Map of specially protected natural areas. Overview map of federal protected areas of Russia

A reserve is a natural area that is under state protection. In such territories, any human activity is prohibited, and fishing is also punishable. The main task of nature reserves is to preserve untouched areas of nature in their original form. A person's job is to constantly monitor natural processes and conducting research activities. Most of the protected lands are closed to tourists. There are 112 nature reserves in Russia, most of which are concentrated in the European part of the country. This article provides a rating of the 10 most popular protected and environmental places in Russia.

1. Altai Nature Reserve

Altai Nature Reserve/Wikipedia

The territory of the reserve is located in the northeastern part of Altai. total area is 8812.4 km². The reserve was founded in 1932. The main activity is aimed at preserving Lake Teletskoye in its original form.

High mountains do not allow air masses to penetrate deep into the region, so the climate is harsh. The relief is varied: plateaus are replaced by mountain ranges. The rivers originate on the tops of the plateau. A significant object is Lake Teletskoye, located at the junction with the Western Sayan. It is surrounded by mountains. 70 rivers flow into the lake, the water in it is very clean.

Altai Nature Reserve on the map/Wikipedia

Baikal Nature Reserve on the map/Wikipedia

The reserve has a large population of ermine, sable and weasel. In summer, deer and elk come here. Wild boars can only be seen in the southern part. Deer gather in large herds. The mountain hare lives in the forest-tundra zone. The world of avifauna is represented by thrush, wagtail, hazel grouse, partridge, tawny owl and owl. There are several excursions offering to follow the world of animals and...

3. Great Arctic Reserve

Big Arctic Reserve/Wikipedia

The reserve is located in the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets region. The area is 41,692 km². It was created in 1993. The main goal of the employees is to protect the flora and fauna in the north of the country.

The reserve is located beyond the Arctic Circle, it is washed by two - Laptev and Kara. Cold winter lasts 9 months. Snow covers the ground already in September. Distributed throughout the territory.

Great Arctic Nature Reserve on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

The protected area includes 7 sections. Northern regions belong to , and the rest belong arctic tundra. The reserve covers a huge amount of land, making its landscapes so diverse.

Lichens and mosses tolerate harsh climates best of all. In addition to them, they grow in summer rare species mushrooms Of the higher plants, the majority are cabbage and cereals. Annuals are practically absent. The species number of animals is not rich. Most of all there are birds. Half of them nest on the coasts.

The most famous representatives are polar bear. It is found throughout the coastal zone. The coastal waters are home to narwhals, seals, walruses, seals and beluga whales. On the mainland live reindeer, hares,... Tourists are offered a choice of 5 different excursions, including bird watching, photo hunting and hiking.

4. Vasyugan swamps

Vasyugan swamps/Wikipedia

The natural phenomenon is located in Western Siberia. The approximate area is 53,000 km². UNESCO included the zone in the list of Russian heritage sites in 2007. The process of swamping continues to this day; over time, the area increases.

The surface of the swamps absorbs carbon dioxide, acting as a natural filter. Over the millennia of existence, the swamps have practically not changed their appearance. The lands are rich in peat reserves. The width of the swamp can reach 200 m. At times the swamps are connected to each other.

Vasyugan swamps on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

Some plants require protection. The amount of cloudberries, cranberries and lingonberries is reduced. Hunting in swamps is a dangerous activity, so animal world practically untouched by humans. Large mammals include bear, lynx, and elk. Black grouse and hazel grouse nest in river valleys.

Officially, the Vasyugan swamps are not a nature reserve. However, in 2006, the Vasyugansky nature reserve was created on this territory. The question of the establishment of a state reserve arose many years ago. Swamps are difficult to access and dangerous in the warm season. However, there are several tourist routes that are popular.

5. Far Eastern Marine Reserve

Far Eastern Marine Reserve/Wikipedia

The territory is located in the western part of the Sea of ​​Japan. The area is 643.2 km². The reserve was organized in 1978. The main job of the employees is to protect coastal flora and fauna. The water area is subject to a monsoon climate; in warm weather, cyclones and fogs often occur. Winter is warm. A fragile ice crust covers the coast in December.

Far Eastern Marine Reserve on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

Situated in a temperate region, the reserve is covered deciduous forests. The main species are larch, whole-leaved fir and dense-flowered pine. In addition to them, oak, ash, lilac, cherry and yew grow in the forests. The slopes of the hills are covered with cereals and herbs. Common animals are considered to be, and. The sealed seal lives along the banks. During the existence of the reserve, the number of this marine mammal has increased several times. There are several excursion routes around the water areas. Diving will help you get acquainted with the unique ichthyofauna.

6. Caucasian Nature Reserve

Caucasian Nature Reserve/Wikipedia

The territory is located in the south of the Krasnodar Territory. The area is 2803 km². The founding date is considered to be May 12, 1924. The reserve is one of the largest in the European part of Russia. The main goal scientific activity is considered to be the study of a natural complex.

The reserve includes two zones: the mountain region and the Khosta yew-boxwood grove. The territories are represented by mountain and alpine ecosystems. The Caucasian Nature Reserve is located on the border of temperate and subtropical zone. Most of the land is occupied by evergreen forests. Important have numerous lakes and glaciers.

Caucasian Nature Reserve on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

At an altitude of 2500 m there are alpine meadows, and just below there is a zone of crooked forests. Maple, birch and rowan grow at a level of 1900 m; fir dominates even lower. There is a lot of plant life, 900 species in total. Of these, 55 are listed in the Red Book.

The fauna is also diverse. Wild boar, lynx, mountain bison and Caucasian chamois are considered the smallest species. In addition to them, from the order of mammals, the bear, wolf, marten, and lynx live here. There are 248 species of birds in the reserve, the largest of which are the golden eagle, count and vulture. A record number was recorded here. Tourists are offered to visit the Devil's Gate canyon, a rope park, a yew-boxwood grove and an aviary complex.

7. Kronotsky Reserve

Kronotsky Reserve/Wikipedia

The territory of the reserve is located in the east of Kamchatka. The total area is 11,421 km². Conservation activities began in 1934 with the goal of preserving the Kamchatka sable population.

Forest-tundra dominates the landscape. The terrain is mountainous, with bays and peninsulas located on the northern and southern coasts. In the central part the coast is flat. The territory lies in the center of the Eastern Volcanic Belt. There are 12 here: Uzon, Kronotsky, Central Semyachik, Kikhlinych and others. The Tyushevsky glacier stretches for 8 km.

Kronotsky Nature Reserve on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

Areas near the coasts are occupied by tundra, most of them are covered with forests. A famous attraction is the Valley of Geysers. It is impossible to take your eyes off the boiling springs gushing steam-water mixtures. In 2007, there was a landslide that swallowed up 7 geysers. To date, the valley has acquired new landscape forms.

Kronotskoye Lake is considered another natural monument. Its area is 246 km². The freshwater reservoir has a maximum depth of 150 m. Ten rivers flow into it and one flows out. A population of sockeye salmon and char has formed in the lake. Colonies of birds have settled along the banks. Swans are considered Kronotsky's decoration.

The population is under the protection of the reserve brown bear. Since the middle of the last century, squirrels and lynx have settled on the lands. Elk are another local resident. In addition to them, there are bighorn sheep, marmot, wolverine and otter. As part of educational tourism, you can visit the geysers of the caldera of the Uzon volcano and Kuril Lake, the habitat of brown bears.

8. Kuznetsk Alatau

Kuznetsky Alatau Nature Reserve/Wikipedia

The territory is located in Kemerovo region, area is 4129 km². The reserve was created in 1989. Central Siberia is an important supplier of timber, coal, metal and minerals. Over time, the question of preserving clean water. Alatau helps protect the sources of rivers, forests and unique representatives of the flora and fauna. includes sable, wolf and bear. Kuznetsk Alatau is home to 5 species of ungulates: Altai maral, elk, reindeer, Siberian roe deer and musk deer. 346 species of birds and 14 species of fish have been recorded. Tourist routes exist in the suburbs of Mezhdurechensk. There is an Ecological Center, which includes a museum and enclosures with ungulates.

9. Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve

Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve/Wikipedia

The protected area is located in the south of the Krasnodar Territory, in the Western Sayan region. The total area is 3904 km². The reserve was founded in 1976 as a compensation measure during the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The hydroelectric power station negatively affected the ecosystem of the region; not all animals were able to adapt to the new conditions. Today, most representatives of flora and fauna are included in the Red Book.

Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

The forest consists of cedar, fir and larch. The reserve houses snow leopards, reindeer, mountain goats, manuls, and bears. There are many species of birds and fish. The border zone is open to tourists. Visitors enjoy views of meadows, lakes, waterfalls and rocks.

10. Pillars

Stolby Nature Reserve/Wikipedia

The reserve is located in the southwest Krasnoyarsk Territory. The area exceeds 471.5 km². It was founded in 1925 with the aim of preventing massacres. Tourists are allowed to visit the pillars.

Stolby Nature Reserve on the map of Russia/Wikipedia

Since its foundation, the area has been constantly expanding. Travelers are attracted by the rocks, which are scientifically called syenite outcrops. The rock formations have an unusual shape, hence their fancy names: Grandfather, Tusk, Twins, Feathers. The reserve is a favorite place among mountaineers and rock climbers. Stolby has a dense river network represented by tributaries of the Yenisei.

Most of the territories are coniferous taiga, the most common type is pine. Mammals include deer, musk deer, wolf, wolverine, and bear. The ichthyofauna is represented by twenty species of fish; 200 species of birds nest in Stolby. Tourist areas can be reached by bus leaving Krasnoyarsk.

The other day, a map of Moscow was published, an Integrated automated information system for supporting urban planning activities of the city of Moscow. Map where most of the protected area PIP Moskvoretsky is missing. Vigilant environmental defenders checked other iconic Moscow Specially Protected Natural Areas on these maps. Let's see how parts of protected areas and green areas of most capital parks and areas with protective status. It’s still not clear what it is? Problems with cards? Is it our lack of information? Real, new boundaries? I hope we will find out the answer very soon. This is what the famous photographer Yulia Gracheva writes:

“I read your post about the disappearance of Moskovrechky Park, went to compare the map of urban planning policy with the map of protected areas of the DPiOOS and discovered that the Bitsevsky forest is no longer a protected area or even a green area! They left only a few tens of square meters near the spring and that’s it! Now 33-FZ is on this territory doesn't work! That's it! I compare the maps of Moscow's urban planning policy - according to the new Rules, and the maps of the Department of Environmental Protection, and the maps on the portal "Our City", and the downtime of the Yandex map. It is clear that a lot of protected areas are now not protected areas and even green areas are small city parks - cut down All attached maps with headings are grouped by disappeared/cut down parks.

1) Dubki Park is no longer a natural green area, according to this map. But the cutting lines of the park are visible.

2) SPNA PIP Moskvoretsky was

3) SPNA PIP Moskvoretsky became

5) And of course, VDNKh is no longer a protected area or even a green area! Map from the Moscow City Hall website


8) Park of Heroes Patriotic War 1812

9) As for simply green areas - small parks among houses - they were also cut down. The park was cut down. Heroes of the War of 1812 - SEAD, Maryino district, intersection of st. Upper fields and st. Lublinskaya. On the map of the integrated automated information system of Moscow's urban planning policy, a piece closest to the street is cut out of it, as if from a green area. Lublinskaya, which has a gorgeous flower bed that is planted with flowers several times a season. The main thing is that there is a lot of green space there; trees are constantly being planted according to the project at state expense. I attach a photo for comparison.

10) Timiryazevsky Park from satellite

11) Timiryazevsky Park on the map of the Moscow City Hall

12) The Nagatinskaya floodplain is now just a partially green area, and right around the clearing

13) Kolomenskoye - also almost everything, except for the steep ravine, is just a “green area”, like an ordinary city square, which means you can mow and rake the leaves!

14) Well, and the main discovery - Bitsa, it turns out, is no longer a protected area, or even a green area, my dear readers.

15) “Bitsa, Timiryazevka and Dubki were even thrown out of green areas! I compare it with the map of protected areas of the DPiOOS, where the protected areas still in operation today are circled in green.”

At the end of 2011, the Transparent World NP prepared for printing maps of protected areas federal significance Russia. Purpose of cards- provide up-to-date information about the system of specially protected natural areas federal significance Russian Federation, show their boundaries and provide brief basic information on each protected area.

The maps show the following categories of protected areas of federal significance (the number of objects is indicated in brackets):

  • State nature reserves (102);
  • National Parks (43);
  • State natural reserves of federal significance (71);
  • Territories with special status (State complex "Zavidovo")

In addition to specially protected natural areas, maps of protected areas of federal significance indicate:

  • location of government departments (directorates) nature reserves and national parks;
  • populated areas (administrative centers (capitals) of constituent entities of the Russian Federation; centers of administrative districts on the territory of which protected areas of federal significance are located; individual settlements that are significant for the country, region or the functioning of a specific protected area);
  • boundaries of subjects and federal districts Russian Federation, borders of neighboring states;
  • hydraulic network, relief, main railways, the largest federal highways

In addition, a table is presented with basic information about each protected area (name, category, year of creation, membership of the territory in the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere program; membership in the list of UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites; membership in the Ramsar List of Wetlands international importance; number of sites and subject of the federation in whose territory the protected area is located).

Maps of protected areas of federal significance have been prepared for printing in three versions:

  • to scale for printing on a sheet measuring 152 x 108 cm;
  • to scale for printing on a sheet measuring 120 x 86 cm;
  • to scale for printing on A3 sheet.

Map projection: Albers equal area conic projection, on WGS-84 ellipsoid

Cartographic basis:

Borders of protected areas:

  • Cartographic database on federal protected areas of Russia, 2004-2011 (World Resources Institute, International Social-Ecological Union, Conservation Center wildlife, Transparent World), created as part of the project
  • (NP "Transparent World", Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Reserve "Kerzhensky").

Settlements, hydraulic networks, roads, borders of neighboring states: ArcWorld, ESRI Data& Maps, 2002; VMap0, 2000;

Relief: GTOPO30 (the U.S. Geological Survey's EROS Data Center).

Difference from existing maps of protected areas (novelty of the map)

  • The maps show all currently existing reserves, National parks and federal reserves of Russia, as well as the State Complex "Zavidovo" and planned for creation in 2012. national park"Beringia". The creation of new and changes in the boundaries of existing protected areas are taken into account.
  • The location of departments (directorates) of state natural reserves and national parks is indicated.
  • The borders and centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are displayed.
  • The boundaries of protected areas of federal significance are drawn in accordance with legislative and regulations Government of the Russian Federation, as well as official regulatory documents of the Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation, land and forest management materials, land surveying materials. If there were contradictions regarding the description of the boundaries, the highest priority was given to the materials for marking the boundaries of protected areas; other materials for land and forest management; regulations (passports) with descriptions of the boundaries of specific protected areas, approved in the prescribed manner.