Lion wedding in Masai Mara. Maasai Mara National Park Africa National Park Maasai Mara

From the Lake Nakuru Lodge on Lake Nakuru to the Mara Simba (Lions of the Mara Valley) lodge in the Masai Mara National Park the road is not close - almost 300 km. Of these, the last 70 km are dusty off-road and “washboard”.

The lodge staff greeted us with cool orange juice and gave us wet wipes, which turned brown after touching our faces. This is the color of both the earth and the dust here.

The lodge is located on the banks of the Talek River and consists of a dozen two-story wooden cottages, each with 6 rooms with all amenities. All the windows of the rooms overlook the river, where there are crocodiles, and from our balcony you can see one alligator basking in the sun. As it turned out later, he was guarding a clutch of eggs.

At 16.00 we left for the evening game. Countless herds of antelopes stretched to the horizon - they lined up in a wedge, and marched in single file one after another, and ran headlong across our road. It was clear how their herds were slowly moving somewhere en masse.

But where? Will we be late for the most important performance of the season - the dramatic crossing of the Mara River? What if they all go there tonight and we don’t see anything tomorrow? With this sad thought, as darkness fell, I had to finish the evening game and return to the lodge.

But tomorrow morning, hurry up to the Mara River again! It is here that the most interesting and dramatic events unfold.

There are several reasons why you should go to Africa - to look at the exotic nature of these places - deserts, jungles, savannas and get to know the inhabitants of these countries. But the most important thing is to see the wild animal world. AND best places, than the Masai Mara, Amboseli and Nakuru reserves in Kenya cannot be found.

The secret dream of everyone who goes on a safari is to see the so-called. “migration” – the passage of ungulates across the river. This is a unique seasonal phenomenon. Hundreds of thousands of antelopes and zebras following them, obeying instinct, make a giant circle through the territory of two reserves - the Masai Mara and the Serengeti.

Now all the animals are here where they came in the spring. And in the fall the opposite exodus begins - again in the Serengeti. And it will last until November. In winter, the Masai Mara is dull and dull - only solitary ungulates are found - sick, lagging behind the herd or afraid to cross the river.

Their fate is unenviable - they become prey to predators that do not migrate anywhere - lions, leopards and hyenas. But even in winter you won’t be bored - a good guide will always find the so-called in Masai Mara. the “big five” that every tourist “must” see - elephant, lion, buffalo, rhinoceros and leopard. And, if you see the first three animals here without difficulty and in any season, then with a rhinoceros and a leopard you and your guide will have to work hard and travel a lot around the reserve.

To this “five” I would add a sixth animal - the cheetah. He is also interesting both for his habits and his beauty. Looking ahead, I will say that we did see all six, but in different reserves during one trip to Kenya and Tanzania. The cheetah is in Amboseli and the leopard is in the Serengeti. All other animals could be seen in all these parks without much difficulty.

The landscapes of the Masai Mara are magnificent. There are 3 large ecosystems: savannah, bush and riverbeds. Large herds of wildebeest, zebra, Thompson's gazelle and buffalo graze on the savanna. Closer to the rivers, the first trees appear and giraffes, waterbucks, elephants and bushbucks live there. Acacia forests grow along the Mara and Talek rivers. And the rivers themselves are home to hippos and many crocodiles. And they are waiting for their “finest” hour - the migration of ungulates across the river.

One of the unusual things that we managed to see here was an ostrich nest.
If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed how many eggs an ostrich hatches. It turns out - about two dozen!

As for lions and other predators, they live everywhere, but especially love acacia thickets.

The safari goes all day to Masai Mara. Having left the hotel early in the morning, it is far and impractical to return for lunch just for the sake of food. Usually the restaurant would give you a standard bag lunch and you just had to find a safe and open place to eat it.

In Masai Mara we were able to see the most interesting “collection” of lions, including the rare black-maned ones.

As you know, lions live in prides - large families 10-20 individuals - one lion and several females with cubs. The lion often fusses with the babies while the females hunt for him. Lions cannot live without a pride, since it is difficult to hunt alone, despite the abundance of moving food. Only when you are in a flock can you be sure that you will have something for dinner.

Usually the lion does not hunt - the females do this - they jointly track, go around and drive some ungulate. The lion can only roar so that their flock runs in fear straight into the ambush of the lionesses.

Having approached in the morning to the places where the antelopes crossed to the other side, we saw only crocodiles and hippos sleeping from idleness. None of the ungulates dared to cross the river today.
Our driver Robert got upset and decided to show us “something”.

Guided by some sixth sense, he drove around the savannah for about half an hour and suddenly stopped. A little further away, a pair of lions lay lazily in the yellow grass. 10-15 minutes passed - they all lay motionless.
- Yes, let's go - how long can you stand?
- No, no - Soon to be wedding!
- What kind of wedding?
- Lions!
- Can't be!
Another ten minutes passed. During this time, a dozen more jeeps arrived at the site. But we had a place in the stalls. Suddenly the lion stood up and began to lick itself.

He did this calmly and diligently. First he licked the front paws, and then the causal area!
Then he stood up and looked at his friend somewhat carnivorously.

Approaching her, he roared so loudly that everyone flinched. The women were especially quiet.
The lion calmly walked around her and she surrendered without a fight.

The great mystery has happened. Now you can enjoy your vacation again.

Everyone watched this short scene of life in silence and reverence. And only silly laughs were heard from the car with the Japanese-Chinese. What was so funny about that?
After all, it was the eternal and great call of nature!

As we have seen, during the mating period the relationship between partners is very tender. A dominant lion mates with a female who is in heat every twenty to thirty minutes - and so on for hours. I remember I once read that a male and female in the Dresden Zoo mated 360 times in eight days!

Now the lion is at the top of his life. But time will pass and he, having grown old, will be expelled from the pride. And then, decrepit, skinny, sick and weak, he will end his days in the belly of the hyenas who surrounded and tore him to pieces - such will be the inglorious end of the ruler of beasts.

All materials on the August safari -

  • Location: Rift Valley, Kenya
  • Official site:
  • Base: 1961
  • Square: 1510 sq. km
  • Height above sea level: 1650 m
  • Managing organization: Trans-Mara and Narok County Councils
  • Cost of safari in the park: 70 euros

The Masai Mara is perhaps one of the most famous reserves; in fact, it is a continuation of. The Masai Mara is famous for the wildebeest migration that passes through its territory every autumn. The park itself is named after the Maasai tribe and the Mara River, which flows through its territory. The Maasai tribe lives nearby, and 20% of the income from the reserve is allocated for its maintenance.

So, the fauna of the Masai Mara is cheetahs, hippos, wildebeests, giraffes, spotted hyenas and, of course, representatives of the Big Five. The latter traditionally includes five African animals that are considered the best trophies on a hunting safari: lion, elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros and leopard.

Cheetahs and black rhinoceroses are endangered here, with too few of them left in African reserves and in the Masai Mara in particular. But there are more than 1.3 million wildebeest here! There are many marshes, impalas, Grant's and Thompson's gazelles, leopards, and zebras in Mara, and more than 450 species of birds have been recorded. Masai giraffes live here - an endemic species, the representatives of which you will not find in other areas. Separately, we should talk about lions, which also live here in large quantities. Since the 1980s, the Maasai Mara has been observing one pride (nicknamed “swamp”), which includes a record number of 29 individuals.

Useful information for tourists

Tourists usually travel to August or September, when numerous antelopes migrate through the Maasai Mara and Serengeti parks. This area has a mild climate, although it can be hot during the day. It is best to wear light clothing made from natural, breathable fabrics on a safari. If you are planning a trip in March-April or November, be aware: at this time the East African coast is prone to rain, which always falls at night or in the afternoon.

The Masai Mara Reserve has a well-developed tourism infrastructure. There are lodges and campsites, tent camps and comfortable hotels. And, of course, there are many tourist routes for safari, for which, in fact, tourists come here.

How to get to Masai Mara National Park?

Masai Mara is 267 km from. From there you can get to the park by bus or car, spending no more than 4 hours on the road. If you value time, consider flying to your destination and take advantage of local airlines that offer twice-daily flights.

The cost of a safari in the Masai Mara is 70 USD. per day. This includes accommodation, food and assistance. You should know that walking around the park is prohibited, and you can only travel here by car.

The landscape of the park is a classic African savannah, hills in the northeast, African acacia forests in the floodplains of the main waterways - the Mara River, which gave the park its second name, meaning “variegated”, and the Talek River.

The park was founded in 1948 and named after the Aboriginal tribe living in this territory - the Maasai and the Mara River.

There are three natural and climatic zones in the park: the savanna itself, the largest ecosystem of the park, rivers and adjacent lands, and the so-called bush - an area overgrown with bushes. In all zones, the climate in the Masai Mara is even and mostly warm, which has allowed the park to gain worldwide fame as the most populated various types animals. More than eighty species of animals and almost 450 species of birds live here, including ostriches, the secretary bird and the crowned crane. And, of course, Africa's Big Five - elephant, lion, rhinoceros, leopard and buffalo.

The savannah is home to herd animals - antelope, buffalo and zebra. Near the rivers, near the trees there are giraffes, elephants, and in the rivers themselves there are five-meter Nile crocodiles and a large population of rare black hippopotamuses. The bushes are inhabited by rhinoceroses and pygmy antelopes. Predators live everywhere, but most often they can be found near rivers in the cool shade of acacias.

The Masai Mara has the largest population of lions in all of Africa, including the very rare black-maned lions. Lions are the most interesting inhabitants of the park. Remember "The Lion King"? Here in the Masai Mara they are kings. Here, against the backdrop of the beautiful landscapes of the classic savannah, lions are found literally everywhere. They can be seen chasing lunch, or dozing peacefully under a tree, waiting out the midday heat.

The popularity of the park among tourists was brought by the annual autumn migration of wildebeest, numbering from one and a half to two million individuals, which in huge herds follow the pastures to the north in dry July, and return back in October, with the onset of the rainy season. It is a magnificent sight - huge herds of animals moving in dense masses across the savannah. Zebras, elephants, gazelles, giraffes, buffaloes and other herbivores migrate along with antelopes. And in their tracks, predators relentlessly move: lions and hyenas, cheetahs and leopards, jackals and vultures. Crocodiles lie in wait for animals while wading rivers.

If you want to see predators, then there is simply no better time. They are lazy, have grown fat from easy prey and do not think about hiding from prying eyes. This whole action was called the Great African Migration.

The Masai Mara is a land of pristine African nature, virtually untouched by man, with a magnificent harmony of African tribes with wild animals and a real paradise for tourists.

The park offers you a large selection of camps to suit every taste and budget: from simple tents and African bungalows to luxury apartments. But Africa is Africa, and it has its own special rules: it is strictly forbidden to leave the hotel grounds and move around the park on foot. This can only be done in a car accompanied by a driver. To do this, there are a great variety of tours and excursions, various directions and lasting from one day to a real week-long safari. There are also special programs for children, including educational excursions.

It should be said that real safari with shooting of animals is prohibited here. An exception is made only for the indigenous population, for whom hunting is a means of survival. Tourists are only allowed to take photographs, fortunately this can be done with any camera, even a simple point-and-shoot camera, as the animals come so close to the cars.

You can also climb the mountain at dawn hot-air balloon and from a bird's eye view, with a glass of champagne in hand, explore the vast expanses of Africa! And if you are lucky and the flight coincides with the Great Migration, you will be able to appreciate the grandiose show of Mother Nature.

The southern part of the park is inhabited by indigenous people who are semi-nomadic Maasai tribes. In national villages - maniattas - tourists can get acquainted with their life. The Maasai willingly pose for tourists, show their homes, and treat them to a traditional drink from cow's milk and blood, they will teach you how to shoot a bow, and if you are lucky, they will give it to you; They will show wonderful dances, how they make jewelry and make fire. Such hospitality is not entirely disinterested - they receive twenty percent of all park fees.

Beautiful photographs will remain as a memory of the good-natured natives.

The Maasai managed to preserve their culture and ancient customs. The most important thing for the Masai is the cow. Even the Maasai pay their wife's ransom in cows. The Maasai themselves say: no cow, no life. The richest one is the one who has more cows.

But civilization still interferes with the original life of the Maasai. You can already see a shepherd with a mobile phone.

Kenya's Masai Mara National Park is a unique place. Here, both life and death are not subject to anything or anyone except the laws long established by nature.

National Park Kenya Masai Mara.

National Park Masai Mara is the most popular nature reserve wildlife in Kenya. Its territory is an open grassy savannah, plains and small hills with sparse vegetation.

A park Masai Mara located in the southwest of Kenya and covers an area of ​​320 sq. km. It is also the northern extension National Park Serengeti (Tanzania).

The number and variety of wildlife found in the park is impressive. The reserve is famous for its large population of lions and the annual migration of animals known as the Great Migration. It is considered one of the most inexplicable natural phenomena in the world. On the banks of the Mara River you can see many other wild animals such as elephants, antelopes, giraffes, leopards and hyenas. Hippos and crocodiles gather in groups along the coast of the Mara and Talek rivers. You can also see a small population of endangered black rhinoceroses (there were only 37 of them in 2000) and cheetahs, whose numbers are low due to the increase in the flow of tourists and their disruption of the daytime hunting regime of predators.

The reserve is named after the Maasai tribe, the indigenous people of this land, and the Mara River, which flows through the park. The reserve is mainly inhabited by mammals. More than 450 species of various birds also nest here, but despite this, bird lovers may be left disappointed because they are difficult to spot right away. The Serengeti ecosystem is home to the most abundant and long-bearded antelope of the savannah and plains, known as the wildebeest. Their population reaches almost 2 million individuals.

Every year in July, these herbivores migrate north in huge herds from the Serengeti plains in search of green, fresh grass and return back in September. Their impressive passage through the southern plains near the Mara River is like a rushing, raging torrent. This annual Great Migration is recognized as one of the most amazing phenomena in nature.

In the reserve you can see numerous herds of Thompson's gazelle, Grant's gazelle, impala, topi and cogony. Large herds of zebras roam the lands of the park. The plains are home to two species of giraffes: the Masai and the reticulated. Also Masai Mara is a major research center spotted hyena. The Mara River, which is the main waterway of the reserve, flows from north to southwest, crossing the territory of Tanzania to Lake Victoria, but not flowing into it. Dense trees grow along the banks of the river rainforests, in the thickets of which they live different types birds. During the Great Migration, truly dramatic events take place in these places. Here vital interests collide with mortal danger. Crocodiles that swarm the river, knocking down strong currents - all this awaits the migrating animals, which obey their natural instinct in trying to cross the river and reach the northern part Masai Mara.

The park is entirely located in the Great African Rift, the boundaries of which extend from Dead Sea in Jordan to Mozambique in southern Africa. The reserve's territory is mainly open savannah with small groups of isolated acacia trees in its south-eastern part. The eastern border of the park ends at the Great Rift of Africa at a place called The Esoit Oloololo escarpment. Lives in these places a large number of animals, since the swampy land provides access to water, and the flow of tourists is minimal due to its impassability. The easternmost point of the reserve's border is 224 km away. from Nairobi. This area is the most visited by tourists.

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