Cheese according to Dukan as possible. Dukan cheese at home

Excellent Dukan cheese. The second version of processed cheese, for those who were unable to melt the cottage cheese in the usual way in the previous recipe. The cheese according to this recipe will turn out 100%. The main thing is to choose the right cottage cheese! Try it, RAW eaters!


0.6 kg dry 0% cottage cheese

the cottage cheese must be dry

2/3 tsp. soda

2 tbsp. l. skim milk 1.5% (liquid)

0.5 tsp salt

herbs, spices to taste

From this amount of ingredients you get ~700 grams of cheese

The nutritional value for 100 g:

96.7 Kcal

17.4 Proteins

2.3 Fats

1.6 Carbohydrates


The consistency of the cottage cheese should be dry and grainy! The freshest cottage cheese, there should not be a single gram of whey in the package, otherwise the cottage cheese may not melt.

Because Later we will melt the cheese, immediately take a metal bowl and do everything in it for your convenience

First you need to mix cottage cheese with soda and leave for 1 hour at room temperature. You will see how it will begin to become translucent.

After an hour (don't hold it longer!)

Add eggs, milk, salt and spices to the cottage cheese. It is necessary to mix this mass well, it is best to do this with your hands.

Now we need to arm ourselves with a blender and beat our mass until smooth, so that there are no grains left. If the mixture is too thick, add a couple more tablespoons of milk.

Place in a water bath.

It is better to arrange a steam bath so that the dishes with the curd mass do not touch the water, but are heated by steam.

Melt, stirring constantly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained over low heat. The cottage cheese should be completely melted ( The more we melt, the thicker the cheese will be after cooling.)

Place in a mold and cool.

As always, this is just the base - add any spices and seasonings to your taste! Lovely melted Dukan cheese


Options for using this processed cheese in quesadillas and julienne

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Many girls, when going on a diet, begin to strictly limit themselves and eventually break down. But it’s so easy to choose a diet that allows you to pamper yourself with some favorite product. Many people love cheese, but it is prohibited on a diet due to its high fat content and calorie content. Dukan cheese, the recipe for which you will find in this article, is not only very tasty and tender, but also a low-calorie, permitted product. Lose weight deliciously!

A little about the Dukan diet

The diet, developed by the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan, is high-protein, that is, the consumption of carbohydrates during it is sharply reduced. The diet is divided into 4 stages:

  • attack - eating strictly protein foods;
  • alternation - alternate use in different days pure proteins and proteins mixed with permitted carbohydrates (mostly vegetables);
  • consolidation - a whole range of permitted products is added;
  • stabilization - this stage no longer has strict restrictions on food, but you should eat in small portions.

You must drink throughout the diet a large number of clean water and consume oat bran.

Cheese according to Dukan: recipe for hard homemade cheese

Delicious cheese that will please not only people who watch their diet, but also the whole family, is easy to prepare. To do this, take three liters of milk, a liter of kefir (all dairy products, according to the rules of the diet, are low-fat), 6 eggs, 4 teaspoons of salt. Pour the milk into the pan and, stirring, bring it to a boil. Beat eggs and kefir using a mixer or blender. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling milk and bring to a boil again. Place clean gauze at the bottom of the colander and drain the milk. The cheese whey you need will remain at the bottom of the dish. Wait for excess water to drain. Homemade cheese according to Dukan, the recipe for which you have read, must be placed under pressure for about 7 hours. The finished product is very tender and tasty. If you have made this cheese more than once and are tired of its taste, try diversifying the recipe by adding different seasonings.

Dukan curd cheese

If traditional recipe If you are tired of it, try making nutritious and soft Dukan cheese, the recipe for which you are about to read, is very aromatic. To prepare it, take 0.5 liters of milk, 0.5 kg of dry eggs, 0.5 teaspoons of salt and baking soda, herbs and seasonings as desired. Milk and cottage cheese should be heated well in a saucepan and placed on cheesecloth. When the resulting mass has cooled, squeeze out excess moisture from it. Mix eggs and remaining ingredients and add to cottage cheese. Place the mixture in a saucepan and turn on low heat. Remove any lumps that form from time to time. Then cover the pan and refrigerate until completely set. Dukan cheese, the recipe for which you have read, tastes very pleasant.

How to make processed cheese?

To prepare, take 0.5 kg of cottage cheese (do not forget that we take all dairy products only low-fat), 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tsp. soda, salt to taste, herbs. Mix cottage cheese with soda and leave for one hour. Then add eggs, milk, and salt to the cottage cheese. Beat the mixture with a mixer. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath. Cook the cheese over low heat. Don't forget to stir constantly! When the mass becomes homogeneous, remove it from the heat and let cool. The Dukan processed cheese, the recipe for which you see, is perfect for breakfast, especially in combination with the bran bread you have prepared.

What to cook with tofu cheese?

If you don't want to make homemade cheese yourself, you can use it on the Dukan diet soy cheese tofu. This one is low in calories but can quickly restore energy after a workout. Plus, it's an excellent option for breakfast. What recipes with Dukan tofu exist?

  1. Salad with tomatoes and tofu. Cut the cheese and tomatoes into squares. Prepare a sauce from vinegar, sweetener and garlic. This sauce needs to be simmered a little over low heat. Season the salad with it, add a little olive oil. If you are already tired of this option, you can add a little fresh cucumber. Of course, such a dish is consumed only on protein-vegetable days.
  2. Omelette. Beat eggs, salt and spices, add chopped tofu to them. Heat a frying pan (you can use a splash of olive oil) and pour the mixture into it. Sprinkle the finished omelette with finely chopped herbs.
  3. Chicken soup. Boil the chicken breast. Beat the egg into the broth. At the end of cooking, add finely chopped tofu and another chopped boiled egg. For flavor, add garlic and a little lemon juice to the soup.

As you can see, going on a diet does not mean eating monotonously and tastelessly. The diet proposed by nutritionist Pierre Dukan is chosen by millions of people all over the world. If you adhere to the established rules strictly, the result will appear very quickly.

Most girls, having decided to lose weight, very strictly cut down their diet, as a result of which they break down without achieving results. It is also incredibly difficult for cheese lovers to go without their favorite dish for a long time, because this product, due to its calorie content, can hardly be called dietary. The solution was the Dukan diet. According to its rules, cheese is allowed to be consumed at any stage of the diet, the main thing is to pay attention to the fat content of the product and the composition of the ingredients from which it is prepared.

Low-fat cheese - myth or reality

In principle, the concept of “store-bought low-fat cheese” does not exist. Each product has its own fat content and the difference is only in percentage. So which cheeses contain the minimum percentage of fat and are allowed on Dr. Dukan's diet?

Table: low-fat cheeses

Tofu cheese (soy cheese)1.5–4% fatExperts have proven that the advantage of tofu cheese is not only its minimum fat content, but also its healing properties. The product lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Low-fat grain cottage cheese5% fatOn the Dukan diet, you can eat it either as an independent dish or as part of vegetable salads (Cruise stage).
Gaudette cheese7% fatIt has a high calcium content, so it is recommended for any diet.
Cheese Chechil5–10% fatProduced for lovers of pickled cheeses, it resembles the well-known suluguni in appearance and consistency.
Cheese Fitness, Viola Polar5–10% fat contentThis product is a real find for those losing weight. The only drawback is that it is sold only in large stores.

Homemade cheese according to Dukan - salvation for losing weight

Unfortunately, it is not always (especially in small towns) that you can find cheeses with acceptable fat content in the store. In addition, if you carefully examine the table, it becomes clear that you can consume store-bought cheese only starting from the second stage (Cruise), when the permitted fat content of the product is 7%. But what should cheese lovers do during the first stage (Attack)? After all, giving up your favorite product can be a reason for a breakdown. In this case, the nutritionist recommends homemade cheeses. By the way, cheese prepared at home according to a special recipe is not only less caloric, but also very tender, tasty and does not contain harmful additives, the amount of which in a purchased product is usually very high.

Processed cheese according to Dukan

Processed cheese prepared according to this recipe can be consumed already at the “Attack” stage. If you add mushrooms or cocoa to the mixture, you will get an excellent product for sandwiches on the Cruise.

To prepare delicious processed cheese that meets all diet rules, you will need to take into account some nuances:

  1. Cottage cheese quality. The product should not only be fat-free, but also as dry as possible. If the cottage cheese contains an increased amount of whey, then the soda added to it will be instantly quenched, which will negatively affect the melting process.
  2. Amount of soda. In most cases, it depends on the acidity of the cottage cheese, so it is calculated experimentally. If you put in little, the curd grains may not dissolve. If there is too much soda, the finished product will have an unpleasant aftertaste. It is better to put a little less than stated in the recipe and adjust as cooking progresses. However, if the amount of soda could not be determined correctly and the product still has a characteristic taste, then a solution will help correct the situation citric acid(stir 0.5 tsp of dry mass into 1 tsp. hot water), added during cooking.
  3. Amount of milk. Depends on the desired consistency of the finished product. The more milk added, the softer and more tender the cheese will be. A small amount of milk makes the processed cheese thick and dense. If you put such a product in the refrigerator, then after 5–8 hours it will begin to resemble hard cheese in consistency and can be cut with a knife.

The ingredients are as follows:

  • low-fat dry cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • milk 1.5% fat - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.

The cottage cheese is mixed with the required amount of soda and left for 30–40 minutes at room temperature. During the proofing process, you can see changes occurring in the curd - it will gradually become translucent. After the allotted time has passed, add the remaining products and mix well. The resulting mass is placed in a metal bowl, which is placed in a water bath. Melt, stirring regularly, until the product turns into a paste-like mass, that is, the curd grains should completely dissolve. Place the finished processed cheese in a clean container with a lid and cool. To diversify the taste of the dish, it is recommended to add various spices and seasonings allowed by the diet.

Video: how to make processed cheese according to Dukan

Table: nutritional value of processed cheese according to Dukan

Homemade curd cheese according to Dukan

Dukan curd cheese can be prepared in two ways: from kefir or low-fat cottage cheese. You can consume it daily, starting from the first stage of the diet.

Cottage cheese according to Dukan from cottage cheese

The ingredients are:

  • milk of minimal fat content - 200 ml;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Place cottage cheese in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add skim milk, stir and place on the stove. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly. Continue the process until the whey separates (approximately 5-7 minutes). The finished curd is placed in a colander or strained through several layers of gauze. When the whey has drained, beat an egg into the mixture, add soda and salt. Mix thoroughly and put back on low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook for about 5 more minutes. The readiness of the cheese is determined by its consistency - the product should be homogeneous and easily pull away from the walls of the dish.

Table: nutritional value of cottage cheese according to Dukan

Video: how to make cottage cheese according to Dukan

Dukan curd cheese made from kefir

The only ingredient is 3 liters of 0% fat kefir.

Kefir is poured into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on fire and heated until it begins to curdle, separating into cottage cheese and whey. When the mixture reaches the desired consistency, turn off the heat and let it brew for about 30 minutes. Then place a sieve or colander in an empty deep bowl, the bottom and walls of which are covered with gauze. The settled mass is carefully poured into gauze and tied. Place the bundle of cheese in a colander again and place it over an empty bowl. A jar of water is placed on top of the bundle, which will act as a pressure, and left in this form overnight. Ready-made cheese can be consumed at any stage of the Dukan diet.

Table: nutritional value of Dukan curd cheese made from kefir

Adyghe cheese according to Dukan in a slow cooker

Adyghe cheese according to Dukan is allowed from the second stage of the diet. You can cook it not only on the stove - a multicooker will be an excellent assistant.

You will need:

  • low-fat kefir or sour milk - 2l;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • aromatic herbs and spices - to taste.

Kefir or fermented milk is poured into the multicooker bowl. In a small bowl, beat the chilled eggs with salt until foamy. The finished mixture is added to milk and mixed. Close the multicooker lid and turn on the “Baking” mode for 25 minutes. The colander is covered with gauze and placed in a deep bowl. Pour the resulting cheese mass into cheesecloth and leave for 20 minutes to drain the whey. Then the gauze is tied into a knot and placed in a deep container under pressure. After 5-6 hours the cheese is ready. The resulting product is very tender and incredibly tasty. For variety, you can add some fresh or dried herbs to it.

Video: how to prepare Adyghe cheese according to Dukan

Table: nutritional value of Adyghe cheese according to Dukan

Dukan hard cheese

To make hard cheese you need:

  • skim milk - 500 ml;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp.

Heat the milk to a boil, add cottage cheese and cook, stirring constantly, for about a quarter of an hour. The sieve is covered with gauze and the curd and milk mass is poured into it. Leave for 10–15 minutes to drain the whey. Grease the walls of the pan with a few drops of olive oil and put the hot mass into it, add salt, soda and yolks. Stir vigorously and bring to a boil again. Cook for 1–2 minutes until the product begins to lag behind the walls of the dish. Transfer the finished mass to a clean plate and cover with cling film. When the cheese has cooled a little, it is completely wrapped in film and placed under pressure for a couple of hours. From the specified amount of products, approximately 250 g of cheese is obtained.

Table: nutritional value of hard cheese according to Dukan

Tofu cheese according to Dukan

You will need the following ingredients:

  • dry soy concentrate - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 3 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - 6 tbsp. l.

Soy concentrate is poured into one glass of water, mixed thoroughly and 2 glasses of boiling water are added. The resulting mixture is put on fire and cooked for about a quarter of an hour. After the time has passed, turn off the heat and add lemon juice to the soy mixture. Under the influence of acid, the soybeans will begin to curdle. The finished mass is thrown onto a sieve and the liquid is allowed to drain, after which the cheese is transferred to a mold and put in the refrigerator. From these products you will get approximately 1 cup of cheese. As an independent product, soy cheese is allowed to be consumed from the first stage of the diet, but in combination with other products - only starting from the “Cruise”.

Video: how to make tofu cheese at home

Simple tofu dishes

Soy cheese tofu on the Dukan diet can be consumed as in pure form, and as one of the ingredients in other dishes. So what can you cook with tofu on the Dukan diet?

  1. Vegetable salad with tofu. A couple of tomatoes and cheese cut into cubes. bell pepper and the onion is cut into half rings. Used as a fill garlic Sause. To prepare the sauce, take 50 ml of vinegar and add 0.5 tablets of sweetener, then put on fire and boil until the liquid is reduced by half. Add a little pressed garlic to the hot sauce. The finished salad is decorated with sprigs of greenery.
  2. Fish soup with tofu. head onions and one carrot is chopped and poured into boiling water. They also add a jar there canned fish in its own juice and spices. Boil for 5 minutes, then add cubes of tofu cheese, reduce the heat and let the soup simmer for another 5-7 minutes. The finished dish is sprinkled with herbs. When serving, you can top it with low-fat yogurt.
  3. Chicken cutlets with tofu cheese. Pre-washed and dried chicken breasts are ground into minced meat along with one onion. Mash the tofu cheese with a fork. The greens are chopped. All ingredients are mixed and cutlets are formed. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

All of the recipes listed are allowed to be consumed starting from the second stage of the diet.

Prepare delicious and healthy cheese According to Dukan, even a beginner can do it, since the process is extremely simple and does not require special culinary skills.

Losing weight according to the Dukan system is a long and complex process. The list of foods that can be eaten in the first strict phases is short and rather meager. It’s especially hard for lovers of store-bought cheese, who, before starting to lose weight, were accustomed to eating a sandwich with a slice of their favorite snack for breakfast. At the Attack and Cruise stages, traditional cheese is not on the list of acceptable foods, but you can still eat it. This is not an ordinary product, but the diet is also unusual!

Attack and Cruise

Are all the usual supermarket cheeses prohibited on Dukan? On Attack and Cruise - yes, that's it. Dutch, Russian, Poshekhonsky - during the first two stages you can forget about these species. Why? The answer is simple - they contain a lot of fats, which are excluded from the diet. However, Dukan has nothing against low-fat processed cheese, which is allowed even on Attack.

At the Attack stage, the Dukan diet allows the consumption of low-fat processed homemade cheese

“Can I eat other types of cheese if they have zero fat content? For example, hard cheese or feta cheese? - the attentive reader will ask. There are no such recommendations on the official Dukan page, but if the amount of product per day is reasonable, this is allowed. Moreover, in low-fat form it can be not only processed cheese, but also such types as Adyghe, cottage cheese and the main cheese of salty lovers - feta cheese.

Consolidation and Stabilization

After the Cruise, cheese with a fat content of no more than 7% is allowed, its amount per day should not exceed 30 grams.

Starting from the Consolidation stage, you can eat a slice of cheese 30 grams per day with a fat content of up to 7%

Only at the Stabilization stage can you forget about restrictions and safely go to the store for your favorite type of cheese.

Where can I buy approved ones?

Low-fat cheeses are sold in stores: Tartare 0%, Chavroux 0%, Carré frais 0%, Saint Moret 0%, as a rule, all of them are foreign-made.

It is difficult to buy low-fat products, even such specific ones, in stores, but they can be prepared without much effort in the kitchen at home. Such cheese tastes, aroma and color is not much different from factory-made cheese and will help you withstand a strict diet.

Homemade cheese is practically no different from store-bought cheese.

How to cook it yourself: recipes with photos and videos

General rules

The technology for preparing low-fat cheese at home is not complicated, but you need to remember some features.

  1. The product for Attack and Cruise is prepared from components with minimal fat content.

  2. For the Consolidation phase, you can take ingredients with a fat content of up to 7%, for Stabilization - with your usual fat levels.

  3. The whole process takes quite a lot of time, each step needs to be completed carefully (ideally, you need to have at least a free evening).

  4. To help you with your work, you will need “small” kitchen equipment: a mixer or blender. You may also need a strong, medium-sized sieve and a 1-meter piece of gauze.

A mixer will help thoroughly mix the ingredients while making homemade cheese.

Melted from low-fat cottage cheese

We prepare the necessary products:

  • low-fat dry cottage cheese - 600 g,

  • skim milk - 40 g,

  • baking soda - 1 tsp,

  • eggs - 2 pcs.,

  • salt - 2 g.

  1. We rub the cottage cheese through a sieve into an enamel bowl, achieving homogeneity. At the same time, add soda to it in small portions.

  2. We wait one hour while the soda reacts with lactic acid.

  3. Mix well with milk, eggs and salt.

  4. Place the bowl in a steam bath. A saucepan or large ladle is suitable for this. Heat, stirring all the time. Our task is to obtain a plastic mass that resembles very soft processed cheese. If grains of cottage cheese remain after the sieve, grind them while heating.

  5. The finished cheese should cool slightly, after which we place it in small containers (disposable ones with a lid are ideal).

  6. Cool and put in the refrigerator.

  • proteins - 16.4 g,

  • fats - 1.8 g,

  • carbohydrates - 1.5 g,

  • calorie content - 87.6 kcal.

Processed cheese is an ideal product for a diet breakfast

If you wish, before heating the curd mass, you can add your favorite spices to it.

At Ataka, Dukan processed cheese can be eaten as an independent product for breakfast, or you can lubricate slices of boiled chicken with it. In its “pure” form, such meat is a little dry, but with soft cheese it will become much tastier.

Starting on your Cruise, try making a delicious meat salad with this cheese.

With ham and chicken


  • lean ham - 200 g,

  • boiled chicken breast - 150 g,

  • eggs - 4 pcs.

  • medium-sized onion - ½ pc.

  • gherkin cucumbers - 100 g,

  • processed cheese - 200 g,

  • mustard, salt, spices to taste.

We cut all products into equal small cubes. Mix the cheese with mustard, salt and spices, and season the salad with this mixture.

  • proteins - 13.1 g,

  • fats - 13.1 g,

  • carbohydrates - 1.3 g,

  • calorie content - 176.2 kcal.

During the Cruise stage vegetables are allowed, and hearty salad can be eaten with lean ham and boiled chicken breast for lunch


What you will need:

  • skim milk - 3 l,

  • low-fat kefir - 1 l,

  • eggs - 5 pcs.

  • salt - 1 tsp.

  1. Pour the milk into a large saucepan and place it on the stove to boil.

  2. While it boils, use a blender to mix kefir, eggs and salt.

  3. Prepare a container for squeezing cheese - take a clean colander and place two layers of gauze on the bottom.

  4. Pour the kefir-egg mixture into boiling milk. Stir, bring to a boil, make sure that the whey separation process is completed and the cheese mass curdles.

  5. Pour the resulting mixture into a colander to remove excess whey (15 minutes).

  6. Wrap the cheese in cheesecloth and place in a large bowl. You need to put a flat plate and something heavy on top so that the whey is completely squeezed out under pressure.

  7. Keep the finished cheese in the refrigerator.

  • proteins - 3.3 g,

  • fats - 0.9 g,

  • carbohydrates - 4.4 g,

  • calorie content - 39 kcal.

Homemade hard cheese has a classic dense consistency and a yellowish creamy color

The whey that separates from the cooked mass must be removed periodically. The more often you do this, the harder the cheese will be.

During the Attack with this cheese, the ideal “pair” will be lean ham. Identical slices strung on skewers will decorate your breakfast and make it a real feast.

Canapes with ham and cheese can be decorated with olives

On protein-vegetable days of the Cruise, treat yourself to a light salad with cheese, vegetables and yogurt.

Vitamin salad


  • medium size tomatoes - 1 pc.,

  • small cucumber - 1 pc.,

  • radishes - 5 pcs.,

  • leaf lettuce - 1 head,

  • low-fat hard cheese - 100 g,

  • low-fat yogurt - 100 g.

Cut the products into cubes, chop the cheese on a coarse grater. Season with yoghurt and place on lettuce leaves.

  • proteins - 5.1 g,

  • fats - 0.5 g,

  • carbohydrates - 4.2 g,

  • calorie content - 41.1 kcal.

Prepare a healthy vitamin salad with cheese. Starting from the Cruise stage, it will perfectly complement your menu

Homemade curd cheese

To prepare this product you need granular cottage cheese with pronounced grains.

A soft variety of cottage cheese is also suitable; when heated with milk, it mixes better and quickly becomes a homogeneous mass.

Required components:

  • skim milk - 0.5 l,

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 500 g,

  • egg - 1 pc.,

  • soda - 0.5 tsp,

  • salt - 0.5 tsp,

  • spices to taste.

  1. Pour milk into the cottage cheese and mix thoroughly. Heat without boiling until the whey separates.

  2. Pour into a colander lined with gauze and wait for the whey to drain.

  3. Using a blender, mix the dry mass with eggs, soda, salt and spices.

  4. Heat in a water bath until plastic and homogeneous, then place while hot in a container to form the cheese. After cooling completely, put it in the refrigerator.

  • proteins - 10.1 g,

  • fats - 3.1 g,

  • carbohydrates - 3.2 g,

  • calorie content - 80.9 kcal.

Store homemade cheese in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

Cover the containers or bowls in which the cheese is placed with cling film, so the product can be easily removed immediately after cooling. If you put it in the refrigerator without containers in one film, the cheese hardens faster and will be ready for use in half an hour.

How to make homemade cheese according to Dukan (video)

Use this type of cheese on Attack and Cruise to heat slices of meat; it melts perfectly and forms a real beautiful cheese crust.

During protein-vegetable days, you can prepare a diet Mimosa salad with homemade cheese.

Mimosa salad on Dukan


  • low-fat yogurt - 100 g,

  • low-fat cheese - 100 g,

  • natural pink salmon - 1 can 250 g,

  • onion - 1 pc.,

  • boiled eggs - 5 pcs.

Separate the yolks from the whites and grate them into separate bowls: the whites on a coarse grater, the yolks on a fine grater. We also chop the cheese, pink salmon, and onions. We place all the products in a salad bowl in layers, greasing them with yogurt: cheese, pink salmon with onions and egg whites. Decorate with a layer of chopped yolks.

  • proteins - 13.7 g,

  • fats - 5.7 g,

  • carbohydrates - 1.8 g,

  • calorie content - 113.7 kcal.

“Mimosa” is a classic salad that can be prepared on the Dukan diet with homemade cheese

Adyghe in a slow cooker

We prepare products:

  • low-fat yogurt - 2 l,

  • eggs - 3 pcs.,

  • salt - 15 g.

  1. Pour the curdled milk into the multicooker bowl.

  2. Beat the eggs with salt and mix with the yogurt with a silicone spatula.

  3. Install the “Baking” program. After 25 minutes, pour the resulting mass with whey into a sieve on a layer of gauze.

  4. Under pressure, remove excess whey, rub the resulting slice with salt and put it in the refrigerator.

  • proteins - 3.4 g,

  • fats - 3.7 g,

  • carbohydrates - 3.9 g,

  • calorie content - 61.9 kcal.

Adyghe cheese has a salty taste, so do not forget to rub the finished block with salt

During Attack and Cruise you can enjoy cheesecakes with bran.

Cheesecakes with bran

What you will need:

  • low-fat Adyghe cheese - 500 g,

  • eggs - 2 pcs.,

  • oat bran - 2 tbsp. l.,

  • corn starch - 1 tbsp. l.,

  • olive oil - 1 tsp,

  • boiled water if necessary.

Mix bran, starch, eggs, add to grated cheese. If the mass is too thick, add water. We form cheesecakes in the form of small flat cakes. In a greased frying pan, fry the cheesecakes until golden brown on both sides.

  • proteins - 10.2 g,

  • fats - 2.9 g,

  • carbohydrates - 8.7 g,

  • calorie content - 102 kcal.

Prepare dietary cheesecakes with bran and homemade cheese for breakfast, and all your loved ones will appreciate them

Kefir cheese according to the Dukan diet (video)


On Dukan, tofu cheese is an almost ideal product. It contains a lot of proteins, and the soybeans from which it is made are good for the body. With its help, cholesterol and hemoglobin levels are normalized, and it helps improve the functioning of the kidneys and gall bladder.

You can prepare Tofu cheese yourself and enjoy it at all stages of the Dukan diet.

Healthy tofu is made from soybeans, you can prepare it yourself at home


  • dry soy concentrate in granules - 1 tbsp.,

  • boiled water - 3 tbsp.,

  • lemon juice - 6 tbsp. l.

  1. Pour the concentrate into a saucepan and pour a glass cold water, mix thoroughly.

  2. Boil two glasses of water, pour into the prepared mixture, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.

  3. Remove the pan from the heat and add lemon juice to curdle the cheese mixture.

  4. Place on a sieve with gauze and squeeze out the whey. Place the cooled cheese in the refrigerator.

  • proteins - 17.2 g,

  • fats - 0.7 g,

  • carbohydrates - 1 g,

  • calorie content - 79.7 kcal.

Recipe for soy milk and tofu cheese at home (video)

Tofu omelette for attack


  • tofu - 200 g,

  • egg - 1 pc.,

  • olive oil - ½ tsp,

  • salt, spices to taste.

Cut the tofu into small cubes, beat with eggs, add spices and salt. Pour into a heated frying pan with oil, cover with a lid. Let cook over low heat for 7 minutes.

  • proteins - 8.7 g,

  • fats - 7 g,

  • carbohydrates - 0.5 g,

  • calorie content - 99.9 kcal.

Delicious and healthy breakfast - omelet with homemade tofu

Greek salad on a cruise

For a classic Greek salad you need Feta cheese. But on Dukan you can try something new, and in our salad we use tofu.


  • tofu - 150 g,

  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.,

  • cucumber - 1 pc.,

  • red onion - 1 pc.,

  • bell pepper (red, green) - ½ piece each,

  • ground oregano - 1 tsp,

  • olives - 10 pcs.,

  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.,

  • salt, spices to taste.

Cut the cheese into cubes, tomatoes into slices, cucumber into circles, pepper and onion into rings. Stir in oregano, olives, oil and salt.

  • proteins - 3.7 g,

  • fats - 4.4 g,

  • carbohydrates - 3.1 g,

  • calorie content - 70.1 kcal.

Instead of Feta cheese in Greek salad on the Dukan diet, you can use homemade tofu

Oregano can be replaced with ground black pepper; if desired, boiled chicken can be added to the salad.

With seafood on Consolidation

What you will need:

  • tofu - 30 g,

  • eggs - 4 pcs.,

  • crab sticks - 100 g,

  • red caviar (caviar appetizer) - 100 g,

  • yogurt - 50 g.

Grind eggs, crab sticks, tofu. Stir, add caviar and yogurt.

  • proteins - 12.1 g,

  • fats - 5.9 g,

  • carbohydrates - 4.6 g,

  • calorie content - 119.5 kcal.

Delicious and elegant salad with tofu, crab sticks and caviar will decorate the festive table during the Dukan diet

Tofu with mushrooms for Stabilization

We prepare products:

  • tofu - 400 g,

  • pickled ginger - 3 tbsp. l.,

  • soy sauce - ¼ tbsp.,

  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.,

  • corn starch - 2 tsp,

  • boiled water - 1.5 tbsp,

  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l..

  • chopped champignons - 250 g,

  • lettuce - 1 head.

Fried tofu with mushrooms - hearty and tasty dish, which can be eaten during the Consolidation stage

  1. Squeeze the ginger, add sauce, vinegar, starch and a glass of water to the juice. The remaining ginger will no longer be useful to us.

  2. Cut the tofu into cubes, fry in a frying pan with half the oil, and remove to a plate.

  3. In the other half of the oil, fry the mushrooms for 5 minutes. Add ginger sauce, after boiling, fry for another minute, add tofu, fry for a minute.

  4. Serve with lettuce.

  • proteins - 5.1 g,

  • fats - 7.1 g,

  • carbohydrates - 4.4 g,

  • calorie content - 101.6 kcal.

How to bypass the strict rules of Dukan and enjoy cheese at all stages of the diet? Try to cook it yourself, because there are many types of this wonderful product. The variety of dishes you can enjoy will help you easily endure the entire long diet and lose weight without giving up your favorite cheese. Lose weight with pleasure!

Do you miss melted cheese, darlings?
Then this is the place for you! A VERY simple recipe! It will work out 100%! The main thing is to find suitable dry cottage cheese.


0.6 kg dry 0% cottage cheese

the cottage cheese must be dry (without whey)

1 tsp soda

2 tbsp. l. skim milk 1.5%

0.5 tsp salt

herbs, spices to taste

From this amount of ingredients you get 700 grams of cheese

Nutritional value per 100 g:

96.7 Kcal

17.4 Proteins

2.3 Fats

1.6 Carbohydrates

Processed cheese according to Dukan


The consistency of the cottage cheese should be dry and grainy.

Because Later we will melt the cheese, immediately take a metal bowl and do everything in it for your convenience

First you need to mix cottage cheese with soda and leave for 1 hour at room temperature. You will see how it will begin to become translucent.

After an hour, add eggs, milk, salt and spices to the cottage cheese. It is necessary to mix this mass well, it is best to do this with your hands.

Place in a water bath. Melt, stirring constantly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained over low heat.

Cook until all the grains of cottage cheese have melted
Place in a mold and cool.

As always, this is just the base - add any spices and seasonings to your taste!

Use this processed cheese according to Dukan You can add it to any of your favorite dishes!


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