Coniferous forest and the plants that grow in it. What is taiga? Coniferous forests of the taiga: description, flora and fauna Families of evergreen trees

The coniferous forest fascinates with its beauty and aroma. It retains its crown at any time of the year, which is why it is also called evergreen. But besides its beauty, it serves as an excellent filter that purifies our air. Being in a pine forest for some time, you can feel a surge of strength, since the atmosphere of this place is saturated with phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. That is why many people like to visit the coniferous forest and enjoy its air.

Evergreen tree families

Typically there are only a few tree species in a coniferous forest. The entire class of conifers can be divided into several families:

  • cypress (juniper, thuja, sequoia, some shrubs and, of course, cypress);
  • pine (more than 120 varieties of pine, cedar, fir, spruce, hemlock, larch);
  • yew (yew, torrea);
  • Araucariaceae (Vollemia, Agathis, Araucaria);
  • legocarpids;
  • Also, some botanists make a division into the capitate and taxodia families.

Features of evergreens

Coniferous forest trees have their own characteristic differences. Large breeds almost always have a straight, large trunk and a cone-shaped crown. If the plant is in a dense forest, its lower branches begin to die due to lack of light.

Also conifers They are gymnosperms and are pollinated mainly by the wind. Strobili, or, in other words, cones, grow on trees. When they ripen, their scales open and the seed falls onto the soil, after some time it germinates.

In addition, it is worth noting that the zone coniferous forests is located mainly in the Northern Hemisphere (a significant part of it is taiga). This location explains the shape of the “leaves.” They are quite hard and have a needle- or scale-like shape; they also come in flat shapes, in the form of strips. Since the climate of the area in which coniferous trees grow is generally cold, they are given a dark green color to better absorb rare sunlight. Also, the waxy surface of the “leaves” does not allow snow to linger on the branches, while moisture remains inside the needles during frosts.

Coniferous forest and its plants

Compared to deciduous forests, the vegetation in coniferous forests is not as diverse, but it is not sparse. They contain many shrubs and herbs. In addition, there are mosses and lichens. The soil of coniferous forests contains a lot of organic matter, so it is too acidic for ordinary grass and shrubs. But the plants of the coniferous forest are designed in such a way that local conditions suit them. Most often here you can find nettle, celandine, elderberry, strawberry, shepherd's purse, acacia, and fern.

In such forests, moss feels best, which can occupy a significant area, creating a green carpet. There is a huge variety of mosses here, since the conditions for them are ideal. Due to the shadow of the crowns, the moisture practically does not evaporate, and the snow is in no hurry to melt. All mosses differ from each other in color and height. Some are capable of reaching 10 centimeters in height.

Interesting facts

The coniferous forest attracts not only with its beauty and benefits, but also with some interesting facts:

  • Among conifers there is a record holder for height. This is an evergreen sequoia whose height exceeds 115 meters.
  • The majority of coniferous trees are evergreen. They do not change their “leaves” from 2 to 40 years! The exceptions are larch, glyptostrobus, metasequoia, pseudolarch and taxodium, which shed their needles in the winter.
  • There are long-lived trees on earth, and almost all the record holders among them are conifers. For example, in California there is a pine tree that, according to some estimates, is about 4,700 years old.
  • There is a New Zealand dwarf pine that surprises with its small in size. Its height is about 8 centimeters.
  • Coniferous trees can save you from vitamin deficiency. These plants contain seven times more vitamin C than lemons. But besides this, they also contain other microelements, so a drug from these plants can replace a multivitamin complex from a pharmacy.
  • The air in the pine forest destroys the tuberculosis bacillus.
  • The strongest coniferous wood is larch. For example, Venice is still supported on stilts made from this material.

Today is Friday again, and again the guests are in the studio, spinning the drum and guessing the letters. The next episode of the capital show Field of Miracles is on our air and here is one of the questions in the game:

What was the coniferous forest called in the European part of Russia and the Urals? 11 letters

Correct answer - Krasnolesie

Since ancient times, our country was considered a country of forests. And for good reason: 45% of the territory is forested. The forest and human life are two links whose existence without each other is impossible. For a long time, the forest fed, clothed, warmed the Russian people, and saved them from enemies. And a special place has always belonged to the coniferous forest. In Rus', coniferous forests were called red forests. It owes this name due to the fact that it is green all year round, which means it is beautiful and red.

Red Forest... Listen to this word. It has everything: surprise, admiration and even reverence for a real work of nature - coniferous forest. It is truly red in all seasons, especially the pine forest with its reddish-golden, sun-lit trunks, solemnly rising into the heavenly blue. Greens and gold - how can you not appreciate this luxury, born in the harsh northern region. And our ancestors loved and appreciated the red forest, involuntarily contrasting it with black forest - a deciduous forest that loses its leaves in the winter and becomes faceless, dark, black. Chernolesye, moreover, was usually considered a refuge of black, evil spirits: it was in it, and not in the pine forest, that according to popular belief, goblin, witches and mermaids settled.

Hello, dear readers of the Sprint-Response website. In this article you can find out the answers to the questions of the Super Game in the program “Field of Miracles” on October 27, 2017. The winner of the game agreed to the Super Game, so it took place. Answers to all Supergame questions can be found on our website in the same section. By the way, the winner won the Super Game, she guessed the main word.

Here are the questions in the Super Game "Fields of Miracles" 10/27/2017

Word horizontally (11 letters). What was the coniferous forest called in the European part of Russia and the Urals?

The word on the left vertically (5 letters). What was the name of the area under forest, bushes, cleared for arable land?

The word on the right vertically (6 letters). An old Russian proverb says: “There is space in the steppe, in the forest...”?

Answers to questions from the Super Game "Fields of Miracles" 10/27/2017

RED FOREST, -I, Wed. Coniferous forest. All species of resinous trees, such as pine, spruce, fir, etc., are called red forest, or red forest. S. Aksakov, Notes of a rifle hunter. I don’t want to say that the red forest is worse, but the aspen forest is also beautiful. (Soloukhin, The Third Hunt.)

Fight- the same as cleansing; a place where the forest is cut down, uprooted and burned for crops; arable land cleared from under the forest.

There is space in the steppe, in the forest land.

  1. Krasolesye
  2. Fight
  3. Land

Conifers are mostly evergreen plants, woody or shrubby, with needle-like leaves. The needles are needle-shaped, scaly or linear leaves. Conifers belong to the class gymnosperms. In total, coniferous plants number about 600 species. It is difficult to list the names of all coniferous trees, but you can imagine a list of coniferous trees that are the most famous and widespread in our region.

Pine is an evergreen coniferous tree that grows everywhere throughout Russia, characterized by long needles and unpretentiousness to natural conditions. Sunny pine groves are a real natural sanatorium.

- a coniferous ornamental tree from the cypress family; many varieties of thuja are widely cultivated for landscaping parks and private farms.

- V wildlife grows in the tropical zone, is also successfully grown as an ornamental tree or shrub, the foliage differs from all previous coniferous species, the leaves on upward-directed shoots are arranged spirally, on horizontal shoots they are linear. Yew is very poisonous; only its seedless berries are edible.

– a coniferous shrub of the cypress family, used for ornamental gardening.

- a mighty tree of the North Ocean coast of America of the cypress family. Long-lived trees of this genus live for several thousand years.

is a beautiful coniferous tree that grows wild in the mountains of China.

The above list of conifers describes plants, each of which has many species - these are just the most common conifers.

In addition to those listed, coniferous species include: cypress, hemlock, ginkgo, araucaria, Libocedrus, pseudo-hemlock, cunningamia, cryptomeria, sciadopitis, sequoiadendron and many others.

The coniferous forest is natural area consisting of evergreen plants. Their unpretentiousness, lack of fear of excess moisture and large temperature changes, as well as the need for natural light, determined their growing area and unique characteristics.

Coniferous forests Russia makes up 2/3 of total area forests of the country. In this regard, Russia is a world leader. From the world heritage of coniferous forests, Russian part is more than half.

All coniferous forests in Russia are taiga, which extends mainly in the northern part of the country, occupies its European zone, the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia, as well as the Far East.

Coniferous forest zone

There are three subzones of the taiga, each of which is characterized by its own special vegetation:

  • Northern.
  • Average;
  • South;

(Northern taiga)

The northern subzone of the taiga is predominantly dominated by spruce forests and low-growing vegetation. On the tundra side they are sparse, but towards the south they gradually become denser.

(Pine forest of the Urals)

The coniferous forests of the Urals are characterized by pine forests; the Far Eastern region of Siberia is represented mainly by larch

(Southern taiga forest)

The southern taiga boasts a wide variety of vegetation. Fir, spruce, cedar and larch grow here.

Forests in Russia are formed by only one type of tree or are mixed forest stands. Depending on the composition of the coniferous forest, it is also divided into light coniferous forests (pine and Siberian larch), as well as dark coniferous forests. The latter are fir, cedar and spruce.

(Typical coniferous forest)

In coniferous forests, the trees are usually tall with straight trunks and a large, dense crown. Some of them, such as pine trees, can reach a height of 40 meters. Such conditions do not allow a diverse undergrowth to form. It is represented mainly by moss, low berry bushes and mosses. New, young trees that also need light cannot always break through, and therefore more often grow on the outskirts of the forest and at the edges.

Coniferous forest climate

The coniferous forests of Russia have a special climate, characterized by warm and sometimes hot summers and frosty, harsh winters. Maximum temperatures reach 45 degrees with a plus and minus sign, respectively. This climate is suitable for coniferous species, which are undemanding to such temperature changes. For them, the main thing is sufficient natural light.

Another feature of the climate Russian taiga- high humidity. Precipitation rates here exceed the actual volume of evaporation. It is not uncommon, especially in Siberia, to find large areas of wetlands. This is partly due to the close approach of groundwater.

Human economic activity

The taiga territory is represented by wood, the volume of which exceeds 5.5 billion cubic meters.

Such resources, as well as the presence of oil, gas and coal reserves in the depths of the regions, determined the main types economic activity in the taiga:

  • oil, gas and mineral extraction;
  • logging;
  • timber processing.

For example, pine wood is used to make building materials, furniture, it is valued as fuel, it is also used to produce cellophane, rayon and, of course, paper.

Spruce and fir are also used as construction materials. Paper, artificial viscose, etc. are made from their wood. Interesting feature Spruce is a resonant wood that is used to make musical instruments.
