Soy cheese tofu benefit and harm reviews. Features of tofu cheese: product benefits

Europeans learned about such a product as tofu cheese only at the beginning of the 20th century, however, in Asia it has been known for more than one century. Asians are well aware of useful composition tofu. Its nutritional value is high, and its caloric content is low, so dishes with soy cheese are actively consumed by residents of China, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, and Malaysia.

There are several legends about the origin of the product, the content of which will not be given in this article. However, it can be concluded from them that accidental hit nigari sea salt in mashed soybeans and curdled them to make tofu cheese. Later they learned to store it, and this product saved people from hunger more than once: even if there were lean years, soybeans were always there.

Cooking methods and types of tofu

Nowadays, this cheese is cooked more than fast way: Nigare is added to soy powder, sometimes lemon juice, vinegar or calcium sulfate is used.

Then the composition is curdled, heated, decomposed into molds and cooled in water.

Traditionally, soy cheese comes in two varieties − hard and soft. Hard cheese is called cotton cheese, because the forms for its preparation are lined with cotton cloth. It gets pretty dense.

Soft cheese(silk) is prepared on silk fabric. It has a more creamy texture, which is why it is most often used to make creams, sweets and pureed soups.

Sometimes the manufacturer adds nuts, seasonings and spices to tofu cheese for a brighter taste. Calorie content increases with the addition of nuts.

However, there is an opinion that tofu can bring cheese benefit and time Let's see if this is so. What will win: its beneficial properties or harmful ones?

What are the benefits of tofu cheese?

  • vegetable protein, 8-12 g per 100 g of product
  • 8 Healthy Amino Acids
  • iron
  • folic acid
  • magnesium
  • selenium
  • B vitamins

3. The calorie content of the product is low, only 70 kcal per 100 g, while carbohydrates and fats are almost completely absent, but dietary fiber is present in sufficient volume. And all this makes tofu a product not only healthy and tasty, but also dietary. Dishes with the addition of soy cheese help maintain a slim figure and perfectly satisfy hunger due to their high protein content.

4. Tofu has another unique property, it actively removes dioxin from the body- a substance that provokes the development of cancer.

5. Tofu cheese supports normal kidney function and eliminates already existing disorders in the work of this organ, contributing to the destruction of gallstones.

6. Women during menopause and in case of failure of the hormonal system are shown to use soy products in food to replenish the level phytoestrogen, which is a plant analogue of female sex hormones.

8. The presence of copper in tofu prevents the occurrence and development rheumatoid pathologies.

9. Calcium is also an obvious benefit in the prevention of rheumatoid arthritis and other bone changes, along with strengthening the bones of the skeleton.

10. Selenium contained in soy cheese helps to maintain the youth of the body, slows down aging.

11. Activation of intellectual activity, improvement of memory, increase in concentration - all this is noted by people who regularly eat tofu. And no wonder, because lecithin and choline are actively involved in the restoration of brain nerve cells, help to survive stress.

12. This soybean product is useful not only when used in food. Facial masks are very effective, they make the skin velvety to the touch, eliminate pigmentation.

Mask recipe:

  • 1 tablespoon tofu
  • 1 tbsp olive oil

Grind both ingredients and apply on pre-steamed skin for 10 minutes. After this time, wash off the mask with cool water.

If you make such a mask 2 times a week, then the result will not be long in coming.

And, of course, it is important to note that any soybean product must be made from “good”, non-GMO soybeans, which is usually stated by the manufacturer on the packaging as “non-GMO”. Then the benefit will be obvious.

Is there any harm?

I would also like to note that harm from eating tofu can only occur if you use it in increased quantities or replace many products with it to the detriment of other, no less useful ones.

  1. The protein in tofu can cause uric acid to form in the blood.
  2. Isoflavones are natural contraceptives, so their high content in soy products causes infertility in women and reduces the concentration of sperm in men. This is important to remember during family planning.
  3. Also isoflavones inhibit the activity of the endocrine system, which means that an increased content in the children's diet can cause a slowdown in brain activity during early maturation. Thus, soy cheese should be given to children only occasionally and in moderation.
  4. For the same reason, excessive consumption of soy can cause thyroid disease.
  5. Be aware of the possible individual reactions to the product. Soy products have a laxative effect and can sometimes cause diarrhea and indigestion.

Tofu cheese: benefits and harms? Drawing conclusions

Tofu soy cheese is an excellent product with a high nutritional value. It is able to make our table more varied, enrich it with useful trace elements and even sometimes replace meat. But still, it is worth remembering that any product requires moderate consumption, and then the beneficial properties of tofu will be obvious, and possible harm- not significant.

Tofu is one of the most popular Asian foods. He also firmly entrenched in a vegetarian diet, becoming a meat substitute. Useful properties of tofu cheese are also valued in the preparation of dietary health food. But, using this product, you should not forget about the possible negative consequences for the body either.


The first step is to figure out if tofu is healthy at all. Vegetarians replace them with meat due to the content of vegetable protein. In Asian cuisine, it is used as a hearty ingredient. different dishes: from appetizers to soups. You can try it in the nearest Japanese restaurant, and it is easy to find this bean curd in stores.

Due to its composition, tofu cheese:

  • removes dioxin from the body, which is responsible for the development of cancer;
  • accelerates the natural dissolution of stones in the gallbladder;
  • improves the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system and prevents diseases;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • strengthens bones, prevents the development of pathologies of the spinal system;
  • slows down the aging process of the whole organism;
  • improves kidney and liver function;
  • for women it is useful for hormonal disorders due to phytoestrogen in the composition;
  • for men, thanks to estrogen, it prevents the occurrence of tumors in the prostate area;
  • improves skin condition, used in the cosmetic industry.

The medicinal properties of the product have long been understood by the inhabitants of Japan and China, famous for their health and high duration life. The regular use of tofu, which saturates the body with the necessary elements, has come to us late. Introduced into diets slowly, but already recommended by nutritionists. You can eat it in reasonable quantities for both adults and children, contraindications are minimal.


Tofu is not perceived by everyone as a wonderful product. Many refuse it, moreover, basing it not on palatability or individual intolerance. Soy belongs to genetically modified plants. And GMOs are to some consumers what a red rag is to a bull, despite all the modern research.

The harm of GMOs is a common misconception. On sale you will not find products based on GMO components that would really harm human health. But the negative consequences of eating tofu cheese are still not excluded.

Overeating is possible:

  • problems with the functionality of the thyroid gland;
  • early puberty for teenagers;
  • dysfunction reproductive system in both sexes;
  • slowing down the activity of the brain;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal system, diarrhea.

If, when eating tofu, skin rashes appear or you start to feel sick, you should contact an allergist and do a test. There is a possibility that you have an individual intolerance to soy products.

Dietary Properties

Tofu cheese is suitable for use in diet meals with low calories. When japanese women decide that it's time to go on a diet and lose weight, they replace meat in their diet with this product. At the same time, they do not have to limit themselves in portions. With a normal habitual diet with such a replacement, you can reset to short time weight up to 14 kg. Such a diet, not harmful to health, has taken root with us. It is one of the safest and most acceptable for the human body.

But not only losing weight can be a reason to add tofu cheese to your usual menu. Doctors recommend turning it on for various hormonal disorders (but not for thyroid diseases), problems with gallbladder, liver and kidneys. Saturation with protein and essential elements allows you to add bean curd to the tables of patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And for patients with lactose intolerance or diabetes, tofu can be replaced with dairy products.


The calorie content of tofu cheese is not the lowest. There are 73 kcal per 100 grams. May vary depending on the fat content of the product, but not significantly.


The main contraindication for tofu is individual intolerance to legumes and their products. Soy, from the milk of which this cheese is made, belongs to legumes. Use with caution in the following cases:

  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • temporary eating disorders, poisoning;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Infants and very young children are also not given dishes with this cheese. But in general, it is suitable for baby food. If in doubt, do not be afraid to consult your doctor.

During pregnancy and lactation

IN Eastern countries absolutely everyone eats tofu cheese: adults, children, pregnant women, and lactating women. But the biochemical characteristics of the body of the Japanese and Chinese, accustomed to such food, differ from European ones. Therefore, pregnant and lactating mothers should not eat tofu cheese.

Experts emphatically state that during this period it is better not to switch to such a soy diet: developmental disorders may occur both in the fetus and in the infant, who receives all the most valuable of mother's milk. If early puberty is being triggered in teenagers, then just imagine the potential harm that bean curd can cause to an undeveloped infant or embryo.

The nutritional value

Tofu is the richest in protein. Therefore, it is used as an alternative to meat. But there are few carbohydrates, so you can’t eat only them and similar low-carbohydrate dishes.

The composition includes many useful components necessary for the natural metabolic processes of the body. It is thanks to the vitamin and mineral composition that tofu cheese is so valued.

Vitamins in the composition are represented mainly by group B. Cheese is also saturated with vitamins C and PP, but in general there is no “bouquet” that vegetables and fruits are full of. But the mineral composition is impressive. Most of all in tofu manganese, calcium and copper.

How to use

Tofu cheese is almost universal. It is fried, boiled, stewed, baked and even used in desserts without any problems. Most of all, the product resembles cottage cheese, both in its consistency and in the cooking process. It is made from soy milk, the protein of which coagulates.

Tofu has almost no taste of its own. But it perfectly absorbs the tastes of the accompanying ingredients of the dish. Therefore, in its raw form or separately from other products, it will not bring any gastronomic pleasure. But having absorbed the sauces and juices of other ingredients, it will open up perfectly and will surely become one of the most favorite products on your table.

There are many recipes for tofu. Product features allow you to experiment on your own, inventing your own options that will become crown. Or you can start by trying to cook soy cheese as an independent dish.

Fried tofu in sauce

For cooking, you will need tofu, soy sauce, seasonings, garlic, flour and a little vegetable oil. The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Mix soy sauce with ground pepper, coriander, cilantro, chopped garlic and a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. You can add fresh cucumber cut into thin strips to the sauce.
  3. Let the sauce cool down a bit.
  4. Cut the cheese, salt, roll in flour.
  5. Fry in oil until golden brown.
  6. Pour in the prepared sauce and serve hot.

The proportions of seasonings for the sauce can be taken at your discretion, to taste. And if you don't want to add something fried to your diet, you can go without oil (or a minimal amount) using a good non-stick frying pan.


In order for tofu cheese to retain its beneficial properties for human health and not be saturated with extraneous odors, it must be stored properly. Basic rules for organizing storage:

  • Put away in a sealed container.
  • Keep in refrigerator.
  • So that the cheese does not absorb excess odors, it is worth placing it in a container with slightly salted clean water.
  • Can be frozen if you want to keep longer.

Soy cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week without losing its freshness. When frozen, the shelf life is significantly increased - up to five months. The texture and taste after defrosting may change, but the properties will remain. Experts recommend the use of predominantly fresh, not frozen, product.

How to choose

When choosing tofu cheese, be sure to look at how it is packaged. It should be in a refrigerated separate bag or sealed tray. Also, do not forget to look at the expiration dates: soy cheese has relatively short expiration dates. You can keep fresh cheese for no more than a week.

Before taking a package of tofu, decide what you need this product for. Cheese is divided into several categories of softness, each of which is suitable for certain types of cooking. Soft cottage cheese is suitable for dressing salads, preparing snacks and adding to desserts. Solid - for boiling, frying, baking and other more "serious" dishes. You can determine the structure by fat content. The fatter the cheese, the harder it is.

On many packages of cheese, you can see the mark “non-GMO”. If you are radically against genetically modified foods in your diet, then look for just such packages and containers. But in fact, GMOs do not affect the quality of cheese in any way and do not harm health - studies have been conducted repeatedly, no negative consequences consumption has not been identified.

What is combined with

Tofu goes well with absolutely everything: salty and sweet, sour and spicy. With it, you can cook vegetable salads, make pastries and fruit desserts. It can be done separately soy sauce, add to soups according to Asian recipes. The product is completely universal, if desired, it can be combined with almost any product. Unless it will not be combined with funchose noodles and similar unleavened dishes. Because it will not be able to absorb the aroma and taste of the product.

When forming the menu, you should not combine tofu cheese with products that are also saturated with copper, manganese and potassium. Otherwise, the body will receive too many of these elements, which can have unpleasant consequences for the body. Everything is good in moderation, including diet universal tofu.


Tofu cheese has long gone beyond Asian cuisine. Its usefulness and nutritional value have been appreciated all over the world, and vegetarians even use it as an alternative to meat. The product is versatile, can be prepared in any way, combined with different tastes. And it is contraindicated only in rare cases.

Greetings, my friends!

Tofu cheese is a universal product saturated with useful microelements, which has gained extraordinary popularity in eastern countries and is in demand by many cuisines of the world.

It is a low-calorie, protein-rich cottage cheese made from soybeans.

Its main difference from other well-known cheeses is practically the absence of its own taste, which makes it a universal culinary product.

From this article you will learn:

Tofu cheese - useful properties and how to eat it

The history of the origin of cheese

Soy, a plant from the legume family, grows in East Asia, so tofu cheese was a traditional product only in this region, and Western countries they learned about it in the second half of the twentieth century, but they quickly appreciated its peculiar taste qualities.

The exact origin of tofu is unknown, but according to legend, the court chef experimented with dishes and added nigari, a substance obtained by evaporating sea water, to improve the taste of soybean puree.

As a result, the dish curdled, turning into cottage cheese, the taste of which everyone liked, and this product is still very popular.

It is believed that eating it prolongs life and improves health.

The chemical composition of tofu

One hundred grams of the product has a nutritional value of 75 kcal.

Nutritionists of all countries have long attributed it to low-calorie, helping to lose extra pounds.

  • 8 g proteins;
  • 4.8 g fat;
  • 1.9 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.73 g of ash;
  • 84 g of water.

Many people disapprove of soy products, believing that they are of little benefit to the body. But, having considered the chemical composition of this cheese, many change their minds.

Chemical composition:

  • Amino acids.
  • Vitamins of groups B, A, E, C, PP, D.
  • Trace elements - zinc, iron, selenium, copper, manganese.
  • Macroelements - fluorine, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus.

How to make tofu cheese - Cooking technology

With the development of scientific and technological progress, the additives used to create the product have changed, but in general the cooking process itself has not changed much.

Once upon a time, soybeans had to be soaked in cold water until they were completely swollen and ground to make milk from them.

It was boiled, sea salt was added so that the milk curdled, turning into.

The resulting mass was sent under the press and as a result a unique dietary product was obtained.

Modern production has greatly simplified the process of making tofu.

  • Instead of beans, which must be soaked and then mashed, either a diluted powder is now successfully used.
  • They are separated, curdled with the help of a coagulant, which is used as nigar, vinegar or citric acid.
  • The heated mass is packaged in molds, cooled in water.
  • Some manufacturers add a variety of additives that enrich the taste of the product, but lead to the loss of the unique taste inherent only to this product.

Types of tofu cheese

Soy cheese is hard and soft.

Firm tofu is characterized by low moisture content and high protein content.

After curdling, the mass is placed in molds, on the bottom of which cotton fabric is placed, which absorbs excess liquid, and the product becomes solid.

This cheese is called cotton cheese or momen-gosi, it is divided into two types: hard (Western) and watery (Asian).

Soft cheese is called silk or kinu-goshi, as the curd mass is filtered through a silk cloth.

The product has a creamy consistency and is used for making sauces, soups, purees and various sweets.

Now it is easier to buy bean curd in a store than to cook it yourself, because in supermarkets this product can be purchased for about 300 rubles a kilogram, and the cooking process is quite laborious.

But for those who like to conjure in the kitchen, there are several recipes for preparing this delicious oriental dish.

Tofu Cheese Recipes

  • First option

One kilogram of soybeans is poured with water, a pinch of baking soda is added, the mixture is infused for 24 hours.

The water needs to be changed several times. Then rinse the beans, grind twice with a meat grinder. Pour the crushed mass with three liters of water and leave for three to four hours, stirring occasionally.

Strain and squeeze the resulting mixture through a thick cheesecloth. The base for the cheese is soy milk.

Boil a liter of milk for five to seven minutes, remove from heat and add the juice of one lemon, you can replace it with half a teaspoon of acid.

Stir the liquid until it curdles and strain. The resulting clot is the tofu cheese.

For those who love hard cheese, without removing the clot from the gauze, place it under a press, holding for a couple of days to remove excess moisture.

  • Second option

A glass of soy flour is poured into an enamel bowl, one hundred grams of water is poured, everything is mixed. Two cups of boiling water pour the resulting mixture, which must be boiled for 25 minutes.

Five teaspoons of lemon juice are added, mixed and filtered through thick gauze.

It turns out a glass of soft and tender homemade cheese.

Useful properties of the product - what is the use of tofu?

One of the most valuable properties of tofu is the presence a large number high-grade protein which excludes, unlike other products containing protein, increase of cholesterol.

Benefits of tofu:

  • provides the body with vitamins, minerals, including calcium and iron;
  • in the excretion of dioxin from the body - a substance that contributes to the development of oncology;
  • high nutritional value, contains few calories and helps to lose weight;
  • contains phytoestrogens - a plant analogue of sex hormones, useful for women during menopause and hormonal failures;
  • improves kidney function, dissolves gallstones;
  • included in the diet of people who are allergic to milk.

The use of tofu in various dishes

Soy cheese has a bland taste and an unexpressed smell, but it takes over the tastes and smells of other products quickly enough.

This allows you to use the product in a variety of dishes - sweet, salty, spicy, sour. Cheese is combined with all ingredients, it can be added to soups, salads, desserts.

You can fry vegetables with tofu, marinate, bake, stew and boil.

A smoked piece of the product is not much different in taste from ham, and if mixed with sugar and cocoa, a delicious cake cream is obtained.

A skilled chef can easily make meatballs and meatballs from tofu, replacing the meat with fried cheese.

The ways of its application are so diverse that they depend only on the imagination of the cook.

tofu recipes

  • tofu salad

Cut two fresh cucumbers and tomatoes into small cubes, add a red onion, cut into half rings. Fry shredded cheese in olive oil until golden brown. Put everything in a salad bowl, add olives and balsamic vinegar.

  • cream soup

Fry the chopped onion vegetable oil, add raw potato cubes to it, pour vegetable broth and cook until the potatoes are ready. Beat the mass with an immersion blender until smooth, add tofu cubes and warmed cream.

All you need to salt, pepper to taste, add half a teaspoon of curry and warm over low heat for a couple of minutes. Rub the finished soup through a sieve, break one sheet of nori into it. Served cream soup with rye croutons.

  • Frying in batter

Break into a container one raw egg, add water and beat with a fork. Add flour to create a dough that resembles thick sour cream in consistency. Spices, seasonings, salt and pepper add any, to your taste. Dip each piece of chopped tofu in batter and fry in vegetable oil. Served with vegetables and herbs.

Choice of tofu when shopping

Soy cheese is sold in health food stores and large supermarkets. To purchase a quality product, you must carefully read its composition.

The best is tofu, which is produced using calcium chloride.

Classic cheese contains water and soybeans, sometimes various seasonings may be indicated in the composition, which are added to mask the staleness of the product.

It is better to buy tofu without any additives and check the expiration date. Preference is given to vacuum packaging, it is more hermetic.

Once opened, keep refrigerated and use within three days. Quality cheese must be white color, and if there is even a slight yellowness, then the product has been frozen and has become more porous and tough.

Proper storage of tofu

A closed package of cheese will keep for about five months at room temperature. Freezing is not recommended.

If the cheese is open, it must be rinsed and put into water, if possible, pumping out the air from the container.

Tofu cheese benefits and harms - video

Contraindications for eating soy cheese

Despite its beneficial properties, soy cheese can also harm the body.

The phytic acid contained in this product combines iron with minerals such as magnesium, calcium and zinc, so tofu should not be consumed by pregnant women and newborn children.

A large amount of cheese reduces the concentration of sperm in men. People with diseases of the endocrine system should also avoid using the product.

Harmful is the tofu, which includes soy grown in adverse conditions and poor ecological environment.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))

The word tofu is a popular Asian product that is made from soybeans. The main feature is the presence of a large amount of protein. For many people in Asia (China, Japan), Europe, this product has become the main source of iron, protein, calcium. Tofu cheese is rich in protein and does not contain harmful cholesterol, and the consistency resembles classic cheese (pictured).

What is tofu

Tofu is not an animal product, but a vegetable product. It is obtained by curdling soy milk with the help of additional components: citric acid, calcium sulfate and others. Belongs to the category dietary products with a minimum of calories, since the composition is as balanced as possible, it does not have animal fats. Benefits of tofu great content proteins, the product is a source of calcium and the basis sports nutrition, diet.

Modern technology of creation allows you to create a convenient and practical shape that does not differ from the look of the classic dairy product. The main condition for long-term storage is sealing or storage in a liquid so that the product cannot absorb the taste and smell of other components that are nearby. There are many healthy recipes cooking, for example, when cooking, it can replace meat.

Tofu cheese - benefits and harms

The classic tofu cheese has a wide range useful properties for the human body. Given the low calorie content, we can talk not only about the usefulness, but also about the lightness of this product. It contains vegetable protein, the amount of which exceeds 11 grams per 100 grams of pure product, has no cholesterol. Milk protein will be a quality replacement for eggs, meat (pork, chicken, turkey) or cow's milk. This is true for those who are allergic to these components or do not use them.

The calcium content in soy milk positively affects the strengthening of bones, teeth and nails. Soybean curd is included in the list of the lowest-calorie foods, therefore it is recommended to use it as the main source of protein when losing weight to saturate the body with essential microelements. Soft cheese contains the right carbohydrates that increase a person's energy tone.

Beneficial features

Delicious cheese has a unique energy value. The list of useful substances in the composition of this product is not limited to carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. It contains antioxidants that cleanse the body with regular use, and it does not contain cholesterol. The herbal product can be used to make soups, salads or as an addition to a variety of dishes. If you add vegetables in a significant amount, you get a salad for weight loss.

The universal product has a dense texture, which makes it convenient for cooking and processing. The following beneficial properties of cottage cheese for the human body can be distinguished:

  • has a positive effect on the heart vascular system person;
  • the absence of animal fats and cholesterol increases the benefits for those on a diet;
  • island tofu (curdled in sea water) improves metabolism;
  • has a high nutritional value;
  • plant foods are quickly and well absorbed by the body;
  • calcium salts strengthen the skeletal system of the body.


Tofu cheese has a low calorie content, due to which it compares favorably with conventional varieties. In cooking, cheese appeared as a nutritional element, a substitute for meat. Today, tofu is consumed as a protein product - it contains the most proteins. Per 100 grams you get over 9 grams of protein, about 4 grams of carbohydrates and 1-2 grams vegetable fat. Silken tofu (soft) is pleasant, satisfies the feeling of hunger, saturating the body with the right nutrients.

What is harmful

By itself, bean curd as a product of everyday use does not harm the body. Sometimes a person may have a soy intolerance. Then dishes from this product or the cottage cheese itself can cause minor harm and cause indigestion. Some cook their own version of cottage cheese at home. Buy a product that is not harmful to health in trusted stores or from friends.

What is tofu made from?

The basis includes soy curd, which is obtained from milk of plant origin. Beans are the key ingredient in the mix. To make the consistency porous and solid, a special coagulant is added. In order to prepare the final product, suitable for serving, the composition should be heated, put under a special press.

This recipe is universal - this is how cheese products are produced by residents of Europe and Asia, where tofu is especially popular. Today, numerous types are available in different packages, at different prices, which makes the product accessible to all connoisseurs of high-quality bean curd. To obtain a special taste, various seasonings and spices are added, and sauces are served with cottage cheese dishes.

Chemical composition

You can make this product yourself without special knowledge. However, the key value and usefulness of tofu cheese lies in the chemical composition. Some add components (spices), so the composition may partially change. However, third-party additives do not reduce usefulness. Each dish from this ingredient has a high energy and nutritional value. On average, it is distinguished by the following elements:

  • potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium - macronutrients;
  • copper, iron, zinc, manganese - trace elements;
  • vitamins of various groups - A, E, C, PP, B;
  • amino acids and minerals.

How is soy cheese made

To make such a product, professional equipment is not required: you can cook at home by purchasing soy flour initially. The main thing is to keep classic recipe. Third-party non-natural ingredients reduce the value of this product. It is also important to make cottage cheese sweet or add to desserts. Some people fry the finished mixture and use it as the basis of a dish or addition. Approximate order of preparation:

  1. Initially, fresh soybeans are taken, which are ground into flour.
  2. Very salty water is added there.
  3. Then the resulting mixture is put into the prepared form and the required form is set under pressure.

How to cook tofu at home

The main condition for a quality dish is the selection of ingredients. traditional recipe contains sea ​​water which is rich in magnesium. After the formation of the mass, you need to prepare the right press - you can make it from heavy bottles or other improvised means. The finished cheese is marinated in the same salt water until the desired taste is obtained, then put under a press.

Types of soy cheese

In total, there are two main types of this cheese, but they practically do not differ in smell and taste:

  • Solid - cotton. It lends itself better to cutting, retains the correct shape even when frying.
  • Soft - sometimes called silk. The peculiarity of the soft product lies in the delicate structure, which resembles homemade butter.


To get high-quality cheese at home, you need to prepare the following components:

  • cold water- 1 glass;
  • soy flour - 1 cup (or 250 grams);
  • hot water - 0.5 liters;
  • lemon juice - about 70 milliliters.

The procedure for preparing the product is as follows:

  • First, mix cold water with flour until smooth.
  • Then add the specified amount of hot water.
  • Boil the mixture for no more than fifteen minutes.
  • Later, add juice - lemon or orange - to give the cheese a more pronounced taste.
  • Mix and strain it all through a fine mesh (gauze works best).
  • Put the resulting product under the press, store in the refrigerator for more than one day.

Where to buy soy cheese tofu

You can buy this ingredient for selected dishes in any large supermarket. Many manufacturers have long learned to reproduce the proper quality and useful chemical composition. Please note that too low a price of tofu should raise suspicion. Farm products are also worth a look, but artisanal products can have questionable quality.

What is the price

Classic tofu is about the same price as regular cow's milk cheeses. Sometimes it can be more affordable (cheaper than products on the dairy market) because it uses plant elements instead of animal ingredients, but the final cost depends on the method of preparation, for example, the price of smoked ones is higher than the classic varieties.

What to eat with tofu

Today there are a wide variety of recipes for cooking dishes with tofu cheese. In a vegetarian version, it is consumed along with salads. Often found in "Caesar" and simple vegetable salads without eggs. With a neutral taste, the cheese is easily combined with ingredients in desserts, meat dishes, vegetable salads. For this, specially in cooking are offered different types tofu cheese: with herbs, oriental spices or even nuts.

Tofu cheese - recipes with photos

One of the most popular dishes with tofu cheese is a delicious and aromatic soup served as a main dish. You can also add vegetables and mushrooms there, which radically changes the taste and color of the whole soup. The structure and composition of such soy milk products differ from those that we are used to using, but their properties and richness are not inferior to milk or curd of animal origin.

If you want to create not just a snack, but a dense and high-calorie dish, then try making pork skewers with hard tofu and vegetables. Some people manage to smoke cottage cheese along with meat and get a very effective aroma and delicate, refined taste. Long-term storage of cheese should be carried out in a special brine, otherwise the structure of the product will be broken.

Vegetable salad with cheese

Vegetarians or people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can replenish all necessary stock nutritional components with this ingredient. Cut a standard set of vegetables: lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, add olives and onions. Mix all this with pieces of cottage cheese and pour a small amount of olive oil. This salad is recommended to use not only for weight loss, but also to replenish energy.


  • soft cheese - 150 g;
  • lettuce leaves (iceberg) - 1/4 pc;
  • small tomatoes or cherry tomatoes - 100 g;
  • green peas (you can use frozen) - 100 g;
  • a drop of lemon juice;
  • soy sauce - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt, black pepper (to taste), vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut hard cottage cheese, small tomatoes into small squares. If you chose cherry tomatoes, cut them into two halves.
  2. Coarsely tear lettuce leaves with your hands or chop.
  3. Mix in a container with peas, soy sauce, spices.

fried tofu

Although this product is called soy, it is of plant origin - tofu can be freely cooked. Frying takes place in a standard frying pan. It is advisable to use olive oil containing more valuable micro and macro elements. It is recommended to use batter as a fragrant addition. It will create a golden, crispy crust for tofu cheese.


  • bean curd - 500 g;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil.
  • salt, seasonings to taste;
  • starch, breadcrumbs or flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the cottage cheese into rectangular thin pieces, remove excess moisture with a paper towel.
  2. Roll the pieces in breadcrumbs or flour, sprinkle with garlic and/or brush with honey.
  3. Heat a frying pan, pour oil into it and fry a little until a beautiful crust appears.

Cheese soup

Classical cheese soup- a traditional dish for many national cuisines. It is loved by Europeans, often cooked in China, Japan or Korea. The simplicity of the recipe guarantees tasty dish in just one hour at no extra cost. At the same time, you can choose the main set of vegetables yourself, each time receiving a new menu. It is recommended to use champignon mushrooms for aroma and taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare cottage cheese, cut into thin slices.
  2. Cut small vegetables and finely greens, throw them into boiling water, salt, add spices.
  3. After a couple of minutes, add chopped cottage cheese to the soup, stir with a spoon.
  4. Wait about 5 minutes for the broth to turn creamy.

The use of soy cheese in cosmetology

Tofu is also called a cosmetic product that has anti-aging properties due to its chemical composition. Application in cosmetology is to whiten the skin of the face, the formation of its more delicate structure. To prepare a universal cream, only three components are used: a little tofu cheese, olive oil, herbs (dill is best).


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Supporters healthy eating and simply seekers of new taste sensations are increasingly paying attention to traditional dishes of Asian countries. The hero of this article - tofu soy cheese - has a long history and is one of the main products in the cuisines of China, Japan, Thailand, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia. Useful properties of tofu were sung in ancient legends, and unusual taste features allowed it to find a variety of uses in cooking.

In the 20th century, this interesting product became widespread in the West, where it was especially loved by those who for some reason do not eat meat or follow their figure. Below we will look at how tofu is made, what its nutritional value and beneficial properties are, and also touch on the topic of contraindications and possible harm.

What is tofu?

Tofu curd, also often referred to as tofu cheese, is a food product made from soybeans. Possessing a high nutritional value, it has almost no taste, and therefore it has become widespread in world culinary arts, especially in its homeland, in China, and in other Asian countries. The range of its uses is extensive: fried, baked, boiled, smoked, steamed, added to salads, soups, sauces and desserts. In most cases, "neutral" tofu is used as a hearty base of the dish, using spices and seasonings to create a bright taste.

There are a large number of varieties of bean curd, differing in consistency, water content and the presence of certain additional components.

Tofu can be prepared in many ways, including fried

What is bean curd made of?

Since the first mention of the process of making tofu dates back to the second century BC, it is difficult to establish for certain when and how it was invented. Most Chinese lore speaks of seawater accidentally getting into a dish of soybean puree and then curdling it.

Modern technology for making tofu is similar to the process of making ordinary cheese from cow's milk. First, milk is made from soybeans, and then soy protein is coagulated with the help of special coagulants - citric acid, calcium sulfate or magnesium chloride. In some regions of China, as in ancient times, sea water, which also contains magnesium and calcium, is still added to bean curd.

The final preparation procedure involves pressing into briquettes and packaging in a sealed container filled with water, in which the product can keep its shelf life for several weeks.

Some manufacturers add additional ingredients (nuts, spices, seasonings) to the finished tofu for a more pronounced taste.

What nutrients does it contain

It is unlikely that tofu would have received such a distribution if not for its rich composition. The main advantage of the product is the presence of high-quality vegetable protein, all the necessary amino acids and a large amount of iron with calcium. In terms of protein, tofu, like other soy products, surpasses eggs, fish and beef. On the other hand, tofu is low in calories and contains no cholesterol, and its low fat and carbohydrate content makes it easy to digest.

  1. Macronutrients: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus.
  2. Trace elements: iron, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium.
  3. Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, vitamin C.

Table: Calories per 100 g


  • Most of the health benefits of tofu are due to high quality soy protein, which is easy to digest and great for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The low calorie content of tofu and the almost complete absence of fats and carbohydrates are in the hands of people who are watching their weight. And it is also a source of iron, calcium, magnesium and fiber, which Russians often lack in their diet.
  • For those who are allergic to animal protein (egg and milk), adding tofu to the menu will help compensate for the lack of necessary substances.
  • Soy curd improves kidney function and promotes the dissolution of gallstones.
  • The isoflavones contained in soy remove the poison dioxin from the body, which causes cancer, so the use of tofu acts as a prevention of cancer.
  • People with diabetes The second type, doctors recommend eating soy products to normalize carbohydrate metabolism.

For women

It would not be an exaggeration to say that tofu brings the greatest benefit to the female sex. It's all about the phytoestrogens contained in soy, which act similarly to the hormones produced by female body. Their level decreases with menopause, while soy "feeds" the body, helping to balance hormonal background. Soy consumption improves well-being and relieves menopausal symptoms, reduces the risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis, tightens the skin and prevents its aging. True, an excess of phytoestrogens is also harmful to the body, so it is better not to overeat tofu.

For girls on a diet, bean curd is a great solution! Low calorie content, high nutritional value of tofu and the presence of many useful trace elements help to stay in good shape and maintain a figure.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Whether to consume soy products during pregnancy is an open question. Most experts agree that the isoflavones contained in soy can adversely affect gestation.

No less conflicting information about the use of soy during breastfeeding. On the one hand, the minerals and vitamins contained in tofu help the little body to grow, and the mother to cope with the fatigue and weakness that a woman may experience at this stage. On the other hand, soy is a fairly strong allergen that can cause stool disorders and colic in a child. Before deciding to add tofu to your diet, it is best to consult with your doctor.

For men

The soy protein found in tofu helps men regain energy and increase muscle mass, and iron and selenium in its composition increase physical strength, which makes bean curd especially useful for those who play sports or are subjected to constant stress.

Soy also reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol, which protects the stronger sex from heart disease and strokes.

For obese men, tofu will help achieve a healthy weight due to the lecithin in the composition that affects body fat.

There is information about the benefits of bean curd in diseases of the prostate.

For children

Tofu can be given to children from the age of two in moderation. Soy protein helps a young body grow and develop, and minerals and trace elements in tofu help strengthen bones and teeth.

Bean curd can be a good alternative to eggs and cow's milk if your child is allergic to them.

Video: "Live healthy" about the benefits of tofu

Is there any harm?

The point in the debate about the dangers and benefits of soy has not yet been set, and you can find quite a lot of criticism of soy products. Don't use them too much large quantities or replace all foods in the diet with soy analogues.

First, there is a danger of purchasing a product made from genetically modified soybeans. Reliable data on the effect of GMOs on the body has not yet been received, therefore, when buying tofu in a store, make sure that there is a label on the product confirming that this product does not contain GMOs.

Secondly, excessive consumption of soy can provoke thyroid disease. Isoflavones have a depressing effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, and this can be especially bad for the child's body, which is threatened by an excess of soy in the diet with a slowdown in brain activity and early maturation. For this reason, soy is not recommended for infants, and older children should not be given it too often.

In addition, isoflavones are known as natural "contraceptives", so regular consumption of tofu can cause infertility in women and a decrease in sperm count in men. If you are planning to have a baby - soy products are contraindicated for you!

Soy products are also contraindicated in people with uric acid metabolism disorders, because soy protein increases its concentration in the blood.

We should not forget about the possible individual intolerance of this product, allergic reactions and that in some cases soy can cause indigestion and diarrhea.

Thus, an exotic product of Asia - tofu soybean curd - can find its place on Russian tables, acting as a worthy alternative to meat and giving the body the necessary elements. However, it is important not to forget that tofu is not a panacea, but an ordinary product that has contraindications and requires moderate consumption so that the benefits do not turn into harms!
