sex is not sinful. Sex is the sacrament of love between husband and wife that God ordained, but secret self-gratification is only lust and nothing more.

How to get rid

After a person realizes the wrongness of his actions, a desire to get rid of them comes to him.

How to ask for forgiveness from God

It is important to understand the essence of the problem and its consequences. There may be several reasons:

  • lack of sexual relations with a spouse or dissatisfaction with them;
  • the desire to repeat the pleasure received once;
  • lack of vivid emotions;
  • fear of being rejected/rejected due to lack of experience;
  • fear of loneliness.

Having understood the true reason, it will be easier to deal with the problem. The recovery plan looks like this:

  1. Remove all temptations from yourself.
  2. Pray daily, especially during the proximity of temptation.
  3. Remove all erotic materials or destroy them.
  4. Stop watching TV late at night or using the Web.
  5. Don't be alone late.
  6. Limit alcohol consumption.
  7. Do not take a bath for too long and do not examine your naked body.
  8. Dates are held in public places.
  9. Regularly fast for this sin and confess.
  10. Find a friend or priest to call when tempted.

What contributes to deliverance? Preoccupation of thoughts with something else. The following tips may help:

  1. More movement - playing sports allows you to relieve tension from the body and release excess energy. Moreover, regular fatigue will help you fall asleep faster and not spend time thoughtlessly. It will be useful to buy a subscription to the gym, walk more in the fresh air, do active activities;
  2. Creative activities - they bring positive emotions and deprive a person of extra free time. Creating something perfectly helps to occupy thoughts and free them from lustful designs.

Interesting about Orthodoxy:

Church punishments

Today at Church charter there is no provision for penance for the sin of fornication. However, the person who performed this action must cleanse from sin.

There is a specific process for this:

  1. Repent before the Lord and before your confessor.
  2. Perform 100 prostrations within 40 days.
  3. Confess.
  4. Communion.

After that, it is important to get rid of everything that can cause temptation: throw away magazines and books, block websites, turn off TV channels. Avoid ambiguous looks or touching. You need to confess weekly to the priest. This will help not only to keep yourself under control, but also to be aware of what is happening.

Priests advise starting the fight against this sin with prayer and fasting. Studying the Word of God, spending time in communion with the Creator - this is the best way to get rid of sinful thoughts. The Lord cleanses and sanctifies us, so the first thing to do is to go to Him.

In moments of temptation, one should always begin to pray, sanctify oneself with the sign of the cross and make prostrations. You can call the confessor and confess your lustful thoughts. Regularly visit the temple and confession, take communion.

Important! The Lord gives strength to overcome sin, you just need to turn to Him for help.

Video about the sin of masturbation. The answer of the priest Maxim Kaskun

It is unacceptable to talk about such a thing. This topic is carefully hushed up and is not discussed even among friends and close circle. However, this does not make it less relevant and important in our lives.

According to the Scriptures, masturbation is a sin that must be fought. But is it really so? Let's try to find out in this material.

Masturbation (or, in other words, the sin of malakia) in the Orthodox Church is a special kind of fornication, during which a person receives pleasant sensations. In Christianity, the passion for masturbation belongs to the category of sinful deeds, namely, it acts as a fornication sin. I suggest that you deal with the sin of masturbation in more detail, read the reviews of the holy fathers about it, and also learn ways to get rid of this passion.

In fact, masturbation (that is, masturbation) is a waste of human energy that can be used more intelligently by a believing Christian. And besides this, this kind of self-satisfaction also indicates the weakness of the Orthodox Christian, his inability to control his own bodily desires.

It should be noted that masturbation is a terrible sinful act in Orthodoxy, no matter what name it is given. Having succumbed to such an addiction later, a person will be more prone to commit other sins, which means that also, if the passion of masturbation is eliminated, in turn, it is really possible to protect oneself from other passions and sins.

If we consider the very nature of malakia, we find that it is generated by a craving for fornication, since the presence of impure lustful intentions has an extremely unfavorable effect on human spirituality. Also, this passion is, in principle, unnatural, because in this case there is no merger with a representative of the opposite sex, that is, it cannot in any way contribute to procreation or finding one's love.

But there is one interesting nuance here - Orthodox Church fornication is allowed, but only for those couples who have officially legalized their relationship and their main goal in this case is procreation.

Let's get acquainted with the statements of the clergy regarding the passion of masturbation:

According to the Monk Abba Serapion:

“In total, two varieties of lustful passion are known: the first variety is due to sexual mixing, the second is the one with which the Lord punished the son of the patriarch Judas Onan, it occurs without union with a woman. This kind of lustful passion is an impurity, as the apostle said: “If you are not married or widowed, you should follow my example. But if you are unable to fight your carnal desires, then enter into an official marriage, because marriage bonds are definitely better than susceptibility to pernicious passion.

And Archpriest Vasily Zenkovsky said the following:

“This action is a serious sexual corruption, because the meaning of sex is precisely the need to have sexual contact with members of the opposite sex.”

Why is the sin of Malachi harmful to man?

In the church, it is believed that if an individual often satisfies his carnal desires in this way, he falls into dependence on lust, becomes sick with it. Over time, this passion takes him under its full control, and he is no longer able to resist it.

Then absolutely everything human for him turns out to be secondary, and the meaning of life lies only in the search for bodily satisfaction. As a result, the body and soul are destroyed.

Therefore, malakia in Orthodoxy is the deepest perversion, because in this case there is no representative of the opposite sex, which in itself is unnatural.

Reviews of the Holy Scriptures about masturbation

Let us turn to the Bible, in which it is said about the sin of Malachi:

“It is not given to sinners to inherit the Kingdom of God. The libertine, the idolater, the adulterer, the malak ... the husbandman - they are all engaged in self-deception.

The Church urges people to eliminate any debauchery from their lives, since such an action is committed against oneself. And the price for minute pleasure will be too high.

Fornicators and adulterers are condemned by the Almighty, as their hearts and souls are filled with sinful thoughts.

The process of engaging in self-gratification is defiling for body and soul. Even the very thoughts about masturbation are already blackening the soul and sinful. It is not for nothing that the Holy Scripture says that our body is the temple of God, in which the Spirit of the Lord is located.

And when we commit the deeds described, we desecrate the divine and our personality begins to collapse.

That is why masturbation was officially classified as a deadly sin, making eternal life impossible for a person.

How is the sin of masturbation punished?

Here is what Moral Theology has to say about this:

“Nature fornicator never regrets, he receives severe punishment. Thus, onanists lose their memory and vision, they have sick faces and trembling hands. Gradually, such people become like the walking dead.”

“The nasty and adulterers are destined to burn after death in a fiery lake filled with sulfur. There they will die a second time.”

Onanists are not even granted many years of penance from the church. And if the sinner still wants to take the true path and get rid of the destructive passion, then he will be required to perform certain feats. For example, a person is supposed to make a hundred bows every day for forty days, and also eat only meager and dry food.

Passion for masturbation in women and minors

It is noteworthy that Holy Bible says nothing about female masturbation, although this does not mean at all that women do not sin by committing this sinful act. In fact, the church condemns them in the same way as men who have a similar addiction.

And this means that the representatives of the fair sex who have sinned should also repent and suffer the same punishment as for the representatives of the opposite sex.

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on masturbation in minor children. They are usually exposed to this sin out of ignorance or lack of personal hygiene, when the genitals begin to itch, while wearing tight clothes, and so on.

If parents want to help their child get rid of this harmful passion, then they need to:

  • to establish the cause and deal with its immediate elimination;
  • at the same time, in no case do not frighten or condemn the child, so as not to inflict psychological trauma on him;
  • do not interrogate or examine him;
  • try to give your child as much attention and love as possible;
  • let him wear loose clothes;
  • take care of your child's diet;
  • allow your child to spend enough time in the company of their peers (if you are sure that this is a good company, of course);
  • increase water procedures for the child;
  • as often as possible be with him in the fresh air.

Not every person has the courage to openly admit this shameful sin. And to cope with it, you should listen to the following recommendations:

  1. If a person has a strong desire to eradicate a sinful passion, then he initially needs to resist addiction. In this case, prayers to the Almighty will help him, but, of course, you cannot limit yourself to prayers alone, because otherwise you will not be able to move a single step from the dead point.
  2. Also, having decided to fight against masturbation, you need to realize that Christians on their own, without Divine help, will not be able to cope with this sin, which means that you need to ask the Almighty for help.
  3. Pray often. As soon as dirty thoughts begin to appear in your head, call on the help of the Queen of Heaven. If you sincerely pray from the sin of masturbation, have a pure heart, then you find yourself under the care of the Mother of God and can finally be freed from passion.
  4. If the situation is rather complicated and bad thoughts do not go out of a person’s head, it is recommended to surround yourself with church symbols (crosses, the miraculous faces of the Saints. You will ask them for help at those moments when the temptation becomes especially strong. Then you need to bow to them and ask them to be freed from demons .
  5. Orthodox people are recommended to lead the most controlled and measured way of life (of course, here you need to start solely from the prevailing life circumstances). Funds are strictly prohibited mass media and watching erotic videos.
  6. Minimize the consumption of alcohol, because, as you know, alcoholic beverages have an extremely negative effect on the mind.
  7. Be mindful of any temptations, such as prolonged bubble baths.
  8. Be honest with yourself, recognize the presence of sinful passion in yourself. Due to this, you will open your thoughts and increase the power of the fight against sinful vice.
  9. Based on the severity of the sinful action, one should go to church for confession at least once in seven days.

Consider also the answer of the clergyman Svyatoslav Shevchenko to a typical question about how to overcome the sinful craving for self-satisfaction.

Most of the clergy are convinced that the most difficult to overcome are those sins that relate to the topic of the administration of the natural needs of the human body.

Sexual attraction is a mechanism laid down by the Creator, which is necessary for procreation. And the enemies of the human race, acting as infernal entities (or in the Christian tradition known as fallen angels) use physiological needs to incline a person to sin.

In this case, there are two ways to solve the problem: with the help of abstinence and finding a partner of the opposite sex, with whom it is possible to create a family.

If you choose the first option, then you will need to maintain an ascetic lifestyle: limiting food, drinks (especially before going to bed), reducing sleep time, intensified prayers, fighting sinful thoughts, reading the Gospel, Psalms, frequent confessions and communion.

The second way - the creation of a family, will probably require an initial appeal to the first, ascetic way.

And the most important thing is sincere fervent prayers to the Almighty for delivering you from this trouble and finding your soulmate.

If there are signs of the presence of unclean entities in the dwelling that push a person to sin, it is recommended to invite the priest to the house and cleanse your dwelling. To do this, just contact the nearest temple.

Now you know a lot about the sin of malakia, as well as how to deal with it. There are also special prayers for masturbation for men and women that will help to cope with destructive passion.

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Undoubtedly, the 21st century is a time of permissiveness, but true Christians are struggling with the harmful influence of the outside world and keep the covenants from the Bible, despite sidelong views.

Intimate relationships outside of marriage are sinful, adultery is even worse. Masturbation is a process that only one person knows about, it does not harm others and does not destroy marital relations. Then why Christianity considers masturbation a sin of fornication, it is necessary to understand.

Why masturbation is a sin

Masturbation is identical by definition with the concept of malakia. The meaning of the word comes from the Bible. In Orthodoxy, it is considered a serious sin, one of the varieties of fornication. Malachi is caused by prodigal fermentation, the pursuit of pleasure. This sin is unnatural because it occurs without contact with the opposite sex. Orthodoxy approves only sexual contact between legal spouses.

The Church believes that a person who masturbates is a slave to his lust, dependent on fornication. Passion overcomes him and he is unable to control it. Then everything reasonable is no longer a priority for the prodigal son. Orthodoxy calls malakia a perversion, because there is no relationship with the other sex. The bible itself says that fornicators, committed adultery and also the Malachis will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

By masturbating, a person defiles his soul, mind and body. And even the thought of such a thing is already a sin. Sin, whose name was influenced by the biblical character Onan, is one of the most terrible carnal sins that take away the right to eternal life.

Malaki in women and children

There is no mention of female masturbators in the Bible, but this does not mean that the Heavenly Father does not consider female masturbation a sin. It makes no difference who did the deed. Masturbation among women in Orthodoxy is condemned no less than men, because everyone is equal before God. This means that the harlot must also repent and strive for purity of thoughts and actions.

With children, things are somewhat different. Masturbation in boys and girls is mostly due to ignorance, unspoken questions, as well as itching in the genital area, too tight clothing, physical punishment, etc.

To protect the child from addiction, you need:

Church punishment

Now the church does not arrange penance for fornication. But there are certain methods. In order to be cleansed from sin, a person must perform certain austerities. For example, within 40 days to make 100 prostrations, as well as fasting to atone for your guilt.

You can not give up, it is possible to cope with the temptation. To make it easier to eradicate sinful thoughts in yourself, you can turn to the following tips:

Self-satisfaction is a mortal sin that should not be in the life of a believer. Only the desire to get rid of sinfulness, coming from pure heart, can become the basis for gaining spiritual purity. And the church will never leave a penitent person and will provide all possible help.

Malachi is one of the deadly sins. For her, Sodom and Gomorrah, two ancient biblical cities, were conquered.

What is the essence of sin? What is malacia anyway? And what about the person who committed this sin? Can he hope to be saved?

What is this?

Malachi is called masturbation. In other words, it is self-satisfaction. In Orthodoxy, it is considered a very serious sin. They used to impose a penance for him: up to 40 days of fasting and 100 prostrations to the earth daily.

Why is it a sin?

Because it is a violation of the purpose of this sexual intercourse. Entry into intimate relationship among Christians is carried out after the wedding. Their main meaning is the appearance of children.

Self-desecration (as masturbation is also called) is unnatural. It is the satisfaction of one's own lust, nothing more.

Destruction of virginity

What is malakia, we found out. Saint John the Faster spoke of this sin as a loss of chastity. He who can be called a Malachi is already losing his virginity, and in an unnatural way.

Man defiles himself both physically and morally.

Infectious sin

It should be noted, speaking of malaki, that this is such a sin that can be called very sticky. As the saying goes, one has only to start, and then it will drag out.

Very many, even after getting married or getting married, cannot leave malakia. There are two types of it: self-satisfaction and someone else's hand. Forgive the reader for the details, but these are facts. last view sin is no less filthy and heavy than the first. According to John the Faster, one who involves a comrade-in-arms in his dirty work takes double responsibility.

Is nightly self-desecration considered malacia?

What is malaki according to the Bible, we found out. This is a grave sin, for which two ancient cities (Garden and Gomorrah) were struck. But what if such a sin happened in a dream? How will you be responsible for it?

At confession, it is necessary to repent, but the person did not commit a sin intentionally. That is, here is the so-called "triumph of the flesh." Physical desires took over the sleeping mind.

What to do if you have sinned?

Speaking about what malakia is in Orthodoxy, you need to figure out what to do if this sin was committed intentionally?

Go to confession, repent of what you have done and never again allow this sin. If they again allowed malakia, then again they will have to go to confession.

What will be the punishment?

This refers to the penance from the priest. Will he put it on? It all depends on the priest, some impose it, but someone does not. When the feeling of guilt from the deed gnaws very much, you can ask for penance. But if the priest says that he will not impose it, do not insist.

Male and female malakia

Let's find out what malakia is in women and in men. Sometimes people refer to the Bible, saying that there is nothing on the topic of female masturbation. And if not, then it is not a sin.

Male self-defilement is sinful in that the seed is erupted "out of business." What is the seed for? To have kids, right? And when it is simply poured out, or left in a rubber product No. 2, this is not right. Not in Christian terms.

The woman, in turn, bears the child. And pulls him out of his own womb. The representative of the fair sex - future mother, and her body is designed so that the process of childbearing is carried out.

When a woman engages in masturbation, she goes against the will of God. God arranged her body for bearing and giving birth to offspring. And not in order to satisfy animal instincts.

inciting lust

We will not repeat what malakia is - it is not only the desecration of one's body, but also the inflaming of one's own flesh.

It would seem, what kind of incitement are we talking about? The body demanded "discharge". The man was discharged in this way, and that's the point.

No matter how. The flesh will rise up every time, demanding a new "detente". And the onanist, unable to overcome it, will give the body what it wants. It is no coincidence that onanism refers to mental disorders. If you open the old textbooks on psychiatry, they say this.

What if the flesh rises up?

It happens that the body requires discharge so much that you want to climb the wall. Especially often it begins during puberty. But it also happens at an older age.

What to do in such cases? Ignore the demands of the body. Stop thinking about it. Better yet, read the Jesus Prayer. And ask God to help in the fight against sin.

You just need to keep in mind: when you read a prayer, an unclean spirit does not sleep. It has an even stronger effect on the flesh. Fight it, don't give in. Otherwise what is faith? Instead of standing to the last, they surrendered at the first opportunity.

Important point

How to prepare for confession if the sin of masturbation happened? It's embarrassing to admit.

Oh, it would be better if we were embarrassed to sin than to repent. Do you understand that you cannot say this sin out loud? Write on paper and honestly confess to the priest that you have sinned with an unnatural sin. And to voice it ashamed, they wrote it down on paper.

Can I take communion after confession? It all depends on the priest, if he allows it, then you can. If not, you will have to be patient when the priest allows you to approach the Chalice.


We talked about one of the most serious and shameful sins. Recall that the Lord punished Sodom and Gomorrah for him. And people who are fond of masturbation will not be able to get into the Kingdom of Heaven.

In the event that a sin has occurred, it is imperative to repent of it. Throw away false shame and go to confession. Further actions of the confessor will depend on what the priest says.

If the priest imposed a penance, rejoice. It is better to suffer inconvenience here in this life than to suffer in eternal life.

Marina Podorozhnaya answers:

Recently, a book fell into my hands, in which various arguments "for" and "against" were given. According to the interviewed Christian doctors, and this is 72%, there were those who approved of masturbation, and only 28% were against it.

In contrast, among pastors (who received a completed higher education in seminaries, and unfinished for the most part in Christian colleges) only 13% approved of such an occupation, 83% consider it unacceptable. Among the spouses who responded to the survey, 52% of men and 84% of women said they had never masturbated or masturbated very rarely; 17% of men and 4% of women indicated that they masturbated frequently or regularly.

Many of them specifically noted that they had not done this since they became Christians.

Unfortunately, there is no direct text in the Bible that would speak of a ban or, on the contrary, would allow this action to be performed. I am not one of those Christian humanists who insist that this is a way to satisfy the needs of single men or a help for those who are not married, or whose wife is pregnant or work requires long absences from home. All this may be more a pretext than an argument, explaining the reasons or behavior of those who do not want to give up their bad habits.

In my opinion, masturbation is a sinful behavior. I have repeatedly consulted people with a similar problem and they all have a common picture:

First, when masturbating, lustful thoughts and fantasies usually take place, and Scripture is very clear on this. Matthew 5:28 “…But I tell you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

God wants us to keep our minds pure, undefiled, and not just watch our behavior.

Phil.4:8 “..Finally, my brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is kind, whatever is glorious, whatever is virtue and praise, think about that.”

Secondly, people who are connected with this problem are inevitably accompanied by feelings of guilt, depression, unless, of course, they are "brainwashed by the sermons of humanism." The renewed conscience that is given to us by God helps us to determine what is good and evil, and what is good and bad.

Romans 2:15 “... they show that the work of the law is written in their hearts, as evidenced by their conscience and their thoughts, now accusing, now justifying one another”.

Romans 9:1 "... I speak the truth in Christ, I do not lie, my conscience testifies to me in the Holy Spirit."

So, conscience is the barrier that a Christian should not cross. It is guilt that robs us of our boldness in God and the freedom to which we are called.

Gal.5:13 "... You were called to freedom, brethren, so that your freedom would not be an occasion for the flesh, but serve one another with love," preventing us from reaching Christ.

Third, 1 Corinthians 7:9 “... But if you do not abstain, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to be inflamed.”

A person who engages in masturbation is inflamed by lust and thereby deprives himself of the true blessing in marriage. In addition, it creates a habit that takes place even in marriage. The dependent party in this shows selfishness, which affects sexual relations, and after all, God has determined for the marriage bed, blessings for both parties.

1 Corinthians 7:3-5 “... Husband show his wife due favor; like a wife to her husband. The wife has no power over her body, but the husband; likewise, the husband has no power over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deviate from each other, except by agreement, for a while, for exercise in fasting and prayer, but again be together so that Satan does not tempt you with your intemperance..

Neither party should feel a lack of love and care. Masturbation, like onanism, is an unnatural way to satisfy sexual needs.

In conclusion, I want to say: For a Christian who is called to maintain a holy way of life, the grace of God is sufficient. Grace is given to us so that we can overcome every sin in our lives, so that we do not compromise and live according to the flesh. We can pray to God about our desires, which may be very difficult to control in some situations, our Heavenly Father, I am sure, will definitely help us if we sincerely ask Him about it.

