Dried dates for weight loss. Can dates be called a dietary product? In what quantities and at what time of day can you eat?

By drying, these fruits retain vitamins and microelements, can be stored for a long time and are welcomed by nutritionists.

If you want a quick answer. Dates are a prominent representative of fruits that are consumed dried. Despite the fact that they are quite high in calories, dates can be eaten while losing weight.

Dates are a sweet product, which allows those with a sweet tooth to endure the diet period without stress and lose weight without giving up sweets. They, like most dried fruits, have a number of advantages:

  1. They satisfy the feeling of hunger well.
  2. They replace sugar and can replace a sweet dessert.
  3. Promotes good digestion.
  4. Quickly absorbed.
  5. Normalize sugar levels.
  6. Normalizes the state of glucose in the body.
  7. The person receives a great charge of energy.
  8. Protects the body from a number of diseases, including cancer.
  9. Prevents the development of tuberculosis.
  10. Promotes kidney function and...
  11. Frees the body from excess fluid.
  12. Helps stimulate the mental system.
  13. Improves blood circulation.
  14. Have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  15. Promotes healthy sleep.

Rich composition of dates

Is it possible to eat dates while losing weight and not worry about the fact that it can harm a balanced diet? You can, most importantly, not abuse it. This overseas product will only help in the fight against extra pounds. With the help of these sweet fruits it is possible not only to lose weight, but also to enrich the body with useful substances and vitamins A, B. Namely:

  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Thiamine
  • Phenolic antioxidants

Calorie content of dates

How many dates can you eat on a diet? Every person who monitors their weight wants to know the calorie content of a particular product. These numbers are also needed when calculating the dietary intake. The nutritional value this product is equal to 345 kcal, of which: 2 g protein and 71 g. . Despite the fact that there are no fats in this product, they must be consumed correctly in order to remain slim day after day. A safe norm for weight is 5-6 large fruits.

Choose your dates wisely

The first thing that distinguishes a good fruit from a bad one is color. There are several varieties of dates, but the skin should be soft brown, almost golden or dark. If the skin is gray, the dried fruits have been stored for a long time and incorrectly. This product is not worth buying. It will only bring harm. Be sure to ask the seller to weigh the product from a closed box. The dates on display are already saturated with microbes.

The skin of the fruit should not be damaged, very wrinkled or very soft to the touch. This is not only an indicator of a stale product that was stored inappropriately. Perhaps it was dried in a special chamber and not in the open air. If the date is wet, it means the drying system has been broken. If the fruit is stuck together, it means it’s already gone. Product good quality should be crumbly.

You also need to pay attention to its shine. The date should not shine. Know for sure that the shine on the fruit means that it has been chemically processed and there are unlikely to be any beneficial substances left there. Also, the date skin is damaged and peeling off, which means that crystalline sugar has accumulated in the product, which indicates improper storage. If you find these pitted dried fruits on sale, it means they have also been chemically treated.

Proper storage of dates

Dates should be stored in a cool place in a glass container. If the refrigerator is very cold, then they shouldn’t put them there. Some experts advise keeping them in water for a while before using them. Soaking will remove the nitrates that are now so common in many fruits. It is better to do this first in warm, then in cold water.

Dates and dairy products

Dates in tandem with kefir or milk - effective method good to lose weight. Maintaining this diet is not so easy, but the results are worth it. If a person loves meat dishes, then this diet is not for him, but it is ideal for a vegetarian. With this diet you can lose up to 5 kilograms per week. You will need 30 dates and 1.5 liters of skim milk or kefir per day.

As you already know, you should not consume more than 5-6 dried fruits at one time. This will be the norm for the day, which you need to wash down with a glass of milk or kefir. This diet involves replacing dinner with these products, and snacking on salads or vegetables for lunch. Milk will provide the body with proteins, and fruit will satisfy hunger.

Three-day date diet

This diet is also called a fruit diet. The diet is intensive and, as nutritionists often say, “hungry”, so it is not suitable for everyone, but it is effective.

1 day

  • Breakfast: dates – 5 pcs. and drinking low-fat yogurt. After 40 minutes you can drink green tea.
  • Lunch: stewed with greens.
  • Afternoon snack: – 1 pc.
  • Dinner: dates – 5 pcs. and a glass of milk.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: 5 pcs. and a glass of kefir. After 40 minutes you can drink green tea.
  • Lunch: salad of cucumbers and herbs, dressed olive oil or a squeeze of lemon.
  • Afternoon snack: – 1 pc.
  • Dinner: dates – 5 pcs. and a glass of curdled milk.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: 5 pcs. and 100 gr. After 40 minutes you can drink green tea.
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 100 grams of squash caviar.
  • Afternoon snack: 2-3 apricots.
  • Dinner: dates – 5 pcs. and dairy product.

You can consolidate this diet with 4 days, in which you eat only dates, and wash them down with dairy and fermented milk products. The body of someone losing weight receives all the necessary substances in balance. Dates can be eaten when losing weight, in unlimited quantities, if these dried fruits are the main product in the diet. This diet can get rid of 5 kg of excess weight in 4 days.

Pasta with dates and nuts

There are a lot of recipes for dishes that involve dried fruits. People often make compotes from dried fruits to lose weight or simply for health. Paste with dates and nuts not only saturates the body, but its ingredients also contain a number of useful and necessary substances that every body needs on a daily basis.


  • 10 dates:
  • A handful of almonds;
  • A handful of pistachios;
  • A handful of hazelnuts;
  • Honey – 1 tbsp;
  • Ginger - a small piece.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the nuts. You can wrap them in a kitchen towel and crush them with a meat mallet.
  2. Remove the pits from the dates and cut into small pieces.
  3. Place all ingredients in a blender and add chopped ginger and a spoonful of honey.

This tasty and healthy pasta can be eaten for breakfast with rye bread or bread.


People who:

  1. They suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. For diabetes and kidney disease.
  3. If a person suffers from diarrhea, then consuming this product will only worsen the situation.
  4. If diabetes or pancreatitis is severe, this product should be completely excluded from the diet.

Everything that hasn't already been said about dates

Let's summarize:

  1. Dates can be eaten when losing weight, if not abused. It is better to combine it with dairy and fermented milk products. In this case, you can quickly and effectively lose weight and get a slim figure.
  2. Be sure to brush your teeth after using this product to protect your tooth enamel.
  3. Before eating dried fruits, be sure to wash them thoroughly or soak them in water.
  4. Never buy them from an open counter.
  5. This product goes perfectly with porridges and salads. Balanced recipes are the key proper nutrition.


Among the wonderful gifts of nature, dates occupy a special place. In hot countries they were never exotic, but were a vital product. It is not for nothing that the Prophet Muhammad is credited with the saying: “People in a house without dates are in a state of hunger.” If you needed to survive for some time in the absence of food, dates always came to the rescue. They can be called a real storehouse of energy: dates contain quickly digestible carbohydrates, which instantly satisfy the feeling of hunger and drive away fatigue.

What are the benefits of dates?

Many people believe that eating dates is only beneficial for those who do not have too much fat “reserves” and whose plans do not include losing weight. There is some truth in this, but only a share. Let's take a closer look at the composition and properties of this delicious fruit to find out why dates help and who they will benefit from.

The beneficial substances contained in dates can be listed for a long time. Let's remember the main ones:

  • - copper;
  • - potassium;
  • -magnesium;
  • - iron;
  • - calcium;
  • - thiamine;
  • - fluorine

The body needs all of them so that it can function without failures. In particular, potassium and magnesium are necessary for the heart muscle, calcium contributes to the strength of the skeletal system, and fluoride protects tooth enamel.

In addition to microelements, dates contain vitamins - if not all, then a considerable amount of them. B6 and B5, vitamins A and B12 - a whole wealth of vitamins can be found in one small date. Therefore, dates are indispensable for almost all people in a healthy diet. It is worth mentioning phenolic antioxidants - these substances help cope with age-related changes and significantly increase the chances of success in the fight against cancer and diseases of cardio-vascular system. It has been proven that these fruits can lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

In general, dates are not only pleasant, but also extremely healthy fruits. Is it possible for people losing weight to eat dates? It turns out that they are not prohibited when losing weight, since they can quickly “deceive” the stomach - when they are consumed, the brain receives a signal of saturation within a few seconds.

Please note: for those losing weight, dates are an excellent substitute for sugar and sweets (while being much more healthy): when they are consumed, the body produces serotonin (“the joy hormone”), which is usually lacking for all dieters, because. it is formed when snacking on sweets.

Oh, those scary calories: calculating the glycemic index of dates

Almost any citizen who wants to snack on dates may have a reasonable question: how many calories are these fruits? What if one snack will negate days of courageous struggle with fat folds? In other words, how can you eat dates to lose weight and not gain weight?

This question is absolutely reasonable, considering that 100 g of dates contains about 350 kcal. According to the content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the breakdown per 100 g is as follows:

  • — proteins – 2, g;
  • — carbohydrates – 71.2 g;
  • – fat – 0 g.

How to take dates to “comfortably” lose excess weight? Some may be forced to refuse a healthy product by its fairly high glycemic index. What this indicator means is well known to people suffering diabetes mellitus. The glycemic index is, so to speak, a marker of blood sugar levels. It shows how much food consumed can change this level. It is customary to define it in numbers, starting from 0. The “standard” is glucose, the index of which is taken to be 100. So, dates have a glycemic index of 103.

The second indicator important for weight regulation is the glycemic load. It is obtained by multiplying the index by the number of carbohydrates per 100 g of product and dividing by 100. The result for dates is also not modest - 74.5.

The obtained figures indicate that you can lose weight with dates if you follow certain rules for their consumption.

How many dates can you eat a day? It depends on your mood, but no more than 6-7 pieces if you are on a diet.

By the way, they are designed for those who have a sweet tooth. special diets, which are based on dates. Shall we be curious?

Dates with milk or kefir: how delicious!

A diet based on milk and dates is quite simple, but it will be difficult to maintain for those for whom vegetarianism is not a habitual way of life. But for others, it is quite affordable, and the results are impressive: in a week you will get rid of 3 or 4 kg.

The duration of this diet should not exceed 7 days. We prepare for the day:

  • - 25 dates;
  • - 3-4 glasses of milk.

You can eat 7-8 pieces at a time, washing down the serving with a glass of milk. You can also eat dates with milk at night, but not just before bed. Milk contains proteins and fats, and they are necessary for everyone who decides to lose weight on dates, because... these fruits contain practically neither one nor the other.

Instead of milk, you can drink kefir. This is even healthier than milk: many people tolerate milk worse over the years, but consuming fermented milk products is recommended at any age. In addition, kefir contains a large amount of calcium necessary for bones.

Dates with water: a mono-diet option

Sometimes it’s a good idea to give the body a little stress in the form of a mono-diet. The main condition: this diet should not last long, a maximum of 5 days. The benefits of dates for weight loss are undeniable if you eat them in modest quantities, and therefore you can switch to dates with water for one working week.

We take 25-26 fruits and water or herbal teas - in any volume. You need to eat from 4 to 10 pieces at a time. But you can enjoy whatever drinks you want, whenever you want, as long as they don’t contain sugar. Thus, dates instead of sweets (and indeed instead of regular food) during the week are a very good idea!

After finishing the diet, you will feel pleasant relief: the scales will move back by 4-5 kilograms.

The role of dates in other diets

With significant restrictions on the number of calories, one is drawn to something sweet. Well, don’t deny yourself a treat: eat dates! Dates without sugar and honey, without parallel consumption of sweets, are a good way to brighten up a period of food restrictions.

Dried dates are not contraindicated during a diet. You just need to make sure that their number does not exceed 5-6 pieces. Otherwise, you will give too much acceleration to the “insulin swing”: dates quickly saturate the body with carbohydrates, which causes intense insulin production. And excess insulin provokes feelings of hunger. As a result, you can break off the diet without finishing the job.

Can I have dates at night?

There are no prohibitions in this regard. On the contrary, for those who have difficulty falling asleep or who suffer from insomnia, it is recommended to eat a couple of fruits before bed: dates contain special substances that turn into serotonin and melatonin. The latter regulates sleep, ensuring its good quality.

Who should limit their consumption of dates?

Despite their obvious benefits, these tasty fruits require careful treatment on the part of people who suffer from the following diseases:

  • — chronic ailments of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • — kidney diseases (urolithiasis);
  • - diabetes mellitus.

You should not eat dates if you have diarrhea, because despite the high potassium content in these fruits, it helps to replenish the loss. useful substances For diarrhea, dates may worsen diarrhea in some people. In this case, it is better to cook dried fruit compote, including dried apricots and dates, and drink it more often.

Dates are contraindicated for severe diabetes. They can be dangerous in case of pancreatitis.

Even absolutely healthy people You cannot sit on a diet for a long time, the basis of which is these sweet fruits, because they do not provide the body with building material for cells.

Several recipes for interesting dietary dishes with dates

Many recipes when losing weight include dates. From these fruits you can prepare dishes that can satisfy the whimsical taste of the most spoiled gourmet.

For example, you can make a sweet paste for sandwiches that will turn your morning tea into a pleasant, invigorating ritual. To do this we take:

  • - 10 dates;
  • - a handful of almonds (fresh or roasted);
  • - a teaspoon of chopped ginger;
  • - a tablespoon of honey.

All this must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. You can use a blender. Spread the resulting paste on a piece of grain bread in the morning and enjoy. Reviews from those who have tried this paste instead of jam are strictly positive!

A light salad with dates is prepared like this. 10 finely chopped dates should be mixed with two medium-sized carrots grated on a coarse grater. You can season the salad with either olive oil or honey. The salad is great for a snack or as a main dish for dinner for those losing weight. It promotes rapid cleansing of the intestines.

You can make a drink from dates that is not prohibited on almost any diet. Take 10-15 dates and add a handful each:

  • - cranberries;
  • - prunes;
  • - raisins;
  • - dried apples.

All this should be poured with boiling water and left to infuse for half an hour. The result will be a kind of compote containing a huge amount of useful substances. It is allowed to drink in unlimited quantities. You can alternate it with green tea, mineral water- as you wish.

Dates are wonderful fruits, perfectly satiating, satisfying not only hunger, but even thirst (they contain about 20% water). And don’t be afraid of the high calorie content - if you eat dates in moderation, they won’t add a single gram of excess weight to you, but they will instantly relieve you from a sad mood and fatigue. Place a vase of dates on the table more often - instead of a cake and a box of chocolates!

Those who understand the calorie content of dates know that this product cannot be “joked.” Dates are sweet and high in calories, they are full of “fast” carbohydrates. However, fasting date days can have a very beneficial effect on health and the process of losing weight.

Important rule, requiring compliance is the combination of dates with other food products. Or rather, it is absolutely impossible to combine them! Fasting days should consist only of water and dates; you can drink pure, unsweetened green or herbal tea several times a day.

The secret to losing weight with such a diet is several techniques that involve a person’s metabolism, forcing it to work in an enhanced mode. In addition, dates will help you cleanse your intestines, and a sufficient amount of water per day will help restore your water-salt balance.

You should not assume that in an effort to lose a few kilograms, you can limit yourself to only dates - there are many fruits that are no less effective in losing weight. Prunes are another great food that helps burn fat in record time.

Dates and prunes, recipe for losing weight overnight:

  1. Grind 5 fruits into a fine paste.
  2. Pour in a small amount of low-fat natural yoghurt (you can even use plain water);
  3. Eat at one time.
  4. Drink 200 ml of water immediately after eating the fruit diet salad.

This diet should continue for at least several weeks. Even better, make it a rule not to eat any food for 2-3 hours before going to bed, and muffle the feeling of hunger with a fruit salad just before going to bed.

You should not expect that such a diet will cope with obesity - this will require a longer effect on adipose tissue, and it is better to ask a nutritionist for help. It is unlikely that a fruit salad will be able to get rid of such weight - you will have to completely reconsider your diet and eliminate many foods. It would be useful to play sports, which is also better to consult with a specialist in advance.

There are a large number of dishes used in the diet to get rid of extra pounds. Among them, nutritionists highlight:

  • Salad, for the preparation of which you should mix 10 pieces of finely chopped dried fruits with a small amount of peeled and chopped nuts(hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds). Add 1 teaspoon of honey and grated ginger root to the prepared mixture. The resulting composition must be ground in a blender to a paste-like consistency, and then consumed for breakfast with whole grain bread.
  • Oatmeal, for the preparation of which you should mix a glass oatmeal with 1 teaspoon of flaxseed flour, after which the prepared composition is mixed with 2 glasses of milk and cooked with constant stirring for 10 minutes. 2-3 minutes after boiling, add 10-15 peeled and chopped fruits to the porridge. It is recommended to consume the dish for breakfast or before bed; including porridge in the menu on an ongoing basis can ensure the loss of 2–3 kg of excess weight.
  • Dates can be taken with chopped nuts. You can add ginger to the mixture, which also promotes weight loss.
  • Dates can be used in homemade compotes instead of sugar. It is also used in fruit salads; dried fruits can be added to various cereals.
  • A carrot and date salad is healthy. Add pumpkin seed kernels, honey and a little olive oil.
    Dates are also consumed with green tea for weight loss.
  • An excellent way to lose weight is a date salad with the addition of green apples and grapefruits.

The date diet can be maintained for ten days. In the first 4 days, only dates are consumed. You should drink unsweetened green tea. On the fifth and subsequent days, green apples are added to the dates. The diet helps you lose eight kilograms in 10 days.

  • Fasting day on dates
    Many of us eliminate all foods from our diet once a week. On this day they eat only dates and consume water. An anti-cellulite bath will not be superfluous.
  • With a slow metabolism.
    If your metabolism is slow, then you most likely eat mostly protein foods. For example, meat, beans, etc. We recommend that you have dinner with vegetables and eat a few dates after them. If you are used to eating meat before bed, then you need to reduce your consumption of this product.
  • At quick exchange substances.
    If your metabolism is fast, then this means that you constantly eat noodles and treats. If you have a fast metabolism, doctors recommend eating a few dates after exercise.
  • Water with honey and dates for weight loss

This mixture in the morning is a boost of energy for the whole day. Plus, it’s a good cleanser for the body and blood vessels. And thanks to honey, metabolism accelerates. How to prepare such a drink? In the evening, pour five dates with warm water and add a spoonful of honey. You need to take out the dates and chop them, throw them back and drink the mixture.

Important to remember! If you do not remove fatty and fried foods from your diet, then even such actions will not help in the fight against excess weight!

This mass is a good laxative. It also cleanses the body of unnecessary substances: waste and toxins. This supplement is easy to prepare. You just need to finely chop the dates into a glass of kefir and drink it at night.

  • Dates with yogurt for weight loss

Another way to have a fasting day. You must take this cocktail at least three times a day. This will saturate the body and bring it many benefits.

  • Dates with green tea for appetite

Of course, this type of drink helps fast weight loss. And if you combine this type of tea with additional ingredients, it’s just super. For example: soothing herbs and decoctions. And for those who have a sweet tooth, tea is brewed with dried fruits.

  • Dates and nuts for weight loss

If we consider the compatibility of these products when losing weight, we will most likely be surprised. Therefore, like the first and second products, they have significant calorie content and nutritional value. But consuming a couple of fruits of the first and subsequent elements as a snack can show good results. For example: there are two dates and seven almonds.

  • Dates with milk for weight loss

There are different diets based on the use of dates. One of them is dates with milk. Milk can be replaced with yogurt. The diet is intended for seven days and during the prescribed period helps to lose about 4 kg.

Milk and dates saturate the body with useful substances and help you lose weight without causing harm to the body. You need to drink 200 grams of milk with 7 dried fruits daily (3 times a day).

  • Dates for losing weight overnight

Satisfying your hunger with dates before bed is the right decision. During the night, the intestinal tract does not function. And dried fruits are absorbed by the body easily and completely. You need to eat 2-5 dates two hours before bedtime and during the night hunger will not make itself felt, and the beneficial substances will fight excess weight.

  • Cottage cheese and dates for weight loss

Eating this dish for breakfast is nutritious and very healthy. In addition, the body receives a lot of useful substances and minerals.

And in general, thanks to the above pairs of ingredients, you can arrange a mono diet for rapid weight loss. You just need to remember that such a diet should be short, just a couple of days. Thus, the harm to the body is reduced to zero.

Diets based on dates are very interesting and are gaining great popularity. Despite their nutritional value, such diets are very effective if you combine the product with the right ingredients. This is a great way to lose weight for those with a sweet tooth and sweet tooth.

Have fun losing weight and everything will work out!

In pursuit of an ideal body, women go on diets and limit themselves to many healthy and tasty ingredients, including glucose. But it is very important for brain function. Glucose also stimulates the production of the happiness hormone, which improves mood.

Some representatives of the fair sex do not even suspect that it is possible to do without such deprivations and at the same time get rid of extra pounds. And dates will help with this.


Dates are the fruits that grow on the date palm. Its home territory is hot countries, namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Tunisia. They arrive in our region already in dried form. Dates are rightly nicknamed “bread of the desert.” There is an opinion that if you eat exclusively this one product with enough water for two months, the body will not feel a deficiency nutrients.

These dried fruits are really rich in beneficial elements. They contain a large amount of vitamins of groups C, E, PP and group B: B1, B2, B5 and B6. Of the macroelements, dates contain a lot of potassium - about 370 mg, as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium. Among the microelements they contain iron and selenium. Dried fruits are a source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as unsaturated fatty and organic acids.

Dietary fiber in the product takes up 6 g, and 20 g comes from water. The product contains about 70 g of mono- and polysaccharides. This provides it with a high calorie content, which ranges from 150 to 300 kcal per 100 g, it all depends on the variety. 1 piece contains approximately 23 kcal. The glycemic index of the product is 140. And this is staggeringly high. For comparison, for pork it is 70-75.

But even the high sugar content makes it possible to use dates as a dietary product. The main thing is to adhere to the rules of their use and a slim figure is just around the corner.

In any case, dates are quite a nutritious and sweet fruit, so eat them at large quantities very difficult.

Properties and effects on the body

Dates are very beneficial for our body. They compensate for the lack of many vitamins and microelements. Due to their high sugar content, they are a high-energy product.

Dates help eliminate anemia due to the presence of iron in them and relieve hunger for a long time. The high glucose content in dried fruits improves brain function. The product also improves activity nervous system. Dates prevent the growth of cancer cells, have an antioxidant effect and improve immunity. Due to the presence of potassium in their composition, they improve heart function. They free blood vessels from cholesterol and also provide a diuretic effect, eliminating edema and hypertension. By consuming these dried fruits, you do not have to worry about the condition of your teeth. They do not destroy enamel and do not cause caries, but, on the contrary, improve the condition of teeth and gums.

Get things going digestive system Dietary fiber will help. They enhance the contractility of the intestine, that is, stimulate its peristalsis. This helps to systematically and regularly empty the intestines, get rid of waste and toxins, which is an important effect when losing weight.

Separately, it should be said about the benefits of dates for a woman’s body. This is, first of all, the beauty and radiance of skin and hair. Date oil is produced from them, which is successfully used in cosmetology: masks, creams are made from it, or used in its pure form.

For pregnant women, date fruits will be a good help in preparing for childbirth and recovery in the postpartum period:

  • reduce the likelihood of miscarriages;
  • enrich the body expectant mother vitamins and minerals;
  • will prevent the development of constipation and anemia;
  • strengthen the muscles of the uterus and ease contractions;
  • reduce the period of postpartum discharge;
  • stimulate production breast milk and fill it with useful elements.

Like any product, dates bring both benefits and harm to our body. Mostly Negative consequences observed with uncontrolled eating of fruits or their consumption with the following contraindications:

  • diseases of the stomach and liver: in this case, it becomes difficult to digest them, gases, bloating are formed, and painful sensations appear in the epigastrium;
  • allergy to fructose;
  • diarrhea.
  • diabetes mellitus: increase blood glucose levels;

Eating dates in large quantities may cause constipation. The thing is that fiber takes a long time to be digested by the body, and if there is too much of it, the process slows down even more. Peristalsis decreases and bowel movements become more difficult.

Is it possible to get better?

Of course, dates can make you fat, because they contain a large amount of glucose. And if you eat them in excessive quantities, then it will not be beneficial at all. In order to prevent this from happening, you need to know the daily dose of the product. It is up to 15 pieces of fruit. This amount will not make you fat, but you won’t be able to lose weight either. Therefore, this applies to those who are not trying to lose weight, but simply want to replenish their supply of nutrients. For those who actively engage in sports and expose themselves to prolonged physical activity, the figure is increased to 25 dates.

If you are trying to lose weight, reduce the amount of dried fruits to 2-3 pieces per day, replacing sweets with them. As long as you are on a balanced diet and eating other foods. After playing sports, you are allowed to eat no more than 50 g of the product. They will be used to restore muscle tone. Only by keeping yourself within such limits is it possible to lose excess weight.

Carefully combine the dates with the meat. Both products are quite high in calories and take a long time to digest. Therefore, there is a risk of getting better.

What can you combine with on a diet?

They say that the date diet helps you lose 5-7 kilograms. At the same time, dried date palm fruits can be eaten even at night. Besides, it's even useful. Eating a couple of dates in the evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime, stimulates the synthesis of melatonin. And it makes our sleep sound and deep.

There are many diets based on dates. This makes it possible to focus on your characteristics and food preferences when choosing them.

On the water

This diet option is intended for the most persistent. This is one of the types of mono-diet, when almost all the time you have to eat only dried fruits. But you should stick to it for no more than 10 days.

  • From 1 to 4 days inclusively we eat only dates. Preferably in 5 doses. We eat 6-8 pieces at a time, per day it should be no more than 300 g. Be sure to drink a lot of water (up to 2 liters) or green tea, naturally, without sugar.
  • From the 5th day It is allowed to eat 3 green apples and 1 orange as an addition to the diet.

  • From the 6th day the diet can be supplemented with other fruits. If this option is too harsh for you, you are allowed to expand the menu with 100 g of chicken or fish, a small amount of cottage cheese or vegetable salads.

If someone finds this diet option too harsh, use the first 4 days as an option for a fasting day.

With milk

The diet is specific, since not everyone likes and can drink a glass of milk like that. Nevertheless, the combination of dates with it is very successful. Milk product contains substances that help dried fruits be better absorbed in the body.

The duration of this diet is 7 days. Every day, eat 7 dates 3 times with a glass of milk. At the same time, do not forget about drinking regime: use water, green or black tea, herbal infusions without sugar.

On kefir

Kefir is more familiar to adherents dietary nutrition. The recipe for such a diet is quite simple: you are supposed to consume up to 250 g of dates and 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir per day. Duration – 7 days.

Remember that depending on the expiration date of the drink, it has a different effect. The fresher product has a laxative effect. And kefir, which is more than 3 days old, on the contrary, strengthens it.

With oatmeal

Oatmeal in itself is a dietary and useful product, and in combination with dates it’s just a vitamin cocktail. There are many variations of how they can be used together. You can combine them with various fruits and berries. You can try this easy recipe:

  • cook oatmeal in water (for weight loss), it is advisable not to use instant cereal;
  • chop dates and nuts, mix with oatmeal;
  • add some coconut oil and honey.

Anyone can prepare such a dish. It will be an excellent breakfast option for those who are watching their weight. Also, a drink is prepared from date fruits, which perfectly quenches thirst, contains many vitamins and is suitable for all diets:

  • take small quantities of dates, prunes, cranberries, dried apples and raisins;
  • pour boiling water;
  • leave for 30 minutes;
  • Drink chilled or slightly warm.

Salads with dried fruits are perfect for weight loss:

  • remove pits from dates and chop;
  • chop nuts, you can use any type of nuts: walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts or almonds;
  • finely chop some ginger root;
  • mix all ingredients;
  • add a spoonful of honey.

A date and carrot salad option is also common. Honey is also used as a dressing.

So that a diet based on dates will be beneficial and enjoyable for you, listen to a few tips.

  • The diet regimen should last no more than 10 days. And no more than once every 4 months.
  • When choosing fruits, remember that they should be brown in color. A golden tint is allowed. A gray coating indicates long-term storage of the product. You should not buy dried fruits if they are too wet or have damaged skin. This indicates a violation of the technological process.

  • It is very important that the fruits are separated from each other and do not lie in a lump. Most often they stick together due to sugar syrup, which they are treated by careless sellers. This product will disrupt your weight loss process.
  • Buy dates with pits.
  • Store them in the refrigerator in a glass container.
  • Be sure to wash dried fruits thoroughly before using.
  • When following the date diet, drink plenty of fluids.
  • When leaving the diet, do it carefully. Stick to the diet for a while, gradually introducing more variety into your diet. Avoid drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  • Listen to your body. If there is the slightest malfunction in its functioning, you should abandon the diet.

The opinion of nutritionists and those losing weight

As for the opinion of science, nutritionists do not exclude the possibility of getting rid of extra pounds with the help of dates. But they recommend strictly adhering to the amount of food eaten: up to 70 grams per day (does not apply to diets that consume only dates). It is very useful to replace with dried fruits confectionery. And the most ideal way to use dates for weight loss, according to doctors, is to eat them during snacks between main meals.

But the most important thing that nutritionists talk about is to change your eating habits and stick to proper nutrition all the time. And be sure to play sports.

Expert advice is very important, but it is also interesting to hear user reviews. Here opinions differ. Some are very pleased with the effect of the date diet. And many will envy their results: – 5-7 kg in 10 days. Of course, there were some difficulties, and I had to give up many goodies. But the result is worth it.

Others say the method is ineffective. It is difficult to lose weight if you follow the strictest rules. For some, such restrictions are simply unbearable, and such women return to their usual diet.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of whether dates help with weight loss. Most likely, it depends on individual characteristics and willpower. One thing is clear: dates are sweet and healthy. They will be a great alternative flour products and fully saturate the body with energy.

In the next video, watch the video recipe for diet sweets: delicious sugar-free balls made from coconut and dates.

Dates are a sweet dried fruit that is often consumed as a healthy alternative to sweets. Can you get better from dates? This question is very relevant for those who want to lose excess weight without denying themselves their favorite treat. First of all, you need to analyze the composition, properties and calorie content of this product.

Composition and calorie content

These fruits have a fairly high calorie content - 290 kcal per 100 g of product. Despite this, when used correctly, they do not cause excess weight and, on the contrary, can even be used for weight loss.

This effect is achieved primarily by the high fiber content: 1 glass of dried fruit contains 47% of the daily intake of dietary fiber. They facilitate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the level of bad cholesterol and normalize the level of sugar in the blood.

Other components also help improve metabolism:

  • fructose and glucose;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • calcium and potassium;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid.

People get fat and lose weight not because of specific foods, but because of consuming large amounts of calories. Thus, if you want to avoid gaining weight from eating dates, you just need to make sure that the number of calories you get from food does not exceed the number that your body consumes. If you want to lose weight, the difference between these indicators should be much more significant. But not everything is so simple, because in addition to the benefits, these products can also cause harm, so they can not be used for weight loss in all cases.

Harm and contraindications

Eat large quantities This delicacy is not allowed for the following categories of people:

  • who suffer from pancreatitis;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • teenagers and the elderly.

For such people, high load on the digestive organs is contraindicated. Not only do they get better from eating dates, but they can also get serious health problems.

A negative reaction to dates often occurs in people with fructose intolerance - insufficient absorption of this substance in the body. Because of this, after consuming the product, characteristic stomach upsets may appear:

  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea.

If such reactions occur, you should stop eating dates, and especially the date diet.

Possible diet basis

There is a date diet, which is a mono-diet. This means that apart from this delicacy and liquid in the form of various teas, there is nothing else to eat. But not in all cases it is possible to achieve the desired result. To do this, you need to observe several nuances.

Do not forget that dates do not contain too much protein and fat and a large amount of carbohydrates. Due to the low content of vitamins and beneficial microelements, it is quite difficult to eat exclusively this product. The situation is complicated by the fact that dates can get boring after just 1 day. Therefore, you should not follow the date diet for longer than 3-4 days.

If you want to extend your diet, you should definitely include low-calorie foods in your diet: vegetables, fruits and lean meat. If possible, it is best to eat fresh dates, but in the CIS countries these fruits are most common in dried form. They contain a large proportion of sugar, so it is impossible to eat a lot of these fruits. At one time, you need to consume about 0.5 cups of dried dates. The calorie content of this serving will be approximately equal to 2-3 apples.

The date diet is designed for 10 days, during which you can lose 8-9 kg. But significant restrictions in the diet and lack of protein can cause side effects: sagging skin, disruption of its tone and deviations in the functioning of various organs.

The original method involves the following fasting scheme:

  1. 1. In the first 4 days - only dates, 6 times a day, 1 handful. You can drink unsweetened tea and diluted fruit juice.
  2. 2. On the fifth day, add apples and oranges.
  3. 3. Continue to follow the established diet until day 10.

Such drastic dietary restrictions actually cause weight loss due to exhaustion of the body. But in addition, you will get attacks of apathy and depression, nausea, headaches and poor health. Therefore, it is better to slightly soften this diet. In the first 2 days, you can only consume dates and liquid, but immediately after that add multivitamins, vegetable and fruit salads. Every other day you can supplement your diet with steamed protein foods.
